CC 11-16-64 10321 So. Saratop-SUfU1JV8le ROcIa 252-4505 í , CITY OP CUPERTINO Cupertin:., Ca1irol':11a ..,....- OF TBI RIIIUJ.AR _~ QP 'fBB CITr COUNCIL _ Mov. 16, 1964 ~-; ; . .,., I 8AL1J'!B to !ItI #1M ~,.f ; aou. CAll. < :~u.."'~:" ..,·:t·; CClllllC1J.eD "'..1 .Jt.. .,..tfto. fttlrþra14 ftdre.. JPJDch ... (8:10), lbt1. StaN' ¡reMat 1 Clt)- *œpr Phil Storm CU7 AttG1'De7 Sa. Anderllon Clt)- Bl!s1Deer Antll lab! C_ Clerk ~ Jlart1n C1t)- . '!'rafflc Planner Adde Laurin Cb1et' BId.:14Jnc Inspector Bill Benev1ch Recreation Director John Parha. Recording Secretary Lois Inwards III IWI11rES OF 'lIB PftBVIOUS IlES'¡'ING3 _ November 2 &: 9. 1964 Corrections tothe K1nu~1I or November 2nd: The City lnc1neer had a corr~cLlon r~r P2ge 6. Para. 3: Delete the WOrdIl "H1l1llide Ord1nanct' " and replace 1t with the WOrdIl "Excavation and Grading Ordinance. ' Councilman StOkell t'.a::' a corréctlon fo>:, Page 1, Item III. NO.3, laat line: Sbou14 read: "Novembe:- 9, 1964." The City Attorne7 bad a correction tor Page 7, Item D, second paragraph. Delete the word a "pretty much" and 1nsert the word "general'-7" in their place. It wall a:cwed bJ' Cotmclban StOkell and lIeconded by COœ1Cllman Noel that the IUllutell ot November 2nd be approved aE corrected. Motton carried. 5-0 It wall IDOved b7 Counciban Hoel, seconded by Councilman Stokes to approve a. read tllo M1nutell ot Nove.ber 9th. Motion carried. 5-0 IV œAL AIID IlùrJ,"all ca "ICATIONS ~l: .... Ann AIIþr. 10185 .Pin, Monta Vàta, tblmJred the City Counoll t~ b"''W caNot t:Ie ·11tu.'.t:ion· on Pen1naula Ave. Th1a wa. 1n reprd ~ carli which, abe I'elt had been abandoned alolW the railroad Qoaca. ' Or', .~ -;.- ..1- .. f; , , ¡ ~ 'f- , r,,' ", , ~,' Vr1tten: 1. Appeal of' tile Plarm1nC CO::ll:ll11s10n d.mia] tor app11cat10n 19-z-64. MoYed 117 Couøcl'l-" St--a, seconded 117 ccnmc1:J.an Noel to set the aweal 1llar1JlS far tbe nex1; regular _eting. 1løt1on carr1e4, 4-0 2. C< ...toat1oD ft'ca c:entrel labor CCNDC11 aa1drC 1:bat the Clt7 ofC~,..., 1&111 the week of ",e.tler 15-21, 1964, aa "'tiolÎál'~ ft'aa ........ Week.· So -.4117 C~t'I-.. Stokea, aecoJde4 b7 Couacllan De.peter. 1Iot1on carried, ,,-0 3. x.tter 1'roa tile Go~ Born Reataurant .a~ tor . Dance Pera1t tar tM1I' eoe......ll LouJIIe. located at 2~88 Stevens Creek Blvd.. CI'oIIØ'Oada SbopplnS Center. lIoYed II)' Coano1~ Dellplter. seconded by Councllman Noel to reter thia _tter to the lltaf'f'. Mot10n carrled, 4_0 4. COIIIIIIUI\1cat1on cn tluoridatlon. 5. In';ltat1on !'roa .1ewll1h Home tor the Aced. It was moved II)' COUIIcllan Noel. lIeconded II)' Cou."ICllman Dempster to rece1v~ the written communicatlons. Motion carr!ed. 4-0 v REPŒIT OP TIlE PLAIDlDIQ COMKISSIC:¡: (See lUmltell ot October 22 and November 9, 1954.) Cha1rœn Thomson sald he haj n,:)th1r..g turther to report, othf'r than tactll broupt out 111 the aboYe-_ntloned tc.."1Utea. A. !WIRy CHOW: Application tor Variance In lot 111ze; 4 lots adJo1ning 20686 JlodI'1&ue1l A.,e. Approved b7 PJ.annJ.'II Com- 1I1s81on Rellol~lon 231. Novellber 9. 1964. Condltlons. Also Record ot SurYe7 . Reso1utlon 1031. Mr. Barr)" cappel. o~ C1IP8rt1Do Rea1t)", represented the applicant. Aa tile lot la now. he Aid It caDDOt be built upon and it 18 an QINGN to the cc ...1t)". All ot the 10tll 1n th1a puooel are IIt........"CS IIlze with the eaceptlon 01' Lot C. which u 70 x 100 (7000 IIq. tt.). The Clt7 P1&_r MJ4 there are 8ct\l&l1)" two applicatlons bers ¡ 0118 to re.