CC 07-20-64
10321 So. IIIIJ 9, CUpel't1Do, calif., 95014
1WIU".L"1m OF '1'IIB RI!01JLAR MBB'l'ING OP '1'IIB CITY COUNCIL - July 20, 1964
rucK', JIcarI1 Rooe, CUpel"t1nO Scbool,Dlstr1ct Ottice
'l'DII. 8.00 '.M. .
'"~1tIS C\At~lftlle -··7:30 P....
I SAIDfB '10 !III K.IØ ,
CoaDIIl~ ....MDt. Dellpllter, P1tqerald, lloe1, Stokes, ftDOh
C_ll_n ab6eDti. 1fone
Staff present: Clt~ Manapr Phil Storm
Clt)- Attorna7 Ssm Anderson
Clt7 Bll81naer Ants Iah1
Clt7 .lamer Adde LaIll'1n
Chiet B1d8 IMpactor Bill Benevlch
DePIItT Clt7 Clerk P10rence E. Reid
Record1Dg Secretary LoU Inwardll
III KDtUTBS 011 TIlE PREVIOUS IlEETImS - Ju1y 7, 13, 14, 1964
It wall moved 117 Councllman StOIœS and seconded by Counclllllln
Dempater to IIpprove thll Minutell 01' July 7. 1964.
Mot1on carr1ed. 5-0
It was _ed 117 Counclllllln Noel and by councilman
Stokes that. 111nce thll7 had Juat recel"..d their coples ot
thll IUnutell 01' .J\Iq 13 and 14. the approval of' sa1d M1_tell
be postponed until the next meetlng.
Motion carried. 5-0
1. ..... Pete Balen. 10020 N. ØII)' 9, Cupert1nO. said he had
obtained a OM ~rII1t f'or a Ulled car Lot at thll sa_
addl'e88. lie 'baa dnce learned that it would nil $5000 tor
the l1Shtll tor tb111 lot and .. does not want to go ahllad
wlth th1ll "-iDe" venture. 'Therefore, hII wCN1d like hill
-7 f'or UIe Ulle Perll1t retunded.
The Clt7 ....-pr Mid that a1'ter a Ulle PerII1t hall been
¡aooceaaect tbe 01t7 does not _117 retwld the cost ot
the OM hrût 11' It 1s not u.ed.
It waa lIOYed by Counollman Stollile and seconded by Councll-
an lIoel to denJ' the requellt ot tha appl1cant tor ret'und
or Ilia -7 becau.e hII 111 not goirlS to Wle the Un Pertdt.
Motion carried. 5-0
Cha1rman ThOlllllOi1 gave h1s Pro and Con Digest at the Pre·.
œeting Conference. There waa not:-.1ng further to :-epOl"t.
A. MASON BIITBRl'RXSBS, INC.: Appl. l12-Z-63 to rezone 50
acres trcø "-1 :M-B to R-2If-B; east s148 01' the Southern
Pacific Railroad Mabt..ot-Va;r, north of Vn1.,erslt;r Avenue.
Denied b)' P1aDD1rIS C-1-111oo Rello1utlon Bo. 215. .TIme 0,
1964. Appeal. CoDtIiIIMd 1'1'011 Jg17 1 . Vt.
Attorn8J' .JoIm CJJuos1n and Mr. I.cN1e '1'era1D1 were Present
to appeal the P1e-... !'OIB1aslon declaion and to try to
work out the traftlo ¡roblllDIII.
Mr. Charg1n rell1llded the COUIIOll that th111 property 1s
presently zoned Industrial and that Industrial property
in the County 111 practically at ¡¡ standstill. Poe felt
there wall a real hardah1p case here s1nce the current
zoning is unusable.
Attorney Charg1n reviewed the possible traffic routes to
be considered. ~ possibility was a crossing over the
railroad tracks onto ftdr1anna. This might create SO'.1e
prob~.elD8 w1th the res1denta on Adrianna and C'n Mann Dr1ve.
The w1den1ng of Peninsula Avenue would cause condemnation
of some propart:y. Ne1ther th~ State nor the County show
much 1nterest in an underpass across the freeway.
Attorney Charg1n said the Minutes of the last Hearing
erroneously stated that the applicant wanted to go back
to the or1g1nal app11cat10n. He said they are requesting
all R-24-1i.
