CC 05-05-64
---.,-- '--......
!~.,21 So. M"y 9, Cupert1nJ Calif. Q501~
C I T Y '0' 'C U PER T I" 0
- CUP~TINÖ: ë¡'ï:FÔiÎÑ:7i-
Board R~om CuperUr.J ,::h) ,1 D~:~ 'let Off1ze
8:00 P.M.
~ SAwrE TO TllEllI,AG
RÕ~ CÂ4:,
Counc1lmen present:
'eounellmen absent:
De.pster, Pltzgerald, Noel, Stokes
Clt)' Manager. C1ty Engineer. City AttJrney
C1ty Clerk C1ty Planner. Ch1el' Building
Inspector, RecreatiJn Director
S;a ff present: :
.. ,
llINUTES OP TIlE PREVlOU~ MEern¡GS -. April 20 "21 1964
It was "",ved b7 Councilman Noel and seconded by C::uncilman
Dempst'er t~ approve tt,e m1nutes of Aprll 20 "21' 1964·
Mot~on carried, 5-0
Mayor Fl~~h asked it t~~re were any ·~al c~rnmur.icatl~n~.
l. Mr. J~-::es --'" the W3te:-· C_'\r.1.'ì1'.:J~.!.::n ··:~!Ited ta say
a re",· ~i:-rdS in b~!:~lf f the !")ur \:ater C-~~~~3:>i:·ne!"3 "ih")
tu~neè in thel~ :e~t~~s 1f reslg~tl~n. E~ ~~~u.~ed the
City C'~~cil that :~~ four applic)tiJ~s for replacement
whiz:-. ~:-e n)w be1" _....e t!':e C-:-\.Oncl1 t':l"¡e;:: t -; d) with
the C~\Zlcl1, p;li~~=::i:'ly. :Ie wer"t .:,.;) ta ~~'":~ the resp')nsl-
bl1~-.:le9 and ace _?--11shments :f the ~·;a~cr ':'J":'lr:_l-;:::¡:l In and
urge~ t~e Council ~~ ~~ta~n the ~ater Comm!3:::¡:1~n as a body
wh:: .:;:1n ccnt¡nU2 ':.:.. t~':'ld stat~~t ~cs for r~tu~~ :;.tudy and
t::> t3.~:~ care ~f' te:hr.:'eal prob~~]1s as tr.e:r c :'~e up no the
Cour.c~l can.~~neentrate 9J'J ::>ther thlr.j3. :'.r. :;udelman saId
that ~e i~ w111i~ tj stay on the ~ter CJmm~s~i)n f0r a
few ~'~ths to help ;ulde the ne~ memb~rs,
MaY0r Finch asked the C1ty Manager to plac~ th~ Water Com-
missio~ resignat~~~s ~n the ,agenda for the next regular
meeting ~f the Q1tY,CQunc11.
The Mayor asked 'theC1ty 'Clei'k if there were any written c )mmu-
1 The City Clèrk said tbe Councilmen had in the1r nJteb~oks
a set :: minutes r~r:the ~pril'27th meet1n: which had Just
been prepare,,: this day.
'. . .
It «as :::oved by C :,uf."nœn N )~l and seconded by c,ouncllman
Fitzgerald to appr:7e the ~inute3 )f April 27. :964
Moti,n Côrrled, 5-0
2. A co=i~atlon frolll the ChaIrman of CupertIno EùucatIJn
AR3ocIat!vn askIng that the week of May 10 - 17 be pro-
claire:! ·Creativity and Art Wcek."
It was =ved by Cour.cilman Stok"s and seconded by Council-
man Fitzgerald to proc1.aim the we~k of May 10 - 17 as
'Creativity al'ù Art Week.'
MotIon carr1ed. 5-0
Mr. Willia.. Patton and Mrs. Noreen Dobratz. representing
CEA, requested pIcturell of' the Mayor and Mrs. Dobratz.
Ii; '"'s decIded thlll would take placs during the 1'1ve-
minutes break.
3. r..,tter from the CupertlIlo L1brary Colllll1sÐlon urgIng the
Council to consider the Cupertino MaIn L1brary and the
County Main L1brary f'ar inclusIon in the Town Center.
4. Carbon copy 01' the letter !'rom the law O1'l'ice of Marlais
and Hover to the Planning Colllll1s81on regarding the Pagan1ni
property. This letter was referred to the City Attorney.
5. Letter frDln the Board 01' SupeMrisors concerning the Bay
Area Air Polut10n Board meetiD8 at 4 P.M., May 12th, for
the P\U"P"S9 of membership appointments.