-ñ approval of tbe Record of SUrvey and one to requellt apprv...l 01' the Variance f'or Int C. COUllcllœn Stolœ. aMe4 It an, ot thelle lata 10 thII1 parcel are 1apr0-:ed. 1Ir. Cappel sa1d Mr. Chow 11.,ea on Lot D. -2- \ '. .' -- J, ..~~ {. .' Tœ C1t~ P1aDDer Mid the garage ,13 too close to the lot line 80 we propoae a cozñlt1on tbat the gara¡e mUl!t be 1'1reproo:'eð. It wall IIIOve4 b;¡ C01:.ncll::sn rell'.pater and lIeoonded b~ Council- an Joel to ~pt Resolution 1031. ~,' ,;....' AYES: Counct,' - Deapetel', JIoel. ~.. nDcb JIŒS : *01:18 , ~~, C~' -u-n 1I1t1¡pN1d L {',' lIot1oa 0III'I'fj4. -..0 B. SALVATœI A. 1UtaC1Io$&U AppUl'At1Oa to&' VariaDce to allow 58' lòt W14th 1M" ..4 ot 10' OD . ",-í~ of lot 135 on the eallt '11* of -,~, AftDUe, beMea .... '!Ne IA_ and Merritt Drift. ApprOftd!IF p1._'. c ...1on Bellol\11;lon No. 233, Bov. 9, l~. CoaIIlt10118. ".olatlon 1032· Mr. Don Rpø. 958 Adc!1l1on A_. Palo Alto, represented the appl1caœ. The City Planoer aald that in square tootqe. It 18 a big lot. but it 18 narrow. Mayor Finch allked 1f' we have an exll1t1Dg let cOIIJ)8rIIb1e to this. Mr. Rpn aald there are two parcela or 58' each. Cr.e was built upon ~ears ago; this la the re_ining one. ~cved by Councilman Stokes. seconded by Councilman Dempllter that Resolut1cn 1032 be adopted. Aï:.S: Councilmen Dempster. F1tzgerald, N:)el. Stokes. F1nch NOES : None VI PUBLIC HEARINGS Motion carried. 5-0 "'. A. APPEAL RE: MOBIL OIL CO. ARCnr4'ECTURAL Am> SITE CONTROL APPLICATION NO. l58-He-64 REQUESTING APPROVAL TO CONSTRUCT A SERVICE S'l'A'l'IOIi ON THE BE COIUŒJt OF S'l'EVENS CREEK BLVD. &: STELLDIG RD. Approved by H-Control COIIIIIÜttee 10127/64. !«r. Bob Stratton and Mr. George Broughton were prellent to defend,Mobil 011'11 decision. The City C1el'k preaented the photo tro. the tilér wÌiich wall used by tbe appllcant to be-1p gain 'tbot Use Permt 1I0CDe IIICnthll back. 111-. Stratton turn111bed bl_pr1ntll ot hia latellt proposal, wb1ch 1nclœed a patio where the third bay nor- all~ would go. Councllllllln Jlce1 aaked why Mobil 'decided to go thill route. Mr. Strattcm 11&14 the dec1sion wall _de 1»7 ~be Salee Dept. Arter rigur1J:1g a~l the improvement coata, they had to el1m1nate tbe third bay 10 order to I'll_in If1th1n their epecif'1cd deyelopment costs. -J- · ~", COlJIlcllman Dempster felt that when an appl1cant camelS before the Plann1qs C01IIII1ssion and rece1ves certa1n cond1- tlona and, later on these cond1t10ns are altered. then the Plam1ng C~1I1I10n llhould have the opportunity to Hear thelle cbaDpll when they are made a~ the C1ty CO\D,c11 level. *Tor JP1ncb 1'.1t ~t in tb1ll case, the H-Control decision 18 be~ a_lad and that tile appeal 18 at tile C1ty CcnmcU·'1n81. t: , ;~" -, C0IIDC1~ ....... ..14 tbat 11' this application doell not 10 back to UIe r1._h\l C~810n 1t 111 8etting a preoedace ~ ' " /. c_n- ftoke. 414 not apoee. Be 11&14 1'.. develo.-nts haft .... 