CC 06-02-64
10;321 So. iIIIY 9, Cupert1no. Call1'.. 95014
ou-.~ OP THE REGULAR ~.uIu OP THE CITY COUNCIL - .June 2. 1964
PIMS: Board Rooa, cupert1nO School District 01'tlce
~: 8:00 P.II.
:[ S&L1J'1'B TO '!lIB FLAG
c-n_n present: ¡lj ...teI'. P1t1pra14. IIoel. Itc*n. P1DI:b
C0UDC1IMn ebllllnt" --
81:att present:
~Q IItnqer, Clt7 At;t;~. cst)- ~.
~Q Clerk, Clt7 Pla_. Cldet 1IIa1141DC
~ptCtor. Recreet10n D1reCt:or
Due to the hol1da7, it; _II _ed b1 CouncU_n lloel and
lIecomed b1 CouncU_n Det:IpIIter to table the awt'0Y81 of
the minutes 01' May 2111t untU the next regular _tins·
1Iot;1on carried, 5-0
A. Pet1t1on for Renaûng Bubb Road to Kennedy Drive.
Mi~s Dale Newman, .Junior High School, presented a
pet1t1:m to the City Council, signed by 22 res1dents,
asking that Bubb Road name be cht.nged to Itenne-:1y Drive.
This petition was turned over to the City Clerk b7 the
The City Engineer asked that this ..tter be held up untU
the next regular Council treet1ng since he ,,111 at that
t1me present a M" nu::ober1ng ~1stem for tl'~ Clty 01'
CuJ)P.rtino whlch Will ell''' dictate the namins 01' streets.
B. Mr. Albert Brlgs. 22~1/¡ ~tarllng Drive, cupert lno. asked
whether the Dura-Style Homes, Inc., appl1cation "ou1d be
reviewed at thia _ting. Mayor Finch stated the~ had
written ,skins l'or an 1mefinlte delay ln the revle" 01'
their application.
Dura-Style "U1 be not11'1r.: b~ the City Stal'l' that they
muat present their appeal at the next regular CouncU
1IIC..t1r« or the _tter "Ul be considered clolled.
1ftUftIII Ctll!lJlfICA'!'I(IIS:
A. Letter troa ....CD J!nter1Iri". reprdlng the prnposed park
.Ua on their IK'v~' L.... 'ftI1a Will bit titan undar consider-
aUon at the t18e l1;6a v¡ 0 'Is revl.,...,.
L AppI&l of .PP)f".~ 13-~ 11)' Dee1l ClUte DølloIIMDt Co.
It _ .... _ C_ -9'1-....1 and _aaIed _ C0un01:øu
m . ,.. to .... Au·. ,..1] Z fill p1acMd: - tile ....
tfIIr tile ftI'ñ : 11 ~ 111 ~.
, .
c. ~ tfIIr ... J oft P1.-''W C 1-toD -
.... c:azoou. ~u.. .-08 IIIl.vo~.
I). ~ tfIIr JIll I I _ .,-.'W C 1_- .-4!or
.-4: trol", lIP. ..... L __. 19858 ~~ Dr1w.
B. iIII",-tlca'" r t-w C '·.lon and/œ 1I-CGaU'01 and/œ
"tel' a t-tMa _ lIP. A1II'e4 P. DotnIoIn. 19720 Dna Dr1ft.
P. AppUaaUae tor r¡.-'-W Co-'''lon and/or .-Contro1 117
Capt. IrñD ,.11. 20165 ~et An_.
o. AppUcaUOD for JI-COfttrol II)" JIII'. O~ Pitch. 11302 ,.. rra
B. AppHcaUon f'or P1allll1ns C~..lon 11)' Mr. Davld L. Hill.
1~6l Davison A.......
I. Letter t'roa Ruth . GoinS AIIsoclatell rega,-.)lns the Lure-
St~la .ppllcatlon.
3. IIoUce or the torthcomin.; meeting or the Intêr-Clt.y CoW\Cll.
It .... .oved 11)' Councll_n Stokes ar.d l1econded by Councll-
_n Dempater that the wr1tten cOlCmU11catlons be recelved.
Notlon carrled. 5-0
~ OF TIlE PLANNING COMIUSSIOII: (See Mlnutes 01' May 21 .25)
Cbell'1an Th~on Hid the... ..s nothlng t'urther to add to the
JUm¡tes ot 1IIa~ 21 and 25. "'701' Finch introduced the ne"
P1amþls COlD1.~~on Chal~n to the audlence.
