CC 06-08-64 ~,..... ·'~f¿.c~£~~~~~··'" ! "",J'~._- - cur~_·.·_8,l96' ( ,...... 8.00 P.M. ; '1PÞee. 10321 So. _~ ., ...~le _4 I, .... ~ _1~1I h =r.... ftts_ 1"1. _1. Stokee .' '. IDÞe C1t7 -aw. CUi' -..... IIec"'ÞI7 It .. _~ _ tIIe7 JIOJJ1d ~ ..... - ee .... Ct._f. ~ to '_ -'Moo'!!. Ita17.. . DDIIe ot tile o.rtlc1a18 -.s _ e trip a. _ 'be. _ .e a .... ~ or _SOD as to ,....... plana .......,u.,. &lie S1e_l~ F"_. ~'1øIa _ _ &lie' ~"1J' 11> &lie ... _. -.1 ~ lie M1: 111... ft8U'd to 0'.. _... ~ .... C1Q' -17 0.... to Ical7. !be COUncil _ .... tbe7 ~,~ 'Þ7 to ....-.- &llel.. ...__'lee ..UII eMe r Jfl. 1D dad u.~ 111111..17 ODe or two of tbM tIOQ).d _Ire the trip. 1Io~ _ _ .... &lie su_n:r _ttee _ lie 11> _ of _ to IIIoep ... _ 110_· Be.e __ _ &lie cn:r _.... _. be ........... a eÞ_ of J .._ _... IUse 1& too _ _11111'" bill _.. _ _u-¡ _... _ Ir, c: ,.. ~ _-' _ _U- De-c>B'." _..... ...... __ _-.-111 - ... S1sÞr-CU:r rrop.a 111 ~ J UDo. IC&1J'. "'1 Camc1~1 r _ r. ft~. Ibtl. SCc*eII. ftnch -. _l~._ . CaaDe1~1 .... -- ~~ 5-0 .... .... ~. __ L1IInI'1a, _ llefo... .... - n. as __ ..... .... _ rr_ to'" ÞiI:ii:S.... "J'I'1e.. ......... tide.... _.. __-.., _. ~À _~'. plaœ _:111.......... to .-~ u...a ~ ill c:a..__Ja.. U UF. . . .... __ .....¡-i1_. lie -.JII...,. _:u...... to _ a -- J ~û ~iIID. ~ _I _ ......".)' ......... . ~ 10 '- Noco. _ n _ ...,. ...111.... eoop...Uoa !Iø'__ .... cn:r ';t~~~'=."11: ~~ ': :-~e-" I ~~:;.-:= ."":..~ ~a:I.,F::. .o=., -= :0: =-~1.::s~...t. ,,;s¡¡¡¡.: , azd --... _.._'"Wt, &ad abf> tbo r----...-.UOO '.Il'!æi::' !tde ~ ...~' 1...., two .nn_ _'1oDe. _ ¡ , . _ " _10411 ,...... &lie C1Y1o,~ _,01' ,"" . _Þ YÞto _.. , kJtif;'.· ".£."" í -," 1ft," .:.r..:.:1't ,_,,;;,~:,;~;,,~,;.._:, . ~-:' ",..t:.':J\ ....~,~,. ,~" . .-_.~~' - ~ - .. '""'~" iIu'r1~.. .ta'" _ the COUnt)' 18 111 ta_ or 1oca~'- ~. ..ïmu ~¡__1IU1.,.. ft1. wald'..·.-w.1 , or 1Ibt1"",.." not . ....- ._ Ifbe reaearcb pI"O&ftII WDIIJd be uaec1 ao~ ollJ;r Ir7 IGC&1 ~. bat .180 opeo1au..u. BIaF f'eel _ the _ter ..mea _·U l1li tha wat ai4.. or the'M1le7. "".'" Mr. JIUT1e1' _, - -_.nvl!_t tile ~ -....- .. 