CC 12-21-64
W·'--r~". """'",....~~, ",
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10321 So. Saratoga-Su:uvva1e Road (Cit7 ".all)
C~ L1no, California, 95014" £1:0'''' 252-4505
~~ OF THE REGULAR MF.J'.TINV Or' ~:-c C¡:Y COU1iCIL .. Dece~r 21, 1964
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8:00 P....
Pre-Meet~ Con:terence - 7 :30 P.M.
Ðoard Room., C'~L~ Dlatr1::t Òttlce
;...;;. . ,.
CounciIM'ft ......øt;: Dempster. Pitzgerald, !Ioel. .Stokes,
Councllmen abllent: Hone
Starl' present:
City ~lanager, Phil Storm
City Attorney. Sam Ar.derson
Clt7 Clerk. Larry Mart1n
City Planner, f,dde !aur1n
'::h1ef Du11d1ng Inspector, Bll1 Beõ1ev1ch
Recording Secre~ary, loIs Inwards
MINUTES OP THE PREVIœS MEE'l'L~G - December 7, 1964
Moved by Councl~ Stokep, seconded by Counc11man
Pltz~~~ald. to ~pprove as read the Minutes of Dcce~~er 7.
:-:ot1on c.:.r-.cJed, 5-J
ORAL Am> "1UTTEK C('-:::::UCA7:r:'s
There were no eral cc~~~~~cn~i~n~.
IfflITrE:i :
1. I~~1tatlon to see the new ~ratoga City Hall.
2. Bulletin !'rom League of Cal1forn1a C1t1es.
3. Resolut10n 237 l'rom the Plar~11ng Comm1ss1on concerning
the Camarda app11eation deadlock.
MoveJ by Ccomcl1man Dempster, seconded by Councl1man Noel,
to p~bl1sh thill app11cat10n and put 1t on the agenda for
t:-... ner.t regular Œeet!ng.
Mot10n carr1erl. 5-0
4. ':01OlllU' ..:atlon Trom Mayor or Dos Palos. 1ndlcat1ng the1r
bar.d ls golng to represent Call1'or:11a in the lnauguratlon
Parëde 1n J!:nuary ar.d as:C~.:: for financial ass1stance.
Moved by Counc1lman Iie=r"~cr, :eccnded by Councl1æn !>1ta-
g~ra1d. to turn thill ŒLttc; O\c: to th~ C1ty ~~~er 1'0r
study ~nd recommendation.
J-.oti~. ci'.:,-·rle:!, 5-0
!l:oveä by Councilman 1i0001, 8Mon~ed by StokeS, to
r~ceiçe the wr;tten c~~~~1~at1ons.
;S~:r~~I..'::' c2r:,,~.ed, 5-0
Pet1t1o~ requestlr~ C1ty na11 design to ~ reconsidered.
Moved by Co=cilmn Le:p&t,,;, to haire a study lIesslon lIet
for the tirst Tue8da:s in Ja~...,. (115165). at rh1cb t1llle
the lleet1ng IfOal4 be open tor an,." stateænts trOlll interested
c1t1zena and tbe areb1tect to uake avaUable tbe arur1llga
wb1cb he hall pre8ellte4 &1; ¡reV10U11 sesIl10n3.
'lb1II IIOtlon ... tdt'd ...,.. f'or lack 01' a llE'C'aDS.
Councll1Bn Hoel te1t n.iIioJutWible tor tlùll _ttel' be~
reopeDed in tile tINt place and wanted to do wbateYe1"
possible to ex¡Jed1te it.
The C1ty Manager was 1Datrw:ted to have the architect
present .1th the varloaa drawings wh1ch he previously
d1splayed. -.t tbat tt.e, all the citizens who want to
express an opinion llbould be presE'nt. Counc1lman Delllpllter
fglt that a decision should be made at this study sell.lon.
Councilman Stokes sald he would like some assura""''!! that a
study eess10n w111 be attended by 1nterested cit1zer~.
He telt there k~e a no~tceable lack of interest at the
prev10us ones.
Jo!r. David La1ng. Palo Alto ~a1ilngs ar.d Loan Association,
sa1d he will be pres'!!nt to voic'!! some of the re"SO:"lS why
the City Hall desIgn should be Early Californla. ?e felt
that, with proper F~11city, rn&:"lY other interested c1tizens
w111 be present at the ~~cm1r.g r..eet1ng.