~~" ~' A¡Ip1. ~-'1'JI.-CiI' tor. &fill"..). of . t_tltt1ve
~. ' taa~' orlleC1eUaA-Road"UI9' _.t ot Velltacres
Drive. (210ta) ......o.eð b~ Pl.nning C~8IIlon 5ñ5M.
~t' Lillo ..14' thl nr- ot lllac1tày . Sompa tlD... .ubll1tted
the tutaU.,. _p tœ ...vieW. He had nothinS rurthlr to
add. .. .'.., " .,..
It .... .oved 11)' counÍ Dempater and .aconded b~
Çounp11aan ~t.....Jd U ....0"' tha tentaUV. _11.
.-~. . ~ '.;
-.: Couno1.l1u%'" De ~ '81'. P1tJ'¿erald. Noe,l,. Stol-...·.J1D!:t1.
IIœS I Nona
"'U_ .arrteð, 5-0
B. THORSTEN A. BAC1QWf: Appl. 5-TM-64 tor approval of a
tentative _po North 111de or Boll1nger Road. 150 teet:
eaet of H1gl:\llay 9. (2 lotll)' Approved by PlaDDing
COIIIIiell1on 5ñ516'.
I· -.
Mr. lIacl<m8D. 10650 So. øw,. 9. Cupertino. 11814 h!I had
notb1ng fur1;her ~o add to the 1n1'onation indicated on
tbe tentative _po ' , -. . . '
'1'IIe City P1'- IdY18ed t..t an .lICroeC~ perII1t 18
requ1red a1.œB with tile a.....Oftl ~ tb1a teatat1ft _po
.' "CøIIIIoi_ '8tôIIÌM i!fIIIIIJ u trill toot1rJp úe'"
': ~.. Bio.... 1Ó4: tIiiIt' 'WN aid tIIa. bit 18. ~, to 10
abI84 .. eoœ aa bit ball C~l1 aH-v..l. -
It ... .".4 '" c:-a01baD ÐallllRer .Id aaoClllllad 1IF
CoaDol1mD "I·to :.~ 'l'eDtatlft· Map 5-'ftI-Q with
tbIt proY1a1œ ~ tbII .ppUcant obt:a1Dan,encroec...œ
A'!BS: Counc1IMn DellllBter. P1tz~l'!Ild, Noel, StoJœll. P1DCh
HOES: None
Motion ca....·ied. 5-0
A. GBœGB YAMAOItA: Appl. 89-Z-G3 to Nzone 7.85 acree !'rOta
A-2:B-3 to R-3-H; llouth s1de 01' Luc111e between ~1ane7 Ave.
and Randy Lane. Denied by Plsnn1ng COIID1sll1on Resolut1on
No. 193. Appeal. Cont1nued 1'roaI March 16. Apr1l 20, and
May 21.
It waa moved by Councllæn Fitzgerald and seconded by
CouncUæn Stokell to reopen the Publ1c Hear1ng.
Mot10n carried, 5-0
Attorne7 John Racanel11 presented a pat1tion in l'avor 01'
th1s rezoning. He stated that !'rom the 20 inquir1es, he
ft'Ulld that some were in fsvor of apartments, some were 1n
favor of duplexes. some were not in favor or anything, and
II~ on Randy Lane in l'avor of warehOWlell. He felt
that Mr. Ya_oka'lI plaMed spart_nts would be compatible
w1th the srea.
CouncUmn Noel allked whether the appl1cant would be wUl1ng
to reduce the raaèer of un:~s 1'roaI 160 to 120. if this were
f'avorable with the Coww:1l. Mr. Racanell1 sa1d ;;he plans
called 1'0r ~o unitll per acre.
The City Plamer rec_nded this appl1cation reet until
the new ord1nancea are 1n effect and to than see if 1t
would fit in R-211. He c,",ut1oned that R-3 can present so.e
undellirable aapectll. The applicant said he prel'erred to
have imaediste action On thia application.
...- ,- .
Mr. ~canelli 8&14 the butf.:.-ring will be the 1181'1d,ng äreac;
'ftIere _II thln'c JJ. :.-:.....b1e dillcllllston 00 _~ritll snd
requ1re_ntll af' R-2_. ftoi, City 'Plànnel'''''1cÍ.U4t. the R~
density ill' 1_ .u.ø Jt...3 and w1th !\-24 7011 can réq,dr'e
COIIdit101111. . ':. . '.1 ,. -
. -
. .'.. ~
It ftl .ond 111 Coo-111Ü BtolØJl' and .MO~ '." .C9'JDC"11-
aD Pitapra14 .. ~J..; ~._ MUc 1lear1llC.
.:~~,~ ~ ._ _., , .' '. ,,'!'- ,-.r
. -.....~. ~..--_t~..~ :'. ...:~~.
