CC 09-08-64 ~~. 1IIIJ9. ~t1I1O. ,CaW'. , 950111 252-11505 CITY 01' CUP::'~TINO "....~I.JIO. CALIFORNIA .. _. "'th..' at'M RIIIULAR M6T.uKt OJ' 'l'1iE cm ~4 Sept. e, 1964 'M!I' ",' ~ . . -~". ~-,""',~,'~" .,'" ,~, Scbool. ,1Iii1~~~. ROom 8:00 P .Ii. ¿ ,""'<t.Þ- '-,'~ ¡.. --: rt.. FII"1III ..A'~. 1 . . 1:30 p.li. - I IAID1'B 'to !lIB 11m fte *J'D1' .--,...,ed .. ~ have ~o d1apense with the 1IS1~ w tile tlag at th1a ~1Dg l11nce no f'1ag ..s aval1abls. II aou. CALL: CouIIcil11eD ¡lNHnt: Derapehr, Fitzgerald, Noel, StOkell, Pinch COUJICilmen absent: !COIle Staf't present: City ~nager. Phil StOl'1ll C1ty Clerk, Larry Mart1n C1~y Attorney. Sam Anderc,>n Assist. C1ty Engineer, Bob Shook Cit~ to Traffic Planner.Adde Laur1n ;:h1ei' Bld$. Inspector, Bill Denev1ch Recreation Director, John Parham Reco::'d1ng Secretary, INis :::nward:; III JlJ'atn'ES OF ¡'HE PREVIOt1S Y.EETINOS - AU0. 10, 17 to 28, 1964 It was ~ved by Councll:1an Noel and seconded by Councllœn Dempster t~ accept the Minutes of August 10, 1964. Y.otion carr1ed, 5-0 I~ was moved by Council:lan P1tzgerald and sec':>nded by Councilman Stokllll to accept the Minutes of Auguat 17, 1964. Motion carr1ed, 5-9 It was IIIOved by CClUDl:i~n Noel and seconded by Councilman Stokes to accept ~e M1n\Jtes of August 28, 1964. Motion carried, 5-0 ·1- xv AVARD OF COIiTRACT: Stelling Road PipeltDe Relocation - F1nal ' The Ass1stant City Engineer stated the C1ty has received three bids 1'0r this pipel1De relocation and that the low bidder wall Pisano Broa., Inc., at $16,:!71.oo. The two other b1ó.s were f'roe Poeter-Ma10ney <$20.233.00) and Fairley Conatructors ($22,173.00). '!be AsIl1atant Clt)- Rs,g'.....r said the low bid was within $200 or the C1t7 Staf't'a elltlmate. It wall _e4 117 COlIDd~ Dempster and lIecODded 117 counclœn JIoe1 to award tbe CODtract tar the Stel11llg Road Pipeline Re- location to P1aaDo a-œ., IDe., f'or $16,311.00. A1BS: Counolb1en DeIIPñe1'. P1tzgera14. Jfoel. Stollell. Pinch ØOBS: lIone Motion carr1ed, 5-0 V œAL AND VR1'l"1'BII Cœ.JRICATIœI Written: 1. Letter l'rom the Principal of Kennedy School. It was decided thill would be 1ncorporated 1n Itea V. A. 2. Notice of the League of CaUforn1a C1t1es meeting 1n San Franc1sco. 3. Letter from West Valley Light Opera Assoc1ation asking for Cupertino's support. 4. Copy of BAY AREA LEi'DER. 5. Inter-C1ty Counc11 not1ce along w1th a Resoluti:>n declar- ing the week of September 3-10 as V:>te~ Re~istrat10n Week. 6. Pet1tion regardLx; ;,;art1nwo::>d Dubd1vis10n. 7. Letter from Mr. B1ess1ng to the Mayo~. 8. Letter from the national Cyst1c Fibrosis Assoc1ation asking Cupertino to declare the week of September 21-28 as Cyst1c Fibros1s Week. 9. Inter-City Counc11 letter asking for a repreaentat1ve for the Peninsula H1g~ays Commiss10n. 10. Letter l'rom Mr. Marchant, of the Sillter C1ty Committee, l'egarding eX1)e!ld1ture or funds by City Council. 11. Notice regarding Underground C1ty Power meet1ng at the Cabana, October 9th, 8:30 A.M. Th1s wall referred to the Plann1ng Commiss10n by the Mayor. It was moved by Councilman Stokes and seconäed by Councilman Dempster to rece1ve the wr1tten commun1cations. Motic~ carried, 5-0 -2- " JmWl'E aIDER: It wall moved ÌI1 COWICllran Stokes and secor.ded b~ CoUnc1lman Delllplter to e.dopt; a F.ellnlutio.. r!"o~ ~1"'~ thl! week of Septed¡er 3rri as Yote::hg1strat1on Wec:k. ' !Jct1òn C:l:T:'ed. 5-0 .:-" .JI.LIIU'¡'A CllDBf¡.: . 