REPeR'I OF' THE Pu.J,~r... C::;:~ISSION: (See Minutes of U/30
&: 12/14)
There was no oral re~:'t.
E. &: R. MOYERS: Application for Varia~ce to exter.d a
bU11j1r.g with1n s1X r'!!et cf the property li:"le "t
2241:1 Star11ng Court. Denied by Planning Cemisole:.
Resolution -No. 235. "r:¡-;:¡':JRA¡'l:/.
PERT-C~I: App11catIon f'or Varia:õce (16-V-64) to allow a
Cluster ~avelopoent 01' one-family houses, combir.ej w1th
a Commo~1 Ar"a, 1n an R-,4-H Zone, west of Mary A-,enue.
Also Tentat1ve Map (5 acres more or less). Approved by
P!ann1r.g Conm1ss1on Reso1ut1on 236. (Council Re~. lC42)
Mess:'s. Lou Ters1n1 and H£raan Ruth made the presentation.
The ent1re development encompasses 50 acres; 10 acres or
wh1ch a~e taken up b.7 the f'reeway, and 5 acres 01' wh1ch are
0:. the east s1de of' th1ll 1'reeway. It is th1s 5-acre
'1evelopment that ill being cons1dered under a¡>p11cl',t10n
18-v-64. The northerly pro¡IP.rty line ls the cOlllnon 11ne
vith a church site.
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;P1llcussi~n at the 1':>....1..,; Coasllls1on 1ave1 center0e4 arouø1
whetba:" or not the ~ racll1t.1es were adequate. Bach
of' the 3"- '.m1tll ba... tIro pr8&e Opllces and two parldDg
IIptces 1::. the dr1..._... %Itch or the 6 un1tll of' chain
houaes !Ian one prage .;ace 1n a ce:>arate building aDd ODe
reaenej s¡:ace in a s:ar"-lrC lot. 'n'.ere lOre add1tlcmal park1J:C epaces. Carrel','; th1r.k1ng 1s to ban .. -111&
1.IMe c:r tratt1c lID IIø7 &ft:JoM with no proY1II1oo f'or
<i .',
1Ir. lbath . A at" &
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""17 tab tile ~
3. ~ 30' .."-_It. _ ao'. - ., &l1li two 5' .140. 1'-.
cou14 be - _ - .. 3D' ~ JIaYSJIII _ aUoo1I-tiDS t:IIe
the eSMwUla'" ~_ JIU'It1DS Oft ODe aide.
Sid_IlIa _I ... De ~ 111 tile c;~ 0reeD.
The Cit7 p1._ ......... Ida rep...t. Oft the Ðen1o.-Dt
Plan. He a2d Uda 1 - ~ alloor oae-fa.U7 ~.
in an R-2~ _. ~ ~ 1I1IUYSd_1 lotll are ,tuat 1I~17
larger ttan tile .... u..ae1..a. The overall dena1t7 18
leas t!"Ar. oae-_1I' or ~ allowd 11)' the zon1Jlg.
There L""e laparate r. -v-1nCa of' certain allpects of' tbt
Ilevel~.-:¡~ P1an, 1abel1ed Ezh1bUe C. D. and E. The
1atter t!:ree wo1Il4 lie 1...1 ~cc~nts. incorporated in the
Condi·~:I''' l'or tile Var:.ance.
The City !':anner P'OIIcled the street names con1'orl!l w1th the
City E::g1:>eer'. prc¡;IcarJ ¡ f'= the new street r:waber1l18
lI;pte:. 51! agreed ~bat tt:e :11'l'icult problem here 111 the
guest parking. He f'elt t=t add1r.g curb parldng by el1a1-
nation :! the s1dewallal is a dcf'1n1te [IOss1bU1ty. wh1::h he
would !:.:~ obJect to, altboug.'1 1t distracts f'rom the
ae8tbet~~S. and pr~ae::~::; :¡:ee trafr1c hazards!
The Plan haa bee~ used in eaßt~rn Un1ted 5tatell f'or
DlSlI7 years and people .... to like it.
The 1III1:;)l"1ty 01' the p'.....,1, Coœa1sa10n has agreed to llpeed
up the \"ariance procedure 117 leaving the application of' a
aer1es of condit10118 111 the haDdIl ot the C1ty Starl'.
