CC 12-16-6310321 3o. Saratoga- Swr4vale Boed, 95014 252 -4505
C I? Y O 1 C II P R R T I N 0
%upercaao, �aaizorn,a
y.. . Oj, 20 RBNtiR MR!!!W or I= CITY COUNCIL OF Ti CITt or
tub - � 16, 3L963- -
I , BALM to !B< 11110 • ifdiam* of Shames in :fuel of oar
i= ML dLL: oomelliflot r NespeteN TiMA �riah,
4 t• >
1LSpest wl • carector
City Manager
'ma Mayor, an if 4SiN00 tiers any oral oosmsadaticaa. These
maws none. - The Mayor than asked the City Cleric if there tiers mitten
osmmmiestions. The City Cleric reed as follows:
1. Tao petitions praaeated late In the afternoon
concerning the property. There are
35 names on one and about 500 on the other.
The petitions tiers protesting the zoning Of R -1
on this property and asking that consideration
be given to make it into a park for the City.
2. Letter from Charles Davis requesting that the Sister-
City Committee be allocated the som of $150.00 for
expenses incurred in connection with this matter.
3. Lette- from San Building Company referring to the
appeal submitted at the last meeting. ^Dds would be
taken up when the item came up further on in the
4.. Letter from Mr. Thorne relative to the Condemnation
procecdirngs, City of Cupertino vs. T. R. Schmidt.
5. tc:ice of the Inter -State Commerce Commission relative
to the Southern Pacific abandonment at Simla.
6. Letter from Mr. Ponceggl with petition attached
asking that they be notified when action is taken
on Cook k Wilson development Off Old Stevens Creek
T. Notice of the Public Utilities Cosmission regarding
the rate increase requested by San Jose Water Works.
8. Letter from the County regarding the request by
the City of Cupertino to make McClellan Rod a
No Truck sortie. To be reported on by City Nlaompr
in his report. .
9. Letter free firers, ?ezeell Jr. protesting the re- soaing
of the Norse Meath m McClellan Road.
10. Letter from N•aaoks requesting the contlsznncs
Of his a"1406. UlIS11 Jamary 20th. 1964.
U. Letter tras.tiis samarletor of the Sales Near Chalet
ibmsu t0 have defusing at tus
Comeilmu► Saie1(, "pt, correspondence to imeelved and
..,gie0 -- 3soonded by f .. *11 In favor.
r 88PORT W TO PIAMM C0MMMSUOR: (See Minutes of Doe. 9,
There is a General Plan msetirp be held at the Cupertino
B10 School Auditorium; and therefore there was no represents-
tive from the Planning C mei orlon present. There metre no
comments or questions froze the Council reprdinS the 9Hmtes.
,-,0 Anoeentien Bsarfns � dr
"part 63-12 Witbamalw (oo Mnmd)
�rw t i0 ordiammao moo. 26SM syc i
411YAGGE6 the pI _ fir! teen tiftf ymevlrrut of
ee AWIve d in this protested the nitA�+s1�a1
It Vag city messenger that the smmm-
tod so that the CMW Staff can woke other a.
Bbved by Councilman Batch that the public hearing be Closed.
bacon" by Councilman Dpapiter.
AY:Ss COMellmm: Dempster, Flash, Balch, Jewett
MDaaz Councilmen: None
Alm Counoilaea: Benettl
MD2110O CAR =-. 4-0
moved t; Councilman Dempster that 'Regnant 63 -12 Withdrawal'
be tesvdimated. Seconded by Councilmen Finch.
A23S: Councilman: Dempster, Finch, Saich, Jewett
BOBS: Councilaec: None
AffiMft: Councilmen: Benettl
B. _ Cajon Hearing 'Baker 63'1 -' (Ordinance No. 266)
Since ::s annexation was effected t? the Regnart Withdrawal,
CousCllasn Dec;s :e_ moved that it be terminated. Seconded by Council-
man Belch.
ATSS: Counci :x=: Dempster, Pinch, Saich, Jewett
JUM: Counci:ae^: None
ABSI Ts Councilmen: Benettl
C. A-ne—lon Hearing 'Rae 63-13" (Crdiniane No. 269)
This a ^-- x•tion was also effected by the Regnart Withdrawal
and Councilman Jempater moved that It be terminated. Seconded by
Councilman Ssict.
