CC 05-21-64 10321 South Søratoga-~le Road C I T y, 0" CUP E R '1' I . 0 CUp.r:lno, Callfom18 252-4505 ~.... ". '1'BB RBQULAß AD.)uuruusD CI'r'f COOJICIL Jll/SS1"~ .;. MAY 21, 19/ '1'18e: 8:00 P.II~ ' Places 10300 V1ata Drive. CUpert1~ Qlpwt1Do' Sc!Jc?O'1 Bo81'd Room ROLL c:au.: Co1mCl1_ Prallent: DealØ8ter, ntlgea1cJ, 1081. Stokes, :c:" ftnch "L... . . CoaDcl1aeD,A'bIets 1IaDe, . - ~-' . . þ". Staff h.ai.ut.f Clt7 ....1/ft"._iI1Ù AttorDl7. C1t7 " ,_ a~.. . ' . ,', " ...,_ ~~rt. CIder' 9"'1"'" . .,C.w. ' ..'. ,,' . T" ~,' r*. ., Of' ----t1oD '":' :"~::.,_ .. - .: - . ..I : -1" . ' . .AIIftj..- . IU ....,'Ør_~ oI__'",:,"O!-)lQ' ':5, 1961! , '~'jÞ7 êOIInèuaa ~1 IlColllled" CcNDIIw.D ntzgeaId öit"'~ lIlJUtes ot 1117 'tit aDd 5th be ....,and l1li eubmtted. A.U in ta9Ol'. IV AõWID 01' COR'IRAC'f: StIlling Road pipe11De Jle1ocat1on at .Tun1pero Serra Jl_..ay (814 Opening 5/1816') IIOved by Co1mC1lan Stoke.. seconded by COunc1lm8n ))etIpIIter , that Reaolut1on 110. 9120 be adopted. approving Utllitle. Aßre.eIISnt 110. 388.61, Departlient or Publ1c Works. State or cal1fornia. AYB8: !lOBS : ABSBII'l': COWICllMD: Counel1_n: Counc11_n: Demp.ter, Fitzgerald, lIoel. St9kes, Pinch None IIone MO'l'IOJI CARRIBD: 5-0 The City 1ing1neer re-cspped the bids that had œen received. 8111 Department recOIIIIIended that the CouncU aword tr.e bid to P1sano Bras in the alllOunt or $8,ó79.50. IIOved by CouncUaan Pitzgerald. seconded by Councilman Stokes that Pillano Bros. be a...rded the bid on the re-location or the pipel1ne s st Jun1pero Ser., Freeway, in the aö:lOWlt or $8,679.50. AYB8: mas: ABSIII'I': Council_no CcuncU_n: CouncllMD: De"ll.ter. Fitz&enld, lIoel, Stokes. Finch Ik·ns "ne JIO'fJOII CARR1BD: 5-0 V ORAL All) VIII'rnIII ...-o.uCATIOMS: 'fbere were oral c~ic..t1ona. 111'. aIlS Bacon 01' SUver Poo111 _ betore the Councll stat1ns ~t he had a prob1.. with Id. busines. located at 20031 Stevena creek BoI&levard. The probl_ involved the pav1ns or the parkins ..... f'or the store. He .tated that he had understood the H- Control cond1tions to say that he could gNv.1 th1a az:ea, that 1JItY1D& w. not nec....ry. 110.. he haa been 1n1'oread that th1. 18 IIOt 80, that hi _t cOII(I:L¥ with City Ord1naJlce ..h1ch require. the parlring area to be plVed. 111'. Bacon ..ent on to aa.F that h1a property containa septic tAnka &nil a b..._nt and tha~ those theee have been tUled with ...and, be t..1. a period ot a1Jt~ (60) da;ra £ho)l&ld be allowed tor th1a tU1 to ..tt1e. IIa 1S afra1d 1t he paves 110" betore it haS a clIaDc:. tC' Ncome' cOIIOICted that he .11] haft probleu ..ith it 1D the tl&ture. . COUncU_n Pit.zgera14 stat..s that he .... on the Ø-Contro1 COlI- II1ttee .ban tlds' .ppllòa~l." w. conaicSered and tlte, did not _1dIr blacktop . prob1...' nor d1ó they rec_nd atVth111G tba~ -.l4 not cOII(I17 ..ita Citr OW'd1nance. I " ~ . . ' '.' . ....... .1 .... ,~. .~. --..... .'"' :-;~.... .:..;.~, :..:.-'"!......"...r~...---....~¡..t~to!;:r,~ ,_t_.r.j,¡;'~~~~ -- CoaDcU.n l1tspza1c1 .aked t!Ie C1tT RI1a'''''e¡o 1f' the s.ttl1l11! would take that 10ft&. .nd 1t it .. really a problem. '1'be City iII&1neer stated that t.e .. not' tœt fall111ar with the 81tuat1Oft to. up~" an op1n1on. The Ch1et Bu1lc11nð ¡napeçtor, when allked, stated tlat the area on which 111'. !II'COD'S eoter- priM .a located did f'ormer17 haft houaell on it. aDS one or tla boWIes d1d !ave . basement. 'rile cut poolS aDS øpt1c tanIIa aDS the bn I ..1; had ~n filled with smIIS aDS All f'ar: .. ..tUng. per104 of' ti_ f'or thill to seU1e; hII ..sn't Aft .... 'l~l,~ ,1!QUl4~' " " ' c-u.n 8tall/l ...... U, 1IhIID tile area 18 pa..... thi. -.õal4 : ',' be. .... ¡adDS ,Joll. tile SIIIIWI''''''' 'C0a8011- ........~~.:C1~·4tt0rDe7 11' the Cl~ .. .1loIt we ~ ." ", U. 18 1Ib1ch to co-.lete tile ~_te. "!lie 1:11:;1 At _Þ4 ~ __ tile 8II1d1Y1a1GD os..u-e ¡mw1d84 . aSSle·... nu1Id.U~~ tIda·~1 5 t 4i4 JlGt _ UIIISIW SI* RIiü~OD ..