CC 03-16-64
1Q3:Ü So. Hwy 9, Cupertino. California. ~014
~ OP TIlE JII!(1JLAB Þl=T~ 07 THE CITY COUNCIL - Marcb 16, 1964
PIM2: Soard Room. CUpert1DO School D1strlc,t O1't1ce
~: 8:00 P.Y..
sAVa1'B TO 'rill: PUG
.", ~1
CCIDiIoilmen present: øn.t;u. DeÇlltlll', P1ncb (8:05), Jewett
COUIICilan absent: Sa1ch'
sutt present:
. "
Cit)- .naSer. CltJ' AttorDe)', Cit7 J!nS1Mer.
C1t7 Clerk. Chiet Bu1141:1C IDapectOl".
Recreation D1rector
:I:II MDIU'l'ES OF TIlE PREVIOOS MEBTIHOS - Marcb 2. 9.. 10. 1964
Upon the request 01' COUDCU_n Bailetti, lt was dec1ded to
table the approval of' the I81nu.tea or the previous meetlngs
untl1 a tull Council 111 preaent,
IV S'l'EVEIIS PIPELINB NO. 1 - Award 01' Contract
Recommer.da1:10n b7 the C11:y Engineer was to award the contract
f'or Stevens Plpeline No.1 to the lowest b1d4er, !&rlll. Heple,
Inc., Sat: :ose, tor b~d prlce 01' $17,619.00. Type 2 plpe --
steel, cecent l1ned w/aapt>a1t-l'O-1t wl1l be used.
Cop1es et Clty EAglneer's Report. Pl1e No. 96.003, were dls-
tributed to members 01' the Council. Councllaan Denapster
requeste~ explanatlon 01' the "Alternate Bid' c,'lumn in thla
report. The C1t7 Englneer atated that the sU bldders baaed
thelr ccx:putat10ne on dUl'erent tß)ea ot plpe auch aa cast
iron. steel. cement/aSbestos, or ateel comblnatlon. He
added the Heple bld was so low that lt vas e~tl..ted no
pro1'1 t woulcl be on tb1ll dea l.
CouncU..." Benetti _ed the PlpeHne No. 1 (Plle
No. 96,0031 contract be awarded to Earl W. He..le. Inc.. 1'0r
bid prlce 01' $17,619.00. Motion was seconded by Councl1..n
AYES: CouncUmen Banstt1, Dempeter, Pincb, Jewett
.AYS: 1I0ne
ABSENl': Counol1man Salcb
Mot10n carrled, 4-0
A. Mr. Robert ao81ow~ 758 lAtwleton Court, SunnJVa1e. etated
that lie ls the Cba~n 01' the Pa~'ents' COGa1tt.e to
Continue CUpert1Do Bdacationa1' Þ..1vantBgee and that thla
Coall1Uee 18 lfor!d'o.IIC witb Dr. ,tn1gþt and the Board ot
. t ~. _
,.j~ :.i ..,
........' , '
- '~''''.--'' ..,~,
Trustees in enlightening the Public regard1JlS the tax
1ncrease which 1e coming before the electorate in the
Yery near ruture. Be explained tllat the present school
tax rate 111 $2.20 per $100 assessed valuat10n plus 28.211
per $100 in OYer-ride taxes. TIIa proposal 111 to inCrease
this to $2.95 po!!"$l00 (an incrsase or 41.~ tile rust
JMl') and aD ONr-r1de tax w111 than not be 1eYild. This
w111 _intá1D tile CUpertino School District at its pre-
sent status; feo 1aIprove 1t would cost $1.00 JIU' $100.
In c1011!11s, *'. Gels10w rsm1nded the COIIIICll and the
a1dle....'e that: the excellence in the Cøpert~ School
D1strlct has a å1l'ect bearing on CUpertino real elltate
B. Itr. r.on Pollard. 01' the Santa Clara Count)' P1aJInlng Dept..
IISS present to llpeak about the 101 Plamlng Prosraa. Be
r.oted the crOllded conditions and offered to speak later
on in tha even1l:lg 1f' the Mayor wiahed to continUe w1th
other bU111rIe1l1l of' interest to the standing-room-on1)'
C. ~. ChsrIeIl Middletown, 10421 Portal Avenue, Cupert1no,
.:ated that this is the first Cupertino C1t7 Councl1
ueUng ha has attended and he could not hear the pro- nor could he1r the citizens rind a seat -- and
':'2 .:ould not even get 1n the door.