Mims: Councilmej: Dempster, Pinch, Saich, Jewett
MONw: Councilmen: None
ABSSlr: Councilmen: Benetti
M011OM CARMW: 4-0
D. Sun Banding Co.: Appl. 96 -7..63 to rezone appr=l-
aatej7 IA acre Irani 31-1:B -2 to C -1 -9; southwest
corner of Highway 9 and McClellan Road. Use Pent
aouAtt for gas station (33- U-63). Denied by Planning
Coamtsalon Resolution 165. Appeal. Continued.
Mr. Hgaes from Mobil 011 represented the applicant. There
wens elaWmslon as to the deai,gm of the building. Mr. Beynss stated
t " tern ld had not. as yet, gotten this far, but that It wou rsmasble
tai . Station located on Stesens Crest R1vd. and Mast estates.
Be tom passed some pbotogrspte or this station.
Ht matatad that Mr. Lne, the property owner did not
poWwk CCnsldmtrd at this time, since there
Las Wad tth 1t a St. Three ws some discussion as
d WW%Aer too would be sum fall
is required to put in improvements with their application. Councilman
llneh asked If there is going to be any signalrtation on this corner
at a later date. The City Manager stated that it depended upon the
rawt- that it is not a through street and secondly the state would
enter the picture and approve after an inv"tigption 1s made as to
wbsther aigallaation would be required.
W-7w Jewett asked if there was anyone in the audience who
>dahed. o speak for or against this application. !lyre was no one.
Csuneilman Web aA 04 tbst the public hearing be closed. Se-
ON" %W Counrllaan Daaysbas,
councilmem: ��: ;finch, 8sich, Jewett
i Crl0ea3mmo:
IN 0'
>kW CARRIED- 4-0
Councilman Saich so that the use permit be apploeed subject
UP the installation of improvements for lab feet on MgMa I9, plus
all improvements on McClellan Bold, including 25 feet from the Tele-
phone Company lnetallaticn, Plus all other regular conditions required
bY the City. Seconded by Councilmen Dempster.
A3 =: Councilmen: Dempster, Saicb, Jewett
Jam: Count'I : pinch
Aa8XM!ftCounc1lmen: Benetti
002= CAR KW: 3-0 - 1 Bar - 1 ABSENT.
S. Ordinance No. 002(q), an ordinance of the City of
Cupertino Amending Ordinance No. 002 as amended by
Establishing Requirements for Off-Street Parking
Within the City. Recommended with changes by Planning
Commission Resolution No. 17t. (Continued)
The City Manager stat.d that the changes recommended by the
Planning Comission for the most part were minor and would be in
order. However, Section 3:3 as suggested Is going to be a bit of a
police problem if it is worded the w37 the Planning Commission
Mayor Jewett asked the City Attorney If he had any comments.
She City Attorney stated that he was not at the meeting when this
was discussed st Planning Commission level. He further stated that
be did concur, nowever, with the City Manager that Section 3:3 would
present a pclicin:g problem.
Councilman Dempster moved that the ordinance be referred back
to the Planning Commission by the City Attorney and he, the City
Attorney, be instructed to take this matter up with the Planning Com-
missio:: Ord try to work out a better wording. It is then to be re-
ported on by the City Attorney at the next regular meeting. Seconded
bg Councilman Finch.
Mr. John Griffin spoke from the audience and asked if he might
ccoment on tha3 ordinance. Be went on to question the parking ratio
for R -3 toning. After some discussion, Mr. Griffin was advised to
attend the Planning Commission meeting that this would be taken up
at and he Over isbt them, te
on to t Counclatthenext regular meeting. Mr. Griffin stated
that he would do this.
The Mayor then called for a vote on the notion made by Council-
man Dempster.