11: was IIOved _ ,.~tban P1tzgera14 aDd øec0ade4 b7 Coancll- .an JIoel to adopt'. -.solution prœ1a1ldDl ~be _It ot September 21-28 _ ...J.aaal C78tic P1111rœ1a Week. JIotlon carr1ed. 5-0 A. Petition to ~.....- Bubb Road to 1teJme4~ Drl"e. The Mayor asked tile C1t)' Clerk about the oria1Dal petition. TIle City Clerk ..J4 tile petition to cbense the na. 01' Bllbb Road to Kennedy Dfol". .... 21 names. The lfearing was oria1nated on .11117 9th and was c~lnued to SepteClber 9th, upon request trom Schoo1Superin~œ Itn1ght. The Mayor asked f'a;o coaaents trom the aud1ence. Mr. Ralph &..allele¡. 21613 Terrace Dr1ve. sald there already are several stree-,;s in tt'.e area naæd !terr.'!!::':r now and this wl11 create confus1on. The :::aps 01' this area say "Bubb Road.· He also sald Mr. Bubb ..-as :: wor~h.v ::;an in tt-.·,s area. 1'Ir. Louls Stock)emelc::" 22120 ':;~evell!' :r'!!~" D::'v~.. s~ld he wrote a letter too the ::1::y CounclL ¡¡e,,!!::,al weeks ag:> 0,' this subject and as..d 11" all the ::oonellmen had read 1t. MaJ"or Finch saSd he had ¡o!:'. Stocklel::£1e!' '15 letter, but that he had not passed it on, ass\.:m~I'g they h.~d r!!celved coples 01' it. He sa'1d he wo'.t1d pass It on t.o them. Mr. Stocklelll£ler f'e::.t ti-.at. W"..ier the c1:'~=tances, the matter IIhould be postponed. He said that many pe:>p::.e who have lived in this area for aBDY ,earll would be averlle to having a street name, wlth thlS h1IItorica1 slgnit1cance, changed. Mr.. Silva, 911 Prl.-ose, Sunnyvale. said t'.e is a Cupert1no prl>perty otIr.er' and' would ukè' to voice hill protest ss to the proposed name cbaDce. '!'he C1ty Clel'k read tile September 8th letter !'rom Leona Thornton, Princlpel 01' lten.~y Junior High School. :In it, sha stated that the propoaed name change was lltarted by the IItudents because this was the t1r3t school named at'tar our late President, riaht al'ter he was .lected. It was the a1l:l of' the faculty to lI.elDOnatrate, f'irat-blmd. the democrat1c procellllell by which this Idght be accomplisbed. She also p01nted out that there was no tuell when þortlona of' P.e.:;r.art Rood ",,"e r!!named Bubb Road. And Mr. Regnart was also &n early C\.:pert::.n:,~:1. -3- P' t ;" t, , . , r r: It was IIIOved b7 Coœx:~ F1tzgerald and seconded by Counc1lœn Stokes to rece1ve and tlle the above-ment1oned letter with this petition and othe!" pertinent 1ntorœt1on. Jf..ot~on carr1ed. 5-0 It was IIIOVed by CQo-1l:Bn Fitzgerald .and IlecODded by Counc1lœn Noel to ~ the renaming of' D1NI Road to Kelll18d7 Drive, d1Ie to the protests ot the JI81&bbors. and due to tbe 1Dd1tt... . 1;0 tbII Bubb 118_. aD1 a1.eo that the JlaJOl" be sutboZ'1ø4 to .rite a letter to tile students of' Xemed7 Junior JIt&b SeIIool expla1n1ng __ tb18 peUtö10D wall dell1ed. A!BS: COUDr." r- U J ter, P1tqera1d, JIoel. Stokes, Pinch ROES: JIoDII ~- carried" 5-0 VI Jœl'Vftt or THE PLAIIIIDG Cu.J$!fTaf: (See IUnutes or August 6. 13. & 24th.) '!'here 1IaS no re~ or the Plaming Conm1s111on at this t1me. A. MAGGIO: TentatiY~ -.ap Appl1cation 6-TM-64; 5 lots, west alde :>f Blane7. ,,~lte laMar Dr1ve. Approved by Planning Conm111111= ~s Record of Survey 6/22/6A. Mr. Maggio dld :'Ie': ;rese:¡t a tentat1ve œp since the street was put ~. -:: :~~"': s~ardard.s, a year ag=>. The C1ty AttorDe7 sa~~ t~~ Subdivision ard~~n=e says a TentatIve Map 1s ~~":':'::-ed when st!"eet 1mprove::>ents are to go in. .