CC 09-16-6310321 8C. SARS2'0GA- g1RWVAW 9O1hD 252 -4505
Board looms CupertIM-S l9ol District, 10300 vista. Drive
8:00 P.N.
Y .mowi ♦ ' V - s _ .
"'vas Bmipttl, Dempster, Mneh, Saich, JeM�
staff Presln%: 3 , Benevich, ralds'Mihltln,:Parhss,
MUM= cr Twrjk - Septeslaw 3, 1963
Coatectdon an ]lei 'f, under E. H., No. 3. Mr. store pointed
out this referred to the San Jose Mater Yorks.
Councilman Dempster moved to approve the minutes as corrected.
Councilman Benettl seconded. obtlon passed.
No oral conau cations.
Writter. communications were as follows:
1. Letter of appeal from Mr. John Parsley regarding the Paganini
application 80 -2-F3, which was denied by the planning Commission, sub-
mitted within the required five days.
2. Letter of appeal from Mr. George Yamaoka regarding application
89-Z-63, which was d denied by the Planning Commission, submitted within
the required Councilman Benetti moved these letters be submitted to the
City Cleric so the applications may be put on the agenda for the City
C;uocil meeting.
Minmtes of September 9, 1963.)
Chairman Prolich gave a recap of the second hear!ng of-
rezone-34 acres3frma A to -2A-HL This area isibboundeedd on the
north by Stevens Creek Blvd., on the mast by the lands of Foothill
Paci�fic�Railroad. (AAnnexationlis Indprogress.) west by the Southern
Chairman ?rolich pointed out that the master plan calls for
Light Industrial In this area; however, there would definitely be
tMMe fpications oflhaving Light Commission
Industrialb so near college. some of
The Commission is Saving a study session on this application and would
III= to have the City oounell's views at this time, if possible.
Mayor Jewett requested the city Manager probe this matter and
make a report before the next regular meeting.
A. Stunt
are$ owned by AD ienica Torre, for a et al; piops.'ty�soned PC-H;
we patmdt son " for W24 -0; bo%Lded on east by Blaney
Ave., an rest bl pe'00" Randy Lane, south of Stevens
Creek Blvd. Planning Commission Ifesolutlon No. 145 re-
commends granting use permit with conditions. (Continued)
Mr. Ned Abrams presented a revised plan Of the proposed
dwsidp wnt Web elimitntfS boo tu*Guth et{Met from HerAy lane to
Aveemss. axis am pLn _reducers the total assiber of units from
27 �, put the balaW fiostiona retain esaentially the ease.
on park area has been sows azn enlarged -
�.. At this point, the Councilmen and Attorney Anderson rent into
a ]seem M discussion of whether or not this application should go be-
itm—e trot before or after the Cou:acii bears it.
saved to refer -the a coat to H- Control
iid'the seantims dseal x111 have s A� session to decide
tion Of PC-H O1�Qif We to be . �1�!:
am red toed
Cozmoilwlls venoms Dempster, Saich, Jewett
,Te+ woo tRk`3. zlw.
Y, to az
sa= a
AYES: CaazoiltzeD:
NAYS: Ooinzcilainz
4 -1
Benetti, Finch, Saich, Jewett
a rfpnft
B. bboounndded by Stevens Creek Blvd. oTentative r ssouthsaand 5 Stevens
Creek on the rest, Gakdell Ranch Galt #2, Duo A Elliott,
developer. Approved by Planning Commission 8-26 -63.
Mr. George Somps represented this application. Councilman
ig plan. iMr questioned this be ayjoint meeting with the Board
of Supervisors to get this ironed out.
Councilman Benetti proposed the City barter with the developer
to obtain a small portion of land along the creek to preserve this park
.t s Anderson tslme problems u rise
once the fence are put up, atuchti the Citycould go vhead
and develop the park in this area.
Councilman Dempster moved, and Councilman Saich seconded, to
continue this application at the next Council meeting.
