CC 11-02-64 .., - 1.0321 So. Saratoga-8unn¡va1e Rœ:1 Cupert1nc, ;;al1forn1a. 95014 252-4505 CITY OP CUPERTINO CU1'ERT ¡IlO, C;'LIFC!UlIA JUlwrJiOJ UI 'fJŒ Rm1JLAJt _.lJIIi OF T!!E crr"! COOHCIL, HO'1. 2, 1~. ~ . .~ :~: ;-PLlCBI 'nIIB : lIpuð ~. (2,41J Uno School DlIItrld Ott1ee 8:00 ,.11." , (PN_t111C coatereDCC - 7:30 P.K.) I s.uDl'B '1'0 '1'BB II.AØ II RCLL CALL C;¡o..mcIlmen preaenl;: Delllpllter. P1tzgerald, Noel. 3toJeeIl. P1JIcb C::unc1lmen abaerot: Nœ:e Staff present: City !'.ar.a¡;er Pto.11 Storm City Attcrney Sam Anderson CIty Cleric Larry Martin City Er.¡;~eer Ants Lahl C1ty Pla::r.er Adde Laur1n ChIel' Bl_b Insp. B111 Bene.Ich Rec. Director John Parham Record~r.g Secretary Lois In>õards III '·:~~_"':'ES C,i' THE f?Z'lIOUS ~:=::.--r3J.3 - Cctober 19 &: 26. :~~ City EngIneer said Ite~ ~ acJ 4 cf hIs Engineer's ~';;rt or Cct. 19, 1964, Wére ::~ttej frc~ the M1IT~tes _Þ :ct. 19'.h. T1".ey are as fcl1.:>ws: . ii~I.FE r(.~.;) ::~n1ng h3S 11:00 A.M. ~O\'emt~r 2, ~!E~:~rl: ~ ~ ~irst stage const~uct1on b1d t1!en ~a\"crt:::... tor No\·e~.oor 2,1954. õ.t City CouncIl ~";' rc,l~w t~e bids on 19E4, at 8;c~ ,.~. ~. iiALNUT GROVE: East of ;;igh;':3j' 9, north "ide of Bol11nger at C11fden \iay. '¡'he mun~;:I..al llÇl'ove:oents ~onstructed In conju,,"ctlon wIth thIs development to.ave ~en Inspected by th1s offIce and the necessary cC'rrectIons h.:1ve been made. It wall the reeoamendatIon ~7 the C1ty EngIneer that the Council 1D1t1ate a Minute Order l1uthorlzing the CUy Engineer to 1n1'orm the developer ani! his bonding company that the Improve~r.t bond may now be retired. s~ moved by CouncIlman FItzgerald and seconded by CouncIlman Noel. Mot:!.o!l car!'Ic,j. 4-0 -1- - It vas !:IOV!!d 1ro1 COIIIIcllman Noel and seconded by Councll:nan Fi~:~:'ald to ~ccept the Minutes of October 19, 1964, as co~~~ed. Ai3.5: Councilmen Dem¡:8ter. ?1t~e>:al<1, r:oel, F1r.ch N~: None AL,';.A.I~¡EI): Ccuac11En f:toiceos )'.otion c:uorled, 4-1 . "~"~ - ~.'"'' It IIU lIOVed lIT. C>--1lrnan stokes and 8econded by Council- man JI1tzger«:!4 ~~.lve ~he lU.matea ot October 26. 1964. 'MotIc:1 carried. 5-0 . . .'J. XV' œ.u. AlID WJu.'~-r_ CClllJllICATIOHS A. eTa1 1. 1Ir8. ADD ADger. 10185 Empire. Monta Vi3ta, aslœd the Counc1b1en 11' the;y had recently been on Pen1nau1a Aneue to observe the "'lbandoned" cars. CouncllEn Noel sdd he had just a l'ew hours before this _t' ng retur:1ed to Cupertino from a bus1ness trip. &. 8aid he d11 drive out there to appraise the situation. The City I'!anager said he has checked thIs out and learned "hat the owner of the car up on blocks 1s g~1r~ to purchase r.