CC 02-10-64 ·' . 10321 South Saratoga-3unn;,'{¡ile Road CITY OP r,UPERTII:O Cur er.;.iij~ë;Íl.lfol'"Tlia ., 252-l¡~05 XUIIJTES OF THE REGULAR A:)J,YJRHED r·IEETIN0 OF 'rUE Cl'i'Y COUNCIL - FEB- RDA!iY 10, 1964. n-e: 8:00 P.M. Place: 10321 So. Saratof,a-S~vale Road BOLL CALL: Counc11men Present: Councilmen Absent: Stal'l' Present: Benettl, Dempster. P1nch, Saleh, Jewett None C1ty Manager, Recreat10n Director Jlayor Jewett 1n1'orMd those present that thie meeting was a cont1nuat10n of' the Pebruary 3rd, 1964 meoting. U ARCIIIT1iCT - CITY BALL PLANS Jlayor Jewett turned the meeting over to Vl1f'red B. Bless1ng, Architect, who gave the Councll a preoentat~on on the C1ty Hall planll. Mr. Blesslng dIsplayed a ft;uter Plan of tt.e "roparty, Indicating the p1ac1ng of building" and parking area. Mr. BleBsing stressed to the Council that these were rreliolnary Plano and the placlng of the build- 111& on the site coald t" et"l'.,vJ. Although, in placIng the bulld1ng all he had, a great deal of research had Gene into 1t. Conditions such as SW"I. wind, i.e. ':!'".4! e:'e~nts, tJi;re cQnsidered. and Mr. Blesslr..g 1"elt that HI plR(:ln~_ t:.',- t.__~:'j~n£ 0:1 the ~lte all t::..:-se tnlngs should be conslde:-e:1. T~.....: :..~;.-re:",=~.", "=~:Jlj CI(:ôln sa -'.'ir.; s as far as heat and air condition1n@. ),.~!"e (.:.r-:-.:rn~d.. - Mr. Pjeasing a~~~ :~~~:1tcd a P~Lllc ~)fe:J all1dln~ and a Public Ll=-=-:.lry. !:':':"-~'i-::~ .',Rt02d 1i1..· \,ilti, the parkin/! ratio being what it was" that 1~" .... _ _ ".".Ir:~lldt;'> tc. .;.'!e a c,ullding larger than 13,,00.:' sq. ft. ~:.: ..:.~ :.~ ..1r:/. '1::.' C::n..r.::; :i:'!'8rlan" George P&rr1~r" r.aj ir.!or::ej, '.;.00; ,..:......~-:.11 at ~n ear¡l-:r dete tt.at the County lIIc.u':":j 11k¿ ':0 pJav:., ~ :.~~ :'';::'1';~ on th1s ~iteJl either 26,,000 sq.. ft. or 1'::',,:.00 sq. fo:. ()~.' ~..:..:.-;~: 1.:,1111 l,tJ n ~;-.tcllite facility" the lar€er or~e 'Would t~ part ~~::-.:.. ~'. ,'--!':. j r,rJ;~1 far_~~l~J. COL.:.!"..:llæn "":'r.::. '..-...(;";' 1;rnf,;. L~ !"2l~. ',:1 '/ic~1 -::f the parking t!":la~ wc.ulJ. be n~ev~·l !:r '.:..a ;·l:1·.1rJ e.,I..1 a l::"J·:Csq. ft. facility, s€:r':'::)us th.J~ht :';}.-",¡. ~ =--.. ::.:. ·.'-=-n ':;0 t.~!ctj,er or net tr.e Librari should be placed eor: t.i.e ~:jt~. :";.-....~....(..:. l~e·J.U t'13t Couch 'J.f the acreage would be -;aken u~ in pð.rk~...~ ::~_, .1:,.¡ti:1... ttH~ ::'ì-'.J,r.o? for bu11dln(:s. It was asked ::..It th·~ I':~:/ .":':::~'~'_';J' f.c.mt¿¡,~t t~ll; fl'opertl ownt}rs of the ~wn Center j~velc~"~~: co ~;r~ ùut if a~~itlcr~l land could be acqu:.red b, the County eIther aj~a~~~: to the CIvIc Ce~ter property or contlgu- Ola "ith it. The City K."\na.:er 8:t.· o:,j th:lt t.ht:rc 13 a 1ea111ne to be met wl':t. regard to th~ loan of ~.-:.~::.':. trom the Ibu~ll1€ and HO::le Finance Ager.c.:.:. ThiS d~adlln~ W::l3 Febr-:::-l ::~:t. Th"1t it was neC~3!1ary trot the Cou.