CC 07-14-64
10]21 3D. 817 9. Cvp..~1no, CaUl'.. 9'SOJ.'
CUrlllU.l.u. C~(.tIt.'UA
.... _. ftI ADJOIIUŒD 1'IIUS1'"~ ~ ~ CITY COUNCIL, JULY 1_. 1_
u.. 1.00 P .11.
"'t" ... .' _""...... ....",..
pr-- ft. &l1ùtol:ba Ioíiq~~-~ ,~
Dapetel'~ ~~,J.'1A. Hoel, Stolllll. ~
Ioae - '
~_ ~'-,.i ~'('
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Clt7 ~^-, ' ~ "~
Cl\7 *_____~r.on
Cl\7, A..I'~: iF'" laM
Cl\7 '1,..-. MIle taœ1n
RecordirW S I ,6tar7 1.0111 IlJIfIIrdll
~71fT ..,r-IRISBS. INc: Appl. 112-Z-63 to rClons 50 acre. trOta
...Iïii Q'to R-2'-II; ea.t aSde r4 tbe S<NthIrn Pa01t1o Ra11roed
~¿ - 01--7, north ot 0D1~ A'nDWI. Den1"C1 b1 Pla...,~
': 1-1on Rellolut1on No. 215. .JaDe 8, 1964. Appeal.
;: ~- =~:
Staft'1_' I ti I
'ilia _ ....... or thill lIIar1:l& aD tile Mason appllcat10n wall to have
1Ir. IDaek, the State'lI r.preeeœat1ye on freeways, prellent to d111-
~ t:bIt tratt1c probleall ttat woWd generate 1n th111 tract and u. State '. plan tor tbe deYelopment or Lowe Avenue are, and
~ err.ct th1s would ha~~ CID the proposed trstt1c.
~... P1nch rea:! a letter troa ~ County regal'111ng trattlc
peLt..... ~ltl~.t1ona 1n thi. area. In essence, they said they
_UI preter not to make aD;J IUte_nts as to what the State lD18ht
.so 2.D this case. However, the COUDty assu:'ed the State that they
4to:. "" Sift the:.r tull cooperatlor:. to develop a proper IItreet
.. .. _ 1n the uea with part1ou1a.r elD'PMsls to the propoaed
~ l1li J:nterprlses developmeœ.
1Ir. or.re1nl gave a rellUIIIII ot the propoaed development tor the
~ "'f'1t 01' Mr. Black. He noted boW the freeway 1'111 take a 10
acre .11ce out or the total 50 acrell. The œJor \"raf't1c problema
~ trOID the 35 acrell on the ODe side. There are tOUl' lIub-
~--'I"d CO\llltT street. f'or 1Dp'e.. and egreslI at the preaent
t~. *1'7 Avews will be c~ruct,!d by the State on the side ~r Stevena P....-7 w111 accommodate the 1'1ve
__ Ulat 1f111 be aevere4 117 ~ tl-eeway frOID the 50 acre parcel.
C De~ter !llIked aboat tile poaa1b111ty ot a street
... IllS the ral1road.
___ ftDOh.1IIted i4r. Black'. ...,....011 on ao1v1n8 the trattic
.....Iea bere. Mr. Iilack uS4 U. state has executed a tre_A~
""' J _I\~ tor Lowe Avera¡e aøJ . w.1Dor shift as it 00.. 1œo
SLL ~ Creek Road. _ c~1III; ower 01' under the tre.-7 bal to
lie ....U1ed by trart1o. !tie pu1'l1c tundll llhould not be expentled
-' r.... traft'll: J\IIItlt101t1aD can œ prellented.
: '
IIP'. Blaek advs.-i t~ local jla'Ud1ct10n can prœeed by:
(1) ¥ ....t.1ng II ~::-21 resolut;1oa sbou1ng why 1t 1s 1mpor.tant
... heve t."~ .merpaall or CWerpab,'J.
,.J Sng boor w reel the .., u~ can be just1f1ed as
~ ,å'arr1c.
. "'--:1 <'
M~ appsa: to Mr. \Q."" ~ tII1a trHlIQ croaa1J!S 1a
'. . '. 'ftIe 35C cara at ~ .J.1. _ 1a not considered _ tba :
· ,. .,.- be at aU cl'lt1cal. JMa.... pt up around 700 CaJ'tl at
r~- -~ a, tblln ~ bave ~ - .._.~ abollt.
a ~.~ Black's Of1n1OD UId'WM-P6I1. would coat arOUllll'
. -.,IœI~ tlMreU an underpa8a ..... .. in excess or $300.000.