.en '-"'lIlft-Ill - r It............... wnü.iD ~
........ .......~ .....fs'Oa... aeolll. .. es_ .
C3ak ..s4 .........a:.... .- ~ ' . - '. ..
... C1Q .._... øtA1 J - __ 1ft tM ....-4Ø1CID 1& .a
nøtec1 tIIIIt tbe ..a. ... . t., t8 laoateð 111 ~,~ tbe IdIb
..... fJIt tM fn ~. tr1Ua 8-3 801'OU the ';t.:..t. W..tda1
an don B1a!Iq, .. 11-3 ud 0_rc1a1~. Bued an
theae hctll. 1:.. C1t7 -pi' o~n't Ilea ~b1J!C ."'OIIS
1111:11 tb111 appi1cat1œi tor rs.onirIg.
COIIftCllan Pit.....14 ..14 that be ..lion the P1.....1ow
CoaD1ldon at the t_ tb1a a'P'PllcaUon·wall rev10twe4' ~
that body and at tbat tl_ he "II concerned about the
rell1dents on IalTJ' 1187 and Randy Iane. He noted thers
b.111 been no pet1t1on aga1nst th1s aPPl1cat1on. but there
ill ODe 1n ravor 01' 1t. Also. l'ormer Counc1r.n Benett1
hall stated he 111 1n taver 01' it.
Councllllllln Dempeter lidded that the 1ncrealled tral'1'1c will
be handled by the r."'-7·
It was moved b7 C_U_n Fitagerald and lIeconded ~
Counc11man Noel to approve app11cat10n 89-.-63.
It ..I moved ~ CCJUIIC1Ian 51:01œ1 and aeconded ~ counc1b8n
Deapeter to a_nd th111 mot1on to 1nclude the condition tbet
an17 111II81e litOI")' tN1141Dp be erected alona 111de the R-1.
Motion carr1ed, 5-0
Ma70r Pinch wall concerned w1th the overall dens1t7 1n thlll
Vot1ns on the or1S1na1 _t10n:
A'DS: Counc1t.en ne.¡.ter, Pit.gerald, Noel. 5tollall
Not1an carr1ed. 11-1
'ftIera ... the PiNt RiM4111C or the Ord1nance 260
'" 1;M C1t7 Clerk.
is. DURA-S'I'Yt& KaŒS. IX.:
" ~"'.';·-.r_
c. ern C(QI::: RBSOID!Iœ 913: ø.'son1i1s ·1\.6à aol'Ø rro.
8-1, R-l:3-2, R-l-A,B-2 to B-E.~~·:(Part}; nort~ .1de ot
Støens :_-=~ ~; 820 tee1; west 01' Ste1Ung Hoed.
øac_1II5ee t7 namiJIIS r 'asiob hàci'lut1oØ 208.
~ Recrert~:n Direotár ..we . brlet sketch of' tile ¡lreYiOWJ
~ an! located tId8 ~ 0!11 ~ laP tar tile ....nt
".. tbè cc.c11 uíS tIIiI -'-. '
. a~:;:;r1'~
t'è&:.;~.c1~ ~_..= 1TS;..~~t-:l:'~ ]e:'-
w.11e111e.t tIIe.4' .-..... It'.. 11". tJla·DliJÁ d11
_ !50 .. 1 t. pel" .... ...... 1IIIr1I. IIr ~~j tile
llaUo or ........~ (jf>~Jf _ -'peI"'" of ot_ ~ ...
.. SID ~ ratio sa 2J6 II J." pel" ... .of 01_ ....
... .~...uon Dtn.A"·~~ - ib61: tile __ lie t..Ät9""
SD UII r r :J-tlon ~ ... jIaa. IrUl def8at JOIa' - J'"
01 olt)- pen. Be.~ _.....1Ii!Ið tile 1II'Pøc:T of ~
.....,..1'. .'
..... CaIltU1a, 10535 c»_ r . C1JtIet'tino. telt tbIt ....¿dl
Jllll'k loca~~::n 111 too o~ t:o tile \larden Oate c .'I~ 1Ibo,
·...·,.t. !:aT!! not f'elt tile JIItC4t..1t)' ot ....z1JIC to C~t1DO
mill pa~ their dare or tile taxes. She .lao _1ð tlat
paop1e 1: ~ppertree ~IYUlon would not be able to ..IllS
Ule1r ..~: ch1ldren ~ed acreea b\lll)' S1;e_ Creek
Blvd. t~ ;:~y In thi8 _.4..1 park. She alao lltateð the
college .~:: furniah a park setting In th1a part or tC*Ð
and tel~ :-"'! ~entra1 pu1t Ilbou1d be east 01' H1gbWa)' 9.
