CC 09-21-64
. .-
1Ø321 B. JIIfJ' 9. Cupert1Do1 CalH., 95014
C I 'lY 0., CUP E R T I !f 0
- -_ '0. '!'lIB D:RØ.I1I'~, -.- OW Dlcm COIJII:IL. - Sept. 21. 1964
#~.~ . ~ .
. , .
.. Baud BDoa., 0.4 11".. IJJ!DDl D1Rriot ort1ce
ØIîfi .,~.... ..:.!lû..¡'It(Þ'4I'W
-';". " 1.30.... _ ~.._.~.C'. - .-.
. -t 8AIm'S to !iii .....
Counc1:mm p&'UeDt: P1tlqlll'ltld, Hoel (8:15), StoIœs, P1Dch
COUIICllar> abaellt: J)e~ter
Staff present;:
Clt7 lILo:apr, Phil Stora
Clt7 Att~. Sam Anderllon
C1t7 Clerk. Iarry Mart1:1
AIIs1st. City Engineer, Bob Shook
Clt7 II 'l'ra11'ic Planner, Add. Iaur1n
Chief' B1d8 Inspector, Bill Benevlch
Becreat100 Director, John Parham
Recording Secretary, Loill lJDtarda
n::I Jmro'l'ES œ TJIB PRBVIOUS "-'l'.ulG -- September 8, 1964
It vas lIIOVed 117 CcnmcllJ8n Stokes and seconded b7 Counc1h.1an
Fitzgerald that. s1z>ce all Counc11111en were not PN' 'ent. the
approval of' 11814¡tes be postponed unt11 the next regular
Mot1on carr1ed. 3-0
A. Oral
IIrs. A. Anser. 1018S Jilllpire Avenue, Monta VlIIta, gave her
observat101111 ot the Cllpert1no General Plan. She took
1ðllUll "1th.the ~ 1;be'COnsultantll ref'erred to Montlt
V1sta as a sl... IURr1ct. She 111 alao concerDed that
undell1rable 1.;1'_- or ~U8tl7 "111 be d~ to
Monta Vista loCat1aaa.
Councllnan Fitzgerald assured her that the light lrx!us-
trial zon1ng fndf"'1ted f'or Menta V1IIt;a on tt.e General
Plan 8ho11ld be ~1'8b1e to that going into Va1lco
Park. He aaJœ4 ber 11' llhe concurred with that.
!Irs. Anger said she reels Cupertino 111 t~ to down-
grade Manta VUA. She pleaded with the Council to
help ratber tbm biDder her ettort. to cle8D up !fonts
V1ata and bn8 ~t annex to eupertllÐ.
Counc1kaD StcDa ..14 he bel1eftd tIda .. be1llg doœ
aIId, ~ 1l1_~"¿1GD~ re~':ced to ~ ~... rl< B-3 appl1-
catlœ .........-1 _ tla1:.are& aI!4 't"-o .... --....
atate._ata .~ tbiI roect èjstø;,~ 10 "tlld _.
!lap' P1Dcb .-- - .... Allpr to NII4 tile Qrd1Dance. apJD
to ... that tb-_ are str'ct regu1atlcm pat on 11ght .
lJIduatr1al IR"...- &.1...
B. Written
1. Letter t'roa 111-. Malone re the Bubb Road renam1ng.
2. Letter 01' rea1gnation by Mr8. JfTSCe BeøJett. 01' the
L111ræ7 C~aion.
3. Letter t1":M. 111-. Paul Mar1an1, Cha1rDøn of the Heart
4. A.V.Il.G. ::oeet1ng at the Falace Hotel. Oct. 2. 1964,
5. COIIIIIUn1catlon 1'rom League of Cal!l'orn1a C1ties re
Underground Util1ties Conference.
6. Mexico Bullet1n.
It was movf.d by CouncilllBD Stoke8 and seconded by
Councilman Fitzgerald to receive the written cOlllllUDlca-
Mot10n carried. 3-0
9/14 )
Ch.....1rmn Thomson stated that the Pla~ Coata1as1on Is
pre8ently working on a cluster zo~ ordinance.