AaS: Councilmen: Dempster, Finch, Saich, Jewett
fib: Councilmen: None
BMIRt:Couneilmen: Banattl
MDQd( CARRIED: 4-0 - 1 ABR=
3 --
F. Asaaxanca Pleases Co.: Al. 93-"3 to resone 15.2
acres from A to 8-1, aoiaiag the north side of ReC1011M
Hoed on the east Dank of Stevens Creek. T - tivs Map -
56 lots �0' 4d try Planning is
aeaolPPlon1T (
Moor Jewett stated ust be bad bad — telephone calls along
the petitions mentioned earlier in the meeting from residents of
*06 -uhm were objectlog to the remains of this property to
W* NW ramidencea' crime reaug DO that tldm is an 14mel park
Us NOW fatho stabrd that be had talked with amp oiv1c-
K•itdaeas of popis fee mbs maim I -- at" isiMst" that a.
is carried Mwta:k
a passel of lmmd. :.Owss Individuals
WkTnm to form a Uommittee in empertimo to raise enough
o to omen of t„ ZttOse' pwdmwo�fi� PDXWI >a.4wtfae
mite or to hboo: moul scab t ame.08-Ms city of
can pmt this f0a bmtare the electorate to use it "a
111l4 6 to bond thase'mlem for a psi! alts.
Councilman Balch asbsd If it would be better to pmt this appli --
.aatibm aver for two nod amd.aivs the eltisemm esmmittse a chance to
- . -& Meting with the Coupail to we if this is really going to set
atr thin 5 i or just be s lot of talk.
Councilman Dempster stated that it l the first time that be
had beard about this matter. no committee should be formed and set
lIay come Lvu2d be�Incordoemato give the committee a 1chancetto�
At this point a Mr. Hduard A. LeCroy spoke from the audience
stating that he represented the applicants. Be further stated that
his clients and he, himself, were just as interested In making this
a park site, but there wee a hardship Involved. The owner of the
property had purchased another piece of property with the Idea that
this property would sell. He asked if something could not be worked
out whereby the two week delay could be avoided. Be suggested having
the first hearing closed and this would give the committee an opportun-
ity to have a meeting and If they did come to any conclusion, then at
the second hearing it could be decided what was to be done. If things
were not concluded by this time, then there would be no time loss for
his client.
Councilman Sarch asked the City Attorney if the Council could
postpone the second hearing. The City Attorney stated that the second
hearing could be not less than five days, but that there was no time
set for how long between hearings. The Council could still hold up
the second hearing.
Mr. Lacroy Informed the Council that if there was ever a time
to purchase park site property it is now - this property was selling
for $30,000 below the market value. There would not be a better
opportunity to purchase land at a reasonable price.
Counellssn Finch stated that he was a little concerned and he
Go" not doubt their sincerity, but his concern was About the deal
falling through as regards the eitrsena committee. It was further
stated by Councils= Finch that he was not sure the City could pick
up the option on this property - =at if nothing happens? He was not
prepare0 to vote an this at this time.
oounellrAn Dempster moved that this application be continued
for two weeks. Seconded %W Councils= Stich, The motion was amended
to reed, that the application be heard at the January 6th, 1964 meeting.
AUSs Councilman: Dempster, FS=ch, Saich, Jewett
mom Comme"man. Moore
Am=sCouncilmsn: Senettl
MOfTOM CAS: 4-0 - 1 ARSMar.
Councilman Dempster suggested a meeting be not immediately with
the citizens committee. It was decided to meet Thursday night, Decals-
bar 19th at 8:00 Y.H. at City Hall. This would be a study session.
Mr. LACroy asked that he be notified as he wished to attend
thin meeting.
The Mayor called a short recess at this point. The meeting
reconvened at 9:10 P.M.
She City Attorney requested that he be allowed to make his
report, since be had to be In court early the next mining on a matter
for the City.
The City Attorney stated that therre was to be a hearing before
the Public Dtllitiem Comission on Jav»r7 8th reprd to the increase
In iatea requested by the Son Jose Pater Vol". He msrey mmtendin
tWe Jbr� the benefit of citiseos who might be inttraated in attending
Sbr CU7 attsaLS7-re0mgsted the sutbority ft& Ab• 0001011 to
the City 1n Sep nmgotI
re0ea/mt bans with B11fey, 1!o Sed ffia1r in
U,� to the General Plan.
'"'"" Saleb that
cx..:. �Isssd by Qoim017tatn DeeOater, seconded by OomOtlasl
the City Anon" be authorised to Set as the City's representative
in negotiations with the Planners, W12aey, an and Blair.
AUS: Councilmen: Dempster, Pinch, Saich, Jewett
-JIM: Councilmen- Bons
A=W:Cosncilmeu: Benetti
MDnOr CAM=: 4--0 - 1 ABSENT
'me City Attorney advised the Council that be was going into
court in the morning on the matter of the City of Cupertino n. T. 8.