~w t1res for 1t; this 1s a temporary s1tuation. The cars are parked on rail- road pro~rty, not on public streets. B. ,,:,ltten League c~ Californ1a ~i~les issued a reqcc~t to all ~yors that the wee:~ of :'ovec-,ber 20-25 be pro- ~ la~C1ed "rar:n-Clty Week. II So move':: t-"'J CO\l~.clJ~n St:;:·:e3 ar.è. ::2co:1ded bJ Counc11man Noel. Y.otlon carried, 5-0 c. Inv1tat1on l'rom Grace Cathedral to 1ts dedication on Fr1day. November 20th, &t 10:~ ~.~, - . Letter f'roa Mobil 011 ask1ng that the ó' x 160 I masonry _:11 required b;y ~\).pert1no Ordinance be- tween their property at Stevena Cr<,ek Blvd. and Stelling Road and the adjacent reP.1dential pro- perty be det'erred one year becau,;e the adjoining prO¡¡ert7 ~ become eoamercial. The Cit7 Jlar.ager confirmed that there 1s a residence iømed1atftl;y to the south 01' th1s property. Th1s coæmunicat1~n was referred by the Coun~11 to tM sta.rr. -2- F 4. COI!III1n1t'at1on fre!:! roc r~ California ¡;::ter Service Co., asking to Increaae water r~tas in ~s Altos. It was moved by CClll1ci1l:::1n Noel and seconJet! by CouncilD:an gto:teø to receIve the wr1tten cccmunic::t1ons. Motlo~ c~rTied, 5-0 V REPŒl' 0' TBB PLAIGlIHG C<JCnSSI(II: (See JUnutes of Oct. 22 " 26) p1.....1. CO--1-ton CJa1rl8D '1'bD1IIIOD ..id tbe Cluster OrcUrADCe 18 _ in tbe bmI4a ør the 1'1.....1. COIIIÜs8ioners lUll will 800ø be up for renew _ tbe C1t7 Councll. A. PARDR JIIIOIJIEBRDIG co. repreaent1l1S VIII:JI OIL CO. : Appl1catlon ror a Use PErüt rar a se"lce lltation at tbe SB corner 01' Saratoga~\IIIII7V&le Road and Pac11'lca Drive, wlthin a PC-H £one. Approved by PlaMlng COIBiaslOD Resolut1on 229. October 26. 1964. Mr. R. T. Green, 01' Parker Engineering Company, was present to ar.swer any c¡uelltlons of the Councll. It WIlLS moved by Councllc:an Dempster and aeeonded by CouncllEan Pltzgerald to adept Resolution 1020. AYES: Cour.ci¡~n ~eapster, Fltzgerald. Neel, Stokes, Floc;} NOES: N')!Ie Moti~a carr1ed, 5-0 )!ayor Flnch said Iteo:! X A of the ;:genda would be dll1cWlsed M:':t. Mr. Blake. Attorr.ey for Vallco Park, submitted a petlt10n ln1tlat1ng a~ Assess~nt D1strlet, regarding the open~.g cf Tant3u !."enue and Prunerldge Avenue and the wl1enlng cf W~lre Road. This petltlon wss s1gr.ed by Varlan-Vallco and ..estern Tltle Cuarantee Co. ':he City .. '.: ; or r.e y gave a resume of t!1e 1913 Ord1nance wh1ch g')verned this slt~tion and ~eco~enjed the C1ty Councl1 a~opt ResolutiJr. 1021-1. So moved by Counc11man F1tzgerald and seconded by Councl1man Stokes. AYES: Counc11men Dempster, F1tzgerald, Noel, Stokes. F1nch NOES : Nor.~ Motion carr1~d. 5-0 Y:I ORDINANCES AIID RESC'»l'IONS FOR ADOPl'IO:f: A. RESOLU'1':::OII NO. 1017: Adopting axiget for Expendlture ~ Pu!'lds Allocated frol!1 the state Highway F\ind to Clt1es (Wolte Road). -3- - The CitJ' Clerk said this i8 a standard reaolu';ion fror.l the Div1sion of H1g~aY8. It vas moved by Counc11man StokeD and I!econded by Counc11- ..,n Dempster to adopt Resolut1cn 1017. AYES: HOES: Counclben Dempster. F1tzgera:!.d, Noel, Stokes, Finch None Motion carried, 5-0 B. RlSOJDrl(llIK). 