Counc1lman Pitzserald allked 11' delllllty would be increased
1n the cJu8ter ZOD1D8 ordinance. The Clt7 P1aDner 8ald the
dellllity would probab17 reœ1n thll same, but there will be
;n'ov18lon tor c:Juatering In aevera1 d11'terent zon1ngs.
Cha1rœn Thomaon said the Planning Coum1s8ion 111 In tra1n1n.g
for Friday n1ght'lI balleball gaoe w1th Mount;a1n View.
i -"~
t -
A. œDDWlCB NO. 298:
De<re10pmentll, IDe'1
at Regnart II ~.
RezolW1g propert7 of' VarIS Cr\IIII)
1'1'om A_2:B-4 to R-1; Bubb Road
17 acres. Second ReadirIS.
It was IIIDY8d bJ" ('-onn-"1l111an Stolœs aDd seoClll4ed bJ"
CoIIDClr.ø ft~14 to ÞaYe Crd'..·..... 298 nail bJ"
title ~.
lIc*Son 0ÍIft01e4. -.0
!!Ie C1t)- C1att ....s \:be tlt;le of Qoo'4_ 110. r.l9L
It; .. -.s .. ¡, ....u.ø 8þ' . aIIII _cat.4 ..
CoIIIII:u.D ft. _ 1d t;bat; OfoU--. 298 lie _Md.
ØBS: COIIIICn ~, JIoel. St---, ftDob
II:ES z __
AB'DIIft'z ~,,- DeII¡Iet;er
Jlct;1on carr1ed. '-0
A. Resolut1ons 99B and 999
Reso1ut10n 99B __ read 117 Treasurer Fitzgerald.
It vas DIOVed bJ" COUDCllmn Noel and seconded 117
Co-~c11man Stokes to adopt Resolution 998.
AYES: Councilmen P1.tzgerald. N:>e1, .3tokes, Pinch
NOES: None
ABS2'T: Councill:an Dempster
)lotion carr1ed, 4-0
Resolut1on 999 __ read by Treasurer Fitzgerald.
Counc1lman Stolllls asked f'or clar11'1.cat10n 01' DellBnd No.
It was IIIOftd bJ" ~OUDCll8an StOlœ1l and seconded by
C0UIr1lman Hoel ~ Adopt Reso1ut10n· Ho. 999.
AYES: C0UDC1~ ftt;zpr8ld, Noel, Stokes, P1n.;h
ABSENT: Councl~ Dempster
)lotIon oarried, 4_0
He had noth1Jlg f'urther to report.
B. RBPœ'1' 01' cm MANAGER
1. 'lbe CInDp 18 baviIW . It....... Septellber 25tb at the
Odd fttUanl' llan. 'lbe C1t7' Council and the Clt)-
CJaoIc an SøY1tecl.
1t _ ðeo24e4 t!a C1t)- C1erJr IfOIdd rspNaent tbe
c1t7 at -tIi:& d._.
2. Vldl:e cae DaJ' Proclaat1ø1 -- Septnber 25 I: 26.
Spool ..ð bJ' tile LtabÍl" Cl_.
It .. -.d bJ' c-l1aD IIoel and seconded bJ'
Councl1aD stolœll to pr001a1lll Septellber 25 I: 26
a. Wb1te Cane Da7.
Motion C8t'1'1æ, 4-0
3. The Clt7' or San Jose "II contacted the Cit:f of'
Cupertino to lIee 11' tbeJ' care to participate 111 the
inatal1atlon of' traf'1'1c II1gnals at Bollinger Road
and B1aneJ' Avenue. Cupert1no'II llhare would be
$2,500 or the total bill or $10,000.
The City Manager to14 the C1tJ' ot San Jose that the
gall tax !DOn1es were obligated until the end 01' th111
;year. The:f Aid 1t would be Apri! bel'ore they will
be able to go ahead with the actual s1g....l1zatlon 01'
th111 corner.
The City Manager rem1nded the Council that th111 $2.500
ill cOllalderab1J' lellll than the COllt ellt1mate given
s~ t1!lle ago ror th111 corner. And the need 1'0r
IIlgnal1Z1!.t1on or that corne:<" 111 certainly there.