..... Aaö;-.:r. .\."1ger. 1019.5 Ellp1re Drive. Monte V1l1ta. 18 not
111 f'av~ :: ~he central park: location. Sh8 saleS the
1II"0pert¡ ~rs have pla:med I! cultural center tor this
land a~ :'~rt1nG bad17 needa th1a sort of thins·
..... De!~:~. 10335 P1œa ~ lane. Cupertino. as1œ<1 if'
the Por.a: ~res had been considered tor the centra 1 park.
Sbe a1s~ .:r;:!ered about ~ price difference ot tile two
locaUc::.!. She 1'elt the park Pl'osrna would haft . bett.r
clance ,,:~:: the public 1r Mch alte were voted upon
WIra. !'II~:!~ Jonell. 1~1 flua Tree lane, Cupert1nO, uleS
8he 1& ~~. :!"õ:!r of tile pu1I: lilt. ~ ..a.
1tI". RON~ ?eeae. ..._ c:rcc:ør Corp. .up1sined tM7 _N
the _~ :~ th111 .nd 0Cbn' propertl.. 111 C1IIIe"lno. He t!W ~st1. or ~ IDS1nd_1 perk alte_ on tile ballot
._~. 3e dieS. IK ._. taa 1... with the __ 1ft
IIb10b t:Ie ,.nr .lte8 .... .._ u_n.· Ie ...14 ~ .N
taklns ;r~rt)' w1tbOa& ... proa..... 1e.3 COO6.- .Ad t..t
tb1a pr~;.~-:y 1. baU. fH ITD t.~tll the Clt)' eS.c14._ If It
_n arr%": ~t ':It' not." A II'ed __ lons 1t _ ,.. be
h'oal:. ::s ftf.pUe;aU_ _ Usi_ prope")' ball been betare
the K~~~~ bcxU.. ~ ___ _the now.
.... lee. IIIIced tor a ___back oll1m.m or intent. The
CitJ Attorœ1 14Yl_ Sba wou14 be out 01' order.
lira. Sp1llett. 10371 f'ba Tree lane. Cupert.1nO, felt the
Council be1:i!g subJect;ed to a "big scare. .
..... AJltord, 10312 ~ 9INe lane. l:u¡leñ1no, f'eJt; ..."'. ...vae
IIa4 h8d tbe1r law II I'or ~.....tbat''' __14 get
GD with tile bll81øH8 ",,'IIød. - '
'.~:t ~.:~.,..~....: '". .
.-" ~- .1'''~" ... 11)'~'" r 'If ;Iter ant ..~'..,.
";"-·e~. -~~ft"_ ",:M..-.u. u.e hb11c IIeeñJIIr,.
0': '.~" ... ,. . :' ."'; 't~':' . - - .
...~1 II~,"~ "
. ' , " 'if.-"'- , ,
. 'It _ .... bJ' tit'· -'. 'J!' .,¿ter aad eeoaade4 bJ'
c' ,'CCaIo'-" ft.~__ ~ 279 be ......
ØBS: ~1l_11 D.. _ ..... P1tqera1d. Roel, ~, Pinch
1IœS: IIoae
, Motion ~. 5-0
Ord1œŒe 279 wall reed 11)' .. City Clerk.
Mayor P1nch amounced ~t the SeC'oni Reading c~ be
attar 5 daJII and could poIIlllbly be ~eard at the adjourneð
_eUng m Monday, :June 8th.
It VIIS """"ed by Counci1Jan Dempster and lIeconted by
Counc1lmn Hoe1 that tbe Second Reac!1ng 01' Ord1naIll.'e 279
be aCC'::>::;Il1shed at the aðJourned -.eet1"6 on June 8. 1964.
Motion ca1'T1ed, 5-\
1:. cm C~IL RBSOurn:(JI 914: Rezor.!:-.; 5 acres f'r0ll1 R-I
to R-£:3-J;(Park); north lIide 01' Voss Avenue, eallt s1de or
JII'OIIOBr.! Loc1ørOOd Drl_ a11gn111ent. :¡ec~nded by Plann1ng
CoIa1.s~Xt Rello1ution 209.
The ..1ta ... located on the _II by t!'.e Recreation D1rector.
It we '2O'Ieð by Councl1sa1l J)eapster aOO .econded ~ councll-
_n P:t:!'8ra1d to C'1::w the Second iiesr1ng.