The Mayor asked the City Planner for his observation." and
The City Planner had three possible routes for the 1:reffic:
1. To Madera Dr1ve near the north er.:1 01' this street.
This wou1~ meet with some tEn~~1c~1 d1fficulties tc-
cause the railroad is 1n a cut. The 10cat10n 1s f~l'
to the north and would mean it would be used chiefly
as an emergency route.
2. To Mann Drive at Meadowview Lane.
Th1s would be eaay to accompliah because there is jUst.
an empt;r lot hare.
3. To Adriana at tblt north end of thia atreet.
Thia would lD'101" one empty lot and part 01' some
occupied 10ta. This ..ould probably create aome
obJect10ns 1'rOll tbs reaidents 1nvo1ved.
The C1ty Planner 1'eIt Ü*e am Peninaula would have the
capac1ty to handle the traffic 1£ they were j:Jproved. He
added thet Ifhate..r route ill' decided upon, alllloat all the
tra1'1'lc wauld end up at StCV6118 Pree_,.J!:Itevens Creek Blv.::.
TbI C1tJ P1arar felt we lhould t17 to 101n the traff1c in
¬bel' way tban 11)' CroIISing t.he ra1lroad.
lie sa14 It _ tbat the area 111 quetllt10n would be best
_11:44 ror either s low density ùeve1<>¡11118nt. Wh1ch would
not; c.....t. a t:raN'lc problea or a 1'uture 1Dt;ensive use,
å1Cb *"IJ4 3lat11':J the oeet 01' li:tr...y Cl"oeaing. If.
holM....,. 1:1.- C11:J' COIIDoU IIbou1d ~oide 1ft favor ot re-
~.'... ~L~ to a..M-B,.lt1a NO~lded that
1GIe.,.a. 8Id ~t_'''. AL I "'18b0uJ4 lie !.aoo "..4 to
HI'ft .. ø1t. f.1'Oa tile _. AD. -'41t1C111&1 szit tbrOUgh
~ .. __ ww1d lie dØrs.ntal to nrrOUDll1ng home!!
wi.... n.Alow ....·or.., ~_._at or the trattio
.u U-., ',) . '.'
"! -. .
__ JI'I L . ~ It it Idpt he to 1:1.- a4Y8ntage ot
tIbe _ _ &. '__8 011 IIIDD Dr1.. and Adr1øa to orolls the
Nlh'oed u.olla.
'!'be JIQaI' aaIried Mr. B1aoIe ,bcw the State teela about this
a1t_tlO11. He said the State ob,Jectll to brinS1JIs Peninsula
..... '" rat~ 0Dt0 Steftna Creek Blvd. A shUt of' abou~
100 teet t r4 AlJIallbNJ1IOII1d correct th1s 111tuat10n.
Mr. macle MlSPllted perhaps Lowe Avenue could be closed
ani t.. raqIII relocated and Pen1r..sula _de into a good
Toad: lie said be would be w1ll1Jlg to rec_nd that the
acaey tile State 111 go1Jlg to spend on Lowe Avenue be used
to 1m¡roYe and widen Peninsula Avenue.
Mf'. Black lIussellted 4 lanes on Peninsula alii! not to have
all,J PIU'\dI1s on 1t, at peale hours. Thill would require
about 15 teet of' railroad property. The railroads w11l
_tlmea cooperate 1n situations like thill.
Ma,or P1ncb aakBd what the State's recommendat10n would be
all to IfS4tb beN. Mr. Black said 32 l'eet 01' peving -- two
12 f'oot lenell, and parking on one slde.
Mr. Pott, ot tile County. haa said that at the time the
CitJ' decide. which road ia ~at and 11' county land ia
imro1ved. theJ' are willing to cooperate and contr1bute.
Counciban Stokes aakBd the City Attorney what the City's
poa1t1011 1. in regard to coade1llD1ng land under the
County'a jurlsdict1on. The City Attorney said you cannot
elll1nent d_in outllide your own Jurisdiction unless it 18
absoluw~ ae08l1aary.
Ma,or P1aob waa concerned about the property _rs. lie
nDtl ... .-h ~ to,. belallsinS to ra.1deD1:11 bere
tronlr'OD .....-.,." A.._ would he". to be ooadelm8C1.
