CC 07-07-64
..J'" '-,
10321.50. Hwy 9. cu~rtino, Calif., 95014
Cm:æ:r{NO~ C:'I.J:F'OI:NIA .- '
. r; i:~: -' :; , "'. . . . ,'~,I ,-i1
:d'r.Ac:B1 ·':Böird ftoooII.';~p.;.¡;tíno· Sc~Oók D18bo~~t ort{cø'
,_::::= .... ...... ". "-... ." I ~ .
: ~ -!DIIIf : . 8":00 P.M. -- C1~ Council lleet1r¡g: :.
7:30 P.M. -- rre_etq Con1'erønce
..... J
I S~!O'f{II~' ': .",':':.'. " ,.":-;, ,../
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..... .......,.au. .'- : " , ..,.:. ,..
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:.,. ....- C~l1i1e'n Pre~~~' .'~~~;: ·n~~;:;i;ì;, øbel,. S1;okes. Pinch
c~~~a~DtI, ~',;;..: ,
. - .' :' - ,.
Staff ~~ta :C1~·Mal'lAge.~ P~11Sto~"
: .;. . ... e1~-Attòt'~1 !fá~ .Anderson
.,.., .,' .C1ty'·Bn6~neer Ants l1t1?1
.olt,. Clerk'Lå;rry Martin
C1t7 ·Planner 'Adde taur1.'1
Cmef' BIdg Inspector B1~l' Bene't1ch
Recreat10n Director John Parl1àm
RecOrd1ng 8ecretsry Lo1s Inwards
. '
¡;;. .
'. . ...:.,.t
It was moved ~ Co=ci1man Noel and 8econded ~ Counc11man
P1tzgerald to accept and' t'ile the Minutes ot' June 8. 1964.
Mot10n carried, 5-0
. t·· ~
It was \!lOved. ~ Councilœn Noel am seconded b7 Counc1lman
, Stokes to accept and t'ile the Minutesot' June 15. 1964.
Mot10n carr1ed. 5-0
.... ,-
A. Orai ~- Mone,
. J'
B. ~1~ten .' "
, .
1. letter or roeaignat10n f'rCilll P1Ãr¡n1ng COI!IIIiaa1oner
, "õ1be M,IO,! . , . .: '.. ' . .
'-. ':';. '1',. ';., , . :. . .; .'. . 1 .. _ '
2.' ·IAt~ter..trOlll.... Vanoos r6 solving the.trat'fiC problema
, . àD ÍilêC~l1an Road.
3. letter or aJ'lll'OV81 or the proplled gr1d syatem 01'
IUlberiJIS .troa the Pire Chier.
4. letter.traa Postmaster Carter 1n t'avor ot' the ¡r14
II71Itam ot --"'\,1ng.
5. C=~~1cat1on f'rorn Intra-State Pu~11c Cornmunieatlons
6. Letter l'rom Callf'. Water Serv1ce Co. re Loo Altos
Suburban Dlstr1ct.
It was IIIOved by Councilman F1tzgerald and seconded by
COYDci1man Noel to rece1ve the written communications.
Motion carr1ed, 5-0
COlD. Prol1ch represented the Plann~ Coamlsdon Cha'rman at
th1a meeting. He gave the Pro and Con Digellt at the Pre-Meet-
ing COI11'erence. He had noth1ng further to add at this t1ma.
A. WIWJJ( F. HARANG: Appl. 14-Z.64 to rezone 2 a"res I from
R-1:B-2 to R-2-B; eaat a1de of V1sta Drive between Fõrest
Avenue and App1etree Lane. Den1ed by Planning Commiss10n
Resolution No. 216, June 8, 1964. Appeal.
Mr. ìi111iam llarang. San Jose, presented the appeal to the
Cour.cll. He explained they planned to put e1ght duplexes
on tI'.1s land which would blend 1n with the arEa. Th1s 1s a
sœll p1ece ot property and the cost of develop1ng it for
R-l. plus advertising and sett1ng up a sales program, etc.,
would ~ prohibitive. The proposed dupleses, which would
be occupied In one un1t of each structure, would
lIell for approxl11Bte1y $37,000, where the average home 1n
this area sold tor $22,000. The lot cost is $9,000 to
Mr. ilarang said he had checked w1th certain "life insurance
compan1es for financing and they w111 go 2/3 In this area.
The duplsxslI would be of 'lual1ty construction, w1th heavy
llbake roofs and gutters. They will be 3-bedroom. 2_bath
one-story structures.
Mr. Barang felt th1a would be the best use of this land.
llayor Pinch allked tor cOlllDents from the audience.
.... DOI1 Mahoney, l~39 Cherry Tree Lane. he Wlderlltood
tb!i.':, under the ter. C/f' the master plan, the reasons for
re-1"'S _t be tbat; It 111 financialI)' or IIh¥slcally im-
pnct1ca1 to develop under the pruent zon1ns. He also
cited tile .,.c&Dc~ tactor and wondered 11' It IfOUldn't be
..... r~ to buUd cluplllxes here than s1ll618 family h0G8l1.
'IIr. JIIooMnol7 ..14 tile contractor orrered to bu7 thia land at
tbe tø. ot de"e~nt ot the area but the property owner.
424 DOt cboo8e to ..11. He further ..14 the sUITound1ng
_ 1a all 1-1 except tor _ _all area .s,Jacent to the
r. -t.-'I.
Mr. Mahoney also felt that increased traffic 3n f1'ont of the
school would no~ l.e des1tabl:> and re:únded the Cotmcll of
the racent accident where a little girl tfaS hit whlle cross-
ing the 1!·Z'el;t.
Mr. Pete Kamarda sa1d that he 1s the CMner of the property
in question. He said that he did not own the surrounding
property. He sa14 that he had tr1ed to sell this land to
the developer ot the adjacent property but that he could
not get a decent price tor It.
Jtio. JtaIlUdir øaJ4 __ haa bad considerable tl'O\Ølle in his
arébard.~ t;Iiit~unding area wa. ct"'ldped. rencea
line be. W"- '4IowD. JUoP boulde1"8 ute tñídden17 appear-
ing on b18 ;rDt'j~'" ,aM he will get ~ abœt 8 boxes ot
cherr1e8 t'rOIa u.~ wbole orobard th1ll~. Be said the
little ìb'1 1:1iiR :... bit by a car hed been ftealing cherr1ell
troa bill orèbarl'faad when she haard a car CðIi1JIs aha bolted
1ftto the sl:1"6et. '1Jt front ot the car. Be saId It was not
only cblldren wbo were stealing h1s fruit. either.
Counol~ 8toJrell aaked tor the dlmenalons ot the 10ta and
the proposed a1:ructurea. Mr. Harang ..14 the net depth
ot the lota ..8 86.82' and they are gr. 75' w1de. Ea·,h
unit 1a approxlaate1y 1400 sq. ft.
Counci1aan Stokes asked about the s1ng1e lot on the map
which 1t appeared would not be developed at th1s t1me.
Mr. Harang said this is true" .
