CC 10-05-64 10321 So. H>fj" 9, Cupertino, Caur., 95<,:l¡ 252-4505 CITY 01' CUPER':'IliO Ct Þ¿t'l'Ir~O, c ~LIPORNIA IUJIIT.&:_ OF THE REGULAR PmJ5rJ.l'lG OF 'l'HS CITY COOHCIL, OC'l'OæR 5. 1964 PLACB: Board Booa, Cupertino School D~str1ct; ot1'1ce !1JIB: 8:00 P.... I SALUTE TO TIIB FLAG II ROLL CALL: Counc1lmen present: Dempster. Fitzgerald (8:10). Noel, Stokes, F1nch Coun~ll:œn absent: Non.. Staff ¡o:-esent: City Manager Phil Storm City Engineer Ants lahi City Attorn~y Sam Anderson City Clerk Larry Martl~ City & Tra~fic Planner Adde L~urin Ch1ef Bldg Inspector Bill Benevlcl' Recreation D1rector John Parham aeco:-dinb Secreta:-y Lo13 Inwards III MIN1!:-=..S OF THE PRE'llOUS MEETINGS - September 8 & 21, 1S;64 It was ~oved by Counc11~an Stc~es e~d seco~~ed by Counc11man Noel ~~ approve the M1nutes of £eptember 3, 1964. Motion carr1ed, 4-0 It was ::oved by Counc11man Noel and seconded by Councilman Stokes to approve the Minutes of September 21, 1954. Motion carried. 4_0 IV ORAL A.'ID WRITTEN COMIoIUNICATIONS A. 0.31 -- None B. Vr1tten 1. W1thdralfS1 of' Pledge of Secur1ties f:-om First Valley Bank. 2. ¡.otter !'roO! 1tl~s3y, Eam & Bla1r. -1- 3. lIot~~e or Foothill College D1."1:1er on October 18th. 4. Resc:ut10n rrOlll Pc:1nt H"enerœ opposIng Proposit10n 14 en the November ballot. ~ >,~+ ..., 5. letter !'rom Fu_1. School L1str1ct regard1ng the ~-break1ng ceremonies f'or ~brook IU&b School. 6. LeUer 8Sk1JlS ~be Clt7 or Cu~rt1no to JI1'OC1a1ll the ftù or October. - 10 as Nat10na1 pœr.aq Week. Sò mqd' II,- Coœcn.n ~olœs and secoJ.M II,- c-!1aan Roel. ,,~ IIotlon carr1ed. 4-0 7. Notice !'rom :Inter-Clt)- Councll regardiJIS f'~....tlon or an adYll101'7 c~~e tò make a study in .-e68rd to tile Count7'II 701 Próg1·am. It liaS moved II,- Counc11man Stokes and seconded by C~1lman Noel to adopt Resolut10n 10~1. AYES: Councilmen Dempster, Noel, Stokes. Finch Nœ:s: None ABS!Yr: Counc11aøn F1tzgerald ~ot10n carr1ed, 4-0 It was 1:I:\"ed by CO\IDc11man Stokes and secondeci by Counc11- man Noe: to rece1ve the w:01tten co:m:un1cat10rB. Mot10n carr1ed, 4-0 V JŒPORT OF :S PLANNING C~ISSION: (See M1nutes of Sept. 28th) Chairman Tlx:ason sa1d he had noth1ng further to add to the 1ntormat10r. ~ontained in the Planning Conm1ss10n M1nutes of September 29th. A. K. L. DAPP: Application 12-V-64 for a Variance to allow a 6' rel1Ce in lieu or a 3 I fence at 22344 R1 verll1de . Approved by Planning COllln1ss10n ñ..so1ution 110. 227 ( 9/28A>\ ) . Mr. Knapp was not present at th1s meetiD8. The C1ty Planner explained the situation, 1llustratiJIS tbP ma1n pointll œ the blackboard. He drew a prorUe ot the land showq the height or the property 1n relation to the sl4_1II: and another dra1dng 1nd!cating how the oouse and pool are situated on thill corner lot. -<:- , i ~" . :~ ..as "",\I.ad bJ' Counc1lman lloe 1 and lIeconded by ¡;'-"=1lmBn StOIœ8, in view or the Planning COu:!l1ss1on's re71ew and appt-~..l 01' th1s app11,cation and in v1ew 01' tœ fact that Councilman Stokes went out and checked the ,s~:æt1on perlSOIIal:q, to approve application 12-V-64 a::d to ac!