CC 05-04-64
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10321 !Ie, 8aatoga-!únnyval. Road
C X T Y '~r.C U t g R T I II Q.
capei=BDõ'; cellrorn1a :
71Me: 8:15 P.M.
Place: 10321 South 8aratoga-Sunnyvalç Road
'1'IIere _cS been a Ps"Dllllel Session bef'ore the lle8UI'I& c~
I .. S.
, .', ~'boh o-11';t_ œeting to order at 8:15 ~.II.. atatil'l&
~_~ ~~',_==¡r.. -....',~~ to Jobn .,....._~Jr.:i_t1ton
....._:....~_,~, ~'..." citU_ RZ"U .. .~
TU'L'''_., ..~q JU _........, ,how tIIq _ __ .
, -E'. ~' '~. .....~ the Cllpert1Do.....øt
Ju .1 '...·...'iI. ~bood alii! _ ~J "-1 parle
..... _~fo CbI, 11 tbat; tbe f'0II1' De~
1oDØtè:Ina'..... ,...CIHIC .. '--1., f'0I9 tbe ruaOD tbet .ch ot
tile tIQItr t' îa' a1ftad:t!D. tile c.ntral park1a a 1&1'&81' ait.,
-UUDa of apPl"Ox1Iate17 I' acres. The ne1ahÞorboocS parks
-U 0ftl7 lie n". ao"*, ",tœy were adjacent to the aol1oo1
_a wII1ch in _ __a COlllllated ot seven aerea tllat are DOt
-inb \IIIed b7 the' IIcllooll1 tor bII11d1hßs.
With ~gard to the o_tral psrk site, 111'. Parlla. stated
tllat it IDd be.n liuggallted that lIince there was not enough acreaße
on the Civic Center site to include the Main Library, tllat pouibly
the .in L1bary could be lo~..ted on the central park site.
Mayor Finch asked Jolin Parham to elaborate the criteria
tor selectins the perk sites as nei&hborhood psrk sites. Councilman
Stokes asked it he was correct in assuming. judgin~ trom the state-
..nte made, that neighborllood parks are selected tor recreational
purposes rather than open green. John Parham stated that tor a City
the size ot Cupertino, these parks must serve a duo purpose. Both
tor open green snd recreation. Thare will be open ¡:reen areas as
well ss functional areas.
The Recreation Director then showed the Council slides ot
park areas in Sunnyvale, Renault ParI<, DeAnza Park. He had oeveral
p1ctures of the facilities, indlc~ting the tspe of developments
tllat had been made. He mentioned that S!U1nyvale, Instead of spend-
ing $14,000 per sere for improvement, spent snywhere trom $20,000
to $22,000 per scre.
In conclusion Mr. Parllal8 emphasized the Importance of ac-
quiring land now. The cost. thouBh hiBh at this time, will onlf
Increase 8S time toea on.
Mayor Finch aaked tbe Councll if thi!Y wished to tak-' a
poaltive sction at thia ti.. with regard to theae sites so that
the Plann11\& COGIIIisllion could take action.
Councllllllln Noel atated that betore tsking any definite
action W1tH the;y aee what happens st the aecond hearinl!. betore
tbe Planning Coeo1aslon. lIa;yor Pinch atated that if the Councll
would endorse thia plan toD1&11t. it would be a vote ot confidence
f'or the Planr.1ng CollllÚaa1on. 'ftIat the old COUDCll had approved
tbeae perk Bites and he relt that aince this is a!.ost a ne.. COUDCll
thet tbe;y too. sllould state tbeir poaition In the _tter. '
CouncU_n 'Noel __1'eC1 1t the procedure sholùd not be -
troel the Plann1r.gCoao.u.a1Qft to the Counell. That in etrect, the
Council hacS aalrecS ~rør .. ..port fro. the Comm1Hlon an4 wouldn' t ,
it be better te, ~t:l'or that ",port betore takil1l': a atalld. He
,atatad tllrthar t.'t ~ idea ot the Main I.ibrary on the Central
'aft S1te appealeèl to him and he thoue,ht t:18t further 1DYeat:4;ation
or this poaal111Ut;y 8IIou1d be _48. His feeling da thet this
would certain17 be a good ..11iag point when it came to educatil1ß
the YOtara ror the need or perka.