·tbit.ct&7 :au~,_ ru c 'f --. ....JIacoD be,. I: '-.4 to JIOIIt . IIoDII to ~ tbat be w1U. .i~ \bU ,.....-pt'08...... 111'. ~ ~ted tlat lie ~cI 81iÐ7 pOet . 110IIII. ' ",. . IIDYe4 _ c-11III!D Stokes tbat 111'. BacOD set toptber 'w1th tile City ....,-.-~Oft tile coet to asplan th1a park1JIg;lot' aDS tbat . bOa/I'be posted in that _t, a per1'o~e bond WOII14 be auttident. Seconded 117 CouIIcu.Bn DetlPster. ADS: JI)BS: ABSIIft': CoQncl~: CouIIcllMJU CoJmc1lJ1en: eapllter, lIOe1, Stokes, P1DCh ntzgersld Hone MO'I'IOR CAJIRlBDt 4-1 111'. O'Br1en, 22101 Albany Court, Cupert1no. asked 1£ the Dura-St71e BoIll38. Inc. application had been granted a postponement. '!.'be answer was ;¡cs. 'rIIere were no f'\a'tber ore 1 cQlll.1lUl1ca U:>DS . Wr1tten Cc.un1cat10na as tollows: 1. Letter 1'1'0. Santa Clara valle;o Water Conaervat1or. ~1str1't, &1v1~ notice ~t . ~eti~ n&7 12th. 1964. 2. Letter 1'I"oe Dins ion ot ~18 w1th atate..nt ot pa tax ""nuea tor tha 1963-6' tillca! ;¡...r. 3. Requeat troe Sond¡,roth Bros to be billed tor waters IIHd du'1nt. March aDS April, 1964. 4. Stat_nt troa County ot Sant« Clare. Of't1ce of' the Controller ahow1n& the a.:lW\t due the C1t7 tor tinea collected in April 19611. S. 3tat_' r- ottlce ot tbe Controller, Count7 ot Santa Clare, 1DII1cat1n& Sec\11'e4 and Publ1c _rov_t fazea aa ot _-10-6'. 6. Santop C1t7 Cou..'\Cll Report 1963 7. Letter 1'I"oe ... and ...... WllU.. II. ,,18On co~la1n1n& abeNt tbe WHda in the med1an atr1p on Wolf'e Road. 8. Letter of' InteDt rro. Silver Pools, Inc., hr. !licon, which ..s beJI4led under onl c-.1cationa. lII:o:ed biF CounU~ Dellp8ter, nconde4 b7 Councll-.n nt~ ' pre1d thet writteD c_1cat1ona be J'eCa1ved and tUed. All 1n favor. At-th1. point'1n tbe _etin¡;, "lOr Pinch pre.ented to i'o~ CUIIa~ll_JI ""'1 and f'onoer CoQncilan SUeh. ø.ao1.utiPPa uo_-',. ~ 1.or ~r attorta and 1IOrtc .. CouDo>1~ ot __~lno. . : - - ChUd. mill'. Aøtb0ø7 WIo. The Jla1Orv4M-. 1111 and the CouDeU'. regret. thát the~e people coul4 ÏlÖt It"tem . tile _Ung.· ' Yl JUIt(Ift 07 l'B& PLUIØO CXIII4ISSICJf: (se.JUnutee ot May 7 .. 11) 'IIIUe were DO other ~t. t'raa the PlanDiDg eo-1l1.10n. . '; ......,. .. WD PUIUC """P'-' . a. .~' A(Ip1" . , 89 î-63 to 1"I11If..·.7~..s:... (Í'OIi , 8aII&b ~ ot ~~';Ul='.l. ...~ a_. .... .__. u.a1e4 _ P ._ion lIMolat1aa .. lIS. 1IppeS'. Coat dõIi '16 .... Apr11 20, 19A. ... lobD "_~UI "o1-:...cI t~ tile ~.~~. "_ll1ot' ......'~ a plOt' pJaD tile _. 1Dd1cat1lll - løcat1ll& ' _ ..._~ .... 1_ NJaUaa. to tile t..A"'. .. nate4 tllat . M B bid 1Iøn ......:. I '.1 at tile PlanIWIg Oôo-"a.'ioa _t1I1p, bat bU client ·'te" tlat: .. 1K'Q14 ratbel' 441i11__ tile ..11....17. .treets, a. t.. Clt)- -U nqa1re, tIan .....:. I'JD84 pattem 1D tile dewlopMDt tlat: ~ "ve to be iaa1nta1DId 177 t.. owner. !bere"II~"'" 4_ity in R-2I&-B and .oI'e 1'lex1bllity. blat bU client ~ pnter to .tay ..ith B-3-11 cleY8los-ent. 'Ibi. deftlcp ,t ~ be bu1lt b7 the propert7 cnmer end he would retain QUlJlIb1p and complete contr'ol. 'ft1e ques~lon of' IUDber of' unite per acz:e .... raised b7 Councll- -.n IIoel. It.... explained that 1f the deve10pMnt .hould SO R-3-B. the maber 01' unite per acre ..ould be 20. I1' the R-24-H zoning "ere applied. it would be 16 un1ta per acre. Mr. Robe~ Jacobs. ~9851 Ba7'lood Dr1ve stated tlat he opposed tld. d....elapment becau.e of' the trartic prob1e_ that would be g_ratej. al80 it WCNld not be cO'"l'lltib1e ..ith the R-l d.ft10p- _t ..1".1;!: backs up to tld. land. Sa stated tlat he. personal17, .... not epposed to 'fown øoU8e devel;pment. blat d1d not reel ttat the R-3-!l :onin& would be good zeD:.n... Mr. loti:". !!enetti. 10113 £8"" llay, nated that" .... a nel.::)1bo" to thU proposed de"a10p..nt and .