1018: Ina~ct1nC tbe J'18cal Agent to Set Aa1de .s- tria tile Vater Rev.- Baal Surplus Revenue PIm4 am y~ la8 tile Sa_ to tbe CitJ' 'l'rea81D'8r. 'file cl1;7 -~... exp1amed tbat t~ 18 t~ tbe work on tile p1lø7 aÞIl other work tbat baa to be ':0118 b7 thll Vater De¡JIWL-td.. It wall IIOftd bJ' C0UJIC11118n Stokee aIII1 secaSed b7 Counclla8D Noel to adopt Rello1ut10n 1018. AYES: NOES: COWIC~n Dempster, F1tzgerald. Noel, Stokes. Finch None Mot10n carr1ed, 5-0 VII PAYING BILLS A. Resolut10ns No. 1008 and 1019 Re501ution 1008 was read by Treasurer F1tzgerald. It was moved hy Counc11man Noel and seconded by Counc11man ::oea:pster to adopt Resolut10n 1008. AYES: Counc:'l::¡en De~ster, F1tzgerald, No~l, Stokes, Finch :iCES : None Mot10n carried, 5-0 Resolution 10:9 was read by Trea3urer F1tzgerald. It was moved by Councilman Stokes and sécoüded by Council- man Noel to a~cpt Resolut10n 1019. AYES: Counc1:;':æn Dempster, Fitzgerald, tloel, Stokes, F1nch NOES: None Mot10n carried. 5-0 VIII REPOOT OF OFPICERS A. REPORT OF CITY TREASURER Treasurer Pitzgerald sa1d he had noth1ng l'urther to report. B. REPORT OF CITY KAHAGER 1. The C1t» Manager urged a "yes" vote on Proposit10n 11 on the NoveJ:ber 3rd ballot. The a::'ternatlve means that every tiœ _ t.c1VC any ""rle done by th~ County we w111 have to ~~#e a v~te. .4_ .....--.- ',; -"It' ¡¡.,;;i $ !;" '. ',l~;- -1 ~ 1:- .' f f 2. The C!t)" ~er :'?1uezte:1 ·.~n C1ty ::;auncll help decide aD. .eet!ng date with the Cupe1't1nO, Fremont and PootMn School Boards re "'U'J' AyeDUe. , '1'be C1 ;7 C01ZIC1l a¡¡;reed t:'ás _-::1Dg could take place on 110. -_r 9. 11 or 19, ..n:.chever __ be.~ ror the otbe!' J Bñ1eS concerned. 3. '!'he C1t;J' - ..,,. sa14 tile Iia~ C .-1m. at their .utJIIC .. ~ 28';h, red.... ~ 1"'- tar tile ... pY" . ·...t 18 &It'01I al.i tør at ~ ~'- Creek. '!'he)' ......dI\d .. ph... IUIII I'IIC" .... ~ tile __ ahoul4 ~._11 ,~-- - ~. betGN t.. MIl., ~ 8f:a1't. .', ~'.-_1';,. It ... _ r -_ C_n.u lie _ t- .. ...-114 ~ C~lI" ..u:...,....1d co hSN a bø....... · to ~ the eartb __.4 110 the pIpes can be _ Sa ~- the heeYJ' ras- tb1II winter. C0llDC1~ St:oIœs wall 1n taVf1l' or P~1J:s bids on this Jll'o~. He wall told that tt.e ... of' the essence Sa th1B case. The Clt)' JlaDager said the whole project will cost approx1Dlate17 $1500 and. that $500 ot that alllOW1t would be the cost of' the bulldozer. AYES: COu:".c113!n Dempster, FItzgerald. Noel, F1nch NOES: Cc=.:~l::Ian Stokes ~ot10r carr1ed, 4-1 4. In regard ~::> the soU anal;ys1s ....de 01' the Wolre Road project. ..