\ Reco!'è =: =-:...-ve:; is all that 111 !"equ1red here and it 1s now up ':= ,::-.e :;~t~· Council to deter':11ne what the charges sho~ =-e, 1£ any. The Subd1 v1s10n Ordinance has no prov1s10n a': ':~s t1me for a charge tor a Record ot Survey. The appl1cant was :2.='ged $50 and he has ::ade a request through the C1ty *=.ger for a refum. of this fee. He vas told at the P';ooorong Collllll1ss10n level that no l'ee vas required 1'0r a Re::o!'è :>f Survey. It vaa moved by Co<:ocil!!Bn Stokes and aeconded by Councllman Dempster that the .s::: be refunded to Mr. Maggio out of the Genera 1 Fund. AYES: Councilmen ~ster, F1tzgera1d, Noel, Stokes, F1nch NOES: None ~lon carried, 5-0 -11_ It was !:Dved b,. Counc~;""" Stokes and secomed ~ Council- man Noel t::> author1ze 1:!>e C1t,. Nar.'!.¡;er to malœ a report on whether 0:" not a fee :;ho\..u1 be established for a Record 01' Survey. Kot1œ1 ==1Eod, ~ ~ ?-..... --.r- ?:-' .- BLOSSCK VI:EW HCJŒS: A;lp1tcat10n 8, 9, 10_I,r-f' tar TarJanceB to aUOIf 8' reø:eB where C:':11DaJice ..,.na 6'; 2Oó25, 20065, 20105 CedIÙ' Tree I.£ne. Approved _ p1....t.. eo-1l111Ioa ØeBolut1oa8 ~. 223, ~. 225. file Chief Bu11d1Dc h6~tor explained the re._ tœ -1;b1a 8' decorative screen. Bet in from the rear ..~& t.,y Une. 111 that it; 1d1.1 aerwe aB a buffer between the bcRæB and the 2-st01'J' church and the freeway overpalls d1rectly beb1nd the.. '"~*-; ~ City Manager said the request v?s to have tb1a addIt1ona1 fence co_to ""tad and he fe It a single. 8' f'ence w::-.ùd be .ore attract1ve. The Payor sald that 1t would not accomp1111h t::e purpose of the decorative screen-- to protect the bedroos r..xows and t:'e pat10 f'r_ the 2-story :~ch school ~~ ':t.e 1'rei!""'Y ;)VerpaSB. It was ~.ed by Counci:l::2:. Stokes man Nor" ~::> adopt Resol...-;:'on 996. -..- seconded ty :7~cil- AYES' NOES: =:~cilme~ De~~~~, P1:?~~~~:~, Hoe:, St:¿~s. Pinch X.:n-e !-fat:.:c. ::;.~:-~~d, .'- VI J... MINUTE _~_=:R It oms =:':ed by Counc1:=:1 De::¡ps~¿~ 2.::1 "e:or~e~ i:7 C::nmc12=~. Keel to ap;::-:-:-;! the Reo::;: o~ Sur'ICY ~~:- 5 lots ,,=~t sIde c:' b1.=~.,,::, Opfc5::e LaMar Dr1·..,~. AYES: ::'1.:.'"'l~11men De:pe~~:", ?ltz;,;e:".l:::, hocl, S-:-:"'...es, P1nch NOES: :: :::e :40t1==- carried, c - ~-.., VII P.:æLIC HEAR~;¡S: ~ _ VAr", CRIDü' DEVELOl'MEIfrS, INC.: Application 18-z-64 to rezor.e lï acres, apprnT1.....te1y, frC:1 A-2:B-4 to R-1, IUbb Rood at :iegnart. ApproYed by Plan.~~"'g Cor.un1ss1on Resolu- tion 226. Ten1.atIve Hap Appl1catIc:: 7-TM-64-. .\;Jprov~:1 by Planr.i~ Colllll1sston A::".""\òSt 24th with cow.;ltlons. 69 lots. The C1ty ':ler;{ was re-_-_=~ c~d Þv t~c :''3'·or to rea:! the cond1t1e:-.3 ~c.t forth Þ:- ~::'" !'l;.,""~,,,,:: ';-o"';~~"31c.n. - - - The C1ty Clerk ea1d the condition IlãS: "Ded1cat1on Of addltiona1 r1ght.-ot_y beyond t~.c1t shown on the map to change the width t'roaI 60' to 9C' to the sat1sfact10n of' the C1ty Engineer 1D order to e:-eate a etreet with 4 mving lanes. MI'. Ward Crœap 11&14 lie understood CexD. Pr<:l1ch's motion that the C1t7" 1;0 obtain the wllU"""8S trOll! San JOIIe &lid tile Coun1õ7 to gO along w1th the 90' v14th. CCJallllllan ftUpra]4 sa14 San Jose ill going 60' on two Ilalldly1ll1one bere. .J JIa:ror ftDch ........ tor c~tll !roa tile audience. ~ were _. It _II .wed ~ C-Cllmn Dempster and seconded by CouncllBBn Stolæa to close the Publ1c Bear1ng. JIotlon carr1ed. 5-0 Councll11Bn Stokes allJœd the Assistant Cl1;7 Engineer what the street wkth 18 here. lie sald lt 111 90' wlde south or Steyena Creek BlYd. CouncllllBn Fitzgerald asked the Clty Planner 1£ there was auch chance 01' changing San Jose's mind ab01.l·~ t.'1e1r 60' width on Bubb. The City Planne:- said he w1ll be meeting wlth them aga1n next week. As it seems now, they w1ll reta1n the 60' w1dth. In orèe:- to estab11sh a 90' w1dth street, lt would have to Z1g-zag around the homes already built. Councilman Stokes asked the City Planner how he felt about widening Rainbow f'r::m Stelling to Bubb t:> d1vert some of the traff1c to Stelling. ...h1ch w1ll be 90'. The Clty Plar.ner sald Prospect would be bett-er because .1t will go through to FootMl1 Blvd. The ".ayor asked ';;he City Plar.ner what the width of McClellan ls. The C1ty Planner said it 1s 60', and could go wider ln some ;>laces. The Mayor then s,"id that 1t looks lU:e we are not g01ng to get the interchange at McClellan. Cour.cllman Stokes said tt.....t mak1ng Ralnbow 90' would br1.o¡g traffic 0~1' Bubb Road and onto Ste1l1ng, which will be 90'. Councllman Fitzgeral.d sa1d San Jose has a 60' plan line for Rainbow. Be sa14 he 1s 1n favor of giving Mr. Crump his zoning without the condit1on. Ordlnance No. 298 was read by the C1ty Clerk. This was the P1rst Reading. -6- I \ f , \ CouiIc:'lman $tokes asked Mr. Crump abou~ thaI. poI·~~.on or Regnart Roe:! that goes ~hrO''8n'SI!n" Jose' Water Wqrks ,"..o~ partY; Mr eru.p sa1rt :ß ant~c.1~te~ no problem here; - " C0IIiJe1l1lU .Fitzgerald lIot1c.eda dtacrepanc)' an:! aåJêed Mr. CWIIp.bJI( ~, lotJ are:áétœl1,- ~olved, bere. Mr. 'eru.p ,dd tø!:oe a~ 69' lót, arid tbât thø COI'1'ICt1on '..111 be' ~ OD 1:be. rep. . . . ~ . . ~ ' -..- . : . . -.-.. ...; 'It .... '~... by Coam ~lIBn Sto"- aD!".ecOllllJed ~ COUDCll- ~..' iIÍU1 ~ to 'lIpppG1e '1'enœt1ft IIItp 1-'ftI~ with the '. '~~ èJCiaØt1Giíe 'plu tbi deMc8t1OD few the striP of Rqpm-t"1b.d to San ~oee Vater IfCII'b iud tIIat the road be iIIprOYed . IfOtIlon carried, 5'"0 VIU PA.lIIIG BILLS A. Resolv:t1ons ~ ar~ 995 Resolution 99'J vae read by Treasurer Fitzgerald. It waa moved by CloUI1Ci1nan Noel and lIeconded by Councilnan Stokes to adopt Rr!solut1on 9~. AYES: CouncilmEr Dempster, F1tzgera1d, 'Noel, Stokea, Finch NOES: None Mot10n ca~~1ed, 5-0 I,esolution 99!i "~~ read by Treasurer F1tzgerald. Warrant No. 5Ç~4 was questioned.· Clari~'1cat10n of this expend1t.ure '01' $850 was rc,ad by ti1e C1ty Clerk. It 1s for legal eXpotJlSes 1n 'the matter of C1ty of Cupertino versus Multi-?~lzes Cor~orat10n. Clarif1cat10n of Warrant #5922 was requested lrJ Councilnan Stokes. The C:1ty Manager sa1d this is "our share 01' the cost of eng,1JM>e¡:oi:¡g f,pr the Town .Center. ..:'.. . :':y~' . f.. - ~.' ~- '-,.;.: < . ;~:,..~ 'The Assistant Ciq Engineer said Warrant #2024 label should read 119D.I'· payment. l~ retention. .. It was moved by Councilnan Stokes and seconded by Cou,"lcll- nan Dempster to adopt Resolut10n No. 995. AYES: Councilmen Dempster, Fitzgerald, Noe~., Stokes, Finch NCSS : None ~ot~on ~a~~1ed 5-0 -.- IX REl-'J\T OF ·.;ii,'ICI!RS A1ID Co:4MISSICIŒRS A. RBPOR1' 01P cm TREASURBR lie bad DOt~ t'urther to report. ~. ~ aø Cl'ft IWlAØIR 1. 6 "'i~." of Cal1tOl'lda C1t1u ~n. Cvpert!Do a --.r1-. aJOOdIIUl å'1P to lIø1ao C1t)- tor GDII of ... If] 'n--.4 ~ aftcI' tile _øt.J.oD. c-l1- ... "4ÎI.