It was =oved by Cour~11can Fitzgerald and seconded by"",n Dempater to receive n.e ..r1ttcn c'JlIJII'..:nicaticns
and to r.~er the letter frcm Marlais and Hover to the City
f10t10n carI'1ed, 5-0
V REPORT OF :~:=: PLANNING CJ~ISSION: (See Mimtes cf April 21,
27, & 28, 1964.)
Cha1rman ~clich announce:! tt~t, in view of the letter from
Marlais ar~ :lover. the P..1~llc Hearings on t!'.e park 31te resolu-
tions have teen expande:! to 3 1n order to make it possible for
the atto"r.ey to be present at the Rearing next week. He said
that the Cc=mission plar.ned to close the Hearings next week,
barring ar.y ""folseen delays. The Mayor suggested the Planning
Comm1ssior. go ahead and complete the Public Hearings on the
Park Site Resolution3.
A. GUY Ii. !c MIWRED FITCH: Appl. 5-v-64 for a V"riance to
allow a 15' f'ront yard set back where Ordinance requires
20'; 11302 Terra Bella Dr1ve. Approved by Planning Com-
missior. Resolut10n So. 207, 4127/64.
Mr. Fitch. 'Of the above address, asked the City Council to
allow the Var1ance so that his family m1ght take advantage
of the ",ore des1rable south side of hts property. The
basis for this hardship is that this would give the appli-
cant '5 children a lDOre healthful and pleasant place to
plsy; the aast side beL-,g chilly sud windy.
I>hy::" ?lnch asked fer cCllU11ents from the audience. There
were ::one.
tt WilS moved byCoun01111an Dempster and' seconded by Councll-
. man Fitzgerald to adopt' ResolutiQn 944!,
Councilmen De.-peter, Fitzgerald! Jioe1, Stokes, Finch
None '
McUon carried, 5-0
. . ''', 'VI
.. .,~
"~I' . -. ~ ." .... .. .'.-' - ~.. .
A. :msoír ENTÉIil'lfISlS, -DÞ;'z, ~1I1. l-Z-~,to l'eBone 20 aores
.çroa R-l:1I-'2 and' B-3-B .to, R.-24-H; bet"een ~D87 Avenue
äØi Por~l' M..àIJII.--5bØ"~thof steve.ns Creek :Blvd.
Denied by 'Plannillg O~-1wdon Resolution 194. Appeal.
Tentative 'Map åpØ11cat;1'On1-TM-611 (176 lots). Continued
rr"", !oIarch 16 and Apr·!l 20.
Mr. Thomas Tråeuiiier; 10376 Tonita· \l.ay. CUpert1no, sa1d he
wan~ to 'bring úp,a' 1'ew points in :defense of the proposed
';own house de,;e10pMnt: '
1. He fEllt there con1'usion in the _minds 01' ~'
~.eighbOr1ngresldents because, they were, by s1ty,
i1sking for R_24_H, since there is no Tcwn H:;US"
Crdinance 1n CUpert1no.
2. ~ason Enterprises were plar.ning 176 units on 20 acres,
0:- 9.8 units per acre. Against th" present R.l and
~-3 zon1ng, which would allow a maxire~ der~'ty of
:56 wlits, they are asking for only an ad~i~ional 20
~~its, or 1 eT-ora unit per acre. ~. Trae~~£r did not
feel thes~ e7-tra 20 units ~Juld excessively overload
:he public streets.
3. ::~,ese units are propoßed to sell in the $22,000 to
:25,00p ~raJkpt and should te compatible with existing
lo. ::::'y -10 hm:es on Portal ar.J 1 on B18ney foic..:ld torder
:~:s develo~~t. since the~e are no h:~~ on the
-=-.ðrth bounQa%7 an:! commerci3.1 on the south.
,. ::~e pet1tion c1rculãted !!r.1ong the re&i>::cr:;s inferred apartmer.ts "ere pro..osed on I.h1s land.
6. ~. Traeumer l'elt the residents should educate thE'm-
selves about town houses rather than be blindly pre-
Judiced. He l'elt that this appl1caUon vas denied on
~he basis or emotions rather than knowle<1ge.
The ~.ayor asked 11' the audience had sny cOI!III8nts.