=e~ the State requ1red an add1t~onal 1", 1t appears ':bat a r::od1f1cat10n had to be made. B1ds ..111 be oper-.e1 one week from ton1ght - Nove~r 9th. 5. The City !'.a~er had a tele;>hone call ccnt'1r!Ung that the Stever.!! Creek Blvd. ..1den1ng pro,iect ~.:1s been approved; l.e..the f1nancing by tt~ State has been approved. ';'":¡,e ~1na1 order 1n forthc=1r.g. é. In January of' th1s year, JO-DE~, Inc., presented an app11cation ror rezoning 01' 12 acres adjacent to the Monta V1sta School, located on the George VOIIS Ranch. S1nce the Council had selected 5 acres 01' this propert;y for a ne1ghborhooè park, the developer wall allked 11' he would cona1.der splitt1ng the propert)' -- 5 acres for a park slU and. 7 acres 1'0r deve1cpllleJ1t. The developer agreed to do th1s. He stated ~ha1; the City could pa)' b1.a tt.e pr1ce he had pa1d tor the land, plua 1nc1dental expenses wh1ch would 1nclude land l'ees. mortgage broIœr tees and. title fees. !merest and taxell, pIllS 10J' ter 1nc1denta1 1tems. Th111 would _Ice the total f'or the 5 acres $108,350.00, or $21.670 per acre. CouncilmaD P1.tzgerald urged the acquIs1t1on 0: thIs land. at the abow',,-cent10ned pr1ce r1ght a_)'. -5- · ;:tevena creek lark Coaln œet1ng on October 22nè was revlewed 1I:J tile City Manager. In the 1'1=1 analysis, 1; was t:.e op1nlon of t'1e representatives tram U>S Altos, IlL- ....,.. Vl£w, s~..,~yvale and CupertinO that this is a c-~-w1de p:-o.J,,~t which shcu1d be purchased by the C,,~. .J.th fUJ'~" :'rot:! the haI.:'-21:lUon dollar bond whicb _ recently ¡assed. Th1s 11111 be brought up at tile a-d or Supervisors' meet1Ilg. 8. The Cap ~.a ¡)I&'V has rec;uaøted armeøtion or in excells 01'" ¡¡. rea in the hi1q sect10D to the west or c~ Coatll are prob1b1tlye to put;t1ng 1n tile '. "'" 's.pro_nts 1n the c....~nt~l __¡'.. (t ,h tlle7 requellt perldas10D to put; 1n these ~..r~ . ~ovements under an Aaaes_nt D1atrlc...: ". ~ ~,-~ -- - Counclr.aø .. - . allked about the status or the Hillside &\. -r e. The CIty Bna1neer said he had presente4 tIdII œ the C1ty Council øorae 8CIn1;h8 ago. \:ouncIlaBD sa:'" . reels a study sells10n on the Hill- 51de Ord1-- .ould be 1n order. ...--'~ Xayor P:1Dl:lt n! .v-tad the !i111sIde OrdinanCe rev1ew èe put on tbe aaenda for the next regular meet1ng. C . :~?':.'Ü OF THE C:rrr EllGlNEER :;'UFORNIA ~It'n!. !'.IGH'''AY R'W=:T. :~ City Er~.~r reco~~~~e~ adoption c~ ~~solu- : 10n No. 1017. -ADOPl'ING s;:';;=:T FCR EX~:"1"JRES U' :-"-:C>S ALLOC":!:> 1'Rmot THE 57;':=: HIGHWAY FC~ TO CITIES, n "::l~h was ë::= 1::X1er Ite:n \-: ;. at th1s oee~1r.g. - . :r~~t No. 1685, Ba7~ood (~l~~:y Ave. at Y2rT:.tt Dr.) "~ ~.1nute C:-<!e: _:> :'e::om::>e~'=':i by the City E.."lg1neer ~=r the City C~cl1 to a~:~=r1=e the C1ty E..