CC 08-17-64 -."""""-- ~ ".,,.,,.-, :. ¡ , - 10321 SOIr.'S E'iY 9, Curr..=.uoO, CAL."!P., 9')014 252-'1505 CI7Y O. CUPERTINO ____, C~ŒA ~ OP 'filS REGULAR ..~ .- .. '.rIlE cm COUNCIL - _. 11. 1964 j~~, . --I Boerð RooaI, c_". " .1" - al D1.I1:r1ot ott!oe -~, 8:00 1'.11. , ';1:: -, ('" 811t1DS cc..A.. ' - 1:30 P.x.) ~,.- -j SAImB to !'Ø PLI8 D ROLL CALL: C~n.D preMlSs'.f 1 ...14, 1lce1, StoJata, ftDcb c_u.m a~: . _ 1:11' Staf'f' present: C~~ __~ Phil Storm C1~ .-, L Iarry Martin Cl~ ~ SaID ADderllon Aa8J.â. C11;J' Engineer Robert Shook Cl~ ad 'b'at'f1c Planner Adde !aurin CIdet' _1d1rig Inspector Bill Benev1.ch Re~~ Director John Parham Recca"IUJIS Secretary Lo1s Inwardll ¡¡:a MINU'l'ES OP TIlE PREVIOOS JEE'l'INGS: August 3 &: 10, 1964 It was :oved by COUEICn-n Stokes and seconded by Councilman Noel t:: approve the --~s of August 3, 1964. Motion carr1ed, 4-0 The M1=~tes of August ~..h are not yet prepared. :::Y" œAL A.'C WRrrrEN CO!__.LCnIONS A. Oral 1. ~s. Gustav ~. 10185 Empire Way, said ahe had loolœd 1t up JD UIe enc:c10ped1a aDS tOUDd that the American Pla& ~1d be on the right aide. The City ..._.. ~-ed out that it Ilhou14 be on the right 111.ðe or. ~ Chairman, not the aud1.ence. 2. 1tr. Robert Jacot.. 19851 BBywood Drive, alllœ4 about the atatus .o~ U. c1UZens' request tor P"SsIS a s1deRlk a1~ ~'Avenue, -on tbe pI-va-a&.7 adjoin- ing Portal Scbaol. -1- ; - · > The Clt;, _.- said the property 0IfDI1' will be beck in town ~ U1å week. He allllNl'ed Mr. Jacoba that 1Iapro~. ' L -. 11111 be IIIIde here ao the children will not be _,.... 1;0 IIchoo1 in the street. ,;0: B. 1Ir1tten > j 0 í ~ ' ,~, 1. c-........- ~ CaUf'crnSa C~~ 1;0 ~1t""'nAte BalJtoCM: - -- ~. -111,,_ 2. A C8I'I1. 6CIII J't- -sf' 1Ia;JOr JelMtt. ,.. . ;"~ .~ ':' 3. A tblak ~ ~~'- troa C~·t~ 14"18 league tar coo~a';;JoD Ja J II1'Id.tt1llg tbeir cara19ál. /J. An CI1'de1". 11-_ the lltud;, of pw!e croea1DglI. 5. C~ ft'om the league of WOIIeD Voterll allk1l!g that tbe ~ or Septelllber 13-19 a8 "-n Voterll' Week be .... ! 6 by the C1t;, ot CupertinO. So III098d b»" CoaDc1llllln Fitzgerald and lIeconded by Counc1ltEø _1. Mot10n carried, 4-0 6. Announce-œ Ulat the next regu1ar meet1Dg ot the City C0UDC1.1 11111 be held Tuesda;" September 8th, 8:00 P.M.. at Portal School, 10300 N. Blane;, Avenue. 7. A note £roo< Gre;Jhound L1ne1l. Councllœn F1tzprald quest10ned Item XI B, Page 9. of' the Planning c---t-elon Minutes of A\~t loth. Instead 01' read1Dg -troa the eastern C1ty L1l111tll to Stelling Road· 1t shou1.d read "!'rom HighwaY 9 to Stell1ng Road." ... REPORT OF THE PLAuDU CœMISSION: (See Minutes or July 30, August 6 &: 10.) Cha1rœn Thomson reported that the Planning Coma1s8ion re- cently passed two Reao1utlonll: 1. For a south~ ott-ramp and a northbound on-ramp to the ^ , at McClellan. 