CC 01-27-64
... -
10321 South Saretoga-Sunnyvale Road
C I T Y 0 P CUP E R T J N 0
Cupertino, California
JAIÐARY 'in, 1964
The meeting was called to order by Mayor Jewett at 8:10 P.M.
COWlCllmen Prellent:
Staff Present:
Benetti, Dempster. Pinch, Jewett
C1ty Manager, Recreation D1rector
Citiaen's Committee Present:
Mr. Quentin wBudw Taylor
Mr. Jack Gatell
Mr. Stan Takeuchi
1111111 MaraUe Jonell
Mr. ,William Norton
Mr. Paul Mariani, Jr.
Mr. Gary G. Stokes
lire. Dorothy Varian
Dr. JOlleph Brown
..illll Blaine Ura
Mr. Jllck Kahn
Mr. Burre1 Leonard
..isll Marl1yn A. Spiller
Mr. Ot111 Forge
Mayor Jewett stated that the purpose 01' the meeting was to
<!18euss the procurement 01' psrk sites for the City. The Mayor
asked John Parham, Recreat10n Director. to give a run-down of the
park sites that were be1ng d1scussed and conllidered as possible
Rites for neighborhood parks and also a City-wide park.
The Recreat10n D1rector displayed a map and irAicstêd to
these present where the park sites were that were being considered.
He stated that they would be a minimum of 1'ive acres. In all
cases, the park s1tes were adjacent or a1Join1ng school sites as
fo~lows: Monte V1ata School, Stevens Creek School, Gareen Gate
Scr~ol, Collins School and Arch Wilson School. The site adjacent
to Collins School was being considered as a Regional Park or
City Wide park. However, they, the Council. had considered an
al:e~nate site across from the fc.ure ~Anza College location.
The reasons for choosing park sites in close proximity to
sehool~ was because there woore feet 11 ties alrell"ty available. It
was felt that by locating close to already installed recreational
facilities, it would ba more economical.
Mr. Parham, at Council~3n Finch's request, went into a little
IXlre history behind the choices indicated. How there had been
ten sites originallY, but t!~t in the eirhteen months that he
haj been with the City. somp of this land had been lost by reason
of development. That some 320 acres had been annexed to the City
in the last year and a half and it was all ur.cter developoent. The
Git¡ was growing larger and thoo strain wa¡ be1ng 1'elt on the
already overloaded recreation facilities.
The schools are not making use of all .,1' their property,
but. the Recreation Department is hãn:pered, ti...wise, in making
use of it. They are not allowed to use the facl1it1es during
school hours. Thls means that in lIIC!lt cases where they are pre-
sently ~8ing the school faci11ties, Wilson, Monte Vista, Stevens
Creek, i~ is l1mited to an hour a day.
Mr. Parham stated th:\t he felt the No. 1 Priority should be
the land acquisition. Secordly, that some sort 01' Co-..nity
facl1ity should be acquired. Land 1s being 10llt much too rapidly
and a ColDlllllll1ty Center is badly needed for ac1-,¡lt use.
Mr. Parham mentioned at this point that IIOlIt programa that
hSve originated in the Recreat10n Department have been through
request of the c1t1zens. That he haS yet to have one fail. They
have 32 different varieties 01' recreation from Tiny Tots to
Ballet to Senior C1tizens. '
Mr. Mariani asked what criteria wall used in determining the
location of a park IIlte. The answer was that it waa felt the
bellt way' to _t tb1a proÞle. was to select a site c10~e to a
school aite "hare there were recreational facilities al~.dy avail-
: ..:"i. ~tio'!-i.l'i';'i:~':: ;...;¡'.á..... :.. .i. .
