CC 11-18-6310;121 zo. Saratoga- a=jvale Rood _ 252-1505 CITY OF_QPBBTRO iiror is i Mop" 1ffi tdNA10 CIT! COON= rAtMINa of rD 1363 Plao0i'tiO3W Vista Drive., C%Wrtino,(Board Room Cooerti::o-Sabool- �.M District) �. Y= �i ' - d sitt'd' Mnatti, Su •i�`"":SII ,.. #�� 'mss �+�,�����},,,;, ty ''Si -'jW 'd ail 7[LT MISS a � lRSVI088 �S: Nove�bsri'+4 -ir�t� 1963' -• .; r -,.4. tt asked if. these were any correctionm br additions to fte City Clerk stated that on p! go 3 of the Novewbir 12th :order der No. V, Ordinance No. 261 did not show a motion for en- aetmimt or a vote from the Como). Com ol3man Finch bad mound fbr the enactment of Ordinance 261, seecmdmd by Councilman Dempster. AAS: tosncllsen: Dempster, Finch, Balch, Jewett NOES: Counallmen: None ABSEW: Councilmen: Genet *..1 "Mug CARRIim: 4-o The City &:gineer asked that the record be corrected on Page 2 of the November 4th minutes, to indicate as follows: Second paragraph, •bird line: "The City Engineer stated that the developer has been ordered to keep this minim, less then 1 }:1, referring to Lot 14. Also, Page 7 - 5th line from the top of page. "The City Engineer stated there would be a minimum of grading Blocs there was good no- twrml run-off." The City &:grocer did not make this statement = it was made by the developer. The City Manager asked that tba following corrections be made to the Nantes of November 12th: that it be clarified that, the developer wisksd to improve the westerly portion of the road at the beginning or dewmiopment and after the !Navy equipment is no longer needed, to put in the esiterly portion. =ha•rmasoning being that beavy trucks and eqm *msnt travelling over the masterly portion would tend to rmin.the paving lob. Comallman Balch moved that the Minutes of November 4th and 12th be appe+oved as corrected. Soesnded by Councilman Finch. Amos Cquncilmeo:.Dempster, Finch, Balch, Jewett tiM 18. awollmen: now ABOMlt +0§0noilenn: Who AB��::LplfpollmM►: Het mtti *NRWIlan 8snettl did• not attend the meetiTW of November 4tkrlb nth) JpVcr Jewett asked if tharo were any oral ooamunleatlama from the amdidow. jilt City Noger aatef rmror Jewett if b malt inewer 1n'• s ►oa �esation. >k went on to, State that sosatlale ago the Counoll had wy ref llffit in shit arm and tftt -ft was decided to met the spoed lldt the saw on the north and south sift of St~ t;an ;aq1! pad � would be to - motoristso rcpr, atwd that the matter bt sibberd to him eo W*t WIC. gal=t a,rep0", fa�Aa the 8horiff'a offler with a reeomatndat em. which ns woulA row bath to the'Commdil. that 1!, t±,Mt feea lfMreaaaa 1W mati" fxW am "arriamays Committees ant the an mob 2. bettor free Wo Doaid of aopereiaoea.aabag tflat tfr City utlee tnv='Y 1ai3dn utd 3 oioewwt at >m 9 .26are r• am* Alsemaalm in this I&AU00 amt .1"m SmIch ask2m WW this bad not base rOMI to the 20ma!"Mym esmmittMs that he had MUM nothing about it at the aeetiegs. Csmpailmsu adth use latermod that Spars was no rsaaom for it to be .tressed to the Suifis- wya Committeeerslaae it was a In -Jon of wb~ or net the fat chargod wars board of �esessoav � rya -ate teadCb's�it%a went to tea on the matter. 3. Letter from tea Chaabar of Oomaasos wsking tbt CA= 11 to adopt a Resolution or nlmute Order In boner of R.Calf. Mv. She Council was of the opinion the honoring of R. Call last par {M& bbeea dogs, tad that It would be nose fitting to honor all of Cit7 �a� � to so Inform, the �Caaaitr of commeree. Imes Planes" for tbelr contributions Itmbe rrtsoiwd il"ledC. w+a 13aeh that ♦ -fly W in 1KJiwas 2 (a» Planning Comlaelon �M of fgereflse 13.1 3) _bbael� of the !leaping Coal warms Mr. nomm F"�a tatted saver tun swom" in as 'blot he w e r7 �bij F I omen" bun th w 11116 not aoapletrd tbNr assa0a at Lima rtgelar erasing. Abed if thss west a4 4wastlem. mmm wane ache. A. IMS A. W*MM lieatlta �-4i to raaa►t 22 arras from S- 233(19 atrst top N7 asm to !W)i 1Mb�ia bbl• � • i a !ram >� For Jemtt stated that at` the last eseum ¢Nees had not Bass s gMl1 Comnou and the 1NtUa hD diem a 2-2 'vote. 11msa! 40 3 a aft�o�o¢a at spat wrt4 ,lo� . or it. be ,itQ r7RZe la - #!! dIIMMMM� A p U. ti• : N 3onnellun Hbnetti asked 1r there Mould be eu4ba,.gntter,S and lka on that part of Vicksburg drive that goes fMiMgh the }fir.. r.,A"2ey, the developer, stated tbkt, he �A be =MM to *.1i the :akrbs, gutters t.nd b,'►Get". Councilman Saich cawed that, Application 8Wt -63` Ire aMiA'ad 'with tea following conditions: 1. the dedilitiod of aria acid of lad' adjacent to 06 ft" i111809 SehOOl,Kbr jp ^r : a'cu .a. to E -�,yp �}= �. T_t'� n4s7Ja' - T�myagay��,I�s:arh � -�f« n.... s .• •_ . ` - '3 . Plabbiit(� ilri i as -it Vass t ttiii i lAtr '. . lapaotsd with Street, curb, gutter and Seconded bf COWmilvo Denetti. Amu Cooncilmens Danstti, Salch, Jewett �s Counellmen: Dempster, Finch its Councilmea: lone CANMD: 3-2 D. DONALD A. ZRCM, App21eatioe 95 -Z--63 to raceme 11.03 acrvs from A-,2eD -M a a - -1 on West side of vialftwo 9 between Mariana & Ioci22el 8.75 a-, to A-24-3 and 2.26t sore to Po-H. geoutive map application 25- 91.63. Denied by plasoing Commission assolution kb. 156. Appeal (Continued from 1174 a 11/12) Igor Jewett asked Mr. Oene Mastin, the applicant's representative, If Mr. arcell, the applicant, would be willing to wit for a study asmestam on this matter. Mr. Mastin stated that he had talked with Mr. Xwell during the day and had been Instructed to get whatever he eoald at the aeeting. He had hoped to get the PO -H souing appsowd. 0,70r Jewett asked the Council what their wishes ware. Comnallaaa flmeh moved that Application 85 -Z-63 be set ror a study session with Mr. Rscell, the date to be set at the and of the meeting. 3ecendad a► Councilman Saich. Aa3: Councilmen: Hanettl, Dempster, Finch, Salch, Jewett �s Councllmans lone AMM2 Cosacilmaa: lone PDT= CARROM 5-0 C. 30 RQI1DM COMM: Application 96 -Z-63 to resQUa approximately 1/2 acre from R -1sD -2 to C-1 -Hj southwest corner of.X&gPW smoom�99h aatnd MaCpplsellan Road. PIMt Dy P2ann3t* 4bmsdmdoa Reaolwtlon 265. A(ppes3t. 3 Denied "a City'Clea�loisto<da�la0 the Council that he had 2nd, I r letter , from the afpliw�at could not be present at thee meeting POvOd a 922Lf . the *A*d,ty Couno Dempster, secant" bw Cousscl2MA 3610b that AMUcktion 96 -Z-63 'be foNDOSwd until the December 2nf- Meting= AMS Councilman Dlnetti, Dempster, Finch, 3aioh, Jewett - p68 Councilmen: 'loom 1P: Councilwens )tune IMOa CARMM: 5-0 4 . W s..+bialb • W D. Arg=tloA,zwwi .- "Begnart, 63.12 Withdramol' ,� '!ke City Ole, the Council that he hM9 letter of pm-,., test aeeismt Lhi>y - i from Mr. W. o, Gibson asO Jaws D. Olbfth, out ,of the majpritA ai_ tip Property. Moved by Councilmen Flnoh, seconded by Coi=II sn Dsspster that ten, utter,_h m qo 4',s pixy At—W tor. a raaeet. .,. Q10sos► �iA er ace. and 'al3b& icon � to apaat. E�wir .tea.! N >raN .... Aeatafem me ltw Isr ashen an R i �11f 49 TWW"!wsARVP a..r.. Obved I Coatli�i that 1Ipq t iYdO6fiidilb }if ?aoD1 is eMtRi 70 �. \wsA. An$s Councilmen: Heoetu, Dempster, Finch. Salae, Jewett MSS Councilmen: Hone Aif: Councilmen: None UMMOM CA==2 5-0 T17 AROITHCTUPAL AND SITE OMML: (Minutes of November 12, 1963). A. J %ICMW 11A- HC-63s DOT LZ MUM QOCH, 10181 or Avsrasd., regssting Architectural and Site Control approval' -fok, :constructlon of Sanctssar7, appeoxlmatel, 10,000 evhtrf eater located at 10131 Miller Avenue. Appsoved by 1 11/12/63. Conditions. Mr. Alfred Johnson, Architect, displayed mom renderings of the prc ah to the Council, explaining to them where It would be located on the property. Mr. Johnson stated that there bad been some dis- cussUm on the Spire that would be erected on top of the