~- eil adopt a Reoolution ~cc~~ting the pre11minary plans as presented so tr.t these monies c~~l~ ~~ acquired. Mr. Blesslng eave tr~ Council a cost breakdown of what 1. was ,,"t1mat~d the Improv......nts would be. lie explaIned that the 0011 analyols Indie~ted tt~t the top two fcet of ~0 1 "ould have to be rSlBOved 1n order to bu11d. The plans ind1cated a half of a basement to house the mechanical room and storaße space. S1nce all of the equipment \<ould be there, he felt it wouid be ecC'nom1cal to dig a rull t~sement. The added epace could be utI11zp.d and the added expense could be Just1fied. The CouncIl agreed that a full basement would be advant8geo'JS, and stated that It should be Included in the fInal plans. After Mr. Blellei~ went over the plans. there was conslderable d1l1cusB1on as to what would be rea~~zed for the inveetment of $381,000, which was the est1_tad COllt, the ratl0 beIng $22.50/aq. ft. 1'0'.' a build1ng :>f 12,000 a~. l't. This did not 1nclude the brsement area WIIch would cost approxi..tely $11,000 addit!ønal. Mr. Blessing stated uat thea.. cost 1'1gurea were eeti_tes. th4t a O!Ore detallPd U@ure C;CN14 be obtained U tbe Coœ>cll so desired. '1'2>e Cow>cl~ q\1estIone4 .uiU h1&II, coat aDd I, J ..' _ po..ib111ty of' the elabol'ata overhang 1. '-,' ~ .. ( .' ~iI ~. .., - and walkway around the building, might not be too ~ostly. The question, was also ra1scd by the CcWlcll tlult if they adopt ncoolution 896 and lIend it on to the Pedera1 Agency, tMt thill might limit their perroga·, t1ve to change the plana. The COl:l1cU Wn.1I a83ured by both the City Manager and ~. Bleoøing that thlo wa5 nut co, that they could use these plans as a t.as1B for planning and if they wsnted to change sny psrt of them, that this could be done. Thp. CU\'nc1l agreed that all of them .anted to deliberate a b1t longer on the cubJect andssked that the Resolution be put over to their Fp.bruary 17th meet1ng, which would still be t1me enough to meet tbe February 2lllt deadl1ne. Counc11man ðenettl atateó that he w1shed to go on record as approving these plana aa aubad.tted, 1nuIII1ch ns he would not be 1n . attendance at the Ve~ 17th meeting. He stated that he was very 1JIpressed with the l!ellSp ot the building. i ¡ l :I:II CIVIC CBN'l'BR _ IIBSOUJ'I'IOH 896. To be put over to the February 11th Agenda. PARK SITES - JIB'lBS AJID ÐOUIIrB DBSCRIPTION: IV John Parham dispL'veð a IIItlp of the p¡ooposed park si tes. He eJq!;La1ned to the Councl!, "..ferr!ng to hi C r<!port of February 7th, 19ó1/, 1n which it .as stated that dlle to the Doard of Directors of the Youth Center elec~inß to pick up the option for the Youth Center and remain the leullehr.