It .11 -.d bJ' C0IIIIC111Bn l'1tzgera14 and lIeconded
bJ' Councl111Bn Noel to part1cipate 111 the cost of'
a1gnal1zing the corner of' Bollinger Road and Blaney
Ave_, Cupert1no'II llhare or the cost not to exceed
Motion carried, 4-0
4. WillleJ', Ham I: Blair are DOt 111 tune w1th the agreelllllnt
prepared }oJ the City. '1'he7 a1110 l'ee1 they should
participate 111 the : ork &eUiOI'A on the Ordinancell jf
theJ' are to defend the.. at the P\¡bl1c Hear1ngll.
Counclløan Stokes f'elt the Wilsey. Ham &. Blair letter
18 a complEote rever¡;a1 or tt.e agreement w1t" them.
He i8 in favor of dropp1ng t;~'. agreeu.ent a1t.:>gether.
Dr. ThOllSon 1181d the Plam1ng C01IIII1ss1on did not
teel theyllcre gett,1ng the1r money's worth "1 hé&"~
the consultant present at all the work sessions.
r~. Scboenf'e14 waa in comp1e~e ag:-eeœnt on this
aeore. Dr. ThaDen 1181d 1t aounds 111œ one of' hill
lIuperlora 111 "pœting the acret<s on."
C0UIIC11an P1tzprald teels we sbo..1d f'orget about
the apH_nt with Vl1.se7, Baa" Blair.
CClllllDn.u JIoel IIOIIdered 11' It IIOU1d in Bn7 11&7
,:Imro1ft tile t"-. with the State 11' .... were ....
. ",' vtt ¥1111117. Baa .. Blair at tb18 point. Be wall
to14 'it would DOt.
It .. .øn4 'bJ CCUlC11an JIoel aDd secOl:4ed 11)"
CouDc11an ftt.....ld to 1nab'uot the CitT Manaser
to write a letter to Vi1.se7, Baa" B1air clar~
the CltT coimcl1 'II teels about tb111 agreeEnt.
We will call Oft tllea when we need ~ir lI&rv1ces at
the pre'l1oua17 agreed upon 80-20 cost IIpUt.
Motion carried, 4-0
5. Mr. Robert E. :Barrett has requested that the City
recognize the tact that he 111 t17ing to get financ-
ing to ~.11ld a home at the SW corner or Blaney aM
Pac11'ica and allD that he be permitted to leave the
f'orma on the lot. The City hall proceeded w1th
litigation to have material and equipment removed
from this R-1 zone because the property owners have
repeated ignored such orders from the City.
The Mayor first asked MI'. J1arrett whether or not
he 111 the owner 01' this property. Mr. Barrett said
he 111 a Ember of a corporation that owns it.
The Ch1ef Building Inspector said that the Building
DepartEnt is new in possession of building plans
l'or this lot, although appl1cat~on for a bulld1ng
permit haa not been f'i1ed be<:~~e the property owner
Bays he 1a trying to get l'inanc1ng.
The City Attorney said Ii suit to Abate a Nuisance
waa l'i1ed on September 9th, but IIIWIt be reri1ed since
it was less than 5 days af'ter iIOt1ce. so it ia
cUl"l'ent1y held in abeyance until the Council decidea
what to do.
C~11man Fitzgerald alllced Mr. Barrett what assurance
the City wauld have that this lot would be clea'\ed up
if' the BUit were dropped at thill point. Mr. Barrett
said the lot hall been cleaned up. The lumber has
tIP ~11 lltaclœd and the tral1er ill set behind the mor.u-
œnt. He said he haa made 2 trips to the dump with
trash which tho ne1ghborll have dropped t'n h1II
èmmcl1_n Stokes as1œd 141-. ~rrett wh1 no etrort
was to cl~n up tills lot UDtll after the s\Üt
..a t1le1Í.' !fr. Barrett said the lot waa cleaned
uP aDd the Yeh1clell aaved ·into 1:he jul'lIId1ctlon of'
San.rose. Be said lie 111 stl11 ~ to get per-
l11li111:_ w J8rk tile tra11er on SaD Joae sa-....- I.,.