2. Hequeat1DS tIIa~ t:he City Counc1l consider the water1Dg and l1gbUJIg at the median strip at the time 1t is 1mproved. ChairlllBn Thomson aaU Ulat the Planning Coaa1asion approved tbe Tentat1ve Map Þ:w t:be Donald L. Stone Organization {Item V A of tb18 ~1"tg's agenda). Ife said there 1s a study being -.de ~ the Stafr on the road system in that area. but th1s pr",,",", L, 111 not directly involved. -2- ~ Mayor Finch 8814 the l1ght1nß and water1ng oC the median strip along Stevens Creek Blvd has a1read,. been included in the .~-1ng study. A. DONAlD L. 8'lOIB <JIGAlUZATION: Application f'or approval or Tentat1ve lisp at Regnart Road and Lind,. lane. Approved ~ p,......1nS C~slon 8/1~Jti4. '!'be A8.1etaDt Clt)- ~""f r ..24 tile .t:œoa drainage ea....nta-,to,be ~1ded alcms.Ió1I1Jœ. were 1nItluded 111 tile, .1'"1"-" ' ('.-t ..100 Reao1ut1C1D. JIlo. vn,... ".-"l87. 1103 Bl C-...... ..24 lie 111 with Bolw-~_~ was reprelMlDt1Dl ,tbe.pp1~. C0UII01lÎIm IIoel aaJald bow man;v ~. are 1mro1ved here. JIlo. r.._Je)' aa14 t~ were 15. Councl1mn Boel 1Ía24 it looks like a good R-1 develop- ment. Ml'. Ward Crump. 11247 Bubb Road. allked 11' this was a Pub110 1lear1Dg. Be was told that It was not. but he wall welcOll8 to enter Into the d1llcUIIlllon. Ml'. Crump reqt1ellted a eOP'I oC the mep be placed on the bulletin board. When thill was done he pointed out R lotll front1Dg on Regnart Road that would be affected by the new road pattern being worked on. Mr. Cl'WIIP 8814 that last week the City Staf'f reco:llD8Tded that Regnart; Road be developed into a semi-expressway further down. Mr. Crump Celt that either these homes fronting on Bubb Road are out of order or else the expresswày is out of order. The Cit,. Planner sa14 he is studying the road pattern in th1ll entire area. It is preDlllture to present a road plan here at this time. but that he is forced to do so at this meeting. Under t>'e circumstances, he recoamends limit1ng the number of homes on Resnart Road. Technical problems arise in W14ening Regnart Road here (:3ndsl14ell. etc.). The City 'lraff'ic Planner proposes a narrow two-Jane road going up the hill and on the other side of Regnart Creek to heve another narrow. two-~ne road going downhill. At special points, III!lking a V-turn would be allowed in order to go back down the hill. The C1t,. Planner quot':.d portions 01' the Planning Comm1soion II1nutell of August 10th. -3- · The City P1aJIner lIa1d these lotll would not be af'l'ected by these plana. u they do ....ter1aUze. He added, h~ver, ttv\t be bad 1n1'armed the Stone Organization 01' the preh_....,. p1aœ in tb1a u. 80 tbeJ' wou14 be aware ot wbat aJsbt; happeD 111 the N.... aM to -- p1aœ accœ..t4~. II1'II. JaaD1ta ~. 22101 L1øI7 ~. "rJr-O' ...t ~ lappeD to tIIè UHI U We sa to lie. ".....~ _.-_. .f SIIe sa14 tIIII, t 11': 4ft .... sa ~ ad ..... .. . t1oa4 a tew J1I81'S 1Iedr. II1'II. 1Ior.reD reD 1t -.Ie .... _ to wtdeD Bal)b Road 1Dstead 01' ~_ . ,juD1ar .0' I I ,. l "s 111". Jeft7 J!la1Jød. Repu1; Road. ..Sd lie ~ l1Jllt to see the area IIta7 _h all 1t sa _. 