CC 12-02-63W W
10321 30. Huy 9, Copertiao► Calif.► 95014 252 -4505
r C I T ! O F C D P S H T I N O
lfAC22 Board.Bpsl, cvPertlao $abool District
;.1Q300:ibb °DP,liasr�CYAd�I��Ip
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S! , 9 i} 1i 11 ;:'i 1S: matt ! :1 �
�, r :� . .CouoctlawtaDNgt� � . _q�:,,.;
a {Olt; Manager, City At$or , -bity
Staff presis:ts iC�t�i
Clerk, City Engif:esr; adding
-Inspector, Recreation Director
III IIDATS9 op THE PRSVICC3.MSBTINOS - 11/18 and 11/26, 1963
Correction -- November 26 - Vg 4, para. 2. 'Published"
should be chanEed to "public .
Councilman Benetti moved the minutes of November 18th be
received and filed a:d minutes of November 26th be re-
ceived as corrected and filed. Councilman Finch seconded.
Notion carried, 4 -0
Dorothy Webb, Attorney, presented a petition, signed by
property owners on Vicksburg Drive, protesting the con-
struction of Tract 2880, Lots 16, 17, and 18 and for
Lots 33, 34, and 35• She lnforead the Council that the
City Manager had 5one along v.1th her to see first -hand
what the situation was. Mrs. Webb would like the Council
to have the Planning Commission review the rezoning of
Lots 16, 17, and 18, and protests the sun decks on Lots
33, 34, and 35 because they would create an invasion of
property for the protesting property owners.
Councilma:: Pinch moved the City Council take this situa-
tion under consideration and requested a report from the
City staff before a decision is made. Councilman Benetti
seconded the motion.
AYES: Councilmen Benetti, Finch, Saich, Jewett
NAYS: None
ABSENT: Councilman Dvmpater
Notion carried, 4 -0
1. Dura style Homo Rearing will be held on the PvSming
Commission level.
2. December 5th Inter --City Meeting at gal's In Alviso
r s
pluming Commiasion Chairman Frolich's report was two -
1. In hl4 -conversation with the Assistant City gngiuser,
Chairman lsolioh was informed there mast be two Public
Bearings at the p2=ning Commission level and one at the
city Cowu 44i42-on the -deneral PIM.+ Brollob
r000erad . 001" mll'swri»g on-tg ,00 't7an am
Da. the planning Coris/loa 3f linfaW:-
City C
Ac the
to the
¢o of the tide &
Id coW .Into the
1sto it woq1A b*
Mfool asico :
Sham asst
Mora Plan in the
iatilnu of
and we it prior
Councilmah'Bihetti moved to authorise the City Manager to
Instruct the Consultant to have the General Plan in the City
Clerk's office by Thursday, December 5th. The Planning
Commission Hearings on the General Plan are to be set up
for December 16th and 23rd. Motion seconded by Councilman
AYBS: Councilmen: Benetti, Finch, Jewett
RAYS: Councilmen Balch
ABBOT: Councilman Dempster.
notion carried, 3 -1
2. The second item on the Chairmen's report concerned
Item VI g on this evening'e agenda - the parking ordinance.
He wanted to alter Section 1:1 d. to :ead: "unless existing
back fence or live planting which is acceptable to the
Planning Commlselon, H- Control and the City Council, or
unless other treatment has been predetermined in other
zoning Conditions."
Under Section 3.3, the Planning Commission felt it was im-
portant to increase this ratio because the H- Control has
run into trouble ulth the ratio 1:1 }.
Under Section 4.6, the Chairman questioned the wording. He
felt it should read "gross floor area" in the Ordinance,
the same as in Resolution 174.
Mayor Jewett thanked Chairman Prolich for his report.
A. Hillside Street Grade Policy. Recommended by Planning
Commission Resolution 175.
The City Engineer read his report of September 16th de-
lineating the criteria for the proposed Hillside Street
Grade Policy. The purpose of this chart is to guide
developers and to save time for the city engineers in
determining the number of units and the maximum grade al-
lowed on hlilsides. It will help to limit the amount of
traffic using a road. The main reason for t. is chart and
policy, though, is to deal fairly with everybody on an
equal basis.
