December 29, 1966IL 10300 Torre Ave. 14 Cu.pe-r-t-Ino, Calif., 95" C T Y 0 F C U P Calil M Phone: 252-4505 N 0 M1170 -TES OF' THIE", SPECIAL H -CONTROL COMVIET'IEE MEET-11MG 05�, D.&`I.-,MFEBER 293. 1966 PLACE CounLci.l Cham berso 10300 Torre Avenue, Ouperti-_.�,.o I SAIJJTE TO UTIE -FLAG I ROLL CALL Committeemen present.- Irl -Win .5( 11 tch (7 M B Stern.,a. -im teemen absent- KowJ Co rnit Staff present e ChLief BuIldlin.g Ins-spectoz, -,)il-1 R -ig Sc -,e ecordii -,.,c,-, ta,_ry., Lodsis Inwards, Ill COMMUNICATION -S Written-. 1. 2. Letter of December 6 1966) -om ninng Cz.hn .Town Center Developer,, objecti�ig to Letter of Dec embe-_r,, 29,,, 19669 fronn, Cice. r_,�,.,iing -B. objecting again to appl-'I.cation 251-1-_u-ic-S6. Efe feels that the old and new -rendi''tions fo-z, 'IUI_*b.,e- proposed reesta.ui*­a-_?x @,-;, completely out of chiaracter, w'.Ith th(n,- exiisting buildings:and site devele -oment at Ta -lo Al -to Well.,',-�­Fa-rgo and the Cupertlino Town Cente-r on the opposite side of Highway 9. Verbal -. 10 Arc'hitect Dale Rhlcars, for �:_;'o :r e'M EI ZI Wi Drive., Los Altos sq had two (-t.1ttilrnate roof materia. -Is on the car -vvash building an,d f t.,Ieerme.-ntt of the W -a at the rear of the property,, V Mr,, Ehlers requested per -mi s ion to ch,'Llnge t'Lte, roof to dark -grey asphalt shingle,,-,. on the lowez, portioniof -the roof the approved concrete shingles ill th'�P) Verticle portion beca'u,.SE�' he feels itwilll be more i -n charactei,., �,7ith 'the wh-Ite bu.ildinb, with :black electrical Chairman Fitch asked, if there vk7ere oth,,e-zin th­--��.n 8Iest!,Ie_t_-IJ.c -_re-asons for this request. MrL, Ehlers. said. request ww,-,, because, of appearance more -than anything. 0 �7 -t,f-e a,PP Mr. Ehlers sai,�' -j.ic-anit, ,�,t -, masonry wall re--q!-�-irenient foga the r,-*.ic'--- t (J- p" t e, c aa e e -.0 they would prefer to -wait and see U-1 at tl,7' c n A k "I - (� �- 1-9 �'. -1 t 1�t the adjacent Property. If` I t S hc-L � c .9 1 7 want to create an ilSlan(t a-nd be cl t off IV01, t t Mr. Small did not feel the, change on, car building would be detri'mental, af_,, La.ic StI'-uct-!Jr-e-. 1-a not changed. Mr. Stern asked, -,:f t',,.,,e appl]-a-r-t r :f will h- j�j for th.i,-- a- char-i��e on the car wash b1,1.i1,,-:ting, on the rest of the d'evellopme"U. -`e,' on this building i;=; qiI7.ite diffe-ren,t from, t? - t,-,,, ��f the -,-,ite crick walls oil this building will hav" - I 1,� --n of the other bu-11 but will Chairman Fitcnwal°s, In roo" (Je e , :;� C Len, -materials col'Ild penalize th�e, qu,,slit .---) of v! op appearance., Mr. Ehlers said that, although t�;el. CD added difficulty to the original ro(--,ii,at,-=Lal!:� L-', treat the con c shingles break quite easily. 'I ly, wo-2,11. -TIP applical".1,- to Chairman Fitch said he. pert-*,,--na- I V remain with the o,.-io,inal selection --f 7he Architect then said it will be necessary to qU,3-l-'*tY of the int --r--,;01°. Moved by Mr. Small.., -,...:corded by :di-. U11at 71,PPlic ti 231 -HC -66 be recomi-nended to the tr).P change In materials from what was criginallyjr, it1, to asphalt n. -,alt copocit-!_C'�, as requested by the applicant, and appl.P ovc�,"L of concrete the for of t 1)�e L .(, � 2: frrie le,- t-.) the 7t JS ecorn n,, 'I the verticle portion, City Council that th- 1'^.quiremel-jt foj° tae zr.a;, ,nry wall be deferred -r westerly boundary ,p,ce-,,t for one year, until `cuing Or deVEjL of the property is �etermll-n,eJ,- aftE,,I° o1rie, area r', is to review same. ID AYES: Mr. Small. MAYS: Messrs. SteV-n., 1 -"itch ABSENT: Messrs. Irwilnj Kowitz K o t o n, fa Moved by Mr. Small, seconded by Mr. ec to the City Council of the rleqi-�.est, applt 6 that the requirement to!' t! -,et) rr>a oIL .;y for one -,r� tl,e year., until zoning OIL., develOPm,�l-'t C,f the b'ou-r -'y property is determined; after oi-.,e Col.,nct! to same. AYES: Messrs. Small., Stern, NAYS: None ABSENT: Messrs. Irwin, TK t -2- The Architect