111". Jolin SsrI7. 22000 Regœrt Road. ..~ tile C0unt7 - the road on tbe opposite 111de of'tlle creek here. It wall lIIOVed bJ' C0IDIC11an Pitzprald ellS aecOllded by CouncilllBn Noel to 6ØP>'owe the 'l'entati.... Map of' the Stone Organization tor ths Regnart Road-Lind)" x.u. area. subject to the cond1tions set forth 11)0 the Plaming COI:IIIiss1on Motion on August 10, 196/J. B. J. I. BACON: (Sw1mm1ng Pools 5: Used Cars) Application for a Variance to allow two (2) pole s1gnll where Ord1nance allOllS one (1). 20031 Ste"ens Creek Blvd. (Pr~ntage on two streets.) Recolllllended by Planning Co::n1ssion Reso1ut10n No. 222. 8/10/64. This application was deleted £rom the agenda. VI OODINANCES AND RESOIm'IONS FOR ADOPTION: A. ORDINANCE NO. 296: Rezoning property 01' Frank Mantia £roo R-1:B-2 to R-2-H; east end 01' Greenwood Dr1ve. Sec~nd Reading. It was moved 11)0 Councllman Stokea and lIeconded by Counc1lman Pitzserald that Ord1nance 296 be read by title only. Mot1on carried, 4-0 Ordinance 296 t1t1e was read by the City Clerk. It was moved b7 Councilman Stokes and lIeconded by Councilman Noel that Ord1nance 296 be enacted. AYES: Councl~ Fitzgerald, Noel, Stokes, Pinch NOES: None ABSEHT: CounclI.u1 Dempster Mot10n carr1ed, 4-0 -4- B. CllDINANCE RO. 21]1: Cal1~ Special BoM Election for Incurr~ lIoaðeci Indebtednel3 tor City Hall and !'ark SUea.SecOlld Reading. It ."all -.c1 _ Counc11aD Stolœll .uS secoø1ed - CØUJ1I)111aD P1~zprald that Ordinance 291 be read 117 title! ~. Mot1oD carr1ed, _-0 ~.._ . ~ U~Je .. Ned _ tile C1~ ütorDq. D _ __.... '" C .u_ Stc*u aøI ..a .....- C~ n "'1 tad a.-M- 2S7 _ ...w. aDl eø.ií""": r:~. "1~ 8taaà;. JI!iIcb "I ... · .1 ~ 1M . ..... Motlœ ~. .....0 C. CJIDT'"- 110. 89 (1~) I Rep1at1JlS MftrtlllillS DlIIpla711 Ad"""" to T.._....pId Pr..AJII. Second Reading. It .. ...s !IF CoœdllaD StoIIea and seconded - :::ouncl11aD ft~qerald that Ordinance No. B9 (b) be read !IF tUJe 0Dl7. ~t1on carried, 4-0 ::rd1nance No. 89 (b) t1t1e wall read by the C1ty Clerk. It waa IIOftd _ Councllœn Stokes and seconded by C::unclla1n Noel tha~ Ordinance No. 89 (b) be enacted. AYES: Counclloan Fitzgerald, Noel, Stokes, Finch t:œs I None ASSENT: Councllœn Dempster Mot10n carr1ed. 4-0 D. RESOWrIŒ HO. 992. Adopting and Subm1tt1ng . Budget for Expenditure of' state Allocated (Engineering) F'unds. It was moved !IF C0\IDC11111an Fitzgerald and lIeconded by Councilman Hoel ~o adopt Resolution 992. AYES: Councilmen Fitzgerald, Hoel, Stokell, Finch HOES: Hone ABSEHT: Councu.n Dèmpster Motion carried, 4-0 -5- vn PAYING mus A. Reso1utiOlUl 990 and 991 1. Resolution 990 was read by Treasurer ntzprald. It... IIID984 11»' C01mOl1an Noel and ..11 d ~e4 117 còâDou-n Stokea to adopt Rellolutlon 990. ØBå'1 ~11a11D ntzprald, Noel, StcIIIea, P1Dch lOBS; Beine AJIIBI'la Cotmc11l8n Dempster Motion carried, 4-0 2< Resolution 