.. ""3" ~ w1111ll 110 -7 CI~1a- _1mderpaas If1th a 9'
..- . , II. It ~ been thesr ~ øperlence that when 1:ba7
-..& _'1-. If1tll '~fPe4 01006 '. tœ UDderpasllell (In the ear17
~ 1IIIIen then as DOt au.:b --"J tor rreewaJII) they had to go
a.dt II1II1 recoaa~t thla "'....- clarance underpass at a great
-- .
1Ir'. II1ack sald :~t after the Cl~ baa passed a reso1u':10n and
_ .... ,Juat1r:':Ulon for expeDll1~ of State freeway money
_ ~ 1XII!erpass :: ~erpaaa. h1a Department wl11 be happy to
~ 1IIrJ'='~ :ut to Mr. Black the traffic potential on tM
1ies't .14e of C'~-..~1no whleh nll all funnel Into th1s area.
1Ir. !!lack said :~: after the SUte had just1fled the c"ndlt10na
QIIt"il'- d in II :'H::~t1on requeñ1:~ grade separat10n, the State
.-1U construe: ~::.! t'acll1ty. ':2 jur1sd1ction r.ak1ng avallable
De HI '17 r1gI':t~-:r-ways that w:¡ç¡,d be needed fC!r approaches, etc.
~ Sltate Ifl11 :>11 for the e~nt.
....._ Pinch as"e-~ ":. Black 1r the State would feel the underpa:,s
cr __ .-aa 11 :-~": l1'1ed lf' ~¡e 1s co",pleted, !o1r. Blac k
-:.d tb1a IfI!S ;>:,!!:'~le.
=-=--:11BBn De::;.!~!:' asked :11'. T..s1r.1 about access 01\
&.. the ra:':"-:d! tracka as a westerly secolÙa:-y access.
JIr. À"1.ack sal~ ~c.~ State If~ 11U t" ma'<e a tnde w1th the
_ _ 1.)' to the- )..":'":h.
JIr. !I1ack sa1d ~:at CUpertino œ. no;) road that at p<!ak hours
__ 1101; COWlt :T'e:' 350 cars. Be te1t there really was no trat-
~ problea he~. They consider DO problem up to over 700 cars
.....~. 1 way at þll'Ü hourll. ø. _14, however, that there ma)' be
. z _ t....nt ~= a slanal at se-...,ens Creek Road, another signal
_ ........u1a. a~ posslb1e 1 at UIc college cross1ng.
!!lie C1~ P1armer ....11 allked tor ~ o¡¡1n1on on the !\Uuat10n. He
_ -~...... out that 5 1nterllect~ ...-.: 01' the freeway 1II!t)' crea1;e
_...oblelllll. Ee 1181.1 that al~~ treeways are benef1c1al to
.,cS:Q". 1n'I118D7 1Ia)1l the)' s__tSaes cut a c1ty to p1ecell. Ha
.... :bit wlahed ~ State hacS .)II'OV18101111 fOl' a !!I.1ni_ underpass
dìJiIt '''''oulð acc--'ate on1)' r-'FTr-.· carll. Mr. Black sa14 tbfJ)'
- T trOll! ~:¡WI expert _. ~_1; thIs 1s not feas1ble.
Die cs.~ FlaMer ..1d he bad reo, r"'.s to the Plann1ng CO'II-
......... and tile City Councll tile ri~ of this properq pro-
........ the traffIc slt\!at1on 00014 be re8olved. He noted tlJl:t
tie _ral p1an uJI this Sr--UI 1Ie 1ndu8tr1al.
AI: ~ lIent, Willle7. Hall. D1iaJr. ~;Ls thå ¡;hould be sr. 1nt;e1'1-
...., __ (alf8lti1l8 t'urtt.r s.:'t"Jaat;1ona).
. ~~., u_.. Dempøter ..14 ..~, J.' . JJJra, IIIOX'e In1'OX'1IISt1or.. f'roe
';. '.ta '''~íl'D Pa011'1o rellU'41llS ....-_.
'i, ',," ,. ..r-~5:L:-:, .
:i' . .,-.
'.;~t_:=t:: ~~~ ~ ~t:-~i::~~~' 1M
". -', '" . .
'~"!¡~C$7 Ø.lUa&ar told ~œ&T It, tIINe -Jor 1ndUlltr~. IDR
. ·....:~.,.¡...ntatlvel obèoJtj . .....' a'pose1b1e new locátlC1Ì1
... ..... not been lntðre ~ &11 Sa the raUl'oad. 'l"be1r '
_~ it ap1Dat this 10C1&~1GD J8 ~ tbD, 41d not want to be
~ 4am 1n a bola blttweeD ~1J.- ., orossings.