1IP tile ... .. pictured at the P\¡) l1c: Hearqs. Be l'e1ttlÍa1;. .Snoe It ball been appealed, It 111 up to the C1ty CaœoU to deo14e. COUIIc1lMD Jfoel aalted the Clt)' Attorney when Ordinance 2/35 wall paPIle4 and 1t reterred to BL'ûb1t B " C, can we throw out th1a OI"41J:ence and lIend It back to the Planning COIII- millsion. TIle C1ty Attorney sa14 it ill the obligation 01' the lltatt to _Ice lIure the applicant has c:IIDplied with all the Ord1nancell of' the C1ty in regard to zon1"$, use permits, ietc. The quelltlon ar1sell whether there 1s a mater1a1 var1ance to the OrdinBnce. The City Council should vote on whether tbere 111 a mater1al change or whether there has only been a minor change made 1n the plans. Councilman Fitzgerald felt that il' the applicant did show a picture and II&Y what tt>.ey are g01ng to do, then they should tollow thrcn¡¡gh. It wall IIOftd by Councilman Dempster that the applicant be 1nøtructed to go back to the Planning COl!II.tssion 11' they want to have any changes or else go ahead w.;.th the "Ia1'a;rette II Iltat10n. Th1B mot10n d1ed for la..:c of a second. Councilman Fit,z,~erald moved to send this application back to the H-Contro1. Mot10n was s'!conded by Counc11man Dempster. AYES: Counc1lman Dempster, Fitzgerald NOES: Councilmen Noel, Stokes, Finch Moticn died. 3-2 Counc1lman Stokes t'elt that the matter ot' whether it 1s to be a 2- or 3-baT stat10n was a decision tor the applicant to 181ce. TIley have arrived at this by their own economical analysis. !Cr. Stratton 11&14 the type ot' architecture -- tile root' and all -- would be maintained, but it would be- a 2-bay rather than 3-ba7 station. The ou.tll1de dlmens10ns of the station would be ...1nta~d. -4- Councilman Dempøt.er brought out the rut tInt this !fer,lcl! statton 18 go1.Dg to ait !::ear the De1nm College. Ai'tl!r they received the Uee Perm1t they cor.temp1a'Þed IJ'¡tt1.ng in a statlon 81:1111&1' to that on East Batates Drive, only with a tile rool'. Counc11man Noel cOiMented that th111 eU'ta1n~ does not go alOllg with Ifbat we ban In r.~ or w1tb wtat the college hall In 1ÜIId tor tÍlat area. .., ." IIiQ'or P.1Dcb u]ra,l. the ,applicant Ifbat bie reo",",.. would be 11' tile Ccnmcll &tc'14eé1 to overrule tbe ø.coat:rol dec1aion. 1Ir'. Strattón aa14 the aatter would baw to co beck to the .. York attice. 1Ir'. stratton t;beD brOQlht; up Cccdlt10a _ or tile ~'d1nallCe, in reprd to treell. Be..14 th9.t It wo1l14 be s.po..~tlle to retain all the t;~II. lIa;ror Finch ..14 the 1Dten'c C't tbe Ordinance 111 to pre"U'Ye whatever 18 poaa1l»1e. Tbe Chiet adld1Dg Inspector sald tbat, at'ter cbeck1r.g the property with 1Ir'. Stratton. it wall declded that two or three treeõ ....Juld bave to be removed. Mr. Broughton, the Area Manager, sa1d tbe:1 are willing to go along w1th any changes; however, there 18 a limit to wbat they can expend ar.d It cust gc back to the New York Office 1£ 1t becomes apparent they cust go over thU l1mit. T~ City Attorney sald the appl1cant is not now propo~1ng to do that for wltl.ch he h'ls an Ordinance. Mr. Stratton requested the matter be postpo~d to give him t1me to confer w1t.h the Home Office. Moved by Counc11_n Dempeter, seconded by C~.c1lman Noel. to postpone the appeal on applicat10n l58-w.:-64 until the City Council is asked b:r the applicant to put it back on the ageooa. ~tion carr1ed, 5-0 B. ANNEXATION HEARING: Ordlnar.ce No. 299. " 64'f State -3. ' Firat Rea~lng of The C1ty Clerk said there have been no protests to this annexation. He then read Ordinance 'No. 299. VI ORDINANCES AND RESOU1l'IONS Pœ ADOPl'ION: A.