It' baa ðøl>d! been 11cense4 and he 111 tI71DS to io"Ork
~ ,oat ~.
'!lie' CIWIt ."0'11"1 Ina¡IeotcI1" sa14 11:'. BaTett baa.
JD~~ 1:IMI ftb101ea 1Dto SaD Jaw. 811 r..18
....~ '" , . '.. SIIteGU- ...~18 _. a.a
iii', ". ' P1aœ wStIt U. 13Id'-'." DIo~t .to.
_~ l' add... ~ - ,w1ri84 __ -
~ to o18u1 up tile lot UIIII ... - ...t.1: baa
.,w' "I... COImDtl to _...2dfto aø1 .llar Ida
tci.... tile r_ tllereò
CaœØ1~ Pit.praM rlllt a tüe 11II1t 1Jh<n'" be ..t
rœ lIP. ~nl.l. to pt th1Dp llqaared -7.
C0ID1011aD Stolœa aslœd the Clt7 At1:OI'IIQ 21' tbe auit
coa14 be held in abQancll. AnInIer was 1n tbe
It waa IK)ftd __ Councllan Roe1 and HCoodeà b)'
1Ia)'Ol' P1nch to:
1. 1l1li1:1',"01: the ;:1ty llanager to I'.ve tile City
Att.~...~ hoM the ..w.t in abeJ;ancll, and
2. Mr. Barrett's f'01'1:IS lIB)' re_1n IltaCIœd on the
lot but lie IIIUIIt remove the tral10r Ilnd keep
the lot clean f'or 90 da,.., and
3. Show a~ indication that coaatruot1on w111
begin within that time.
AYB.'!: COIIIIC1.lmen Noel. P1nch
NOBS: C01moll111en Fitzgerald. StOlœ1l
ABSBN'l: COIIIICU!I8n Dempster
1101:100 died, 2-2
It was -.d by CouncllllBn Fitzgerald and lIeconded
b)' JIa)'or P1nch to postpone tbe mtter l'or 2 weeke.
AYES: Councilmen Fitzgerald, Noel, P1D::h
lIŒSì ' "CouncllBBn StolatS
ABSBIt.rì" Øouncllan Deapster
1101:',011 carried, 3-1
6. V1clalburs '!'rattlc s1tuatlon. The Clt)' Manager read
the V&1'no report &lent to Capt. Psrus1Da tor tile
1:1_ between 8123 and 918164. It 111 the op1D1on ot
the 'l'rat'tlc Dlvls10n tbat V1clcsburg Drive not be
c loaed.
1'0 help cw...~ tobe S11;ua1;~on, J.~ ..... ~..., .~--_._-
t10n or the PoUee Depart:ent to have crœs1Ialk5 111
tbe 1II1dðle or ~be b100k as well as at the 1ntersr.:.::-
t10118; to erect "childreO"l at Play· 111g!IS at both
ends or the street; and to ,:ave more 1nteme traffic
en1'orcement. 1Dclud1ng tiJ.: 1.1S0 of radar.
Capt. 30bn W. S1.1vas, 10190 V1c;CSburg Drive, said
lie 18 ~ 80 _. ièd about presem; øta~lst1ca of'
tile traft'So no1'- CØ1 V1cbburg Drift .. be 18 or
tile tYt__. .....Vø11'. Baed 18 c~. Be com-
¡IIN4 t:ranscaDV1a2lab!lr& Drive to ~lat on a1Uta17
bun on idIUolÍlIe aDi b1s f'adlJ' bave UYed. Be
said the a( I I - Uldt ~ 18 15 IU'II.
capt;. Sl1_ ..ì4 "the chief' o1'1'endera are teenagers
IIbo peel oœ aøI rat:a.r than turn both curYØlI, just
cut aCl'Olllt t:IIeIa dJaccjaa1~. Be sa14 be ca~ one
of tbnl, 111* ra1:IIer tbaD II8Iœ a Citizen's Arrest
lie ,1uat save Ida .. gooc2 lecture.