~ ar1g1nal f'reelfSy apoee..nt _118 for'Veroross1Ji6s at WoU.
~. Blaney Ave.. Stelling øc.4.!lJÐ8ra7 #9, and Ma..;r Ave. 'nIe
CI~ Jllnager sald the State w111 bI1J.ld tM fac1l1t;r If we bIq the
rtlth!:a-of'-WÐys and roadwaJS leee1ag to It.
Z...1. recent cor.versatlon wltb SUperintendent Stevens. the City
JI.......por was told they would c~ the property 1£ CUpertln...
..111 buy lt in order to cC>qllete JIJar7 Avenue.
nr. ~II. of MacKay and 3011I;III, telt there oi1ould be a ero'J:1......g
~ tbe north 0::' Mann Dr1ve. 'ft.e C1t7 Attorney wondered 11' tI,lð
w;;¡uld be w1se s1nce Mann Drlve 1.3 not deolgned to carr7 otlaa:r
";h!&& r-eeldenthl traffic; nor 18 Adr1anna.
Jt:o. ':ersln1 asked 1f the State would aes1st 1n 1.nprovlr.g P~n!M'lla
AvemM. Mr. BJ"ck aaiå the Freeway A!:recC".!!n!: does not prov'-d!!
r'X' ~II. He said, "If the CÇ1;l1tY a::ked for lIIOdif1catlon c.t tðe
a,¡;reell!lnt It would be con!l1derec!.·
.ban1ta IIcIarer., Rea) :::state DeAler. ln1'orr.llld Mr. Blaok or tr...
ZJWI8roua beautiful d.,ve1opt':9~1I t2t h'1ve been turr."d a"ay t!'c-r.
Cç.pert!no. ch.1~rl¡ t:. the pro~..t3 0: th~ ras1de:\ts wl~1') c"!"";.I':..1.n
aboll"; the t:'affic s1t~tlon tt.a"; already ex'sts.
PlaJ:D1ng!' rrollch ns asiœd toJ give a re::ume ct.~·.
sl'::1:atloi1 a[l the COlŒl1ss1or. asw it. ¡:e ~a1d the Pl/u1n1r·... :'.;"
~::~:m h'1d given an '..II1t'a,,-orab1.e ~.::II1:'on bec31JSe tt."re 111 tn'
pcaslbll1ty of a nee.!. fo.. lnduatr1al land n"xt. ';0 tt.., ra1Iror,'
6JX! next to the freeway. He"1.:1 the tral'f':c ~a8 tho C1"117 "f
tbr ;rob1em.
c..___11IIIan Der.:pator f'~lt WI) arJIIt go to traffl0 anal;¡a13ts I.'!! '.:"
1D can ::alee an 1nte1~j~en'; C:oc1S1?!1 Iwre.
~7G1" Pinch 3Sk.,¡ù¡ develo;l8r to ..::...k C.,¡t the d~tal13 w1:;h ·~I...
Cl~ Ensinecl' as to tl-¡o pi>3s11I1Ut7 or putting a road tbroõ.l{;.'\
bBrc .
CcuDc:l1man Stoke;: l'eJt t~ll1 p1ece cf' proJpt:rt'y dooo not µt:!.:'Y
......, ~,t;W'e of SOIØS $300,000 or ~..a~ runds; marbet.he deve.c¡Aa'
_.." be wl111118 to re,jœ. tbe -~ or u.'Ùts per aore, tbu8
~t;1ng the sltuat10n 11<:11 ..b6t.
r---Uaan Noel felt all P06111b111tl~o for a 60lutlon shoul" be
~]wed betore aak1ng a dec1alon 011 th1sappl1(¡atlon. li<>nta V~sta
ni It.. ·shot 1n the arm;· tb1a 'II1ght be a good start tower"
_-....1 "newe.l.
C -J.:bBD lI'1t:rprald t'e1t there wall an atll'ul lot of mone;!' in-
,,01984 11: either an underpass or overpasl1. He I'ecountod :ww
11:'. BJack telt there was 1'.) traft10 ~'oblem to be realized here.
~'.". .8.' J. ilian Stolats telt the C1t7 Id.U be benefitted by the tI'oe..J'
~t!~·l~·n"~. 111 tum, burtsthis pr~ ti.
