CC 12-07-64
1D3218. saratap-SuJut7Yale ..
~~J "'!DO, C&l1torn1a
-- -d OPIfBE JŒDOLAR -........--- 01' 'J'IIB CITY coo.;:n,"- ))8-r--- 7. 196'
~i '~aac.. c~~ SebOo1 D~1o~ 01'f'1oe
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or -~ ~t:::'~~~J-'t~~-1 -1:)0 ,~)
x, ..- 10 ~...
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'i.i'F,~, , ~~'; ~- Cau.
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,CIL -12_ II' . *
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.., b.1. .. - .._h
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... ~ . l1li1 It _6
... Al_...... _ ~- "'_lID
,.., - _/ '., ADU r.Iâ
... c__. JAIft7 -.t1D
~ . 'fNff1o P!aDner, Adde x-1D
~--- BI1mq Iœ~CII'. Bin .....1oh
- _~ D1I'eot:œ. JobD PI.& I -
"1_ -.... 1IIcreta!7, Lob ImuISa
m ~& ~ 'nIB l'RDI0IIS ....'"T._~ - Woy..1Ibtrr 16, 1954
eca-r.o!:1eI1 to tbe" -....... 8. :Re. D (1):
~ CU~ A~ aSlt ~ 0I'd1rlallce oœ tw) Ilh0W4 be reterred
. .
~ .. an ~IIO~ ar<I'-- r.~her than "~raellC~ ord'--e.
_.A _ c-u.. at - I. _OJde<J b7 'P1~qera14,
ce ao4livw. .. ....._... tbe II1Datee 01' 110..111111" 16. 1_.
IløtSøa carr1ed. 4~
-.L .. -u.._ e-
-=... ....
&. ...1
111". Darid r.SIaII. 215 QIIr boll ct., CU¡lel"tiDo. ~tted
a pet1t111D 1f1U. _ ~~ '_n. requeñUC Ulat U. atter
., t.. ct_ au .- ".I. .11 up. lie feU tIIØ tbs. ...
~2atâ" tile 11 1IIdoIt.... COIIII smo "iDs a1.lIOe
the Clt)- IIa11 pJRa ... I'~:
1. t'ba Ge_1 ~
2. !be ""''''''.. Co"· LL ~
fterw .... ... -- ~~ 30 people 1ft tbe auU__ 1ö r.YOI'
f1C I"eOIIeIdlll tb1a 11_. a-. tIIrDer \/118011 ..14 he ..
-~lle4 to it.
-lIonll b7 Council..- _1. Hccmded b;r Ma;rar P1Dcb. to tablll
th1a a!"ter 1D 01"0S.r ~ .... . full Council decide upoI1 th1a.
&1B8: Councl1MD "'1. P1JIch
-.s: C0IIIIC11Mn '1~ _ L.14, Stokes
.- -'"'T: C_l1.... - _ Ler
II>. U~ ~1e4, 2-2
TI:,e C!:: ~t~l':rn"·.· ...~"'1:;¡.-d ~Iiðt ~'h~¡'\ t:ocre 1s !1 ·.1ed vo';e to
o Þ1U!1, 1t iÞ :Iû"...-l r OCe1'JN "1;0 tabh 1t 1IDtl1 the next
~ 1ft D1'de1" to _.·J:I&jo~lty vote.
Ml'. 1Ih1..d1ln" a teect.œ at 1outb111 Col1ep. mH tllat tile
eou.. sa DOt .,.....'V « øtaII4 !a tile MW" fII_ e-. IIaJ,1.
~. ra _ &tie c-tcu... till " -- I ...,. ~ ·r
.. .. tIIaa, r. ....., J::,.t:.~ I'h~- ... -'7 1
Qpn-sa. Ia" JI to . qaut1OD, .:-;,,¡n "ç¡- .. ..
iJ6 ..m. ðOlJa' ~& doe. m:l~:~, "."..., ..D
_ 1IIf-- 1 tile I"- - .bIp ~ be . wr .~ ..
ft. ~__ br 'Þll~ ' . .
.. ...
1. &en. ft'ca 1Ir. JIIIID' R I ... Un '- _ __ CJDIaol1
1ftOJa1a tbe - or ~~, 1965. ...- . (II m.n
IÞ ..eel. ... t!'e 1'· _1, IeOcaIeIt '" c.mo1~
fttlp1'&1d .
l1li-'1 - 0IIft'1ed, 4-0
2 . PIJC reportll.