~1neer :~ 1nform t!le .:eveloper ¡o::i ~~s bond1ng c:>::¡pë.ny that ::-.e improve_œ tonds may ,.~>< be ret1red. .5: "oved b7 C~Il:an Deo:pso;er and seconde:1 by : :~cllr:an JIoe1. ;':.:.5: Counclr- Dempster, FItzgerald. Noel, Stokes, Pinch X;::::;: None Jlctlon carr1ed. 5-0 3. 7::'act No. 1181. Y1IRUND IŒIGIiTS (M1ller A7e. at .s-=--enson Ave.) Å !Unute Order __ recomœnded by the C1ty F:Ðglneer ~=::- the City c."~11 to authCl'1ze the CIty Ð;g1neer ._ 1nform the deweloper and his bondIng coqnrty that ~~.e l:n,rovement Þ:mda may 1".OW ;;" ret1red. -E- .~ ". h ~~. '!:-'... ~.~~,; .- :':;~.f~' ~.'~ :+ .~~~"~~-: ::- ..~ >bl!;:-_ . ., So lIn'ed b7 COImcllDan Hoel am seconded 1>7 Councllman Stokes. AYES; Counc1:lJæ:>. Dcø:ps';~r, Fitzgerald, Hoel. Stolcell. P1.Dch HOES: IfoDe ... . - _100 carrled, .5.0 AMDICtIJ_CŒkCÇIIP~,{St;eftillH:reek Blvd. at; Wolf'e at.) ". . ;;"¡':~':,~,:"Í_ ~~<.;...:_ ~"'. -,~:-. .. 0IrIIIIr.~;1f.Stb; *: Clt)--a :1011"-7 De4s.caUoa. . _. ,"~:.:, 'P;¡t\''':.'~:> - .'. '--~> 'rbe I'eOU" ,..l ~.IO"':'_ t;æClt7 ..,.....r wa. ~ a40pt Rellolut;1aOJro. ~. accept1Ds- I'OIIdwa7 ded~1OD !'rOIl Bdwa1'd &. J. Cali, et. ale C0UDC1~ 11 J ~ ~ ulœd 11' tbe bom. ben been pit; up. Tile CB7- ",""r said no construction or ~oye- _ntll are 1øol"ed at th18 time. Bond. are tortbcoadng. The C1t7 AttarDe7 said he had no objections to thi. rec_nðat1oa b7 the Cit;r Engineer. It wall moved b:r Ccr.Jl'1cllman Noel and secc,med b:r Councllmn De..peter to adn!)1; Resolution No. 1016. AYES: CouncilJRn Dempllter, Fitzgerald. Noel. StOIceIl, PInch NOES: None ~ction carried. 5-0 D. REPORT":;7 CITY ;..:-: :!=.EY 1. Rev1ew of' tr.e Pa::-;c S1tes. Tt".e C1ty J.tt:)l'De7 has rev1e¡;ed the application f'or the Federal grsntll a::è also rev1ewed the park s1';ell and has found the ~!"~ral Plan c01nc1des pretty cuch with those sites cbcse~. The Ctt;r Att0rDe7 quoted para. 2 !'rom the RECOIØŒIIDA- nONS Fœ TJœ PLIJi; "The General Plan should be further deta1led by the preparat10n of precille plana for major thol'ocg!:f'ares, park-school s1tell, ne18hbor- hood plans alld other major elements of' the Plan. as warranted b:r the patterns of growth of the coammlty.· The C1t;r AttorDe7 said the ground work seems to comply w1th the Federal ru1ell. ·No act10n 1s required b:r the C1ty Council at th1a time. The matteot" was ret'erred back to the C1ty Mana.ger. B. ' REPœT OF THE BUIIDDlG INSPECTOR 1. Appl1ca t10n l60-a:: -64, Humble 011 Company. Thill ill for a service statIon to be located on the lfV corner 01' McCle1ùn ux1 S:=>. J"<:hwa~' 9. -7- . He said th1ð appl1cation was ap¡woved, 3-0. per the plans submitted. which Incl,1ded a red clay tilt. root ' with extended canopy, gre;' pUUl1ce block planter~, and the ten standard H-Control cond1tions. 