CC 04-21-64 ·. Q 'l52-4505 lO):!l so. SARATOGA-SUNNYVAl& ROAD ~i·: . L C I T Y O:P C ø J·JL.R TIN 0 cunwu.LIIU. CI1.urvIU'~ JU.-UI'> OF TH£ RI!OULAR JIII5IS........ OF C1'l'Y COUNCIL - April 21, 196' 1'IMZ: Board 1\0I)III, CUpert1ftO SClbøG1 D1atr1ct. 10)00 V1sta Drive ~ 6:00 P.M. ',,', _ J: 8ILUTB ,TO TIIB nAG 1~ ~r:~c ~ ,,¿......' "'; "tU,:r:' -t<;. "'~".' .: :r'~.t,øou.~: . . c::iDancilmen Prell_; ~,' _~; sa1Oh, 'P1nCh (Act1n8 MQØr) Cauno1l1Den Abaet¡t "' r. l J. .Jewtt c 41t~~ ...a-. C1tF Attomq, C1t7 BÞ&1JIeer Cl.t)- . C1aII Dr CAJI'IABS OF Bl&C'1'IOIr .... -- RelO1ut1on 932 sta1;1DS TIle ~le SUm ot Vo1;e. caR 111 tile C1ty. the Names ot the ,.rsonll Voted For. The MIB.' .. V0te4 Upon, For What orr1ce Bach 1'eI'IIOn Was Voted For, '!lie ....1' of' votes Given at Bach ~t to Bach Person UI4 For and Aga1n8t Bach Measure, 81Í1S' ttiØBuølber ot votes 02._ 111 the City to Each Person IIId For and Ap1Dat Jach ....aure. Starr Present: C1t)- Clerk read RelO1utlon 932 declaring the e1ect10n of' 0.1'J' G. Stobll, .Je~ J. P11;qera1d. C1Jde L. Noel. Moved by counc:iÞan Sa1ch. second by Co1mCilDen Dempster that Reso1ut10" 932 be adOpted. " Motion carried. 3-0 Del:lpll1;er. saich. F1ftbh !fOne Bene1;t1. Jewett AYES: HOES: ABSENT: Councilmen: Councilmen: Councilmen: IV LSSUANCE OF CER'1'IPICATES OF EmCTION AND OATH OF OFFICE Rr. Stokes, Mr. F1tqera1c!, Rr. Noel camaro~rd and took the OI>th ot Ott1ce tor COImC11men in the City or CUpertino. The Cert1t1catell of' Election were then 15sued by the City Clerk. 'r DlSTALLATION OF IIBW COUHcnJŒN 'DIe governing bodJ 1nata11.ed the new Councilmen. The CUpert1no City CoW1Oi1 1. now composed ot Dempster, Pitzgerald. JIoe1. Stokes. P1nch. n SBLBCTION OF MAYOR Moved by CouncilDen ~ter that Paul F1nch be named *JOr of' CUpertinO tor the tII1II\11I!s year. SecoM by Counc1lø8n Stokee MotS- carried, 4-0 .~ AYES: mBS: ABSBII'l': AIIS'l'AIII : Counc1r-: Counc1l1Den: Co\D1clr-t Co\D1clr-: J1 _ ...ter. Pitqera1d. Noel. Stoke. JIoDe ~ ~ ~ SBLBC'l'ION OF MAJOR 1'RØ ~ Moved by MaJOr F1nCb. aeomð by Councllan Noel that J. Robert Deapster be named MaJOr l'I'O TeL tor the ensuing year. MoÜØD carr1ed. 4-0 A'!II5: counc:1~t .P.U _ ...14. ...,: Co\ID01~1'" .-r: CouIIO~1 ... ,",.:;,..;.;j;,..~: ~'~IJJIIJ![:. Noel. stokea, FinCh """'.. - vnI MISCEWNEOUS: A. Moved by Councl~ DempIIter that JerT7 P1tzgera14 be nued TreaSU1'er t'Dr 1;1Ie ensu1n6 78Ar. Second by councilman Stokes. Ibtlon carried. 4-0 AYES: Counol~: ~t.er. Roe1. Stoltell. P1DOh IIOBS: Counolr-: JIoIIe . ABSIIIT: CounØ1~: JIOae Al!8TAIIf: Counol~: fttzpa14 B. ...... __... _..... fIO .... - --.. autIDr1H4" to ... CltF1U'I'&ft1;1I (0"') 1D tIIe- aIMDoe of 111'. P1t..-aJd. kaoad!lf Counol~ ft.1;apmld. MUll carried. 4-0 AYES: lIOBS: ABS1!II'l': ~AIJI: CIOaQG1~ :I'J.'....ld. Roe1. StOIœIl. PiDob Counol~ JIOae Counol~: JIoIIe C0un01~ ~ C. '1'be C1ty A~ IIJIDIœ brietlJ' in ¡mdlle ot retiring Councilmen. IX Moved by CouriOir- ~ter. second by Councl~.-n Fitzgerald that tbe C1ty council ad,fClUm to April 'i!T at &:00 P.M. in the City Hall. AYES: NOES: ABSENT: Councilmen: Councilmen: Councilmen: Motion carried. 5-0 Dempster. Fitzgerald, Noel. Stokes, Pinch None None ADJOURNMENT 5:32 P.M. APPROVED: /s/ Paul H. Pinch ""';vcr FT: / rn......--fA-C!¡o. I":'" . C1tyClerk (~x:;: 2 - .¡ .- .', ~~ ~ . ..-.....".......--..-