>lder, thi1 t the Collins :Jchool park site had to be abandoned. The main rea30n for sele.;ting this site being that the Youth Center was adjacent to it and would be ~n alre~dy i1stalled fac1l1ty. Coun~ )man Finch a&ked if, instc~d of the five acre minimum, it would not be better to purchace ten ncres for the Community Center Park site. This site, which W~lß to he at Collins School, was now to be located acros5 froo the proposed DeAn?.. College. After some discussIon, it was decided, that since the property involved was a 14 acre parcel, it might be better to purchase the entire acreage beci>uae leaving a four acre parcel in this area would mal<e it diffi- cult to improve or d,,·¡elop. Mr. Par':",m >1aa aaked what type of facl1ity he would put on a parcel of thia cizc. y~, Parham ctat"ù that he Icd o~Jy eontenplated a five acre site, on which a buildir~ would ~"ve to be pl~ced, but a ten acre or even fourteen acre parccl would I.,ve "nny possibilities. i.e. a small lake, tennis courtR.. volley :'>.":\11 arca.. horseshoe pits, etc. Mayor Jewett asked if tt.e Council thou.;ht it wise to purchase a parcel in tt.e alcoct.. centf.:f' of tOW1'l and put in thc~e lmpI'Ovements" trees.. small lake, etc., when by going a bit fw·tt-.er west into the footh1l1a, or even to the Horse Farm, these natural improvements were already there? He felt that the neighborhood parks adjacent to schools werp fine, however,' he could not go along with a tel> or fourteen acre site in the middle of town. Councilman Sa1eh Baked how much parking would be p.~vided on a parcel of this size. Mr. Parham stated that noraully parking is n<Jt provided in a psrk area. however, since this would be a buildiOß with ,meeting rooms a parking lot should really be provided. The difference betwE en the neighborhood type park and the community psrk is that one l'acilitates tIle smaller e~~ldren witlun walking distance from the1r hollies and the other would be 'IDOre for sdult recreation, meetings, etc. Councilman Pinch IltatedthBt he d1d not tee 1 the five acre mini- mum shoulci applyto:-the Coaimur.i:ty Park, 1n real1ty 1t should be thirty acres. In view of this. he fesls that nothing 1..3s than ten !lcres shoulè be considered. Councilman Benetti lltated that he ~~eed with Councilman Finch's thinking~ but that one-ot the reaSOM tu:' locating next to schools was becalJlle many o1'~_the f'adl1t1eli ware,all·proVided. IISking it IDOre . economical.' Th~ acreap ..roIlS from the ·College ¡>roperty is not close to any school fao1lity IIJId f'or this reallon it 18 questionable whether this would be acceptable. Mayor Jewett statsð that he te1t the pr1ce paid for this prilDe .1aDd would be lIuch tlat. t;!Mt;r could go to t¡ Ie f'ootb1lll1 and purchas. '~j¡~ .f'o~ the - . . . Ha 1I\lßPlltsð po..1blyputt1ng a bu1l41n¡¡ ~ uft ilona ot ..~. trom tbe ColI'" aJIIf going to tbe .' ~e land. í t~,.. . e Further :lscu~alon rollo.~rl where s:veral po1nts ~~re brought up regarding t!:~ abil1ty of tn<; City to ""fport a bond 1ssue this large. School taxea a:read:r take a good part of ,ur present taxes. _ It was stated that tt.:.; land coul<\ tÆ p",.cllllacJ no", but need not øe improved all at once. T:-.at laoo values ..ould be ~cin; up every day and five 7ea.:rs t'rom no'" ':!";¿ cost waul·:: b.e ::¡Ol"G th~:: 1 t 1s today. The rlrat .