Motton carrleð. 5-0
Counc1laJ1 Stoll8l1 _ "-..4 ir it vas :'Iecenat')' to have tllO
park alte. at thi. t~ 1ft that area. vb1ch 111 alreaðy 1n
a park-1U11t .etti", .. taU tbe e......1. .hcu14 be on
the ''._It ~la· area a..t or ¡ug.ay 9.
lllJOI' !'1Dcb ..14 t1w Maw 0I1ls for 12 acre. wUbin a hs1f'
Cla m1. or tbe pu1t "Ub a dens1ty ot 2000 paop1e. The
aoreap adjaoam: to R-' aUa. 1s ava1lable ~ but -F
not be ]ata". wben U 1. naacSad. It would tllPn neea.altate
the City'. puro".1a& twiee the e<::-nge tor a ne~hood.
Jlrk 1n t..t area.
Ccnft:ll_n Stollee that .1JICe .. are ta~ abo1.1t the
.1980 c:eIIINÌI. we .-'" take that into cOlll2AeÌ'Ìt1on. The
18l1li Oft the ..a~ side of B1gbfay 9 la golDS r..t. too.
. -
.' ~.. ~.
Com>c:l¡.an Noel ..14 he "ould like to _ 'the ptople eXJre1l1l
tlw1r GP1D101i8..ClØa1Þonl11"sue. Be "ould Uke ~o see ~he
banot sput' 110 ~be l180pLr can exprellS tlle1r opinions on
. each IIlte.
. -' . ~ -"..:,'
It \U.....a 111 CGID011aD DIITWI' _ ..r"....... 111
CoIDIu-a n~""'J4 to aft tile nnt ....~ of
._,~.......w 180. - ... .
,,'" . "
:-.:r ..
... ..! ,:;¡,"¡' .-.
IDS: eou-,'-" ~ 'tn. Pit _ 'a]4. ....1. ftnDh
'_: CØlr(tt~. - ....
1Iot1CID CU'l"ÞC1, '-1
Þ P1r81: B........ of 0I'd1JlBDce '280 we. aooOllp'.·~ 111 tile
Cl1:7 C1eJ'k. . ,.'
Z. CD'! COURCIL PIISOLU!Iotf 915.: Reson1Jl& 5 aC1'Ia rr- R_l:B-2
to R-B:B-4 (hrlch .at end of Price A_, north l114e of'
JIe_ .rt Creek. Reo...-cnSeð by Plaœ1J!S eo.1l1l11on Rello1utlon
Att.>MW7 John _rlala, 15111 The Ala.eda, San Jose. llaid
that CUpert1no 111 ..tt1ng a ~c:ede_ in ac:q\t1r~ pr0-
perty tor public: use by the following:
1. Using the dev\ae of zoning to rre.n ¡n'Optrty tor
putlic pur¡:oaell. Ife aa1d it hall been elltabl1ahed
that you c:amot for non_private uae.
2. Inverse c:0n4e_t1on ~ocHdingll. Ife said the propert7 can Induce proceedingll to require pt:J1lll!nt l'or
8!t id proptrty.
The City AttorM7 referred to 11 letter trOlll the State
MIlIc1n8 the City to grant no rezoning ot property laying
w1tll1n the route or tbe ¡n'Opoaed freeway. All 01' tll1l1
land has been t"1ed 111> all thelle ,earll. weitlng tor itll
procell. 01' eenent d_in. The proptrty owner. have been
ptna1tted to carry on their D01'IM1 Wle of tbll1 ¡n'Optrty
\ll\tll that t1_. howe'll"'.
It nil DO'Ieð by counc:u_n D.JllClllter and HcOnded by Council-
_n Plugerald to 01_ tile Public: Hearing.
It .... .ønð 111 C-ilwan nellClllter and seconded by council-
_n N~:' to hne the Pint ""dine ot Or1Unanc:e 281.
ØIS: lIe.peter. Pltaaenld. Noel. Stokes. P1nc:h
IIOIIS: !lone
Mo~:'on carried. »-0
'!'he City Clerk 12'" the tint I'f!sdi~ of 0r1S1nance 281.
P. C1'I'Y coma:n. RBSOIm1C1f 916: Reso~.5 aerea troll R-l:B-2
to R_E:B-4 (JãrlëJ; at the weat end or Ston,dale Drive. east
e>1' ..118. Rec~nded b7 Planning c.:-111111.:m Rellolution
1'b111 IIlte _II located on tbIt map b7 tbIt Recrea"lon Director.
111'. Orant RSd4le ..14 be bed juat purcbeseð a lot In that
_ U111fCIIIderecI lr bU "'VI""" L, ill 1IIc1uded 1n tbU alte.
1- _.... ~tlw.