Mr. Blaole telt tile 6 f'eet aideWalk area on cae lIide would
be ¡nd'tIo1eO*. '''õadded,tbat it. tbe ra1lroad will allow
JOQ "to. opue" iICI 1;lIeir propertJ' you, would DOt bave to
taD·.a.., et U. ~.1c1entlJt pr.oopertJ'.
Co.:xiban Noel ..1œcI. Mr. Black 11' a 4-lane reed on
Pen1cs1;.1a Avenue wou1d take C6re of the tratt1c at peak
hours. Mr. Black sa1d 1t would more than t.alœ care of 1t,
1'roa the statill't1c1l presented to him.
Counclban Š aslced il' Peninsula AveftIH would have to
be bIa11t to state or C1ty standards 11' the state decides
to pert101pate...... M1'. Black auggested an i.wquate baae
be proñded eo tb.£. won't be 8111 troubla 1ft the future.
lie ~ the~ t:IIe cnt7 lltandarda IIOUl4 probab17 be
adJIøoed to.
Mr. ~1D1 said Clat Steftllll Creek wU1 80 to 120 teet
tI'o. 1t. pre... 60 teet. PeD1Dllu1a Ø1mue _ to be
tbe ~1'. IÞ 81141tlon, 111'. Ter.1n1 11814 he wantll to
create an aeatllRScall7 p1eaa1ll8 eDtZ7 to tile deYelopment
Ifh1ch _~ Nqa1re _ extra v14th at the entry.
"Finch allked bow the rest of the Council f'e1t about the
Cit7 Plamer 'a alternate #3.
Coo.;ncUman Dempster f'e1t th1s would be funneling traf'1'1c
froœ a au1t1. neighborhood through a single l'ami1y area
and this III1ght not be a good idea. Councilman Noel agreed.
Cou:x:llman Dempster wondered ~f we were overly concerned
about the tratl'1c to be gene;;ated by this development. He
ref..rred to Mr. Black's statements in th1s regard.
Cou.~lllllSn Noel sa1d Mr. Black seems to , ssure us that a
4-13r.e road can handle the traffic and he 18 w1111ng to
go along with hill thinking.
Councilman P1tzger!ild was 1n favor of alternate #3, ;;>ut in
con,unc:t1on with Mr. Black's su&..estlon 01' a 4-lane Pe1'l-
insula Avenue. Be sa1d the Plaming Conm1sl110n was
aga1nst the number of-roads coming onto the 1'reeway with.ln
sueh II short dllltance.
Coun.:llman Stokes vall opposed. to the t..raffie eroesing the
railr~d tracks. He was in fllvor of the 4 lanell on
Pen1~~ula and el1a1nation of Lowe entering onto Stevens
Cree;': and the closing of the Alhambra intersection. He
felt it was 1.IIIport tnt for all traffic to come out at the
a~l1zed intersection at Stevena Creek.
Mayor Pinch l'elt the people now living on Peninsula Avenue
IIhould be considered as well 811 those liv1nS on Adriana.
He vas in favor of' an alternate road crollfJing the railroad.
It vas susgellted tile Cit~ Manager '!ontaet Southern Pacific
in rept'd to tbe 15 toot eallemant 1'or Pen1naula Avenue.
CouncUman stoøs ..1œcI. 11' the City 8taf'f' llhould be in-
IItructed to work OIl COW1t~ propert~ eondei2!!!tlon. It
IGS S1ßpsted tbe Clt)o check with the COW1t~ f'1rllt, then
check with the railroad.
~ . ".'
. "....,'
.... ... "
m; r..
AttornB1 Cbarg1D A14 that the attar before the City
council 111 the rezon1.q¡; of prope!'t7 and, linee it
w111 e~ betore the gO'1tlrn1J1g bodiel .pin wlth tentatlv9
..p. H-Control, etc.. heJ suggested the developer take on
tile "lpOna1bUS~ of' road pattern.
COIIIICi1aD JIOe1 dSaqI'eed wlth A1;t...t~~ Cha1'gln ln that
_11 be sa ~ on tbe tratti.Ó ~ he 11 not
.....pINd to ... . 1'ftO"'1... deo1S1oD.
!lie IlaJO&" . . r tbe Clt~ AttOl'll8J tC«' 6..-ntl on AttorneJ"
CIIu'SiD'. J..- ..1;. ,t.. 'ilia Clt)- M'-'!lItl advlsed tllet
....on1... w1~ tile oClll41t10111 Will bel)) nobodJ".