Church. as informed the Council that he had had word from the Chief HaildiM c Vy OOrd�fsmances� that checking with the proposed Spire ward not present & problem. One of the conditions imposed by H- Control was that the aappppl1iicant.,pntaisi 9, variance, tor' this Spire. It was decided that a vliitll 6 would rA be required. Moved by Councilman Henwhtti, seconded by Commallman Balch that Application uaf not the H-Cou- trolCommittee, excluding the requirement o a Variance. AIS: Councilmen: Henettl, Dempster, Pinch, Balch. Jewett HDRSt Councilmen: None AhHhM: Councilmen: None 1di tAC71IC T A �Tu.reques t BdfE �„ ..o ..m 402, Ban i0ieos , maestlsK Arohiteo amid tf approval for tespdrary golf- mounted ee9uipmsntt ;py eq°3 Nut am fyL,ure permanost U/12 oommalcatlans condi- bt '.]p�sf�. .ApPrWed by $- Contr'b dd�� OounOlman Balch moved, by.Counoll- sm.d gi,orlt 1" li�caii6A 119- HC�6`3 be appio /d 'yen H- Control 0001 one. =as Cooncilment` Denett'i. Do Aster, finch, Balch, Jewett Ss Couneilmsnss Hone gm ': Councilmen: NNW FJOM CAFMM: 5-0 VIII OlMn aRCES Mo RRSOIDTIOMS POR ADOPTIONS A. ORDDRMLB M0. 258: Amending Sec. 1 of Ord. No. 2 by Reclas a Certain Portion of the City of Cuperti Pros an • no A" District to an R -24-M District. shooed Reading. (811 .VIVO) Moved by Councilman Dempster, Seconded by Councilmen Stich that this Ordinance be rwd'by title only. All in favor. 'the City Club raU htd lydiftoe," 1d. 258, V Tina ally. roved by C esB� yabdf�ad !� aeINM3lO1a ago ds No. CARRIms b '. B. ChNRNANC= hMN •. s matiiun B the ! of alma as Property lasted by the Cftys " "M 2ft and Providing'ftS2tims for Wolatica thera+ot.. saaaod Reading. Moved by Councilman Dsmptter, secaaded by Coameilmee Saish that Ordinance No. 263 be- irmd'by title only. An in favor The City Clerk read Ordinance 263 bw Title ally Moved by Councilman Dempster, Seconded by Covaeilen Stich that Ordinance No. 263 be erected. AYES: Councilman: Benetti, Dempster, Finch, Stich, Jewett MOBS: Councilmen: Nome ABSENT: Councilman: Non* MOTION CARRIED: 5-0 C. ORDINANCE no. 246n Ordering Stop Signs to be Placed at Intersections of Vista Drive and Merritt Drive, Randy Lane and Merritt Drive and Larry Nay and Merritt Drive. Second Reading. Moved by Councilmen Dempster that this Ordinance be read by Title only. Councilman Benettl asked if there were any patrol guards to be placed at these intersections, since this was a school crossing, by making Merritt Drive a through street, it would be dangerous for children crossing the street. He felt that if there were not guards at Randy Iane and Larry May, that some arrangements should be made for some sort of protection for the children having to cross these streets to go to school. The City Manager stated that he would look into the matter. Councilman Benetti stated that he did not want to hold up the Ordinance for this reason, as long as the City Manager would take farm of the matter. Moved by Councilman Saich, seconded by Councilman Dempster that Ordinance No. 246 be *Meted. AYES: Councilmen: a tti, Dempster, Finch, Saich, Jewett NOESs Councilmen: None ABSEW: Couneilmenn :Noe N DEW CARRIRD: 5-0 D. ORDINANCE M0. 210(s): Amerding OTC. Mo. 210 by Adding "Foothill Boulevard' to the List of Major Streets Contained Therein. First'Miading. Councilman Salon asked if this :mould take in all of Foothill Boulevard. The City Munger answered that it would be all of Foothill that was within the Cit: Limits of Cupertino. The City Clerk read Ordinance 210(a). This constituted the first reading. 8. 