CC 10-19-64 .".-, ',Tf"·,~~,,___'!*:fT;'f/IIIfIIIf:IJ1---"--·" _.-......_-,...,...-.~".,.- . . 10321 So. i!IiT 9, Cupertino Calif., 9:5:>14 252-4505 CITY OP CUPERTINO Cun:aTINO. ¡;':':'¡PORNIA ,.;;.._:..... OF filE RmULAR BllÁx.¡aQ OF T~ CITY COOXCIL - Oct. 19, 1964 ',1/,'. . 'ø;lCBì Eoard Roo-.. C-..- t1nn Si:boo1 D1Iñrj,ct; O1'f'lce ~::'. : ....., 8:00 P .... :I SAImE 1'0 THE FLAG :c: ROLL CALL Couno:l:J1en present: Coune1:::an absent: ~ei1Pster, Fltzgera1d, Noel, Pinch Stolœ " Staff ~-esent: City Kanager, PI'.H Storm C1ty Engineer I ;'!lt~ lah1 C1t7 Clerk, Larry }:art1n C1ty a: Traffic :lal""1er, Adde Laurin Ch.1e!" Bul1j.1ns. Ir..spector, Bill Benev1ch Recreat10n V!re;~Jr, John Parham Recording Secrcta:'Y, Lois Inwards :L:;I MlNUT~ OF THE P!Œ';-rCC':: !ŒE'~U¡J - ùctober 5. 1964 It was ::oved by C=clll!Bn Nee1 ¡¡"j sp.coroded by C"'..IJ1ci1aan P1tzge:,~lj to apprClve the Minuti!S Jf October 5, 1964. :·1·;:.t1;r. :~_-:-~cd.. 4-0 xv ORAL .~:; WRITTEN CC»l'4UNICATIONS A. Oral -- There we:-e nor.~. B. W:'"~:ten 1. :.etter from Cupertln,) C~~¡:¡be!' of COl!llleree ask1r.g that the week ot October 22 - 23 be procla1med "Chamber of COlDDerce Week.· S" moved ~ Councilllftn Dempst~r and lIeconded by Counc11man P1t%g~rald. Mot10n carried, 4-0 ,2. Ccpy of Tre:ña 1011;;1.'1 the Go1è:.?n Gate (an industrial guid&.) -1- '~_.~~.I~~;""'.-_.,--,.,- .. v 3. ì:ot1c~ ')¡' 1327 Mea Trar:1" Exec:;t1ves I ceet1ng. 4. :Letter from Fremont Union High Scr.ool District atatir..; they car.r,ot attend ceetings on Fr1day n1ghts. 5. Letter fro.. Cb3Irøan Small of the H_coptro1 CoDDittee ask1ng for review of Sign Ord1nanCe. :::t was move:! b7 Councll11Bn Hoel and seconded by C0UIIC11an Fitzgerald 1;0 recelye the wr1tten ca.uni.catl0D8. Motion carried. 4-0 REPCIIT OP '1'IIB PLAlIIIDlG cCIQCISS1œ1: (See II1nutes of' October 1 &: 8) There wall no verbal report. v:r ORDINANCES AND RESOWrIONS Fœ ADOPTION: t I t A. RESOL11rION 1012: DECLARDlG CANVASS OF RETURNS AND RESULT OF SPECIAL MUNICIPAL BOND EIECTION. Resolution 1012 was read by the C1ty Clerk. It was moved by CouncIlman Dempster and seconded by Counc1lman Fitzgerald to adopt ResolutIon lC12. AYES: Councilmen Dernpster, F1tzgeralo., No"l, F1nch NOES: None ABSENT: Councilman Stokes MotIon carr1ed, 4-0 B. RESOL11rION 1000: GIVING NOl'ICE OF THE PROPOSED ANNEXATION OF CSIlTAIN UNINHABITED TEIffiITORY TO "'HE CITY OF CUPERTINO. DESCRIBING SAID TERI!ITORY AND DESIGNATINO IT BY THE NA:Œ OF "STATE 64-3"; GIVING NOTICE OF TIME AND PLACE SAID COUNCIL WILL HEAR PRC7rESTS THERETO. Resolution 1000 was read by the CIty Clerk. It was moved by Councllœn Dempster and seconded by Councilman Noel to adopt Resolution 1000. AYES: Counc11men Dempster, Fitzgerald, t;oe1, F1nch NOES: None ABSENT: Councllr.1.n Stokes Motion carried, 4-0 ^ _C,_ ~~,..-..,~* C. RESOWl'IGrI 1001: G:;:C:ù I;(~rIC¡" OF THE PRO?OSED ANNZIATION OF CEi\7A:;::: UNINHABlTEí> TE:'.fu.""TOHY TO m CITY OF CUPERTINO, ;)t:3C?IBING SAID TERRITORY AND DESIGRA'l'~~ IT BY To:': ¡¡;':S 07 "fiICARDq 64-4"; OIVllfG Jiar¡CE OF TI)(E .t.'ID PLACE SAID COUtICIL WILL iIEAR . PRŒ'ESTS THERt.