CC 03-09-64 . ., lO321 So. Sar!ltoga-Sunnyva¡~ R:>ad CIfY 0' CUPERTINO ~1.nO, ca11Com18 252-4505 ....-rr..... OF TIlE RJDUlAR ADl·--Kn CI'l'Y COUNCIL MBETDIG - MARCH 9, 1964 ~: 8:00 P.M. PJace: 10321 South Ssra~-3wmyva1e Road '!be C1ty Jlallapr .,..teð that Counclllllllfl Døipater had phoned .... sa1d he tIOUld be late. S1Dce the reat of' tbo.o CouDcl1, Councilmen 8111ef;ti, Pinch, S81=b 8D4 -.,or Jewett ware alre8d;r pre.-nt. 1t waa ..1ded to proceed with tile _t1ng at 8:07 P.... lIIl;ror Jewett IIIIIIId the City MaDager to l11;&te the reason tor U. _t1ng. 1Ir. Sto1w eœtõeð thet about a waek or tea dQ'1I ago, the a__~.ent8t1vea ot .11co mid eq1Deera rro. the George JIolte 1'11'111 lied called at City Ball IIDII oat:l1ned to the C1ty .....s:'- and the CJ.t;r IiI'lnsger a progrIUI f'ar Greet 1mproveeenta 1n relation to the -.J.1co property-ownera' dewelo¡jeent. '!be develop~t cona1ated 01' lIIo1.t'e Road, Stevens Creek BDulevard, Homeatead Road. PruDer1dge and 'DDtau. A report had been ~lled by the George JIoUe f'ire outl1n- :1JIE; the financ1al aJ'l'll"'_ 1.11 that could be ..de, hoII the roadll coa.ld be financed and a t~ IIchedule tor these impro_ntll. !be IDOst 1~rtant Of t>wlse roada at th1s time 1a Wol1'e Road wh1ch is neceasary to t1e 1n v1~ ':;he Wolfe Road Intercbange. The C1ty llaœger stated that at tte ':;1~ 01' call1ng thiS a>eet1r>&, 1t was meant tc be a study session. tbat 1t would I:e up to the Cha1r 11' there was to be general discuss10n l'ro.. thOse preaent. Ma,-oJr Jewett asl<e-::1 ".r. Burre: Laonard to ':ake over the meet1ng. Mr. ~rd Ilta,:e-::1 that 1Ir. Valter Ward ..ould IIBke the ;>resentatie:: . 1'.:'. Ward stat~ :;""t the entire project is dependent upon m::-n1es that "oJuld have ~ :.e :sde appl1cati.on for before the budgets -..re compla:ej, There 1s &::. =g"ncy 1n ,:ett1ng Woll'e Road constructed ':.:: be ready ¡'oJr the eomp¡e':l:;r. 01' the lnterchange. I".an;r people have ....:>dered w!:a:! Var1an and 7a:lco >oOuld s:srt. This .111 be when the read proble::s are solved. loa soon ss tnlS is accc",?11shed. the pro- :ect w111 ba turned over ::-: an arch1t~:t. There aNO aU pbases in ¡oll. The first, gett1r..¡¡ -';::'1'.. Road co::s:ructed fro:: H:>::>estead to S'tevens Cre1:?k Boulevar:1 :.e-~:re I;ovet:1b~,:, - in order ~ do this, it mat be star:ed at once. :;:,>~er the Co:l1er-Unruh ;'et, funds could :.s used on ;;:lfe Road 0:: '::..e road dedication progra:>. The first ~~¥e phases to be accocç~~.~~j in flva ~ears, the s1xth phase to tie accomplls~.ed 1n tt.e r4X~ f1V~ ;rears. The ent1ri! ;:ro¡:ram, hopefully, ':.C be comp.ataj 1n ten ;(e.ar&. The roads under ccnai:!eration for the ~lrst f1ve p~.ss.a would te .