AYES: councilmen: Benetti, Dempster, Finch, Saich, Jewett
NAYS: None
5 -0
Valley Green: Appl. 37-V -63 for an Exception to the Sub-
division Ordinance to allow Monolithic Sidewalks where
s dfrequires utfi t
e o Stelling adlning�h aide of future Junipero
Serra Freeway. Approved by Planning Commission Resolu-
tion 154.
Mr. John Griffin represented the Valley Green in this applica-
tion. Councilman Finch asked Mr. Griffin what- this would offer to the
City of Cupertino. Mr. Griffin answered that he felt it would be more
attractive and more beneficial. Ne felt that, generally,
parkizg strips are not maintained as well as front lawns &W. that
espscitlly in rainy weather, zhe concrete sidewalk along aide the str_tt
would be more utilitarian than a parking strip.
Councilman Benetti moved that application 37 -V -63 be denied.
CssoalLan Finch seconded.
AYES: Oouncilmeyz Benstti, Dempster, Finch, Saich, Jewett
NAYS: None
7. 5-0
a► •
V1 IVEWC hffiAP.1N33
A. victor frndella (Aacoe Sign Co.): Appl. y6 -V-63 for a
Vu7anee to tjA nc
MWp Ordinance to allow a sign 221 high
where oransuse permits 20', oriscaal request 331; south
mended ibr ,Creek HlOpposite 0ose. 11eso1� l04or
Councilman DoWter felt that if the planning Commission has
L00s prop4sed;?l11_L ha►t the Zv.'mcil sh" r000g d" their
s ti
`°' __- _— _- 40r`:. <,�, :..
,Wgin wmiaah mtmtd&4i" tits wrong
GmanolIma �ibi�3 Yo tihls th111 M4101a until tht
k appears dw +along the viatm�► "bhi "sign which rte
b7 the Coo, Bm:etti eimon0ed.
ATHS: 0o:nal2don Henetti, Dempster, Finch, seich, Jewett
HAYS: Bone
B. Richard H. Stone: Appl. *-V-63 for a variance to alive
197 front rA Mar D�rivvee. or llan6 . nesolutioonn No. 146 ,
recommended Denial. Appeal.
Mr. Stone presented sketches of his proposed remodeling of
his home where he proposed to convert his garage into 2 bedroom and
make a new garage on the opposite side of tds home, with an ornate
cement -block fenced patio within the newly created U-shaped structure.
He would not be overstepping the 40% coverage allowance of his lot.
Councilman Dempster asked the applicant to say in what way
Ordinance 220 would be the bathis for granting this variance. Mr. Stone
stated he has 7 children and needed the extra bedrooma, but that he
didn't want this remodeling to be referred to as a hardship case. He
stated he. could extend the back of his house or build a second Story
above the garage, but he and his neighbors felt this proposed remodel-
ing is the beat plan.
Councilman Saich moved to accept this application, but re-
calved no second.
Councilmen Benetti moved, and Councilman Finch seconded, to
deny this application.
AYES: Councilmen: Benetti, Dempster, Finch, Jewett
NAYS: Councilman: Satoh
4 -1
Councilman Finch and Mayor Jewett indicated they would go
along with an addition to the rear of the house.
C. Rugger Interiors, 10251 S. Saratoga- 3unnYvale Rd.
(Raydiant Neon, Inc., 1176 Auserais Ave., San Jose 26.)
Appeal of Appl. 94-Hr, fa requesting Architectural. Jand Site
Control Approval to install electrical sign 3' x ' at
10251 3. Hay. 9. Denied by H Control Committee 3/27/63.
Mr. Roy Almstrom, of ar_ydiant Neon, Inc., proposed to put the
sign on the barrel roofs of.the store in Mario Shopping Center.
t the architectural �gmSibetpty whether this sign 0onld be compatible
Councilman Finch moved this Application 94 -HC -63 be denied.
