February 18, 1966'? "re, evi, /I
10321 South Saratoga -Sunnyvale Road -
Cupertino, California, 95011.1 phone: 252-L1505
C I T Y 0 F C U P E R T I N 0
e is an Olympic -size pool, and they are
tennis courts, more green areas, etc.
according to latest thinking, because
working on plans
Putting greens are
of the high cost
e will be a four -foot adobe wall to serve as a garbage
ainer enclosure. Carports have been approved in this
lopment. They are located in the rear. Each unit will
rovided with a storage area in the vicinity of the carport,
Griffin said they want to start about April 1st and should
finished about October lst.
Moved by Mr. Small, seconded by Dr. Kowitz, to recommend
approval of application 215 -HC -66, subject to the 10 Standard
Conditions, the shake roof, plans and renderings as submitted.
Since the fence will involve the applicant's obtaining a
Variance, it will come in for approval separately.
AYES: Messrs. Chalman, Kowitz, Small, Fitch
NAYS: None
ABSE11T: Mr. Stern
Motion carried, 1!-0
B. Applica-ion: 216 -HC -65, M. C. Johnson, Inc., 831 Monica
Lane., Campbell, requesting Architectural and Site Control
Approval to .construct two 2100 sq. ft. duplexes, to be
located on Lots 3 and 4 on the east side of. Merriman Road,
101 feet south of Alcalde Road.
The contractor and property owners, Mr. & Mrs. R. H. Cromwell,
10520 Merriman Road, Cupertino, were present at the meeting.
This property was annexed to the City of Cupertino under
Ordinance 322, on March 23, 1962.
Before annexation, the County had given approval to construct
three duplexes and one single-family residence on this property.
There is a Record of Survey. The City has annexed this pro-
perty, with the provision that the County's rulings here will
be honored. This Committee understands that this has been
submitted and approved by the County Architectural and Site
Control Committee.
The property owners will dedicate the frontage for the right-
of-way. They have been allowed by the County to install an
asphalt berm. The Director of Public Works has suggested that
this Committee could make mention that the berm will divert
any water.
Mr. Small asked what would happen if there is an Improvement
District formed in the area. Mr. & Mrs. Cromwell said they
would welcome an Improvement District, if the others in the
area would also go along with it. In the meantime, the County
has worked out all the off-site improvements and the City
Council has already accepted this property with the conditions
as set forth by the County.
There is a possibility that an opening should be left in the
berm because the City finds it is sticking out onto the road-
way, causing difficulty in backing, etc., for other properties.
The City will construct something to take care of this.
Mr. Cromwell d%splayed the landscaping plans for the first
unit and said the plans for the remainder of the property
will tie in very closely with these plans,
TheCounty ap-plication number is: 6A6543, including Exhibits
A and Ba
Moved by `Dr.. Kowitz, seconded by Mr. Chalman, to recommend
appro.val..of .a,,ppli-cation 216 -HC -66, based on Exhibits A and B
to c.o:iricide ith , previous approval of Santa Clara County H -
Control Committee. under their file number' 6A65,3s the. 10
Standard _Coridti:ons9 landscaping plans for Lots 3 and 4 to be
a.s similar as'` possible tothose of Lot .19 and: subject to the
plans" submitted a
A:Y"ES `" Messrs. Chalman., Kowitz., Small, Fitch
NAY'S ..None
ABSENT- 'Mr. Stern
Motion carried, 4=0
C,o Application 217 -HC -66, David Delano, for Jack -gin -the -Box,
ince , 'l�3'9 East '4th Street, Oakland, requesting Archi
tectu.ral.and.Site Control Approval to construct a restau-
rant ,be tj ee.n the U -Rich Service ,Station. on. Blaney Avenue
acid `the 'Red:Nest` Restaurant on Stevens Creek 'Blvd
MroIDelano said they have property in Santa Clara County,, San
Jose, Campbell, Hayward, Fremont and San Bruno, They are
drive-through restaurant..operation.o This type of service is
designed to cater to the.young married couples with small
children,,. As - they t:hey drive up, they see the posted menu:, give
their'or4er into the speaker box, and drive slowly up to the
vaindoW bo`pick it up, Anything on their -'menu can be cooked
in three ..minutesa Three `.out of ten cars .stop and consume the
food on the prem Most of the�i take 'i'� home to 'eat
He said there `are. no vaomen `e'mployees.no music,, and no alcohol
on the premises, -
Mr. Delano said they will own the building but will lease the
lan,ia. ..,He;.displayed a plot plan, elevations, and a color photo
of their restaurant_n.San Diego, The exterior is stucco,
with depressed vents o.n the roof. o Tl?e building ,resembles a
nursery blo'ckm He said they have, been in'business 127 years.