~OwrION NO. 1024: Acceptance of Corporation Grant Deed t'rom Valle;r ,Title Co. tor Civic Center.. -- Moved b:r Counc11:Bn Dempster, secoooed b:r Councilman F1tzge!"8ld; to adopt Resolution l024~ ' ,AYES: Counc1lmen Dellpllter. Fitzgerald, Noel, Stokes, l'inch , NOES: KOlle Motion carried, 5-0 -5- 'fIll '.1t,~-, J~?' : Ic{'fe*,,- . - ';,¡¡;~.. '-' ~ . t~;~,~ PAYING BIUS A. Resolutions No. 1022 and 1023. Treasurer Fitzgerald read Resolution 1022. Moved by Councl:ba:1 Xoel, seconded by COUIlClban Stokes, to adopt ResolutlOD 1022. AYES: C0UllC1~ Dellpster. Fitzgerald, 1Ioe1. Stokes, Finch ROBS: None ' JIot;lon carried, 5-0 r Treasurer P1t__:Jd read Resolution 1023. Moved b7 Couno1...... Stolces, seconded b7 "~l1man !foe1, to adopt Resolœ1aD læ3. AYES: NOBS: Councl~ De.pater, P1tzgerald, Ifoel, Stolces, P1nch None II REPORT OF OFFICERS Motion carried. 5-0 A. REPORT OF THE Cl'1"Y TREASURER Counc11man F1tzgerald said he had nothing rurther to report. B. REPœT OF THE cm I'.A..'iAGER 1. The orchard 1r. th", Civic Center y1e1de~ a prof1t th1s year. of wh1ct the City's port10n was $1.494.17. 2. The joint u:eetir.g or the City Cour.c11 ar.d. tt.e School Boards of the :upertino. Fremont. and Footh111 Dilltr1cta is now set 1'= iiednesday. December 9th. 3. The recent rain storm has rode it qtÜte apparent that Ordinance 140. Wh1::h requires retain1r.g wa1111 when deemed neces8élr)' by the City Engineer. l'ar eœankment support. 11m1t~ to redwood lumber. 111 1rAdequate. The City Manager would like to prepare a r-.ew Ordinance for- the cons1.deration or the C1ty Council. Councilman Fitzgerald asked U we are hayj,ng trouble in any one sectlO11 now. The City Manager _14 not at the present time. but that he foresees prob1eCIII. Councilman Stokes relt wood retaining _lla are all right 11' properly engineered. He would rather lIee thia cond1tion in the Ordinance rather than bave to pass on so many var1--es that are bound to COIle bet'ore the Council. MINUTE œDER: Moved by C.>uncilman Stokes, seconded by Councilman P1tzgerald to put the above-rererenced Qrd1nance on tbe agenda e.r.d to authcr1ze tbe Ilta1'r to prt¡pare the above-r"rereœd Ordinance. Mot1on <.:arrted. 5-0 -6- ..., - .. ... .~. , . 4. Storm dra1D catch bas1n. The C1t7 Jlanager would like to prepere an Ord1nsnce wh..reby a t'1De would be levied aga1n8t persona putting debris or fcre1gn matter 1n the gutter aDd allowing it to find its way 1nto the storm drain aptem and causing damage and expense to the ~. So moVed bir (:o1""'llÐ)8n Dempst.er. lMiècmded bt Counc1lmBn Hoel. ' ' ' .' lIot;1on carried. 5-0 . 5. ·ftabUo ....... A 1'ormer resident or C-~Þ'"" t1Do sa14 he .. _"""aT~~ 0h1' a .e11.6OOO1"01' irrscaUon pipe.. ~."''I'"'' lleds. etc. to tIIe..OIt7 ot Cupert1nc fld.áifft:.si"iliirtb abOut $9000. ' - . It ... 1ÍO:...a .. CøancU_n HÖ8l...C.....¡¡- b,. COUDCll- an Stdœa to baYe tbÍt Clt7 Manapr write a letter ot tblDka W tId.8 c1t1sen. Motlœ carried. 5-0 6. Bxc&YaUoo aIIII 0rad1llg ca-d1nance )Jo. 214 (a). 'rhie .111 be ~ under ¡i.éiii X. A. 7. Corporation Yard. 'l'he'C1ty Manager vould Uke tha Councl1'II ~1I!.on to start plece_l deve10~_nt of the new1y-ac~eè. 1-1/2 acre corporat1on yard. The grading 1IbcN.l:1 be done now. From t 1me to t 1me. the!"'