- T aJd .. ~ lie "nu-. to p. tile,. --- _ '1Ùd'" Jet tUIb' (1111-" tor two ~ ,... J.øa Amp. to lIIdoo CS_ sa $2T7 .50. It _ ___ 117 c-Uaa l!ael UII _aaIeIJ 117 CoMII1I~-" It _ MI' to .... .-- ... (c-u.n Stolata) repnuœ C_ "!Do 1a tb1a .00000Ul trip to llø1co Cl_. AYlES. C-lr- n .aMl', fttqera14, 1Ioe1, Stoba, ftDch IICZS I IIoae lIot1O":1 carrled, 5-0 It wall 8OYec1 117 CouncllaD !ioe1 and secoaded b, Councll- _ fttzcera14 to adnnce $350 l'or th1ll purpose. AYES: C01mCl*n Detlpater. P1tzgerald. Noel, Stoaa. Pinch troSS: None Motion carried. 5-0 2. The Cupe~1no H1gh School Parent-Pacult)' Club has re- que.teeS pel'll1allloa to erect a temporal')', 3' x 15' slgn at Miller A"enue and SteYeIIII Creek Bl'ld. adve~l.1ng Pioneer DB)'. So 8IOVed 117 Councilman Pitzgerald and HcOllded 117 Councl1Jan 11081. Mot1oa carrled, 5-0 3. The IDter-Clt)' Council lfOuld 111œ the Ma701' or hie alternate to be appo1nted to work with the Inter-Clty Cow>cll 111 reviewing the Coua.t)"1I 701 Program. MaJOr Pinch appolnted Counc1lman Noel to th10 Coam1ttee. -8- '" . . ' " ;'... 4. 'rown Center IIIpro'/e.rents. An eallement r~t.-ot_7 1. nee4ed 'tar a _ Una. Ct.'1; to H1gbwaY 9. '1".... prooper1:7 ooiner .teeb be lIboUld be:-el",bursed aI)d ,has turned tM.II over to an a~orce7. ~.e"" ..as an ìr1g1na1 agree_nt tbat ttll!__ e-~t" would be granted eac:t other 1f1tb1D the 'l'oIÌJì' .c.-. '!be City Manager 1'5C_D4ed tb1a be t.......d··otfto·tò "1:he Clt;¡ Attarney. . . - . ·~1. < '. " :..-:;r'~~V'::;:-" P1tzgerald aDd eecoaded - "'''òâ oarried. 5-0 . ·1:~~ . 5. '!be ..........1. _ UMI Al1'red ~ ~bOo~ tor 1!000-to-eJoœ .Ol101t1ll8·....1Ieen· ch80bd oat bJ' tbe C"'- ~ c, ..0. aDS it' _.. to be a leS1t1ate bu81De.. . venture,. . øJ.....~. th18 -7 be "1:1:1118 a preceðll_. It was ~ ._ Couno11En stÒlœ. aDd . .ooaded 117 COUIIClr.n fttapra14 t<:> de~ thia appl1oat1OD aad to "fund tile appl1cant;'. money. Mot10n carr1ed, 5-0 6. The City received a letter rr~ Mr. k. A. Baylor. or the State Dlv1ll1on ot II1ghl<a, regarding the on aDd "ft rampa at McClellan. ';e 33111 tbay could not re- COlllllend the addlt10n 01' t~se ramps. but advleed the Counc1l how to pul'lIue tl'.1s :atter 11' the>' IIIIW f'1t. Mayor P1nch :;a1.:1 he ICOC::'.i l~~~ to see th1s Reaolut10D go to the State. It Was move-;! by Cour.cE,-,a.~ S~ç¡~es am lIecomed b7 CouncllD:an ?1tzgerald to ref~:- this to the Plann'r.t; Commiss1on a."1d the Ctty Pur:""'l 1'0r reports. JIIot10n carrie<!, 5-0 T. A letter trOIS the Principal 01' Cupertino H.tgh School request1ng park1ng 11m1tation s.gns be placed in troat of the high IIc11001. '. ::. So moved by Counc1: .ma,n Dempster am aec~ ~y Counr."11man Hoel. ... - . Motion cÌ1rr1ed, 5-0 ., . ,- B. A letter from Assemblyman George M1l1as, request1ng pe1'lll1s81011 t" erect three tell'porary 2' x 6' e1ect1on s1gnB. S1Dce tb1a would be sett1r.g a precedence. 1t was diS- cussed IIbe1;ber a l'ee should be elltabl1abed and a peøa1t)- eñabUllhed f'ar "1gII8 not relllDYed within a apto1t1ed t:iM. '!be C1.:~ 1'II91e11tecl tb1a be tabled 111 order to ~ tIIa 'SJcn 'Ord1JlaDce ~ II a1tuaUOD 11Jœ tb1a. coaœt.... StoIata oII,faoted to tallliJls tb1a _tter, IltØSifa·.. t2M 111 of the ....1108, here. It.. .'.... _ C~u.n ~ 111111 aecClllded _ CCÍIII!I't"';';'¡ 1foe1 to tabls tb1a _tter. ØBSs '"-t~ Deçeter, Fitzgerald, 1Ioe1, P1IIch IIŒS: e0.i0111an stokea Motion ~arried. 