1d.UI Loa A¡toa. "- c:uw ee.r.òe nto. ba4 tile 1anI _ . IIoJIII _ __ to ~ c: ~~.., _.to Hoot or_ _1>1'. ' ~ .,.s4 tile 1IoaitI... __ ,.' _ pl'1JlD1pD:i lID a: JOIIIrb 1lu18 , 11h of' tha ... tile __ .... .-Jð øtt paS4 :~~~ . " ~r~;';;:r~~r c, , 011 _ p. . ...... Jl6"11..... aU11 -.!#'~ . _..'lip of' . 1Ii'. _... Nt _ - . i', _ alftIIIt 1I1U11.- ~__.theC1t)' ..~,. .' ,'~ '~_111___'" _ or ·~·i'· .'...... ta- , , . . ~.: ~-,."'~~ ""!IIeN _' ': :~I.:~~~t 111M 1IbIN1D ~ A_leen " ~ta... ¡¡¡;¡¡;¡;;¡;'.. ~1I1e .1Wf'clr."~-'"'''' ...~ __ tat ..' _ _ clo.. to _UdU.Gr I !MDZ& , '_:tlat tba ~T- 1. ._..". to ba_ita'" :.£~. 81>11 . _, ... tile ~.... -,....-ld be cI11'ftCOlU wp_ the _ .. Oft tîd.s pn.p_.... . IIo;ror P1Dob ." .:_. ;Rift1er C.r ~ 1I1U> Ù>e coanoll _.... ftrr1er ota_ tat....-ld be bapPJ' to _ 1I1U> t_ ~ 11' tbe C0w>01. _ top lnto tho _ttel' 1D ...... 4etall. .. _r outed ta~ _ sa. _t deal of' 1DCe>'eß 1D 1ocat1rl ¡ ~ f'aelUU.. 111 .. _ .11q aJIII tlat CUper&1DO ~ be ~ _.0: it. ¡møSmt:7 to tile f'ree.-;r epee,,. Mr. SoboeDl'e14 or 1IUae:r. _ and Bla1l' tIleD ca. bef'ore _ _11 to 418..... .. _ on tbe ZoD1Dl! O1'd1DaDee _ ....p _ _t t1M .l_t. .u. _1_ to .'*Plete tba _ - _ÜODIIl .oot. if'~. JIr. Scl':oentft14 ata-c.d 'tbat aa tar aa the cont:ftct reeda .... tI18 tiN as conce1"Ded. 'tbe7 had pre;¡are<S a Zon1n& OI'dJ.œ;nee .... required !...~ now, with ~ e&ceptlo:'1 c: typographical errore eaI errOre in ;:-elfent mat..IIiL u.11" .ark "s cOIEpleted 1IIbea ~be ~ _p was prepared. W! !be C<:unell 1Jd1ca_ to Mr. Seboor.1'old tha~ tbq 41d DOt _ 1I1th th1. th1D1dJ1g tllac tbq Celt UDUl tha aoD1D& ord1naDee _ fillalUeð that Vl18oT, _ .,'" Blair ~d be obl1pte<l to 8IQ.... Mr. lrol1.b .. _ fIA .~_e aDII be .tate4 tbat _ P1am1Dc COcD1..1on ... _. _t1Dg -eeI<lT ~ _lone 18 _ anort: c:crreet .JIII _ _ SOD1DI! o"'_e .. _t~. .. __ the, at C11'11~ tile _ _t veq rapldlT and ÞOIS pn.geu __ ..s.~ ~Ter. tbere ... _ .lann1ng c.:o..s..1cmen added _ tbq .... t<:I be f'lUe4 18 _ _t bod t_1N4 _ _ g1ftD - ~ _ _-Jd lntorat1on. J~ _ .~ tb1.r. po1Dt tJlltt tbtt ~ __10M ~ down lIDS Kr. Sc~·. pn.eace .. UllDeCeaaa17 1J;t 'that ..... oaatr1bu.t1cn to the _ -,~ _ pnctlcallJ' nil. _ "AS ~,. ,. 