Councilman Balch moved the Hillside Street Grade Policy be
made Resolution No. 869. Councilman Benetti seconded.
• V
AYBS1 Councilmen Benetti, Pinch, Seich, Jewett
NAYS: Nome
AffiffiTT: Councilman Dempster
Notion passed, 4-0
Councilman Saich wanted it clarified that this refers only _
to city - controlled streets, not privately owned streets.
B. HogdsMah Bnilding Co.: AW. i for s+sntative
Map appro*sl; 32 lotai NNaea*lu N lit . Approved by
PLming amdsmion 461Pj63.
The city mossor had,* corleaude to, t¢i� fie3Nteolve map ---
thin area ow be served by the aipeitino MYtee Dept.
Comeilm Balch so Mee the tentative ift be. approved, sub -
Ject to VA ikpWUM Water
COmlaelgll: ps,ljl +4d the Planning
-i: ftadaid conditions so OOndOt
the MUM of Lwo septic tank* on,the property. The
motion was maaomded by 000 ncilrn Nllnah.
AnS: Councilman Benetti, Pinch, Saich, Jewett
NA73: lions
ABSENT: Councilman Dempster
Motion carried, 4-0
A. Hearing of Appeals with respect to Stevens Creek No. 1
LID Assessment, together with Diagram and Engineers
Certificate. Resolution 655.8.
The City Clerk stated no protests had been received by
his office.
Mayor Jewett asked if there were any comments from the
audience. There were none.
The City Engineer presented two exhibits of the subject
area and stated the total cost of the project was
$74,676.57, which was $3,400 below the estimate. He
stated there had been much public pressure to get this
project finished at Blaney and Stevens Creek Blvd.
The City Attorney stated the contractor, not the City,
was liable for the satisfactory completion of this
Councilman Benetti moved to close the Public Hearing.
Seconded by Councilmen Saich.
Councilman Benetti moved to adopt Resolution 655.8•
Councilman Finch seconded the motion.
AYES: Councilmen Benetti, Finch, Saich, Jewett
MAYS: None
ABSWf: Councilman Dempster
Notion carried, 4 -0
B. Annexation Bearing "Regnart 63 -12 iiithdrawal "(Continued)
Ordinance No. 265.
The City Clerk stated there was a letter of protest one
file, signed by Mr. & Mrs. Y. G. Gibson.
Councilman Benetti moved to delay this Bearing until
December 16th. Councilman Finch seconded.
AYS: Councilmen Ssnetti, Pinch, Beach, Jewett
NAYS: None
ASSN: CouncilMn Dempster
Motion carried, 4-0
C: Anmeatiwe Betrinsa
Cosooilmen Balch - this Buries be delay" total
Llaeasber 777 , .e,
sauna seeoeass.
AaSs pmOgllrp' $tY Bleebp saiebs as a'!
NAZSs _Hoes .
AB)tis ova=
*tam Berried, 4-0
8m Bdild 'ft. . 964.63 to Ted sp0aozimately
acre fibs �. —tto C-l-1 Bomttatast� oea ' of
ffiEpomm g and Bond. Use Parldt elan Bought
for as stationn (".�-63) wed by PUMIM Commission
resolution 165. Appeal. COVt1V ed.
Mr. 0. P. Lane stated be has been trying felt tbewer
to get a company to use tide property
telephone cogMV bad finally made this possible for
him by making a portion of their property on McClellan
available to him mo be could qualify for the minimum
frontage required by service stations. He prepared a
brief and presented it to the Council-
3 a ... .
wakes 63-14' Ordinance Bo. 266)
Councilman Henetti moved that copies of this brief
(except for the photos) be made for each Councilmen for
study before the next Council meeting. Councilmen
Salch seconded.
AYES.: Councilmen Benetti, Finch, Salch, Jewett
RAYS: None
ABS&T: Councilmen Dempster
Motion carried, 4 -0
The City Manger was instructed to see that each
Cou:cilmen receive a copy of this brief as soon as
H. Ordinance No. 002(q), an ordinance of the City of
Cupertino Amending Ordinance No. 002 as amended by
Establishing requirements for off - Street Parking Within
the City, recommesxled with changes by Planning Com-
cission Resolution No. 174.