Oow:sijpn Benettl seconded.
AYES: Counallawn: renetti, Dempster, Finch, Saich, Jewett
5 -0 _
I asr Aeaolution -806: °Psaineula
D. Anaeation ilealiMML pe
s . • City K read g.ep>mtion, 806•
CMMIln a DiMwter moved to
e !af ;$goring. Coy .412 an Saleb seconded.
Affi:. Coiinoilsati: Hs0I • Deter, FSnah, Stich, Jewett
SAYS: 'Rose 5�01
AnneitYY ` 1Msolutiou
Y; 63-7 llrtlNd•. VIII C
s. U ,.
ititidli l
: .Am
APPraea by_ II
presented the plans
Mh . Clam, g . D&ted nrywilC conform with that on the
ttvr tae addition. Aft state the masonry
�aRiag.bull&ng. Ms stated it d would be
would not be feasible since
W.,- I.yslc pointed out ths.t oseslwaad
task would to aiter the roof line in order. to have the clear -
&me. Bs stated that the applicant would go along with the two condi-
tiow not forth by B Control which are: re: in g, wide Dlanter along north
1. Mliaimoa of S low sprxeading 9
a.9onry wall. stem to be the game type as rest of the
2. Masonry work and lighting By
Counci:an Benetti made a motion to deny application 1C• - HC -63.
Seconded by Councilman Finch.
AYRS: Councilmen; Benetti, Dempster, Finch, Stich, Jewett
MAYS: `lone
5 -C
B. Application No. 105- HC -63: Mrs. Dale B. net�ectns, 2450
Foothill Blvd., Loa Alton, requesting and
Site approval for professional office use at Stevens Blvd. by H Control p
koptwiinuedy ((gecortt'ate office).
Mr. Melville A. Toff, 755 Mercy St., Mountain View, was the
attorney representina the applicant. He presented dmwzngs and samples
of roof materials and amber SUBS be used on either side of the
the house and
front door. The drawings showed a fence encompassing
Councllmn Salch qu,stioned what the applicant planned to do
In regard to dedications and streetalamwelleanstreett Imprcvemectesd, but
fbtuzg plans showed a new building
taub it was not eeonomdc" feasible at this a did a hits low
:ewer. that if an assesam pt tJpe of arrangemen t could
elismt would be willing to eeoperate.
At toddat te
>� maesing pL• es�wfs wtat dedications should be enacted.
Comteilsan Saich was.tanalerned about street dedications fand an
�a�eweae rata: Mayor Jewett tool[. a, d14 view of this-rem rag
,fists house and cited Poeme of favorable remode11M of an older
as�aF m Stevens Creek, dose Ysar Valley Batrs wbieh mdtht be used as
s this. Cpmweilsan Finch
sm eafiple it the applicant eased rr elent the appsaftnee of
belt tea proposed tense dui got building change
m -amWa for use as s profasdmal
.. „_m
i,... Councllaan Finch MW to 6M this application. No second
.: to 2ft 1 0Rlon wa nude.
a:vmelL�an Dempster wooed to delay passing on tats appileftioa
!ah• am weeks. Comolllmn FSon& seconded.
`' t sAffi: amnallmeni bess"Iy_bMater, Finch, Salta► Jewett
5 -0
_? appm"d to
F �'< ache F1'eesl
r; ,�i Ooeil
' * • � mrle Dast►
1,► stated he wa
asaw aft: 2$Ii:. jX
Iff' nos. and NOUN Be � v
s�s an tap, per S Op�aO1 lecemaendatiom.
''j � •� t� leea -r caiBaeti w a 102-86 ,be ariaved.
