ASAC 51,624.12 Copy MartSeptaydber 29, 1987
Ms. Dorma Alvis
576 Balt Avenue
Sunnyvale-, CA, 94087
P.O. Box 580
Cupertino, California 95015
S a Application 51,624.12 Copy Mart
Dear'Ns. Alvis.
This lett will firm the decision of the Architectural- Site
Appel C=dttee given at itsar neeting.of Seer'29 0 1987
'I subjectapplication a conditionsspecifiedin the
enclosedof ASAC Resolution No. 1322.
U5162412 (ASAC)
September 16, 1987
Iia Donna Alvis
57.6.B—alsam Avenue
Sunnyvale, Ch 94057
SUBJECT.- Application Asac 51,624.12
Dear Ms. Donna Alvis.