'rile Clt)- P"- said tile trouble 18 that the streets
have a double _I playgJ'ound and automobl1
traf't1c. Ret'err1Ds to the stat1l11:1cs given by the
County Sberr1t' 's Departœnt. he sa14 that when
tratt1c on a street lIuch a~ th1s reaches 3000 veh1c]e s
per day. or 300 vehicles per hour, 18 when you
:oeally bave problems. The acceptable llpeed limit
".;nder thelle coaUtions 1s set at 25 IU'II. He f'p.1t
~!lat the real problem here 1s one ot law enforcement.
:apt. 811vas f'elt 25 KPH 1s too high 1'0r a :"esi-
:!ent1a1 street. Be adde': t!'.at cr.)llswa1Jcs "",an
~oth1ng to l1ttl'! childrer..
'!rs. Char1ell Sbort, 10200 V1~ksburg Dr1ve. sa1d that
!t the t1r.e the traffic ccur.t wall talœn at least 6
:t the rell1dems ..ere or> vacat1on. She wanted it
~ the record ~tat V1cksburg re:.ident6 are CODC'!rned
:lOW about tra1'1'1c vo1uœs that will be created when
'iõ!re Road opens up. She also noted that between
4:308Jld 6:00 P.II. one da7 the through traf'tlc on
71clasburg Dr1ve wall 2:1.
':cunclban Stolœa said that since thill 111tuation has
CO_ up he baa been t:A1r1~ th1s IItree~ on hill way to
worlt aid It 18 ~lIlble to go over 25 MPH because
:he IItreet 111 t'a..'U 01' ch1~n.
~. Ralph Baaale7. 21613 Terrace Drive, allked 11'
thF:re wou14 be .u-Jried or _rked crosswalks. He
11140 cited t;he aJ.tœt1on lIMn: there are 3000 cars
pp:" bour' Oft 0I'aDI; Road at peak hours but tbe7 den't
exceed the speed Umit. Conac1ent1oua -,o1'orcea:ent
!>as 8de Chr1a1:Jana 01' the J:IOtor1st8 b....e. He te1t
th1s would be tbe answer t~ the pr(\b1e. = V1clasburg
-.7 .
· n was IDOved 117 CounclllllBß P1tzpra14 and s..::onde~
117 Coanci11eD Stoes to accept; the Count7 S.-:er1tt I
report; tJlat we 1mrest1ga~e " 11t1:1II IID1'S; and a1ll0
to ~rac1: 1:he C1t7 Mar.ager 1:0 aak 1;ba Sher1U'1I
Deprart._øt to 18Iœ aD exteœlve et1'œ"t to _~.e
"chr1llt~· ot the drivers on V1cÞbœS Drive.
1Iot1oD C81'1'!ed, 4-0
T. AfPueauaD~, been _1Ye4 ~ a o1tizen to
opiate atti1Ca11 SIt ç~t2IIO. fft.._b~, lie
18 "-OW ¿tiLL' UieC tIL1Dô'Cab It." _ ").-
8. fte .It.....~ ~ bù beQa oallp1ñe4.
9. fte .~.. 1 JlJlr ~,.. be ..11..-.4 SIt Septe1IJ:Ier.
10. '!lie C1t7 _... reo Ida tile ~ teke c:are ot
tile _Uer or eJ.eoUon postera.
CoanoU-.. .... aabel wba1; tJIa 11B1tatiOll8 are as
to. ... aid sUn .n _,s. '!lie Cl~ llanapr
sa14 that be ~ rec~ lid that an application
be sublr'tte4 to tile Bu1141Ds Dept. with a location
plot plan tor the 1II8ta1lat1øn ot the l1igna. The)'
_t be placed 111 acc~e with the S1gD Ord1nance;
I.e., that a1gna are to be placed DO closer than
250' apart; thst s1gns heye aD area not to exceed
32 sq. t't.; that a tBx'--a of' 5 111gna per candidate
be .UOIIed within the Clt)- 11m1tll; signa ahall not
be plaeed OD tile public r1ght-ot'_)'; Wben lIigns
are placed on prolvate pru...... t.¡r wrUtan persdllsion
_t ~ obta1nec1 1'rum the pro0p8rt)' owner; appli-
cants are to deposit $5.00 per 111gD when applicat.lon
111 .ad, to 1118_ the re_1 ot tile 111gIUI wU:-.ln
12 houre tollOlf1n8 the date or election. The
deposit 1.8 tø be "tIDIed llhen the s18ll8 haye be4n
re!llOYed to tile ..t1st'action ot the Bu1ld1Jlg Dept.