-as in complet. favor or it. .. bed .een ....1.. ot Mr. ftao4·. Propart7 d.....lo.,..nt ani f'alt tha~ thel ..... .xcept1oaally ".:ll dona and ...... k.pt up. IIoftd Þy C~ll_n P1tz¡erau, ae;c:l1ed by Councll_n /Ioel ~het the ;:".I>11c -..uI& be oloaed. ADS. ma: aæ.rr: ;~i~_ :::unc:l1..na ::_11__ Daepat.... P1t;¿......l::!. IIoal. Stoke.. P1nch a:w.e JIDna aAlOJI C.uIIIDD_ 5-0 Council... P1tea....Id ; 1 rte4 ttllt he t~t tllat 1r there tIOIIld be obJact1one to tide cleft1~nt. tha7 ~d co-. t'raa tbe ana in whioh Mr. 8eÐatti 11_1. lie t\artha.. c_nted that R-1 4....1opMnt ~ !:e IUtt1cl&lt to ..11, it be1ns c10.. to . tile h40tIW.7. ttat ~t1D1. lIOuld pI'O"~ .... to SO in on tId. laDS, ..hethe.. it be .~-a O'f' R-3-11. .a a qlMat1Oft. '!lie C1t7 .lanDa". Add. J.aUl'1n, nported on tb1. appl1oat1on to 1:be Council, .tat~ tllat be -r4 rac~ uat tile de..lopar be .aIIed to d.187 &IV iIIpI'O_t. untU the aon1n& ord1nanc. .... baaII rf,...i.ed. !lie Cn7 Attome7 added uat the... 1. ou:h .ore 1_:1 1n tbe R___ Ord1nanc. than the... 18 in the R--3 0I'CUMDc:a . C0uD01Þan Stok.. .....-d tbat tId. appl1catiOft be poetponed until .. bu !ad an oppol"tun1t7 to ravi... ~he 1UnU~.. ot the 1'lanniJIC Or-t.U... SaooDded _ CeuncI1_n ~t.... A_i c-ll_. _. c:o.øU-. ~ V -t''''- P1taprald. aMl, atoll... JP1nch ", .., .......... aød Mr. r,nthony Lillo. 'ftMt ";yor expreaaed hia and * CollIe!.} I. regretll thàt t~ people could ÏIÖ~ IItt.1Id . u. -.K1ng. VI ~ OJ' TIIB P1A!INIIIG CQMMISSIœ: Csèe Minutes or !lay 7 . 11) __ __ no, oth:"r reporta trca the panning Coaai..ion. ax . - 8IRDIIS a. .... ~: Appl. 89 1-63 to NIODI1.8S~~ft.,~ "AiR - -I. ~ dele or I.aclll. biltlll_JDaile7 ...- . 8llll1Iamtð7 x.-. _--... p~ ~ iìiIT~ a>. 193. An''']. 0IIDt1Dlied fi'oIIJiIIIuoOi 1~ ... April 20. 19611. ... .:~t ".oael11 .~ d. .. ~"'. .ct. _.-uJ. ·U" all . pJOt plaD of tM-"~ 1IIII1ca1:1JIg tile 1ÒoØSJI& o ....~ 8l1li11:. nJaUAa, to u. r...4_.,. .....1:114 Uat ~1ÎIII1IeeD d111cuaH4 at... "-"'It ~..tOD ~1DP, 111& Ida o11ent' felt tllat bft a .. _U-- dedJ.cate: tile ass.......,,· "-.AY, a. tbe C1t;r would :1"11 '.... tIaD Ia":. I!Oe4 pattem sa U. deft1os-ant tlat ~ law to be _1nta1liad ." tile r. !bere waa higher d_l~ 1D R-2Ia-R 8l1li ~re n~b111t7', 111& ilia o11ent would pref'.r to .~ td.1:h 8-3-R develos-ent. ftþ dewlop--t would be ba11t _ tb8 ¡J1'Operty ~ and lie ~ retain ownership aø1 ~lete contrOl. tI.- quelltion ot number or unita per acz:e waa ra1Hd b7 Counc11- _ JIoel. It was expla1ned that 1f' the dev~lol*Snt ahou1d 80 8-3-8. the number o! units per acre would be 20. If' the R-24-R ?.-1..S were applied, it would be 16 units per acre. ' 1Ir. Robert Jacobs, 19851 Bayvood Drive stated tlat he appolled uø... development because of' tbe traf'f'1c proble... that would be ~ted, also it would not be CompIIt1b1e with the R-l de.e10p- ~ which backs up to thi. and. Be stated that he. personal17. .. not opposed to '!'own HalUle develcpœent, but cUd not teel that the 8-3-H zoning would be e;ood zcn1n:;. 1Ir. John Benetti, 10713 Larry VaT. stated that he wa. a nd;;,hbor to thi. proposed develoPment aDl1 vas ln complete favor of it. Be bed .een examples of Mr. Ya.1)4 '. property d..elopment and relt -chat the~' ure e7.ceptiona1:;' wel~ done and W"1"8 kept up. IIowed b7 CouncU...n P1tzgeral~. .eccn:1ed by Councll_n Ihe¡ u.t tbe public hearIng be cloll~. ,,~: ma, Coundlmen: Councilmen: COIIDC Umen: Dellpllter. i'1tz~ersld. Noel, Stoke., Pinch None None ABSØr: m'l'IOX CAJIRIIIl): 5-0 eo.acllan P1Userald c_nted that he thought 1....t 11' tbere ~ be obJectiODII to thi. de..~nt, they would co_ f'rom tile area in which ÞI1'. Benetti lived. Ife fUrther c_nted that B-1 d_10pll8nt would be cU.f'f'1cult to .eU, it being CION to . tile h-e..y, that multiple would probahly have to go in on thi. JaIId. whether it be R-24-R 01" R-3-11, wa. . quest.1on. tI.- C1t;r Pl8lll1er, Add" Laurin. I"IIPOrt8'\ on thi. application to tile Councll, .tating that he ~ rec_nd that the developer lie ..Ired to delay any 1mpro_U untU the Eon1ng ord1nance .... been rev1.ed. The C1t;r Attol"D87 .dded that there 1. _h .... 