CoaDol1aD ft, _ _14 ed4ed tbat, w1~ia the reson1Dl the
deftloper w1l1 .. sa a better poelt1OD to deal wlth the
C0unt7 IUd tbe I'å~.
Mr. Black sa14 tbat .1thaugb lt tdll be . IlUlllber of' years
bef_ that paot1On ot the1'r....~ 18 oo.IPlstad the StJ!.te
hU to protect tile 1'1ght-ot..,- to the rr..6I1aJ".
COWICll_n Stolce. ..laid Mr. Black 11' tbe accell road 11
S~ yearl ....~ .lso. Mr. Black 8814 he wou14 rec_1Id
the H1g!wa~ Coa.iaalcn go ahead wlth the acCelll road now.
Mr. 'la1ph, 21613 Terrace Drlve, queltioned whether
the CltJ" IhCN14 contact the ~hern Pac11'1c to help an
ind1vldua1. The Mayor stated that traUle 11 . Clty prob-
lem. Mr. Be'II~ wOll4ered 1t thil wall lIett1ns a precedence
because ot the need of' tratf'1c help .11 over the City.
Councllman Stolala 8814 the Clty hal 10lIl8 obligation to
thil partlcular property owner to he!') rectl1'y the problem
partially c.used by the 1'reewar route. When developed,
1t wlll add to tbe tax rolll.
Mrs. Gustav Ansel', 10185 _1re Avenue, IIonta Vlsta, stated
this 11 . ~I'tul way to cla.n up Moata Vllt.. She hall
'been worlc1as on thill prof;%'alll tor 8 ,...rll now and would
apprec1ate . 11"111 help. She sa14 tbe f'1re lalt week 1n
a home that bad been conde~ tar 2 J"8arll could have
IdUed 12 people.
It val' _ad _ Counc1lman Noel and seconded by councll-
..n Stokel to C10M the Publl0 He.r1n&.
AYES: C0UIIC1~ De1llllllter, P1tzgera14, Noel, StOkel,
NOES : None
Motion 011"1'184, 5..0
~ CltJ" ~ a\ÍJ&eltod the resoa1DC cdndltlona be
attacheð 1:1) tbe .œlcn .t. t~1 tøe liDee the State 1s
repreaenteð- ö 'tIiD,,,,UIllIUd tbto caa41ti0D8 will,
œdoubte4ly, aftMt the State.
The Clt)- "-r- ..14 the tentatlv. -)) haa not been pre-
_tad .11 ~ .. the Coœcll can .. tar 1IOd11'1catl0D8
eaoh tl_ ~ eppu...tlon 11 rev1eoM4.
The City Attorney f'elt it would be !Jetter to 1n:pose the
conð1t10na ~, subject to change. rather than atuch
them to the BuU4iJ1g Permit.
It was moved bF C_1l1an Stolœs and seconded 117 Councll-
an Noel to a......... app11cation 112-Z-63, subject to the
J2 Sfo........"'IS CØIIS11;SOII8 an4 INbJect to thll 1JISreas and
egre.. to be _~1IeIJ oat to tbe 114t1afaot1011 or the C1ty
Couacll a1ll1 If1I:b tile nn.ew ot the road pa1;tern 117 the
ADS: counoUMft ~ .-ter, F11;qerald, Noel, 5tolœll,
NOm;: 1fone
Motion oarrie<1, 5-0
1. Le~r fro. Capt. ""'1na, County Sheriff"s Of'1'1ce.
rec_lIISiJIg aH Mal ot tile grid IlUlllbering lIystem.
2. Letter rrc.. CCllUDtJ' C ..,toat1ona DepartlllCflt, recoamending
"l'I1to,a1 or tbe 81'14 IlUllber1Ðg system.
3. Letter !'rom Mr. Earl Pelt \U'ging repeal of' Ord1nance "!16.
4. Letter 1'rooa11i:: = .,apJ'.n protesting renumbering 1n
It was 180Yed by COWICilan Dempeter and s'!conded by Council-
man Fitzgerald to receive the written coa:nmicat~ons.
Motion carr1ed. 5-0
Councllan Delllpllter 11II11cate<1 he wanta to leave Ordinance 216
in erf'ect all it 111 and liftS no reason why it should be revoked.
He aaid he heS talJred with paop1e living in Cupertino who
own trailers and they are in f'avor 01' th1s Ordinance.