CCllmCll1aD P1taprald te1t tile CU)' lianapi' 'II
JII'OIIOA 1 ... a good 1IIIe.
Councllan Stobs proposed a deposU ot $50 per
cand1data be req1d.re4 and 11' the poetara are not
tabn døem within. ..)', 75 houra after election,
the depae1t ~ ,be torf'e1ted., - _
Mayor 'P1Dch ð14 ílOt th1JIk It OW-Il~ be neces8817 to
reqaire a 4epoIiU. O1't'an4era or th1a polic)' wC".Jld
be hard to track dOllll: and, 11' traced. the7 could
lIS)' tbe7 dJdD't IaIow tile polltere were 'there.
It waa !:lOved by Counc1lman Fitzgerald to approve the
Cl~ Jllulapr's recOIDIIIendatiOD verbat1m. There was
110 eecoad to thia IIOtl00.
X1; __ _ad by C0IDIC111aD 8~1I and seconded by
('__,'_n Jfoel to a.....-vn. tile Clt7 Manager 'a
raa ....·1;lan wIth ,1:be t'o:u-1DS changes:
1. 110 l2II1t set OD atsœ ot 2" or aaller.
2. WI'S.ttea permaalOD .. to loøaUon llhall be
lie ft _ ?....s. '
3. 110 4epœ1t aJa1l be n, ,...". '.
1Iot1oo cau \' ~. .\-0
lIP. aIIa!ladr1qan piq C fir .. .1OJnt; latt;er 117
II!' _ t, ~ ad ~1ie 8PP'...,- be 1"llqu1reð and
~ _ ,.. __ It .aia' t'or tile 111'0.,- I." OIIDera
to NftaR 117 DOt; bè1JlS "ft11able.·
11. ors.e ~ ~11; BSda. ftret Va~ Bank wall the h1sb
b<...~- at __ t'or tile $200.000.00; with a 3-1/91. b14
tro. CI<ooar-C1Uzena Bank, recelftd on the 16th.
11; ... -.d 117 COUJICll_D JIoel and IIIIconded by
C0UIIC1~ Stokea to døpoel1; $200,000.00 wUh
P1rß Valle)' Bank at ~ 1nt;erellt.
AYES: Counci!Jsen P1tzgerald. Hoel, Stokes. Pinch
HœS: JIcxe
1us:t1fJIf: Councllœn De1llpllter
Motion carrIed, 4-0
12. 'l'he L1brar7 C01D1saion hall a vacanc7 sInce the
res1.:;patlon 01' Mrll. Joyce Bennett.
COIm':1.bIm Noel lIuggellted that perhaps the
___~ could N.._nd 1I0IIII!011ll to 1'111 this vacanc7
and ~ obta1n the a..... "..1 of' the app1ica;,t !'rom
tb.> CltJ Coœcll. Th1s wall agree«! upon.
13. The P,....,. C01D1s111011 and tile C1t7 Council have a
d1JÞ!r _tmg tOlDOl'rOW, Sept;el!lber 22, 1964. at the
PGœ)d'J1 CoUese Ca",p18 Cem:.r, 6:00 P.M.
Host: Dr. Calvin P11nt.
Purpoee: 'JIert_ of'DeAnza College plans.
14. PemnaaJa DlvllliOl1 01' league of' Call1'ornlll Citiell
meeting-CD 1Ionda7~ Sephillber 28tn, at Crystal
Springs Ck>lt' Club.