002 anlIOX� b820�innce Me aOC2(h PH a M1 --Pa). Ordinance Contd. five Oc.. 7, 14, Nov. 4, 12. councilman Dsupsta' asked tip City Attornsy.3.f this Ordinance !.f to be referred to the Plated CoammLon for public hsarinBs- tf�►ts /Nt. :Ae4lr k_ aring C1 to T�s 3s lsM. Also 3N''Gb���_ :.apt iiwst... -et:: :'ICSIe i and OWNG want On City Clerk aetad the Cosnalll forpermission C LOo read Ordinance 1b. 259. Permission mss granted,, ORIODING EC 30M 1 INANCE WZRZW W. AX 011110M OF TO CM ORD NO. 22 BY RRSCI�IFTIA A CERTAIN PC== 4W TEE CITY OF CUPERTINO FROM AN R -20-2 11320M 70 AN R-24 -8 a PO-R DRSTRICT- This constituted the first reading of Ordinance 259. a PATIM lQI1.S A. Resolution Mo. 857. Payroll Resolution. Moved by Councilman Dempster seconded by Councilman Saich that Resolution lo. 857 be adopted. ATES: Councilmen: Bemetti, Dempster, Finch, Sal ^_h, Jewett YM: Councilmen: None AWW: Councilmen: None MDTIOM CAREIED: 5-0 Resolution no. 858 - Paying Bills. Moved by Councilmen Smich, seconded by Councilman Pinch that Resolution No. 858 be adopted. ATE$: Councilmen: Benetti, Dempster, Pinch, Saich, Jewett NOfS: Councilmen: None AMOINT: Councilmen: lone MUM CARRIED: 5-0 Z REPORT OF OFFICERS AND COMMISSIONERS' A. REPORT OF CM TREASURER. The City Treasurer stated that he had nothing further to report. H. REPORT OF CITY MANAGER: "m City Manager reported that there was approximately 1 -1 /3rd "M adjacent to the already acquired property to be used for Cuper- t1no Civic purchase e �� n ememmbered in the Budget and asked that t Cowell approve the V*mbe" of this additiopl•1 7-2/3 acre. . Moved by Councilman Dempster that the City of.Cupert ne.acquire tAn addition 1.3 acres plus or minus from the person who not owns tL O CoYtnl the .Cupertino Civic Center Site, So- lima 3"Wtt4, MUF ATESs Councilmen: Benetti, Dempster, Finch, Soich, Jewett mms Councilmen: hone Anent Couo:almens Now CARRIMM 5-0 . "a City Manager stated that the County Librarian, Mr. acme ftftler5bed adeiad II1-4684. the County was interested in findinig a li.gM site for a Main Litear7 building or a Satellite Bmlldlad. sir_: va"lar would likwa to sit with the City Council, at the couna 11ms lnstr7rot� to bD�t ... x. .• ifti v ,� .r'`. C x. •`mac? the City Li�i reeeiii�l a LOa P1�ihasMt:+,Pf: S �j0.00 ,.FYh Aw 4' ftWA11M Ssio>s rowed "t>Sat the $".00 Asidsiamsnt` be paid t1f' tY LWas -Cities Conned fs requested in that letter. sa000dsd V Imssallmw Dempster. m: Oaweilmrn Baastti, Dempster. Finch, Balch, Jewett NMI Councilmen: Moms A>INIffs Councilmen: Moos MVZ= CARIM: 5-0 "a City Massager advised the Council that Mr. Gutter of Wilms Sea and Blair had called and stated that he and Mr. Volker could meet with the Council either on November 25th or 26, or in December. The Council decided that they would meet with Mr. Gaiter and Mr. Volker on November 26th and instructed the City Manager to so advise Mr. Getter. The City Manager stated that the City requires developers to plant treer in the parking strips and that property owners are generally responsible for the care of these trees. However, some of the tuns are getting to the point where they need some prunin=g, and he asked that the Council permit him to Est in touch with a responsible person or firs to do this work. He further stated that he would Set bids and report back to the Council on the cost of this work. C. REPORT OF THE CITY X1001JUM: Bank of America, nortbslde of Stevens Creek Boulevard, 300 :"t west of Ridmay 9. Boadway dedication has been presented. Mr. Lahr recommended that Resolution No. 859 be adopted, accept- ing roadway dedication from Anton Saich, at al. Moved by Councilman Dempster, seconded by Councilman Finch that Resolution No. 859 be adopted. AUS: Councilmen: Benetti, Dempster, Finch, Jewett MOMS: Councilmen: Mona ASSM: Councilmen: None ABBUIN.:Councilmen: Balch MOTION CARAIRD: 4-0-1 Abstaining. MAbe City Ljonear thmm -asked the Council to adopt Resolution No. 7T.