~. "obert Jàcobll, 19851 Bayvood ¡;Ì·ive. CupertinO, submitted
a peti~ion w1th 514 signatures of homeOwners who !ire
aga~~st the town house ,concept for Cupertino. He said that
he lòoked at the Park !'crest town hOusE''' in Menlo Park
tt¿t )lason Enterpr1øes had refe:-er..,ed in th',1r presentation
a~ he felt they ù1J not re~c~:c it ~t ~ll.
Mr. .-ace!:s also said that he !tas offered the Monday mornlr.g
tri. ::> Los Angeles to attend the affair on town ¡¡cuses on
the ¡:revlous Fr1da7 IIIOJ'I11ng snd couldn't get away on such
short "otice. He called four )ther ~rsons in h1s group
and ~=ur.d they eouId. not get away on such. short notice
Mr _ .kseph Sparap. 10415 Plus Tree, Cupertino. sa1d that
he i.s an engineer with Iockheed am that he took an al'ter-
nOOl: eff work one 4a7 to do a traffic study on Blaney and
on F:>rtal. IIfJ f'0tDI tbat 1n 1-112 h"urs 1250 cars passed
those streets. lie l'e1t that this area has too much traf1'1c
now, without .....f. to It. Be also noted the 5 acres
sdjacent to Portal Scboo1 wh1ch are earmarked fur a city
perle aDd l'elt tb1a ~ be overcrowded because of the
"IJi:1enU 01' the ~ bouses. Be sa1d he used to live 1n
Ch...cago near t_ haalles and 115 very familiar .1V~ th1s
t~ cl' project.
Mr. ~.arles A1e:DJder, 10270 Portal Avenue, Cupert1no, said
that ~t døes not __ lIenae to zone a:ultiple adjacent to
e{l!~ 1:'"..g R-l homell. lie also said that Cupertino has ample
roc-:t ~:r town houae developments which would not be next
to =_:. And Mr. AlIIumer felt the Plannlng Conmlselon
de:~s~::'". was not based on the e~t1ons of th1s group.
~~. =~:l Botch. 10198 Portal ;ve., Cupertino. stated he
live! lr. one 01' those 10 homes :r. ?orta1 which would face
the ;;:'"lgeS 01' the town houses 1:-.d feels thiS would hurt
the :'"~!3.~ value 01' hIs home.
Mr. :o::ts wanted to add the !1:~ that the p~opl~ are
ag3~:-..!': <:hla developcr.ent and ~~..l': ~hls fact sh-;·..ld be
er.:-~~ ~: convinc~ the Council ~: vote against it. He
sa~: ::'"3: he 115 a;ai:'".st tcwn h:-."es in any ¡,art of Cupert1no.
FiJ". :~l~~f'r atate1 that he œ': ....~-:::. :'!r. Keith Ir~"ln..
1;:::", :;¿r.-ood IIfIye, Cupert1r.:. .c_: was cne ~f ~l1e origlral
pe.:;::-:- .::: object'!'':! to: this "Ç:--: :~~t. ard sat:: th~t
:-'x. :=--.~:-. now f!;:~:.::. tt:.e .:~::,- i='3rk in this area would
he:; ~: 1,:>we!' the 1.:nsity fac:::'.
~:. :~:1~ Riedel, 10166 N. S:¿c-,y, Cu~rti~o, 3p:>~e up
1", ::-;:~ ~f the tcwn house de·:,:,:;:"..ent. He sald that it
wl:: -~;,,~a:le the ne1ghborhood; ~C.3t it wUl be gooà for
C\,;.;.::-: ~r.c.
Mrs. ~.ta9 Anger. 10185 Emplre. CUpertino, stated that
for !:œ aonths nc. she has beer. attending the Council and
P1a:'".:.~r-« Co~slcm _et1Jlgs t: ald her In her ur.derstand-
1nt; :~ clYlc _ttera. She feels that CupertIno muRt make
pr:vl.~~ns 1'01' hous1nS their st.are of the population
Inc,..,ue expected 1ft the ne{t 2C yell!': i:! Santa Clara
Ce::.~y. It Is hel" opInIon that the tr:-..n hc,use concept is
a atep 1r. the right direction.
Mr. U !'.acGuIre, 19T76 ¡\mhurst ::-lve. Cupertino, urged the
City :~~~11 to observe the wlshes of the people.