'l'he ".a~ asked the C1t)' Cl"rk to proceed w1th the wr1tten
conc::..!.cat1ona .
1. :.e:~er l'rOl8 the DiviSion of Highways concerning Wol1'e Rd.
2. :.e~ter froa a ....n 1n San Jose stat1ng that he 1a 111
~'7=r of an 1ce r1nk to be located 1n Cupertino.
3. :.e~ter or res1gnat10n from Mr. Vernon S. Ch1lds, or the
.s~er Comaiss10r..
II. :.e~ter or rell1gnat1o:. from Mr. LouiS Stocklme1r, or the
'.~er Comalslllon.
Cobncl1::an PinCh moved to receive and flle the wrlthn com-
aun1c.~1ona. with the except10n of the two letters 01'
res1c-.ation b7 me1Dberll of' the Water Coumiss10n. Motion ...aa
seconded b)' COWICllIBn Dempster.
~tion carr1bd, q.o
Tho Ma:7or then asked 11' it was the wish or the Counc11 to
proceed to Ite_ IX, A and B at this t1me s1nce the)' appear
to be the 1te:MI on the agenda or 1nter-est to IiOst of the
people. The C0WIC11 cC;¡:!ICurred.
A. 001PDlANCB 276. Defining and Regulating tha ParldJlg and
Loeation 01' HøuIIe '!raIlers and Campers. Trucks, ,Trailers,
and other Bea;,)' Bqu1pwnt Using Public St;ree'tll, etc.
Seccad Reading.
- .~,
Councll..n P1ncb _ed Ordinance 276 be read b;r title only.
Motion was aecoaded by Councll..n Dempster.
Motion carried, 3-1
COlJlCllan Døpet81" ..ked 11' the Publ1c llear1ng hed been
closed. AJI8IMI' wa. 111 the af'tir1l8t1ve.
CouncilaD JlBMtt1 lI01;;;d tbat at tbe laat _eting aOlllll ot
tbe C0UIIII1~ atatec1 they wiabed to atudy tMs ordiMao.
and ..... poui1i1e oans14erat1Oft11 at th111 t~.
Tbe Clt7 _.- stated be bad cb8ciœ4 tbe VeMcle Cod.
tor Snt..;..¿.tìat1CÍ118 ot tbe _lature in ths Ord1nance
a:d tound it ~o 1111 oorrect a. or1g1J1a11y writtan.
CouIIOi:a.D JlBMttl wanted tile record to ahow tllet be bed
yoted .- aD tile la.t mot1on; i.... the waiving of' tile
Secœ4 Rea41nK ot tile Ordinance it.eU r.tller than by
t1tla only. Øa took .zcept1on to Sect~on B, 2.2 on Page 3
wMcb wou14 __ it necessary to have a 34 I driveway In
order to lep11y JBrk a citizen 'a tral1er on his own
dri_y. Øoweyer. C0UI1(;1lman Benetti agreed to the
wiedea of' _Jdng 1t illegal to JBrk tral1ers on the
public atreetll.
The City Attorney emphaB1zed that thia Ordinance "as de-
.igned to keep trailera in the bac~ yards, which ahould
not pose too great an Inconvenience for Cupertino res1-
d.nts who haye 18in1mulD lot aiZes of 8000 ft. lie noted
that at ths P1rst Reading the ..In objectora aeemed to be
f~cm aurrounding communities where the lot a1zes were not
a. large. rreauab1y, they were afraid this Ordinance
!01ght set a ¡relledenee for other c0lllll1Ul11ties.
C~~llMn Deçater ataUd vile of the maln objectives for
the CUpertino Ordlnancea was to create aeathet1c value,
as ....U aa bMltb and weUere to the City.
C:)UIICllMn ø.aetti aaleed the City Attorney whether there
Wo. .ome rec_lIe f'or, say. hardahip caaes created by thia
Cl'd1nlmce. 'DIe City Attorney atated that a poasib1e re-
course -r4 be to han the individual fUe an application
lor a 110_ to park a traller in the front or on the
dr1_yand tbat a l'ee would be charpd. This waa not
...11 recelYe4.