~. 1t was r~l:, was to acquire the lanj 3nd improve it as finances allQlOed. Councll:oan Pinch moved to have the :nctes and bowldll prepsred on tile ft"e sites discussed, naøely: five acres each adjacent to Stevens er.eIk School site. Menta V1sta School cite, Portal School site and V~ School sUe; 14 acres across from the DeAnza College s1te. These dl'T ~tions to be prepared as soon as poss1ble, for VebrUar)' 17th ~. The C1t;r starr to uøe t.he1r Judgment as to the best t1ve ._ adjacent to the school lIites to be included 1n the ordinances to be _tad zoning them tor park sites. Seconded by councHIII:m Dempster. Mayor Je..ett w1shed to go on record as not be1ng in tavor of a ciQ wide park in the center ot town, but does not feel it is his plsce to .-ke this dec1s1òn. lie w111 go along with the rest ot the Counc11 tbatt ~s ùata te prepared "00 enacted and that it go on a ballot so t~t the electcrgtc can review ~nd decide for themselves how thcy feel aÞoa:t the rec:-ea:l0h t.nd par~~; issue. AYIIS: Councll~n: ROES: Council:en: ~~:Council:a~: Ðenet~l, :~~sterJ Fi~~h~ nalch, Jewett None None IIO'f:lf.ll CAronE<;: 5-0 V GENERAL :~' IlEARIN'J - Set Date The CO~.:~: was infCJr=..~=' ~}-.tat they ~:a~ a choice of tt:o dates, sl:-.c~ 'the adr.1~:-.:'~:ration off~ :-::-:.. at the Cnper':.ino Elementary School D15-:~,=t werp. ~.-: 'J.se on thIS- :'=·'::"~:'nal (~a:e planned. The Council chose to ~,,~ the Gec.~~~: Plan Hear:~.~ for P,br-."ry 26, 1964 at 8 P.M. Moved t:: :J:..lncl1~rla:; :....-=-.~ '.;.1-, gecc:-:.~..:'d by Councilman ?inch. Ar.:.3: Cl)unci·.=·o::: i!O='=: Councl:=~:-_: ABS.i!JlT: Cou!lci>~~: BenE:t :.:: ~·:'í.:;t0r, ::'....:......:11, ~lch, Jewett Jone N...me MO'r'!":'N CARRIE.~: 5--0 VI WESTEr'!; ;;.J!.!ES: COlollfotniIC;'TION ¡;E: LINCOLN COLONIAL INVEST- MENT Af::¡CATION FOR A?CEITZCTUf",:, .:.¡:D SITE APPROVAL. ~œyor Je~~:~ read th~ :~tter requestlnb a re-hearing of the ap~;':'cation. C::':':ldlman B<:c.",:=: statcJ \j;o~ this was unusual and he toad ::.ever heari :~. this prcc,,~·=e. Councl1~r. Pinch Bta~~~ th~t hp. fc~t ic only fair that if the app~cant had ~~thlnô to 8'7. he ohould b~ allowed another hearing. Council=a~ Dempster mc,-¡ed that the 3¡JpHcst1on be put on the Petnar)' 17th 3;cr.da. Counei '-",n Ben~yti aSKed that s1nc" he wr,uld not be st the =~eting on the :7th, that it be put on the March 2nd ageada. Co·.mc:'lœn Dempster 80 :DOved.. seconded by Councilman Benett1. AYiS: Council!:.-=:1: HOBS: Council:.er.: ~:Ccuncil:e~: Dempater. F1.nch, Saleh, Jewett Benet~l None MDI:IOII CARRIED: 4-1 VI:I OFF-SITE DlPRO'lEMEh'TS - '¡'OWN CEI"::; The C1t:¡ !'.anager recoc:oerAed that the Cit)' Join with the pro- peñ'7 owners of Tolin Center 1n putting i" tl:e improv"ments, utilities. cœtlla. gutters, (no sidewalle"). Moved by Councl1man :ee-t';;1 that the C1ty Manager IK' 1natt"Ucted ......,'~;¡S~" M.......:.......