Counci1lllin Fitzgerald Iltate<1 once again that bel'ore the elec-
tion he had agreed to LISTEN to arguraenta againat the traller
ordinance. but that wall all he prom.sed to do.
A. ORDINAllCB NO. 293: Rezoning property 01' H. K. Gr11'f1th
!'rom A-2:B-16 to R-l, 1 acre; lIouth end or M~. Crest Drive.
weat 01' 'lerrace Dri... Second Øeading.
It nil _ed bF COIIDCilaBn Dempeter and lIeconded 117
Councilan ~ to have Ordinance 293 read by t1tle only.
~on carried, 5-0
The DeputJ' C1'tJ' Clerk read the title or Ord1nance 293.
It ... -.4 ..,. Councilmsn Stokes and 3ecOD1ed by Cou.-.cD-
an Pit~1d to enact Ord1nance 293.
, ,,_ AYESc C_1J.en Dempster, F~tzgera1d. Noel, Stoke..
NOES: !folie
Motion carr1t."1, 5-0
B. œDIIWIS 110. 29'1 Setting a Speed L1III1t ot 35 IG'B on
all poI'tIClÌlllt;~ Ste..naCreek Bc84 Witb1D tile Clt1.
Seoold --,...
It ... __ail ..,. Council111an Stolœ. and secolded tr.r C'lUYIOl1-
Mn IIoel t:o .... Orð1nl.nce 29'J read 11)' title onl.,..
Motion carried, 5-0
_ _ 0I'4111aJ1Oe 29' ... read b1 t1tls onl1 11)' the Depat)- C1t1
It ... ,-.4 ..,. CouncllDBn Noel and lIecond.ed b1 Ccn:.'lC11-
man DellPllter to enact Ord1na;ICe 2!}1¡.
AYES: Couaclr-n Dempster, Noel. Stokes, Pinch
NOES: Councl~n Fitzgerald
"ot10n oarried, 4-1
C. RESOL1JTICIf HO. 969: Accept1ng Grant Deed !'rom P.T.IIT.
It ... !lOVed ..,. Councllman Dempeter am seconded 11)'
Counc11.n StoJœ_ to adopt Resolution 969.
AYES: Councll8en Dempster. Fitzgerald. Noel, !.tOkell.
NOES: Heme
~:otion carried. 5-0
A. RellolutiOll8 978 a. 779
Rello1utlao 978 __ read by Councilman P1tzsarald.
It "II, aaoved ..,. Councilman Dempster and seconded by
CO\IDClr.D ac8l1 to adopt Resolution 'R8.
. -
Deaapster, Fitzgerald, Noel. StOkell.
AYES: C_'"
.. '
'~NOBS: .~
,.. .
·Jlðtiot!. "~lirried, 5-0
ResolutiOn 'R9 __ r~ bJ coimcilman Fitzgerald.
It was _scl ..,. Counciiman Ndel Îmd lIecor.ded b;f Counc11-
man Deaapeter to øQpt Resolution 'R9.
AYES: CO\ll'lcl~ :DetIpIIter. F1tzgera1d. Noel, Stokes,
NO£S: None
ØQ,;ion carried. 5-0
REPORr OF crrr ~
.. .
Be bad DOtbSllS r- - '-.' 1;c report.
Be ~ op crrr p--,
1. Cup8rt1Do". Jr.A4 JA"a1bl11t7 to the SaD1ta1T District
tor sew_ r_ 1;be Town Center COllIeS to $2.658.85.
It NaS --' _ Counci1man Dempster auS seconded by
CouncSr.D ftet _ ·'ald to authorize the City Manager
to send II cbeck in the alllOunt ot $2,658.85 to the
San1tar7 Ds.u-1c1; for Cupertino's share in install-
ing sewera 1D tœ Town Center.
AYES: Ccnmc~n Dempster, Fitzgerald, Noel, Stokes,
~tlon carried, 5-0
2. Hold1ng ~_nt 1'0r the Valley Title Company so the
work can procee':1 on the street improvements on the
'1:own Cent<lr.
So moved 117 Co1mcllman Dempster and seconded by
':ounci1man ~~kell.
AYES: Counc1~n Dempster, F1tzgerald, Noel, Stokes,
SOES: None
Motion carried, 5-0
3. Request f'ar ~reet lights from residents on Madera.
The Cit,. "'-&f"" haa requested P.G.&E. to check this
and the,. "7 8 11ghts can be installed at no cost to
the city.