The City .......1" noted that at the Pirat Reading, moat 01
the people JrOtaating ca.. £rea SUnnyvale. San Joae, Loa
Gat08, and ..10 Alto. He did SOlllll check1ng and found thet
all these cltl.. haye ordlnancea equal to thla one in that
they do not peI'II1t parking or tral1era in tile front yards.
In addition, tbe City Manager checked 30 or 40 ord1nancea
thrOUShoUt Call1'crn1a, e8p8cla117 Santa Clara County, and
found thill to be . atandard type of ordinance re~rdill8
thia type or equ1poent. '
Upon the Mayor'a requast, the City Attorney read Ordinance
276 by t1tle only.
. ~
Councllman Benett1 moved Ordinance 216 be den1ed. Motion
dled l'or lack of a second.
CouncilllBn moved Ordinance 276 be enacted. Motlon
was seconded by Councl1man Dempster.
AYES: Councl1men Dempster, Pinch, Jewett
NAYS: Counc1lman Benetti
ABSENT: Councilman Saich
Mot1on carried. 3-1
B. amnrABCB 2T1: Regulating Stopping. Standing or Parking
in PubUc Streetll, and Prov1ding f'or S1gnII Notlf'y1ng tbe
PubUc '1'bereof'. aDd Purtber, Prov1ding Pena1tles 1'0r
Violat1on Thereol'. Second Reading.
Councllmen Dempster moved, and motlon wall seconded by
Councilmen P1nch, that Ordinance 2TT be read by title
Motlon carrled, 4-0
The Clty Clerk read the tltle of Ordinance 277.
It was moved by Councllœn Benettl and seconded by
Councl1man Dempster that Ordlnance 277 be enacted.
AYES: Counc11men Benet t1, Dempster, Finch, Jewet t
ABSEIfr: Councl1man .>alch
Motion carried, 4_0
~layor Jewett announced Ordinanced 276 and 277 will be
enacted thirty days fro: this date.
V ORAL CO!o\1'IUNICATIOIIS (cont1nued)
C<'''''''':!' Planning Department - 701 Plannlng Progra"-
Mr. L!on ~ol~ard, 1574 Harvest Drlve, San Jose, explained that
the 701 Pll>nn;.ng Program ls hsed on Sect10n 701 of the
Housing Act .or 1954 which provides grants to small cities
under 50.000 in population. In 1960, the County a10pted a
long ran~ plan w1th 1985 as its target date. Th1s plan pro-
vides for growth 01' the County from 600,000 to 2 million by
1985. At the time this plan was initiated only one-third of
the proJected population was represented. Two-thirds of
this number i8 n')W living here in Santa Clara Valley and it
has become apparent tl1at short-range plans are needed to
service the outly1ng areas; i.e., utilities, road patterns,
sewers, etc. These services are very expensive and to achieve
wise spending 01' the taxpayers' money cooperation and educa-
tion of the governing bodies of all these communities is
neceasa,.y. ~W!stions such as, ·Should we develop in the sur-
rounding hills or preserve them as is?· need answpring.
.-.-..,....., .,',,", ."""_."~,., - -."..,. ~"_._~-. '
Another teetOl': 1n 1954, 90!' of the bu11d1n& pe1'1ll1tl were for
B-1boua~1W~ :In 1964, only 40J' were 'f'OIl B-1. Wlth this
emphasis 011 aultlple 4Irell1JlSll, aN ... overðevelop1Dg' A
great IIWIIber of' bDmes standing vacant would not be good tor
our econaa:r.
The sba1"1n& ot- IØlølrWse c0lllll1ad b1 ,tile 1:00000ty Plannlng
:De..... t-At with t:œ nrl~ Clt7 C0ùII01~ e....ble. better
oooperatiait aid 6C._!!:å04t1aD beWHl1 tile govern1J!S bodl...
_ar Jewett HI ." . Mr. Po11a1'ð tCll',tlla _pa and .tati.tic.
and C_llaD Bøettl added he wou14Uke to 1nÝite -. of
th1II tJlle or ttot..lr1W\g. '
. .