2. Application 15a-HC-6/ò. Mo:>il 011 Company. Thill Is f'or the service station lllated to go on the C01't1er ot StelUng aDd Stevena Creek Blvd. _ Cb1et aalWDg lD8ptctor pve a re_ ot the tbree _et1Jl&8 Ir1tb tile IIobl1e 011 people (one wa. ..~c !....t bt-, , '. ipecUl )....'1iIIt.~ caDeð'!e!tpNeil17 f'or thill appH ,..nt: to 81ft b1a tlllli to re1a7 tile B-Control CœD1ttee I. . ">... c:; ,,<;..... 'tae12llþ tf)"IWr~".M_ to Me 11' the7 could com ·...·:$,,~·h:" .' ·to .oM:acrte~,· ' ';". ....r':~ ~..;. ... ,; !'be Chiet SI1114SJ1c IDBpector pointed out tbat Cba1r- _ft SMll aDdeV1Oe.:.cllla1Mn ~ (the two f'orœer 't.....1. C~.lObara wIIO voted Oft the rezoning and VIe Perli1t appl1catlon) were both absent at the October 27th _etins wilen this a~l1cat10n received H-Cofttrol approval. Act1Jlg Chairman Horgan gave a negatIve vote to tile IIIOtIon and gave the l'ollowing reasons for it: 1. He is opposed to the appearance of th1s station and does not teel full cons1deration has been g1ven 117 Mobil on to Cupertino's growth or the adjacent area 2. Mobll 1s n"t doing what they are capabJ.e of giving. 3. The exter10r colors are contrasting where we should try to have compat1b1e colors. 4. lack of planting and general appearance. 5. We should cons1der the ordinance which states site control as well as appearance. The City Attorney said we must take a cl03e look at the Use Permit and Rezoning Hearing Minutes before any act10n should be taken. Mayor Finch said that he, as a c1tizen. would like to appeal th1s H-Contro1 decis10n and sa1d a wr1tten statement to this etl'ect w111 be f11ed at C1ty Hall. Councilman Fitzgerald sa1d Mobil 011 should be 1n1'ormed of the feelings ot the C1ty Council and should also be informed that the Counc11 has been assured that the Euphrate property which was w1thheld from the college site sale wPl have nothing but professional buildings on it. Councilman Dempster asked that the C1ty C1e¡-k have the Use Permit and Rezciùng files and renderings at the lIext Counell meeting. Planning CODr.lission Cr.a1rman Toomson said he. too, re- members the 1n1'luence the p1cture ..,f the building wit~ the long, sweeping tile roof on the 3-bay station had on the dec1~ion for tr~t app11cat10n's approval. -~- . . P. R!PCIIlr or TIll r.1Io"~(I( DIR!C'l'Œt ¡' "r ':~:!4:'-'~: t:(\ >;,,::' z=t:~,~,.. ...::. t~4 't',ì:¡',_"~ " 1. Tbe RecreaUao DUéctar 11814 thll ap¡»Ucat1on IIbCNld be cOll¡)1.ete4 ~or ~l rund. and read,. t;o send t;o tile Sm Pr_~ ,",:, ."~l ot'f'1ce If1th1na daJ' or two. We caD ~~. ~:..JIeer t'roIa tile. b7 TbaDIaIs1Y1DS. 2. ,~~~~~~~,~.~: ==... CaJ#~~~f_1a .t1li!t., ~~W, r....... ~~_. tIleD UIIt 1~-fta1uat1l!l: .:-.~~ Ø'CUA-.._ fI«)IIDRJ. .... -rt J"- eo- of tlle1r aoo~14.