. the City car.. bIIul 1n base rock. !U1It1l'B œDi¥.: Moved by CouncDman Stokes. seconded by Councilman s~::. to instruct tl'.e City Manager to obta1n elltlmatea tor the Job of grading the above-mentioned ~orporatlon ~. ,~otlon ca:-:,1ed. 5-0 8. SacralDBnto Sewale~ter. ':'he City Y.anager sa1d thll1 weekly ¡n:bl1catlon baa vai\iãble ar:d Cu.-rent 1ntcrmtion of' 1nterest to 'tbe c1tlzens or Cupert1no. It conta1ns a full ana17s1.s on billa pasfoed and pend1ng. Subscription C08tll $25.00 :;Jer 7'!ar f'o:' 52 iSllue a . !'loved by Ccn¡c::llman Dempster, secondèd by Councllman Stolœll to 1.I:;øtruct the City !'4anager to subscr1be to Sacraœnto :s;ew.1etter for $25.00 f'or 52 issues. A\'ES: Councll.\11en Dempster, Fltz~era1d, Noel. Stokes. P1.nch Me&} : Hone Motlon.carrled, 5-') C. REPœl' OF THE ern E'BGINEER 1. Shell 011 Co.. sa corner of &1bb Road & McClellan Rd. It was recOØJeroed by th~ C1ty .Eng1neerto accept the 1mprOV8IDBnts co:-..structed in cO::''1ect1cn w1th this development. -7- :: ,. "--:"'" - . . MDIU'l'B Œ!H!I\: So moved, by Councllman Stokes. seconded by COUDCll_n Noe 1. Motion carried. 5-0 2. !I8'lIŒL IV.ftIIRJ.K CHURCH, SW corner 01' Miller Avenue and SorcII8OD AftIIUI!. The City BDg1.neer recO_nded the COIJDCl1 _II" lilt the 1mprovemeø1:s constructed in con- ,1ua.èttoD.wií:fb Wa develo~nt. ~..4- &:. So ~ftd, bJ COIa."'Cll1Bn IIcel, secon4ed bJ' ~_.. fttzserald. ~. -. ,. Motion carried. 5-0 3. S'J'Iri.t.T1B DD l'IPBLI1II PINAL RBLOCATIOH; Stelling Road at J-.'P-'o Serra Free_)'_ The city _1neer said th1s Prop'e" ""..6111: baa already been approved. 4. IM!'RUY...... OF A PORTION OF QREENWOCI> DRIVE, FRANK ICAlft'IA. Jiu1; side ot Vo11'e Road. The City Engineer reo a ~... adopt;ion ot the tollowlng Resolutions: Roved bJ Coarellman Stokes, seconded by Cour...:ilman Pitzsera1d 1;0 adopt Rdo1utlon 1027. A"fBS: Councilmen Dempster, pitzgerald, "'081, Stokes. Pinch NOBS: IIJoDe Mot10n carried. 5-0 Moved by ~ouncllman Stokes, secor.ded by Councilman Noel to adopt; Resol;¡t1on 1028. AYES: COlmC11men Dempster, F1tzgerald. Noel, Stokes, Finch NOBS: !Ioce Mot1on carr1ed. 5-0 Moved bJ Councl1œn Stokes, seconded by Councilman Noel to adopt; Resolution 1029. AYES: C01mCllmen Dempater, F1tzgerald, Noel, Stokes, Finch NOBS: IIone Motion carr1ed. 5-0 D. REPORT OP TIlE CITY A'l"l'œHEY 1. ~rgenc7 OI'd1nance No. 002 (w). wh1ch establishes PO-H Zoning 1n tbe City was read by t.he City Attorney. Moved bJ CcNDcllman P1tzgerald. seconded by Councilman Stokes, to enact Emergency Ordinance No. 002 (w). AYES: COUDCllmen Dempster, Pitzgerald, Noel, Stokea, Pinch NOBS : Nor.e ~~çlon carried, 5-0 -8- 2. The C1t7 Attorney reviewed the Agreement between the Cit7 of Cu¡lert1no ar.d tl}e architect fot' the City P.all, Mr. Ble..mg. He sald that, it conforms to the Bcale which _a adopted by the City Council. The C1ty Attu....... recommended that the City should insist on having ownership of the plans, hOwever. Counc111m1 Stokes referred to Para. 3-.2, DesIgn Develop- JDant JIbue. Bè would l1Iœ to _Ice sure the aetter wlll ~ .,_.,.t. 1JPwlth tbe arcb1tect tb8t ixh1b1t A-1 was aoéèì*e4:' aU1I.1ect to_ so. 0"" ~ .. '; TIle ~ --r;er sal4 that aJQ' wai Ife ..111; the baae reJ,Jet' -,,, , be. all r1gbt w1t.h tbe architect. Co.oÙ~..