then requested. permiss-ioi-i use concrete shingles ,on the verticle as well as the other pc) -l -tion, o--, t'vle 7-00-P second-best. He feels it is important to cbt-ai- these lights anc'3. shadows, which effect cannot be obtained. -with. the flat tiles. Moved by Mr. Small, seconded by Mr,, Stern, to recommend to the City Council that the request of the applicant for contcrete shingles throughout on the car wash building be approved. AYES: Messrs. Small., Stern, Fitch NAYS: None ABSENT: Messrs. Irwin., Kos witz. I Motion carried,, 3-0 IV APPLICATION A.. Application 251 -HC -66,, Diamond. Bl Ranch Beef,, 306 East 5th Ave,,, 'San Mateo,, requesting Arch. &; Site Approval to constz-L-A.ct a frame building with red -wood siding -with terra co-ta ceramic the roof, to be used as a steak house restaurant at 3-0331 S. Saratog-a- Sunnyvale Road .(adjacent to old City, 11-Iall) (con-tin-ij.ed) Mr. Ed Landgraf., of the above address.,,, presented the new rendering of the exact plan of the building they are proposing for this location. This included flat,, ceramic 'tile roof material, amber bottle,glassand pumice stone on both sides of the' entrance. Mr. Small asked about the landscaping plans, it.was decided they Would be submitted.at a later date. ,Mr. Landgraf said. he understood approval of these plans did not in any, way:include approval of Der-WienerschnitzelwhI'I .own )n ch is shoC the plot plan. He also understood it -would include dedication,and improvements for Highway 85 and half of Terry Way,, Mr. Irwin asked if Mr. Chrisman had seen this: latest re-ndi-tion. Mr. Chrisman had seen it and had co-'rmpented that j"Ke is not, objecting to the use but to the architecture of the buildiJig, feeling that it is not compatible with the existing structilre-s in'the area, Mr. Irwin asked about the colors to be used on the Signs. ,Mr,, Landgraf said they have a contract1with.Ad Art for all -their signs 'to be made the same. When told. the red sign -would not tie in -with the new color scheme, he offered to tone down., -.the red,, He was asked to have, Ad -Art contact the Building De�partmentl'. for, ..correct size and. color suggestions for, -the sign, Moved by Mr. Irwin, seconded by Mr. Small, to recoircmend'to th.e City - Council approval of application 251 -HC -66 per the plans a:rid zket.ch submitted., With flat ceramic the roof as submitted on 12-29-66, the 10, standard conditions, and the landscaping and. signs to be submitted ata later date® This motion Was amended by Mr. Serail, y fir. 'nr�.r, that the applicant is to submit plans to the 'Suil7.i� ;):spa rtyr•er'�t sv.o'/iing the revised building materials and specifications that will mato- the rendering submitted for the building. Vote on Amendment: AYES: Messrs. Irwin, Small, Stern, aiteh; NAYS: None ABSENT: Dr. Kowitz Mction carried, 4-0 Vote on Motion: AYES: Messrs. Irwin., Stem-, Fitch NAYS: None ABSENT: Dr. Kowitz Motion carred, 4-0 V OLD BUSINESS 1. Mr. Small asked, about the A-frane sign at Portal Plaza. He was told the cleaners with this sign are going to present the Committee with their new sign Mica will be be mlethey with the others in that shoppir� need some identification. 2. Cupertino Flower Shop has requested permission to have a sign. They have been told that the sign surface for that building has been used up by the Produce Depot. It has been decided the Cupertino Flower Shop will use one of the existing pole signs and the Produce Depot will use the other. 3. Mayfair Market and Gemco have teen advised to c'.Lee.1: up tl-lei" parking lots, and some progress has been made. • 4. The Cormnittee has decided to de-'er 11-h.eir discussion of the Sign Ordinance until their meeting with th.e Planning Com- mission on January nth. VI NEW BUSINESS -- There was none. VII ADJOURNMENT Moved by Mr. Stern, seconsjed by Mr. Small, to adjourn. thio meetil-ig at 8:33 P.M. A FPF.OT�,:I: /s/ Guy W. Fit 'Ch ha rman ATTEST: 0 ef BuilTi_n_9___1,)1Spector