4-1 It ... -.d b)' CCNIICllman Dempeter and seconded 11)' C01IDC1~ P1tligersld to authcr1ze the City !tanager to c~ forth with a recoaaendat1on as to th1a type 01' situation, af'ter consultation w1th the Cit)' Attorn8)'. AYES: Councilmen De::J¡l8ter. Pl~zgera1d, Noel, Pinch NOES: Councllman Stokes Mot10n carr1ed. 4_1 .,. ,"Use)', Ham & Blair request 1'0r final payment. '.t'hli! letter has been referred to tho.' Planning C~~.slon tor review. :;:. Letter t'rom l'l00d Control and Water District. ..long with petlti:m !'rom res1dents in :~rt1nwood and Walnut Estatell Subdiv1s10ns requesting construction or the br1dge over Regr.art Creek so the ch11dren wUl be able to _lk to Eaton School w1thout wa1k1ng along Bollinger. The City has agreed to contr1bute $4000 toward conatruc- t~on of' this br1dge, after complet10n. Councllran Stokes felt a br1dge of th1s type could 1:,~ built within a I1'Onth or so. Mr. Dave Franklin. 1615 Ronald Court, sa1d he 1s just a IIlIBll-tlme builder and has r.ad to put up a $38.300 bond. 1Dc1ud1ng the cost of' the $8000 br1dge, or which $4.800 ball been promsed by the City. Th:> C1t)' Attorney reeommealed th1i1 be referred to the Stal'f. The C1ty Manager feels t;:-:c merchand1se should be produce:!. befC're mone7 1s turr~d over. -1J- , The City AttarnIIJ then recODiDended a letter be sent to the bonding c"'?FIJ' 1nd1cat1r.g th.J appl1cant can be re1'unded $4.800 of' hill bond. It was lIIO'Ied 117 CoundlmP.a De~ ,.aø1 secunded b7 Coúnci1JBD !'1tqeioa1d tc, ~:ve tbIò 'Ó1ty AttoJ~y drat't . 1e~ 104:1 'tile ~ 00..'1"';'" ·tJiIiii..~OIf, ...~ tbat . ,"" - tbe bead øour1ti 18 to be reduced 117 '-,800. Motion carried, 5-0 , , u. IAltter 't'roIIlIr. mack.- of 1Ifo. Jla7lca". ôtt1ce, in zoeø¡uõd . t.O a:a cw- ~ tal' tile 8chOol cb11dren onr the t;¡.._,.'at1lá17 AftDue. . .. 12. $5,6OIt.~ hall been rece1ft4 !'rom tha ~era1 Government tal' preH-'''''7 p1aDll trr tile Cit)- l1li11. The City lfanapr wOUld 11Iœ tq put thill, eloas with addlt10na1 GIDIIe:J. andtoteUng $10.000. into an interellt-bear1ng aocount. '1'bree banlca hav.. ot'l'ered 3-7/9 lnterellt. First Va1le7 Bank of't'ered 4~ 1nterellt on a 1 year depoll1 t . Councilman Stokea f'e1t these should be sealed bids and opened at a certå1n t1me. It ~as moved by Coun~llman Dempster and seconded by Counc1lman Pitzgerald that the C1ty Manager be instrut'i;ed to put 1nterest ratell on a compet1t1ve ball1s and should be opened at the same time. Motion carried, 5-0 It was mcved by Counc11man Fltz€;erald ar.d seconded by Coun:tlman Stokes that $10.000 be put into an a~count at First Valley Bank at 4:;; interest for one year. Ar."s: Counc11man Dempster, F1tzgerald. Noel. Stokes, F1nch NOF.S: None Mot10n carr1ed, 5-0 C. RBP.œT OF CITY ENGINEER 1. Greenwood Court, 'e811t lIid¡- 01' BlaneŸ Avenue at Junipero Serra Preeway improvement II have been completed 1n accordance with the approved plans. It wall moved by Counc11man Noel and seconded ty Council- man Fitzgerald to accept the improvement II within Green- wood ,':'ourt. Mot1on ·cl!.rrie:l, 5..0 -, ---- ~~:,'~-' ~"r~~" 2. Shell 011 ff3, nort:bwes:' corner of' SteveJ'..5 Creek Mve!. and Blane" Avenue. The municlpsl Il11p1'oveøaents con- IItructed in con,fuDct1on ntb this development bave beer. 1nIIP'>cted am ~ necessary corrections have œen made. II; was moved 117 CouncilDBn P1tzgers14 and seccmded bF Co...JC1laBn S1;oJœa to authorize 1;be Clt)- ~'_r to 1nf'0I'II the deftloplÌr aDd b18 ~1.. o~'''"" that tbe 1.tav....._nt; 1'oIda ~ _ be l.'et:1red. )lott_ 08ft'1ed. 5-0 3. !'net; 110. 