ópt Beaolution 110. 1007. . KGS: . ' , COUllCu.d··I)è~r. P'1trceral4, .,' nnch 'Ioel. Stokes. 1IœS: !farw. Mot1on carried, 5-0 n PAYD13 BILIB YU A. RU'Jlut1ons 1005 and 1006 1. TrelllNl'U' fttzgerald read Resolution !fo. 1005. It wall moved by Councllman Stokes 'lnd seconded by Councilman Dempster to adopt Reso1ut1on 1005. AYES: Councilmen Dempster, Pitzgerald, Noel, Stokes, Pine h YvES: 1I0ne Mot10n carr1ed, 5-0 -. 7reasurer Fitzgerald read Resolution No. 1006. ~yor Pinch IIsked for clar1f1cat10n of Warrant 6008. He was told 1t was milk for recreat10n program, for xh1ch collection was made from the children. :t wan moved by Cc~~cil=~n Dempster and seconded by Counc11man Noel to ad'Jrõ Resolution 1006. AYES: Counc1lmen Deopster, P1tzgerald, Noel, Stokes, Flr.oh ~;OES : Nor.e Mot1on carried. 5-0 REPŒ:' C'i' OFPICBRS A. 1Œ!CRl' OF crrr 'ŒB.ASURER Coœcl1man fttzprald said he had nothing l'urther to report. B. RE.."ŒT OF crrr JWlAGER 1. Ground_~1t191g ceremonies 1'0r I.Ynnbrook H1gh School, On Johnaoo Avenue. ..111 be held Oct. 8. 11 :30 A.M. -3- 2. Letter t'rOt:l Mr. Don 3andley. Resl Estate Broker. who bas subm1t:;ed a price per acre ot the San Chuck ¡ropert¡ -- one IJf the 5-acre park sites located ad- jacent to Stevens Creek School in the Crest on area. 3. Letter !'rom Mr. James Pott. Public Works Director. Santa Clara Count)-, regarding an investigation of' stora drain water run-ott. IJ. Be4'lUt 1'roaa IIobll 011 COIIpIt~ f'ar def'_t on -.. , _11 require.œ on H1g'-7 9, adjacent to *i2' urrice station at &17 9 and F.cCle11an Rd. It... .wed 117 COUIIClæn Deapeter and IMIcoaded 117 (!-1'- fttzgnoa14 to p'8nt the above-œlOD114 det_nt. Ccnmol11Bn P1tzgera14 allked if this wall between lIubject Jll'op,at.)' and that iDaed1atel)' south of it on !fir)' 9. '!'be Clt)' Jllanager lIa1d thill was true. Councll1Bn Stokes moved to amend this moUan. addinS that this deferment 1s to be granted 1'0r 0118 ,ear or unIellll the property ill developed before that t1me. VarE <II THE AMENDMENT: AYES: Counc11men Dempster, Fitzgerald, Noel, Stokes, Finch NOES: Non.. Amendment carr1ed, 5-0 varE ON THE MarION: AYES: Counc11men De~ster, F1tzgerald, Noel, Stokes, Finch NOES: None Motion carr1ed, 5-0 5. Police budgets frcm adjacent c1t1es. Councilman Dempster suggested the C1ty Manager contact Mr. Lou1I1, who is 1n charge of the Police School at Foothill College, for more data. Councilman Fitzgerald said he witnessed an accident in !'rent 01' his off1ce thill afternoon and he and others in hill off1ce noted it was th1rty minutes bef'ore the police got there. He l!a1d this type 01' 1ntorat1on should be we1g.'1ed in the decision. along with other IItatist1cs. Councll11en Stokell was in l'avor of checking into the prOIl and cons of Cupertino having 1ts own Police Depart_nt. -4- i. The Clt,. AttorDe7 said he sat 1n on a Board 01' Superv1sorll meeting some time ago where the amount of' pollc1ng per unit of' populatio:1 was d1scussed. The Chief Bui1d1ng Inapl!ctor said this rat10 ill 1.8. 