Councll-an Stokeø .tetad tbat he a¡;r<:ed .i~h Itr. Parha,.'s
PNY10ua .ta~nta that tbe puoJra and recreation lasue shoul1 not
..._.._..._~-~-_.-:.-~ ~. ~ .~
.-. ._._-.--------
be a poll'l~sl issue, tÑwéver, even though it i& what .hould be, it
cSce. not necnsarll;y mean that .1! how it will be. In any ca.e,
lie .antIS to be po.itive tllaf'".tliey ,Jre going to bne IIOmething to
reelly sell, rather than ending up with notl'.!.fI&.,
Mayor Pinch .tated that he tee1s the Councll bal an obHE,8-
tion to propose to the pec>ple. what 18 needed. '
CounclllllSn Ø1tzgerald .tated that he felt the eouncll shoUld
~t the report rro. the panning Co.-1stion berore ~ 18
doIIe turther. Be wantl ';0 .ee what 1. .ccOCllPl1eha4 thl'oaah' the pabl1c
~. the eo.1..1on s. holding, IiId wait f'or their "'pol>t.
" ,.' CounclUQ ..1 atatecS t!!at he 1ICNl4 a1io UIW w'tor
_ t~1al. .iJàs.. hoII Stone and 1""""1'&" Be reell tbil
.111 S09ft'11, to. ,~_t _tan,. the1r f'utve .c1;1OO 1n:taSl attar.
~ ftnct1'"'ta~ bis æque.' tor· an endON l $ of' th18
proaJ'U. CouncÜ...n Stolllll atated that on the balsa or wbat 11"
bolt f'OI' thit C1ty~ ,he II w1111n& to"80 along, bow..el'. "eeI·on will lie approved by .tlle votera, he does not f'eel be 'an 'IOte
It. t)l1. tilllS.
-of ..
,counc1ÌlÍaii .Demplter IIIOVed to t.blethe matter until a
report CO....JroID the lIlan>l1ng COII..18sion. councllman Demp.ter
tt.n w1thdrew his iDOtion. . '
.Mayor Pinch stated that he had hOped to get an endorsement
t'roe the CouncU on ·this proposed program, it the Council sees tit
to do so, then, a,t least. IIOmething has been accomplished. CouncU-
an Dempster feels that there w111 have to be a real selllng Job
done. However, there is no way ot sntic1psting what the voters wll1
do, unless you take a hou.e-to~house poll. This, of course, would
be impo.sible.
Councilman Fitzgerald stated that he feels the Planning
C.s-1l\s1on reprt should come f'1rst. It thiS CouncU turns around
and endorses t~a proposed park plan, it would be taking the matter
ou~ of the Plar.ning ColDm1ssion's harols, before they even t~ve an
opportunity t~ report on :'t. ¥~yor Finch stated that the previouS
Councl1 had e~~~rsed th\s program and he is merely aekinß this
Council to giva an opinion on the practicability of this program.
Counci:man Noel asked if the Council coUld enter into S
discussion or. :!1e pos.sibllity of the County putting the Ma1n L1brsry
in the Cent~l Park s1te. Mayor Finch aaid that he felt the Councll
should wait untU the Count~' makes a definite oJ:fer. At this point,
it ~s Just lr. :he talk1n~ stage with the County. The City Manager
was attemptin¿ :~ contact George Farrier to find out Just wh~re
tney stood.
Counci¡~n Noel iDOved that the CouneU accept the four
neighborhood park sites and the central park site on the continE,eney
of the f1nancial report, wnen it ia received, for a proposed bond
iSsue in the ru:ure. Seconded by Councllman Dempster.
.:IES :
Dempster, Noel, Stokes, Pinch
. Mr. ~rà '~lick, representing new·t.omeowners in.the
Peppertree area asked it he could s;¡y a few woràs. He stated that
hil _ighbors..and h4!,(elt that this' pal'k'progrBII was a YèP7 good
one and they where whOlçhesrtedl:; In suppon of it. t'hey had
c1rcalated petitions in tba1r ares and he presented three papers
with lignatures. statin¡; that there would be more. Be úrted the
c-l'l to do everything 1n thelr po"..r to make th1ll plen .. reality.
Moved by Councilman Sto~es. seconded by Caunoilman Moel
that the petitlon b6 received and flled. Al in favor.
'ftMt Cow:~ll then adJourned to the Clty Manager's 01'!1ce to
..,.~ \he Nst of the _ting. '
!be C1t7 JIIna&Q' .tated tJat he has Ncaived tM &poeel1l8nt
-' t
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f'ro. t~ firm of Stone & Y~unbberg, Municipal ~nanc1til Consultants
to do s flr.anclal sné11ysia for the City of Cupertino. )Ioved by
Councilman DeiDpster, seconded by Councilman Noel, that the Mayor
and C1ty"Cler~ be b~thor1zed to sibn the agreement w1th Stone &
Youngberg to do a financ1al report for the City for the amount of
$1,500.00. .
A1ISIII'l' :
Fitzgerald, Noel, Stokes, P1nch
ID'l1CJr CAiIRIED: 5-0
The City Manager àtated t.hat he had bèen3dv18ed by Stone
. YodPsbe¡og tbat they ~ begin work 1l1101ed1.ately, Ma}' 7th, and
tile I"IpoH would be ~'1D "rroiD f'our to s1x weelœ.