3. Ba7 Area Gov~·_- re_·I.~
4. County report OG ex;ressways.
5. ABA:: Buliet1n
6. letter 1'ro1ll 1Ir'. .~k1JIeIer repl'd1.n& tbe FUIe Arts
J-r- ot CupertÛD.
T. letter !'rom 1Ir'. ~ock1aeIer reprd1D8 B1ß 'A.~".
IIaftd _ Counon ~c ~., lIec~ _ c:-t1-..
P1tzgerald, to 1If'CIOJB2a D.cnÞer 28 ~ 31 ..
"HistorIcal fA. - ~ Art Þb1b1t - St1~ It.... ...... ·
JIotlOD carr1e4, 4_0
8. Le';ter!'rOll Su¡Ier~eDIWIl'; of. Sc~1 J)lIItrIct reprd1D8
P' Artll leas:-.
9. Not1ce of' H1l1tar1ca1 ".-..aø lUllCbsOD oa ~,,~.
Deee.r 14tb. fZ'ca ..]0 to 2100 ....
Moftd _ C_.- . 11 I. MOOIIdId _ en r -U-n Noel
to reedn SDII ftJe _ ,,'l\1OD ~... ...,...
lIDti 00' c:a'!'1sd, 4-0
.., OP '1'BII ,LA*DICJ ~
JClI: (8M ..~ ~ JlcmllIIÞcr 5,
9, 12, 23, 1_.)
A. B.. R. -- rr-I ,_ ...-t;s.t rot> 18r1allOe to exteaI .
bu11d1llc ""thin aSZ ,.. at tbt ~._" Una at; 2211. Ita'-
11IIg Court. Ðen1ed ~ 1'1........ CoainlfJn JInolat1Gl1 235.
S1JICe tile .ppU.caDt .. øf.; praaent, th1a Ite.... put ewer
to tbe ellll ot the _ - '.
A. Al'PRAL: Don JtKcell Application (19-Z-64) tor Rezoning f'''om
R-2-H to R-3-H; 0.8 acrel adjoining east a1de or FC'- .1
Blvd. at WalDrt Circle. LOU 1. 2. 5. 6. Tract 36U4.
Denied ~ l'lamdDS COIaiIla1on Resolut10n 232.
... Gene Masten. Clñ11h!V.....r. ¡4'8sented a diagram IIhOlfing the
..-..a-t, in quañ1œœPootÞlll Bl'llS. 1n relation to thll othllr
JI&'Ci..-L.. _. .. :~1n '¡¡bat area. Be 11&14 the applicant
Mia ba will ...ø-" ~ 1n sell1.rlS4up1exè. f'rOftt1Dg on
~h1U Bl'llS. Be '* .h I -Þ4 rell4er1llSt f4 UJe propoee4 t~
_'''1'' wbieb ~c~al or 16\1Dit. lUllS . pool.
,.pi ....ten ... .~-.....n' bu11d 1:bØe .. 0IIè -sit. but
GD t_ lota. '!IIii"Jr ...'1ÌOt; 'be ab18to be .014 1JIdlv1dual~.
~ Clt7 p,._ 1IÌÌ'J4 . _"81' ot principal 18 1nYolve4 hare.
~ ð....loper aa1III4 nZ'ñ far ODe dena1t:r lUllS _ 18 allldJ:6 tar
aaotbllr. It 18 ..,. op"ft1on tbat this would 'be llpot ::Oft1Dg.
~ developer'. plam ~ IlboIf two atar1ell. but R-3 zoning
IIOIald actua1~ allolr a .-siaa 01' f'our IItorie.. The of't-lItreet
JIU'k1ns WO'.1ld DOt 'be ~t1cient. And thll Clt7 Planner voiced
coacern about 8D,J' obS.1dren bav1Dg to crollll Poothill B1'Fd. to
set to a plaJ8rO\Dl. Vben figuring the llUJlll)er of' children per
acre, 1t would ~ probably be cons1.1erably higher ~ an R-3
zone than in an R-2 _.
Moved b7 COIIIIC11an Stolœa. lIeconded by Counc11aBn Hoel. to
C10ll8 the Publ1c lfear~.