1. Tract No. 3322. Deep Cl11'l'e Estatell, Unit No.2
11: was rec_nded bV the Asa1stant City Eng1.neer
to autbor1%e tile Clt7 BIIg1neer to 1ntora tho!
døeloper aid b18 boI)ð'-W c.....,.~ that tile iJIpI'Ove-
_lit boaIa ~ DOIf be ret1red. aiDee tile IUD1clp&l
L.-...- I.... ..". been iDspeated aDd tile _1I1Iar'J'
correottca. line been
So .owe4 '" C-u.. 8IioIDte aDd _0ade4 ~
eo-n- ftt...-a1d.
o\tBSl C-U-n JP1tsprald, Noel, StoIIee, Jl'1Dcb
&-1 c-u.n Dlnllleter
lIœioD carried, '-0
2. Tract 110. ~9i!. BlJlfood '1'errace, UnU 110. 3
It ... rec_Dde4 ~ tile AIIellltant C1t~ Eng1neer
to accept the balance ot tba 1.q.o,e..ut1l in
Tract 110. ~9i!. BIJWOOd '1'errace, tJD1t 110. 3,
and the $1.000.00 callb boal to 1nIIure correction oC
def'1c1eDc1e1l at 8UCb tS- all dell1gnated b)' the C1t~
Erlg1Deer .
Jo _ed ~ C0WIC1~ Noel and seconded by
C''UDClr-D Fitzgerald.
AYF.S: COUDClb8n Fitzgerald. No~l. Stokea, F1nch
NOES: None
ABSIDI'l': C0UDC11un Dempster
Mot10n carried, 4_0
3. Tract No. 3806, Cupertino Center (5 end oC Whitney Wy)
It wall rec Dded bV the Aallllltant C1t~ Engineer to
adopt Reao1œlcn 110. 1002, approving P1na1 Map, etc.,
Tract No. 3806, Cupertino Center.
So lIOVed b)' Councilman Noel, aDd lleoonded b)'
C0UDC1~ St:oJœa.
AYES: COUIIC1r.en Fitzgerald, Noel, StOJœIl, F1nch
NOES: Ncme
ABSBN'r: Couac11an Dellpllter
Mot1on carried. 4-0
4. Trac~ Ko. 37'3. ~. :'1110 Town Ce:1ter
(Between IIIf7 7 .. .;" . t. Creek at Rodriguell Ave.)
11; vas rsc_ ....... 1!!r the Assistant Clt7 ~_r to
adopt Øello1..... 110. 9'!TT. approviDS t'1JIa1 -Po etc..
h-act 3'743.' c; _ u.øo.Toom Center, subJect to tbe
a_oya1,of__ ~ Sanitary D1IItr1ct. -P lUllS
p1aDII Doi:to Iiie""fr r uDtl1 arter SaD1tar7 DSaU1ct
baa 11pd. .
.' .~
~, ~. ) ~~ :...tL _
ADS. Ch " 111 ..J'Ill;G aoaJd, 1Ioe1, Stœ.-. P2Dch
..: .... '-'
A_ ~ ...~~'"~. HI'
I '_. --61:"'" '. -
-:.~ J.i.~::"~~-;
. . :~;~Þ{~, ,,-0
~. '-1
- ~ :: :,.., "
5. It _ 1"11 - -.. UIe Aaa1ataDt Cs.~ - .1'- .r
to ... Rnr- U - lID. 1003, a~'" _s.-
ot .. t; '1 I B. Cali lUllS aooe., a
cal1tanda C~_ ~I-.
J). '1UIr\oIID"" CIYr ~& .
1. !be _~ 01 till Cllack lII'opert)' in the ~
Ceuter llaa ~ i_.-iI emir to the San1taIT DUtr1ct.
E. NiI'\.RCI OF BJ~ 1 _AfŒ
1. Appl1catl_ 153-8=...6\, an application f'ar a 111gn at
!!ouleward Ce=-r, _a approved bF the ~octro1
Coa.1ttee ~ i.t wall compatible with exUt1Dg
s1gns in the ~.
2. It baa COll8 to tile attention or the BW.141:18 ::>epart-
C!1It that tbø'e are wo bu81neaaell at the Bel-Air
Patio S1gDa 1oc&~s.- at the corner ot' Steyens Creek
Blvd.. and ~ 9. :It 111 tak1ng on the at_pbere 0':
a 11gbt b>d_t. Ja1 operation. Tbe7 haye been allked
to appear at tile 8epte11ber 29th meeting 01' the
H-cantro1 c~ttee to IIBke clear their intentions
tar use o~ tII.1a bal1œ1l1l location.