VI RBPc..:T or TJIB PLAJIIIDIO CœMISSI<II: (See IUnutesof 3/91"04)
Cha1rsn Pl'o11cb IIUted he had ~'IOthing to br1ng up speei1'ically
but would allll1llØ' ant que.tlO1111 the Council III1ght wlsh to ask.
There were no ~lIt10ns.
5-u-64 tor a Use Permt, Sav1ngs ... Loan ornc"; property
zoned I'C-B; approxlDBtely 0.7 acre, northeast corner ot
H1ghNa:v 9 anð Rodr1gues Avenue. Approved by Planning
Cocm1sa10n Resolut~on 191'...... and.....
VIII ARCHlTEC'l'ORAL ANI) SITE CONTROL: (See 1~1nutes of 3/10/64)
A. Application 136-HC-64: Palo Ali;o ~tual Savings'" Loan
Associat10n _ Cupert1no Branch, 10054 Saratoga-Sunnyvale
Road, request1ng Arch1tectural and S1te Control approval
to construct one-story build1ng. 5,180 sq. ft., at
northeast corner of HighWay 9 and Rodrigues Ave. Approved
by H-Control. Cond1tions.
CouncilDBn Dempster felt 1t might be advantageous to com-
bir.e the above two applications sInce they are for the
sae>e propert:v. The Mayor asked 1f this was the wUh 01'
t~.e Council. All were agreeable to this.
Mr. David Laing, Vice-Pres1dent 1n charge of the Cupert1no
Branch of Palo Alto Mutual Sav1Dgs and Loan Assoc1ation.
presented render1ngs of the proposed Ca11fornia Miss10n
type arch1tecture for this new 5180 sq. ft. building. It
will have a tile roof and the landscap1ng and trees w111
be worked out 1n cooperation with Mr. Long, of the C1t:v
Beaut11'1cation Coaa1ttee. Mr. Laing added that h1s brs:u:h
o¡t1ce w111 utiliZe the ent1re build1ng -- no office
space will be rented.
Mayor Jewett aslllld 1!' the parking ratio had been approved.
Mr. La1nll a_red 1n the attu.t1ve.
Counc1lan Dempster Imved ~ppl1cat1on 5-u-64 'l'or a Use
Permit be graD1:ed. per Pleming .C~ss10n Resolution 196.
Motion was seeonded by Councilmn Pinch.
AYES: .Couaclr.n Benetti, DellPllter. P1nch, Jewet·
!!AYS: None
ABSEIr1': Couac1lan Sa1ch
. Motion carr1ed, 4-0
.. ~
COlBldlan DeIIpeter mnd application 136..øc-Q Oe:lpproved
per recc._Ilda~lon or tile H-Control C~1ttee. Jk,t1on
_a lleConded by C~;lban Ilene~~1.
Counc1lan P1ncb uJœd 11' pr091siCNI were øa4e tor com-
IIIrc1a1 a14ewalJal alii tfte pl8nt1Jls pØ' the CIt7 'a
Bea1lt11'icat2oD ~twe'. NO 1 ""'-tlOD. ...180 wanted
to ~ it 1I-CtciIIÞ.øl baa ataDlU'lt1la4' tIIa 41ataDDe betWeen
t"'.. .~aet;"".' !lilt CIt7 "'-....Id tbU ... DOt
:-n r...o1fté1 .. '" 1IIIt tl8~ JIro. 1AIIW.~ar the Saftusa
JIaiot1cultul'e ~'~ a...'1ÓII, IÌIIII Dr. BI'oIID 18... IIMD ~
oat tbese detaSû'.
AJBS: COUl}c1~ 1laDett1, ne.pster, ftDcb. .1etIett
!lAYS: Wone
ABSør: Sla1ch
Motion carr1ed. -'-0
A. GEORGE YAMAOKA: App1. 89-z-63 to re_ 7.85 anrea trom
A-2:M to R-3-H; south 111de ot Lucille between Blaney
Avenue and Rand)' Lane. Denied b)' Plann1ll8 COIBiss10n
Resolution 193. Appeal.