--¡'O, Rellolal¡~ 1001 was r"ad !>y tt.e CIty Clerk. It _._...4 by CO'.¡n::11a.n Fitzgera]d and seconded bFCounci1llBn Noel to adept Reao1utlœ 1001. A!BS: CouDcl1men ~1IIp8ter, Fitzgerald, lioel, Pinch 1IœS1.·... AæBIft': Councilman Stokes Motion carried. 4-0 D. RBSOImIœ 1015: RESOIDl'ION OF THE CITY OF CUPERTINO At11'HœzzING FILl~ OF AFPLICATION FOR GRAIll' TO ACQUIRE OPEN SPACh LAND. Resolution 1015 was read. h¡ the City Clerk. The Recreat10n Dire.:tor expla1ned that federal funds for park land would come from the !lousing and Holi'.9 Financing Department, Urban Renewal Agency, at a total cost not to exceed one mi1110n dollars; the federal goverr.ment to pay thirty pE'reent of th1s. The Recreat10n Director stated that this applicat10n can now be ~nd1ed in the Reg10nal Off1ce in San Franc1sco within two to thl'ee weeks. The Reerea~10n Dlrect~r f~ther statej that th1s federal ~oney can be öSed only for the ~urehas~ of land.. not roI' St:T1;...~t\.;.;,.·e~ cr equ~.p..œnt. There has been a recent a'DE'r.<i"18nt t:-.1t ex1"tir.g stra'otures on the land, 11' 'the1r "o'er: ¡ does not exceed one-third of the cost of that parcel, can be include·l. It W·IS moved by CowlcU;:.an I~oel and secoooed by Councilman Dempster to at:thorL~e the Clty Manager to procee~ w1th the applic~t1on for federal funds to be used far park lam acquisition. AYES: Counc11men Deopster, Fitzgerald, Noel, Finch NOES : None ABSENl': Counc1lman Stokes Motion carried, 4_0 -<- ·, 't" " ,.." VIII rAYm BILlS A. !!esolut100a 1;)13 "nd 1:>14 Resolution 1013 was reaci "''' ':'rea surer ¡r~tz:gerald. It wall _ed ~ Counc1l11'.::n Uelq'ster and lIeconded b)f Counc1118D JIoe1 to adop1; ReSOl:1UOD 1013. .¡us: ~ Dempster. JP1tspra]4. 11081, PlDcb JIŒS: ....:-:>" ABSBIIT: ~1'-n stokes IIot:lon carried, _..0 lIeso1utlOD 1011J was read 117 '1'realNNr J'ltzprald. It was l8Oye4 ~ Councllœr. Dempster acd lIecOllded by Councll.-n 1Ioel to adopt Resolution 1014. AYES: C0UI1C1J.111Em Dempster. ~1tzgera1d, Noel, Pinch !l0ES: None ABSENT: Councilman Stokes Mot10n ca~1ed, 4-0 F.E:"::RT OF O!"'FI::ERS . -~. P.EPORT OF C!'l'Y TREASURE ~ounc11man Fitzgerald sta:ed he had noth1r~ further to report. E. REPORT OF CITY MANAGER 1. In regard to the park ~nd acqu1!:1t1c.n, 1t 1s necellsary to get an appra1sal fr~ two r~al estate brokers. The .;~ty Manager suggested perhaps Messrs. lIarr:er 1il11son and Jol'll McGo.dan would be wise ch01ees. Counc11man Dempster stated that the brokers should œye certain q=l1ficationa that ..ould stand up in court so, 1n case of' condemnat10n procee41r1gs. the1r app:-a1sals ..ould be valid and thlll would av01d dup11cat1on of work. It was _ed by Counellman Noel and seco:Jded by Councl~ Dempster to author1~e the C1ty :-1anager to proceed with the select10n of two brokers to appra1lle t;he land "arœr!ted for city parka. Mot1on carried. 