The C1ty Planner u:p1Jo1_ the 'Plann1ng Conm1salon'lI IUnute
Order regarding their t_~ about the 1mportance of' the
inter~~ street b&1IIs paIIl1c rather than private. The
Central P1re Protec~1CID D1aU1ct and the Shar11'f'lI of'f'1ce
have agreed to the pJan J.ble1l'. 1ne 1ud1r.g a 20' road_7.
but on17 un4er coaU.t;1CID ~t DO parking 1s str1ct17
en1'e,rced. They _.. ...... T ~~ that en1'oroement in pzolvate
IItreeta presents pro1t~. Change to one-way By.te. baa
been discussed all a tature poIIlI1b1l1ty.
CouncU:an Fitzgera14 ...- the City Planner 11' th111 plan
would \1: in undct" t:IIe h"F _eð Cluster OrdL'1SDce wltbout
the Var~e. He _111 t;1:2~' ~t wou1d.
,",!, ,.,<, ~
".-.: .);6
~r:::' Pinch allte! JIr'. Ruth if It ¡(ere po53~òlp. tQ widen the
s~~ets without e:!.,~t1r.g the s~dewalk3. JoIr. Ruth said
t:::~-g would be a :~~1nU01.1~ e!.:'e:·n:ik in the Coamon Area.
;::~-.--"ting tl:.e a~~l:< ¡.caral:e::·'~ the 1!~reet w(¡uld g1ve
a 2,,' 1.'1ter10r atree':;. He sai~ tae devele>;>e;" would just as
sex::: have the ~e:.-1.c;" street a pub11c street because the
City vould police ~~. The erass-sect10n would _et the
Cit]" standarc1a. '!!Ie build1ngs "ill be 1200 1;0 1900 IIq. ft.
A typical 101; s1%e 18 110 I x 35', 1nc luding the COIDOn green
frontage. Tb1a ~~ - 1;0 about 4000 sq. !'t.
'The City PlallDeL" Døtec" that the plan w111 go bet'ore the
B-Cœtrol C~;' Be said that a private s1;reet can
ahtaJa be Cu....4'teð 1;0 a publ1c street a1; a later date,
11' the need ~. bat; conversion of a public l11;reet to
prin.te ill 1.t-...:tJea1. If' exper1menting 111 desired. 0118
~1d start Ide ¡Ir1ya1;e streets.
Mr. Yers1ni sa14 '&::be Covenants shOW that 11' a HoIIIeowners'
Association does DOt; t:a.Jœ care of the f,treets. the C1ty car.
do ~t am b111 the ....oc1at10n. The developer. hoWever.
pn!~ers publ1c st~. The C1ty of Saratoga doell not have
s~1"""lks 1n their scbdiv1s10r.s.
It .....s moved by c~1.lI:an Noel, seconded by counc11man
F1":=~rald, to aV>&aI"e P-eso1uticr. 1042 for the 1'0110wing
rea.s:r..s :
1. _~ ~reeway 1s 1c:ca~1 r1ght behld it.
2. ::-.¿ lot 1s ~-3~~.
3. :~~s ~1ves 1.i3 t=e ,,?pcrtur.~"::'- to work cut the problems
c~ a cluster lieve:opment an a s.,..all scale bel'ore we
a:te:npt a large ::r>e.
ani "~th the fo::'lClf1::lg cond1tior.s:
1 _ 12. ':::ar.dard Cor.dU:'= (Exhibit::;)
13. the streetll be dedicated as p....blic streetll.
14. :~t suitable _nts be provided, subject to the
s.:tisfaction of' -:;be Director of Public Works and the
= ~ty Planner, t'or 811 water and sewer installations and
c:!:er pub11c ut111t1es¡ and a'" easement t.e pro-
vl:ed for acce_ w the s1x lots not locate1 at a
15. Ttat the Develut ,~ Plan, as presented b7 the City
Fanner (¡¡:..hiMta C, D and E) during the meet1Jlg of'
tU City COUDCU aD Docember 21, 1964, be tollowed.
except that tile _t-_ta shall consist of a roadwaY for
ttè ent1re 1d"1tb c:4 3:>'. 1nc 1uding one parldDg lane,
a:rl vith no .1'" .1Jœ.
168. P:rìdng to be ........-. IS by the developer in accordance
vi t!l the Develua , P1an.
16b. ~ aad1tioDlt1 ~ rn:cessary in the l'uture to be pro-
v1:1ed wlth1n 1;te x:ewelopment Area by the 5o_rll'
'........ ,;;.