Mr. Jim Clausmeier, 19681 Mel;'r:\.tt Dr1ve. asked how the land
1s pNsent1y zoned. The Mayor said it was R-1. Mr. C1aue-
ma1er asked how the adjacent land Is zoned. The Mayor said
1t 111 R-1. He then asked on what baela the Counc1l had
declded to rezone thls property. Mayor F1nch sald that
a dec1s10n had not been made as yet.
Counc1lman Noel asked the prop..rty owner 1f' he had con-
sldered any other use of thls land. Mr. Kamarda sa1d he
would 11ke to continue to farm It 11' he can keep the k1ds
and the parents out ot the orchard.
Councilman Fitzgerald lIald that he hall been watching this
property tw 5-6 yeare and several R-1 developere have
turned It down because It Is not 100' deep and it 111 acroes
!'rOIl the IIchool.
JIIr. Roger McBl11ott, 70438 V111ta Drive, said he 11vell
aCroBlI the a1:reet !'rOIl the scboo1 and teels thla 1a a
very good location. He asked why. If' 1t doell not mke
aenee to pat l-taa117 homea on this land, 1t la acceptable
tar 2-taa117 ðHl~1nga.
Couno1ban P1tzcerald sa1d that he had read the Planning
Co..1as100 IUllutell on the Hearins tor th1a application and
the Clt)' PJ.- bed indicated no obJection to this rezoning.
'ftIe C1t)' 1'1a_ ..14 that these duplexes would tace the
ecboo1 7IU'd alllS there velUld be no R-1 f'ac1Jlg theIR tram
a01'0811 the lIb'eet.
!Ir. Mahom¡ asked 11' the reaaon tor a master 91a.n wasn't to
stop spot z:mlng.
Xt wac moveè by (;ounciban Stolr..eo and seconded by ,;ouncl1_n
JIoel to close the Public Bear1ng.
ØBS: , CouncllmenDeøpe1;er. n~zgera1d, Noel, Stokes, Pinch
.-.s: Nooe ';,...' . , '.
. .
Ifot1o.. eaft'1e4"S-O
.. .... '-.
. -"""'.P1Ðoh ~....,"-"'.... a~¡IGrt.~OII:~~ ,ad14SJIJ
. ~ ., _ ~-- &Þ2M o..,..~. ~~'1Jo,.:. ~~,~~ tac~~
-_....,..~,JDØ_..," ,~.~.,.. '. .,~~1a
'. J,. IItIIÞ.. 1l1li.......5" ~$l!tpers~ . 1 . ...
_:- -.. : . t· .-; - : :-~ ,_- ..,' r'. ...0, '.. -" ..
. .,. L~' ... ... ~..c~t'I... ~tø.. t6~ &Id 'secioødtå4·"bJ'
. _ a.-. ,P.1DOh to toJ,.\!:IW ~.¡. ~_Tílòß of'. 'Cltj' 1'1.......
. .. ..~_ tbe.N~.· :""Uoat1olÌ· 14.,z..64, tI'ÓIa
a-J~ toR~~.._ ~ : "L ." .
eo ..lll1pan Stolat...P91~ oaa. ~..~ thslle IIhfall..lœ..are
. II .,.r ~~ tb~, ~ .I4~ .aDØ belns across .the ,.1:reet;
t'roIII a ecboo1 dou.!1Of; appear to be de~r1mental..
ÐES: Councilmen Pltzpra]d. P1rIch
JkES:,' Coœcilmen De~. lIoe.l. Stokes
Motion hUed, 3-2
.. JIASOII EN'l'Eiü'RISES. IHe..: Appl. 1.12-Z-63 to rezone 50 acres
h'om Jot.1:B-4-H to R-24-KJ east side or the Southern Paci1'lc
Railroad rlg.!lt-ot-way, nor1;b ot University Avenue. Denied
b7 Plam1ng COtIIII1ss1on Reaolu1;lon No. 215. June 8, 1964.
Attorney Jol'.n Chargln and *'. Lou1e Ters1nl presented
¡resented the appeal ot tb1.a application.
AttorneJ Cb8r¡1n expla1lWd tbat, at the Plann1n¡ COÍID1saion
level, the applicant bed &g.ld to change ther~zOn1rI6 re-
quest to R~4.H tor the eaUre I*reel rathlÌr than aa they
ør1s1na117 requested 1t ror R-2-H, R-3--M, 81 R-24...H. He
~ctlt they should no ~0IISiU' be bald to th111 cOlllpl" siJ1C.
1õbe applicat10n was llubae-4'»DtlJ' denied by the Plam:1n8
Co t IIs1on.
!!»or. wou)d be . _X~ deD81tJ' ot 640 un1ts, or 16 uolta
PItJ" aore.
. A coW ot . trat#c ...~s. .. 1Mer';ed In each or the
~llMn'. DOt.booa. lIP. ~ u1d tba.C.1tJ' .1aJIner
Iat 1ndlcated 1n b18 "_II L tIIa!: tbll tratt1c could be
. .
',', .... Charg1D pointed eMS Uat,tbe propertJ' pr.a.nt~ _M4
., tM St&u. adjacent to tile tre....,.. could be 1and1oc1Dld
U acee.a rœda were nœ JWGñded tor t~oush tba Salcb
PI-I is :-,,;: very PI''ct1cal bere, according to Atty Cha.-g1n.
slnce t!-..ere 1s no aPØlU~..t. use for this pro~rt7 at the
present ti::l!! or in the t~....,;~ble future.
~CIUC~ on the vaC8DCJ" ractor. Mr. Charg1n 11&14 }I'oøbainbleu
Ûlav1:lg no trouble bl .1_ it 1s a well plallDeCl. _11 run.
!dab qaal1ty deve16¡ , '.... the proposed one W111 be. Ir
JOg brrft a qual1t7 þØu . IUId a good location tile ,..~.ftP,7
ftctor .Ul not btI a "Jell. He telt tbe CIt7 Cc.... 11
~ .11'" I:IDt be CODC_ - aJIoat protect1Jls tile deN).GpIrI' tJ.·om
'" ,- ' ...
'" I....~.
'... ,~
;6-'tar .. tile OVW~.. 1IIderpa... 18 0~...4. a. ooet
'~Lea are so =~íi~r[.:/t 18 ......u._ at Ud8 U..
i:ÌÒ'eYabate It. OIW-' .at_teII 1tiñ "'.ODD;
"iif<~ì . SoIIpe qu0te4 tJ5Ø.OOO; IUd tbe 8t&tè ,.~ ~~ 1fOU14
... 31' a1ll1on dolJaN. 2be State alNfl47 ... . ~ __ .17
"*"..~ with the ~ ~ C,",","-tiDO IUd tbe7 do aœ care
t:O reopen the "~.... 1Iœ. ·
.... CI1ars1n said tile ...tIe will 1IIprove Low A....ðoA aø1
~,œ Creek ~98d ,~ ~ sJ.snal1zed where A'_...d _
Cl'oeHs 1t. Pen1Dau1a ____ ill to be IJ11111'onð alJlo. Ife
aøt1c1pates some prob~ with the Count)' in reprd to
A1!Iambra .