_ ~ ,. t..·
so stated that the sltes were selected beca"'3e
geographical locatior., locating 1n the center.
area.., etc. The Cc:x:wüty or Clty-Wlde par
1pally by tallilH8 aoo for adult recreat10n.
served by neighborhood parks.
ollllllented that she felt Mr. Parbaal had done a
creatlon program and t!lat he need not apologiZe
dUtles. She furtlnr stated that the cit1zens
a pratt)- ta1r amount for thelle i'ac111ties
t that tbe7 be uaed, whether 1nII1de the C1ty
CitT u.1ts. She felt that this .. tile
that ahc.uld ri(!ht1'ully be covered. Sbe 1IOnlSered
1 would 01" could be considered tile center
future ðeve10pment seeoed to be towaJ:'lll tile
_nted on the presentation and ...14 thet lie
thollght aud work had gone into it, that lie had
criteria œed to locate these park sites, but
be expBDded. He gave a run-down of' how much
f' the tax ro1111 by reason of school lIites snd
it might be better to get these park sites
in arteriell. such as J!JI1ipero Serra and Stevens
B1ghway 9. His feel1:¡g was that the land
prime laud. tax-wise. and that the citizens
ready pay1r.g a permia:: for the school fac111t1es.
to pay even IDOre in :~'" long run 1'or these ,.
prime land f'or a park site that cculd be uaf;;~
urce would be short-sif~·ted.
nted tbat she unde=stood Palo Alto was
developers coming i~:o the Clty to develop
lea. Diacussion on t~is method of acquirlng
Varian infonned :~..a: it had been looked
ttorney who advised a;ainst it. That legally
ff1eult oetè~d to fo::ow.
ed how ="7 acres "a=¿ òeing considered for
was tol~ tt..2. t a Cc::rt~.,1 ty park would con-
y five ~:'~s the sl:: of a neighborhood park,
n aaked "r.::~ t:,Jo :;::c~::ted to in dolJ.ars and
ted that t~e C1~7 ~..a~ 13ked two realtors to
l' the le'X1" in <¡'Ies·.::c.. That their estll118tea
Imugh neither knett t::..: c:her was 8ubm1.ttlng
wever, t:.c propert,· >3S 1IDd0ubtedly higher
case. Hr. Parham t.a: estimated that the
wou:d ~ sc:uewhera ~r: the neighborhood of
on dollars.
h state<:1 that these ¡::;=k sites were being .
il and were tentative. that there had been
property owners. Ha did not want those
IIIPression that this W3S a "cut and dried"
uld co_ up with a QCre workable solution
tlon prob1etD, tb,ey ..are, and he hoped the
. all tv ~~g,ar tc hear it.
ted tbat: he thought t~e peorle present at
Just &a he had hoped they would. There
stlona and ideas expr<:ssed and he was
Jo1ned b1ø in thank1!".g those present for
e1t there were stU¡ .. any hours ahead of'
to a coaclWlion and he hoped that thill
their iDterest ar.d would help the Council
t pollaible solution.
stated ~b&~ in his travels around di1'f'erent
ta C~ County, he did not f'eel the
Ii he __.. ouch as the Councl1 H. ~"1 to
t 1 t ~ be unfa1r· to aake the people of
and J. u~tion for the people in the ad-
:.n wh1ch :~c:: "OCuld be loca,;e::. Alco, that it was the respona1-
lt1l1ty of :~ governillt lo:t.f ::! any mun1c1pal1ty to fumlsh this
service t, ::3 people. I! ,in the proce5s, they manage4 to serve
adJoin1ng :...~s or proV1.:1e :;~s service to other than its cit1zene,
whO are 1:: ::.-i of 1t, a:': ,;he better, Eo> did not feel that
CUpert1no !-':I::'"1d sit bacic a...'"rl expeet ot,l'er Jur1sd1ct10ns to supply
a aervlc2 :..:= it.