AYES: Councilmen P1tzgera1d. Noel. Stokes. Pinch
ABSENT: Deapeter
Motion c&rr1ed, 4_0
Moved ~ Counc1lan llcel. seconded by Councll_n P1tzgera1d.
to de~ the appeal tar applicat10n 19-Z-64. in v1ew ot the
re&IIOns tor tba p'.....h. Co.l1l1l1ion'lI deD1a1 of' 118_.
AYES: CouncllMn P1tzpra14. Noel, StOkell. Pinch
ABSBII'1': Counc1lan DeJlllllter
Motion carried. 4_0
B. APPEAL: Mobil 011 Co.: Architectural and S1te Control
AppI1cat10n 158-11:-64. requellting approval to conatruct a
lIerv1ce lltati_ em tbe SE corner of' Stevens Creek Blvd. ·
Stelling Road. ApsIro'f\14. ~ H-Control C~1ttee 10127/64.
New draW1ng1l lIub81tted 11/23/64.
JIr. Robert H. Stratton. Jr.. lIubaI1t:·ed the new drawingll. jIIIr thll
r.qœllt of' tba Clt7 c-l'. Theile draw1nga were ot the
"'rat.Jette Stat1Òft.· .. va. or!Sina1ly presented to tbe Plann1n&
~lIlI1on 1n 0I'der to obtain a Ulle Permit.
Jlcmtd ~ COUDC1lan 1ÍÓeJ.. aeconded ~ Counc1bBD P1tzpra14. to
ololle the Publ1c lfIIu'SIIS.
~: COIIIIC11men PJ" _ .14. Heel. Stokell. P1Dch
~: Hone
ABSBII'l': COUDC1Jan ~.-t;er
Motion carr1ed. 4..0
!<loved by Ccunc1ban stu1<es. seconded tr.r éauncilllllln Fitzgerald.
in view or the tact that "h1s revised suÞm1ttal 1s in confor-
mance wlth the Use Permit, that application 158-1IC-61¡ be approved.
A'!BS: Counc1lMn Vitzgerald, Noel. Stokes, Pinch
NOBS: None
MotIon carried, 4-0
c. AIIlOttNnal JPI!&1ÍTIin: "R1cardO 6/¡-4.. nrst Reading -
OrdiDaDCe 110. 300~ 0
JIOVed 111 COUÌICu.m~s, HConded 111 CoÙDC11an Fitsgera14,
that the Beu'fÌig ot Protest be closed.
AYES: councl~nP1tzgerald, Noel, stokes. lP1nch
NOBS: NOli:: .
ABSENT: council_n Deçeter
'. lføtlon carried. 4-0
The City Clerk pve the First Reading of' ordinance 'No. 300.
A. ORDINANCE 110. 299:. Approving the Annexation of Certain
Contiguous Uninhab1ted Terr1tory, DeIl1gnated "State 64-3 n
to the Cit7 of' Cupertino in Accordance with the Provisions
01' Sect10n 35300 et seq. of' the Government Code of the
:;tate of' Cal1Corn1a. Second Reading.
Moved b7 Council_n Stokes, seconded 111 Counc11man Noel, that
Ordinance No. 299 be read by t1tle only.
Motion carr1ed. 4-0
Thill vas accoçl1ahed 111 the C1ty Clerk.
Moved II)' Councir.&n StOkell, lIeconded by Councilman Noel, to
enact Ord1nlmce !Co. 299.
AYES: Counci1_n fitzgerald, Noel, Stokes. Pinch
NOBS: None
ABSENT: Counciban Deçeter
Motion carr1ed. 4-0
ResolutIons No. 1033 and 1034.
ResolutIon No. 1033 was read by Treallurer PItzgerald.
Moved by COUIICIr.&n .('81. seconded 111 COW1Cll1Bn Stokes. to
lIdopt Reso1uUon No. 1033
AYES: Counclleen fitzgerald, Noel, Stoltell, Pinch
NOB8: ,None
ABSENT: Counclr.&n Dempster
Mot10n carried, 4_0
Bea()lutlon 110. 103- ~ reacS i;J7 'lreallurer 1'1tzpna14.
IIoftCl1l7' C~1~ 8tdœs, lIeconded by Counc11an JIoel, to
adopt Rea.Jlut1on 110. UP"",.