S1nce there is no d"" t .tlun fw use ot the railroad
ad3acen-; to th1s pro.-. ~I. Attorne;v Charc"..n te 1t the pro-
posed rez:cn1ng appl1cû1on Is a valid one.
MI-. Ters1:11 obta1ned __ tigures trom the Count7 pertain-
ing to =e of industrU1l7 zoned land In the C01mt7. At
present, there are ~1.000 unused acrell ot 1ndU8tr1al land,
. . .,' -"',. . . I - ,'r
8J1d.'th1s acreage "i, 'bé~ ~ed 'up';at the ~,ate ot a~... oxl-
..teq 200 a.::res 1pèr ]"BIIr.' " ,,- , - ,
.' .. - '. -. '-." '.
~~~rs1ni feels, tþere 18 ,. Deed ~n Cupert~ t':1r q1Bl1ty
íult1ple. lie teèlstbe 111gb vacançJ' rate' is. in part.
brought upon the ar..a..-c..~ house owners themselvea b7 in-
terior c:onstructirJn ,aœ ~lannlng. J'.e telt this proposed
cle 3lopœnt wo\l1d i'M:lp _pneritt~ th~1I olcler. ~ down area
and-- should give eÍKiugb - t.pe1;ua to start redeve lo.,aeat and.
this; ~ade thé ent1ft area.
MI-. T&rs1n1 d1splaJ'e4 UJree renderingÍl ot the ..~opa.ed
- 81:ruct....s. with 1aJop ..4.1 _;VII and elevators. 1Ir.
CJmog1Jl added that t~ ,,';.; IfIIII1'e no objectionS tJooa tbe
ae18hbara at the p,~-~. c:. .s~lon ~ail1bp.
Couao1118n Noel asked U it; were true that tile #~ freeway
1Ií a~ ten 788rS aW8,7. ..... asaure4 tba.t it; Û. Be
~ aûItd Mr. Tera1D1 ... aòon he pÏÄiinecs:to atart CD this
. c' _ ,
.....los-nt. Mr. 'l_~ ..14 t!Mii would ~ _ aoon aa
, 'tOIfÎ1bJe. after"the 1 .- ,-.; "
4. -... , . r
, c-.Ko11lBn Noel t.'\en -. bta to rev1ew tiUt 1IIp' If- and
,.. ... p1amed tor. '~""£I Use ot the prOP.~I.I. ft1.8
,- ~ ·"dœe. lIIIing the..... ... '1'81's1n1 88id tbe trat'ftc
7;.. · _;._....~ can be worlllad alii 1r he 111 permitted to do it; at
',,- .... equ1tab::'e time. -.
~ - :,.~
-, .-
The map 1nd1cated the 80 un1ts on the easterly side of the
freeway would have no acceslI problem, The westerly sid!!.
which w1ll have a max1mum ot 580 un1ts, 1s where the traf-
f1c problems w1ll be derived.
Mrs. Gustav ADger, 10185 Bllp1re Avenue, Manta Vista, said
she Uves south ot tb1.a propoee4 cSe.elopment and would be
very happ,- to see 1t IlEter1a11Ze. She added tllat tile
County 1s preaent~ fixing the street.
. . - ., .
Gerald Berttord, ..108 veL'ÍIU CO\Ir't, reterreci-' to Co 'ssloner
Oates' detailed 1'ft,~ Ddat10n ter us. ot tbÌa f!¡oopierty,
i1ue to Ita ra1l1'o114 acee... Be a180 8614 ·tbe ~nn11'1S Map
baa tb1e ..1; .... .. 1rJI!Ú8tña¡.Be telt there .... de-
. t~te~ 1DsN-,Ù!IS.esr:e.. ¡áoOb)e- and têejâ tœt 'Cuper-
·tjno 18 be1Ds ~~. Be felt we need soiiletb1ng to
sncl'8a8e the tax .....
lIE,'., A. C. Bar101f, 21739 'l'errace Drive, aslald whi It Iii the
policy or the C1t7 Council to over-r1de the P1inm1ng Com-
ms.aslon dec1s1one. 'fbe1'e waa no cOlllll8nt hl!re'.
Mr. Ho1çen, 11124 Ia Pa10DB Drive, quoted several news-
papers, c1ting tile wcancy tactor 1n this arèa.
Mr.. Tom Hunter. 22447 Balestro1 Ct., felt the trattic prob-
lem to be ot pr1me consideration. He telt that 1t th1s
l8nd were developed under M-l the traffic would be g01ng
in opposite directions than most of the traff'1c and would
not. theref'ore, caulle undue congestion. .
Mr. Paul Morgan, 22392 St. Andrews Ct., asked for an
interpretation ot the General Master Plan, as understood by
the City Council. He asked if' public sentiment is swaying
the City Council. There was no comment.
Mr. Charg1n said th1s property has been zoned M-1 for some
20 years and has not as yet been developed. He wondered
how long the property owner should have to wait.
Mrs. Max Weil, 22432 Balestro1 Ct., feels th1s l8nd should
keep ltll present zoning.
Mr. Goodwin Steinberg suggested the Council and the audience
take a look at tile overall. picture. He said there 1s much
unueed industrial. property up and down the Pen1n8u1a, much
ot It in lII01'e strategic spots than this. He alao noted that
-I'IJ COIICe1'D8 are IIIDY1J:1s out ot the area because ot the high
Counolæn Stc3es teU the tratfic problema IIIUIIt be resolved
before a d~1alOn can lie aede. .
It was liIOVed 117 Couacl1BBn Stolœs and seconded 117 Councilman
P1tzgerald. to' table tb1.a app).1c8'bion and, to hold a s1;udJ'
....lon wUh t_deYeloper a....oon as potSslb1e"1;o review the
tratf'1c .1tuatlon. '!'he date tor thll1 study aell810ø Is to be
~t at..t~ en¡! ot th1a. ...ting, dur1ngthll Cl1:7 Manager'1I
rePort. . - ' '
Mot~on carr1ed,.5-0
The ~lty Manager will not1fy the pr1nclpals wÌ'.en this meet-
ing can take place.
Mayor F1nch sa14 tb1a w111 not 'Je published at the C1ty IS
expense since tbe tilDe and place 111'111 be eetablished at
this meeting. ø. _.~"_ the .;Press 1s represe~ec1 at this
meet1Jlg and M Jl¡cll"'t¡tie,- "wld see tit; to publ1l1h th1s
lntOl'llllt1on.· ~ .. . ' '.,.. .
, .
·coøm.~III0nel" PI'OUiII6-1'equ8sted the _et~ 118 held on other
·'tifllin a Monda,. nt-,*" .Sllce 'the City P1aIIÞer aø,1 'other inter-
eeted persona woa]d UJaI to be present.
- ' .
