CC 04-27-64
....~.-~''''''''....,:,......".,¿.' -,,-, .~'".", - .........' , "'~",. ...---.,..",
1Ø32111o. I!aNtoga-suìMyva1e Road
C\ipertlnD, ca""lffirn:..a
. "
........&15$ 01' THE REGUIAR IW.JOUJINß:D CITY C~t'NCIL M&ETDiG - April
21th, 1964
-n-. 8:00 r .M.
']ac.. 10321 So. Saratoë;a-8unnyVale Road
mu. CALL. Councilmen Present. Dempster. Fitzgerald, Noel,
Stokes, Finch
Councilmen AIøeÐ1;: Hone
:_ ".s~t''"~:--.;:;.£~ty IlanSg~~' , '..
1IQvZ'"rinch out11æd to ~be CounC1lmen:the 6 r ..... .f'or the
..",..........4 _t1ng. Be 8d4 be thou&ht it advisable that, the
_ in1'o1Wed aD past and current cn:; probleM
IIId ~. lie t~ ~ha Council should be .wre of' .the
C1t)-'. f'18ca1 a1tuatìon. atoN drainage and 1ISter p1ah, also
~ psrIr progru.
t'he C1t;y llanager aslred 1Ì' he could bring up an ltem before
~t1J1g 1nto a d1acusll1on oo·the1telDB that the Mayor had men-
~ Clt7 IlanSger ~~~ed that confirmatlon had been re-
eel'" troa the Hotel 1n Santa Mon1ca that the Clt7 Council
-rd be ata;y1ng at. and. that /I depozit of $10.00 per room
1IOUld "ve to be alled. It tea requested that the Tre!1surer
be authorlzed to sign a check ln the a:oount of $40.00.
Moved b;; C~unCUC2r. Decpster, sec~"jed by Councilr:>an Fitz-
gerald that a depo"lt o! t-::.oo be f~r.r.lrded to tr.e Mlramar Hotel
in Santa Menlca.
C~unc Hmen:
De~Bter, F1tz&e~ld, Noel, Stokes. Finch
IIO'!'ION CARr.!.;:): 5-0
MaJOr F1nch 8tart~~ :::.e dtscussJc~ on land acqÄiaition for
park purpOSl!s. He out~:':-.ej to th~ new :::el~bers ot ';;:e Council
_t had gone on before. the "arks s1t..s wer.. located
and w~ the Councl1 ha~ a;;;.roved these that had bee:-. suggested.
P".rst, lt ~s both prao~:cal and ecor.o~1cal to have add1tional
~ adjac..n~ to scho"ls ~" augment tl:e area that "o.·Jld be
ava1lable with school P1a7;;.rounds. We have had a great d~al
or d1scuuion on the ne~ "r a central park. After reviewing
teA a&ny s1 tes it was the ur.anilDOus opin10n of the Coimcll
tbat the property on t~e north side of Stevens Creek, across
1'1'011 DeAnza Ccllege woU::: be the IDOst approprl;¡.te spot for
tbe central park. We lave had se'leral publ1c hearings on the
park etter and I feel :. t ls time that all of the facts are
as..b1ed and the atter be glven to the people for a vote.
Council..n Stoke. ..oDdered if it wou.ld not be advillable for
additlonal publ1c hearinp. CounciJman Dempster atated that the
_)'Or ..d IIICntioñe4 that we have had several public hearings
em tlì1a IDBtter and f'e1 t 1 t lnadvisable to have IDOre publ1c
bear1ngll. However,.1 IIDmer 11' we should have the election
prior to a flnancial 1·.....- L.
The City Manaóer was requeated to outline the 1n1'ormation
be had from Stone a: YO\mðberg for the Council, re¡;ard1ng th~
preparation f>f B financ1al report for tl:e City so that the
Coanci1 would be in a better position to inform tb8 cltizens
.. to the Clt7's fillcal rellponsibl1ities.
City Manager lltated ~t he had been in contact >11th Stone
. Youngberg. llUnic1pa1 n-ncing Consu.ltants and that they wc.uld
prepare :1 t1nanclal ¿.........L f'or the City of Cupertino for the
eIIaZ'8e 01' $1,500.00. . '!Ida report would evaluate the eurrent
~ea and revenues UIII ... 'tbey WC'uld appreciate during the
u,..............,,·',··..·~-:..:. .ui.--.
¡lfe of a ~:,: lssue II't.1e::' "ould be for a period of 2G ;¡ears.
Uter hear:"" :he report. C:¡uncllman Fitzserald moved tna¡;
~ City ~¿:~,er be lr.strac~d to contact Stone & Youngberg
to have a:: a,ree;nen\; prepared whereD:: a 3tud,î as çutl1r.~d bJ
~ City I'.¡¡r¿_er >,oUld bo pr.,pared. Seconded b;¡ CouncUman
De2pllter. Fitzgerald, Noel, Stokes. Finch
MJnON CAR.:¡n;): 5-0
Councll::an Noel asked IIb8t period of time wol1J.d ... ne~essary
:to prepare such a report? C1.t7 Manager atated l'rom four to
sIX weeks. Ccuncllaan JIoel l18id that during the c:aa>pai8P
... hill personal contac~ Id.UI ~be Cupertino electorate. the
iIiIt,Jor1t7 cf ti".e voters _ Oppcaed to a central park and
Iz- his evaluation of' tile reapoII8e to the queation of a
c1Q-wide par!< bond 1II1Iue. 1~ would be very difficult to
.... it ap¡:~7~ unleall a .trong educational program \1811
Council=an Noel asked 1£ it would be posaible to ~~ild
a llbral"',f :r. ::.e Civic Center aite. Ma~or F1nch replied
tbat it ~as :::e architect's opinion t~t due to the exceas1ve
a.ouno of .ar,,:n;, required to] the Librar;, it appeared to be
1BPOssible :: CBve this facilit;¡ on the Civic Center site.