3chaidt in au eminent domain proceedings. Be will advise the council
of the result at the next meeting. The City Attorney was tben excused
from the meeting.
VII ARCHITECTURAL AND SITE CONTROL: (Minutes of December 10, 1963)
A. Alpha Land Company, 2395 DeLsCnuz Boulevard, Santa
Clara, Review of Landscaping Plans for hiller Green,
20875 Valley Green Drive. See Minutes 3-12-b3. land-
scaping plans approved.
The landscaping plans that had been submitted by Alpha Land
were the Council. Moved by Councilman Pinch, seconded
by Councilmen Saich that Application be approved as per H- Control
Committee conditions.
ATES: Councilmen: Dempster, Finch, Saich, Jewett
JIM: Councilmen: None
ABSENT :Councilmen: Benetti
B. Goodwin B. Steinberg, 321 Second Street, Los Altos,
Review of Roof Lice Plan: and Entrance Sign for Green-
wood Court Community Development, 10700 N. Disney Avenue.
See H- Control Minutes of 4- 23-63. Plans approved.
After viewing the plans submitted Councilman Finch as4ed if
they could put the air - conditioning units any Place else except the
roof. It was explained that the only structure that would show above
the roof line would be a chimney -like structure. Councilman Finch
objected to this.
Mr. Smith, office :!wager for Goodwin Steinberg, stated that
the only other place the air - conditioners could be installed would
be in the windows and this was even more unsightly than the structures
on the roof. It was felt that by installing the units on the roof
tbls would be less offensive.
Moved by Councilman Saich, seconded by Councilman Dempster chat
Application for Goodwin B. Steinberg be approved as per H.J.ontrol con-
A=3* Councilmen: Dempster, Saich, Jewett
mom Councilmen: ►Inch
AlWAM: Councilmem: 8enetti
Y y>i17[!0M CAS. 3 -1 - 1 a! - 1 ABSM".
5 w
c. Applioltion 122 -Nc43: Eldred Kunkel, % 340 cypress
Avenue, San Joan, requesting Arehlteetnssl 0:e1 Site
control approval for construction of "Ist on Lot 180
Tract 2880. Approved by H- Control. conditions.
the City Manger mentioned berm that this was one of the late
that me in question by the residents of Vicksburg. It was on tbs
.00mmar or Nolfe Road and VUksbarg Drive. Mrs. DoratkW Webb, attorney
X4W*samtlag tbass honsoftans had asked the OWnCil to initiate a re-
=?a 11ti on tills pOovait.
Mat the ft A that after the Vi=W WW tad,
e�sm mo Ab stated that he
. :eor , se people
Von a eiKU-
34• rNidoe iolth mach lama.
i- Oomallaa ■s+ed that Applioatlon 122 -Wc 63� conattoull OVXl ft t=ol committee. Saeaadsa 1F
Aad: councilmen: Dempster, Finch, Saich, Jewett
>�Ss coeneilmm: Marne
A>dWAl':Cooneilmem: Benetti
O. Raydfaut Mann, Inc., 1176 Auzerais Averse, San Jose,
requesting Architectural and Site Control approval to
install electrical advertising sign, 2' z 8' long, at
10795 Blaney Avenue, for Referral Associates. Appli-
cation 123- HC-63. Approved by H- Control. Conditions.
After some discussion, in which it was brought out that the
applicant bad requested the color of the sign be red, it was 80vsd
1123E -663 approved subJecctt to H- controlncon�ttions t application
A725: Councilmen: Dempster, Finch, Salch, Jewett
MCSS: cwxwilmen: None
ABBM:Councilmen: Bvnetti
NMOM cARRM: 4-0 - 1 AHSM.
A. Resolutions 873 and 814.
Moved by Councilman Dempster, Seconded by Councilman Stich
toot Resolution No. 873 be adopted.
AIRS: Councilman: Dempster, Finch, Saich, Jewett
NNS: councilman: H,
A1td :COUnciloen: Bnnnttl
Moved by councilman Dempster, Seconded by councilman Stich
that Resolution Mo. 874 be adopted.