. M1'..SoaIpø ask*lU"" C:~ .~' ttl~r.~ a Stat'e representa-
'tlve to be ¡IN.)M·" ~:8tuI!" sesslpn.· The <'it)' Manager
was 1JIIItruøte4'·t;o-.. care or this.
. ." ."-:
C. H. It. GBIJ'PITH: .1. 16-z-64to'rez~_l a.cre trom
A-2:B.4 to ft-1, "'\II~·..1Id ot Itt. Mät Dr1.... west ot
'l'err8Pe Drive. 1t~ ð'-.4. by ·PJ:ann1ng CØIII!I!.1,8isl.on Resolut1on
-No, 218., June 22. v.J64"; (Ordinance "0. 293)
t '
Mr. GrUtlth exp1a1Ded he planned to build one bouse and
sell the re_ln1DS lot to a realtoró
Mr.' A. C. Barlow ..14 be le,ln taVòr'of' thie; :1tls 1n
irccorc!ance with 'tile Master· ,P].an. : -. ,..'
It was moved bJ' C_llaBn Stokes and-seco~ by Council-
man De~er to clólJe the Publ1c·'Hear~~. :,-'
. .. . ~
. ~ . .'
" Motion cârr1ed. 5-0
, '
It was mov.ed bJ' CoInI"I]man 'Stokes arid seconded bJ' cóuncll-
'mn Deøipater to a~ove itpP]4.cat1onî6:'Z-64': per the re-
~ C~~nd~10~ ,ot tile Plan!Üri&, C0tIIIi1øÍllon.
_o~A~:' Councl~1)inÇIIter. P1tzgerald. Noel. Stokes. Pinch
NOES: None .
: ,.
Motion carr~ed. 5-0
Ord1nanc.e ;!93 va. '1'ead bJ' theC1tY' Clerk. Thill W8sthe
P1rst Reading.
D. DEEP CLIPPB D~ CO. I APP1.13-Z-64' to .rezone 4.5
aores at the ...1; eid ot R1ve¡:slde Dri've 'troaa 1\-1 to R-24.H.
. Ðen1ed . by P1a~~.. Co f sslon Resolutlon- "0. . 214. May 25.
·l~. A¡)peåi.
, -
M1'. .:,a-e, ~.... ~1ned how the pl'opoØed development
" .. ~u14 eave tbe:_taft1 ",aut)' ot the area. . Øe.9Xpla1ned
tliat 1tlt ....;1:01te developed und81'..R-l. 1n7500 sq. tt.
·lOta. 'it; 'would ....r,lute heavy sr8J11J!Sand 101l.·~ trees.
He wond4l1'8d 1~·t.. ,.opd~.~e"'i~nt .~. ~lled s91118tþ1ng
f_;:otber t:!1an a¡Jlb t 1. it thl1;e would be lee. animosity. '~
'8lllpbul~ t~~ ... wøu]4:be ,lndl.14!itl17 ·owner. . owner .
::-1 . oocup!ed UDits. ' ' . . . ...... '
-,.' " -1-·
Mr. Des:x:md explained hoW roh'. Goodwin Steinberg, the
arch1tect, was g1ven t~graphlcal maps wh1ch accurately
showed t::e locat1on of the trees and the contour of the
land and was asked to des1gn a development wh1ch would
be coopatlble.
Mr. Steinberg expl81Ded that he used the po1e t)"pe construc-
tion to reta1n tbè _~1 contour of' the l8nd. This also
prevents interf'errJIIC If1th the root 87st_ or the trees.
The wbo1e tone aøI ........twe ot the bu11Unsa Win, be to
blend 111 With the..... Tbere": 11 be 11 UDUS to the acre.
Mrs. Anne J'aguil1o. 2Mo8 Ba1ustrol ct., ..14 she was the
person who pre........., t.. pst1t1Ol1 ob,fect1nl to this develop-
ment and Ibe felt Uda lfCuH not; be cCJllll&t1b1e with the
area. Sbe sai4 ~ are alao cOllCerned If1tb tile t7P8 and
age group ot the people who wou1d move in here. ' .
Mr. George Ho1]1..,.....~tb. 22438 Ealustrol Court, explained
they just had ,.a _11 pocket of homes here and that aultiP1es
here would deprecJ.ate the who1e area. SiDSle talD1lV
homes on 1erger lot8 would be IllUCh more des1rab1e.
Mr. A. C. Barlow ..3d thi8 entire area 111 R-1. He noted
21 triplexes not 1:00 tar away which have been vacant s1nce
they vel"! completed IIODtI18 ago.
Mrs. Shields. of St. Andrell Court. felt thla would be llpot
zon1ng. She..14 the7 were told b1 Mr. DesClOl'll1 tl18t th111
land would be developed 1nto custom homes. Purther, she
had heard that 2 dUrerent people were 1nterested 1n re-
storing the old canalon on this property.
Mr. ~le McCarrol. 22417 I!alUlltrol Court. ..14 ha was told
when he bought h1a boee that this would be an R-l area.
Mr. Paul Morpn wanted to \mow what S8l1urance the City would
get that th1a developer would tollow through with these
Ilpec1tlc plana once tbe rezoning wall ganted.
Mrs. ;)bir1ey Benin. 22380 BalUlltro1 COIõI't, a8ked what the
condlt1on ot the trees Is. The Mayor sa14 he d14 not have
this inCormatlon.
1Ir.. Tom Hunter ..14 the good treell are along the golt course
and a 40' reta1n1Ds _11 would be needed here. Be..14
that when he bOlJlb1; b1.8 boIIIB he thought CUpert1nO was pr1-
....lly IIlng:i.e rald~ area.
COUncllaan Noel ..24 be read the P1enn1nß ex. 1'a81on MinUtes
an4.,haa drlven, tbr~ tb1s area. Be telt tbSa _s one ot
tile prettieat spot. ~bere.' He telt _b 1;bOUSbt should
S!) 1nt.J~he be,1; ~ ot thi8 property. He woø1ered what the
_ ___,de~:1D tb1s ~ would bè for-executl"e ~., OIICe the
he.y 18 OOlllP1eted. - .
111'. Dean Sane, 1OØ05 So. Stevena Greek R0a4.. telt that
œ1tber the traff1c ... t~ trees were the 1JIIP01"t&n1: lasue
here. "rbe real ~ 1.8: Are you golng 1:0 tol1ør through
OD the cœa1tt_at. ot tile previous City COUDCj.1? ~
¡IrOIII1aed not to 8-6 I ~.. on the already deve1cl!ar R-1.
Mr. Së;:-e felt that br1ng1ng people without roots or t1er;
to ti'.is area doe" DOt do aO¥thing for Cupert1no. Th1a type
of pers~n t3 not uaual17 1nterested 1n C1vic affa1rs.
school bonds. and all the rest. Mr. Sayre t'elt th1s
developer hall DOt abalm gooce' l'aith. He rurther s\ ~ted that
he,is aga1nst 1U1UpJe. ,in general 1n CupertinO.
.. .' ."
, .