1....1 in the R--21a Ord~e than there Is in >he R--3 cød1J8nCe. ea.Dolla1U\ Stoke. moved that tb18 app11cation be po.tpor.:1 unt11 lilt ... lad In opportunity to rewi. the Minutea of the Uann1D6 r '''ion. Seconded by CouIIOU_n DetIp.ter. ~ter, fttqen.1d. licel, Stoke., P1nch ... Ilona '~~:_J:: ~,~~~.,. ..~.. ... .-....... ~I _I .1 CouDcUanl Co_llanl CoIIDcllMnl -- JOHN t ANTON SAICH: Appl. 11-2-64 to rezone 1.11 acres rrom R-l:B-2 to C-I-B¡ west s1de of saleb'Way 6:t Park Avenue. Approyed by Plánr.1ng COIDID1ss1on Resolut1on 206 - .¡27/~ (Ordinance 290) 1Ir'. George Bror.ner repre,...ntec! tbe applicants. He 1nfo1'!Ded __ Coancll that the 1mproveeents wLll be nade adJaeent to _._ 1fa7. All util1t1es. lDclud1ng gas. electr1c, _ter III.U be ¡ÏlSced back on the _t property line. B. _.,_.. Stokes asked U Alya Avenue would be cu.t tbrU" ...'~...'.. ", :. IMI! there W01I1d be . Jog 1n the stre,t 1IJI4~bere : _ r cUscUIIs10n .. to tIbn'e th1s would OCC.lØ'. ~ ~. . r ateteð that dIÞ street was on the ~~~~t .,...~. eounclll1Bn »npater. _oded by Councll.an I'1tz- jIIÍI!IIØiIJ.¡tlat the Public ØeU1IIS lie closed.' . ...~;. ~ ..' . ~~ .., "ÐoùnCllmen: ~ter. fttzgerald, Noel, :¡tokee; J'1nCh. . . Coune1l11en: NoDe .:: eouncllmen: JfoDe _~ CAJIRIB1>: 5-0 ... ...4 b7 CouncUnan :>amp8tar. seccnded by CouncUmen P1tzgereld u.t appl1cat1on 11-Z~ rezon1ng 1.11 acres frolll R-l:B-2 to e-~-B. be approved. . JJDIS: Councllmen: -.s: CounCUIDèn: .a.:s:...-.l.: Councl1lD.,)n: Demp8ter, Pitzgerald, Noel, Stokes. Finch None None JlDn05 CARRIED: 5-0 ~ City Clerk ~ad Ord1nar~e s~. 290. This const1tuted ~he r.-rst reeding. C. OORA-SnLB HOMES IJiC.: Appl. 3-z-64 to r<;z~na 35 ac~s from R-l:E-2 ~_ PC-H; ~ast side ~f ~o,t- hill Blvd. soutt. s:'~e :: Hartman i)rlv~. Deni~:1 b~ P:annlng ~o~sßi:r. Reso1utlon 201 - 4/13/t~. Appèa 1. ~ :ity Clerk read a letter f~= ~~ra-Style. Inc. askir.g : =.-r . po.tPon~::tc:nt. nn ORDINANCES AND RESOlD'nOKS FOR ADOPTION: A. ORDINANCE 110. 287: Rezoning prq)erty of A. T. Cook and Rlcnard J. Wilsen from J-l:B-2 to R-3-H 5.5 acres on the west side of Foo~hill Blvd. ~~J' north of Alplne Drive. Second Re~dlng. ~~~ by Councilman Dempster. seconded by Co~~cilman Stokes usa~ Ordinanc" No. 287 be "",:1 !:>y t1tle only. 1'he City Clerk ~ Ordlnanc.. No. 287 by tlUe only. ~Yad by Councilman De~ster, seoonded by Counel1man P1tz- ~ that Ordinance 2ðf be enacted. ..~: ... . Councilmen: Councilmen: A: Councilm..n: DelllPster. None Nonç F1tzgerald, Noel. StokeS, Flnch ~ CAlUIIED: 5-0 B. ORDINANCE NO. 288: R"zon1ng prop_rt;r of Ward ç~ . Assoclatea fro. A~:B-b to R-1; 2 acres on tbe Mest side of L1n:1a Vista Drive at ColumbUs Ave. Second readi"\g. a._...4 by COWl\,Uman Noel, ...cocdec1 by Councilman F1tzgerald t:IIIeS Ordinance 110. 288 t.e ___. _ Utl" only. All in l'S'lor .... Ç1ty Clerk ''esd Or13~e r.... 288 by T1tl.. only. , .. ... _ Co..ndlan 8toiaA"s. .. c r ..."'" by ~j' ....: ~. ... , :,I1..}(JI ·t,J. , ,.. , . ., ''- -- ~_ A ....~.,£......:;...!'"..... ' _.~ CouncU.." ~ter . ,,,~i"~"^"'" h ..'i>' " . J .t.b8t Ordl::i!:Jce No. 288 be eD!'ctEd. .;; .. AD£!: IDBS: aJl8J!11'l': c<:c:ncl1Illén: C::>W1cUmen: c;;.:r.cÜ....n: 'W --ur,Pit~geMl/Ì" Noel. Stokètl, Finch a:- ~OII CAž!ilIED, 5-0 C. OICDlAJlCE 110. 2Ø9= BéZon1ng property or ..-.. Weisel Îl'OCI R-24OH to . 3 .. W3st a~de or Wolle !!aDd. south- east aide ot,.,... ~ -- C~i! ¡. Second Rt"-~"1g. awed by eounclll18D ØÎ!IIÌiIIIiter. lIeconded by Councu- StOkeIl ' uat Ord1rAnce 110. ..... r..s by t1t1.. onl:r. AU 1D h.wor. ..... Cit:r Cleric read (kd"' - 110. 289 by Ut1e 0D17. ~ by Counc1laD'~; 8eCOnded by eounci1Jl8lD St;oI-- ua~ Ord'-....e 10. ... iiiIiiCted. r'O" ' -- .... 1Ws". ftt~gerald, Noel. StaIIœS. P1DCh JdII8: Coomc1IMn: .