4'~"1:;ti_":~'ßob wœdsN4 about tbe atâtus or a rallll at MoC1811an.
çtW.maok aa14 he was not awue or aD¥ cOlllllU111oatlcms reprd1ng 1t.
;e-.. ,,¡ .4
'~"'tav ADger wondered 1t tbe7 001114 close A1M1Ibra at 8tovens
CIf .;.: aDIS hen an entnnce to t;b1a aNa on Grant.
c~ ...~t_n Noel wondered it It wa3 œceall81'7 tor the C1ty to be
2Dwo1wd in this. Ha wondered 11' this weren't something t;o be
~~ out betwe.en the developer and the CO\D1ty.
on. C1t;J' Manager ot'tered to have b1a starr work wIth Mr. 5<XI''')3
w set; a layout tor a street system; then the County would p:"obably
cooperate with the developer.
It was lIIOVed by Counc1lman Dempster and seconded by
Fitzgerald to table th1s application until July 20th.
Mot1?n carried, 5-0
The City Manager advised 1t ..auld take nbout 2 hou!'ß to e;1ve a
ca.plete p1cture 01' the grid syste:n aõ1d wonolered it th'..J ahoulJ
be done at a mora opportune t1~.
It was moved by Counc111118n De!:lpater and seconded by Cou.....cilman
~okes to tab'e the act10n a~ d1scuss10n on the grid SYßtem.
hot~:m carr1"d. ~-.)
JIr. Vard Cruap was prasent to d1scuss th1s problem.
The C1ty Eng1naer ~ev1ewed the problem and d1~t~1buted cop~¿~ ,~
a coat es1:1118te based on the as:n:mpt10n the C1ty Ifcu1d do ';;h<-
Job aM pay the amount that 1t would cost to lmprove this br1~ge
to _Iat 1t asre. He also sublÛt~ed an est1mate prepared b7 a
prt_te concern tor tha same work.
U the C1ty does the eng1neering. the total cost would run
$'2.500. 141:'. Crump asid the Flood Control has ofrc1'ed to ::~n··
21JNte $12.500. Th111 :1gure 1s b&øed on tho.: amount that .."c:::'d
'* saved tor mintenance or the creek as ~t 101 .'0"-.
'!be City Manager as1d we ~an use ps tax money 011 Select Sy!tt"'\l
rr"5da only. Bubb Road 111 in the Select S;¡stC:.l. :·¡e of'rere~ to reo
--_1'18 the books to lIee how 800."1 t;l~S IIIOI1f!Y we'll.) be availa1Jlc.
~ ,,,,,:".~~-..,.::,, 1'- ~,..,,,- ...-. ,-
It .. lIIOVed b7 Counc1~ Dnp8tfr and s.cond.d by COI:DCllman
PU _ '-a1d to approve $30.000 tar this project on the coø4it'c.t:
ttat: _ can get $12,500 t'Po8 tbe nood Control towar<i I;hil ¡JI'o-
~ aDd on the condit loa Uat thU IIIOney w111' be avaUable 1'1'om
... tax fund..
_ .. tollowed a 1ensth7 41M....~- on the motion, and wbKber it
.. 111M to tack on tboH cc........ut1olJ8.
1:' I'-n DnIIeter W1~" Ida .œlcn. COUDollan P1tqu"814
..¡-- - ... b18 aeooad to tile "SaD.
'1M __ 18 so1lts to at1llJj-!lr.:. ~ _ 'I plan to \1M tile ~ OOD-
""J!t ~.II ~ tile ft1'1~ .l. --ÞU0a8, alq Witb b1a GIlD, to
4.1 ' ~Lt.en 014 the o1'H1c ~ tIIiiI ~~.
B _ .ønd bJ Counol~ .Joe1 ud ..00rde4 ~ Counol11m1
"-..l. 614 to aak the Clt7 I~ - _ to t1lll1 out it we t8Ye
t3D.000 in p8 tax 1'1mda ~,.... caD be allocateð to tb18 ¡JrOJeot
01 U. BIbb and ae¡nart C'-. IIc JIr1dp.
ømI: Coœcibllln PltzpraJ4. "'1, Pinch
..s: Counclb111n Dellipita'. S1:oIœa
~loa carried, 3-2
¡). AD.øIRIIŒN'l'
I~ ... lIIOVed by Counol1l8D S1;olœa and aecomed by cwnc11man
n~_a1d to adjourn the _t1ng at 10:35 P.M.
Paul Pinch
KrTF3't :
ì -r- .
I ,. / l_ ,,'I
City Manager