;,. ~ r
". ~~--
- -,
Mr. LoI: !!rslnl, or !'!alon Ent('t'prUes, stated that tile
trattic has been well designed. lie also called
atte..t~:= to the c~ gr"en reerDat10n area. prov1ded,
wh1ch v=ld tend to alleviate any crovj"ü conditiona' at
the city park. lie said there would be no open garages on
Portal; ratber, thll pragea tace nch cthel'.and people
wóuld r::=t be bsc~ out' ontO:. busy street,. He also
~1ntèd oat thei-I! ",~.-be,m lœtltsse in:tle1g!lt 11111tstion
."totbe already (,x.~t_ so~lI$. "d¡ 19S1),th8re w111 be
, an, increase õt ,~Uon 01' ,75 1L11Uon 'peop. Ie and hous1ng
_t "be provided. ~£4ÏÍI'.,~, . ,,',
111'11. IIu7 Rø..l~1..J!!InJ~t Drive. Ca~. nf'srred to
~le's recent'deldal tor toom bousell'..1IIS quoted a
Hlónt1JlStœ Beaoh art10le Wh10h regarded t<*l1 houSes as a
new ¡1m1c tor apar1;llllplta.
Councll:aft ll!)el asJœd, Utþet'a had been ail7.oontact between
the-'denloper alllS '1:IMr'~, owñërs. Mr. TrII._r sa1d that
~ - - I .
,eftort bad heeD' _ä 1D that direction, but that he was
's1J:cesstul 1n an'aasiDs 0I11~, ODe cottee kIetll':lh 1n which
they coald' sit' down topther and d1Bcuss the problem.
Counc1l:::an Fitzgerald sa1d that he had also read the
Hunt1r.gton Beach article and that he had alllo been in the
Los ! _~:es area look1n8 into the tOIlD hOWle situation down
; -there. ::e tound very h1gh dOn3i t:r in the town house deve lop-
mant I:: ?.1nt1ngton Beach. He felt this project by Ma"on
'Enter.,.:ses was" t1ne one, but that he was opposed to
puttir~ :: 80 close to R-l.
It wao "cved by Counc11man Demp$:er and seconded by
Counci:",,::. Stokes to close the p..:I:'l1" Hear1ng.
~~ticn C1r: ~ej, 5-0
Counc1:~n Demp~ter stated that 1n previous Counc11
meeti,...,;, t1,Q ",na1ty !!tctor ter thia quadrant had been
d1scasH! and when 1t was deci,:e:! tr....t t¡,,, Mar1','\i. et
al.. r-:;:erty was z"nc.<1 all cc!:..-ercbl and n.:> !::u1tiple.
It wu !::. 1r..Jicat10r. to hia that the Council l'elt tI'.ere a:"~!:!y enough a:ult.iplð in th1s quadrant.
Counci:"",.. F1t~gerald aaked tor rec~ndat10na b:r the
C1ty P:"r_'1er. It wall the teel1roE; ot the C1t:r Planner
that Nz:r.1ng to R-24_B of' th1s propert:r in no way
assure. the City that th1s 8.8 ur.1ts to the acre would
be carr1~ through and that 1t could, b:r law, reau1t in a
Blch ~r dens1ty. lie felt 1t would be wu. to review
this a",Ucation when the new ordinances are in ettect
,and there should tileD be . zoning designat1on, tor town
houses, ',sto'lie.' '
Xt was aJYed bJ C~~ ~tOke" and' seconded by Councll-
aut De~ter to receiý. the pet1t1on:rrolaMr. .reco;'s.
Mot10n carr1~d, 5-0
It wa's moved by CounclllDlln Stokea am seconded by Council·
man Noel, in view 01' the fact tht~ this ap¡¡l1catJ.on has
been denied by the Planning C~8810n; that a petition
signed by over 500 people. is apinat thill devel.-,pment; and
s1nce therft 1s not at present' a town housa ord1nance, that
application 1-Z-64 and I-TM-64 be denied.
A\"BS: Councilmen Dempster, Pitl:gerald. Noel. Stokes. Pinch
MOBS: None
Motion carried, 5,:,0
B. A. T. COŒ AND RICHARD J. WILSOII: Appl. ".z-6I: ~., re_
5.5 acres r1'oa R-ll11-2 to R-3-8;, _lit "ide of' I'c.i hill
Blvd.. 600' north or Alpine Dri.... Awovnd '" Hanning
Colllll1ssion Resolution 202. 4/13/64.
Mr. Cook put a œp on the bulletin board and chewed hOW
he and Mr. Wilson have de'Jeloped thll La Cresta sub-divillion
and now that they have been bb1e acquire the Lewler
property. they will also be able to build on the pre'/iously
not sub-d1vidab1e propert¡ beyond it. Mr. Cook read a
letter addressed to the Cupertino Plann1r~ Colllll1ssion
from the C1ty 01' Lc..s Utos (this property being on the
border between the two cities) 1ndicating they had no ob-
jections to the proposed development of this property
bordering on L~s Altos.