ø8: ~11Mn: .IB!U!JIT: Councl1....n: IDI'IOII CJJIIIIBI): 5-0 D. OiOlMAJlCE 110. OO!J(e>: AMENl>IJIG ORDIJIAIICB w. 009, ;..s .uŒllDBD, ~... 'ro TIMB AND PLACE OP ..--....oS. ü:"~cmcy Ord1~""""... 2be Cit)· C:..rk read Oru--Þ 110. O<J9(c). Moved bT Cc;uni:llman 71t~gera:=. second"d 1:7 C:IiImCilman Dêc:;ater, that Or:1inance No. ~~(c) è. 'r~cted. A'IES: .,ßS: AlISBHT : C.:·~cl1man: ::'.:::cUmen: ::'-'.-:eUmi!n: ~~T, Ifo<:e )10""" Pitzg.r~lj. Noel, Stc¿¿S, Pinch JIOTlON C,:3I¡¡!): 5-0 E. ::="::INANCE MO. X2('t): AMENDI);;; ORDlNANCE!IO. :x;:2(m) ·.===H ORD~E L1nISnE!) ORDIN.:..'iCi> NO. 002(1') =.sTAB- ::3HlIIG TIIB ~--rS FOR ~IIIP 011 r= ,._~ :HlTI!C'roRAL ,tJlt: SITE APPROV;,:' COMMITT£E. ;..JC ;:¡&:LAR- :S" rIlE URGI!HCY --=>=F. r..... Cit) ::.rk Nad ()ri~--"'" 110. CC2(~). Mov<:d t:; c~=cilman :;)empst"r, :.conded b) C=i:..man Fit%lOèrêld that ()rjinance JIo.002(t1 ~~ enacted. - .'IES: c:.;:;:U....n: ~: ::-'."'Icll....n: ~BNT: :.:.,,;::.~11IDt:n: DeEpE~. Pitzg¿ralj, Noel, S~=~es. Pinch JIcæ:c JIoÐo!, JlDTION C;.r-"--.I3D: 5-0 P. F~LUTION 953: .LPPII)VIIIG AG~ POll ILUftDlANCß C? STATE IIIOIIIAY U CITY OP CL?3RTIIIO. Counc11~~, Stokea qu.t...-..... what this agreement enco.p&Ssed. .. stat,,= ~:nt he did ~ went to vot.; on someth1n¡; or vh1cn bt knew :~::le about. tile C1t:r Clerk Nad the letU%' t.ÞII, _cOIII )Sn:.¿.= the agreeMllCa trom the Dlvision 01' B1gbM8)'11 which eJlPlain"~ :hat they were ~rd 8E,Nè""ntB on the _1ntenanCe ot the Sa~o! Higlneays t.ÞII~ &D through Cu¡:ert1no. Jll)ye4 by ::':ncllman D ....Ir'ter. aeèond.;,i t;¡ Councllan JIoe1 t.ÞIIt Res.;:~:ion No. 953 ~ .-opted. AYBS: .-s: AII8IIIT: C=cilmen: C~.,c11men: C="'Icllllk>J1: mt'ION CJJ'JlIED: 5-0 ~ ,>""""" - I.' _ EoCr. Pitz¡;.;rald. Noel, StolreS. Pinch ... :laDe ~..<.,.,;,.,.5 .....d~"-._,... . ,~.. '.. 'Wwù .., ." O. USOWTIoø 11). 9'jIIl flEl:l ESTINO ALLOCATICIf 01 WIlDS JIIICII 'l'BB CJlr.T~" HIGHWAY COMMISSlOII Pœ COIlS'1'!\ÐC- nOR 01 A p~ 0' S'l'IVFJIS CREPX BLVD. AS A1f 1JlIBA1f IIdØ8ION alP P.A.S. PIIOJBCT NO. 1000. t!Je C1ty llanager exp)..1'-' that this progra"œ )led i>een preaented to the C1t)' Council 117 Ya1lco sa part of an ·o:ver,..n development ~ onlJ' f'or _1100. bat: .180 tor the C1tY tíf' ~1tJ.Do. The œt)- "'s'- bill "- ~ on Steve~ CJ'!!811: (Ir9~eot f'or _ th8D .,JeU'. .. ~ explained the prou.. Ii)' whioh the :tie.S. ~rJIa., It tba C1ty ot CUpe,~1JIO _ta, .Uot '. ~. ....... J!elt that tlie :C1tt'1IOa14, we be ~ to sP sø-J.ab ot 1965. . .. . '.' '. : . ::,'!:"~ '" . . ~_ ~ tJtIIIìIIIh14~ IIscollded b)' ~ -.,.1 _ . ~,:-.o1llUåiI'Ito.95f."'~ted.; I " .: '. ,;, ' . ......' . ~_t ~œr, ft1;agera1d, Jfoei, StOIœIl, nøch _. . e-l1J1Wíu ... ,...,1 COaDc:1I..n1 .... IDftQII CAllllIBDI 5-0 :ø PAnJD BILUI ' A. Reeolut10n Mo. 951 8eIIo1ut1on 80. 951 allOWUlg c~rta1n cla1ms alld demands in the _ ot $b,733,.68; De..,., )Ios. 5323 thru 5363. PIUS Water Departllent deaellds an.¡ claima in the sum 01' $655.23. Deaelld )loll. 1854 thru 1856. . ' Moved by Councllmsn Stokea, seconded by Councllœn Noel that JlelO1ution 110. 951 be adopted. AYJlSI mBS: ABSBII'1': Cou.'1cUmen: C,)lUIcilmen: Ccu:lcllmen: De2lpster, Ncn.. Non;! F1tzgerald, Noel, Stokes, Finch 1ØlI0N CIJUIIBI): 5-0 A. Ruolut1on No. 9'52 Belò01ut10n allow1ng c".-..a1n cla1ms and demands in the sum ot $23.834,"5. DelllBnd Moll. 5321, 5322, 5364 thru 5385. Plus Vater Depart....nt cla1.. and demands in the sum of $3,188.11. Deaand Nos. 1851 thru 1868. 'fi¡..re was 3 question on J:leœnd No. 5365 for legal f'ees - park s1te ~1It1cn (Horse Ranch). It was explained b;¡ the City .nsger tlat thii >illS 1n conjunct1on w1th the C1t1?en's Co_1ttee that served the fOl'Er Council with regerd to tha Horse Parm. The lUIOunt of $256.80 in tIJ<P<!I\IIell were 1ncurred and the tOl'lll8r c-nc1l had told the eo-~ttee that expenses 1ncurred w.oµld be borne by the City. Mr. ilartani, Cha1rman ot'thill Co.