3061. "It.. Creek Park at Park A...... aDd BeardoI1 Drift. '!be .a1o1pa11o,.oa-O~ I ftt:. O....uy )ted 1D cODJœ»t;1oQ Idtb tIda deve:J.opo-- Lave ~D 1D- apected and tile DeCIH"'"""7 oorreoUOCIII IIrN been ads. It _II IIOV8d bF C_1J.Ð JIoe1 aa) _Oðded by Councilman stoke. to av.1:borlze t;be Clt)- Brlg1Jleer to In1'OI'II the deve10per and b1e boDd1nS C0Ç8D¥ that the ilaprovement bonda 1187 now bo retired. II. Dedicat10ns. eal'ements, etc. M1'. Robt.J't; iI. Ke1m hall requested the Count7 to abandon a port1on of San Felipe Road near Alcalde Road. This 1s w1thin the Cupertino Water COIIIpsny serv1ce area. Because of' this. we have obtained a public utility easement through the aban- doned parcel. It wa~ !:lOved by Co=c11man Noel and seconded by Counc11- man Stokes to adopt Resolution No. <R7 accepting Grant of Ease=nt from Robert F. Kelm, et. ux. AY"'..s: Councilmen Dempster. Fitzgera14. Noel, Stokes. P1nch NOES: None Motion carr1ed, 5-0 5. Wolfe Road. Plans and specificat10ns have been pre- ¡>are1 for the extension of' Wolf'e Road !'rom Stevens Creeòt Blvd. to HODIClltead Road. w1th 4 mov1ng lanes and a med1an str1p. Project total cost ill ellt1mated at t348.500.oo 1nc1ur:l1ng $144.500.00 or right-of-way. It was moved by Councilman Fitzgerald and !!'!conded by Counc1lman Noel to av.1:horize lIubmitta1 of th,gøe dreu- ments to the State Division of Highways for ·ev1e.. together w1th a budget proposal l'or $56,000.00 of aas Tax r>on1es toward the cOllt of' th1s project. Mot10n carr1ed, 5-0 A eo~ of this agreement 1s to be sent to Counc11man Stokes by the C1ty Manager, -1.';- 6. SteU1ng Road. p1pel1De r.loca.tixa at Jun1pero Serra PJ:oeeA:r. . The Ste1:e ÐJ.y~ 01' ~711 baa preseœed p. ~¡pplemental eg! ,It: Wherein tbe7 agree ~o re~se tl, Cit» tor ~ t:ota1 coat 01' t:1eS8 relocat2.CIDII. both ~o tile detour ... ~ ßJlal relotat1on 1J1W t:be -.J"- . .. t -'1 ' cross1Jlg. . n _ .~~ c:..-~P1~q.u.1d aJId· all!' .' II _ ~n-G.~_~·!l1~~~lIOlUUo.1110. ~.~_ _.IllS DJ.Yia1œ of ~If ..... Ueø Jctø-œ ... 388.61 (~i).· ",. - . , - ." 0" ~ .;; :_ .~. ..M... :.,-, " . . A!ES: C~u l' _ .Ur. P1tzpra14, "1. St-. ~b NOES: ø_ ~føt2.oa carried. 5-0 1. Stell1ng ~ l'2.pel1De t1na1 relocation b14 _a taken care ~f Ulldm' Ites IV. D. HEPOR'I:: CITY /.'1'T~% 1. He ~orlll8d the Cl~ 1:bat he has :lled su1t aga1r.at Mu~:~-Priz.,a c( ~ra1::'on, per their lnatructior.a. 2. lie ;::-~poaed agree2~ .-11:b the C':'ty offered t:y the Wa~e:" COl1f:ervat.!.z :':.3t~1ct be h.:nored. It ><3S ".IO·re<1 1:7 :~:.:.::ar. FJtZ3!rald and sec~Aed by Ccur..: 11œll De:.;;et:r ":;:;, a~thcr 1::e U',e Mayor to execute the ,~e*,nt rt~ the ¡¡a~;er Co:-.ser"/ation I:1ztr1ct. ~~~~~ :~~!ed, 5·~ 3. !i1lse:;, 11.'1111 . BJ.aj,r c::>:-.tract. T!oe ';lty Attorney rec:)1Jl- me:-':'ej the C1::J' Cau::.cl1 œke a ::>o1:10n authorizing the May~ to a,'.gn the ag:oee::>ent of cocplet1on of aervicea of ¡;Usey. Halll .. 3h~. So ::lOved by Comx:11_.. Fitzgerald and ·aecorid~ by C,,~ Umsn DerapIJ1;er 0 1Iot1.ol1 carried. 