AUS: councilmen: Dempster, Finch, Saich, Jewett
WMs Councilman: None
- %3SW:councilmen: Beaattl
SDI ON CARRM: 4-0 - 1 ARSHfl'
A. REM Ct► CXSY TREASURER - ThWO was notbing further
to report.
the city Nsaegw r. M -a letter froY the clerk of the Board
ragnestlog by Agreemmmt, the M)pointaent of a Ala councilman
t0 a Park Clrtin Ous"ttw. Otbsr committee msmbnre somld be rsprn-
6 -
mntatives from Mountain Tlam, Los Altos and S=Mvale. The City
Manager asked for authorisation from the Council for the City Clerk
am& the Mayor to execute the agreement.
Moved by Councilman Belch, seconded by Councilmen Dempster.
axl in favor.
The City Manager then ezplaiaed that one of the City employees
Bad contributed to a penmlon fund with the Carpenters` Union and has
segmental that he allowed to continue these contributions through
<faa City, so as not to lame shat he has already paid In.
Mowed by Cmuoll m Dbmpster that the agrwent be aloud, but
-fiat it be plainly mdeali0ood that this gas a psymaot by the employee
the City, ao tt7tfamnla mill be no ist Us,
77 +�').�" W{ City would ,ate ifrdbllasted to now thOMR- ptymmte. seconded
-� Stic6s a �:
1l�r Councilmen: Dempster, pinch, Saich, Jewett
DMflr: -' ComciLms VbW-
MENEM Councilmeas Breath
MD![K CARRIED: k-0 - 1 A110M.
The City Manager continued, that it was time to renew the rental
agreement with the owners of the City Hall property for another year.
Moved by Councilman Dempster that the lease agreement be re-
instated. Seconded by Councilman Saich.
AIM: Councilmen: Dempster, Finch, Saich, Jewett
MOTs: Councilmen: None
ASSENT: Councilmen: Benettl
The City Manager rey->rted to the Council twat It would be
necessary to increase the width of Bubb Road, or a portion of it,
an additional ten feet. Five on one side and five on the other.
That there would be no parking in this area. The section in question
Is where Bubb Road intersects McClellan Road on the South, where
a new Shell 011 Station is contemplated. There is a portion of this
street in San Jose and this would be contingent upon. San Jose agree-
ing to this increase.
Moved by Councilmen *Dempster, seconded by Councilmen Finch that
the City Manager be Instructed to proceed with the plans to increase
the width of Bubb Road as reported.
AYES: Councilmen: Dempster, Finch, Saich, Jewett
MARS: Councilmen: Done
ABSENT: Councilmen: Benetti
The City Manager stated that there was an extremely heavy work
Iced In the Engineer Department and that the City Engineer was having
to attend to minor dotal" that he should not be bothered with. Also
one of the employees has been on extended sick leave and for this
reason much of the work is piling up. They have requested permission
to hire another employee at the rate of =676.00 per month. The
range is $613 - *730.00.
Moved by Councilmen Finch, seconded by Councilman Dempster that
the City Manager be authorised to hire another employee for the
)oog:tneering Department at the salary stated.
AIM: Councilmen: Demprter, Finch, Saich, Jewett
halms: Councilmen: Mone
ABEAM: Councilmen: Benetti
The City Manager stated that Mr. George Bsoaeich had requested
that ins be allowed to resat the Civic Center property and harvest the
coop, &baring on a 50 - 50 basis with the City._ Auer sore-discus-
elm, it was decided That µ m
bar bids should be ailed Sor In this
sere was a letter from the county Bout of lapervisore In
sower tft Meow the dealgan-
tUG Of 0 portion of McClellan Poad as a No Track 1000W. The Hoard
of Suparv1sors denied the reoyemt.