It _.... _ C-Ol1aD P1tapra1d ald.. --/11_ Itolln to 01_ tile N>110 IIear1IW·
It va. -*' ~ COIDIl1aD P1tqere1d alii! .eooalllð b7 1Ioe! to .." tile P1rat Read1llS of Ordt-~e 282.
ØBS: !)e..-tar, Fitzgere1d. 11081, Stckell, P1Ðch
Motion carried. 5-0
". Clt7 Clerk p" tbe P1ret ReadllC or Ord1na!lCe 2~.
G. cm COOIICIL RESOL171'Iœ 917: Rezoning 5 lI,=rell 1'roII R-l:B-2
to R-B:M (Park); vellt lIide 01' Portal Avenue. 100 l'eet
3;)Uth of' Allherllt Drive. Reco:mend,ed b7 Planning Cooa1l1l11on
Resolution 212.
This site waa locavd ?n the IIISp b7 the Recreation DirEctor.
1'.%'. AU Aloha. P1W11 Tree lane, CUpertino, said that he was
in rsvor 01' thill park IIlte.
It vas _ed b7 CouncUman Noel and seconded Oy CO\K\cUmar:
Fitzgerald to c10lle the Public Hearing.
Motion carried, 5-0
It .... !lOved b7 Council_n Noel and aeconded b7 CQUD('U_n
Ie,.;MIUr to have thll Pirat Read1ng or Ordinance 283.
AY"'..s: Councilman Delll1l8ter, Pitzgerald. Noel, Stoke.._ Finch
NOES: Hone
Motion carri.d. 5-0
Ordinance 283 _II read b~ the C1t~ Clerk.
A. CIID:NAHCB NO. 290: Reaon1ng propert~ or John . Anton SUch
rro. R-hB-2 to C-l-H; 1. n .crall on tM _.t aid. 01' Saict.
Va~ .t Parle "".rue. Secopò Reading.
It ...s _ed b7 CouncU_n De....t.r and s.cond"¡ b7 o;ounc:U.
_n Stolen that Ord\lWnc. 290 be ~ad b7 titl. on11·
Motion carril!d, ~_o
Ord1œMe 290 _II r:eaØ by title 0I11J by tbe City nerk.
. ~ ,. .
_ It vall 1DO'IeØ by cOI¡oc,pmim FiuPrtJd and, lIeconded by
co=cll_n Hod ~~t ~lnsno:~'c290 .be "IIiÇted.
ØES: COUD01~ 1)elllp!lter. Fltzprs14. RoeI-, StO!œIl, FinCh
lIŒS: lIone .
JløUOD carried. 5-0
B. RISOUJfICII 9!SJ - 8ID1~ D1atl'1C~. CJlU'Ps.
.... ._ . ..... i.,"! "...I..-t·· ..~.. ".r .... of" -. " .". .....
(10 ... J"iàa- ',""' prelliNð¡ ..~ tP. - ~n by
e~ (11'4&'-' 1III'"8IInt.) , ......"
'fta. CIder' ~T"'~ IDaPactar a~~ aø 8dd.1tlQ11111 $5.00
he *""'''''118 ..... r tor b1U.~s.,
, ..
A. RHo1utlO1111~·. 9'.)6.
ø..o1utlao. ~·._s rvÀd by Yrea.m.r n~..rs14. It nil
aoord by CounclbBn Dempeter and seoonded by Coœc:llan
St.,pll to approve Rello1ut1on 955:
AYES: councllMn Delapllter, ,Fit&prs14. Noel. Stokell. P1nch
NOES: None
MotIon carried, 5-0'
ilesolutlon 956 ..a read by Treaaurer P1tzaersld. a_II
ClOYed ':./ CO\lncl1_n Stokes and, aeconded by CouncU_n
N:)fIl "0 approve Rellolut1on 956.
,,~..s: Councl1_n Dempster. FItr.geralð. Noel. Sto\œs, Pinch
sœs : No.-,e
Motion carr¿e~, 5-0
Sothi:1g turttwr to :'8¡>':)rt.
t. Tb¡. Plann1q C~II8ICD "nd tM coo-ultant tw... alrM4Y
be.n authorlaed to twn 5 eddlt1_1 .eUnga on tne
PRoPOSBD zœI1IG ORDINANCE and ~tw OMt per _.U~ ....
t.lltaU"'~ set "t $50. Tba City llanqer haa recel.,.ð
t'. latt.el' tJo_ V1h,.y. .... . Bla1J' outlln1aa thaiI'
ver.,1'.-- ot ' .'-4"'a. which 1s c_14erably bishar.