Councilman Benettl moved to postpone a decision on
Ordinance No. 002(q) to V ve the Council time to study
this ordinance. Councilmen Pinch seconded.
AYES: Councilmen renetti, Pinch, Saich, Jewett
NAYS: None
ABSMr: Councilmen Dempster
Motion carried, 4--0
P. nAssurance
cres f�PA to R -1, adlo�iniM the north rezone
de of 15.2
McClellan Road on the east bank of Stevens Creek.
Tentative Map -- 52 lots (Appl. 28 -aft -63) recommended
by Planning Com+la* ion resolution No. 170.
Attorney B. 14 IeCroix, representing the land CWWra,
asked if the Council had any Questi0as. He also sub -
witted a•tallbMIve map-
Councilman 8mieh wanted to know if the Cites he had
bad checked this 1009- The City �_nsas 40104 had owe some
regard to UM sn03ve of the rood and m tbs trees aloes
McClellan. .
'lbe main.DaMl Lion sseaed, F7/ a fast that
the1e _ " au 60' aecii V0I Id* 1W this maw
abich is 4FW at
YR OCAMA that this
fY tm,: rw which tii- � " :�aidsratiom
for a 91Ccnmoilis apltestide he referred
back to to recheck the torographr,
access scads, Its�� was
report be of 00 aezt Ooaocil 000bM. .
seconded b: Cbsstdilsem Benetti.
Mr. Sstin Bahl, 30111 Mae Lute, Cuperklno, in the
audience, wanted to state that this arm is already
a traffic bussed and Questioned the advisability of
adding another 56 hoses here without improving
Mr. IaCr ix wessted to know if the fact that this Property
Is earmarked for a park site had any influence on the
Council's approval of the tentative map.
AY8.4: Councilmen Banetti, Pinch, Saich, Jewett
SAYS: None
IBSENT: Councilman Dempster
Motion carried, 4 -0
G. !formn J. Hathenaon: Appl. 98 -Z-63 to rezone 45 acres
:.-cc A -I:B -2 to PC -H, adjoining the south side of the
suture Junipero Serra Freeway, TOO' west of the went
end of Gardens Drive, on the ease aide of a projection
of Mary Avenue. Recommended by Planning Commission
esclution No. 171.
- enderings were presented by architect ad Myers. He
stated that the applicant, in asking for PC -H zoning,
Is willing to extend Mary Avenue - -- either 90' or 60' - --
along his property. Le stated this was the same Pre-
sentation made to the Planning Commission, which they
Councilmen Finch wanted to know what the City Manger
was able to find out about the State's feelings as the
an overpass at Mary Avenue. The City Manager stated
:as discussed this with Mr. Black and as it now stands,
tae overpass at IWy Avenue has been dropped by the
State. However, remligoment of Mary Avenue neat' the
new high school is being considered and Rapt. Stevens
feels Mary Avenue is aaeessar� because of the number of
pupils from the CUertino area who are atttming
Homestead High School.
There will be s.— additional report on December 16th, af-
ter the City Nanogw! 00 City Engineer have a meeting
with the Fremont School Superintendent.
� Frr
. y
L,. A
Councilman Dempster arrived at 10:10 P.M.
The City.- Attos� Council felt the Co owght to know right
at the kiet -Gtf what portion of this Lad will be
Industrial. commercial, etc.
Councilman Haab stated this is Good land Mee, ba► was
cmcerned abom Ktls tauftio situation sod Mould llhs
this appllastlm trllad until the caw Miu'am City
r kas! 1f11so with the aahoo2 dfsteiats mad ap-
MISS Onai �' "tlta State, �'� OeliaM•
be U11121M is lwe at
At this gwh .10 am 10n WeNt-
limg wl •QOM sop yawn am
ad it i• that Sea+aalD 203b the hq
to the
comeilma� that RANUV 1s wed4 approve a
iasolutiam MWy A� >rG a< the Y�
ow money ae !la city t mom
opinion. � � _
l Mst AvumusM b tlYSks.