991 was read by Treasurer ntzgerald. It _:.0 JIIDVed by Councilman Stokes and aeconded by COUIICll11Bn Noel to adopt Resolution 991. The Mayor allked ror an explanation or Warrent 5828. The City Manager said that Valley Firllt Nat10nal Bank has of'rered 41' interest on a aav1ng1l account for the City. AYES: Counc11men Fitzgerald, Noel. Stokes. Finch NOES: None ABSEHl': Counc1lman Deopster Ho\:1on carried, 4-0 'nIl REPORT OF OPPICERS MID COMMISSIONERS A. REPORT OF CITY TRE:.suRER Councilman Fitzgerald sa1d he had noth1ng further to add. B. REPœT OF THE CITY MANAGER 1. The City Manager said he had been requellted by the City COUIICil to challenge other ofr1c1als in the County to a baaeball game. He had a letter from the City or Mountain V1ew accepting thi8 challenge. Councilman StOke8 s~ested the City Manager arrange a game With Mountain V1ew. prel'errably on a Fr1day evening. This was agreeable with the rema1nder of the COlmCll. 2. A sol1c1tor, Alfred J. Thomson, III, Trade School and TV Repair haa appl1ed 1'0r a bus1neS8 l1cenae. The C1ty Manager wOuld l1lœ to have the Chamber or Co_roe chadk this out before it is acted \:pon. -6- , Councilman Fitzgerald said he thought the Chamber of COIIIIIel'ce would welcome the oppol'tun1t1 to check tb18 out. It ... r.ond by CounciløBn Stoke. and lIeconde;2 bJ' COUDCn-D Noel to reter tb1s appllcat10n to tile Cbamber at Coaœrce tar rec_ndat1on. Motlaa carried, IJ-O 3. '!'be C1Q lllulapr said tile Start ~ l1Jat to do aD -J117 ,fob Oft B1.aDII7 aDIl aD Ste111as ... .... ,~.,tIIe ...tIIer ...._. " III JIU noel'" :: Id'-I ~_~~ao..-- ..·~tt· _. PSaaa ... ---t6~ , $1. "I5AaD --t6.9!5haD . It Sa ..u.ted tile ,fob- wa]d tab betIIeeD 1000 to 1300 toaa. 'ft11a _14 I'IØ1 t'I'a. $6000 to $8000. 1UØUTJi. CllDIR: It was __ !IF Councillan Pltzprald aid seconded by COUDCllDan Noel to award tbe b14 to Sondl'ÿt:¡ Br-oa., tbe lowellt bidder, at $6.45 per ton. Mot1'X! carried, 4-0 4. Mr. R. W. larson. 10440 So. Blaney Avenue, was at the last City Councll meet1ng regard1ng the 1mprovementll 1n front of h1s home. He was also present at thill meet1ng. lie said he l'eelB that he has stood up to his end of' the verbal agreement. made at the site, by then Councllman Saieh. tor::¡er City Engineer F1em1ng. and City Manager l'hll Storm. He feels he should be reimbursed tor the roadway. The C1ty Manager said he entered into no verbal agreement w1th Mr. larson. although he was present at the d1scussion. Counc11man Noel said he would not like to set a precedent here. The City Attorney sa1d street improvements 1n front 01' the original landowner's home when propert.y is being subdivided 1s now spelled out 1n the Ordinance, where it wasn't 1n the past. Councilman Fitzgerald was concerned about the moral obligation here. He asked Mr. Iaraon how long the s1dewalk 111. Mr. larson said it is 250 to 275' long. He lIaid be put the poles along IIlde 1t to protect it l'rom cars and trucks turning around there and crack1ng the celDf3nt. -7- y ~ ,.