JmBS. c_11Mn fttspra1d. Noel. Stokell. flDch
-.s: --
AII8II'f: C0\III01l.-D ~ I . tel'
.1on carr1ed. :0-0
ø ~'........- ",ðrn.IP
___, JJ. '
-,¡.¡. , ......,:. -
;.¡}~..' ... aP~:'
COIDoU- JJ~!,V ea24..1114 ~"fI':-l-
, -'#JF'
S. J(I!(M ~ c1lì' : .-
. > ~",'
to ft_t.
1. StelUDs.... --~...--.
IIønd by C~ 8toJDa8. ...~ 111 COUDcu-A
1'1'....14. CO.I ~ 1Iu01utlC111 1039.
~: c_n Ð n.~.....14, Ifoel. 81;01œ8, P1Dcb
IfŒS: HOlle
ABSDT J couacn- ~~er
Jløtlon carried, 4-0
2. Stevens Cnek 1I1Y1S. 1IIpr0ve..nt.
The county baa roeel"ed cupertinO 's OK on th111 and in orear
to acco.pUab t.b18 It will entall the hiring ot at least
a drattllan, plus tIa J:eeess1t,. of' the Bllginllering Dept.
worlt1n8 a 7-cJa~ _k to get the job doœ. 'fhe C1t,. Bng1neer
ellt1lBted a total or about 4000 man hours f'or thill work.
JIaJ'CIr P1JIch aat C-=lbBn Stokes expreslled concern about
the 7-da7 work _k. The7 d14 not f'ee1 a an can work at
peak ert1c1ellC~ ....._ da711 a week. Thill atter "II tab1ecS
untl1 the œxt rev'." ..et1ng to give tbe C1t)- Jtanaaer
ts.e to oheck all ,.. 4etal1l1.
3. Go14en BorD -- Pe1"1ll1t.
ICo'f'ed by Councn-.. JIoel. aecOll4ed b7 COlIDClbBD P1tzpra14.
that a DallCe Perldt lie 1e1lue4 to the Go14en Horn Reataurant.
AYBS: COUD01~D n.~era14, lloe1. 81;oke8, P1Dcb
HOBS: lIoœ
ABSBII'1': Councn- 11 ptJtar
Jløtlon carried. 4-0
I. Grad1I16 aat reœ_ ot the corporat1a11 JUd.
Z1pee Pav1nS ..-. a. ~ b14 f'or the fØ'f'''~'' (t'OO.oo).
0IIt400r Producta C _. gave the le" b14 tor; tile tellOSDs
($1.450.00) .
IIoYed 117 COUIICn-.. aokea, I!cccoc1ed b7 COU!IClbBD )1081·to
award the $600 a_I -', tór gracSing to Zipae I'aY1l!C CO.
AtIS: COIIDCll8eD ~...14, Noel, 81;oke8, ftDob
AI8Ift: COUIIØt-~_1e4. 4-0
._.-.,., o. _~..
Iioftd DJ CotmeUIII&n Stolte~, ~econded by Councllœn Noel, to
..x'd the .1.'50.00 contract 1'0r f'enc1Dg of' the corporation
JIIrd to ~o-" ~ts Co.
IIOIS: feme
I. fttzge!"sld, Noel. StOIœIl. ftnch
. Dempster
IIotJoD C31Tled, '..0
c. ~ CÍP~""I(-I_'
'", .
1. _' .,' ,', . 1Iewøìr.....~ ø.s'dI1 8oND8(,D
'_~-_ ,~ .ft1lHD
. .
'" ,,'" ~ .
~.,~ l~t.¡.~';'~:;: ~
.t.....A~~ dk tIIÞ'~ .
"._sea ear.ñeð. ...0
2. --.,~ ..,_.__~ ~. sv c_ or II11ler Ayenue and
SoreDaCID ~ ..' I.: '!lie .m101pal ~v....-n1;1I constructed
1D c~ tr11;b 1;h1a dnelosaeD1; baye been 1nIIpected
aDd tba rill r r , e_tions haY. been _de.
JWlU4A CllDllRI ........4 ~ COUllCl1œn n1;zsera1d. seconded by
Coancllan Ifoel. 1;0 au1;bar1ze tbo: Cit7Br1gineer to 1n1'orm
tile developer ud Ida bond1r.g company ttat the improvement
bcnda -7 IIOIf be retired.
Motion carried, 4_0
3. lIolre ROII4 ~Dll1011. between Stevens Creek Blvd. and
~1Ite84 BoeIS. Bœdws7 dedications and storm drain
ease_n1;1I baye been tUed with the Cit7'
1lUU'.... CRDBR: ".DYed by Cœncilman Noel. second"d by
CCMlClban PUzørra1d, to adept Resolution 1035.