>afr* was some dlsayalM'08 to whether it might not be a Good
idea 4ealomte test po�of McClellan Hoag within the Cupertino
to ism 6,nq ts10 , thereby stopping. the tracks from
n!hit� Oam "Von that road. firs City Weiser was in-
eoq Ot aw M=4tfto Department and SM110V s report
e so of ra" Involved L from lbothill Sonlems to Omsyps
u c' <"WP .CUY, � . _.. the Council U'Ut Y ^ a ralhlaat.
tMiir ptepstst7�s df `sll3ss Hear Chase 't Wgvwlt thi
edtdDllabsmnt. '!6s spplsdaUen had been ola. motes
amea ads ther hue imesmsssdmd approval of the rsafist.
mppm'mm ae pa dt fear the Swim seconded CCOShafltdRss6lssd Du�pster to
Ads Cons Ilsmss Dsspster, ?inch, Sefch, JaMett
1016: Couneflmems Mons
AMBmh Oomoeilseeu Denetti
MDUM cuffasos •-O - 1 AHSMQ
The City Hogineer reported as followss
1. The municipal improvements constructed In oonJunction with
the northeast corner of Stevens Creek Boulevard and Saich Way have
been inspected and the necessary corrections made.
The City engineer recommended that he be authorized by Minute
Order to inform the developer and his bonding company that the
improvement bond may now be retired.
Moved by Councilman Dempster, seconded by Council!+ . Saich.
AM09 Councilmen: Dempster. ?inch, Saich, Jewett
MOSS: couneilsans Faso
AR4011: Coumilmms BemAttl
2. The municipal Lgrovements constructed in conjunction with
the devoloprnt of All Amsriaus Market on the northwest corner of
Bollinger Road and Blaney A-awe have been inspected and necessary
correetions made.
The City engineer recommended that be be wAborlsed by Minute
Order to inform the developer and his bonding company that the
improvmmmnt bond my now be retired.
So armed by Comscllman Dempster, seconded by Councilman Saich.
ATRSs Councilmen: Dempster, Finch, Safeh, Jewett
9DRS3 Coumcilmens Moons
A868rrs Comsollmmt Haoettl
MMM CAM MED2 0-0 - 1 AHBWt
north . improvements an Paradlue
McClellan mat of Toni have been completed in acoordaosm a afPr'e►ed
The city - rmilmmLSd that the improwmprata by accepted
by the 0 11 by Illayt.0 older.
,o moved by boumaaiLmn Dempster, Seconded by Oomneilean Saicb.
AWs Counailmmns Dempster, Finch, Saicb, Jewett
Mat Coommumans Na" SM
NVITM mm d.o - I ANNINr
4. Improvements on 3omoroet, itnit No. � " Wn WOPleted
in accordance with the approved Plans.
Tne City gngineer recommended that they be accepted by Minarte
So moved by Councilman Dempster, seconded by Councilman Saich.
AYES: Councilmen: Dempster, Pinch, Balch, Jewett
AM: Councilmen: none
AMM CoVpailsim Benetti
IOIION CARRI�s �-O � 1 ��
5. the developer of Foothills, �t go. 2 barn. filed the
n City a 'asitelaL Dead and Anthorisailoo for mda�d
the City ' requested that the Coupon - doh- Resolution
No. 870 wlt�rigbts,, '$� 36*i, s fti 3b. 2. IIIdeP-
Moved� 870 be ter,.seconded m
by Co ailman Salch
that Resolution
AYES: Councilmen: Dempster, Pinch, Saich, Jewett
NOES: Councilmen: None
ABSENT: Councilmen: Benetti
6. Church of Jesus Christ of latter Day Saints, Bollinger
Road, 200 feet east of Parrallone Drive.
The City Engineer recommended the following:
The adoption of Resolution No. 875 approving final plans.
Moved by Councilman Dempster, seconded by Councilman Saich
that Resolution Mo. 875 be adopted.
AYES: Councilmen: Deq.ater, Finch, Saich, Jewett
NOES: Councilmen: None
ABSENT: Councilmen: Benetti
MYTION CARRIED: 4-0 - 1 AffiffiNT
Adoption of Resolution No. 876 authorizing execution of
Moved by Councilman Dempster, seconded by Councilman Saich
that Resolution Mo. 876 be adopted.
AYES: Councilmen: Drmpater, Finch, Saich, Jewett
NOBS: Councilmen: None
ABSENT: Councilmen: Benetti
Adoption of Resolution No. 877 accepting roadway dedication.
Moved by Councilman Dempster, Seconded by Councilmen Ssich that
Resolution No. 877 be adopted.
AYES: Councilmen: Dempster, Pinch, Salch, Je'Wtt
NOES: Councilmen: None
ABSENT: Councilmen: Benetti
Adoption of Resolution No. 871 accepting Orant oa' fteement ft as
Church of Christ.