IV the conditions, set tb>!ta H Oontrol. Oasw120M Saieh
AUS: r,- 12,en: Bmettl, Dempster, Pinch, 9alch, Jewett
31al - Kane
5 -0
D. Application 104 -W-63: The Union Momh of Cupertino,
p,C,o Stevens Crest Blvd, requesting Arcbiteetmel and
Site Control approval for construction of a Foe- school
. Primary Classroom Building to accommodate 200 children,
ap7rozlmately 50y) sgaysre feet, to occupy portion of
4 -2cre parcc: at 20900 Stevens Creek Blvd.
Approved by H Comtxol.
Draxi.8, were praaented by Mr. Glenn M. Hutt, General Contrac-
roof, compatible with rexistuing bralldings.MHe stated there 18 now tined
easement for st:z drains ar4 sewage.
10%-n"3, Counci�. Finch me" the motion to approve Application
o eonstctior. of thi ew bod ditng. Councilmani�ch seconded.
AYES: _-'uncilmen: Be.jetti, Dempster, Fink, Saich, Jewett
NAYS: None
5 -0
E. A F- lcation 106- Br-53ArchitecLuraThoms, 99OControl 3St.,
San. lose, request =ng on Lots X34
apzrcval to construct duplex type apartments
arx: 35, 'Pratt 9WO• Approved by H Control. Conditicra.
Mr. J. .Ivrs submitted blueprints of the proposed duplexes
for the perusal of the Council- He also submitted letters floor POW
and Becific Telephone. t�Come" el duplexes
womW be of themqualityvious devopments ,
Councilman Pinch mused. and Courmell mn Benetti secomded, that
AppLyemtion 106 -3C -63 be approved.
AYffi: Ooaancilsen: Daeetti, Dempster, Finch, Saich, Jewett
5 -0
A. f p�R I:B 'too 11-1; acres; bounded by Stevens Creek
Blvd on the somas 110111 Stevens Creek on the west. Second
` Comnellwan lWbb Ovid the second AsaElnt bA %awed' to be
, title only. OomeSLsn Dempster seconded. ' ibtian •w" wltb'
AIIIIIIIIIIIII. Tiff .Oovocilman Selab and aeeond was witbdism by 000110121aA
Milled Dy sae»lnt.
Ocmcilman sales[ ve I Ordinance 251 be continued to the 1000f
beesuaa it i060oat'ts s m 10.5 acres Apnpdn" In Its v
Sa continued to WIND sleeting. seconded br Cou"Oinaan
• l Or Ouipwt0iao. /i�s�ad wbOt!
a NOW I"
RP o�E the w�,ra �t��OO�� or owteem
Ordilseem LOd Territory, +I+a't ms's""^
s'1 63-4
the city of caperbinor. lust RMdint.
arr Jewett states this OVUM" has 1-- reed vender
� �sriigs (ssr?iB abo►e).
D. Resolution 820: LAt st�(n to Ordinance ati�
as Amended by 0%dinswe i nal� rative (PA-PH)" and
oUght � Par-
Councilman Benetti saved to refer this Resolution to a study
maaalon. Councilman Dempster seconded.
AYES. . CounciLen; Benetti, Dempster, Finch, Saich, Jewett
NAYS: None
5 -O ,
A. Resolutions 832 and 833
Resolution 832 me read by Treasurer Benetti. Councilman
21,29" moved this Resolution 832 be adopted. Councilman Dempster
anw;u d.
AYES: Councilmen: Benetti, Dempster, Finch, Saich, Jewett
RAYS: None
Resolution 833 was read by Treasurer Benetti. Councilman
301e6 moved Resolution 833 be adopted. Councilman Dempster seconded.
AYES: Councilmen: Bsnetti, Dempster, Finch, Saich, Jewett
VAYS: None
5 -0
A. REPORT OF CIT!'! - None
1. The POC eta Increase for businesses will be 354 per
ammsf sad residential will be 154 per month. loth
2. A letter' war sect tolar is r��lS$pt met uD a seeting
the O=.ty Park fbain, requesting Qepertino city ODeea11 and the Cauauty Heard or supervisor$
lieyi Ih�. stoaNS aw C1ty phone $hest upp thin meeting. Ists
s office iegwatiaEti
Mr. Claus Fritzen, o Assurance in Finance CO., was
Bsnu the edatd-
fence and stated dig company s interest
City Council to pin'goe this matter because he has already had to as1 .
for an extension an him bid for this property. He pointed out that if
all that is needed along this area is enough space for a bridle path,
this could be AcccWlia'_'.ad on the other aide of the creek.