Councl::a:: Dempster as~~ if it mieht not be possible to
~ve the L:::=r, adjacen\; ~ DeAnza Colle~e. Councilman Stokes
:e1t that a ~orar~ adjace~:; to DeAnza Col!ege ~ould erea1;e
=C1;~ng t~: :cnfusion. Tr~ ~as indicated by the use of the
present l::ca~. There are $èny high school students using
"::':"8 Libra::, and the,f do r:;;:' al..ays NSp"ct the si~n ·Please
::e ~le1;" =.:-.:. ~f someone ~5 in there tr,,,-in,; to do sc.:ne serious
~~~1ylna, :: :5 next to 1~:5s1ble to da so. 1 do not ~hlnk
~:~~ the t~;:~~ locatlCr. 15 ajvlsable. The Co~~cil instructed
~=~ Cit~ Y~~~_~r to contac~ ~~e Count} and flnd out ho~ serioÿs
~e:.,. ~.'ere ::.: ;.3.\lin;.; tè.e. ::.a::.:-. :ibrar¡, 1.Jcst.ed 1n Cupertlne, an:!
'..~-;.¡11 the:, :;; ·"lll~ne. ~a r~=-..a:"".ce prapert.· acquisition if tt.e
:~:;7 "ouló :arc.; the Larar:' al;>ng or. :ts t~ndlne eapsc1:;,.
Counc:":=-=-~. ~;':)èl r¡;cG::c-=:-,¡je1 that tt:¿ cat.ter or th~ b:.r.1
~5~e as ;:~~;~:ed to t~: .~~~rs tta~ the several oat.ters s~ould
':,Æ: ltemi¡e:'. :...~., A. C~:.: Ea.l::", B. P"ur çark slt~s a:!Jacent
~~ schoolS =~: 3 Centra~ ?~~~, c. Cer.tra~ Park.
The C.:·~:-.::.:~ \lias in a~ref:::¡,ent t'lth Councllman N~iol's sug-
~~&stion. ~;.:r Finch i:.~'::""¡Jc:.ed. tüe C:tjr Manaeer to have Recrea:_::.~. :'-:..rect.or ti: ;.resent. at 3 ::..~et~.::: Mondqy, y,!~ 4th
:=.~ 7:00 P.~:. :.:- ¡ ":;. ~.:.e ne1A' Cou¡:cl1~n the park "rQ~ram.
The Ci :.: rCtÌo~~1 on an annexation tha t wi.d. ta
<c",-esented :: :;,= Local A.e:.~'. Formation Committee. This
~Åatio~ :s óês1~nated-as Re¿nart 63-4 and comprises s~-
p~y.imatel, ::r:y (40) a~rea. The Ct~ of San Jose. v,a a
~:ephone :a__. stated tha1; tney would probabl~ oppose part
::.t the am:e.,a ::0:1 which liell easterl~ of Bubb Road. It >'as
r~ested :r.¡¡: :~e City Kar~~er attcnd t~e Committee Hear1n~
~ be held ~~=5ja~, ¡~y 5tn. and oppose San Jose's oPPoSltion
~ the annë_~::..)n 1s one 18 ;;.resented. Councilman Dempster
agyed, sec:nó¿o by Couno~lÆan Stokes that the Cit) Manager
appear at t::¿ C~;nm1ttee )iear1ne. and represent the City in the
a=mexation a. .resented b~ CUpertino. Þll in favor.
Counci:=a~ Dêmpster w::.njered if it would be advisable to
Ure somecr.; :~ ¡,,'epsre annexations for the Clt>·. The Cit:;
'IIana¿er (Ju.¡::":..-.~d the procedure uncter wrÜc}. annexations can be
_. It ~as :;:.animousli a~ree:l after this explsnation that
aD employee .:,,::1 not help :;r assist' in ¡;romotins annexa t1ons.
Ma.:~ ?inch asked tbe C~ ty KanaL er to outUne to the
øe. Councl1~:.. ,;,ne sources ~t revenue and -how they are spent..
Majcr Pinch sta that at a later ds~ there y,ould
- ""'~'.~ ..;.;. ~~-." -' ~ .'
,V' .---" .. "~"--.-
be s report on the Master 't!ster snd Storm Drainaee programs.
The City Mana~er was instructej to notify all applicants
to Planning Commission vacancies that the! appeer to be inter-
viewed by the Council on May 4th at 7:00 ".M. The City Manager
was instructed to notlry the Arch~tect that the Council ~ould
like to have a briefing on the st8tUS of the City Hall plans.
The meeting to be held at the Lampl1¡J1ter at 6:00 P.M" .18y
11th, .1964.
Mayor Pinch asked C1ty Manager to arr8nße tor a get-together
SUDlSay lIOm1ng, ltay loth, at 7:00 A.M. to show the new Council-
.en the park 10cat1ons and to get f1rst-hand 1rSormation on
othBr C1ty _tters.
There being no further bws1ness, the meet1ng adjourned
at 9:30 P.II.
/s/ Paul H. Pinch
FB3T: /
~t....u. 1__· JLlA.<
C1ty C.1er
. -- -----..;.-----~