~.(',~. ':/o4';i/>" , '.... ~~ r" -"~, c ~ ft! 'fr- . . - C'JUftCllman P1tawrra]4 sa1d he thought the c:fJalllber 01' COIIIIIIerCII w0aJ4 _1come the opportun1t;1 ~o check th1a out. It was lIICITed _ C--Uman Stokes and lIeconded by CœncllaBD 1foe1 1;0 rarer th1s app11cat1on to the Cbamber or C ..6 rœ: recomematlon. IIøt1GO carried. 4-0 3. fte Clt7 ...:¡";,,p.;: ..íd ~ Sta11' would 111l1lI 1;0 40 an -la7 ,1ub _ - J and GO sœ1l1ng RoeIJ8 .... 1Ib1le ~ wa.... J ...4ts. Be bu rece1W111 3 bidst :;..A~ ..... ...·....b P1aZD--- ______________-$6~ItGO ._____________-$1.151t0l1 ______________-$6.9.5lton It 111 IIlIt1--111 tile Job would take between 1000 to 1300~. ft1a wœ1d run from $6000 to $8000. ~ œDlR: It was IIICITe4 _ CoImc11man P1tzgera1d and seconded ~ Counc1laBD JIoel to award the bid to Sondroth ::ros., the lo.e~ bidder. at $6.45 per ton. !'Iot1on carried, 4_0 4. !':. R. W. Lara=. 10440 So. Blaney "venue. vas at the ~st City C=..c:.1 :eet1ng regard1ng the 1t:1pl'~vements :.:: l'ron~ of t~ h:Ioe. He was also present at this ::eet1ng. He:sa:.:! he f'ee1s that he has stood up to ::is end of' the ~lba1 agreement. made at the s1te, ~ï then Counci~ Sa1ch, l'o~r City Eng1r.etot' Plem1ng, =.:1d C1ty Manage: ~J.1 Storm. He feels he shouU be ::-<!i:nbursed l'oro ~he roadway. :;-.e City Manager said he entered 1nto no verbal a;;reelllSõ1t with Jf:r'. !arson, although he was present at the dillcuss1.oÐ. :~uncll1tan Noel _1d he would not like to set a ~eced,.nt here. '!he City At1;~ -7 _111 IItreet 1mprovements in front of t!'.e original ,..... _r's home when property 111 be1ng s~iv1ded 111 DeW spelled out in the Ordinance,. where 1t vasn't in tbe past. Counc11man P1tzpra1d was concerned about ~ moral obligat1on here. lie ..ked Mr. larson how long the s1dewalk 111. 1Ir. larson said 1t is 250 to 275' long. He said he put tile poles along side 1t to protect 1t from carll am tnaclal turn1ng around there am cracking the caR .'. -7- '," ·~~""""'·r·"··~ - ~ ..... " -:- j;... 4......_..· '.1'#; Councl11aD ~ .dd he unðer81;ood the prev1OU11 Council d14 DOt IBJœ th1ll agreement --- only one 1JIdlY14œl C--i.1III8n wa. involved. He sa1d the Nlli ot t;bø peop]. 111 tI11II 0'-"'11:)' who have curbs and .1ðenDa þt!6tar them the_lves. i'be C11:7 - II 1'eCoa.Dded .' tœpol8. øJIou1d DOt be l8tt wbIIl'ii ~ .. beoa_ tbq oOllñl~ a øatet7 bald'd~ -.. ~ ~ '7 . . . ;'# k':"c " cCla.U_J...,.......a;t.a1 ~~ fttqera14 IIeOGIIdect ......to deDir'-. y. 1~·. 1'8q11Bst tlat , - - tbø ft_· 1'~'V' CftIÍ'IIII aid"~W"· åìI1 tbat the C11:7 , . 8tIItt 1oc*'" tSie ..tter ot- ~tber ar DOt It 18 1ep1 tœ .. ,.w. to ream. AYBSI C '1'1.... fttqera14, StoIats !lOBS I CoaaoU . Jfoel, P1JIcþ JIot1on tied, 2-2 The Clt7 Att- )g' advised that th111 IIBtter could be carried over to the next Council meet1ng when there are tive mellbere present. It wall moved b7 Councl1JDan Fitzgerald and seconded by Councl1man stoIœa to carry this matter over for two weeks, until there are five Councilmen present. Motion carried. 