January 27, 19860 CITY OF CUPERTINO .A 6 E N D A Regular Meeting of the Architectural and Site Approval Committee Conference Room 106 City Hall JANUARY 27, 1966 7200 PM 'HEARING POLICY ASAC No Public Hearing will be initiated after 10200 PM All parsonswishing to address, i t,em must si the Committee on a particular agenda 'On in before speaking All -ASAC Proceedings -are tape-recoa rded for the public record ORDER-OF-PUSINESS Uv SALUTE TO FLAG/ROLLCALL POSTPONEMENTS/NEW AGENDA ITEMS -,ITEM 5-., Satellite Dish Antenna Regulations.- Sta,f fuests postponement to req Regular Meeting of February 10, 1986 WRITTEN AND VERBAL COMMUNICATIONS SELECTION OF OFFICERS FOR 1986 Ott Et+6T CALENDAR AGENDA. ITEM 2.- - --- Lot -27 of 10 -84 - --- ---- INFORMAL REVIEW ITEM 1) APPLICATION_8g8C-51.6;j.!b,.t ----------- Avenida Lane Request ---------------- for ASAC approval of.an exterior dark addition to_a ,, sing Be + ami I y hillside home. Site is located on Avenida Lanenortherly of Aloral de Avenue. L4EL4 1UjNEEjS 0e 41 ITEM 2) LOT 27a -84 (Forme --E--LiggYe[:--Elementary___Sg!2g.gi 9 gite).1 Request for:' site and architecture approvalfor a proposed single f4mily detached home, in accordance withcondi titoras of approval. Site is located north of Barnhart Place between Primose Way. and Aster Lane. NOTE N AGENDA ITEM 2 RECOMMENDED FOR CONSENT CALENDAR ACTION ITEM 3) APPLICATION ASAC -- py - ----------------- _gbgyrolet Requesting approval of an addendum to. the existing sign program for an automotive dealership to include a 48 sq. ft . Ii 9 hted wal I sign. Site is located on the North side of Stevens Creek Blvd. easterly Of.Stalling Road. ARCHITECTURAL AND SITE APPROVAL COMMITTEE AGENDA - January 279 1986 (Page - 2 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------- NEQn9_I8iSIhO�SS,_iC®n�._cD_D ✓� � �� ��.�® ITEM 4) APPLI ---------------- _ Requesting testi napproval oUILDIG fie^ ad'standln ng sign for an ofl ce building under construction at Stevens Creek Blvd. and Randy Lane. 9SB-PU9 LN9SS ITEM 5 D SATELLITE ; II3I S& V A9�9TEt�9�BA RE6�Q3LAT I Ot�PS o Staff requests assts postponement of this matter to- the TRegular Meeting of February 10, 19866 91HER-BY_9S I NESS APPROVAL SF MINUTES - Regular Meeting ng of January 13, 198