'COP" to tbe _~ ..r _ repro- - -,- or tœ ..we ..... .~ l' -' n _ rolt _III". ~""- .nre1d _1IUøT, _. B1a1r._--. _.ll>Je n.r - -- _~ bod _ - _ ,-,-,-, að41U.... IQ' tb8.CI1t:7_4 .. Id4 tm- Ir7 _ C1tT. !IIi ~ 1t _111 be 8QII f'or _ C1tT __ I'w' 1I1lae7. _......... ':'!be CðuDe11 ..._ 1D ~ _ ." 1I1th tb1a. ...~ ts-_ ~ tbaC tb1a COQ]d be _eo! ... .,&be _ that ...··__··w I>e clone. 4t tb1a lIO'II*. 1t =::.~lb1e to ~,~:"...-.;p~ and oorreeu_.!fØIIJd be ,-"ot:- :;: ~- ., -:- '.~ .~~ " . _. . . . '.,-".~;i" . 'It;e C'oaDc11 ~ -'.. -wan1æusIJ' tJlat:~:~_· U. ~. __.bOll""'a ft,,, -or "11'_* IIr;SeboeDl'e14JdU'-' . .., ,to attend _="_OUllllleae eo oIftdá11:rr<>- . ,_~.:.tbo c:1ty ..-..II-f·....... ~ be ~,._ .wu.q ..___1IOIRl4 ctarp..... ~-Þr b1..t1_. ....-1<":........-: f..". to __ "-.,..c~ aøned by all 1>_ tut 1)0-, _ _11 t.w14 .~..,~t...~ all """.......,.....!to -- I. ·:~~¡.í¿'< -.;~~w1illØi~~_, ~_~~.,,<:J;¡..S~£;:~,;:: , ,J tr' 'i. f ¡ ~ t r 3'7~··~·~!?;vr~.? ~,~ .F -. 'T" ~·-'-~:9'~ ~'- ..~.'-' ""..... ......-........~.. . -~-_._-_..... eo.c11aD Sto_ __ tbat tile City ~... be authorized _ _ 0..... .. tàe,. '" "-'-\on _sU. - the7 ~ .~ .....u"' tor ..... k..... areld to atteat a...u.nc. Ifœ C1t~ tie"., S'Dr _"'1. _ _ __co. Seconled ÞJ' COanc1I.... p- _ ¿14. iL C--t1-z ~~. ftt.gerald. 1Ioel. 81;0.... nDcb ~"'_: ... _u-. _ ~i ---- 5-0 "~".~-. ~ ~>, _ÞJ'eLI" .1£1 _.'-edÞJ'C ~. ~~, tllet _. r 219.;." r...s ÞJ' titls 0Dl7. t 1.... AU 1D - .... -. . CIzo" . a». 279."~- . ot tbe C1q or Capert1DO -. .......u.a 1 S'!:--. 110. 2 Iv' _J."Ul1Dg a C.talD _ or .CI1q or Capert1DO r- lID B-1, "hll-2, ..1-&.114 '- t to an B-Ss'" DÞtI'1ct. _ ÞJ' _..- ....t..., Seconded ÞJ' CComcu..... ·...!at _. 110. 279 lie _ted. CouDcU-, ""-te&'. fttqerald. llcel, StoIœa, P1Dcb CoImcll..e.u _ : CouDc1~' lIoœ ~ CARRIBD: 5~ !loved ÞJ' Cound~t_rald. seconded 1>7 CouncH_n _I _t Oà'd1nance Ro. 280 be .....s 1>7 Utle 01117. All in hvor. Ord1nance Ro. 280. AD Ord1nance ct tbe City ot CUpertino _1ng Section J ot t'rd1n8nce Ro. 2 ÞJ' Reclaaa1fJ1ng a