AYES: Councilmen ntzgera1d, Noel, StOkell, Pinch
NOES: None
ABSEIIT: Deapeter
IIot:lon carr1ed, 4-0
MIIIUTE CRDBR: JIcwe4 bJ' COt.1IIC1lman Noel, lIeconded by
Counc1l11an Pltzae-1d, to adopt Resolution 1036.
AYES: CouncilMn PJ1;zaerald, Hc.!!l, StOkell. JP100h
NOA:!: lions
~: Counclr.aD J! . ..1;er
~1011 carri~d. 4-0
Jll.U!UTA CRDBR: *"'-4 bJ' Councilman Noel, seconded by
COUIICu.n PltspraJ4. 1;0 adopt Resolution 1037.
ADS: CouncllMn ps'1;zgera1d, Noel, StOkell, P1nch
MOBS: oœ
ABSEII'l: CouncllED ~1;er
Jløt10n ca;orled. 4-0
~~';~':?'}'t' _,~,
... -
1WIIT1'R CilllBs Moved by COUIIðllman Noel, seconded by
Councllan P1tz¡erald, to adopt Resolut1on 1038.
KØSI Coancl~n P1tqerald, !foel, St03ce1l. Pinch
lfûIIS : !feme
ABS'dI'!': C_U:an Delllpllter
Motion carr1e4, 4-0
D. ~ ~,." Cl'Ø AftœIISY
!I-, ~~~.',. ';-~~ ."":!_~1;:'.~~,:":-
........__- 'UiII'. ,..........CoIIDo11.
II. _,..fc.:i6";,;:.:.:;..,· >'i
1. _=wr~,.E:'-~ ~.. ... r' '-.wu.œ, n~--t1llC
:;"~ft~, -:~ ~~- ..~-:.~ ;ie.:ã' :-2;;;0......
stnIIa' c.~...... *'. vt-. _-.r p2Þ to .ve an
.........t_ ... ~ IIboØ bIH, w1tb "aldo" ebolra. eto., on
toile _, ~ v. ft1a applW1:1cm'" apprøorw4 _ tile
~1 Co 'U.., h~,1ftt tcJ tile ,,10 B-Contro1 StIII.....·...s
CoaI11:1_ __ ~.... with ...-tted p1allll.
2. AppUoatiœ1 162-HC-64, _ Mr'. Don ~, request1118
architectural and site approval to conøtruct a 1134 sq. l't.
a1nsle rall11;r dlnt111Dg on east side or Blane7, between
Merritt Drift and Pear '-'ree lana. 'l'h1e application wall
..pproved. subJect to plans as subal1tted and Condition 13 of
the H-Contro1 check list.
3. App11cat1on 163-HC-64. by Meaars. a1Ifin Yee and Frank
Mantia, requesting architectural and site approval to buHd
a duplex on Greenwood Dr1ve. Cupertino. Th1II app11cat10n wal
approved, subject to the plans all submitted and ametñed In
red, and to the 1f-Contro1 standard condlt10ns that apply 1n
this case.
4. Application l64..øc-64, by Mr. Charlell M. Baer, requestlnf
architectural and alt8 approval to construct a service
stat10n at the JIll carner or Saratosa-8WIIIJVale Road and
Stevens Creek Bl1rd. '1'h1s IIpp11catlon wa, approved, subject
to the 10 lIþ........s H-Contro1 condlt10ns and tha ameœ-ntll
as shoom on the plat plan. d1scU81110n or tile roof' 1s to be
continued until the Deoeaber 8th meeting.
5. App11oation À65-B:-64. by 111". Carl Cada. requellt1ng
architeotura1 aJII1 .1M approval to ocmatruct a duple~ on
Lot #1. Deep Cllt't'e Batatall. 'Ib111 application wall approved.
lIub,1ect to the p1aDa lIubmitted and all amended. and sub,1eot
to the H-Control atarldard check 11st. Iandacap1ng plans are
to be approved berore the f'1na1 1napeotlO11.
1. TIle RecJ..atlOn Director reportee: t.e tad verbal approval
or the app11:atlon with the gove1'l1lllllnt and that.. can pro_
cede .ith land ac<;U1alt10n l'or parkS. Written approval 111
f'orthcolll1ng .