6. 1Iortb.B1aDq curb and .14.-lIt. '1'be City Manager sa14'1:bese pro~t." 0lIl..61'11 81'ft e.~.t:.ns with the COUDCll'1I requa" tnat tile 1-0000'__.' be put 1n. It wU .ow'e4 'bJ CoàDc11an De1lpeter l.JId seconded 117 C_11am Woe1 to 1DIItruct tile C1t7 IlllDapr to write 1ettera co..n41ng tbell tM' ¡Nttlzw 1n the curbs aDd l11deqllal. IIotlon carried, 5-0 7. The Cl1:7 Jlanaser wou14 11Jœ to write letters to propert,. ownerll ad,facent to tile Blane,. Avenue over- crosll1ng to requellt the,. ¡Nt in curbs. gutters and sidewallal to help alle,.-.late the t100cUng cond1tions wh1ch the,. have had 1n the put. The storm drain line has been ;Nt ln along the f'reews,. to take care 01' the excess water. So moved by Councilman De:npster and seconded by Councilman Noel. Mot10n carr1ed, 5-0 8. Chamber of Commerce Street Beaut1f1cat10n Program The City }ar~ger sa1d he has cor.tacted other bus1ness- men in Cupert1no and they are somewhat reluctant to ~011ow the lead of the ¡'uslnessman on Hwy 9 who voluntarily put 1n st~eet trees. Some asked whether the City w111 partic1pate 1n th1s p~cgram. It wall ::lOved by Councilman Noel and 3'!conded by Councilman Dempater to have the City Manager contact property owner!! on Stevens Creek Blvd and Hwy 9 and all other loca~10ns 1n the city wh~re there are ol'f-site improvements. to lIee if' they are wi111ng to p'.J1'chase the trees spec11'ied by the city 1!' the city cuts the apacell, 'plantll tha treell, and maintains them. Councilman Stokea aaked lf' thia would not be setting a precedence f'or f'uture bua¡'lIlIell. The City Manager said any bUIl1neall atartlng up 1>:1 Cupertino now tml8t comply with the reQll1.re..nt 01' IItr.,~at treell. Motion carried, 5-0 9. The Clty Manager aald the Cit;y'a own IItreet awr,..per wl1l be 1n operatlon atart~g November 1. 1954. -5- ....; ,- ~_.t L. '.._~ ~. -.$'" .... ~ -: . 10. Sheriff 0lbbo_ ball Invited the Council to i!Ia~<oct the facll1tles of tile Sheriff's D<!partment. Th1a in- vitation 1nclUi2eø luncheon ;¡r d1nner, whichever the Council pref'ers. It ... deo14ec1 tMa would be brOUSht up at tbe next regqJar 1IIe1:!IIS of tbe Clf;J CCllDlCll. '11. I'ur.!thÌu COlDtp JIDDo__øtot till! ....u·_ Celst.ftUOD œ be be'~ SuIIIIq, Ootober 18tb. CoaDo;u.ö ø '_ WI' and l'itzpraJ4, ie.S4 tt!ej' wœ14 a~~ c. CI'l'Y BIIOIllBBR 's . JUOnIIU 1. CRœsROADS ,,~, uøIT C. South IIlde cf' m;e"ellll Creek Blvd.. ltOO' wellt of H1gmray 9. iUWI'B ~ER: It ..a moved 117 Councilman Fitzgerald and seconded b7 Coun.::illlSn Dewpet;er to) adopt Reso1ut~on No. 1010 accept1Dg roacllla7 dedication !'rom Warner Wllaon, et al, and accept the iIapr'?ve!flente of Crollsroads Center. Unit C. AYES: Councir.er. :;eo;pster, Fitzgerald. Noel, Stokea. ~.nch NOES : None lIot1en car-ried, 5-0 2. CurJ!