Certain Portion ot t.be Cit7 of CUpertino Fros An R-I District to an R-&:ø-JI. District. Roved ÞJ' Councilan De..,ater. seconded b7 CouncilJlan Pita- ~ tbat Ordinance Ro. 280 be enacte4. a~: -= a ... CoImci~' ~ter, Pitagerald. _I, Pincb CoImci~' Sto... CouDcllJoen, lIone ~ CAJUllEI): 4-1 Roved ÞJ' _iJ_ ftt_rald. seconded ÞJ' Councilan ~ter tbat Or<I1nance 110. 281 be read 1>7 title onl7. All in favor. Ord1nanoe Ro. ?.d1. AD Ordinance of tbe City ot CUpertinO ._''1g Sect"""' I of Ord1bance Ro. 2 1>7 ReclaaaUy1ng s certain Portion of tile C1t7 ot CUpertino rro. an 8..1:8-2 Diatr1ct to an .-...... _ict. IIovecl ÞJ' Co......U_ _. ae<:oøSed 1>7 _ilan Pitagerald _ _. Ro. 281 be _ted. CoImci~: -4_.... fttqerald. _I. Stokes, P1Dcb C......U-, lIoœ CoImcU-: _ CARRIBD: 5-0 IIoved 1>7 _u- ftt1lpr4ld, s_eeI ÞJ' COUncilan iii It~_ _t 0rd1naDc. 1'0. 28Z be reed by titl. onl7. AU 1D hvor. .... -= Ordinance Bo. 282. AD _e or the C1t7 0:: cu"ert1no & -t-w aectõ10D 1 r4 ~= 1':). 2 _ JlecJ.aøa1.rJ1.n8 a ~ ""rtiOD o.r tile C1ty of ~1JIIo trooo an &-1,11-2 Me_,ct ';0 aD _.... D!atl'1ct. i;¿i~" Ì'-j~,;~ ,t..¡:;~. ::_,;~:"'.,,¡,':s . ~ ~ ~1~- .,b,) ,~ b7 ~Ck CIII17.,All 1ft tavor. ,. H,'- ," .0.., -. '" . E:~Æ'Ç~~'F':Àtri:~~~,~,'" . , '." ottbë.ct..Q'o;-~.-~·""·-1·.' ~. -ø-: B-4 D18tJ.Ilc~. .. ".'..- - \'. . .4' _ol-Þ . l -., .....ii:.....1~ II1tzøu'&14; :....cade4I1l'~11aD'. Doapeter t.." --. ... 2113 be __. ," " ~~,.== ~. 111~. _1. - - Sto_ ",J',(Jd , . ",.. -::: ::;;'Jf.7.::~: ~jlÎ:;: ~~,=;a>e1. '.' ..,., .~' ,"lID. 260. 'ID ( pl' . of' UIe .C1t7 ot. CUpert1IIÔ , . .' '1 of 01(1<- .... '2 117 'Ree1alO1t'71nII .... fIII'Ci'" ot tlleC1Q"ot ~ r.... ... " ,A-a'......DbÞSet to ...,...3-8 Dbbiet. ',' , . -.d .··QIoIÌICU_ _. S', '''''117 Counc1lan 111~ tllet QIdJD:aDoe ... * be ......ted.· " ADB: ._u-.'~, 111tqeft14~ '_l! 'Sto".a lIDS: ~'I_. ftDCb AIISIft: _u-s Ilona IDUOII CO,.,._ __1 110_ 117 _1lan DeoIpete1', eecoJ1ded 117 eouncløan Stollell that tbe _t1ng edJoum. All 1ft ta1l'Or. A4.Jo-.'''""'''' 11:15 '.11. APP1IOftI): 'a' ..~ B. P1nch lOr A~~ ' ~~ ." - ~ CJ.erK II.~-c " .,. ':'" . .... -.1-.. ~ , ,.