Mr. :è:;:-.ard coa:mente:i that he felt they should get a_y f'rom
3111Ûpero Se::-ra Preeway and Collins School. That a cultural center
~ been ~~U88ed and cer""..a1nl7 it appeared that DeAnza College
-rd con~::.:ute 1arge17 W ~. cultural center. That It would
_ conce11ab1e that a ......~ of' ~and could bo obtained _.d>
lletw~n n...:...- and tbe ~ I and that 18 more than IjIJ or 3J8tba
or a mile t:'OII _in~. Poss1bly a parcel ot land tbat baa
aeen a proUØII. Be cited U:e i'apn1n1 problem where - ODe ---
to know _~ sbould be IIaI.- Id.t;h it. Th1s parcel woul4 be close
to the C1rtc: Center and -.,.,. even be the answer all tar as a
Cg_ln1t7 ?ark 1s conc_..e4.
The-." 103.8 conside:rabla d1l1Cuss10n as to whether It II18ht
even be be::c:- to shave døam the require;:aents 1'or the ne1ghborbood
¡arks arod ~~ to the Co ,It7 Center. That posaib1;r t'lye acrea
would be m:re than was n?-~ tor a ndICI:borhoC1d 1'acl1it7. The
hct that H far aD t1'8.uDt-url.4tion was concerned. it wou1d preaent
ÐO preble!: 111:" regard to t¡-"" ColllllW11ty center. That an:JOne .-zIt-
~ to go :::>=..e would -=g'!! a -y.
SQ,.¿ :t.cught was ~......,. to the Horse Farm as a po 111I1b1e part
2I1te. Th< :.el1ng be1ng ,:t;a,: 1t had all the requirements f'rom
'trees to :-.!:~"3.1 beauty ~-made. That any other site 100uld
nave to :>: :.·;eloped and o;;M5 vas very expensive, plus the f'act
that it ,,:.:.::: probably !>e )-=rs before :!:e r·osults cO\Ùd be Ileac.
lIT. 3::::es ment1c::~ :~t he umlarstùod the schoolll had ~een
given per::õs:)n by the .ô::a.:.<: ~o sell off part 01' tl.elr pl'Qpe~y
that they ::i not need. ~ vo:.:rlE:red if ~he City could :-.0': p'.U'Chaae
'two or tr_--=-= .:cres .froo ~:-.o:: Schoo: l Dlstr1('.t in order tc aat1af"y
the nelt;:.:.:=:--cod park pr:::-:=-=. ::;.~ "ilS explained to Mr. S~oke. ':.hat
in a slt-¿:::=: like :;0;-':' :~t ,::annl.t ;;: 1n and bu:¡, )'~u must
submit a ::.~ .::>d very o~'::___ =- Cl·:y 1s :;'1.!:1~~ed 1n wtat ~: :an aftord.
A ~·~:!.5tlon was c~:-~:""e~ by Council~:J.n Pinch that a rev or
the pee¡::: ;=i!sent do mcr-: ~search and r.';,ort back to the Cou::c11.
:Mayor Je1o::: stated tha-: ~ ~'21t this "':'".1::::' be a waste c! ~lme,
't.hat muc::' ::,~,;:~~rch had ~L-.---':'~7 ~en donè a..j that it was no" u;:-
to the r:~-...:~: tu mee': a;;:a~ ~:-~ C('Ime t:' ~ ,Jce decision -wt:.ether or
not to :õ-_:,:;:tù get tr¿-:.c.~ :ssue on t!:~ A;>rU ballot.
1'elt tre: ::' ::'ey d1d nc.~ !:a.s a firm ar.j c~':IPlete picture to sub-
mit to ::-_: ::.ctorate '::-..e ",=-~1::-e bond 1ssua. 1nc1ud1ng tt.e Civi:
Center, ::':';;.:: ~ail.
It ''-is .:!ec1ded thao; -;~.>2 ~::;unc!.l weul.:! adjourn the ::>eetir..g
to 8:00 :.!:.. Tuesday, :Ja::r2.ry 28th, 1961.. Moved by Cour.ei1ma::
Dempster, õ'~~nJed by (%-=::::=n Pinch.
Mae::~.,; adjourned: :::25 P.M.
Verne H. Jewett
C1ty ::'~:ìC
it lø., t........
I '