4_0 5. Mrs. Sam 8era111, 22380 Ba1uøtro1 Court. submitted a petition to have the NO TIIRU S'1'REE1' l11gn removed from the corner ad,1acent to her property. It was put there by the Clt:¡, at the corner of Ba1uøtro1 Court and Deep Clif't Drive. Councilman Noel said he drove out to see th1s sign before the Council _eting and 1t is on the st!'eet sign 1tself'. It was ÎDoved b7 Councilman Noel and seconded by Counc1lman ~oJœll to dell)' the request IIBde by Mrs. Sam Serll111 becauae It was not 1n accordance w1th the City Ord1DaDce. JIotion cari:'led, 4-0 6. The Manager ot the Sunnyvale Theater would like to know how mall)' ot the Councilmen "111 attend the Pay TV dinner. 7. The C1ty Manager Aid the V1cksburg Dr1ve closing has beer. turned over to tho Sherif'l"s Office. -8- ~"'::f~"_'~'C:'t~""T ¡:; -;Jt: !,; , ,'.',' .,,¿t,j~~f:·~1~; ~'11 ~,...'~ " - .... .._,....,c <' " '::,/ ',' f":.:,~--,.:~~.'~ . -,:~-'; ?"~~;'i~": ..,.ill, "." 'I ,,_:' '" ' '. v., '# ~, , "i;i"~""'J.>:" , ilt ' ~,' . .,.trr,,-, .'Jt~ . C. 1IBt'œ'l' 011 Ctft DUI1ŒER 1. Ded1cat1.oDø. ~tlJ, etc.. a g1tt troe .John P. Torre. 81:. _. or a 30 root IItrlp or propert)- 270' loug _ eaR aJde or II'~ 9, 1'ronting the Palo A11:o 8aYSJIp .. Loan properlö7' It ..._....4 ., ·~1118n Stokes and ROomed b'J c~ nt _ 'À1d to. dopt RlIIô1Þt1OD 10. 986 ~ DIIe4 ~ oUt trca:.TåbD:V..í,~. et. G. ,- '';'r:,,:-,!<1 ::.-,_;;:,!' -:.~i">" ,'A1II8:t /4:''- .", ...-. m-.eraJ4. "1. '1ItGIIries. ftDch ~~.. r ,:: ," ~i ~ ;~ : . , , J c.1.t. ~.-.w DInIpater , ;~t:~f' . ,.....JIøÜœ ~" .-.:0 . 2. 8eIIr7 QioUftUa. __, roa4waJ' 4eð1caUOIIB tar south eld ~ IL .aL ~-A ~ft. It was _.... ., COIID01~ Roel 8Ii4 aecOJlded ~ CO\IIICt1_.. P1t;:qpnoald to adopt Resolution No. 942 accept1Jls ~ 4eð1caUona rr_ Benry K. Gr11'f'lth aid .TaIIIIl V. OI'1tt1th. AtBSl eo1mCu.eD,pttzgerald, Noel, Stokes, Finch NOBS: None ABSBN'l': Ccnmcl1maD Dempater 'Motion carried, 4_0 It was moved ~ Councilman Stokes and seconded ~ CouncilDan FUzgerald to adopt Resolution No. 943 accepting roadway dedications !'rom Thor E. Johnson aDd ltay R. JobnIIon. AYES: COUDCll1œn Fitzgerald, Noel, Stokes, Finch NOBS: !fOlie ABSEtfl': Councilman Dempster Mot10n carr1ed. 4-0 3. Thorsten A. BBclaD8n: north side of Bollinger Road 200' eaat of' H1gtutay 9. It was _e~ ~ Councilman Fitzgerald and seconded ~ COUDCll1BD 1ICIe1 to adopt Resolution !fo. 9fn. approv1Dg tiDal plana. AYES: C_ll1œn Fitzgerald. Noel. Stokes, Finch NOBS: None AB8BIiT: Councl11ED Dempster Motion carried, 4_0 -9- ;,.-:.:7 -.'~ ." n. ".,' ..:.:...__. ...... ~.:1~ P1~Zô-:,"~]4 aDS ..coD4ed b7 ,- .·,:.1."·,·, '._. C0ua011...... - -'~o~alfopt R.t1lO1u1;1ØD 110. 98'. , .. kat_lziDS. _LUœ ot Agree_t. . -:,': ..; ....