CC 08-10-64 I . . lO)n SoIItb Serotoga-SulIDyvele Hoed CITY 0' CtT U!lT:NO Cupertiao. CIIll1õrê1a 252-4505 'ft8r- 8:00 P.". P1Iee: 10)21 South Sarstoga-SUoo7ftle R0ø4 n1._~ Of' '!lIB BBOUUB AOOaJRIIED CIfi COUICIL IŒETIIIG - AUguat 10. :1964 I . BaLL CAU. CO_n- r~...4~tl ~ter. P1tzgu'll14. IkIel. Stokes. P1DOb C_u.... a1luAI JIoae . . , swr I'UII.." City tit-II', CitT CleI'Ir, City llllIÌpI"'. S Ie NtAIr. C1t7 u~ (8,10) .. ~~ir~::'~":t:",,~ ~.t.¡f :. ~~.:= ~ . ~, -. t' "....toa.. 4i~" .. .tter .t tb8ir' .eU-. Be I\...,¡ -- ...... t... tile Pl8D111aS C~.e1oa .ould _ü tbe1r rea .......o!J- ~ Þ t:b8 C_ll 10 tb111 ~ .t tile aext re¡pa18r _tias· S1_ tile C1ty Attoraey 1184 Dot yet .rrl....d the COUDCll ... ... _ 8p048 to 1_ IV..".CIIIIIJWiCB 89(b). Begulatias ..~satc D1eplsY8 J4JeceDt to" LllIIIIDC8ped Pre_Y8. Plr8tBee41as· . ~ City IIItllllpr eJCp],e1Qeel tllet t.wo years 8g0 the C1ty bed wrlu.e ~o _t~ D1Y1810Ìl' 01' HllØDi1tS'8 etiltlag WÒllt the 18ad8ceplas p18D11 woaU be Iw Juolpero Serra ~S'. 'rile Dlv1sioa 01' H1ghw8S'8 seDt · _ .. 0J,11011DÓ8 to be' Id~ptêii bJ' the Clty th8t would regu18t11 the 18.....pl. .ad 8lgaS eloat the Prall_Y. TIle Clty Clerk peSlled caplell at tile Ørd1aaoC8 to the Couaell 1'0r,tbelr Î'e"lev. 'rile lIItyor esked'that the Clty Clerk reed Ordiaøcce No. 89(b). Tbe Or41œace was reed. Thls COOllt1tuted the Flrst Beødlag. The Clty Attoraey reed Ballo1utloa No. 988: Authorizlag Special BOad E1ectloo. He exp181aed to the Couacl1 that this Be- .01~oc lltated that there was . oeeel tor a Clty Hall oad perks 10 the C1t)- 01' Cupertlao. "O"ed by Couacllllllla Dela¡)lItar. Secoaded by Cl'uaclllll8D Plt~1d thet Beso1utioa No. 988 be adopted. ADS: IIŒS: A'- .... Couoollaeo: Couooll_o: Cooool1_0: ne.pster. Fltzgera1d, Noel. Stokes. Fioch !loDe NoDe lIOnœ CABBIED. 5-0 OBDIIlAIICE MO. 291' C8111ag S¡jeè1el BODo! Elect! 00 October 6. 1*. P1rlt Reed lag. !he Clty,Attoraey reed Ord1D800e No. 297. Thls coost1toted · ~ ..cUng. . . , D1110081100 arOle regard1ag tbe 010.1ag t1me for the po1ell. It _ 4ec14eel that the pole. .oulcJ be kept OpeD oot11 8:00 P.".. 1..., - or 7.00 P.".. al stated 10 the Ord10110ce. 118S'or P10ch asked the C1tS' ....pr to co_ot 00 tbe IItlltua or .... C1wlc C8otllr. He ..ked .batber tile Cooocll woo1d ..ot to 1_"-_RUle City l18œpp' 'o-k.truotl the Architect to go abe8d wttb tile ~- r tor the Clty Hell. It.a ua4eretood by all th8t tile ........ iJ &. bed ltated it "oold take ais _ths to c!)IIp1,te tbe plau t_ ... _tructloo ot C1ty l1li11. 'lbere _II sOlIe d1BcuaB1oD rec¡Dl"41q · -~1 r_ publiolty purpose.. 01' the C1t7 11811. ".000011_0 .081 .Iked 11' tb. lorObit11ot; I80St 11ft wttb1a~b1. ....5D.