Mayor Finch asked 1'0r COIT.ments :'rom th.. audience. 'I.1ere
were none.
It was moved by Councilman Dempcter and seconded by Council-
man Fitzgerald to close the Public H~aring.
Motion carrled, 5-0
It was moved by Councilman Dempster and seconded by Coun-
cllll'.an FitzC"l'ald to approve application 4-z-64, as per
the reco~ndation of the Planning Commi~sion.
Councilmen Dempster, Fitzgerald, Noel, Stokes. Finch
Motion carried, 5-0
First reading 01' Ordinance the City Clerk.
The Mayor called 1'0r a f1ve-minute break. Pictures of the Mayor
handing Mrs. Dobratz the' Proclamation of the week of May 10 -
17 as n'::reativity and Art Week" were taken.
C. WARD CRUMP a. ASSOCIATES: Appl. lOl-Z-63 to :'CZOM approx.
2 acres on the west side of Linda ~ista Dr1v£ a, Columbus
Avenue from A_2:B-4 to R_l.Tentative Map (8 lots)
2-TM-64. Approved by Planning CODlll1ssion Reuolutlcn 200,
.. 4/13/64.
!'or. Ward Crump. 11247 Bubb Road. /,ure1·t1no, ..xplaincd this
was a emall o!ece ot property adjacent to h111 present ,eub-
d1visi')n. It was dec1ded that there would be a 30' OQIII-
!lIOn dr1veway rather two 20' èrl1lewa¡3.
Ma)'01' F1nch 88_ ~or co.-.œnta from tho! cud1enca. There
were none.
It 'was moyed bT Cow1.11lllllln Demplter aDd aecolll1ed by
CO\DIC1l11111n StoIIIe. to clo.. the 1'I1bl1c 1lear1nø.
. 'Motion carried, 5-0
It; was *'"«I.'" CcIIJIIOililift bl and _OIded b7 Councllllllln
stolœs' t:O.~ ON appllÓ8UOD 101-z-63 tOl' relÒn1ngcnd
the tenteU"._P. 2~. " ' .
. . ;'¿. !
. ,
AYEs: C_l1.M1~, Fitzgerald, 108'1, Stokes, Pinch
NOES: None' .,
i~..· I .."
First read1ng of' Qr41Dance 288...... by C1ty' ~erk¡,.'
D. ~ WEISEL: Awl. 5-z-64 to rezone 0.38 acrcs from
R-24-H to R-3-H¡ west side 01' Wolfe Road. southeaat side
of Ca1abazas Creek. Approved by, P)ann1ng Colllll1ssion
Resolut10n 20), 4/13/64.
Motion- carried, 5-0·J
The app11cant was not present. There were no eOl'Jments from
the aud1ence.
It wat! moved by Coo1Dc11man Dempster and seconded by
Councilman Pitzgerald to close tho Publ1c Hearing.
Motion carr1ed, 5-0
It was moved ~.... Councilman StC'kes a.;;} sðconded by Cou..,cil-
~an Dempster to approve app11cation 5-Z-6h.
Aï:::S: Counc11men Dempetar, F1tzgerald, Noel, Stokes, F1nch
NOES: None
Motion carried, 5-0
First reading 01' Ord1nance 289..~... by the C1ty Clerk.
VII ARCHITEO'l'1JRAL AND SITE COIft'ROL; (See Minutes of Aprll 2~)
A. Application l38-æ-64: A. L. cHAD.WICK. 5627 West Walbrook,
San JOBe,' request1ng Arch1tectural and 'S1te Control apprc.val
to construot a, 22' x 36' covere\1J1',/!o.'s, h Rack, locateð, at the
Autorama at 20100 Stev(lne Cree~ :ð1)1d. Approved by the
H-Contro... Apr11 29. 1964. "
, c',·
Th<. Ch1,el' .~lld1ng Inspector stated that Mr. Chadwick pro-
posed to 1nsta11'a covered wasb rack d1rectly west of h1s
present ol'l'ice building. It will 'be 01' wood construction
with a tar and gravel roor compatible w1th the ex1sting
building. No condit10ne were attached to the H..control
. . --- _.- ~- .
- -~---....
Councilman StOIœIl 'lsked how high this would be. The Chief
Building Insp!etOr said ·that it would be 11 !eet st the
highest po1nt.