--.. .....·1 ,-' ...: :,:,:L·~·~·· 3. DIe B1eIo"~ .,-1 D1atr1ct and ~ 1:1110 11&_..- uoíÌ .,..ei - -<t... è~ ,Jó1œ:pnl'ClaL1J!C o~ equ1~t to r1lo].e tbea t;o taII8 adY8Øtqe o~ greater dlscOUDta. IX 1JII1PIRISIŒI) ØJ8I11B8S A. Invitat10n to CoaIIc2.l t;o lnIIpect ~ac1l1t1ell at Sherìl'f' 'II De~nt. It wall noted th1a ltea ball been on the agenda lIevera1 t1mes. It _II dec!ded tile Councll wou1d accept this inv1tat1on on ODe o~ those datell not used by the meeting w1th tile IIchoo1 board.. '!'he C1ty Manager 111 to _Ice arrange.mtll. B. Tilere 1s a vaca=y Oft the Libra!')' Coaa1111110n f'or which the COIF ,'ton.... recoasecded Mrs. Catiler1ne Gaspich. So =cved by Counc1lmar. Jempster and seconded by Counc11- an 'oel. J'.ct1cn carr1ed. 5-0 C. Stevens Creek Blvd. ::provementll. Mayor F1nch 1n1'__d the Councll and the aud1ence that Pedera1 1'und., or a1lthorizat1on to proceed. are soon to be realized. PrO .&-'l:". ptt)1IIents w111 be made all the worle gets under -1'. The City Manager said we just have the prel1m1nary plana 110 tar. The Mayor l'e1t so.e cona14erat10n IIhould be given to the eng1Deering on tb1a ¡roject at th111 t1me. He allked the City EDa1neer U Ida 1Itat'~ could work tMII into thll1r schedule. The Clt7 J!:hg2.neer sa14 that if' M. dePl"'tment dropped everythiDs el8e they could do the engineering tor Stevens Creek Bbd. StIIprovements in about 1 months time. . ' In v1ew of' the tt.e e1e_nt involved, a consulting engineer 11111 be reta1 'led tor tb1a aSllellllment d1strlct. -9- - - D. cOImCUan StoIrea reported to the Council that he, as their repreHntaUv. GD tbe Trafflcn)'s Coad~, has to _kAt a rec~ndatlOD ...tller or not the TrattlcwaJ'll Coadttee sbaald J01l1 rØl'CeÍl with the Y.ass Transportation C01ll!l1ttee or ream' N.'" ..~,f'i-Om tile... ,It wall b1s perllcmal f'eel1ng tbat tbeC~tt I r. remam lIe¡moate, bat he wanted to IaICW '- tbe relit: tW tbe Counclb1en telt aboUt It. _-"'t. .....", It ..~ -............... ~ ..'2,...i~. ."'.fJd.·:;'k,, :: _ M '." '. 'Í c<;·... 1110 ~ifto ~JId tbe ..~&. ::1":. æ' " ' in ..~.~ b'oa tbe ilia. Trans- \e1:1"Iá';j;ia ö' ,,- . ' £ " '. . ", " ~,.."'" . '. r -~ . ~ -l - '. '." -. ",. . . , . , . '\j,.,. " ,,1__'" "':L~.~ ~,~ :\"tC'" , ,"... ."'. .~" ,1Iot1aD carr1e4. 5-0 . ,,:,";.*"f",,~-.,. . ,,> . '", ~;:~f.~:..'Ìi~~z.;¡,~~~';' ~~\' t~.tllÍt ... dt¡r ball. , ,'.. " . ~1a~ 'to iM' a1.îu.1IC. tbat tb. Coaacl1 bad 8et witb tba c1tJ' baU ariIIdteet at taU offices aD4.rerieWd ftI'~ reJlder1JlCll, or _..It tbe c_~ oœ.e tIIne to ban ....HDted at tlda -.t~. :'!;'.i,'-!l-::ð·'~ fte Clt)- Clatt ,. the tbree reø1er111p aD the bulletin board tor all to _. ~ were of' a 1IOdern, a rIIIItlc. am a sea1-cr'-1 t7P8. '!'be architect rKO nded Þh1b1t A-'l -- the 1'UIIt1c. Hl's. Juanita IleIaren., local real estate bro.....