ò1rt'lNO TOIIH CENTER. East side 01' IIw7 9 at Scofield D:-lve. R. Cali & Bro.. Is Improving IIw7 9 !'rontage in con:unct10n w1tt> the Cupertino Town Center. and haa rUed With the C1ty a roadway ded1cation. flINUTE œDER: It waa lIIOV'ed 117 Cowu:llman Stok<ls and aecended b7 Councilman NOel to adopt Resolution No. 10C4 acc&pt1ng r;¡adway dedication !'rom R. Cali .. Bro. AYES: CounclI.en Dempster. Pll.1:gera1d. Noel. Stokes, Pinch HOES: None Motion carried, 5-0 3. CUPJIII'l'INC ~ ......:..._. E4l1t aide of' IIw7 9 I&t Pac11'1ca. IIDIUTB œDSR: It waS IQ~· 117 ~1JI("11IIBn Stolœ:sU!$, seconded b7 CDUnC.1l.-an ft~14 to adopt Resolution JIo. 1009 ftut.horlz1ngeucœ,1on of the Relœburliemeœ "'_~" with BowU'd RutII. .t a1. -6- · .. ~ .... ~.... , An,s: COUDC:1"-" Degpeter. Pitzgerald. Aoe1. Stokes, P1nch !iCES : !fone Jiotlon carr1ed, 5-0 ....... ~ .-. TRAC'1' BO. ~>~-.4"O TOOl clI.,":,""". But.ide ot Ito7 9 bet nlf ~ !)J'in . Scotie14 Drift. n - -W~~..- - - --.r.. .. COUIICi1"''' ' "', . t6 aa1öbadze ~.41aD fJIil . :-=:t.t~. ...-: . ;a:.~~~= ~.:~nt.. ScOfield un.... '. AYES: COUDCn_ J)elllpllter. Fitzpra14. JIoe1, St;oJœ." P1nch !lOBS: traDe IIotlon carried. 5-0 5. 'oiOLPE ROAD ".~--"'[œ. Wol!'e Road betweec Homestead Road and SteTeDII Creek Blvd. It vas DIOved by Councilman De:npster and see~ed by ':ouncilman P1tzprald to author1ze advert1i1tng !or bids upon receipt of' State approval to avoi(i 108s of tke, for the! abçye-ment1o~",d Wolfe Road extension. AYES: Councl1.=e::. Dempster, Fitzgerald. Soel, Stokes, P1nc~ ~OES : !fone !':oti-:.. ca:-ried, 5-0 D. REPORT OF CITY A..-:':PS::ï 1. The C1ty Attcr'""..eT :-o;,quested permiss10n or the C1ty ':ounc11 to c""~U the amour.1: on the Sani';;ary D1str1ct R3te Adjust1D& Agreement fro::'. $5 to reati $1.50, as was 1ntended. So moved by COlZ>C~lman Stokes and second~ by Councilman Dellpaur. Motion carr1e<!. 5-0 2. The !'ewer ......... 1:11 s1tuat10n in the Town ~nter has b~en solved ~ tbe San1tary D1str1ct. 3. The C1ty Att.-_.. ball con1'erred with the City Planner 1n regard ~ UIe ~..1"g Ordinance. He _14 . f'an- tast1c al!lOUDt: or IfGrk has been done here. 4. Tœ C1ty At~ urged coopera~ion w1th tbe county on the prepara&lcD of a btandard <1omenclature. -7- E. REPORT OF'THB CHID' BUIlDING INSPECTOR ð 1. TM H-Contro1 approved appl1!:at.1on 154-!:c-64, Mobile 011 Compa~. f'ar a serv1ee station at the llouthlfest corner of' South ew,. 9 and McClellan Road. There will ~ a redwood f'ence arwnd the propert,; the bW.1ding w111 be ~ood Biding with wsed brick tr1m and a white c~.t.I .~ root; aDd proy181oM tor water1n¡ 01' t!le p1."I';"ra Idll be 1nata11ec1.' . 