Councilman Flaeet sevsd to table this no, iea tlon until
the tart' chooll districts �ScoMad�OsmallmeBanetet _
AYES: Couneilmen 3WWtt1, Dempster, Hach, Jewett
WAYS: Councl2msmBa1ch
Notion carried, 4-1
H. Hearing on Resolution to vacate Water Line Basements,
Tract 3442, Oakdell Ranch (Resolution 556, Ordering
Resolution 856 was submitted by the City Attorney as
a Public Hearing.
Councilman Saich moved Resolution 856 be adopted.
Councilman Finch seconded.
AYES: Councilmen Benetti, Finch, Saich, Jewett
WAYS: None
ABsWr: Councilman Dempster
Notion carried, 4-0
A. Application 120 -M-63: Shell 011 Company, nil Rollins
Rd., Millbrae, requesting Architectural and Site
control approval, construction of Service Station at
southeast corner of Bubb and McClellan Roads. Approved
by R- Control. Conditions.
Wr, Morris Smith submitted renderings of the proposed
service station.
Councilmsnuich roved Application 120.M -63 be approved,
subject to the conditions of the plains as submitted and
the addition of a planter on the west side of the
building. Seoomded by Councilman Dempster.
AYASs Councilman Bsuetti, Duster, Flneh, Balch, sewett
RATS: None
Notion carried, 5-0
E, Application 121- RC-63s Warner Wilson, Saville WOOdruft,
MUM, voodemff, 10237 Creston Drive, tifl6r ch -
Coatrol. ii. ..
Yibt •sis Vea'r1OOa
as0 bp`tsbaildio`BS ate reedy
yb m m l lanf/lnah all to r - %va Application 121 -W-63,
with the fblloein6 oond1t21
1. Me entMaos drlvmwy t^ N increased to 35'
2. Plmnterm as sbbown on the drawings.
3. SOW, shell will be completed on the outside at the
time the bank is built and painted plywood will go
across the front or that portion or the building
b. No air conditioners or the like to be visible on the
roofs of the buildings.
Seconded by Councilmen Dempster.
AYASs Councilmen Banatti, Dempster, Pinch, Sail.,,
NAYS: None Jewett
Motion carried, 5-0
OFMINANCE Blvd "lto the Amending Mayor Streets Contained
Therein. Second Reading.
Councilman Saich moved Ordinance 210(x) be read by
title only. Seconded by Councilmen Benetti. The
City Clerk complied.
Councilmen Salch moved Ordinance No. 210(a) be enacted.
Councilman Dempster seconded.
AYES: Councilmen Benetti, Duster, Pinch, Saich,
NAYS: None Jewett
Motion carried, 5-0
Crook !seaway Revision)
The City Attorney stated In had reviewed this agreement,
upon the rrawat of the City Council.
The City Ha agar stated he had contacted Mr. Baylor,
who said there will not be an amsadment to the Was -
sent, whatever.
Councilman Balch moved Resolution 852 be adopted.
Coun*120w Dinh maoonded.
. T-
„r.,...._--- ._ --"-T .. _._,_..._ T .._._.,�.......•....- ^- .- ^-.�._ .� ...�, - .,,,+fie
ATW: CoUnal2men: Ben/ttl, Deep~, !inch; Ssich, Jewett
Nays: None
lotion carried, 5-0
PATM arm
1 I •t!r saved � D4 idopted.
b i"i #tyga .`a sty „• y;.q
.7 #1 ”} _�IId111.
,... `•5 !t':F 'L R. y ,2_ b
AUSt � ho Deoetti, DseOefsayr`MaON ORIJON
Notion carried, 5.0
A. RhhpoR'1' or CIr! 'IRHASmm - Noce
It was reported tbat $20,000 bee been accumulated in
gas tax monies. The City Manager recommended this be
used to rides the Babb Road bridge. Be pointed out that
time is of the essence in this case since the City
Engineer must submit preliminary reports to the State
In December as to bow these monies are to be spent. ?be
Engineering Department must sake a survey as to approxl-
sate cost of the project. In the event, after the City
has received the money and they decide not to use it
for this project, it can be kept by the City for use
in some other worthy project; however, the preliminary
reports most be submitted in December or the money
cannot be gamed over to the City.