2. Thfi! Kovember 25th œeting of the Stevens Creek Pa.rk
Chain CQGm1ttee revealed that the Horse Ranch _y yet
become a part of thill park cha1n.
3. We will be able to benef'it h-om Proposit1on 1, wh1ch
wall pallaed 11:1 the Hovellibel' e1ectiona.
4. Attention 18 being glYen to cOlll1t7__14e IItrea....sidl!
5. · 1dl0- are quite P"P"- 1n tile NOft&tlon program.
.ID. ~:~~ thøe If111be _'to tile VSDchellter .
Ib""';,-. _ to SlID ftUIoUco to - "Mary Popp1nll .
aD4 aD see ..~ III"J' ".1íïOœ.
6. ~,- 1I.tlOl1 De~UJI''' !a,p,.-t,. a Cbr18t_1I
p....... :
1. .,__t,. COIaiss1on has concluded 1tll IItudy of the
C1Ullta' ~t-_e. It will he ottic18lly presented at the
,1__t,. C-t..lon meeting CD December 14th, and copies
.111 he available. Most Ulœly, a date .111 then be set
f'or PubUc Jlearingll on th1s Cluster Ordinance.
2. Work will be rea~d on the balance of the new City
Ordinances the early part of January.
Mayor Pinch announced that the C1ty 5: Traffic Planner ha"
been selected as a DIember 01' the County 's 701 Program.
A. Councll8an Stokes would 111œ the City Manager to find out
the costs involved in increasing the ~11ce protect10n by
at least one addit10na1 patrol car,
Moved by Councilman Stokes, secol..'\ed by Counc11man
Pitzgerald, to instruct the C1ty Manager to ask the
County f'or a IItudy of where our po11c1ng prQblems are
and what 18 needed to solve them.
Motiûn carried. 4-0
Mr. Lou1I1 Stock1me1er. 22120 Stevens Creek Road, said there
have been 8 break-1ns 1r. elementary school lately. His
hOlle was also broken into. He fee1a an 1ncrease in police
protection 18 indeed necessary.
A. "-7or P1Dcb said the matter ot hotel-motel sales tax~as
brousbt up ~t tile last Inter-C1ty Council meeting. He
wanted tile opinions ot the Councilmen on th111 matter. The
City Couaol1 ... in favor of the individual ciUes. ratl.'!r
tban the a1öate, having th1s hotel-raote1 aales tax.
B. Ma~or P1Dcb said that, now that l'edera1 l'unds are det'1nitely
available tor park s1te propert1ell. the Council should take
1I0IIe action as to bond salas.
Moved by CouncllD8r. fitzgerald. seconded by Councllman Stokes,
VJ have the CltJ Mana~i' contact Stone t Younsberg to take
~tepe necellsary to sell thede bond~.
AYES: Councilmen Fitzge..ald, Noel, Stokes. Finch
WOES: Hone
AJISBII'l: Coœcll_n Dempster
Motion carried. 4.0
C. JIQar P1Dch te1t t_ C1t;J ItaJlqer IIhou1d be 1Dat;ructe4 to
b2re _ fir t;wo aJllll'&uors to advllle 118 IIbKber or DOt t;be
"l11li8 ¡:r1ce tor JIU'k properties 18 ta1r. '!be Clt7
IIIIIapr win __ a report; on th1a at tb! next repJar
-t1DC at tile Clt7 COImo11.
D. IIcmId 11)' CouncU_n Stokes, seconded bJ Councllan
Fitzgerald, to reaotivate the Parka and land Acquillltion
Cœaittee to IfOI'k With the Recreation Director.
~nded 11)' Counclban Stokell. seconded bJ Councilman
Pitzgerald, to __ January 15. 1965. the c1ol11ng date
tor applications.
Amendment carried. 4.0
Motion carr1ed, 4-0
V A. E. «0 R. MOYERS: Applicant d1d not come to the meeting.
Moved bJ Councilman Stokes. seconded by Councilman Noel.
to table thll1 application until the next meeting and to
have the app11cant notified when he. or his representative.
IIhould come to the next meeting.
Mot10n carr1ed, 4-0
Moved by Councilman Stokes. seconded by Counc11man fitzgerald.
to adjourn the meeting at 9:55 P.M.
Paul H. Pinch
AftE:ft' :
itw.,....u If. ~L
CltJ Clerk