16: .:urb park<.:g will not be allowed on or.e s1de of the
¡~. So ¡·;:.rking 1>7 '9åi\'c.,." in re"c['v~.l parking "paces or
In "t~"r 1::-!-,c:'-ôJ5 tl:¿;n thosa of the car owner or the
hC3t of a v:.;$:.·..~r.
160. V1s1.tors onl7. not reslder.ts. in Cl"rO ¡nrk1..'1g and guest
parking 81'8C811.
16t. D1rect1ona:L aJgna. ;¡!O PAP..KINO s1gr.s, I'A!IICINIJ 111gnS, and
posa1bly~JI~'.;.%I'.s to be e::oected 117 the d!!!veloper,
as d1rected _-~ C1tJ" and Traf't1c l',1.arIœr, af'ter con-
sultat10ns wU;.h ~ Director 01' Public Works.
Distancl! bel eo¡ detached buildings Ilha11 not be 181111
than ten (10) teet~ where the distance 111 less than
!ourteen (IA) tee1;, windows or doors shall be allowed
on only one of' t!le adJacent bu1ldingll.
'rhat CovenantS. COIIdit10ns and Restr1ctionn be t<n'DII1-
!ated and adopted to the sat13fact10n of' the C1ty
Attorney and tbe C1tJ" Planner.
19. poss1ble changes 1n the Development Plan or 1n
::venants, Cond1tions or Restr1ct1ons w111 follow the
>rccedures set for~h 1n tre City Planner's memorandum
::: :>ecember 17. 1964. to the City Counc11 (Exh1b1t F).
5::-eet 1mpr07!!!=r..ts c!)all 1nclude a thirty (30) foot
¥~ii! sect10n 0:: ~ry £V"F.J~ alor~ the ent1re length of
:::: ~evelv..::œ=.~ Area, 1:-.. a location w1tt~1:1 t~'! aval1-
;::e right-or~a7 ~o he der.;jed by t~" Director of
~'':': :iz Work.::.
:~uncil~sn =ç=-y5te~, F1t2s~rald, Koe1, Stokes, F1nch
Y.otion carried, 5-0
P. C~Y~:~A: Reeo~ of Survey; 4 parcels of lot #34. SW
corr...=- ::: Blaney &: !"ore,,~. (Ap;:>roved as Tentat1ve ['.a.p)
l'Joved ::0 :ounc11man Dempster, seconded by Counc11man Stokes,
to a~>=:ve the appl1cation as a Ter:tative M2p rather than
aa a :,;;:::-d of Sl'~·vey. far lot #?-4, SW corner 01' Blaney and
Forest, subject to the following cond1t10ns:
1 _ 12. Star.dard Coádl1;10ns for Mu:1ic1pa1 Improvements
I.~~"it B), wMch llhall apply to Parcel C.
T:-~ applicant Ilha11 pay the regular l'ee for a Tentative
::,,"'1cilmen De-.u1;er. Fitzgerald, Noel. Stokes. Finch
Hot.!on carr~€\·_.. 5-0
.. Ordinance 220{d): Rene~"g :ir.d Extendin~ Ord1nance 220,
Prohib1ting Certa1n U~es ~" R-l, R-2-!i &"d R-3-I! Distr1cts.
Urgency Ordinance.
The Mayor allJœd f'or cOl!I:II!nts ~rOlli the aulS1ence. There were
noDe .
Moved b7 Coœcl:a.Bn DeIIP& lIeccmde4 b7 C0UDC1118n ØOel,
to close the 1'Ia1I11e Bear!Ðs.
~: C~n- De ,p_ter, P1tllC8ft14, JIoel. Stokes, PlDch
JIŒS: Jfoae
Mation carried, 5-0
Ord1DaJ1Ce 220(4) ... read by the Clt7 Cl,¡ok.
Moved b7 Councll1BD Stokes, seconded b;¡ councllman Dempster.
to enact Ord1JllmCe 220(d).
AYES: CounciI8en Dempster, F1tzgerald, Noel, Stokes, FinCh
NOES: None
Motion carried, 5-0
A ORDINANCE NO. 300: Approving the Ar.nexat1on or Certain
Contiguous Un1nhabI ted Territory, Designated (Ricardo 64-4"
to the C1ty of Cupert1no 1n Accordance w1th the Prov1sions
of Sect10n 35300 et seq. or the Government Code of the
State of Ca11fornia. Second Read1ng.