\ . :
The C1t;r Manager 1Df'ormed the Counc11 that thè property
tIa~ had been offered b;r tile State of Call1'om1a, 1.427 acres,
~ coat $22,500.00. Be told the Councll that the State has
reqaeated a check 1n th1ll ~t, and that 1t would be ready for
the Councll to spprove at the adjourned meeting of' May 5th, w1th
a resolution.
The C1ty Manager ~her advised the Council that he had
been 1n contact with Perry Scott, City Manager of Sunnyvale and
that Mr. Scott had stated that he felt sure there would be no
problema 1nvolved. S1nce this property ir. in the C1ty of Sunnyvale,
but surrounded by Cupertino, that he felt sure the City of Sunnyvale
would consent to d1sannexation of this ~rop~rty, so that it can be
made a part of Cupertino.
The Mayor then informed the Council that he h~d requested
the H-Control Ordinance be discussed at this meeting for the purpose
of amendinb sa~e.
Co'mcilman Dempster moved that Ordinance 110. 002(",) be
oade amended, ~kinß the a~e~dment an Urgency Ordinance La b~
er.aeted immediately, as follows: Section 2:1 a: "that 1"1'le (5)
::::æ:=ters shall be appolr.ted from the City of Cu!>ertino". Seconded
by Councilman Noel.
Fltzge~ald, Noel,,
The Mayor advised t~e Council that E. J. Soa~l had resigned
froo the Planning Commission, but had req~ested tr2: he be retained
on the H-Comrol Committee. Mr. Small >:as in ana stated
tr~t he felt t.s e~perienee on the H-Control Comoittee ~ould be
valuable to tr.e City. He also stated that he ~~ders:coj Tro] nampy,
t~~ the Planr.lng Commission, had also expressed a desIre to remain
on the H-Control Committee.
Mr. ScalI a"so requ~stcd that the :ouneil consider also the
s~ndment of the Section in Ordinsnee 002(f) which requires all
H-Control spplications to te approved by the Council. It had been
tt~ experience of H-Control that their recommendations were [eoerall]
approved by the Council. He feels that in the interest of shortening
~be Council's agenda, these could be left to the decision of the
H-Control Co,",,,1t tee unleas the appliea tior.s >lere denied. in ..hie h
case, they could have recourse to the Council.
Moved by Counciloan Dempster, seconded by Councilman Fitz-
gerald that Ordinance 002(1'), Section 5.1, be amended, deletinb
the lsst sentence "The Comm1 ttee I s doeislon shall be final unless
an appesl is submitted." to be put ln its place.
Jl>BS :
Fltz£erald, Noal.. Stokes, Flr~ch
, ~~..¡n
~__,_ ,,:,,,~T""-¡¡., ._;~~'......, '~"",.~..,.,~"..,..~"..,!~~,::"",-,..,~........ .,~. ....,'....
The City IIlmager stated tl"': the Mayor ..ould no.. be the
City's representative to the Aesociation of Bey Area Ouvernments
and the Vice-Mayor would.,., the alternate.
It W88 IDOved by CouncUman De""ster, aeconded. by CouncUman
Øoe1 that Councilman Stokes be appointed the City'a representative
on the Traffic..ays Committee. the next meetin~ to be held on May 13.
1954 at 7:30. The City Manager stated that he ..1shed to attend thia
~ting with Councilman Stokea.
',The City Manage~ sts;e4 ,that the Park Cha1n Co.ttee t;oqld
be laY1!la another _u". ' ~1fI!.701' asked 1f' John ParJalll couldn't
I'ePressnt the C1t:¡ .t ,t--. .st1ne;s., The ,City Jllnager"stste4 that,
be tboaght it had to be an' .lected off1c1al, not a stan mambe1',
bid; WOIIld check, thia QlJt. ,.,' ' ,
,Ma;rot'P1nch ãts;ed that,he would like t9 ..tsþ1~sh a pql1cy
tbat the ~rtment JIeadII ....t with the C1W Council at 7:30 P.II.,
be1'ore.'the "!gular Council ...etings to d1Bcuas tile ..genda. The
1'eeling being that many questions could be answered by the staf'l'
at thia ti..., without having to take the t11118 up 1n the meeting.
All 1r¡,favor. CouncUman Dempster suggested that each Department
Bead d1scuss with the1r staf'f any problema that my have arisen
1n the1r work wi;h 1tems on the sgendas, 80 that the Councll could
be adv1Bed at this time. The C1ty Manager stated he would discuss
this w1th tr~ staff.
Adjournment I lIeeting sdJoumed at 10:00 P .11.
is/ Paul H. P1nch
r-~c<...k.<. I L" ((J..f;C
City Clerk