· StOkes dl4 not tee1 tbe architeot ahould be pa~ rœ alternates which are not -.ct. Be I'&f'erred to Article 6B. , . The C11;J' Attorney rec, nlðed add1tlon ot the worda "aDd Jet out to bid" af'ter the word "proJect" Moved ~ CoImcll111an Dempster, aecoDded by Councilman Noel to coat1nue this until the next regular meetIng of' tbe Cl1;J' Council. Councl~ Stokes sa1d that In Article 6 C, the figure should be part of' the contract. Mot1er. carrIed, 5-0 E. "-E?ORT OP THE BUIlDING ISSPECTOR P. "-E?ORT OP RECREATION DIRE::"TOR =~ had nothing to report at thIs meetIng. . CapItal 1=.provement p:ooë;:oam. The Recreat10n Director said he would l1ke a study sesslor. w1th the CUy Coun- cIl as lIoon all he hears from the Federal Government. 2. The Recreation Directer reported on his trIp tc> SôÏ1 Francisco. He saId Itees 1 through 33 were rev1ewed. unde1- Item 1.23, there was some discussIon as to the del'lnltlon ot "general plan" and "precIse plan. n O. !'.EPCRT OF THE CITY AND TRAFFIC PLANNER. . The R-24-H thet was tormerlythe Sa1chpI-opc!'ty, near the f'reewa7. The deve loper has made plans on how to use thla property w1th less thl}n 1/3 the dens1ty allowed 1ñR-2/l.-H. It 1s a typ1cal cluster plan. Vllaey, Baa . B1air had no prov1s10ns tor cluster plans. The City P1.......r has been writ1ng an Ordinance covering this., Ife baa bad 1n1'orlll8tlon trom the County, C1ty of Fremont. the CIty Attorney, etc.. to draw upon. He reels, however, th1s should go through the procedure of Public Bear~a. -9- - :':::: de..e10per w"ul.;1 lllre tQ go ahead with the 5 acres ....~=h are separated from the res: of the ac:-eage by :::e freeway. be~ore the Cluster Ordinance is er.acted. '!2 City Planner said th1s 1s an isolated spot and c~:1 test the Ordinance here. There are two va:vs in 1è1ch this could be done: , 1. DendlDent to ~be R-24-H or 2. !be Var1..-, proc~1n'e. !be Clt)- ".....oí.iò. __~nda the Var1aDce pl"O'!ed1n'e. Ife ~ Uke to ......~ .. the street w14th _tter tor tIW!1~. Ccaacl1an DetIpjater felt the Variance pI'OCedure se~_d .1ser tban to. 4 the R-24-H Ordinance. ~ Clt,. AttOl'WJ aid the R-24-H was intended to a~~ onl7 to -.l~l-t..l17 dwellings. Where a Variance 15 ~eallar)', 1~ ~ C~ bel'ore the Plann~ Com- ësslon f'or l'IdIUc Bearings, but not the City Council ::::us it is dea2.ed bJ' the Co:z1ssion and appealed to :~ City Council. !':7~ tT Councllatn De:npster, seconded by Councilman ~:~: t: advise the Planning CO:=l1ss10n that an amend- 2::t to the R-24-H t)rd1nance 1s not being considered. JIIotion carried, 5-0 X ::NFINIS:':.E: '::S:S=:SS J... ORD:~_~>.:~ SC. 214(a) - Rt:gulating Excavation and :ì:-ading 1n t~~ :~~y :f Cupertl~o - _ D1s=~ss1on. May:::- ?::':h asked the City Eng1r.eer fer h1s recc="!Mation. The C~~¡ Engineer said that with the Special Report "ubm1tted to t~ ::unc1l on November 9th, h" e=:closed a e0i'7 or Ordlr¿:::e 214(a) wb1=h deals with the subject matter. Th1s is tt'.,; C:-d1nance the Council wanted to review and discuss at t!:e : :u::c il meet~ on the 16th. The :~::r Attorne;r said there is an appendix in the Uniform Bulld~ Code regarding thill. Move= ~¡ Councilman Dempeter, secor.ded by Councilman Pitzr-=-=.l.:i to refer Ordinance No. 214 (a) to the Planning CO~S5~O:: for stud,.. JIotJ.on carr1ed, 5-0 8. The C~':y !!anager allked the Council's aut~orization to have the We-.!Ït of November 23rd of't. So !DOn-::, by Counci~ Noel. seeor.de:1 by Councilman Stokes. MotJ.on carr1ed, 5-0 -¡o_ ;c¡ NEW BUS =". "-; A. Ava...