4_0 -4- ., 2. Tbe B"'..a:Ie7 Avenue prc:>erty owners Dear the acboo1 bave coopcrat~ and pUT. 1n curt.l!. g¡¡tters and Id4ewalks. The :~ty MaMg'!::" ar.no\!D~ed that 111nce ~œ lallt Co=~~l meet1ng, 1;he property owners CD Elane:r Ave=e l to the Jio:'th) have açee4 W do the Ba¡:;e. ,~'.:,. . 3. orr.m.e' lÛt.~ala at IIar7 Avenue aII4 Homestead. 'ftie csq.... been uDd to J 8rtldp¡.te 1n the .t¡p-'H~Oft of tb18 l.'1tel'aecUoø. ~.:\ ;.;.i.::, L--,..;." \'be:-=--"" sll&Pstecl a 1et1:e1' be written to t.. .....1t1 D1atr1ct tlat tltlen ~ AvemMI ill ext", '¡A ,ad tltlen pro..-t:r 111 dedicated to ~,. _ w0uJ4 be 1ntereste~ 111 J 8rtlc1pat1nt!, in ~.. a:ø.aUzaticn or th1s corner. ..t<:. ,." IIaJ'Or I'1Dcb .said he would Ui'.e to postpone aI1;y c.:¡ ..-1;lon on th111 unt11 the Council meets with tile SchoOl Boards to d1scuss the Mary Avenue exteD61on. 1:. Wolf'e Read. The trees lr.ve been :'e:>cved from the r1ght-of- way. Xr. V;uod has I;a~:i that the S';ate has requested l' of subg:,,,-:ie, plus 1 r of asphalt surrac~, 1ncreasin¡; :he cost by about $20,000. After cocaultation w~~h the C1ty L."1gineer, the C1ty "¿,~ger feels a:: .:>g1neer's solI analys1s shou~ be ::ade of the roadway tc. detertn1n.. if the óddit1aca1 I' of mate:,~:l is necesaar-J' The Cl~7 Eng1neer st2.t¿:i that the re~'_test W23 actua11,. f'cr 2' or t18t£:,:al. - . To...n Ce::te::": Regna:,t :i:,ain 1s ::ow ;'e~.ng 1nstalled. Streets have been stz.ked and trees w11l be relllOved from the r~~t-of-way next >Ieek. 6. B11s have been recei~ed f~:, re~~val of trees !'rom the ccrporat~~n ;¡a."¿. ~ ,. )Ia.-y A veJ:>8 __ 60 I or 9C I . Pros and coaa _re discussed. It was po1nted out that a DO-park1ng 6<' I w1dth woul.:1 aceolllJlo- dste.4 ~ lanes or tral'f1c. The elementary school distrIct will de,i1~ate property to the weat ot the ~~ school. That por1;Jen ot larA ala"",, ;;he h=Ch £ehco1 1f1ll re<¡u1re ~O·. 'l'i>e land If1;-~ 1n the Jo=ladict1on or th!J c.!.e:Ir.nta:-J school :'1str1ct ",,:¡-ñrea 34 I. -~- ~-~~,~,~,"I '\ ;;,3 . Councl1111an Joel felt the Poothill College people IlboU1d be invited to this jðir.t meeth-.g since this w111 be one or the œ1n routes to DeA.'1Za College. , Counc1lman Dempster feels past d11'f'1cultie6 were the result of lack or co...nnn1Pstion (Nar invo1v1Dg our present C1ty Manager). lie feels a _tms. with Poothill, Fremont and Cupert1:1o Elementar7 School D18trict would be very produc1;~ft. . 1Ia~ Jliæb ..Ired tile C1t7 ~1neer 1.:' be bad availalí1e .....: .1IItaraUoo as to coet or deye1opmaøt; or the IIIi7 Avenue e1tteDalO11 for both 60' aø1 90'. '!'be Clt7 Engineer said this 1Df'_t1OD 18 available, but it 18 1n hill off'lce. ;;. The Cl1õ7 Ma!Iager was inclined to lean towarc! the 60' rather than go' road w1dth. He f'e1t this probab17 was the bone of con,;ention in the past. The C1ty llanager was 1nstructed to arrange a Jo1nt meeting. Since Fremont School D1str1ct haa a new Board Room, it was fðlt that he should ask 11' the meeting could be held there. :3. P. G. /I: E. has converted their 1ncandeseent street lights to mercury vapor r:xtures at no cost to the C1ty. An agreement t;> ttd.3 effect is rorthcoming. 