It 11811 __ _ Councilman r3111Pster and seconded by
Counc1r.D fttzprald to instruct the City Manager to
ask p.a.M. to tDatall 8 street l1ghts on Madera D!'.
AYES: COUPC~ Dempster. Fitzgerald, Noel, Stokes,
IlCES: None
~1on carried, 5-0
.. "
.. " "t>
4. Trailer o.oí4_~.
It ... 8Oft4 '" Counc1l:11an Dellpster ao:! lIeconded br
Counol~ ftt;spra14 that tile Tral1er Ordinano.. 1c
to re..a1D'iB effect..
Mot1òn carried, .!J-O
5. StHet "~JÎìTJ
'Ibe ¡ ~ Ca¡lert1Do bU tile v..- t..ID1t7 to
:"per m. * àtde to&' .500.
". bJ a ~"r·"'''1o anð It 18
In _no. '. . .. ~:1IiJt; it wÎl1"~ 1*&4...0 .2000 and
$3OC!O ~..", . _ SD t1ntO~·~oåIId1t1OD. Con-
s~~-"; bt a ..,' I~i A...4pu", thia 111 a
"1'7 pol .....·êáiíitrtiDO 11 DÕÍf ~ $250 per month
tor tbSa~1 ~JM. 110 1låå1tional peno_l w111 have
to bè JdiitWio .-aile thil Job.
It .. --' _ C_1la'ft DellPllter and leclonded by
CounoU_1I P1t' _ . .ld to authorize Clt)- Manager
to ...aulII .... the pul'Cha" ot tbi ..tHat sweeper
rro. tile MaCe. '
AJBS: C_11Mo Dllallllter, Fitzgerald, Noel, Stokes,
NOBS : l1olIO
Notion carried. 5-0
It wal -.s '" COWM:i:1an De1Ipster and seconded by
COllftOl~ P1t......ld to authorUe thll C1ty Manager
to he". ..,filet st....t _per repaired.
AYES: CouncllMft DeIIPIIter, Fitzgerald. Noel, Stokes,
XOES: ...
JIotion carried, 5-0
5. J\Ink ~ at aa- on Madera
A _11 baaM aD lIIðera is being uaed f'or a junk yard
ant tae C1_ 8al1 hel race1ved snera1 complaints.
The OIIDØ' ... 1IeeD llØt1t1ed anð the owner has sa1d ¡-Ie
will o1eea .. ,tb1a .ltuation, but hall no1; done so as
,at. 'l1li CIQ -~~ would l11a1 to be authorized to
baft tile ct_ Jl'GUld to Is.e tbl. cleaned up 1t the
So 8Øftd ._ C ~D Dnpater and _ended by
CciuD011.aD . - I.
ADS:- c~t'
JJœS ': .....:
Ð8...ter, P1tq.r.14, JIoe1, Stokes,
.. ftaob '
~ ~ .lIt . ,0.=
lløtlon carried, 5-0
6. Tawn CeJr....... Street ProJect
The Ot'j¡.1na1 cost was set at $21.500, but upon re-
obeck1DI ~ the f'1gures. this has been increased to
$29.500 all the City's share of' ";he total $271.000.
'I'II1a '" 11 be tonB1ly pl'ellented to the C1ty Council
at t.. ~1DS on August 3rd.
T. Poodlt C11ppSlll Operation on Stevena cresk Blvd.
'l'bt C". ..~... ..14 be ,haa hed another oomplalnt,
tIda tIIíI- ciC IIa'IWía haU- tD:t5e ~ok ~rd of' tb18
.......~ - .. --tIOU34 111Ìé tò haye tb1a turned over to
UIa C1tj' M' - ~.
So ....... ... Dempater and seconded b7
CoI:no1""" fttaPra14.
JIotlon carried. 5-0
C. RIP(M. op ern mJODIBIR
':he Cit)' ~r outlined the procedure which w111 be
used to put the new house numbering system 1nto ef'trct.
Thill will be reviewed in detail at a Study Seb~ion.
MaJOr Pinch Aid Mr. Magg10 had told h1m he pa1d a fee
that he f'e1t wall not requ1red.