·oll'e, Ste\"e"s Creek, lIo:æstead. Prune- r:.dge/'l'bntau and other w:...ct ayatem. probably Stelling Road or Mary Avenue. The Si.cth Phase. :.:: 1nclude McClallan; Blane;r; Wast Valley ~tension; or others to ~ 4ea1gnated. Mr. Ward tt.en asked Mr. 5:noard Patterson to cont~ on with tha presentatlon. Mr. Boward Paturson. represa:>ting Varian, s':ated that he _" sure thi! Council had r.eerd much of ",t.at he was :;o1n6 to say be- rore. That at the outllet of the whole ¡;roJect, he :-.ad emphaaiZed the need for proper trsrl'1= control. He atated that tt.1s 1<8B one __take that had been.... in Stanf'ord Park. The planning was poor in that the :ratf'ic pat~ "ere not given adequate cons1deration. V1thCut ade«U8te 1'OIIdll to ..rve an¡¡ ¡1yen area, 1t could be choked off from the start. '!'be ~rtance of roads 18 not a new aubject IIDII the Council had h_rd it bel'ore. Mr. Patterson vent on to illustrate the eituation conf'ront1ng . -.1.1co by show1D& the C-il a hypothetical cond1t1on, \Shereby a coaa1"erable alDOlmt of profit can be ..de from a cooperat1ve effort OD tt..;, part oJf all 1nte~ involved. He stated that Vlt11co 1B now at; the point "here the;r 1I1.U need aesiatance in acc~l1ahing the ~l developc>ent of the propert;(. The in1tiSl atep 1a provid1ng the ...s traffic control IIDII et.reet pattern. He atated t.hat IJo, would J.1b Mr. \ten llankens to apla1n to thoae present J1IIB1; bow 1'unds cOlõld .. 100sened up ¡lid acqgUwd by C;ullert1no to acco.pllah thia end. Mr. Hanken, 111 _ JIo1te, En{.'1nsara, stated t.hat the tctal . . ,_ .ot theae 1mprov -. ~d be in the ne1£hbortlo04 ot three iikj.l\..:L .'" ., . . lI11110n dollars. The t1œDe1Dè. of this ill obviously not going to be l!IID~ten tor nothing. '1'be C1tr ot CUpeK1nO could make appl1cation under ,the Co1l1er-UJINh Act tor i~..'" ntll in connect1on w1th Voll'e, Prune- r1d&e and !8ntau tor ga."As 2)n1es on a matching beaill. Property _rs 1IOuld dedicate tbe JaøJ required tor the cODlltruct1on of' these l..-s...ya and. tb111 couleS be __ all matcb1ng tunda. Under the P.A.S. _ V.B. Punds that are ava1l&b1e to c1tiea. ., .Ç.~Jrt1no couleS ..ø app1SCaUoD f'or the illlprov_nt of' Stevens creek . ....!evar4. PropertJ 4 I' _ wa14 4eå1cate tile neceøaJ!7 lan4 and . ~ COntr1bu.te a ~-...,.. per 1iDea1 toot tor C,QI'IIII and ai4ewalke. ÎllllC8theP.A.S. ~... ~ appl1cable to. tile taft1c bear1DS ..... ot the 1IIprØ.VIII,·t. . . It ill bopecS tIiIIIa ~ C1tJ' ot SUnnrl81e 1ICI814 .eke appl1ca- ~ Qlldsr the P.A.8.-V.&.:r. 1'ImIÞ to ~ve __teed Road. '!he ... 'rT8JllØellt aa tar·.. ..ucat1onaa on Stevens CNeJr JIoQ1evarcS .-1d be ..se. . 111'. llanken ~ .. to say that ..A.S. ... H1: up to help 1Ia11cS roa<!:. trom f'a1'l8 to CJ.&7. It became 1nCreallinSlY ev1cSent thet tile c1t~ea were gett1Dg Þen'1c because of' iÇ'Oved roa4l1, 80 to ot't-II-:.t this problem a clt)- _ allowed up to $500,000.00, if they -u1 come up with IIBtcb1ll& t'aDSa. to illlprove their IItreetll. Most c1~lea are not even aware uat tb111 can be done. Stevena Creek Blvd. -u1 ve17 eas1ly be ...se to qual11'y f'or thill money. 