5-0 Bo JŒPOR'f O? THE CHIBP . :3U.uuDIJ INSPECTOR 1. Tidenter 011 ~7. northwest corner 01' Hw)' 9 and McClellan Road. '!be Chiet adld1ng Inspector said th1s w111 be one ot ÜIe f'inest stations bu11t by Tide- water 011 CO"'I"'"'IJ'; It _II or1g1:-ally designed. tor Los Altos but never _t;er1a:l1zed. -1:- 2. S111la~, Ltd., aoatb l11de of Bo:œstead Road. approz. 100' "Nt 01' PalleD1eaf' DrlY1!. Tœ ,........ añ1d1Dg I:Da¡Iectar said the le:tsee plaDa 1;0 put a ~"-In DabT bere. Be ,,111 conf'orm to the coø11tl::ICS ae.1; 1:or'tII __ 1:l1li B-Contro1. x . . ' , , , . t-.: ~ :! .-1 tJ!-'t~ :L. lIP.. JIrs. 1arIIoD.... ~ J . to t1Dd oat ... tllq - f ¡"~;þotec:t t!Idr .sI --1JI:.' J tile C1t7 IIaI! aabel tbeIt aøt ',:i::-~';'";'t:o pit po12e alcDs aJde'~ 4Jao. a t...-i COUIICu-.. ..'~ ,_twl17 .. ,..4.. u" lllÎl:'-a. C1t;r 1I0Il14 pat in .L_at. ptt;er aid :wiI theN. eo-ibm: P1Upra:ll1 tee18 _ bave a 1IIOI'S1 obl1gatlOD w 1Ir. Ia.."SOI1. !!Ie City :~II: sa14 he ... clleclœd the CO\IIICll M1nutell of' .Jara¡ary 1, :960 t1œo.ch 311De. 1960, and there wall ~ò1JIg in them rep.""<11ng the t&_...l 01: 1Ir. larson's tree. !'be C1ty ,~~::rney asJœd U these logs const1tute a Publ1c lIu1aaœe. Councll--- ~';:gerald suggested the Councll let Mr. Larson Jœei> !'.is ;-::~S to protect h1s lIidewa1k unt11 we can f'orm an asseS3~=:: ~1str1ct there to put 1n the curb and gutter. It "as -:<:.,,~ ~y Counc1ban St;okes and seconded by Councl1.lIØn !Joel tc :;:::w )Ir. Larson to leave h1s poles 1n and to 1:1n1sh >"'~~~ 1n the rez:a1rLer 01' them along the entire length :: :'~s s1dewa1k. ':bey can remain unt11 an assessment :1111tri:: ~s ::rmed there t:: put in the curb and gutter. Mot10n ca.-rled. 5-0 Mr. Lars::: :-::;:¡ested a cow 01' th1a Minute Order. 2. Counc1l=a::. ~-::;ces asked how the paving alo:1g Blaney 13 coming "::r.g. The City ~~r sa1d the property owner 18 1nteres~"~ ::: putting in the sidewalk. In the meanti:oe. some 1:::;=-:T:'2!t1ts have been _de so the school ch11dren can go by t~:-: sal'ely. 3- Mr. Ral;t: 2~sley asked bow the payment for the removal 01' Mr. lars::c. 's ~ree wall haaned since there was noth1ng in the MinI.:.~~! :: the Council _t1"1gS 1n regard to 1t. Be W8S tc:'= -:.~t 1n the Vffr7 early stages, when Cupertino t'1rllt be~~ a city, the _t~1I "ere less formal. but that the b1lls ,,~:-.! even then ¡aU by warrlint. There would be a record 0: =.: at City Ball. -1~- u _ lIOSDŒSS 1. COIIDCilman Hoe~ saJ4 be ... been ..de aware of' a sl~~2.oD 1Ibereby prbagt and ruN»1e are be1ng duuped in the nc-- lo~ at Pac11'lCt ~ft ~ Pa.-allone Drive. !'he Clt7 1IIUIa¡p.so Did .. ... ocøtacted tb8 uIfDe1'. ~ ... a p:a.ad t:o pos~ s~. pa& up 'ba'I'1cades, aDd o1eaD 'lIP tile 1'Qbble . .... CrIDIp aalrel1111a1: ""fit &1AID a ~L, -~ ... -,._~ IaY1IIs h18 1ft.. t., _Ie a (II1II110 ~.. ~..... ~ JII'Obln 18 bech!lw ___ .s- SI...y...le 40ea DOt au - traab at: tbeb d1IIp traa .4'-' ~Jan Sw.y...le 1'e8ideIIIta. 'fta C1.t)- Attorney sa14 tile .... Abeø.Dt: 0rI"1IIaDCe ~ aJIP17 bere . '!'be Clt7 .laDapr saJ4 C...--L1Do residents have been 1Dtœ.ed ~hat the)' can o~ 1a ~ Cl~ Hall and obtain a perm.~ aUow1ng "!!em to _ 1:be Loa Ahoa Garbage d..unP 1n Alv1l1O. Councllœn Hoel aalœd it' Cupert:1Do haa given a~ t:boo~'t to hav1r.g a dUllf;l or l~s 0lIl1. Nobody had. xn: &DJOORNMENT Xt: _a moved by Councl1Ja:1 De:llplter and aeconded by CouncllJBn P1t:zgera1d tc adjourn tbe :>eet:1ng at 10:50 P.M. ;J>PROVEÐ : /11/ Paul H. P1r.ch Mayor ~~..: tt..-.. (.a£L I~ - ;,La.:(.., Clt:)' C 1erlt -::'5-