9. The Junior Chamber o~ Come::,¡::e has r~que3ted per~1ss10n to sell Halloween ean1y -- door-to- door and in booths in eonor.ere1al establishr.'.entg. Mr. Jaclœon was pres~nt to spe<.k in their behalf . It was brought out that 1n the past, the Chamber of Commerce distr1buted free car.dy and th1s did ~ot go over well because bus]nes3men felt this cut 1nto their sales and also, children w1th st1cky candy ca= into their stores and soiled the merchandize. Mr. Jackson surgested that perhaps the Cnamber of CODlllerce w",,:!.d 11ke to purchase candy !'rom the JW1ior Chamber of Commerce and then give 1t sway. -5- ':' .,~~--: '" ::,;1 ..7:" '.!~, ?:':.<,,',,:' j "'~,l ;~'$.J; I·;:~~' . -.-,,">, c~ > "".... 1 It lléaS 110_ ~ ~ounJ1lJ:.an Noel am see<llded by Counc1l11Bn 11ltz¡:;erald to perm1t door-to- doer eellJnc cl' HallQ;¡feen candy by the Junior Cha~r or C~ rce and to try to get a location for a booth. Motion carried, 4-0 10. Solicltor'a J..~. GIOll'1a ~.q" IIU If1tblSrawn ~... appUca1;1oÞ tar . aol101uri* 11Òe_. C. RBPOR'l at '1'IIB Cl'I'I' ØJI1ŒER 1. '.rra{:t 50. 3743. ~rt1no '1'cm1 Center. '1'be Clt7 ~1Deer aid apprœ1mate1y 50J' of' the 41" R.C.P. baa beeD installed at the Silverado ditch. 2. Grid System -- Hnuse Number1ng. In ol'ller to lICt.ec1ule stal't work, the C1t7 Engineer would like to either II>:ve a study lIell1l1on with the Councll to dlsc\\Ss t!:e grid lIyste:¡ or' drop the project !'rOD the aet1ve Hst tor the ti:>e be1ne;. !b~or Fl:lCh sa~:i the Inter-Cit:; Co.mcll will be dlseWls1."1g ti113 s,jrt of thing. Counc.:l::-an Noel is Cupert!~o's re?rese~tatlve on the !~ter-C1ty Counc1l. It was CIOVed by CO\U1C!lcan Noel and ::econde'Cl oy Counc!l=an ~e~ter ~o drop the ~id sya~em proJ~~t ~r~o t~ City =~~~~~cr'~ dctlve ¡1~t :or t:te ;::-esent. AYES: Counc11::>en Dempster, Noel, Fir.ch NOES: C=c11can F!tz.ze,·ald AB:::EN'l': Counc11can Stokes Mot10n carr1ed, 3-1 D. REPORT OP THE CITY A'l'l'ORNEY .Because the Cit;v At~orney was' unable to attend th1a CO\:llCl1 meeting. he asked the City Clerk to 1n1'orm the Council that he !!as filed suit aga1nst M\>ltl- Pr1zes, Ir.c. (~. c. V. Barre~t) to Abate a ~\laance. H~31'lng ~ lte is IIcheduled for Octoher 27th. ~ -,- '.,'.k''''''-__ , -r:' ?,,{U;;'. ,.'; 'j.,' ~;'" '~;~, "-;- - ..... , L E. REPæ'.r œ '2'Ø3 BU:IID:mG :INSPECTOR 1. App11.~1œ 156-BC-64, Blau Neon, to eonat1:'œt a 2' x 10' a1n&1e ~~ce. plastic and _tal 111um1- nated sJÐ1 at 1GÚi") Blane)' Avenue ro:' Barbara 'II Yarn . YardaP _:5 app..""Oved 1»' the H-Contro1 Coaa11:œe . 2. App~ 157-11:-64, Portal P1aza I!IIuber Sbop, 1D ....1.'1:. a11.-tal sip, 7' It 1" It 10· CD Sr~~~U ~e4, "',Ject to tile ooøl1tlCD -_.::1ìSP åbàU cOlltcra Wi1:h øSaUDs deaitP> .