-1ttee, !lad stated in his letter it the C1ty did not ..11111 to pay tl1l11 11111, that he would. . JløYeo1 by Counclll111U1 Stokn. seconded by Councllaan Noel that Þao1ut1on 110. 952 be IJdDptlliil. ~I C0WIC11fenl ~8Wr. ~.tz8..rald, lIoe1. Stokes".Pinch "I CouncUmen! !loDe ~I Counc1ÌlMnl !loDe IM)'I'ION CAIIIIIBD. 5-0 X UPœ'I' OP omcBRS AJII) COMMISSIONiiRS: A, RIPOIt'1' OP CITY tB&\SURER - 110 further report B. RIPOIt'1' OlP CITY _GIft, ·:.... - '- " j. , Moved by COllllC1~n Stokeii-, .e~e4 by Co1mcll~;i1 JP1tzgersld that the City Janal!,er be 1n3tNCt~d 'to requel~ tne City of, 1IWI,yn1e to .4e-ennex the prope2;1;:t P\U'ChBle.d by the City of CUpertinO that.liea ,within the City ,Limits of ~1n¡VBle, 1.4~1 acrea.· . . AÎ'llhc:ounc~: Dempster, Fitzgersld', Joel, S1.okeÌl, ':iinoh ~,.CIoqDO~: None '. ..' , ," . .. ....., 0CIIIIId1*D: !lone . ..,.," l. ',' ....·Ot"·oo IIlJv 5-0 ,.' - . . ..' ~~.: ,;:. ...'t",<.., ,.". ..';'.' .... ,'; '..;.,.. C1q ...~te4 ona......._IItM'...~WI ~ ~1!, "'..:.,..,: i~e~=t=ât,'::;n.;. i~I;;~;:-' ==*='_ ',' abeoÞ"'m.:'vfJtoo;~ . i '~~. '. tIie nd1enoe. . ~.... ~i:O :pÖ1'te4t:ó ~~~1' ~: ìíëét~g "',bað.~;¡nQ04 Contl'O;L 9ft1!''' 1d~ ageDt:\"D~.~ ....', , . .1'IÍ....r..".~Þi4 _t." -,,¡ìven ~ a ¡o~ of..~ tJon "hat was OOllll1ateX..ccili'NJ7 W ._t. ~"" City ManageI' b84 reported. She askeð thl!-~ the1'e be II tu.>t;be~ delay until th111 could be investigated and atrs1ghtene4011t. IIoved by Councils8n Dempster, aeconded byCoUnCll::¡¡µ2 Fitzg!lrsld that thl.lI ..tter be put over until the next meeting when the C1ty Engineer an4 City Manaßer could get themátter cleared up~ . <~ :- , AYES: 110M: ABSBIIT : Councilmen: Co.-;nc1lø1en: Counc11man: Deu;pster, Jone None Fitzgerald, Noel, Stokes, P1nCh !lOTION CARRIED: 5-0 The C1ty Manager stated that he had had a v1s1t from Hr. Walter Wsrd of VSllco an4 had been informed that they were 1n the process of gett1ng all of the deà1cat1on5 s1gned. They hoped to have them 1n the C1ty's hands and begin eonstruct1on of Wolfe Road as soon as this year's crops '-were harveated. The City Manager informed the Councll that dae to problems that have become numerous on Stevens Creek Boulevard re traff1c, that h~ was haviDß the Sher1ff's ol'f1ce take a traff1c count and has asked tham for a reeollllll<:ndat10n regard1ng the speed l1mits. The C1ty Manager atated that Mann Station Water Tank was badly' 1n need 01' peint1ng aa was the pua.p house. ae atated thåt he had two b1ds on the Job, one for $1500.00 and one for $795.00. Moved by Counci1..n Dempater, seconded by Counci1..n lIoel that the bid for $795.00 be accepted w1th the understand1ng thSt this Job was to meet w1th specif1cat1ons that the C1ty Manager would sat down. AYES: JIOBSI AB8BIIT I Counc11men: CouncilJlSn: Council_: Dempster, IIone lion", Fitzgersld. lIoel, Stokes, Finch MO'I'ION CARRIBD: 5--'> '1'he C1ty Managar bI'Ouaht to the CowlC11 's atten1:ion that there was a lot located on Blaney and ho...'1c Avenues w~ch 18 in In UD81ghtly condition', Mr. ~'r.Ia;t, the owner of the proper1;y, _I 1n the ....t.a09 1114 Mr. StoN lta1:ed that po..1b17 he .y WIlt to d1soUlS i~ ..1th t~ Council. 1Ir. Barrett 1Df~1'I8Sd tho Counoil tl!a't this was a tamperery Ct'n41t1on. 'ft!at. be was Just waiting for a loan to go'tlu'v. on 80lIO o1:hel" property and then i,e woUld be mov1ng this equipeant of'f' 0" tile pr':!P"rty. . , IIOved b7 counciJL'n Stokes, secoJ;ld¡¡d by co~1..n !Ioel that Kr. Barrett be g1ven 30 ðays 1n wh1c.h to clean up th~ lot and relDOve, thet1'llc1al aÞi eQ1Úpmer.t. fdl ln favor, ;;.".:.. 'Î... .. 'ftIe City Jlanag8'1" .UW, that tlÌe Ch1ef Buildilli!. Inspect<¡i' had IIÜIi1tted4l" NllCrt W h1.. ngardinr" the chars" that ·the City ..ireS to the Ssnita17 District for inspections our Building InIIPectors ..ke on sewer ~nstallatlone. The Councl1 ordered . that reIio1Øions be _de up to 1Itc!Jrporate the.. ,chlU'g'" iIo they could be a4Gpted end subm1ttei1 to the Sa~Þ'17 D1à~ct Board. bse Reaolutiona to be ready åt the .T1JIi.