ASAC 09-U-87P.O.. Box 580
Cupertino, California 95015
Dan Revay
Sakura Construction Co, Inco
100'W. El Camino Real, Suite 63-A
Mountain View, CA 94040
SUBJECT: Application 9-U-87
Dear Mr. Revay,
This- letter will confirm the decision of the Architectural and Site
Approval. Camnittee given at its regular meeting of August -1-2, 1987 The
subject application was approved per Exhibits L-1, L-2, L-3, L-4, and L-5
of Application 9-67. ASAC directed that the trees along the Stevens
Creek Boulevard frontage be increased to 24 -inch box specimen size.
Further, the Camuttee encouraged the landscape architect to incorporate
two to three trees within the parking lot by using diamond shaped
Thank you for your assistance on the tree removal matter. If you have any
questions, feel free to call me at (408) 252-46420
Randal Ro suds
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