Mr. P1elD1ng. represent1ng Mr. Maggio. sa1d that the
street wall constructed to City ~pecif1cat10ns a
:rear ago and that the applicant on1)' went.... to file a
Record or Sul'Yey at this ';ime. The C1ty felt ,t
ahou1d be a Tentative Map. The City Attorney ruled
at the Plamins Coam1asion meeting that this could
be a Reoord or Survey and recomaended, the $50 ilhould
not have been charged.
The Cit)' Attorney l18id all improvements had been ta¡<en
care or to Cit)' apaclfioations. He said. however.
that he doea not pess Judgment. but that he had re-
0_nde4 that a Record of' Survey ip applicable where
the ~_o.._nt;a are already in. The charge 01' $50
f'or a 'hntlat1.,. Jlap hare W811 not right in this oase.
He then ..Iliad what the City Council felt should be
the otJarse tor f11 ins of a Re~ord of' Survey.
It, -.1 117 CouncilaBn Stokea and seoonded by
Counr:i~n Do....ter to adopt Hellolution m. Acoepting
RoadWIIJ' Ded:leatlon t'roll Joe *8g10. et a1.
'.7'48: Counc1loi:1aD Dempater. Noel. StOkell. Pinch
NOES: C_ll111ån Fitzgerald
JIIotlon oarried, '._1
'I'IIe C1tr "'_pI' felt a "tooy 1113.51011 wou1d be 1n order
to review ~he arid System. ge rec_ø1ad the Monday
follOWing the next City counc1l ......1:1118 -- August 10th.
~~ ~ ~ .
D. RSl'ORT OIl crn A'l'T0JUœ:l
1. The Cl~ Mtc1rDe7 read ñdllolut1on 980. lfb10h inVolved
tile traDater ot IN1'Pl\11S state ]aRIa to tbe Cit)-. at
tile ncñ-.Ro~ of the Ci~.
'tt..'mf...·_ COuaoil1DD at..... øooåded 117
CoàDó1'-"SIIM~1r to aooept tIW a:r--rv of lapl
t1tla to tile 01t7 aid be Nt..... 1IaeII to tile Statf',
. .
AYES: C_l~n DaJllllllter. 1'1t.....14. 1Ioe1. StOIœIl.
Motion carried. 5..0
2. The City Attorne¡r aa1d the matter about Mr. EBrrett
and the ¡:ropert)' at r..18ney and PacU'ica raillell various
1slluell and It w111 be necessary to check out the title
01' the proopert)'. The propert)' 18 now under the name
ot Multl-Prlzell, Inc.
1. Simla Lams Ltd, at 22186 Homestead requotated .\rch1-
tectura1 am Site Control Approval to construct a
9000 aq. 1't. build1ng on th1s M-1-H prooperty. Th1e
appl1cation wall approved subject to t.he architectural
site draw1ngll lIubmitted and the comition that a~'
architectural chens"s must come betore the H-Contr-01.
2. Th'! CupertinO Crollllroads Center. Unit C. application
tor camof'lag1ng the air conditioners on thl, roof tor
the Golden Horn Restaurant was approved.
There vas nOM.
A. Mr. Azzol1no rrom Stone '" Y\.'Ungberg said he would rrefer
to leave the reportll in the handll of the City Council so
the,7 1II18ht go oyer thel. in advance &J1d review them at the
next meeting. Be sai~ Mr. Zo11ell wou14 be at the next
Counc1 ~n De~ter said he is wll~ to meet the next
Monday even1DS to dlacuas this 11' the Cit)' Counoil S\3ts
copiss of' tb1a zoeport in the next day or two.
The meetlQg _. set up tor Monday. .1ul7 'it'T. at 8:00 P.M.
at the Clt)' "'11.
B. The CUr Att01'lllt7 requested ten weeks lea~ t1me for sett1ng
up thl. elect10a on the borù Usus. lie sa1d he would check
w1th tlle aegll1trsr of' Voters tc see when thls can be
C. TM Pirllt I\ead!ltg of Ordinance 295 wall accomplished by
the ~putT cn, C1erk.
It.. ....s _ CCMI01~ Deapater arKS ...,oaded by Councll-
_ S\oIDIe to acJJGIIfQ at 9&50 P.... to MoIIda,. .11117 27, at
8100 P.II. at tile CS~ 11111.
hi hulH. P1Mh
A'l'TEST :
~ i'.;'~ _ __ t
P10re~e E. Reld
Deputy City ~lerk