ASAC 51,742.1September 29® 1987 Mr. John Fisher 10885 North Ie Anza Boulevard CL�pertino,, CA 95014 SUBJECT.- Application 51®74201 Dear Mr. Fisher* This lett will confirm the vision of the Architectural and Site Approval Ccumittee given at its regular ting of September 29, 1987. r1he subject application was denied per the findings specified in the enclosed copy of ASAC Resolution No. 1324. The . decision of the Architectural and Site Approval CMmittee is final unless appealed within five working days to the City Council. Sincerely, CITY OF CUPERTIM RoTstida Planner I Enclosurey solution No. 1324 I,t517421(ASAC) Fred K. Reed Cupertino Inn 10889 N. De Anza Boulevard Cupertino, CA 95014 SUBJECT: APPLICATION ASAC 515742°1 Dear Mr. Reed, The copy of Architectural and Site Approval Committee (ASAC) Resolution No. 1324 which was mailed to you on September 29, 1987 was incorrect. The enclosed copy of the resolution has been revised to reflect ASAC modifications: If you have any questions regarding the revised resolution or your application, feel free to call me at 252-4642. Sincerely; CI O4FG U WNO Randal R. suda Planner ENCLOSURE: 1. ASAC Resolution 1324