%, covering a revised Freeway Agreement related to Stoneaon irontags Mad on Stevens ea+e k Boulevard. State Division of 8lghusys bas prepared a revised agreement and wishes that the City Council would approve this revised agreement. Moved by Councilmen Despeter, seconded by Councilmen Finch that the City Attorney review the Resolution and agreement and make a report to the Council. Amu Cowsilmens Smoetti, Dempster, Finch, Saieh, Jewett 1Q8: Cosmeilean. Msmra ANTS Couoallwns Now qW 100' D, RV= op UB CIty ATlORlU: the City Attorney asked for a Nihmte order frog UW Council aw"Orlsift the City Clerk and the Nayor to sign a form of Age mein- bsfanmen: the City of Cupertino and the Yard Crump D&"IOPmsnt ffim agreement had to do with the T. S. Schmidt condemnation. r Obiad by Councilman VlOSS seconded by Conneilmea:Deepmtar% All : itha adoption Of, Rssolatfno'ft*i he fA egtal :ltttp Eoinabt :i0a13o�p9oe P X+ •9r- ;.Y`fRt+�..R °' t' ., •0 a3cit:d ':. r }�l�sa � mad bF Cm ... , Y'arbOAdCd Db 3Stleb:ta '::, as - wn T The City At thou made a report on the Petition that had bgest submitted =. ftrntjV Webb on behalf Ojr bwX Avenue with ragasd t stopping Tboaas and Tmrs �ractorr,- f.i building on lots 33,34,35. Mr. Anderson stated that the City Cmmmcil has the potter to re -lone property In anlarss w thin the e lots obese there has been ad Improvement- proved and there is nothing the Council in question this already been improved esO do when this has been done. These lots Ind been resonadaico� - � to law, they had had hasr1agg at both PlaminE Commission and the and Council level, the properties had been Properly posted notices properly published. Mrs, Dorothy Webb, Attorney at La% of Loa Gatos, asked if there W Something that could be done with regard to the building of smdecks on the property already improved. That these Sundecks would look right down into the properties owned by her clients and therefore invade their privacy. The City Attorney answered that the City had no 1e01 power, but may have persuasive powers in this regard. After some discussion, the City Meager as instructed through a notion by Councilman Finch, seconded by Councilman Dempster, to to coming to some wast with the developer and Mrs. Webb with agreement or comproa DO On the modifications Ooffdthe present buildings. AliS: Councilmen: Benetti, : Councilmen: None ARSNrT: Councilmen: None XMWX CAMUE : 5-0 Dempster, Finch, Saich, Jewett The City Clerk change Vlew�es�siC ago there �d been a request le change to by the Council, but to Foothill Boulevard. This had been agreed red, Resolution No. a Resolution tad never Dann adopted. Ne had preps 860 changing the name :,f mountain View - Stevens Creek Road to Foothill Roalevard. Moved by ln Councilman Rattl, seconded by Councilmen Pinch that Resolution No. 860 be adopted. AM, Councilmen: Benetti, Dempster, Finch, Salch, Benettl Councilmen:' None *:Councilmen: Now ROWN CAFdC=: 5-0 ... lftI now Wgil BS A. Miscellaneous - None ale with B. Minute Order S9tting Time Fired for Bearing Apps respect to Stages Creek No. i LSD assessment, ogether with D1&SCM a Masers Certificate December c. *,t 8 - Moved t7 Councilman Des"ter, seconded by P.ouncilmsn Benettl that December 2, 1963 be met for the hearing of sppsmla with respaet to Stevens Creek Mo. 1 LID ssseesment. AUS: Councilman: Denetti, Dempster, Finch, Balch, Jewett VMS Councilmen: None AMW- Councilmen: None ! MOK CARD.- 5-0 it was decided Ust 1s . taken ens of, LbaL if possible *too emoted two sa�it af;M that or. ake PI Alm Council a mere three important issues to aid be dace as,� as possible %mrarme_ rain eftr Monomer ws wo am • =06 DM advised M the �; show "maw 21be them. IR siscaas to be at, the NAFOr and Council sV A that they mould llkm to also discuss at the November 26th msstims the subject of put altos. Moved by Comrloilman Dempster, seconded by Camailmem Salch that Me meeting adjourn to November 26, 1963 at 8 P.M. city GlerA 9 :45 P.M. APPHOVW: (S) Verne N. Jewett For