Mr. De.-nd ..n1õed~. _ )".1Z4! that these w111 not be
rental unitsJ 1;JIe7 Id11 be owner occup1ed. 1!!' ,t:elt J~~~' '
tile ~ CODaW~~ø.1ts.o1Þ. w'cOlllt trBa t~~ ~;u.c
bMr1IICSa'tÞa.., ,pt ,bow toSDaUre t1íIP.t. 911C.ethe '
......,..L.J.'U" ' ; '110 w111be "d"81oPB4 Ildb1a
~. Be ea1d tIIIÞ ...... .olve4 bJ puttlllS an ,on
tile ...... ~I toii- »fit!! _.~~. wIa10lr .o\J]Af:'l'r.!~~ 6Ð10118
troll _:Mi. .......... 1ìr.1ØI1t.' pø -aol'tl~ ( ""':., :. '
.~-. ,.. f.' ,.' r.
.. . ...".. , ..'
it... ...14 bj' ~:. ~~ft'DtC tao and \_OIIðeci,;~,,'
CouncU- ftti_,' "-¥,. ,.4l~ tbe,~~~ ~~t,
, .~, '~'¡"- A__l-A, 5-0
~~ .....-. vu ·,~,t, ....
.' ì· ".,' .~;J .. j: I ,~;
COUDOUan 'stoDoj. ~!~·'tJJe·.~ t4ØtáP.)t '~~'~,æ1~;,än4.
tbe JI'GCIOMð 111'*,-.' &it __~ ~14 thØo:2~oasl! ÛD1.ts ;i~
aPll'Olda~17 ·1060-8q. 'tt. :and th87 1inl' bi lIòmeWhere in
the qIt~g.boPb004· ór t30;ooO. '; , "
C~~ P1tqera!4 ..ke4' c~s1oMr·Prol1é cluster
ZOD1q; 1r111 be 1aolULte4 in ttle 'new ord1ilànce wl11ch the
"....i'l( COII61aa1cD Sa pre.senllí7 revQ1'lc1.nS. CÓa:m. Prol1ch
aaid tMY are w~ on'this but there Is no det1.n1te
lntor:at1on on It at tþ.1a. tille. '
C0WIC1l:an P1tzprá14 asked Mr. DeIlClOnd It he would be
wUl1r.,; to put in an It-l Cluster Plan 1t such an Ord1nanoe
were in exlatance. ' ,
Counc1l::an Stoa. ..- .the City Plamei' tor his cOlllÍients.
'!'be C1tj 'lamer aa2d SO unita were 811Ssested 117 t,he
deve1~. Tha .tueU wOl114 ~ ver-r nai'roit and wcni14
prevaa: atreet JIU'kIDe. There tore . a h1¡her perkins ratio
w-'-4 ~ h18 rec~ DIlation -- say, 3:1.
'!'be City PlanDeI' cUapla,ed lIevera1 concepts of' trJ'atment
of tÞ1S pr'opertJ'. Vltbout relltr1ct1one ,ou could'. get 58
un1ta em 111. !be 36 ~t arranae-nt wltb 3 sarase. aDd
parld.q¡ as-cea .... 181t 'would be more dea11"able.He telt
bweYW, t!at It _,.. ~ w18e to set . l1II1t ot 32 units
CID this 111-_ &:,.. .'''' ,
AIIotIIer tNa~ -,.. 1Ie aeiDe high rille, to preserve
t.. œtm'a1 terNSA .. ~ an euellen\; ys... tor the
_..1__.. ~SÌ',or p.op1e~.' SiX rea1denttal tlooÌ-à.WÕp14
set up to t!W.~ teYe1. 'I'bIi.. couid 1DClú4e-~,'
tlllll117 apart;llilfttá' '~ 36 atudio' aIBrtlllltl1ta. .,,', .
,r '.> -.: .
. ~ -#'.
... ,....
;~1~'~ I..'
: .'~'
. ·r fo'"
- '
Stl1: another land use would be for a sem1-public building
suct a3 a church (which ~,'ould need a large parking lot --
this ~s not good) ar a museum or branch library. These
woul:!. however, probably not b<! needed unt1l and ur.less
Cupe~ino reached 50,000 population or better.
The Clty Planner's reC()llllll!mat1U¡1 tor this property 1s
e1the:o tor R-l Or . .u1mum of 32 un.lts. An R-l cluster
plan c:ou1d )'isM .boat 20 wlts.
Counc1bBn Noel """"" .. 11' we cou14 bfi abollt If .r" awa,.
trOll tile de_1I4 far eøcutlve hoI8s beÌ'e~ . 'fbe <: './ Planner
!lAid be was toö __ ;ø, tþe area to pio!>~ëbt .cdUr8te th1nlc-
'~ alon& tbe.. u.s. 'COUIIOllaan N~l felt that, t~re
m1sbt poeSlb~beÎa d6WaØs tor $50,000 tó $10,000 execut1ve
boaIes 111 th18 aNa oacè' 'tbe freewa,. Is è~1eted.
Counci1:llm Delllplltel' ..Jœð 11' t}le developer wou1d be willing
to sit dOlfD and d18Cae8 a cluster type'deV"e1opment. Mr.
Desmard said It ~ depend on how auch time is 1nvolved.
He said he wou14 be glad to do thls 11' It were poss1ble.
, Counc1lœn Sto\œs cOlllPl1mented Mr. Dellmond on the v~ry n1ce
homes he has built 2D'that area. However, to
build 1100 sq. tt. homes tor $30,000 along side the present
developœnt does not seem compatible. '
The C1ty Attorne,. said Cupert1no's Ord1nances prov14e that
orchar:l1sts can re_e trees on thelr property but that
subdlvlders cannot.
It was =oved by Councl11!Bn Noel am seconded by Cçunc1lman
Fitzgerald to deD¥ application 13-Z-64 to rezone from R-1
to R-2!o-:i, ¡¡er Plam1ng Commiss10n Resolut1on No. 214.
AYÈS: Councilmen Dempster, Fitzgerald, Noel, Stokes, F1nch
NOES: !¡one
Motion carried, 5-0
Councll::an Dempster wou1d 11ke to arrange a meetlng wlth
the developer to tr,- to wark out some sort of cluster plan
to save as much ot the natural beauty ot the land' as pos-
slble. The rest of the Council was ln tavor of' thls.
A. œD¡NA!ICB NO. 291': Approving the Annexation of Certain
Contiguous Un1nbÍtblteð Terrltory, Designated "Regnart 63-4 n
to the C1t,. ot Cupert1.Do 2D Accordance wlth the Provlsions
of Section 35300 et aeq. of the Governœnt Code ot the
st;ate ot Cal1f'orma. 8econdRead1ng. '
It waB 1KJVed b7 ·CoaåDl1aD DempSter aM aecOlÌded b7 Counc1l-
mn Noel to have· Ord"-"".e No. 291 read 111 tit Ie only.
Motion carr1ed, 5-0
Ck'd1naace )10. 291 .... read by title only b)' the City Clerk.
It aas moved by Councilman Stokes and seconded by Councilman
Der.:pster to adopt Crè.lœr,ce 291.
