CC 10-26-64
~ SO. SARATOGA-SUHR!YAŒ 1mID, t;unwu.l.llO. CALIP. 95014 ~2-4505
Q.¡c.d.1no, caltfom1a .
.., . .-- OP '1'!IB AD.TOOIIIIBD ___"11 DB'l'IIiG oJ!> THE Cl'1'Y cœJfCIL, 10/26/64
,..' I.
, C1t7 Ball, 10321 So. SUatoga-Sunn7Yale RoIId
8:00 P.II.
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~u. CALL
n-....1~ PlM I.:
ftt;zcerald, Hoel, Stoba. Jl'.l.øcb
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COUDCl1MD .bRat;:
Starr present:
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11111 mella1Dl. Cit7 .u ArcJd.teot
C1t)- nu.aer Pb11 SW1'll
C1t;7 Cleft IarI7 Jlart1n
Bob Wilson
Dine Ia1ng
n lIa~r P1ncb 1W4 . letUr 1'rom Counc1l1Bn Delçater dated
October 26th ft].U_ to the City Hall.
'rile Mayor tIleD called Upon the various Counclloen l'or opinions
on the subject ot ~ C1t)' Hall.
Counci1œ.n Fitzcua14 A1d that he 18 satia1'1ed v.tth tile plan
all 1t present17 1It;u:ds except that he hall some ~servationll
with respect to ~ root and he would like to hear t'roIII the
arc!-.1tect on this IlUbject. He 1s 1n f'avor of' the basement
It it ~an be 1nclged 1I1th1n the 8:)Ount approved by the
Counc1l:nan Heel ~d _ JlUst pro~eed on the pre=1se that no
more than $450,000 can be exper.ded. If' the base::1ent can be
constr.:cted without 1'1gure. then he is 1n l'avor
ot the basement. !Ie is in agree:::i!:'It with the existing f'loor
Coune1l::1a., Stokeø ~ that the :'loor plan is CK -- fUnct10na1.
but he is not cClllp1etely sold on the arch1tect1n'e. He l'eels
that the scale lIIOde1 t!:rQws the ~rspeet1ve out 01' proportion
and he would l1Iœ to some other t:rpes 01' architecture on
the 8aI:Ie basic desJ.e,n.
Mr. Blessing, the &rr.h1.tect, sa1d he feels the building 1s
ecol1CCl1ca1 and lIde:;uate tor the present and 1'0r the fUture and
will not be obsolete b7 the time it 1s ready f'or occupancy.
Ife described It _ an attract1ve. f'unctional, represent-
Ing the City ot ~1no &nd corresponding to the 41rectives
and op1n1ons ot ~ Oøuncl1, present and past. The cost estimate
tor the bUl1c11ng ~ the present plans 11111 total $381.200 with
$77,000 adcU.tloDa1_ the estimate tor the basement, it any.
He said rurtber t:IIat; :it 1s his IInderatlUYUng that the Councl1
wants a bu11d1Dc tvr $350.000. tl1e rema1n1ng $100,000 to pay
tor tum1.turs, ,...II~ap1ng, site improvements, f'acUltlell,
et cetera.
Be then dJ.IIPlaJ'IId .. explained at some l~sth several slides
depicting the bn'J''""'8 t'rom various perspectlvell. The slidell
cona1sted ot pI.,,"'-_ or tile model.
Cona1derable 41_111901 f'ollOlfed a<lOng the CocncJ.1 in general.
The 1Iayo1' stated UBt; he persornlly does not f'avor the pro-
posed CA.ty Hall _ bId:1ce.t;ed by t:le sGale JDOdel betore the.'ll
but he teelll t!IaC 1t; :Is no!; nee~!sar1ly to.111 pe1'IIOna1 opinion,
which should .44.. ,.. IIut fIIther the op1.n1on or t:I::e pgb110 at
...,i.:, large and it 1a.. f.."don tQ secure a C1.t7 Ball which will
~"""~!"":'\;:}/~P1'eIIent the r.,:;~,Qlpert.~. He apeea 1.11&1: 11; 1r. impossible
, ~,1A~ ",- J.-
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to _tit!)' evt:l"JOne a!1d tile pLramount a1m ot the CotUlcll shouJJ be to
-.1:ruct a City Hall which w111 pNperly rep1'l!sent the C1tr of CUpertino.
Being asked ~ the City Council. the CIty Manager sa1:1, 1n
. "'7. tlat he conll14ers the City Hall design an excellent one,
~___ntting the nature or 1;be City. He added a 1IOrd or caut10n lest
t;be arcb1teoture be llpolled by JDSk1n,~ some l111ght change which would
......e incompatible.
meouaelon conti......, 88>JIg the Council.
Moved ~ Couno1æn,lIDel, lecond 111 Counc11an Stokel, that the
~ 41recU.. be ø- to tile arcb1tect, Mr. 81.all1ng, to wit:
1. All èoate' DÓ1;- t;Ó' ~tiedt-'50,ooo;
.'.~ -';" ,.,-
2. BatDate ooÂII·~ ~ 10ta and landecap1ng and teell and
IlUbtftC1¡ ~ _. total _...,od1ture;
3. UabC tb1a t1cuJoe~ tile architect has a directive to come up
with a plan to:
(a) Show one or two external treatments of' the present
fioor plan.
(b) Attempt to express a d1f'terent design and
(c) Introduce a collt estimate Inclt:d1ng a t-asement frolll
the residual oOllt estimates.
Ibtlon carried. 4-0'
In Moved by CouncllJan Stoke". second by Councilman Noel to adjourn
at 9:35 p.m. to TburIIc!aY. Ifovemb-!r 5t!l, at 8:00 p.III.. C1ty Hall.
".otIon carried, 4-0
Isl Pa~l H. Finch
~ayor. City of Cupert1no
~..~ t:- {ICL::C.._..:
City Clerk
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