-.:., ~.. .' ,_,I. ~J ~ 1-"ft~~~JIoel# ._.... ftDeh , ...,......"#.-, . ,,'- 1 V>·'· '1"1j" ~ L:t,,~"'1tt'1:-·~J· ,.: .. -." . iiIøt.t:ÒD ~..e5. -.0' ,~ '. .. t 1 I,:, . .. .. .....,. ~ r ì ,:,..- .¡. .. . ~.. . . . '- . 3. .C0Dt3~~ . .' .. _s! to , no .,... Me t~t¡)i"'''''l~ 1':.10.....)4 IIId øocnlecl '" toaaou.m ". to adopt 1le801ut10D 110. 985 Ao6eptSIIC .~ necI'....~... . ." - .' - ADsI . c-n',,' fttzgera14, Nod. StoIIea, JP1nc." JœSa U- . .-a C_ 1I.oiiMq 1!emjxs1;er .. . ",:~p~, . . -' iéòt10n OUT1I4, ...0 '!!Ie CltJ[ At1:-_J cÒlÍlmented on how Mr. BaclalBn haD ahlays been ftI'J' coope.rat1V& With the Cl~. He f'e1t 1t vas all ~ tÓ;:þàSII these rellolu1;1oœ even though the letter rro. P. G. a: E. ls still torthcom1ng. 4. Stelling Road hpel1.neFinal Relocat1on (Stelling Road at Jun1poro Serra Pret:,wIlJ'.) C1tyvateJ" u.-. (16 ~ :ál1d 8") have been temporar1ly re1òcated 1nt<I tile detour alignment aDd awst be re- located into the Stelling Road ovarcrollll1ng pr10r to the tup deck:be1ng poured. Work to be done at State expewie. Plana aDd spec1flcatlona have been prepared. It vas moftd 11)' Councilma."l Noel aDd seconded by Councilman .P11ozprald to authorize advertising for bids w1th the bid opening on Septembe1P 8, 1964, and award ·on s...,t..oIIwIl' 8~ 1964. AYES: COUJIC~n Fitzgerald. Noel. 81oob., P1Dch IIŒS: H91».'. . AæBIIT: CQUlle1...... Dempster Mot1on carr1ed. 4..0 - . ~ .~. . . . " " Ð.." RBÞua OF 'CITY Mft~ . '. . ......- "- . 1. Three jur~j.ODII are involved in tile .1oter 01' f'orb1""~N't. .. traft10 on McClellan. 0. ot the lliaJôr pioob~ bere 18 the provld1:lC or alternate :"outes. -10- ~ County Couaell l18)'li the authority ot tbe County in :t.1s area 111 l1dte4, it 1t ex1sts at all. ~ essence, It .-.....tll to the 1'.,.ct that we will have '::0 "go 1t alone.· 2. Apoee_nt tœ h__..t1on or Open Creen Areal! 1D the BI7 Area. !!Ie IM'poM·.CIIf tIda~"ill u.œ 111 to get tile o....._...nt to __ a'''~ Qt,>,tIIe aituat1œ. It wall -.cI _ c-1la8D Fitzgerald aDd au ¡¡,IJdeð ~ Coœcl:..n IIae1 ø authol'1ze the Ma,œ 81111 the ~1ty Clerk to Idp UI.1II A¡ree.œ. JIot1on carr1ed, 4-0 3. Send B1ect1oD c....."'K up October 6th. :!-.e Ord1llanc8 -7"> the Councll !I1U8t meet the Tuelldsy ~o11owing tœ election. ~A! City Clerk will appear at C1ty Hall on Tuesda'f, ;ctober 13th. am will adjourn thd meeting to Munday, ;ctol'er 19th. the regular C1ty Council CF.et1ng. E. IC::':P.: OF BUIlDDiG DiSPECTOR Th!! :::1ef :u1ld1ng Inspector had nothing to report since the::-" >es no H-Contrcl Collll11ttee ¡:;eeting the previous week. P. RE::F.': OF TIlE RECiŒ1G'IO!i DIRECTOR 1. :"::-.e Recre¡¡t1on ])1rector reported he is w1nd1ng up :::e activities tor the third year. In those 9 v!!eks they have bad 51,000 participants. They ~lso had 8 out-ot' -town tr1ps. 2. :he carnival will be held on Saturday, Sept. 22nd. 3. :he Recreat10n D1rector sa1d he will subm.it a detalled ::-eport to the Clt7 Manager by September 15th. x UNPIN:~=-1 BUSINESS A. Agre-2œnt Between V11tIe7. HBm a: Blair and the C1t~ The ;ity Manapr ret'bu..