AY"""¿: CO\1ncll~n Dem;>ster, gtzserald, !locl, Stokes, Flnch
Motion carried, 5-0
B. œDINANCE NO. 2~: Rezoning proparty of Almaden-l'/1ndsor
Development Co. t'r0lll R-l:B-2 to R-l; 5.5 acree at the
eouth end of Wb11iDeJ' Way, 380' eaet of Highway 9. Second
It was _ed ~ Councilman Dempster and seconded ~ Councll-
D8J1 S1;oJœs to lave Ordinance No. 292 read ~ title on]y.
Motion carried, 5-0
Ord1nance No. 292 was read by title on]y )y the C1ty Clerk.
It was moved ~ COID1Cll118n Dempster and seconded by Councll-
I18n Sto\œs to adopt Ordinance 292.
AYES: Councilmen Dempster, F1tzgerald, Noel, Sto\œs, Finch
NOES: None
Mot10n carried, 5-0
C. RES) Wl'ION NO. 47lA - Amending Salary Schedule.
It was !!lOved by Councilman Dempster and seconded by Counc1l-
man Fitzgerald to adopt Resolution No. 471A.
AYES: Counc1lmen Dempster, Fitzgerald. Noel, Stokes. F1nch
NOES: Hone
Mot10n carr1ed, 5-0
It was moved ~ Councilman Stokes and seconded by Counc1l-
I118n Fitzgerald to authcrize the purchase of a car frcm
Paul Swanaon's far $2,600.
AYES: Councilmen Dempster, Fitzgerald. Noel, Stokes. Finch
NOES: None
Motion carried, 5-0
D. ~JwrI(JI 969 _ Accepting Grant Deed from P. T. 5: T.
Tabled until the next regular meeting. It is not ready yet.
B. RBSOwrIOII r;¡(O - Authar1z1ng Execution of' a Contract
Between the State and City (Re: General p¡an - exteneion
or t1me.)
It was moved bJ' Cour.ci1man Noel and seconded by Councllman
Pitzgera1d to adopt Reeo~ut:!.on grO.
AY?:S: :;oune1lmen De:upeter, Fitzgera:d, Noel, :>t01œ5, .I'~ncn
NOES: :¡one
Mot1on carried, 5-0
vn PAYING mu.s
A. Resolut10ns. 965 . 966,
Reso1utlóO 965,... n&4 111 TreasurEr pltzsera1d.
It _II mved 111 c~s"_n De~ter aøS øconded b1
C~111m111oel ~ 81101* Jl8solutlOD 96.). '.
. AIlS: CClUåCn-D D...ter. P1tqera1d. JIoel, Stokes. P1nch
JIotlGD carr184, 5-0
Jl8solutlOD 966 ... na4 b1 TreasUrer P1tspra1d.
It ... __ 111' ~1~ Dempater and seconded 111
CoaIICUan Stolale ~ adopt Resolution 966.
A1BS: CouncllMn ~pater, P1tzgerald, Noel, Stokea, Pinch
IIŒS: !lone
Motion carr1ed. 5-0
A. urœr fJ1 Cl'l'Y 'rJŒASt]rŒR
lie ba.i r.oth1Jlg tu:'ther to repo:'t.
1. Letter troll Mr. Soboenf'e1d ask1ng that an agreement
be preplU'ed. '!his could be prepared 117 the C1t;;y Mansger
all1 the C1t7 AUoI'dey before the neat meet1ng.
2. In .1tuatlona wbere the greater portion of' a street hall
beec s...-ow\14 (.ore than 5()I,C) 1t wou1d be adv1sab1!' to
cœtact the p, ~ tJ' OIQIer or the unimproved port1on
and requaat that either be a1'1'lir~ to have It 1mproved
or tbe C1t, will do eo alllS blll hill. The CSt,. Man:1g8r
... reterr.1ac 81I"Ulca11, to 266' on B18ney between
BQIfOOd utI 'frJ _-. øo.s.
C_1J.eD o. _ .... aøS Stokes expressed .~ concern
IdIetber tb18 _ .." ......øt a ¡,udshlp tœ' this propert)-
~. 'l'IaC~ At;tome, aa14 that It t~ were the calle
. ba c:CNJd c~ ~_ tba Council IltatillS that this would
be a bard8!dp a. poølb17 other provs.a1on& would be
n ... ...4 b1'COUllCl~ Fitzgera14 ~nd lIeconded 111
COImClt.n .0.1. 11)' JII1ø¡te Order. to 1Datruct the C1t)"
, to write to the property owner reprd1ng tho'
altuat10n and pt b1a reacti:ma.
IIotlon CA.-:-led, 5-0
3. Le::er from Ml'. vaMOS, suggesting a way ~r easing the
';:-3::ic situat10n O'A )f¡cClellan by having ~.cCle llan
straigÍltene,l and go1ng' through the old winery.
1. Tract No. 3640. 1'an14j,se ¡Jest Ad~ion.
Rec~ndatl00: _ IUnute Order, acc~pt the i1lCll"cm!_nts
within Tract 8o.~.. Parad1aJ West Addit1on.
. ~"
So .mt4 ~ Coaaou-.. DelÇ8ter QIS ..coaled b1 CØlØlCll-
an loe1.
>;' '.ll.L....leè õarriecs 5.0" '.
'. ~ -. . .
'. .. .
2. !'ft.:t Ro. 3150., ....._.HI" ~;J'ace ..
.-.". : . - ..
. .
Rec llllatiOD: IIr IUøIte Qrder,authœ1Ze the Cit7
~"'er to 1IIt... tbe"~eloper aDd b1a bord1.n1 c__~
tbat the ~6..& Int bOMlI "7 now be ret1red.
... . , .
So 1KIV84 ~ COIØICi111åft DéJipetl1' and seconðed ~ councll-
an P1tzgera14. '
Motion carr,ied, 5-0
3. Tra=t No. 3243, BaYVooc1 Terr:ace. Unit No.2
Recos:cendation: B1 JUnut'e Order, authorize the C1t7
En61r.eer to int'orm the developer and hill bonding compe~
tha~ the improvement bonds my now be retired.
So :x>ved ~ councll::øn NOI!! and seconded b7 councilman
De~ster. . '
Mot17.'. carried, 5-0
4. C!'n:--.:h of JesUII Chr1tlt or Latter . Day Saints
Rec%llllendation: : Adopt Resolution No. 957 accept1ng
Qra:\t or Eallement !'rom Church of' JellWl Christ of' Latter
~7 Saints.
So :JOYeI1 by Councl~n Noel, and seconded by councilman,
Motion carried, 5-0
5. St. Jude Church
. ~: -"
Recoaaendat1on: AdoPt ReSÕ1ution No. g68,~ccePt1n8
roeðll87 ded1CaUoo'60- The Protestant E¡>iscopa1 æ.shoP
of eaurom1a.
_r:-- : . .