Councilman De_tel' asked it it would be enclo~"i. The
Chief 811ld1ng :IJ»pector sa1d that it; would be open, with
stucco-wrapped _tal poles.
It ...s _ed ~ CoIDcl1man Dempster and øcODde<t 11)'
Counc111111ln Jf1t" _ . a1d to approve appl1oaUOA 138-øc-6/J.
Motion carried, 5-0
B. The C1t¥ Olerk....s a letter rr_ St--""""IS 011, dated
Apr11 21. 196'. tD reprd to their Ilta1:S.øD at BoftingeJ' R4
and Blane)'. '!bel' expleined that the red strip around the
base 01' thll "",n"'1I,, bad bel!n 1nBdverteDt17 1ert of'r tile
drawing, and IIIIC1Gèed two photographs to illustrate th1l1.
They requested pII1'Idallion to put thill red IItrip ar01llld
the base 01' the ba11d1ng, saying that it 100Jœd much neater,
espec1ally d~ rahq<'weather. Thill was a9Pl'ovc<1 b)' tile
consensus of' the City Counc1l.
A: ORDINANCE NO. 285: Rezon1ng property or A. J. ... H. E.
Williams fr_ R.l_A:B-2 to C-I-H, 0.77 acr~s; southeast
corner or Stevena Creek Blvd. and Stelling Road.
Secor.d Reading.
'It was moved by Counc11man Dempster and seco~Aed by Coun-
ciloan Fitzgerald to read Ordinance No. 285 by title only.
Motion carried, 5-0
Or1inance No. 285 vas read by t1tle only by the City Clerk.
It was moved by Councilman Dempster arA secorAed by Council-
man F'tzgerald that 0rdinance 285 be enacted.
AYES: Counci1::ler.. De"pster, F1tzgeralè, !i'Oel. Stokes, F1nch
NOES: None
Motion carried, 5-0
B. ORDINANCE NO. 266: Approving the Annexaticn of Certain
Contiguous Uninhabited Territory, Designated '~oothill
No. 64-2" to the City of Cupertino in Acc"rdance with the
Provisions of' Section 35300, et se:¡., or t.he Government
Code of the Stau of' California. Second Reading.
It vas moved by Cowu:ilman Dempster and secoooed t¡r
Cour.cilman St~. to read Ordinance No. 286 by title only.
Motion carried. 5-0
Ordinance No, 286 wall read by title only by the City Clerk.
It was noved by Cour.clb8n· Fitzgerald and .econde11 by
Coun~1l2n Noel that (kod1nance No. 286 :be apprØftd.
AYES: C:uncllmen D . ter. Fitzgerald, No.o1. Stokes, F1nch
noES: !10M
Jløtion carried, 5.,0
~DWJCE 009C I Aø Q1"11~J"'e of the C~t;J of'. ,_"uno
AmeIl5~ Ord1Jlallée ..:. OOIJ As Relating to TS. aDS Place
01' Meet1np. V.·....,. QrdJDance. " ,
The City AttornsiKirtM tbis Ord1nance wou14 br1DS WI up-
to-date. lie wonðeIe4. løWIer. U it would be JrOrident to
insert 1:30 P.... s-- - f4 8:00 P.M. as the _t~ t1lll8
reserntion to CCJWI!Ir. ~ 1JI8tar.<:eII where, It 111 dee~ to
meet tI:e half' hoar ...11m' than wna1.' 11' tbill 111 the case,
then ¡rorls10n Ilb0aJ4 be to notifT tbe ..... of' this
It was lIO'1ed by C_~:ÞaD Dempster and seconded by 'Noel to ta1IÎe tbie Ordinance to enable the
above-3!nt10ned a_~ to be made.
Ration carried, 5-0
D. RESO:;:;>:I:N 948: G1Ying ¡ot1ce of the Proposed J..-:r.eT.at10n
of Ce:":aln Un1nhab1ted Terr1tory to the C1t;,. 01' C";per'.;i:10,
I>esc:,~~lng Said Terr1tor)' and Deslgn.-,t1ng It By the !lame
of "!;e; 63-4" G1Y1ng Not1ce of Time and Pla~.. :aid
Coun:~: _111 Hear Prote~ts Tnereto.