- 2nd ...tina. '1'be City IUaser lltated that th6 eouneil ha. '1ÏìiüI l'éciQeíitécl. to II'oIIIII1t a DUe to the Count;r Board ot Superv3,BOJ'II, tile pe~ ~to.~"~·,~1flOô4CoÌ1t~1 co.a1tt:"'11·~' '.: ' a~_"'" }.... .."...U."h),'~'\" - .' . .. .. ....".ææs· ,'1 . 1R4Ø.·~ b7 C;OIiftØ~~ ' ....-:J... . ¡; ~!l'~MIIIIMd to ~ on ta~ . ftolM"IIM$I~. .'.. An1n ta'fÖ...· . ""'" ':: .' . f :.; ~':~'I: '.:' . . j. ": .';.':~. ..... . '..'~......-.... ~.to lllet'up a ....ÛDB wiCh the ~,~. ''-e...i:4..cft1olri.,. ~.Iti'. Will mØi1Dg, City .11 ~U¥\iJO~ .....8th, 111'. J'a1'1'Íer a,8100. P.II'.. ... , 1DIt8IJI&'a'-8t30".II.,· '. ,:' '. '. C. auwOR'f O. ~ ~- 1. VIUoS ftIIØO _..... IlIp1'OV_nts have b4!èn comPleted, ~ allcordaftCe with thOt approved plana. ' Moved by Coune1lEn FiUgêra1d, ïleconde4 by çciuncllmanSÌ<ikea that the C1ty accept the 1111 )1"Ovements at the Wells Parg(Î,'l'!ank. AYES: !lOBS: ABSIIII'1': Councllmen: Councllmen: Councllmen: Delll )ster. P1tzgerald, Noel., Stokes. Pinch None None IIO'rIOø CARRIED: 5-0 2. PIRS'1' VALLBY BAIIIt - Improvements have becn completed in accordance with the approved plans. Moved by Councllman Demps'ter, seconded by Councllman Stokes that the C1t7 accept the 1mprovements as completed. AYES: NOBS: ABSIIII'1': C0W1cl1men: Councilmen: Counc11men: Dempster, Fitzgerald, Noel, Stokes, Finch !lone None IIO'rIOø CARRIED: 5-0 3. TRACT NO. 3054, TRIUMPH UNIT NO. 3 - The Munic1pal 1m,:;rove- ments constructed 1n con; unct100 wlth this develcpment have been 1nspected and the neCessary correct10ns have been made. !loved by Councllman Dempster, seconded by Councllman Fitzgerald that the City Bng1neer 1n1'orm the developer and his bonding company ttat the ·1mprov_nt bonds IIIIIIY now be retired. '" , AYES: NOB8: ABSIII'l': COunc11....n: Councilmen: Councilmen: Dempllter, Hone !lone Fitzgerald, !Ioe1, Stokes, Finch MOTION CAJlRIml 5;.0 4. TRAC'l' NO~ 3490!. !lAYVOoD'1'IIIIIAC8,'UNIT NO. 3 - DeVeloper has reqQeated that the City ·alce partial acceptance 01' th1a treet eo tha"C; the PIIA' will close the loans on those hoees tbet beve been purchDsed. !Ioftð b7 Councllan·Dempell&r, s~conded by CouncilolBn ato".. that tile City'accept the i~vementB ·on Sente'fereaa, »rive, Uh10a Dr1ve. Bel A1re COlll't and Columbu. Avenue, with the e:ltoept1on 01' tbol aidewa1ka ~hroU£h. ttl« propert;¡ formerly .. be1èllll1Jl& '410 111'-. 8ChIII1d1l.ftil proþerty canllOt be ïleve1o¡jèð tor apPNx1at.17:1to~ (II' )eåft a~th" develoØ<!r at:olÜII ,poet s t.ð....:ntfto1em: to1naUre the ._tUàl constNCtion or tl\&a. .,........)D. .' " '.~- :;0. i. .,~".... AYES: IIOES : ABSENT: -' Councilmen: Co·.,mcI1men: Councllman: r.-eçGt~r, Jlor.~ Hem: - Fitzgerald, Noel, Stokes, FInch 1!OT1011 CAllRIi!D: 5-0 Tl!ACT 110. 31192, BAYWOOD T.BIU\I.CE UNIT 110. 3 - Developor ht.a requested ttat Ø1ll.ide Sut..;:,lvis!on requ1rements be pel'll1tted on a po~lon or L1nda VlOta Dr1 v. (Leota 168 thru 171), 1.e., DO aid;ewalk8, due to a aevere grad1.n¡- problema. Tho Clty Attorn.; ' .tated that ratt",r than alk tor tho Hilla1de Ordlnance to be 1ncoJ'POrated hera, 'hat. a ftr1aftCe 1IOII1d be IIOro in ord.r urd.r tile SIaIId1vl.lon -'rd1MllCO. '!bi. .ttor .. pot over to .JuDo 2Ilol, 196/1, the next ro pllar Council ....tin¡¡. 5. 6. PAID ALTO JII'1VAL aaYDDI AID IOAIC - '1111. ottlC. la current17 plan c¡.-...... tho lapro....nt plana ror the _ cent.r wlt111n wb1ch tbiO d.volo_nt 1. located. Palo Alto -.tual ..