Moved by Counc1lman Dempster, zeeonded by Councilman Stokes,
to have Ord1nance 300 read by t1tle only.
Motion carr1ed, 5-0
Ordinance 300 t1tle was read by the C1ty Clerk.
Moved by Cou-"1ci1::an Demp:>ter, seconded by Councilman Stokes.
to adopt Ord1nance 300.
~ot10n carr1ed, 5-0
ORDINANCE 140{a): Providing For The Establishment of Grades
On All Tract Developments, Commercial and Industrial Property
and Prov1d1ng For Construction of Retain1ng Walls When Deemed
Necessary E7 City Engineer. First Read1ng.
Moved by Councilman Dempster, seconded by Counc11man
Fitzgerald to table this until the next regular meeting.
Mútion carried, 5-0
Resolutions No. 1040 and 1041
Resolution 1040 was read by Treasurer ~1tzserald.
M".,.d by Counc1.';:"",n Noe1. lleconded by Councllmsn Stokes, to
a~cpt Resolu~1c~ 1040.
AYES: Cour.cillllen Dempster, Fitzgerald, t:oel, Stokes, F1nch
NOES: Nor,e
l".otion- carr1ed, 5-0
Resolut1on ~11ClUl read by Treallurer P1tzgcrald.
Moved by C_ll_n Stolœs, seconded by Councilman Hoe1
to adopt JIeaolutlon 1ø.1.
AYBS: COUllC~D Dempster, P1tzserald, Hoe1, StOkell, FinCh
JIQBS: ¥oDe '
lIotion carried, 5-0
Counc1lman Fltzgera:;'d Il8ci n.>th1ng furt!1er to report.
1. Pol1ce Departments thro1¡ghout Cal1forr.ia, this holiday
sea~on, w111 be checkjn~ motors, ðalfunetton3 of motors,
and intoxicated drivers.
2. Mr. Howard Ruth i£ goir.g to develop p:ooperty south of
JoIonta Vista School and r.eeds an easelT.ent through the
school property for a stor.. dra1n. lie will provide a
paved fc~tpath for the school ch1ldren.
~:I!\1JTr: ORt'ER:
Moved by Cour.c1~can Noel, ~~conded by Councilman Dempster to
gra!lt the storm t:ra1n easeme,.t through the I~ont3 Vista School
property f'or the propertv south of t"e school.
Motion carried, 5-0
3. The g1rt of the we 11 .rom :..",. &: Þ\:'s. Ear 1 Fisher has
been put 1nto a Résolution ir, order to put it into the
hands of the City.
Moved by Co,,-~11~!I Fitzgerald, 8cco"t:ed by Counc11man Noel,
to adopt Resolutio!l 1047.
Councilmen Dempster, Fit:!:e;.erald, Noel, St01c"S, i>1nch
Motion carried. 5-0
4. Cupertino Cab Compe~ has changed hands. The new owner
has complied with cer.a~~ cond1tions set fo~th.
Moved By Councilman Noel, s.econ1ed 1::y Co\,'nc11man F1tzgerald,
to noti1'y the Cupert1no C~b Coonpany 01' the approval of the
1ss~nce Or a bus~~BS 11ce!l3e.
Mot'on cßrr1~d. 5-0
5. We have received a letter from the San Prer.::1sc.o of rice
of thg Hous!n¡; ar.:i HOI!".e F1nanci!'.g Agency 1ndlcating our.
application has recei~e~ thei~ recommendation. We nON
have per::11ssion to purc¡-.3~e the park p:"operty.
Mr. Floyd D. Clr.:ven.:;er, app¡~iser, has prepared a docket
tor the Joe Dell, ir.c., pro;:erty adjacent to Monta V1sta
School. The7 have indicated they interJ1 to begin
dnelo~nt of tb1ll pl'operty and would 11Jœ to know as
soon as poea1b1e whether or not to allow f'or the park
site. '1'be.......1JIer 'II f'1gure calll8 to $21.500 ¡;or acre
all opposed to 1;be $21.800 per acre t'1gare 1'rom the
COUIICllaD StoIIes t'e1t it would be prorldent to wait
until _Ta~ 18th, when all park Sites would be
reviewed. ratbel' than take them JlBparately.
The llayor was a180 in l'avor 01' wa1tlng another 3 weeks
bef'ore maldJlS 8D7 decis10ns on park sites.