The C~::; Clerk set ~ 15, 1964, as tt,e t1me a~ the
Sch~: :lstrict orr-,,!! as the place for the "b<:·...._=~mtioned
It w::'! =oved by Cour.c11.:a~ Dempste:o and 8ecorAl!!~ t7 Coun-
cl1r.¿~ ?1t?gerald t~ set :une 15, 1]64. at t~e ~~r.,,')vl
Dlst:-~::": Office, as ~~~ ";"_Œ and p13ce for tì..e ?
Hear~-; Jf I~\eg_nart ~.: --. "
~~10n carried, 5-0
E. ORDI!>.1SC::: NO. 002P.: Ar.. :>rd1nançe of the City r:.~ Cur.ert1no
Amen~~:'-<; Ordlnance 50. 002M Which Crdinance Ar·-:d..:I Ordi-
nance !>c. 002F Re:>rpn1z1ng the :·k:nbct'shlp or ';t;.£ Archl-
tect.....""21 and S1teApp-owal Conm1ttee: Urgenc,. :r:1nance.
First ;;eading 01' Ord1%lan<:e No. 002R.glven ~ 1;be C1ty Clerk.
It "a. :toved ~ C<ignc1:lRn Dempster and secoD2ed t::r
Co=~:œn NQIIl thOt Ordinance No.' 002R baenacted.
AYES: Councilmen D ....toer. F1tzgerald. Noè1, Stolœs. F1nch
NOES: !lone
Motion carrled, 5-0
,... ~'~''''.1''''0'_",,-<:1!! ';1(.~-'~-
.--.--- ~--;.....
P. ORDINANCE NO. 002S: An Ord1nance or the C1ty of cupert1no
Amend1ng Ordinance Ii? 002(1') by Making Dec1s10D3 or the
Arch1tectura1 and S1te Approval ColÍm1ttee F1n.'1l U'11ess
Appesled: UrgeDC)' Ord1nance.
F1rst Read1ng or Ordinance No. 002S g1ven by th~ City Clerk.
It was moved by C0UDC1ls8n Dempster and secondc1 by Coun-
o1lman StOJœIl that OrdJ.nat¡,;,Þ .No. 0028 be enscte<l.
AYES: Counc1I.en D6~ter. Fitzgerald, 1Ioe1. Stokes. F1nch
NO~: None '
1IDt:10n carried, 5-0
,IX pftDlO BILlS-
.&. Rello1utions 9'16 and 9'1 read by TreallUl"el' P1tzgarald.
It was moved by COUDC1lIllID Dempster and lIeconded by Coun-
c1lman Noel that Reso1ut10n 9'16 be enacted.
AYES: Counclb8n De1Ip8ter. Fitzgerald. Noel, Stokes, F1nch
NOES: None
Mot10n car-r1ed, 5-0
It moved by Councilman Decpster and secor.ded by Coun-
c1lman Noel that P.eaolut1on 9'17 be er.aeted.
The C1ty Eng1neer sa14 that check #5315 1'0r $1,003.00
shoulj be approved and that 1t ..ould be explair.ed in h1s
report later on in the agenda.
AYES: Counci1œr. L<!!ø:ps!;er, F1tzgerald, lloel, Stokes, F1nch
NOES: None
~ot1cn carr1ed, 5-0
A. REPCRT OF CITY T?.EAS~ __ Noth1ng l'urther to report.
On Aprll 20th there appeared bel'ore the C1ty Councll a
group of Oak Dell residents ..ho ..ere concerned about the
cond1t10ns set by t~ Flood Control. The City Manager
asked the Flood Control to delay removal 01' the tree:!
unt11 this has been discussed 1'urther. He 1nformed by
the Flood Control that they need to be able to get into
the creek 1n case of' a f'100d. He said he able to ar-
range for the CO\mtJ' Eng1neer and the C1ty Engineer to meet
and d1scuss tb1s problem. Th1s meet1ng has not been held
as yet. .
~~"._,. ~""-,, ,-~~~"
, ,
, ,....,._-
1. B1aÐq Sbopp"..ns Center.
,UPOD __ø.1at1on ot the C1ty _ineer. 1t was moved
,b:J c-1Jaan Dempster and lIeconded by Counc1l1l8n
PitBgerald. b:J Minute Order, to eccept the imprOve_ntll
at tile B1aDe7 Shopp1ng Center.
., Coœcl111enDeapøter, P1tllpra1d, Noel. 9t0Il8I1,
1Iot1on carr1e4, ~
.. j.:..'
2. Uþoa ....I ,4t~ of tbe Cit)- ~_r, it wal moved
br:éAa~~.- ·wIIIJ .-ur·",," IØC111M4 br Councilman
. ftt' ¡'ri'LII. 1Ir IUJIate Order. to acicept; tllll l111P1'OVelllln1:11
",at'~ ..... , r:
- .