~. ~;j. ;0. _~.....;..:.':;.;¡-Q":4!t".i:... ,,~~. '.3 ...... ~ . ~ .~:!t"" ·4_·"t.... :,-,.;, ~., '. ...... ~- ""~' - tó' ogra~ ott~å1te l.prgYements in oo~Junct10n w1th the Town Center proE-rei:. Seconded b1 CooJ.nclllT.Jn J11nch, AYES: NOES : ABSENT: Councl1osen: Councilosen: Councilmen: . Benetti. Pc::>pcter, Pir.ch, Saleh, J.ewett »'::In" Jl::>ne MOTION CA.'UUED: 5-0 VIII STORM DRADf AGilEEHENT - BtW,OOD 'l'ImMC& #3 The C1ty Manapr reported that the developer of this tract had COIllpUed with the ~9'!:¡¡"nts agI-cement other than was specified 1n the agreellleDt. He tbnetore reco.....r.ded that Paragraph 19 be deleted troll the -&1'8 t .. it no longer applied to the situation. JIoved b7 Councl1.an Saicb. Hconded by Cour.cUlIBn F1nch. AYES I mES:. ABSJIII'l' : COUllcllllllm: CouncilNn: Counc1lMn: JÐTION CA!IIIIBD: 5-0 BIDetti, Dempster, Finch, Ss1ch', Jewett -- JIcIae :IX KISCBLLAl I!DU~ ::ouneiløan Be:>etti stated that sinGe he has made it quite clear tha: r.e did not 'ntend to run for Council again, that he would like to :ake a motion. Counciløan Benett1 moved t!'.at the ::1ty Cou.'"1cl1 be paid the sum of $25.JO per meeting, not to exceed $100.00 per month. That the Jlayor be paid an add1tior..al $50.00 per month. He further moved that this be p~: on the Apr11 ~llot for the voters to decided whether or not they ..:.sheel to pay trh Council for ~he cany hours devoted to City .governme:::. Secondcri by ':?uncilman .sa~ch. AYES: NOES: J,BSENT, :~u...,cllmen: :~:'¡:"I.cllmen: :ouno11men: tjOTION CA"-.".:D: 5-0 5e~~tti, Demp~te~, Finch, Salch, Jewett Nc-- Hc:-..~ :':""';"'1.cl1maT1 Pir.-:.-. ankE:d 1.1;1.'.: \;;!......n t.ì·.c Me~es and Bounds were ;.r€:pared t.: ::h~ Englneal'::":-"¿ D\"?p.:'_rtm€L';, t,i~1.t 'the 0r11nances also be ;.r-epared 5: :;lê.l.t wI,en the7 are read~' ~ fir"st Hcar-lng could be held. :'he City !'~:-.l~er s!:ate--..1 tr~'_ he was aj.:;.0~t certain t;.hat these WOl:l j 'be ready ~:: the Fir":j1; I·~ð:-...:iay 1n ì"'drd~. z ':':;~ENT BE'l'Ii~ STATE AND CJ:f RESIOUhLING HIGHWAY 9 !.';J STEVENS CRZ27: ROAD. :::~ City "tanager st.ated th.:l: !~C had á.n agreement from the ~·/ls1on c:' Eighways for S:'l"Ds:ttl.lre W::~C':l would provide for the re- .~Snal1ng ::' the intersectl:>n of Hi..l:wa}" 9 and Stevens Creek EO'lle- oarj. ~'he :0:a1 ;lost to toe "1800.00. The City of C\1perUno's share ~s $900.OC. ~:v.j by Councilaan ~mpst€r, seconded by Councilman Finch ::t:.at the Ci:j" :-Ianager, Cit7 Clerk anù :!:e Mayor be authorized to sign ~~~ agree~~: with theSta~ D1vi'ion of Highways for the resignaling ~: Highway ~ anel Stevens Creek Ehule\arJ. AYES: JIOES : ABSnn': '=:a..~cl1men: CO:';''"1ellmen: C:~"cllmen: XI J!OTION CARE:~: 5-') ~net~1, DempDter, Finch, Salch, Jewett None None AXOURNMENT: ~y~ by Councilman D~""8ter, 3cconded by Cc~~eilman Pinch. AdJournment: 11:00 P.M. ;'PPI10VJID: ",-r1!:3T: --ht....."\~ I ~ , City C' "orl( /8/ Verne H. Jewett Mayor (l~~... 4