-:-:~ Time Depoa1t. Storm Dr'!1n Pund - $25.000.00. - ~ , The ::":7 Clerk _14 UIe b1da were opened on lIovntler 9th at 2 ?!I. ThaI'.... f'J"ca P1rllt 7alley Bank. Crocker Cit1zens :i!Imk, 3Imk ot ~. aDd Vells Pargo Bank. '1'be h18hellt rate ~ intersa1; (¥) came t'raa P1rat Vallq EIaDk. with a bid or 3-7~ h""OÌla u. otber three baJIIœ. :Mowd b1 CoœICt1' . '~D _~ter. aecOllded ~ C~n_n H~l to depaelt aboft~ aWJaDt at P1rat V.~ !limit tor 0IIII ¡8r. .'. "_ ADS: CCllUl"u....·r:' t:eìo, P1tzpra14.·Roeì. StoJr¡ea, P1nch 11ŒS: Ioœ a.tlon carr1ecl. 5-0 B.' ' IIQœ' i>1Dch caUeil lID Bze:cutlve Scslllon,· to be beld ~1- ate17 at'ter thU c....:.... 11 "et~. c. 1Ir. ~ Stoc~Jr. 22120 SteYeDII creek Road. Cupertino, had I!eYera1 qued;S- be would 11lœ answered lIT the COIÐ:l:: 1. :e asked 1t tile locations f~ the parks, tar which the ~:::d issue waa recently passed. could be legally changed. :-::e City Attuu...J' said no speci1'1c park 8it~s were ~~erred to on the bond itself. However, 11' the City :=cll aaw t'1t to change", park aite theJ' would have ~= wr1te a letter to the Bcx :ounc11 in San Francisco ~::è they would __ the de:ls1:n. 2. :~~alls on the t1mda expexeè on the park s1 tl!S. é::e City Att.... --7 lIaid there 1s a 3o¡J: m&x1cum on the ~-s::ts tC' Clt1ell. 3. ~s of build1!lgs in the :171:: Center. ~. Stocklmeir ..;:"~ theJ' be earthquake-p:-==~. 4. ::'~y!!all bIIll:Ur..g design. ;;e said m&n;y c1t1zens would :~ to have SGCIeth1ng to say a:,out tbe tn;e ot bu1ld- ~ to be built. He urged ':~..at we have an outstanding ~}'?e ot archJ.tectare that v~d be the tocal point 01' :::e Civic Ce~. 1Ir. ~:~klme1r ......, U the Pla%ing C01llll1as1on and/or the H-CCC':~l would haft &n7th1ng to do with the decld1ng ot the ::s18n or th1a ba,U.dIng. He asked how IIIIUV 'people are d1re=':~ involvecS 1á 1;he chooll~ ot the tJ'pe or arch1tecture. He &sad who haa beea negUgent hers -_ the citizens. for not c::c1ng f'0rwar4 -.d voicing their ~pinlona? *70: ~~h sald t:IIe c!elllgn ~ the Cit7 Hall ._11 tentativel;r a~:: by the Cl~ Council IDOnt:L8 ago. It receIved lIubs·..·t!.a1 publ1cl~ 1n tt.a neVs¡:apel·a. St1ld7 aealllona have ~n held a~ oaJ.y one citizen and tM newspapers caE to~. -11- The !'.a7cr sa1a not lIIOre than ten people have taken the t1Joe and trouble to come and se.. how the building is going to be constructed. , , ¡; l ". Rr. David Ia1DS, Palo Alto Savings and Loan. sa1d slread;v th1.s e-ren1!rg be saw an applicant told to "11'11; up or shut up.· '!be 'lOIID ceater 18' in exact17 the same poll It Ion. He 88111 there ...... 8D asreeœnt 117 the property owners in the PC-II Zone .a ttt" à: -..- root requ1reMnt, wb1ch would, 1n turn, dictate tile quaUty ot construction ot the bu.1ld- ~. ,; J . 1Ir'. Ielqr sd4 UIere 18 a 6-acre plot slated tor town houses 1Ib1ch ñU neYe1' be bu.1lt because ot the root requirement in the tom1 c..... Be tee18 the City Ball should be of' at least as b1Sb quality as this 1II1n1_ requirement. Rr. Iaq said tbel"e have been two 3-2 votes in tavor of th1.s architect 's propeIsal, which indicates considerable d1ssat1s1'actlon and this should be taken into consideration. Mr. George Pazes, 10741 Iarry 1iay. said he feeo1s our City Hall should reflect the history and warmth of the people who 11ve here. Aa an example. ~.., contrasted the d1!'1'erence in at=phere 1n Valley Fair VI.rsus Town and Country Shopp1ng Cer.ter. He felt