'. I'
, '
So ~ed by Cwncilan Noel and seconded by Councir.n
Motion ca~15d, 5-0
6. 7::'a:': :ç~. 3783, ~7¡Jod Te:,:,<!ce. ';"!'it No.4
ReCOllllEndatlon::.::pt Reso1utl:::C 1>0. 971 a;¡;::-:JVlng
F1.œ!. Jllap, ete.. :~ct No. 3783. ~ywood Terr3.ce, Un1t
50. ~ (C1ty En¡;!.:"'~:- to sign p1.aDS ~ter sigr.ed by
3ar.1tz::7 D1strict.)
So _..A by Cou.T>Cl::s:tn Dempster aDd seconded by
C---1'-ft Noel.
k~lon carr1eil. s-o
J .. Court
1. 4h.L
,.. :
...tlon: :9.J M1nUte ~. apsa"ove the IItreet
011vewood. aranaew004,. -,'_004, Roeevood.
So _ ...4 b1 COUDI:ilD1n De~ alii! seconded by councll-
JIBI1 ft':"...a14.
~t1on carr1e4. 5-0
couae~'_ft Noel c=-nted ttat t:t>-- namell va-lid be
acc;..peeð but that there wall p1eøt7 ot rOO1l! f~r lopt'ove-
ment .
8. Ord~~e 214-A, !3:cavat1on aDd Grading Pol1;:y
CopleS ot the rcr.Jg!: draft ot the ;:¡ropolled cr:!l:-.ance
vere,' g1,,~n_ to ':::e Counc1lmen tar U·.eir rco;li'v. .
1. P1r~ :leading o! ::-11narv;e 294 b7 City Attor:-.~y.
This arlS1nance a:'~3ts the speed 11a1t on a1: portions
:t St;.eoYena Cree;': ;:7d, within C........ ~ino City li~ts,
to ~ KPH.
REran' 07 1IJIIDING :~;::l."'TOR
1. App:ucatlon 140-3:-64: BlAne7 AYeDUe Church :f Christ.
Appl1.:atlon IIppr~ v1th the tol1:J1dng co!1di:l.:>ns:
IaDl1seape p1ans :c be subm1tteè aø'! acceptable to H
Contr?l, and plar..3 u-e approved aJJ submltted.
2. Appll.eat1on 141-3:-64: BacJa8n Duplex on Bell1nger
AppU.eat1on: appr:-.e-j with to1J.øoriDS condit1or.s:
c~tlon per ;lans lIubIII1tted.
Rea,.. "18 1andsu;1ng 1n the l~.
Two ]5-Sallon t~s in parldDS scrip.
~ ot brick ftneer rr~ -. to 3'.
3. App~lon 142-3:-64: ~ W.1Ml 8-un1t apt. houae
on Volfe Road.
3. Le::erfrom :~. 7anoos, ðuggest1ng a way ~f eas1~6 the
t:-:.::1c s1tuat~oc X :-IcClellan by. having ~Clellan
stra1ghtened am ~1.:lg' through the old winery.
1. Tract No. 3640, ?,se ,lest Add,1,~ion.
. .
Recommendat1o.1: B.f JUnute Order, accept the 1œprovements
w1thin Tract 110. ~.. Paradl84! West Addition.
So :lOved by Couue1l'l-.. Dempster aM S8COf'ðed 177 Council-
man Noel.
" . ~1.c:a.çArrled, 5-0
'"4 . - '. .
2. Tract No. 3150. .... .:¡od Terraoe '
'". . ": ' : ' .. . ..
. "
Recommendat1on: B.f JUDute Order,authOll'1ze the C1t7
_ineer to 1Dt'_ tllol.. 41velOper and h18 bond1nS cOlllP8~
that the 1w.,.'o.~ .1; bOMs IIBY now be ret1l'ed.
So :lOved by C_1'I......~Dlinip8ti!r and .8eGO~ by Council-
IIBn Fitzgerald. '
Mat~ carried, 5-0
.-,. ¡
3. Tract No. 3243. E!aJ'l'ood Terr,ace, Unit 110. 2
.Reco~ndat10n: 3T !Unut'e Order, author1ze the CIty
Eng1."\eer to 1n1'~ 'the developer and h1s bonding compa~
that the 1mprove~:;t bonds may now be retired.
So :xJved by Cow:c:.:.::an Noe;!. a~ seconded 1:r.T councilman
. De¡:;ster.
;.r.o~~= carried, 5-0
4. Chur~h of Jesus Ch=-1.8t of latter 'Day Saintll
Recooœrv:!.at1on: ,¡¿~~ Resolut1on No. ~7 accepting
Grant of Easement ~:c. Churcþ or Jesua Chr1at ot latter
'~y Sa1nts.
So !:IOYeI1 by Councl:ban Noel, arv:!. seconded by Councl1llBn.
Mati-on carried, 5-0
St. Jude Church , . '"
. ,
/" -
RecOlZlendatlon: M~ fIe,jòlut1on No.' g68caccept1ng
roadway dedlca~IOD' Thé Protestant Eplacopal B18bop
or Call1'orn1a.
'.' .
,~ . 1"
r .
-';> ~
So lIIO'Ìed' by 'Councl~ .oel and seconded 'by Councl:t.Bn
Motl:xa C4=1~d. 5-0
6. Tract No. 3783, Eaywood Terrace, Unit No.4
Recolllllendation: Adopt Re301ut1on No. 971 approv1ng
F1na1 Map, etc., Tract No. 3783, Baywood Terrace, Unit
No.4 (City Eng1neer to s1g:l plans a!'ler s1gned by
Sanitary Distr1ct.)
So moved b7 Councilman Dempster aid seconded by
CouncllmD .08'..
Motion carr1ed, 5-0
7. Greeøroo4 Coart
Rec_Ddat;1oD: 131 M1nute order, approve the streot
names: OUYeifood, Or8ne,ðwood, Maplewood. Rosewood.
So iioveel b7 Councilman Dempster and seconded by Council-
l8n Pitspn]4..
Mot1on carr1ed, 5-0
Counci1Døn Roel commented that these names would be
ac~epted but that there was plenty ot room for improve-
8. ord1nance 214-A. Excavation and Grading Policy
Cop1es ot the rough draft of the proposed ordinance
were, g1vèn_ to. the Councilmen for the1r review. '.
1. First Reading ot Ordinance 294 by City Attorney.
Th1s ordinance adjusts the speed limit on all portions
of Stevens Creek Blvd, within Cupertino City lim1ts,
to 35 MPH.
1. Application 140-HC-64: Blaney Avenue Church of Christ.
Application approved with the following condit10ns:
landscape p1øna to be subm1tted and acceptable to H
Control, aDl1 plans are approved as submitted.
2. Application l"l-HC-64: Backmen Duplex on Bollinger
Application approved w1th following condit1ons:
Construction per plans submitted.
Reasonable 1.....-ap1ng in the f'ront.
Two l5-galloo t;rees in park1ng str1p.
Reduction ot brick veneer trom 4' to 3'.
3. Applicatioo Vt2-HC-64: Hyman Weisel 8-unit apt. house
on Wolte Road.