6. Letter !'rom 111'. Hutl1nger, real estate broker, regarding
property west of' Stevens Creek Dam wh1ch they plan to
use as a dump in order to fill in a crevass.
Mr. Don Hutl1nger, 1191 Sa'atoga-Sunnyvale Road, Cupertino,
sa1d th1s property w111 ult1mately be developed arñ th1s
property sh?Uld provide a co=non green are&.
Moved by Counc11man Dempster, seconded by Cour.cilc:an Stckes,
to turn this matter over to the City Planner tor study.
Motlo~ ~ar~led~ 5-0
1. BAC~~ _ K~rth side of Eollir.ger Road, 200 rect east of
Saratoga-5un~y-;alE Road.
The City Engineer recomce~ded that the C1ty Council
accept the 1mprovements constructed in conjunction with
this development and author!ze refund of cash bor~ with
C1ty retaining $250.00 to guarantee year ~lntenar.ce of
these improve~nts.
50 ooved by COu:lc111lllln Dempster. seconded by Counc11n:an Noel.
Mot10n carried, 5-0
2. PALO AI:1'O SAVINGS AND LOA?;, !iE corner 01' Rodr1gues Ave.
and Saratoga-SunDlVale Ro~d.
The C1ty Eng1neer recommended t~ C1ty Coune11 authorize the
City Eng1neer to inf'orm the developer and to1ß bonding company
that the bond l'1rst po:;ted may be retired.
So moved, by Cour.c1lman Noel, seconded by Councilman Dempster.
Motion ca ·~ied. 5-0
3. MOBIL OIL. SW corner of McClellan and 5arato!;a-Surmyvale
i [.
... :.- ":-~.~-
Trod City E.."1g1t1.,e~ reeomended 'c....~ C~ty Council ado?t
Res:>lut10ns l(.1J,II, I(:¡5 au), !C46.
Moved b;V Cou=1lman De:npster, "ecor.Jed <.y Counc1lran Stekes,
to adopt Resolution 1044.
AYES: Counc11œn I:eml'",ier, l'it::E;e,'~ld, Noel, Stokes. Finch
Nœs: None
1!o';1on "<Ir1'ied, 5-0
Mowd b¥ Councllaw I\emp.3ter. secor.ded b;r Councilman Stokes.
to adopt Resolution 1045.
AYBS: Councll111en TJt"IIpe1;er, Fitzgerald. Noel, Stokes, Finch
!lOBS: None
Motion carried, 5-0
Moved b¥ Counc1111Bn Dempster, seconded b¥ Councilman
F1tzgerald, to ado"t Resolut10n 1046
Councilmen Dempster, Pitzz;erald, Noel. Stokes, F1nch
Mot1on carried, 5-0
1. The City Attarney recorn.'nenied execution of the Agreement
with San Jc,se for the traff1~ signal at Blaney and
2. lR1:'-t~r rega.:-dlng S~O:''';:l ::r3.1r. e2~¿;:-:"£nt, C::.k De:l Tract
X:. 3628.
3. E:tel Tax. '¡'he CIty ;,ttorne;: has checked with the San
:ose City Attorræ., ~~0 said na official actien has been
taken 1n that city as yet. We can enact a si~ilar
:~1Inance wher. they do theirs.
4. Resolut1on lO~3, adopting January. 1965, as Y4rch of Month.
Moved ~y Counc1lman Dempster, seconded by Co~~cilman
Fitzbi!~ald, to adopt Resolution No. 1043.
Councilmen Dempster, Fitzgerald, Noel, Stokes, F1nch
Mot10n earr1ed, 5-0
5. Assessment Distr1ct contract for Tantau, Pruneridge, and
.olre Road. The City Attorney requested the City Councll
instruct h1m to st1;dy th1s contract. He would also like
the C1ty Manager to work w1th h1m on th~~.
So I!:Cved. by Councilman Noel, seconded by Coun..11man
Motion carried, 5-C
APpl1cat1o~ l54-He-54 and l66-IiC-54 were both for Amer1can
0J.1 Compar.y. They are J.dentJ.ca1 stat~ons, approved a
white rock roof, for the corner of Saratoga~,unnyva1e Road
and stevens Creek Blvd. and the corner of Si:evens Creek Blvd.
aIl1 1j"lte Road.
_ ~ f. .