·. Hid llhe spoke recent17 witb an arch1tect who would l1ke very IllUCh to COllIe to CUØou't~ and design a city hall more in Jœep1ng w1th the t)'pe of' architecture of' the DeAnza Colleg". She œ-ged that a tile roof' be 1ncorporated into tile plans and to get r1d of' the -Japanese tea room look. n =:0. J. P. Brown said you can get an Early Cal1f'orn1a design w1thout going to the expense or a tHe roof. Councillnan F1tzgerald sa1d toe liked Exb1blt A-1. the concrete w1th the des1p1 on it. Cc:unc1lman )foe! 1J.ked the one with the Be. :i.-oriental f'lavor a:ñ the one with the concrete w1th the design on 1t. He re1~ the cost "oa1d be a big l'actor 1n making any decll110n. He suggested 8DDtber study session. The Mayor l'e1t nothing would be gained b7 having another study session. It was IIOVed b7 Couacl1man Fitzgerald and lIecondE.d by Councilman StoJœ. to approve Plan A-1, with a rev1ew 01' the design or t:~ cap. Counc1lman St«*u ..id ,he was laaprelllled b7 tbe changes made on the root. C0ImC1lman" J.':Î"__J4: _111 the' arch1teut should know what he 18 C101ng'&1d _..-ctll h111 ,fudgrel1t. . - MaJOl'Mncti..dci.ú_~1~i that thè archi~~ 111 getting aerosa the ' ,r..ì ~ of' the Cupertino oor1tage. He d1d not think thoae reDlla"SJIIP presented at this Illeet1ng 1'1t the character of' tbe Cj,t:7 or Cupertino. -10- C=llmar. Sto/œs felt tr.at the Space Age has played an i:;crtant pa.%'t !n the èeve l()?~.ent at Cupertino and he r~ls the arcr.1tect has l:,:"q;:1'; this out 1n h13 des1gns. !'I:1.¡or Finch counte!'ed wlth the remark tt'.at DeAnza College aX the new bank :n the ':':Jwn Center were also very 1Çortant f'acto:a to be e;)<lS1dered. '\.'C. Cømcllman P1i:zpra1d, elected thia paat J81U', asked the IIQar aDd V1ce-llaJ01" what bad 1I'3de the Couacil hire tb1a arcb1tect 1n tbe ~1røt place. C_"-" De..-ter said tile arcb1tect _ appolnted 117 a pNYioua Council, a1ld be aDd tile .. . l1li: 1IQor, the onq rea."... _be~1I hca tllat «:-11. 1fIJ1"e the two IIbo bid DOt voted tor tIda pU't1cu1ar uocb1tect to draW up tile pJaDa f'or o..--UJlO IS cß7 tal1. ADIS: ':ouncl~ P1tqerald. 1Ioe1, Stokes IIŒ!S: C0UDC1~ De.pster. Pf.llch Motion carr1ed. 3-2 It was moved b7 Councilman StOkell and se(¡onded by Councllman P1tzpra1d to 1nIItruct the architect to prxeed wlth the Scheme A-I planll. ¡,r~: Counc1l:1en DeClpllte:-, F1tzgerald, Noel, Stokes N::33: Mayor ?~oo;ch Motlo::. .:arT~~, 4-1 XI ADJC::~~NT It "ë.~ :lOved by Cc=~~l~.an ¡¿,-:pter and secor.ded by Councl1man Stoòces :.: adJoU:'r. ':;~e ~et1ng at 9:35 P.X. to Konday, Nove=¿:- 9th, at :::::7 P.all a: 3:00 P.M. ;'PF?:CVE::,: /,,/ Paul H. F1r..ch Mayor A.a.~.l: t--.tA.« I ---. tl~-C:- ':i:y Clerk -11-