Mr. Delanosaid they have .three crQztical'„things which are
essential"to their operation: the menu board, speaker box, and
the pole.sign,out.in,,frontm He is willing to comply with the
Sign ;Ordinarice.e He said he could do''uiithout the "220 hamburger"
signs.,,,etc,. ,`Their hours are l0 A.M to 11 ]'aM, on week days
and 10-A M., 'tq .l A.M- on,Fridqys and Saturdays o He said they
are not, fran.chised9 ,but they,,do maintain tight control over
all their operations, They anticipate having 40 stores in
the area within 4 years.
Mr, Small said he was having`clfficulty trying to visualize
this type o,perLtion on 'Cupevtino Is '.'Wilshire Boulevard.”
Mr";, Delano;"said he Was w -II ing to tone doWn. the colors
Dr, .Ko,olitz felt the Committee was in an awk-ward position here
since'ths did -"not have to come before the Planning Commission
'(.property :is already commercially zoned); and the City Council
has..,given no, direction on the .type of bus i tresses to go into
this area., He felt, though, that this is the 'type 'of bui'ld" ng
five are trying to avoid. on Stevens Creek Boulevard, and, in
applicant agreed to remove all the extraneous flags and
work, etc. He said he has retained a landscape architect.
r the circumstances, Dr. Kowitz requested this application
abled and the applicant come buck in to the next meeting
renderings of exactly what he would like to construct on
property in Cupertino. The applicant has offered to reduce
lighting, to minimize the colorful accoutrements, and give
od, strong landscaping plan. The applicant was agreeable
his postponement.
d by Mr. Small, seconded by Mr. Chalman, that application
217 -HC -66 be continued until March 8, 1966.
MotLon carried, 4-0
D. Application: 16 -HC -61, Lucky Stores, Inc., DBA Gemco,
. 20745 Stevens Creek Blvd., requesting Architectural and
Site Control Approval to construct a fence around the
entire system of air conditioning, etc., nowlocated on
the roof of the Gemco -Cupertino store.
Upon our repeated requests, Gemco-Cupertino,.is going to
put a fence around the appurtenances on their roof-.
iMoved by Mr.. Small, seconded by Dr. Kowitz, to requ'est.the
staff to write a letter to Gemco, thanking them for their
Motion carried, 4-0
Moved by Mr. Small, seconded by Dr. Kowitz, that the Chairman
of the Architectural and Site Approval Committee write a
letter to Mr. Anderson, of Luck Stores, Inc.,- .thanking Gemco
and Lucky Stores for their cooperation in the subject matter
of fencing all the appurtenances on the roof of the Gemco -
Cupertino store.
Motion carried, 4-0
00 Application: 191. -HC -65, Copola Pizza Parlor, corner of
Stevens Creek Blvd., and Saratoga -Sunnyvale Road.
Chairman Fitch reported that the comment from the City Council,
at their last meeting, was that in reviewing the application
and the approval of application 191 -HC -65, Mr. Copola had
agreed to remove the top sign if he could have the front sign
and the painted sign on the north side of the building.
Chairman Fitch said the Ci -.y Council has asked the Committee
to look into this and see why the sign is not being considered
for removal.
In our own Minutes of our last meeting, Chairman Fitch said
the Committee decided they would cast a "jaundiced eye,"
whether or not we would approach Mr. Copola very seriously about
the signs. It was not decided whether or not he would be asked
to remove any signs,,
Mr. Small said he stands by his decision to remove the roof
sign if the painted sign on the north side is to remain. If
we start relaxin; on our sign restrictions, we will be just
asking for trouble.
Chairman Fitch said that Mr. Copola is undoubtedly an expert
at making pizzas, but he did not feel his choice of signs is
doing him much good, He felt Mr. Copola should hire a sign
expert to advise him. On the other hand., since he is on a
month-to-month basis at this location., with no lease., perhaps
the cost would be prohibitive.
The staff was instructed to contact Mr. Copola to try to find
a solution to his problem. The Committee is going to ask
Mr,.Copola to consider further what he would like in the way
of signs on his building and he should present to the Committee
an acceptable proposal for the Committee to act upon. If he
does not we can, through the Building Inspector., and on the
strength of the City Council's direction, require Mr. Copola
to comply with his own agreement,
Moved by Mr. Chalman, seconded by Mr, Small, to adjourn the
meeting at 10:15 P.M.
Guy Wo Fitch
r1hief Building In-s-:1ec5c,ruor