2. AppUcaU_l~-64. D1veraus.lr~·t1ell, was , a l.,.-o'Nd _1:beJI-Coœrol C-'-"". 'fb111 will be a lII1lt1p1e -1ItDuri '''W center aD B2aDet .';a-. between the ~'?1~ am tbe Autoraa ¡aoc;.....,. '1'b1B sbopp1n¡ center ñll f'ee1:ure a Stop aDd 00 IIIÌ'IIIIt, wbicn 111 similar to a Speedee Mart operation. 3. Appl1catlon 156..ac-64. Blaze Neon, was tabled becaulle the applicant; did not come to the meet1n&. 4. Mr. Tom BeDd1lc. of' Steven'J Creek Garden Center, was asked to come ~o the H-Ccntrol meeting to explain his intent 1n f'ollow1n¡; through w1th the condi+.10nB of his appl1cation cn March 28, 1961. Mt'. Bend1k has agreed to have the rock moved back and the front l'ence up and the knockouts for the street trees completed by D~cember 31, 1964. P. REPORT OP RECREATION DIRECTOR 1. The Recreation Director said that <It present, he has programs going at six playgrounds al'ter school and on Saturdays. So",. of the classes ol'f'ered are: ~ton, ballet, square dancing, ballroom danc1ng, tenn1s, br1dge and Jtõdo. VIII UNFINISHED BUSINESS A. Miscellaneous 1. Clean-up 01' lot S. corner Blarey and Pacifica. It was moved by Councilman D~mps~er ar.d seconded by COlIDc11llBn Plt.zgerald to hav~ the Cit, Attorney proceed w1th the _tter to IIBke sure th1s lot 1s cleaned up. AYE.'>: CO"d.."'1C1lmen Dempster, F1tzgerald. Noel, St~kes, F1nch NOES: None Mot10n carried, 5-0 -8- IX NEW BUSINESS A. M1sce1laneoua Councll..n Fitzgerald sa1d i'Ir. Sorc1 wall in the aud1en~e aDd waa 1Dterested in gett1ng the C1t~ Councll'lI reaction as to II!Iet:ber œ DOt there w1ll be an extension of' Itar1 Avenue. 1I1a]2 ecNII would be 1nvolved. Developments are 80_ 1D all around h1a prop...<orty. Councilman J'1tzpra14 aJ4t;bat; 11' Mf'. Sorci'lI 12 acrea are developed. all t;~ of' a IIa17 Avenue extension _t be abaz::jcmed. Councllan ftt;zgera14 IIUSPllted this COUDCll receive cop1es ot 1;.,.. report; of Cctober n. 1961., Joint meeting of' the SunD7V&le and Cur =,"Uno City Councils in order to understaDd 1;be bacllground of' this problem. The C1ty llaJlager sa14 the City Cool1Cn _t determine how w1de the IItreet Ilbou14 be. It shows 90' on the map. Councilaan DelÇllter would like a map, a City Manager's report and a lIII!eting w1th the SunnJva1e City Councll and w1th Mr. Black. of' the State Highways ,Hv1s10n arranged fc.r the Council. The C1ty Manager sa1d he w111 do some 1nvest1gating and check with the De" S1.IDnJ"Vale City Manag..r to try to arrange a Joint meet1ng. Counc11man F1tzgerald felt 1t wae also necessary for the Counc11men to receive cop1es of that October 11, 1961, report. X ADJOURNMENT It was moved by Counc1~n ~e~~e~er ar~ seconded ~y Counc11- man F1tzgerald to adjourn "he meeting at 9:15 P .;4. to Tuesday, Octoblor 13th. Motion earr1ed, 5-~ APPROVED : /3/ Paul H. Finch Jfa~or AftBST: ~tUJ i I ~. (~c:;:- C1ty Clerk -9-