3. SteYena Creek ~ðo.G Center 111 once apin IItockpi11.1g
a1011S the t'rcDC ~ Ule1r property. The~ z.ppllca-
tion wall a...... ..A aD the baa111 that the7 SnIIta11 a
_11 fence .. --ep1Dg along the t'rOat ot'
tbe1r bus1- .... JIr'. BIIId1k, owner. hall been aaked
to COll8 to tbe &.rl_œr 29th meetiDS to explain
his intent.
1. An addeDdUIII W tbe orig1na1 report by the Recreation
D1rector or 10_ -. -'1' program waa dilltribut:ed to
tbe COUD01~. TIle SuperinteDdent ot Scboola had
asJœd the Jh ...uœ Director to evaluate the
.., l' JII'___- 80 be der. 1de4 to a44 tb1a 1DtOl'lEt10n
to h1a ~",-1I..~t to the Clt7 COWICl1.
2. !be ReoreaUÆa m-tor I84e a br1llt report; or the
lIII80181 Ii --~~<.~ tbe 8t4mma Creek Park eJ-t..;
Both LOlpaJ" . ~ ~ Cl¥ol't1JD are pt1;1JW n ~ ~or
. pula! baIIJ -" [-lUcID DUt ~b aDd ~ telt It
... DOt .~!~ to go into tile f'iDBœ1al dtua-
t1aa ot t.. 8lb...J - Creek Park Chain uIIt _.
A. IUIIce 11aDeous
1. Allard ot '1''- JIb_it _ $200,000.00. Tb1a...
handled under tile Clt)- Ifanapr'lI reper';.
2. Ccnmcllan at - telt tile Council llhould renew
t..'1e poUce pr'Otec1;1on l11tuation in Cupertino.
!layor Pincb sa14 some statist1cs 01' the crime rate
1n Cupert1no 111 relat10n to that in other cities in
Santa Clara c.....L,r would be needed.
Counc1lman P11;zprald f'e1t they might investigate tœ
need tor Cupert1nD fS own pollce department.
":he MaTor telt tmt CUpertino should ask 1'0r :!lOre
help !'rom tbe Ccunt7 She:"1ff"s office 1natead. Our
01lI1 police depart_nt would cOllt about 3 t1:zle1l all
CJCh.·- : :.... '
Capt. Silvaa ~ nted on the ef1'1ciency 01' the
present poUce. -)'1ns they were very g0<:4 about
chec:lt1J1g ~s o/IIou~ people were on vacatioo.
Ml'. Barrett aa1l1 be heard the pollce give one or
the best lec~ on Aø8ricanislll he hall ever heard
to 8 Juven1.les 1ItIo tore down h1B Goldwater 111gn.
!la7or Pincb aaJd 110 would be years aDd ~arll bet'ore
CUpertino coaJd ancrd the callb1'e of' police now
1'urn1shed bF tile County Sber11'f"1I Departlll8nt.
A. General Plan 1a DCW at City P.sll. 'l'he queetion ill. "Sha1I.
we charge tar tIIeIa. aLd. ~::' 80. how auch?-
C1ty Hall hall received 600 cop1es and a1read7 100 are
gone. The Clt7 P1aDDel' said that. 1Dc:1>d111g all coste,
~ run aboal: $1 per cow.
b Cit7 ,.._.... _14 that it tbere 18 a cbarge tbere
_ 't be tile ~Do)J' tat.' peopls to taIœ ODe and then
tIIraf It ~.
c_11iIm ft1 _
COIIr at tbe1r _
111 ..14 Slll'atqp oIIa1'p8 '3 tt1!' a
-,I pJan.
It _ -..l _ C 1~ P1tspra14 ud _œded ~
CoaIIIIu.D at; - ~ oJJarp $1 pl'1" coW at tile Cu~tS-
e..ral P1aD.
Jløt10D carr1ed, 4-0
It was mftd ~ C_lban Stokee and lIeconded ~
Counc1b8n .081 to adJourn at 10:10 P.M.
Paul P1Dc:h
/ --
I~. k.~...~
C1~ Clark