Councll.n ~ ftl 1n favor or :ontactl~ Wilsey,
ilia " Bla1r to !leye a meet1ng between tbnl and the
COIZ1Cllmen to deters1ne these added COlltll bet'ore ·..e
proceed with any f'urther DIIeUngll.
Coa:M:llllllln Stolll!lI prenmed the PlamiJIB CoardA100 hall
been proceeð1DS with all 1II\ICb speed aa 1JOII811Þ1a and .
teela thaJ' 1Ib~1d not be limited b7 tt. Cot tb1a a1;ap
of'tba pa. .
'Ita C1t7 ~ 8tatéd tbat .. aft a~ at --
plate aid tba na-111I Co-t-al00 be. a~ been, YfIr7
~1_~ aid beft DOt a1lœeð tba1r ~.
*Jar P1nGb he1e.:tbe CoIInltant'. JIri- are ..cbw.b1taJ*¡
tba c1ar1oal aid ~_1_1 t18a II1IBI* JD tlle1r onte.
_101 be tbab' I_poIIIIJJlllitT. lie alP"lN. uat ..
8bl'v1" JIB)' t'or tha1r tia apant 1ft Cupert:1nO. .
It ..II --S ~ CoIIDc1lan P1tzgersld aD'J ';3Conded ty
Coœcllan ~ that.. are wi1Uns at Uda ti_.
ower and aboYe tha prl!lIent contract. to auta--lze an
ezpelll!lture t'ar the Plann1ng Consu1tant'lI ts.t l11'8nt
In Cupertino on1)'. .
AYSS: Counc1lmen Fitzgerald, Noel, Finch
NOES: Counc11_n Dempster, Stokes
Motion f'a11ed - 3-2
Co.;.'1c11l1111n Stokes would like to know whether or :>ot the
ct-.!lIges wh1ch sre be1ng made on these ord1nances are
1~ the orlg1na1 contract, or who pe;VS for them. The
Cl~y Manager sald the Clty pays for them.
~ Clty Attorney sald we ur,¡st come up with a general
or':!lnance and 1t !lUSt be a good one because we w111 be
vo~~lng ..l~h it ~or years.
It vas 1DOVed ~ Councilman stokes aD! seconded by
Co..:ncUllllln Fitzgerald to ailthorize the expenditure 01'
$1:.15 per hcur l'or the services 01' the ~perYlIIlns
Plannel to COIUNlt wlth the Plamlng Coo.1sslon. We
ar: not author1z1ng 1Iß7 other experelturell. We would
liiœ to have them C~ dcwn to have a _eUne wlth the
Cl~y CO\W1cll.
AY-~: Counc:lr-n Fitzgerald, Stokas. Finch
ROES: COIIIIOlr-n Da..,eter, Noel
Mot1on hUed - )~
It ..a __ ~ C_U_n Stokes and lleeanðed b7
CouncU." Jtoel to 1nIItMIICt thll Clt:r IIPnapr to arranse
a -tine wi tit tM Conaultant for next Monday, JUne 8th,
at 9:)0 P.... to .,18cun the contracture I sgree1Dllnt.
"otlon carried. ,>.0
~" ..,.-.
-i _
2. 'file Cit1 Mløtpl" _14 apropert1 oner 111 lIonta Vista
would Uke to be soned ault1pla. '1'bII City ~1l baa
IlUthm' t~t ~ water users _'; IImex to the
City. Tbtll ~ . . to, «*11ft' hila a ..11 1d1j.cb -y run dr,
~ fall, theD !IIi wiU want water. .,.. .C1~ Manager
wanted council 1IC~1cID W requeat ~hill pro,*,t7 owner
to uøx:to~. So.mð ~ Coaac11aD DnpIIter
alii! _œdad _ t: -u-n P1tqere14~ .
1Iœ~: l JfþII. 5-0
3. It _ ...s '" a l -u.n De"'- UI1 ...,GII4ec1 -
C:-1Jan -..1 .. Cn ..<Ie . n."II_'" prI'.t~ tar 196'
tor tile OP's.daC CIiab.
IIœlC111 eIII'I"s.cI, 5~
c. JmnÆit tII clft D-~
1. suør VIBIf W& -..
Rec_ndatlC111I IIIr _te Order. ace. the 1mIA.....-
.-nta at the 81-4 1teii Lutheren &.e.
So ~ ~ CaœclJ8an J)e8IpIIter and seconded 11)'
C0IJftC1la8n P1tzpra:ld.
Motion carried. 5-0
2. MACltAy a. SOMPS
Recoaænðation: ~ Minute Order, accept the lmprove-
ments at t.he eallt 111de of HighWay 9 at Pac1fica Ave.
So !!lOVed by Councilmen Dempster and seconded by
Councl1men StOkell.