~ am Loan wl.he. to begin work on their bI&1lcSlna prior to the time .. .111 be able to coapl.t. tho plan checll1ng and have tinel approval or the.e improvement plaM. Palo Alto Mutual baa agreed; to post a bond .urtlcient to Ins¡,!re the conatzuctlon or theIr 1q:Irovementa. Moved by Councilman ne,øtel', seconded by COuncilman Stokes that upon receipt of a bond $10,000.00) permit Palo Alto J.1utual Savings and Loan to obtain build1n.; permit. AYJm: IIOES : ABSENT : Councilmen: Councilmen: Councllmer.: Deapater, None None Pitzgerald, Noel, Stokes, Finch K>TION CAllRIED: 5-0 D. RE?ORT OF CITY ATTORNEY· The City Attûrney stated t~ßt he would 11ke an ex~cutiv~ se8s10n right after th¿ meeting, he V18h~d to discuss aome coming litIga- tion that the City would b~ involv~d in. XI UNFINISHED BUSINESS A. Wat¿r Comm1ss1on Resignatlons Mayor Plnch stated that Mr. Nud\!lman, the rema1ning Wat~r Comm!88;lon¿r had reque8ted the Councll at the last mectlns, to call tor applications tor Water Commissioners. Th~ Mayor Bsked th~ Council, and they all agr~ed, that applications should b~ r-èquested tor persons to serve on the Water Commlssion. Councilman Dempster stated that lt may De wi8e tor the City Manager to request the newspapers to pUblicize the fact that the City ~ould like to hav~ appllcant& for the Water Commission. B. MIscellaneous Counc11man Stokes mad6 a report to th~ Councl1 on the Trafflc- "Y. Coaaittee meetlni, thllt he attp.nd.ed. The qut=stlon ~.f Cho ..... Ra¡¡1d Tranalt Stucl)' had been thoroU&hly d1ocuaoed and he was to ask the Counc1l 11' the City of CUpertIno would. be int......ted in pa~lclpatinS 1n th10 studJ. It.o f'urther brou&ht out that two ot the larger Cities, Palo Alto and. San J08e. ~~re not Intereate1 1n part1clýstlng 1n this study. '!be coat of the atudy wo~d. l'e done 1n one ot two vay". E1ther OII.a pop\1lat1on baaia or on aese8s..:d valuatlC\n. Bither way, s.~ would. not cost the Cltl' at Cupoõ:rt1n more than $4jooo.00. So_ or the CcuncI1men relt that the study would eventually lay. to be _de ;lM that th1a :oat was not too great. .,.ayor ~h eta.ted that he could not understand what the proposal "'j tœt be had underet004 the pro!)"m -..ae to cost $120,000.00 lor an 1r..1t1al atudy aDIS ~n en addit10nal amount of money t'or t\lrtber .t~. CcNDøu..B fttzgera1cl teJ.t tœ.t .ince Palo Alto and San .To.. ..... 1IOt: int.rooted, he doubted 1t the otoJdy 9 would ever be oa~. Councilma~ Noel 5~ated~ wished to see what the ::~~r CitieS were go~ng to :~ t~rore he made a declslon. Moved by C~~~cilman Dempster, secondp.d by Councilman Fitzßer~ld that this =atter be put over to June ~d, 1964 fer decision. All 1n favor. nI NÐl BJSINBSS t ¡ ¡ ! . ' It 1I8S reco-nded by the C1ty llanaser that the COUncll authorize the payment of $50.00/ meeting for t1ve addit10nal meeting8, .. thePlaDD1ns Cct-4 ..lon II8J' deem neces8ary to complete the zoD1ng ord1D8nCe and ..p, to be paid to Wilsey, BalD and Blair.. lIoYed 'bJ Couoc:1'-ft Demp.ter. .econded bJ Councll..n 11081 that the City __Se1".' reoo_ndation be ;approved. .AEI8I CouDot1-1 DetIp8'c:e1'. Pitzgerald, Noel, Stoke., Pinch "I CouDc1lMnl JIofte ABSBIft: CouDcil.,nl IIone Jl)'fiOH CARRIBD: 5-0 IIoved bJ Councll..n Demp8ter, 8ec:)nded by Councilman Stoke8 that the City Bng1neering Department be authorized to accept Bid Bonds in lieu of ca8h depo8its on any future bid8 called for by the City. AYES: HOBS: ABSENT: Councilmen: Councilmen: Councilmen: Deapser, None None Fitzgerald, Noel, Stokes, Finch MOTION CARRIED: 5-0 Moved by Councilman DempSRr, Seconded by Councilman Fitzgerald that the Committee for the Sister-C1ty in Italy be requested to come before the Council on June 2nd, 1964 to report on what i8 planned. All in favor. Moved by Councilman Dempster, seconded by Councilman Noel that the City Manager be authorized to request the State of Cali- fornia Finance Department to extend our Planning Assistance Contract until August 29, 1964. All in favor. The Council then adjourned to an executive session. 11100 P.M. Moved by Councilman Dempster, scconded by Councilman Stokes that the meeting adjourn until June 2nd, 1964. Adjournment: 11:20 P.M. APPROVED: /8/ Paul H. Finch Mayor ~..rUS'l': I, \tl.->....·~ City Clerk . ". (G_"'l.....