ð to the July 30th Plaming co!:lt1ssiån lUnut.aa. Papll 10 and 11. regarding the exte::osion or t~ 011 t:be Zoning Ordinance. The :ity Manager ~ Coam. Frol1ch's motion in the Mio...'tes or J1i17 3~b. -11- .. ,,,!:' 'l'be C1ty AttOl'll87 teela the ~¡pert1Do, 2OI'-¥11sey, Baa I: Blair Agr..6_nt: ahou14 talœ care 01' the atter adequately . on. ~ ~ Cbatr.aD ~on if' thø ,'__1-.r COBD1a- 81œI ~,..... _~ a. Clt7 Will IIOt _tel' 1Dto 8D'I edII1U-l ~ tIIaD alread7 apoeec! upon. .' ; , f : ~à'~··' ¡ ~r¡:: .."".:~ - ;." : .. ''', .~' ~ '.. ~" ," CIIa~ ij¡[4D11...a.stlllf C........···1cID r,It it wa14 be ~, it .~ ~4t11i$ 1IVU1d . cJon at the U. or o..-.p'etSCID or the NY181co or tbe (.11-...... C" 1"~" ftt...-K ¡p.atlœ.d tbe A1Ipat lOth ,lan- IdIIIS "--lIlco - .... 1IIIcJe1o IIIDf .,.Nfl- "9. Be allJœd it It .-.,,, , 1'.-4 "7~1Æ llap· 01' "lie_I l'1an.· The C1t7 ~r ..SIt ß aIÏoa14 read "General ,laD.· ~ "-on ..m: co to MY that' tbere Will 1Y4 no IIœtt _Ion tb1a aezt ~_'sdó!lF II18ht, in order to g1ve tile Start t1M tor 1Dter1a IItQ1y. T"".::', ,~ :\ ' 'l'be C1ty Manager ulalcJ the City Attorney If' the contract 1s b1:ñ1ng in that .. _t uae JDOre serv1cell of' the Ccr:sultant. The Cl1:y Attorney said he dell1gnl!d the .u....at eo ~bat tb1ll would not be cocapu1l1ory. It vas :lOved b)' COUDCllllBn Fitzgera1d and lIeconded by C=U:an Noel to enact th9 Agreement w1th Wlllley. Has to ""'ir. Motion carr1ed. 4-0 B. ~ellaneoua 1. Coœ.cllEJ1 Stokes brought up the IIBtter of' the :1......'11g Coaa1.IIslon Resolut10n regard1J g the k;1sl1an on and of'f' ralll lS. ~u-n ~on ..id, the southwellt lIection 01' the :1';y 1s involYe:.\ here. When bu11d1Jlg ill completed, nee at ba1r-ac..-e lotll, theee people will have ~1.'t'1cu1ty gens.ng onto t!Ie rreeway. At present, tb1ll area 111 under traf'f'lc IItudy b)' our City '1Anner. Tbe MaJ'Ol' .1Dt'orMd ·tJ;le Council tbat such a report was g1ftn by a 1'__ ,1anD1II8 COBIialllaael' a year ago CD th1a,.~, û~fGli. . , Tbe City Att_y a4rt11ed t!let the groœd work should be 1s1d b)' tile City !tanager. Tbe C1ty Manapi' II1G8l1ted selding a 1'_1 Rello1ut10n to Mr. BJack. Be..id he WQu1d need a JUnute Order to request tba Cl1:y Statt to draw up lIuch a Rello1utlon. So .oved b)' C_U.an Stokes and lIeconded by Councll- an llcel. IIot1CD carried, 4-0 .... .'.. ." l ." Jii," .;, ""-..~,,,'><:~...,..-.;~;,:...;'., -12. n NEW WSINESS A. lU.sce lIP-neo,. There wall nor:e. nI ADJOORNMEH'l' It IIU .oved bJ CouIIðU.IIIIi!\ Stolœs and seconded by Coune1laBn Noel to ad30UrD 1;be _t~ a" 9:50 P.M. . '!'be DØt CowICl1 -.f;1JIS win be held at 8:00 P ...., at Portal Scbool, 10300 8J.aDQ AveDUe, on September 8th. APPROVED : /s/ Paul H. Finch Mayor A'l'1'ES'l' : ~\~~~ V:' (Ll..h C C1ty Clerk -13-