CounclbBn StoJœs said that he. as a c1tizen, would like to
appeal the a-Contro1 decillion on the roof'1I or these two
IltaUOlUl. (It was later noted by the City Attorney that
the appe..l was 1n'val1d because the 5-da7 t1118 l11Üt had run
out.) (It... f'urther deterll1lled that the a-Contro1 IUllutes
or Decelllber, 8th were mailed OIIt on December 11th. but evident-
ally the Chrll1tmall 11811 bad delaJ8d del1ve:"J' on some 01' theIR.)
There was none.
The Planning Comm1ss10n passed a Minute Order calling to the
attent1cn of the City Council that the property SW of Blaney
and the overpass is taking on the looks of a junk yard.
Mayor said this !:'.atter was taken care of a month ago.
There was !"..cne.
A r.,tter of re!J.gnation from Mr. Ja:ncs /(udelmanfrom the Water
Moved by Cotr1cilman Stokes, seconded by Councilman I;oel, to
accept Mr. Nudelman's resigna~ton and to authorize the City
~~nager to héve a Reso~uti0n prepa~ed and presented to him.
Counc~lr:len Der.1pster, Fitzgerald, lIoel, Stokes, Finch
Motion carrJ.ed, 5-0
r.,tter from :he Historic landmarks CO:llllittee Chairman,
Mr. R1chard "I. McCarthy.
r.,tter l'rorn~. Tersini regarding the access road on
Peninsula Ávenue.
Moved by C~~cilman Der:lp~ter. seconded by Councilman Noel,
to refer t!!1s to the City Planner.
Mot10n carr1ed, 5-0
Moved by ~yor Pinch. seconded by Councilman Noel, to authorize
the C1ty ~AnAger to have' a Resolution of Thanks drawn up 1'0r
the Fishers f'or the gUt 01' the wC 11.
Mot1~~ carried, 5-0
A property owner in ¡t,onta Vista rented his pro~rty and the
renter deatrO)'ed the water IIII!ter and left w1thout pay1ns h1s
rent. The quellt10n before the Council was whether or not
the property owner meat pay l'or the new meter or 1~ it IIhould
c~ under _1ntenar.::c by the C1ty.
TIle Clt)- A1:torney sa1d 1t depends on the ownership 01' the
_ter. ~e C1t) Mamge~ said it is the policy of' Cu¡lert1nO
tar the 111'(,""'_ I.~ owner to bIQ' the _tar and then turn It
0I'8r to tile Cl~ to b€ ll!a1nta1.Ded b1 the Cit,., without coat
to tile ~I." 0WDeI'.
IIIIftd _ CCIIJIIOu-n Sto1œIl, lIecœded b1 CauDcllan P1tzpra14.
tIid, siDlle ~ _ter _ter 18 the rellJlOllSUl111ty ot tile Vater
Dept. tbeC1t7 repe1rl' or replaces tile ..wr.
A'fB8: Coœcu.en P1t.zgerald, Stolœll, P1nch
IIŒS: C_lbmn Dempster. Noel
JIIotlon carried, 3··2
The nen lasœ of' the Cupertino Cou:-1er w1l1 1>e .cec. 29th,
which will af'rect the wa1ntlng period al'ter any publillhed
Mayor P1nch adjourned the !Ileeting to a personnel session. at
10:30 P.M. They returned at 10:40 P.M.
The C1ty Attorney announced any appeal for an H-Contro1 appli-
cation must be do~ w1th1n 5 days. 11' the app11~ant waa not
follow1ng the Use Permit, it could be appealed at a~ time.
11' a cit1zen does not like the dec1sion of the H-Contro1 Coa-
m1ttee 1t must be appealed w1th1n 5 days.
The Chief Bui1d1ng 1nspe~tor expla1ned the applicant had con-
atructed a model _ .Ht10n and brought 1n 3 types of rool'. The
H-Control dec1ded tt.e white rock roof looked best w1th that
Moved by Counc1lman De~pster, seconded by Counc11man Stolœll.
to !1sk the C1ty Attorney to prepare an amendment to the Ordi-
nance making the appeal time 10 days or the next City Council
œeting, whichever is greater. The City Council would haye
the right of avpea1.
G The City Manager w1l1 let the Cour1er know the time and place
of the adjourned ceeting regard1ng the new C1ty Hall.
Meeting adjourned at 10:50 P.M.
Paul H. Finch
AF: ,
~\~ ,,/ lll4.,C
Clt)- Clerk