Other projects suggested:
1. Stacking lanes for Stevens Creek Blvd. & Hey 9
22. Wolfe Road
4, E
Stalling Aoad
5. Mary Avenue approaches
Hollinger Road undeveloped area
7. Foothill Blvd tie -in with expressway
Councilman Dempster moved the City Manager asks a re-
port as to the cost of the Bubb Road bridge and of the
possible contribution of other - agencies before the
Council votes on it.
The City Manager requested authorisation to props” the
Information and the cost of the bridge in order to get
this mosey tied up - -- then: be.would contact other
jurlsdletloaa and the Council could vote for or against
the project.
Courioilian Dempster amended his motion to the effect
that the City Manager and City Engineer complete their
prelimipary r9port in order to "ewe these monies and
.waist tMy soataet other agencies am'to.their contribu-
tion, but me action should be,to'spending of
this meow Worm 11 votes on St.
counclion ftleb Nea ded the e UM-
AUS: Coumd3d e► Anstti, Dempster, pl!dlf�,. Jossim
Owt loos
:04 NORW
. z 'lyation caiasaA; .� .
4 i.�
w . c i- UI �e it
.. .. a.i I
A =Oi lkoetfiiis Pinch, Swett AWRY= 9Lich
VATS: loom
Motion carried, 4-6
2. Another item In the City &:gineer's report OF Orned
250' of storm dralas along the freeway at Slangy. The
cost would run ;y00D to $4500 for the required 36
The City WA=g r pointed out that this is a flood area and
rnoseanded the Council vote for installing this yipe.
Councilman pinch movrl the City gr:gineer be instructed to
get the cost of this project by the neat msetiag. This
motion was withdraro.
Chavvteecthe City take care ooffhahaving the 25009 of W
store drtlm inatallad along the fregnsy at Blaney-
AYES: Councilmen Senetti, Dempster, Finch, Saich, Jewett
IAYS: lions
Motion carried, 5-0
In district
icthas agreed to giveOtheF the school
City an
item City AttCMWVsarsted a minutia order autborising
the City Cleric to ameate the agt�smsnt hetm 0 Cupertino
Onion School Dlstalot, City of Cupsrtine and Cupertino.
Sanitary Dietwiet ve2ative to the :ISgbt to install sanlf
tart' sager lines tV Was Sanitary Ddstriet and storm daln-
age lines by tin CLt7.
So moved by CMMO M- VSVW&tal._ A04?PUW- C— gWw`1IPM .ftXgb-
AYES: Coatrallmammiosetti, Dempster, Flncbs Stub, Swett
HAYS: Conoel3oom:R ms
>atlen Curled 5-0
/ I 1 '��rn :/x:11 �'•: •�
♦t :4wt1 �.♦
A. ado the Paaiie �� he stated flow thaw Years
in the AllalSO SaoppaleH CaOtK me
epsmed mad almeei alt At .wM .rug �. It has 1p
-so as& that tba: is91e *UoMts4 167i saw 11ido-
OWW:1PT 'pA 14t- Y 1yf��the po]icy of "a. 3 L:he�?
' iin:
.too new
>. Ames M 1sI170 M NIfIM�'�"M,000
thda 034w.•. •
sa :Y^ !' „ to �pilta• has
Osswel]aln 'ttla Countynft%W1% tme
1f�ta tha.CllZ ChL arcMtast t0 see It seM-
thig cow bYF pWt as.. far as ferea6+ij oft.
Councilman Dappstme requested the City Nmmggw am about
buying more land at. 4tsdt price nos.
Rr. Farrier . stated tale County would m lrtain the interior
and exterior of sou leased building.
Councilman Dempster ass in favor of CupeFtlno getting the
"whole package.'
E. Mayor Jewett ata>emWd the ribbon cutting ceremonies for
the Walla Pasgo Hawk are set up for December 16, 1963,
at 9:45 A.N. and ragsssted the Council be present.
C. Councilman Dempster wed the alternate park alts be de-
elgsated as that laud across from De Anse College on
Stevens Creek Blvd. Councilman Benetti seconded-
AYES: Councilman Hmeettl, Dempster, Pinch, Balch, Jewett
FATS: None
X&tion carried, 5-0
Councilman Pinch moved tbo meeting be adjourned at 11:57 P.N.
Councilman Dempster seconded.
Ara H ewtt
_.. v.