Motion carr1ed. 5-0
3. TOlIN !I cCUtlrRY 110. 2
Rec_ndatloru _ Nft¡te Ord.u·, a..cept tt-.. 1811'1""""-
menU at the _lit ald. of HighwaY 9 between Sunrlse
Drlft and :SCof'le1d Drift.
So _eð ~ CGunclJ8an De~ter and ..canded by
COIJftCll_n P1tzpra14.
IIDtlC111 carried. 5-0
Rec_ndat1aøl ., JUnl¡te Order. eutbOrlN the Clty
Brlel.....r to ln1'0r8 the d....loper .nd his bonIiln& c~ft7
that tbe lo41Con-nt bonda _y D<* be reUred.
So .owed by C(QiCl1an Detllpllter and seconded ~
CouncU_n PStapnld.
Motion carried, 5-0
fI!III,.",""~'" "..""".~'..."":..."'-<-,. ..-, "'-,''1'''' ,
5. 'l'RAC'I'·íio. '1055. -. CLI1'PIII8'1'AftS
Rel:~ndat:1G1U: ø.r' JUaute Order.. acce¡)t the, improvements
«~ the __.~ corner.~ IIccJailan Road and' Poothill
B19ll. '
So _ ~ C_U..., Jloel and .econded ~ Councilan
_laD CI8J'I'1MIr. ~
~,,' 6. S!REIf ___œ!'
'; .
Rec__~1GD' Mapt ...~~IOD 110., 958 concurr1n& in
tho d...~t1aD of ......te. or ~be '.A.S, .""'a in sante
Clara ('.0unt7.
So ....., ~ c-i~n ~ and ..econded I>J'
C.......i~n _1.
_Ion carried, 5-0
7. 'l'RAC'I' 110. 3'92. BØIIIXI> TIIRIIACB mirr JlO. 3
Ree ----ADllatlor.l Approve aD exception to the SuMlvløl.,n
Ordinance to .1~0If no aldewa1Þ on Lota 168 through 111.
Trac~ 110. 3'l9'!. 807''oocI Terrace JI~. 3.
SO _ ~ councl1En De~er and .econde<! by
Councilman Stokes.
Motton carried. 5-0
8. Comrt'Y ROADS
It vas moved by councilmen Dem~ter and 8eco~ed by
Council_n Fl'\..zgerald that the Cit,. Engineer notiCy
the Count.y that the City Councll reels this rOlldvay
conststins or porttona: or San P&llpe Roed and Maderas
Road .out~.t or Alcalde Road should not be abandoned
because it ~7 interfere w,th future develoøment and
water _in e7U:nalon.
In re..1'd ~o the tJI>'ee ~ree. in Steve... Cre4k in which
Mr.. 1I8r1an 1. ..kinS .beNt, it be. been deterœ1nec1
this 1. cMcrol1ed ~ the noocl Control, who feel ~he
trees ~ be and.. beaide.. the,. are in poor
It .... _ ~ CnuncllEn Pit_raId .nd .econde<! ~
C_i~a _1 tG ,tuthori.. the re_1 of ~he'" three
tree. OD~_
JIo~10"1 c~rrll!,dr 5-0
r~-~'-'-"- ~"--a--' ..~.' --
I D. IIØCII'l' OP TIIB Cl'ft -
í Ilona .t this t~.
A. 118p14 ~...1t ~; CUllrt1Do CCJñ - $1116'.00
~-' _......,~-,. ~."~
It _ ___ _ ~aII 8_ ard _aøSed '" Council-
... JIaIIIates' to h...tU .-It .. C1tJ' "-'r- to __at
... - 1"- UIK 0II¡þñ1DD 18 W11U1W to -,181,.,- 11>
tIII8 118l1li4 ~ ~"' ~ ........ 011 .1_ . ~t1CID ...
,,.. . ...........,1IÌIa1a 011 tile ~t1DD _t 1:111. 18 .11
&IllS. _u..~. I'1t_14. _1, -.
..s. C_1_ ftDab
__1DD eeJ'I'1ad, '-1
B. S1ater-C1t7 11.........
raIIlad _11 tile _tins.
C. _.lla.......... - -
A. lI1ace1la_ -- ......
XII AD.......-I
It: .. :aøwed bJ' C0\mC11an Stokel ani! ..eo."'ded by Counc11-.n
....1 to adjourn at 11:00 P.II. until _~. .JwIe 8. 196'1. at
1')0 P.II.
1.1 PsU: H. I'1nch
k- ~ ,!.. t.lh..---C=
laWN.. K. Jlal"t:1D
C1t~ Clark