there had not been enough public1ty on the park sites and the type of architecture for the C1ty Hall. Mrs. -¡:::lve. of Ie Paloma Drive, sai1. they have been too ir.volved in the National issues and did not pay enough atter.ticn ¡;., local elections. She said they were very IIIUC!: ;:leas!:d with the DeAnza architecture. She f'UJ"ther state:! that you can combine cooern with the past. and that she was def'1n1te17 in f'avor of Ear17 Cal1rorn1a architecture. She emed ~ AY1ns that this is not Juat another gall lltaticn or lIuper .-rItet we are talking about. Mr. !'Ialph Beasley, 21613 Terrace Drive. lIa1d 10~2 01' reople onl7 get the Ad.,ert1aer, am not the whole Cupertino Courier. He s,¡ggested tbe HoIIIeowner Assoc1at1ons slIs18t in getting the pulse of tbe1r people an:J get the information back to the :1ty CO\DICll. Counc:1lœn Hoel said that last March and April, when he wall runnl.-,g for tbe City Councll, he talked with Homeowner Assc.:::1at10ns. etc., the parka lIituation came up but not once did the City Ball come up. He said the important thing to remember 18 tJat we have $396.000.00 to spend; this is the beat we are able to come up with. Mr. Ward Crump. Terra Bella Drive. said he hall objected to th1a floor plan and the architecture since the beg1nning. CouncU_n .1tokea Aid he ill glad people are willing to come doom and talk abou1; thill. He sa1d he har: learned that the DeAuza college 1a so1rl6 to be bu1lt to be compatible with the ex1st1ng bu1J"1"'cS". He sa':'d everyone ill entitled to the1r oP1n1ona. -12- I f ¡ ¡ . ¡ I Counolll!lan Pltzgera:i.:1 ¡¡aU tkt three YEars af!:o the Town Center concept was drawr. up a:-.d the r.:inl:m¡m r(j~r was established to discourage inferior types or ~~ild1ngs. He ~~t h1s copy of th~s brochure on the bulletin board ror all to see. He po:'nted out tr.at the tuildings illuatrated in this brochure were very much 11.:<: what 13 ncw being tJZ'0- poaed ~y the architect. He, personally. liked the proposal. 'é'" iii'll. Juanita lIc~n. 22101 Lindy Lane. said she bas seen an architect's ccmcept (Early Californian architecture) which was not as expensive as everybody øeelllll to th1nk it _t be. She could not understand w~ Wel are not gettII1ß a better buU41nS tar the IIOII8Y. Mr's. 1IcI.aren 11&14 ahe haa a cUent ""111. to pal' $60,000 tor 0118 acre 111 tbe Town Center. SIMt prOpolled the City sell one acre to hilll and get anotMr, better bu1ldblg f'or a City Hall. Ccru;".::1l1lBn P1tzgerald aaked how much has been llpent so ra~. The CIty Manager answered that It was $7.500 so tar. Dr. Joseph &-own seid he had understood those were merely preliminary plans dIsplayed at the bond meetIng. Co~cilman FItzgerald said he wished people had come forward two years ago if they were d1ssatisfied w1th th1s proposa~. Counc1lman Noel 8uggest~d that, if the c1t1zens reel they can get enough back1ng among the people for a "'.eeting at the high school he will be glad to attend. !Ie reminded them that 6~ of the people voted for thi3 City 1'...11. Cour.cl1~n Fitzgerald felt the matter should be dro~çed here :mt 11 and u-'"11ess 1<0 hear fro~ the citIzens. XII ADJC"R..~ Moved by Councl~ P1tzg~rald, seconded by CO~'"1Cilman N~l to adjourn the meetlr~ to the Executive Session, at 10:35 P.M. APPRC'iWJ : /8/ Paul H. Pinch Mayor L- I / {L4.J:.' I - CIty Cleric -13-