Moved by Councilman Dempster, Seceded by Counuilman Saich
that Resolution Mo. 871 be adopted.
AM Cmmcilmmx Dempster. Finch, Saich, Jewett
NOES: CosnCllow. None
ABSENT: Councilman: Hsnettl
Reeommeaded the adoption of Resolution No. 872 accepting the
Grant of he<semmt from James A. Moreing, et ux.
Moved by Duvater, seconded by Councilman Balch that Resolution
No. 872 be adopted.
AM.* OoNSailmenz Dempster, H_:.ah, Balch& Jewett
x 00msdlmm as lboa
Affi CoMdAmm 1.
W"M CAMUn x ♦-O 1 Ate!
7.: -RlmM- Bmadn an the vast side of >Dmmey Avaxau,
jmatim to JmsdpadimW .Csmal has lean oam*let/d and accepted Dy
the City �l� L*o ' 10 2953. Pl== SOthars, Inc.
have tied the
the City Beginner reaavaanded that the project be accepted by
minute order and the Council authorise the progress payment of
$3,83D.8D, retainIM the sus of # 25.60 to be paid 30 days after this
Moved by Councilman Dempster, seconded by Councilmen Balch that
the City Engineers' recommendation be approved.
AYES: Councilmen: Dempster, Pinch, Balch, Jewett
MOSS: Councilmen: Dane
ABSENT: Councilmen: Benstti
8. Tract No. 3086, Belmont. on September 16, 1963 the Council
authorized the City Attorney to call on the developer's bond for
street work done on Merritt Drive that had failed. The contractor
has replaced the work and therefore, since there are still some minor
Item to be taken care of, and the contractor is seemingly showing
good faith, it does not appear to be worthwhile to go to the trouble
of calling the bond.
The recommendation In that the City not take any action in this
Moved by Councilman Finch, seconded by Councilman Dempster Last
the City Br4glneer's recommendation be approved.
AYES: Councilman: Dempster, Finch, Balch, Jewett
NO,'S: Councilman: None
ABSENT: Councilman: Baxattl
9. The City Engineer showed a design to the Council of the
Bubb load Bridge and recommended that one design, concrete, is most
economical am the best construction.
Moved by Councilman Dempster, seconded by Councilman Balch that
the City Eiginmer sake a complete report on this project for the next
Council meeting. .
AYES: Councilmen: Dempster, Finch, Balch, Jewett
NOS4: Councilman: Nome
ABSENT. Counailmenx Hmnattl
r '
A. Mlsael:iaeow
Counailman DmmW- r aaAosd for another meeting vlth the City Nall
architect prior to the,Jaxmtu5th. 1964 meeting. The city Manager
"us uutsaeted _,fm, meths to meet with the -- , arot.'. at
T:30 P.M. on Janory 6, 1964.
A. Letter from the Slater -City ( Copertino, Italy) Committee
requesting $150.00 to deferr expenses incurred in this regard.
Roved by councilmen Pinch, seconded by Councilman Dempster
that the Sister -City Committee be given the ;150.00, but that all
expenditures lrom• this amount will be approved by the Council.
Affil Councilmen: Dsspeters Plncb, Balch, Jewett
MS: Comooilmens )lone
An Counel]mens BMW=
=2101 CAMIM #-O - 1 Abmw"
Councilmen Balch miagned that there be a mmmtlag met at the
Jaslary, 196M machine £o dlmemem atom drain and ioadm as far
as the City is concerned.
The City Manages stated that the City ZN6InaW 10 Presently
preparigc a street and storm drain report for the Coomil.
The City Manager stated that he had a meeting set for December
18th with the school officials to dlscuss the Mary Assume extension.
That he would have a report on this setter as soon u possible after
the meeting. 8e stated that at this meeting he would bring vo the
letter the City of Cupertino had received from Sunnyvale.
Councilmen Saich mentioned that there had been seise modiflca-
tions to SB 344 with regard to whether to allow Cities to use sub-
division streets as matching funds, the Committee is working on it
and Mr. Sinclair will get a report out to the Cities as soon as it
Is ready.
Moved by Councilman Dempster seconded by Councilman Pinch that
the meeting adjourn until January 9, 1964. Meeting adjourned 9 :45 P.
UltA 1 /.
Y e
/s/ Verne M. Jewett_