The City Clerk read a letter trom Mr. Ya_oJra reQueaU"6
delay ot hia applicat10n unt1l Aprl1 20th because he 1s
1n t!le procella ot -k1ns aome rev1aions of' hia pJaM.
based on the obJections ot aome of' the ne1ghbora 01' thia
There was so.e d111cusa10n ot whether thill app1icat1en
should be referred back to the Plannq C~iaa10n be-
cause or theae proposed reviaions, but it vas dec1ded
that the applican~ IIWIt be present before thia dec1sion
can be made.
B. MASON ENTERPI~ISES, IHC.: Appl. l-z-64 to rezone 20 acres
trom ~-l :B-2 a",s R-3-H to R-24-H¡ between Blaney Avenue
and Pertal Ave_e. 500' nortÞ of Stevens Creek Blvd.
Denied by Plannln¡,; CODftias10n Resolution 194. Appeal.
Tentathe Map application I-TM-64 (176 10ta).
Mr. Thoms Trae....r, 10376 Ton1ta ilia)'. CUpertino, General
Manager or MallOn Enterpr1aea, ua1"6 too blacldloard to
1l1uatrate .\18 point. .."owe! how hia cOtllpBll)' proposed
to put 116 unita on 20 .~crea. According to preaent
zoning or thia land. -' acrea are n.. R-3 and 16 acres
are 1\.1. The onl)' son1n8 in Cupertlno under which town
houses could c~ 18 R-2II-H, which 1s ttha~ llcarea ne1g:'-
bor1ng propert;)' -.. JIro. 'l'rae_r aaJœd the CouncH
to 1nstl"llCt the Planning Co.I1ss1on to generste a town
house crcltnør.ce whicb will all.. in the "e1&bborhood of
9 units per acre. Be t'u:'tller aaktld that h1a appeal be
tabled unt1l tb1II can be ~ccO!l';)lished.
on-.øn Councilman Pmch rellinded the applicant that one of
the City's pro¡;oaeð park aitas 1s on a portion 01' this
land. Mr. Tra.-r said this vas another reaeort tor ask1rr;
for a dela)' 011 Ida appeal.
... .......~-.
-""'.~~<- -
CQUDCllmaDBenett1 requested the C1tJ Att0rD87'S advice
on 1n1t1ating a toorn boWIe ordinance and tabl1D& cf' this
appeal unt1l one 111 enacted. The C1tJ AttorDe7 could
foresee no prob1ea in doing this. 11' 1t 1s the willh or
the Ccnmcl1.
Counc1lman P1Dch woø!ered about waiv1ng ths feell in thill
1nIItsnce. The Clt7 Attorney said this application would
be beld 1n .~e until f'urthllr actIon 1s talllm on it.
COUII!IllaD ~ .",. to table appl14atlon 1-Z-611 IIDt1l
a tCII'D boaØe CJtoðf-- hall been enact!'!d. COIIDCllan
Jlenatt1 ...c.".,,.. tile _1:iOl1..
MoUCÌD carried. 4-0
The 1Ia~ f'eit 11: woa1d be1n orde1' for the COIIDC1l to
cODllider a Rel101ution to draw up a town houSe ord1nllnce.
~ IUm1te Order. COUDCl1man Dempster moved the City
Attorney ~ 1ristruc1:ed to draw up sn ordinance encompallll-
1ng the construction of' t,own houses. Motion was seconded
by Counc1lllBn Benetti.
MoUon carried, 4-0
The J'ayor called l'ar a l'ive-m1nute recellll.
VII C. DIS_.ooŒXATION HEARISG: "Regnart 63-12 Withdrawal,
Amended. "
It was stated tl1at Resolution 904 had been approved
It was moved by CC'.mcilœn Dempster and lIeconded by
Councilman Benetti t~ close the Public Hearing.
AYES: councilmen Benetti. Dempster, Jewet.t
NAYS: None
ABSOO: councl1œn Pi:1eh, Sa1ch
Motion carried, 3-0
The City Clerk gave the First Reading of "Regnart 63-12
Wittrlrawal, Amended."
C. RESOLt11'ION 921: G1ving Notice of the Propoeed Annexation
of Certaln Uninhab1ted Territory to Said City, Describing
Said Territory and Dellignating It by the Name of "Poothill
No. 64-2" Oiv1Dg Jio1:ice 01' T1me and Place Said councl1
Will Bear Protests Thereto.