*\:',ì"_'.x atie of 1;boae OI;11:be p1aa parlor aøI 114."- .._ So tb1a 1Ibnpp1J!C aenter. 'fbe~¡:;,;p....;~..~ IDapec1:or st;ated t181; 1;h18 a~.....-I.eCI1;1Ie B-Contr01 co..1~ 1;0 ~ . ~ 1;0 1;1Ie C1t)- Council reques1;1Dg r.ne.' ot tile ssen ord1nanCe. 3. App11cat1aD 158-11:-64, Mo¡,l1 on lIerv1ce station at SB C...d81' of' stevens C.-eek Blvd aDd St;ell~ Pod. 'l'h11Ì application _s ccnt1nued untll the Ilpec1al meting on October 20th to glve tile applicant a chance to check l'urthet" tilth hilS hoae ol'f'ice. Chau-.&n &1811 _II on the .·}annlng Coœñsalon tlK" n1gM tb11t ap;¡licat1on was approved b)' that bodY' aDd t'3e ÁttorrleJ' dlsplayed a photograph or a 3-ba7, ..lIe rool' serv1ce stat10" The appllcad; nOW pro;>e>BeS :a 2-bay.:ith a dll':'erent roof'l1ne. 4. Appl1Cl\t~= ~59-HC-64. Unlon 011 service stat10n at the ~!: ::::.:-,.iòO" of Paciflca & HIr,; 9, 'n the PC-H zone. vall approved w~th the H-1;ùn';ro1 ten etandard co~it10ns. Councl1man ?1tzgerald agreed that a rev1ew of' the sign ord1nalU'e is certainly ln order. Mayor Pinch rec~øled the Chief Bu1lding Inspector be -¡¡resent at the next Planning Coœñss10n oeeting to :i1¡,1CU8S th1a. P. REPOR'l' OF ~'fiœ DIRECTOR The Recrea1;1oD Director stated they w111 soon be cpening two __ c1as..s. At present, 1;bey Jave 134 hours of activlt;les scheduled. T;~ average 1Iee~S' attenðance at Recreation Depa1'tlllent activit::'es :. 2032. -8- '¡'!)e L1ve 1aJg a:;ð L1:ce I~ group ot semœ- cit1z<;!nB has asked ~o èe 1ncluded in tt'.e Rec:-ea';!on De,art- ::.ent '0 actlvlt¡es. ]X UN?INISHED BCSIJi!1:3S J... :UscellalJeoc;~ ;'. .~,.,~ ..'~ 1. Inv1tat1aa to Council to inspect fac1lities at Sber11't'". DeJlBZ1;œnt. The C1~ -'~I rell1Dded the CcIImcI1 the1; th1ll "JU14 he . Yfa7 1n1'arlBt1ve aJd p1ea8aDt œeting and 1;1&1; J.t can 1Dc1U11e either :bIDcb or d1mer wb1ct,e.~ 1;be C0UDC11 prefers. , ~'. .F <è "4'" 'f:¿;'.~.: t,v· .) Since ODe CoøJIcllmi>..''I. was out Ill, It _s decided thill v0u!4 be discussed further when a 1'u11 Council ~ present. :z: I8i BUSINESS /... mscellaneous Sign Ord'--"T\ce Rev1ew. Counc1:'=:¡ Den:pster felt one approach to this rev1ew v=ld be for the H-Contro1 CO!2L1ttee to subo.1~ s':ggested changes 1n tt'.e s1g:> ordinance to the ?~1ng Comc1ss10n. Mayor ?'r.~:: sa1d h~ plans to be preser.: at the Sign ~~~n~e review bec~use he reels c~~ng~s in it a~e :~ order. It >las =ved by Counc11rr.an Del!lpster 8""d seconded by Co-..o:-.:11=. ¡¡oel to refer the i!-CQ:,::ro1 letter to the ?:èa=ing Comission. Motion carried, ~_o ". Meet1r.g with City Hall arch1tect. It vas SUf',gested by Councilman Dempater and agr~ed ..:;:on by the rema1ning Counc Il.1:1en to D'eet with t!:e architect next Monday, October 26th, at 8:00 ?~., at C1ty Hall. XI AD JC!..'RNMENT It vas moved 17 Counc11oan Dempster and seconded Ir,f Ccu...,,~nman Noel to adjourn the ceet1ng at 9:10 P.M. APPROVED : '-. . ~':¡~c...L'" CJ.t7 Cler·~ /s/ Pa..l H. Pinch "'7Cr / 1--- -.. ~ t~..~ .<1..