-'lIS, CoœcI18eD De.petsr, fttsprald, lloel. Stolœll,
ftDoh .
\lOBS, __
Motion "arr1ed, 5-0
3. Upon tile rec~ø.1at10n 01' the City Eng1neer, 1t wall
_4 b:J COUDCllan Stolœa and seconded by Councilmen
Dempeter, b:J IUDIte Order. to author1ze the C1ty
Bng1Jleer to L"11'ora the de'/e10per and h111 bonding CODl-
,panr that the t.prove_nt born ...-.y 11011' be ret1red.
Tract 110. 2948, TriUlllPh No.1.
AYES: Counc11_n Dempster. F1tzgerald. Noel.. Stokes,
NOES: !lone
Motion carr1ed. 5-C
'4. Upon the reco_ø.1at10n of the City Eng1neer, 1t wall
moved by C"\!Milman Pitzgerald and secondp.d by Councll-
IIIIIn Noel to adopt Rellolut10n 1fo. 936 accepting "Qu1t-
c 1Ìt1m Deed and ^uti1or\zat1on· l'or urilerground water
r1ghtll. Tract 362.8. a'kdell Ranch, Un1t No.2.
AYES: COUI'ICll.-n Dt!lpllter. Fitzgerald. Noe:\. Stokes,
!lOBS: !lone
Motion carried. 5-0,
5. Upon tile reco_ø.1at1on of' the City Engineer, It was
1BQ'IIBd b:J Dempetsr and lIeconded by Counc1lman
Noel to a\ltlxrize advel'tllliqt f'or bldll wit" the b1d
opa~ a!Id award on May 18. 1964. tor Stelling Road
.1pelU. Relocation at .Jun1pera Serra Freeway.
AYES 1 Coœø Dellpllter. FltBsertr14..!I(!el~ stOkall.
.P1ncb . 'c.. ~ ...
Motion oarrled. 5-0
t~·· -- ''''',~'''''''''''''''.''''''''~~
6. Upon rec~ ..dation of the City Engineer. It lias
1DO'Ied by ~u..a Pitzgerald and seconded by COUl\Cll-
man llee1, _ IISaIte Order, to author1Zå addil ~t)r>allfork
paJll8nt· or $1.èI03.00 too ,the contractor, Øa"I"ott :aros.,
Inc., LosA1t:Ge.. rår the. ,Homestead Drain Ii..,. 3, Unit
Ho. 1.
AYES: C~~ Dellpøter, Fitzgera14. IJoel. Sto!œs,
. .
lIotiòn CS1'riod, 5-0
._ ,.; .~L
D~ ............. 0-; ern ->I - .
1. ~·OIt)- IU . ,. ...MIId Reso1ut1011 91'9-
. it vall'1ÌøftI1 _ CCIaIIDi1an J)npIIter ..s lIeconded by
COW'IOlø.n . - ~o enact Reoo1ut;'cz 9'9.
',~â:' -,
AYES: C:AmC~ Dellpøter, Fltzgera14, Reel. stokes.
!lOBS: øo-
Motion carr1ed, 5-0
2. In reprd to ~ eainent doma1n procæd1ngs against
Mr. Schlddt. tbB Court 'ruled in l'avor of' the C1ty so the
road sta711 in; the only matter yet to be decided upon
18 the compensation. Th1s report will be rea~y in
two w.aeks.
A. Appo1ntmentll of' Jlell8rs. J. P. Gates and R. C. J'ohnzon to
the Planning C~1I1on are stated in Resolut10n 95°·
AYES: Counci1!llen Dempster, Fitzgerald, Noel, Stokes, Finch
NOES: 1I0ne
Mot1on carried, 5-0
B. It was decided tbat the Council would ask the present three
H-Contro1 Colllll1tteelll!n to stay on and to ask for applicants.
They requested pubUcity in the local P8p9rs on this.
Applicants IDUIIt appl)' by noon, June 1, 1964. This was put
in the torm 01' a .otion by Councilman Fitzgerald and
seconded 111 C~llman Dempster.
- Mot10n carrieci, 5-G
. .
It wall -.d. by C_~ Dempster and sdconded by Councllman
stokes to adjourn at 10:Ð5P..M. to May 20th, at 8 P.~.
Ps'\l H. Finch
1- ~l..-
C1t)' Clerk