Councilll8n Demps1:er IIIOVed. and councilman Benetti ..ecor.ded
the !!lOtion, to adopt Rellolution 921. Ths, Public llear'.ng
will be held Apr1l 20th.
.---' ....--....-
AYES: Counc1:met1 1!enett1, Dempster, Pinch, J!.'Wltt
NAYS: !lone
ASSBII'1' : CouncJ.1an Ss1ch
Motion carried, 4.0
A. Reso1ut1C1118 91S . 919
Resolut1oa 91S _II read ~ Councilan IIsnetti.
C_U_n D. ¡liter .øved, and Comcll1BD JI1Dcb eecondeð
the 1IOt1oD, to 8doPt Resolution 918.
ØIS: ~1l8eD Illlllett1. Dem¡lllter, JI1Dcb, Jnett
AIBBII'l': CouncilaD Saich
MotiC!D carried, 4-0
Resolution 919 wall read by counc1lD8n Benetti.
It was awed ~ Councilman Dempster and seconded by
Counc1lman JI1Dch to adopt Resolution 919.
AYES: Councilmen Benett1, Dempster. Pinch, Jewett
NAYS: Nor.e
ABSENT: Counc1lman Ssich
Motion carried, 4·0
Counc1lman Benett1 aMounced he had nothing further to
1. A resolut1on is being prepared recolllllend1ng the
balance ot payment for the relocat1on or ut11it1es
be paid.
2. last week there was a illCet1ng with Vallco repreaenta.
tives regarding development of the IItreet program
involving Volf'e Road, Stevens Creek Blvd., Homestead
Road, Pruneridge Avenue and Tantsu Avenue. Vallco
has retsined Nolte Engineera to work out the street
patterns. '!he City Mana~er stated that tL1le is of
the essence tor V811co and that they _t have
off'icia1 action 1'rom the City prior to tlarch 31st.
The City _ser stated that he haS rec~nded this
..tter be taken up by the City Engineer, the City
Attorney, Val1co's engineers and attorney, as well as
represøntatives of Vallco; to prepare the necessary
doc_ts to get the ,Jur1sd1ct1ons 1nvol.,ed 1n this
street prograa other :.han CUpertino to pres.nt thU
intoration to their official bodies.
.', ,._,~,";.- . ..
~"~"'---'-' <.- -~..
It was moved by Councl1man Dempst'!r and seconded by
Councilman i!enett1 that the City Manager 1nIItruct the City
Attorœy dayote some time to thiS ...tter and thet it be
referred to the technical staff so act10n can be taJœn
on this street program involving Vallco.
Motion carr1ed. 4-0
The CitJ' ~- stated he had nothing to repol't at
this t~.
,D. REPCB1' OP crrr Jtfl.AUŒY
The CitJ' Att0rDe7 read RBSOL11rION NO. 922. -A RESOIDrION
Motion was made by Councilman Dempster and seconded by
Councilman Benetti to adopt Resolution No. 922.
AYES: Councilmen Benetti, Dempster, Finch. Jewett
NAYS: None
ABSENT: Councilman Saich
Motion carried, 4-0
A. Miscellaneous
The City Clerk asked that the bonds be reduced from
$45:'0.00 to ~25:'J. è~ !~r Cook and Wilson -- apartrœnt
project on Old Stevens Creek Road.
Motion was made by Councilman Dempster and seconded by
Councilman Benetti to approve the reduced bond amount.
AYES: Counc11men Benetti, Dempster, Finch, Jewett
NAYS: None
ABSE!IT: Councilmn Saich
Motion carried, 4-0
A. Miscellane:>us
The City Clerk read a letter from the County asking
the various cities within the County for boundary
The Mayor referred this letter to the City Manager.
""",~..,,..., .
X1Y AD,,~
Motion was ad. b7 CaåDCll_n Pinch and s.ccmðed b)'
Councl~n Delll8ter to ad,fourn at 10:10 P.M. to JIoDia,.,
lfarch 23, 1964.
,.......... I
City Clerk
~ft,'" '·;':.:;....A'.1..J'
IIcJtloa carri.d. 4-0
APPftOVllD :
/s/ V_ B. .feWtt
_." __ ",..a..
.~, --~-