'l'b1e ill the only place where Cupert1Do 11111 be the 8:¡Oneor1ng agent. Tt.<!re was cona14eftbly more dillCU ,aion on the interpreta- Uon of the Coll1er-IJnruh &C~ and the ta.::t t.hat 1t baa been untried vp untl1 no... It waa re1~ ~ta~ aince tb1s ia a new method that the citiell sre all on an equal tooting all tar as tellting 1t ill concllrned. !'be other cities 1nvolved. Sunnyvale, gen Jose and santa Clara have tbe same sourcell for 1'uncS8 that the City 01' Cupertino and in SOllie cases addl~lo"'l moniell. San:,yvale has already budgeted some monies f'or IIomellteaj Road. !Cr. Lèonard mentioned that he had been 1n contact with ..-.barll of tl'.a H1sh School Board and had had a very receptive att1- tI;14e to a su¿gest1on I;hat I;bese roadll ("here Hish School property 111 involved) !>a i:oproved on a cooperative basiS. It waa Mr. Leonard's thinking that to be able ~ a:B1cably solve these mutual problems rather than to &0 into 1.....::. act10n, would certainly be, 1n the long nm, a t1me savinI> and :acme:;- lIaving factor. !Cr. liard then ree:1 Part V. of the in1'oraat1on lIubmitted to tbe Council ..hat their rec ndationll would be to the Councl1. ftI1. docwoent is ent1';led -Propoaed Program for MA.JOR TIIOROUOIIPARBS 'ftIIIODOB CtlP3RTIJIO - SOO... 'l'bere were eight (8) iteu resd. *yor Jewett uIœcS 1f' there was any further discusllion. '!!:Iere ..s none. 11810r ,J~t then read a letter received l'rom Cllar1ea lni¢ht, Superinteø.1ent 01' Cupertino Bleaaents.., Un10n SchoOls. 1Ir. 1tI\1a1::, speak1ng all a ataf'f member, was in favor 01' the program Ûl&t bad been preaentc:!. 8111 f'eel1ng being that il; would beneht tbe School D1S1;rict. Councl1man n-b _ved thlit tb1S whole program be referred ~ tile City Staf't 1'0r ~. particularly l'rom the eagineering 8taDIIpo1nt, and. report -.:Jr to the C1ty Councl1 at their nexl; regular ...t1ng. With a more deQUed report to be made at tbe AprU 6th _t1ng. Seeonded by D _ -ter. AY18a CounCUIlleDl .-sa Counc11men: .......: Councl1men: 1GfI0II CARRIBD: 5-0 ø.a.~ti. D"wpster, Pinch, Saicb. Jewett ... a- b City ...- _ _II aaked it thia wOllld be enoU&h tiH to prepare a report aa4 to ...view the mater1al d18cuaaed. 111'. Stol'll atatec1 that it wouleS ~. ...t that they 1IOuld be.,. . report on the _~ illlpOrtant proJeo1; ~ them, namely, Volt'e aøed. Then Stevena Creek lIaule.ro and B~ - a JIoad, in that order. .)Oor Jewett aaked U tbe Coaacll agreed, dill tbe priority of tbe.. roecSao. The ana_r .~#,... ' ; , j.¡.,....... ..;ii~<., " " ,~... ..t¡ ,r. ... ," a _..._ _ ~_. I ~ __. " "'"'....1.¡¡'fì1~-L"-...,.-.;., r~'~_ ,~___ _ _...~ _ 'w..;.~.,. -. ....,. -, .-.....;.,;......". ,- ..,',..0.... ___""""""""'.... ¡ .. . . Meeting adjourned 9:35 P.M. to be reconvened March 10, 1964 at 8 P.M. at the Cupertino H1eh School Auditorium to discusS park sites. AFPROVED: /s/ Verne H. Jewett Mayor AftØt:j) fa..'~~ C1~" C1.erk / - h· ~t.-