]~ ..
/ç)pl1Qat;J.on approve~ with the following cond1tions:
,. '
Planktex exterior.
Roof' to be tar and gra7el - flat deck with no appurten-
·ances,v1I11bJ,e ·from t;~;,1treet.¡ ,.,' ,
.,Ba1conv. decks w1U bé wO~'i w1th magnes1te material.
,,_ I - .1 ,', ,
.; Jach-ot,t!e.8 cov,E!,x'ed pIIl'k1ng ~eas w1ll be !':!U'ageø.
Aapila1t driveway.. ',' _ '. .,
At 1eUt seven l~':'ga1ion or better treés to'be placed
,:,·..8~17 þe1;he developer in the park1ng strip.
Wb1te steps with decørat1ve wrou8Þt iron rail.
Reasonable landscaping on the'hOot e1aŸat1on~' "
COJ!Ha~ "1'!1: ~ ;~Iµ~ü.s ,a~tsnancet,.
A 6' baar4-on-board ahå40it bòx rear tenøe. .' '
4. App:u.oat1CD 143-Hc~~î' [B1ii',¡;¡ :~;'i1t7··*ata; Crø.sroads
. '.:~ Genter.·, r '."j~', '"
..' :,I,'.
, ,'/
, ,
, ,.:..-~ App11oat-1øI) approve~;.If.ith :t~ f'ol~owi~, C~~~1;io~:
'. : - j: : .. ,.. ", , " ',: '. ." , '!' " 1" " - , .: ' ., " t ,.,.. \ ' , . 'I' . . ~,. ,"\
;, __ .: .;.~:g_=a:~r~t~t~~ ~~l~4~e~~:
.;.;..}IIeIIt< 1fj..1l bltveto c,oqt:orm in síze,:)IIS~er1åI..1:'ari4 a1m1lar
pattern. . , , ' .
. . ''lbe _ter,1lt1a op t,his SpeC1flc, s.ign w; 11 be green
, plaat1c la~ters,on w~ts plastic deo~.' '<.
This sign hall the pot,nt1al f'o.r an'lllùilÎ1nateClback-
_-A . ., ',I' '. "r
grv....... ' ,
. .
" . 5. AppUcat1011 '118-HC':'p3 ;. Bethel Luthern I.a.ndscatJë Plans.
" ,- .' ',' " .,'.'
t,~ i. ;.
Plans were approved as' subril1 tted.
: ", '"
6. Application 144':'HC-64 - Ad Art, Iåc.
.' .i
Application approved per the rendering s~m1tte~.
7. ,AppUcatlon 1!J5-OO.-64 ..,. Excell '" SC;InS, Foothill
Convalescent Center.' , .
.' ',¡ .
Appl1catlon approved, subject to following' conditions:
SiX l5-g.11on street't;~ell. - ~ on Voss, 3: on Merrlmsn -
to be placed in knockoiih' approximàtltiy 4' x 4-f at
10' Intervals.
Landscape plans to be submitted tor approval later. '.:
No a1r cond1tloners or other appurtenances.?n the root.
8. App;Uoat1CID 146-00-64 - WestVa1ley Sign Co. tor
LQu...ToDea.Co1tt'ures . .' '. '. ,.' .' '
.., . ,",'. .
.. . . .
.' - .." .. ,J-' .' .
. Ap~:u...ti~:aPPr.ove,4 .þe~ ~w1nSí!. sublll1tt~.
9. ApplicatiCID 147 -00-64 - Florentine Reilt;åtlrðht.
" :..j ::. .-' . -". . "-) ......'. ",
App:u.oat1op.,poe~J)Qn8~, ,pII~ln8 tPft~r 'd~cuasion with
111'. A1larl0 re the Shopping Center Sign;-
Councilan .081 wanted to Iq¡ow the reasoning behind this oral
repart bF tile BII1lding Inãpéétor since the Councilmen re-
ceive cop1es ot tile B-Control Minutes.
The C1t;!T Manager expla1ned that, now that !i-Control appl1-
cations no longer come before the C1ty Council, this might
be a good way to have the Councll apprised of actions be1ng
taken by thill body. .
Councllman P1tzp~1d telt. that the H-Contro1 Coøun1ttee hall
been given new pcm line! th1s might be a good way to keeP
the COW1C ..1 1Dt~ and give them a chance to allk quellt10ns
paotat..1... to II-Contro1 dec1II1>ns.
COIIIIè,1-.. ItD". telt a "IIUIIIe would be good as Ions all 1t
.. 1d 'toO deta1184.
Coanol~ ~ I-tel" ... in tavar ot th111 report.
. lI. ....ii<II'f ~._ ~.~unœ DlRBC'l'Œt
.. ¡aoooo1-- .. to œnt10n C1ty Parks 1n tb111 report.
~. ... bMD . ðec1ded 1ncrealle 1n 1nterellt and partlcl-
_taD ill ~... CDJ' RHreat10n l'rosra- thll1 y..~r. There are
19 ~ teaoldDs .tatiOll8 tbill su..r; 11 more than
Jut . -. ø.øatratlon on oped1ns day was 1.200. At the
ellS ~ tile t1r8t full week they had 5.200 part1c1pantll.
CUpertino Scboo1 D1atrlct hall been very cooperat1ve. They
.... laII::IIId tile 1teC1'e8t1on DepartlDent record playerll. mov1e
eqa1~nf;. acbool busell. et...
1'bII ..\11'810118 .... been very ::'_Jpular. The Pidgeon Po1nt
Beacb trip b84 300 peopls i;;o1ns. There w1ll be other tr1pe.
1nc1ud1ns CaJd1est1ck Point.
The leadership ratio 111 1 leader to every 16 children and
A. Set date to interview Weter COIIIII1s111on applicantll.
~. Ju17 13. 8 P..... C1t)' llall.
B. !bu. w111 alllo be another adjourned lDeeting on Tuesday.
~ ". 8 P..... City Hall.
XI IIW ..,,_uS
A. lI1IIcellaneoua
1. Couoo111an Fitzgerald sa1! he'd hed a phone oa 11 1'rœa an
irate' 118.1'. Ife wall billed tar a 1-month period
tar hill. rental ~t1. during wtùch t111111 he wall not
even aware tbe water was btlins used. Thill wall h1a tirllt
'!'he Clt)' Manager took down tbe pertinent 1n1'ormat1on aIMS
sa14 he would 10uk 1nto tt'..e matter.
2. Councilman Stokes reported that water will be in
Vasona Dam next ye~r.
3. ~Ir. 1lard Crump offered the informat10n that the County
now has a Cluster Plan Ordinance and 1t seems to be a
good one.
It was moved by Councll11Bn Stokes am secomed by Councllœn
ne.peter to adjourn at 11:15 P.M. to MandaJ, Jul7 13th, at
8 P...., at CltJ Hall.
/s/ Paul Pinch
A"I-J:A.':d :
Clt'J' Clerk
L- q ,
Il· .v114.-7~~ f