-.OO t1prø 10 P1800ias tile ba114111C. The City l18upr atat;ecl _ ... ANbUeot'1 oOdtreot t.. 1. be8eel 00 coostroctll)O OaR allll ... __lator 0111_ lD it. It wtU oat. b_....r. exceed .,. at tile ~ wi tbe bu1ld1ac. 1. C"AI~ Ul tone UU1.!'Q.lng. Couccllllllo Deapllter IIÞted that he would Uke to bØTe a f!l.'l'tber meeting wl.th ~. Blenl.cg. Hp. had so"'e questions that be fe1t IIbould be resolved before lDBtr~c~ioDs are given to ~o abelld wtt:.b the 'plan!!. One qllf!øtlon 1188 ~( f much it would cest tbe City 1IIou!cJ the bond lsBue fa11. 1la70r Flnch -asked the Councl1 11' a letter ó!18Wer1Dg 1I0Ge ", CIIeIIe quesUouil would be I18t111'8Ct0I'7. It was declded to instruct tile Clty flall8ger to wrlte to tbe Archltect. and disculiS tbe q_aUon8 F~J!! by the Council. '. "oYed by Couaclt.8a StoIteatb8t the architect proceecl wlth tile 1ÎÌIl1l!lng of 8 .04e1ot the proposed City Hall. not to eøn! S5DO.øo. Secotllled b1 COUIICU- Jfoe1. AJlSI CouncilMa: D~.taII'. fttqersld. Noel. StOJreIl. Pincb _I CouacilMa:.oae ,~- .n,. Couacll_: .0118 MII'I. CARRIED: S..o llaprovellentll on ,Bubb Boed at the Bridge was then dlsCWlsed. '!be Clty flall8ger explained wbat t'uads would be avallable l'roe YBrloWl I"aIda to participate In tb111 l-su'O_at. He stated that b7 JaaaBl'7. 1965. the City would hBve about '30.000.00 svallable 1'0r tbls program. '!bet the Br.gineer bad esti_teot the total cost would be $42.500- That nood Coatrol will coatribate $12.500. It was decided to lolltruct tbe City Ilall8ger to get 811 lauch ln1'01'lll8t1on regarding this proJect to the Councll. ODe item to be 1ãDderstood was that the project be coapleted partiClllar1y the drøløage line. This should be completed to a termill81 POiDt. To also as1l: the developer what h1s attitude ls with regard to PUttiDg In a coDduit l'r~m Regnart Road to Ll~7 laM. The City IlaDager stated that in the budget he recoaaeoded tbIIt certain streets in towD be repaired. He requested pen:lissioa to. lostead of doiDg a patching job, put an overlay on Blaney "veaue nortb 01' Steven!! Creek dow to Portal SchOol, and an overlay oc Ste11iDg R~ from McClellan to the City Limits (Alves Drive). He feels that this would be a much better job. The cost wOllld be about $6,000.00. Moved by Councllman Dempster, seconded by Councllmaa Noel tœt the City llaaager get estt.8teson the cost of i",proving Blaaey ATeaue from Stevens Creek B1Td. north to Portal School aDd on Ste111ng Road from McClellsD Road to Alves Drive. All in favor. The City llaaager ln1'or8ed the Council that he had h8d a rec;_st from property own',rs on Alves Drive to install two street 11Ð>ts. These wOllld be bracket lights mouDted On poles. P!oved by Coaøc11_n Stokes, secoDded b7 CouoClllD8D Dempster that the two 11Ð>ts be installed by PC~E under City direction. A12:5: IICES: ~.1: Cou:¡cil1ll8n: CC':DcllmeD: Councilmen: Dempster, Pltzgera1d, Noel, Stokes. Pincb NODe None ROI'IOIf CARRIED: 5-0 ADJUIi..-u:.JfT: 9:0Q P.P!. Approved: ISI Palll 'H. Finch Playor A~ &!.(~' C1ty Clerk .. 2