Mr. Fritzen states he had written a letter r to Mr. Belssle�rya�
ing what the intentions of the County were regarding
to date. he bas received no answer.
Conesilsan !lneh stated that since Mr. Helmer has not responded
the city Council should take the initiative and eoetact the County
Board of Supervisors. councilman Dempster stated the city Manager has
certainly attuosVt� to contact Mr. Heiser. Oouneilsan Dempster feels
the Council showl(l bave an answer for the applicant by the next regular
metinE. g& folt 9tom should write a letter to Mr. campen to see
if get so
3. Np. Stem sftted he received a letter f the Presi-
dent of Foothill College regarding the
he article in the Sunnyva paper
which had a deleterloua slant
Jewett requested is proposed use rofelan abode of this
the college site. Mayor
letter to the Sunnyvale paper.
1. VICTOR MANDELIA, ADOBE IM, south side of Stevens Creek Blvd, across
from Randy Lane.
Mr. Mandella posted a performance bond at the time he obtained
a permit to remodel the business at this location to insure installation
of the mun:.cipal improvements along Stevens Creek Blvd. These improve-
ments have now been constructed and the assessment will soon be made.
RECOMMENDATION: By mint_ order, authorize the City Engineer to in-
form the developer and his bonding company that this bond may now be
Councilman Dempster moved, 'y minute order, to authorize the
City Engineer to inform the developer and his bonding company that
this born may now be retired.
AYES: Councilmen: Benetti. Dempster, ?inch, Saich, Jewett
NAYS: None
5 -0
2. HUMBLE OIL. Humble 711 & RefitAng Company, Oakland, is planning
improvements at the southwest corner of Homestead and Stalling Roads,
cruder County jurisdiction. Lack of drain age facilities has caused nect the service atat ontsiteetolourrplanned Homesteads Road drain. this
BECOMMENDATION: By minute order, authorize drain connection subject
to advance payments:
A. Drainage f °e ;1,100 per gross acre.
B. Extra construction share $800, including (manhole, catch
basin & lateral) administration.
Councilman Finch moved, by minute order, to recoumthorize drain
connection, subject to advance payments of
the City Engineer. Councilman Benetti seconded.
AYES: Councilmen: Benetti, Dempster, Finch, Saich, Jewett
NAYS: None
Attorney Anderson recommended annexation to the City so that
we can review the architectural control and also this will give the
City more funds through taxes.
3. side Subdivvisions),swe have aeoption of
street grades to 17%.(H111-
W -
Sher. this gamrous limitation may premrn* n har mhip for the
development and leave certain asaae in the City •unexploable." 'Si=l-
tonawaly, our Staff will be wasting too much time on individual prob-
lems. For the benefit of the ft:ture, and utillstdon, development
plaadeg and City manpower expenditures, a definite "Street Grade
VD21cy" is needed. It is suggested that the City council study grade
limitations, outlined below, su=est revisions and adopt It-
Wmamam limited by soil w4hwica, drainage or other oomaidsrations,the
C 1, City Addndstation or City
sbmll be Vaidei by the
ftdlisttla K� grades in
allside Subdivisions
ld1L01dng criteria:
2*148tlal 3kober of
Grsde Id.dt
� served
ft street
or more
1q N.A.
1 8
.5 150
21.5 100
6.5 50
Mayor Jewett and the Council would like to study this report
before action is taken on it.
t. Letter from Mr. Crump on August 21, regarding Heywood Terrace N3,
requesting Mxwlithic sidewalks on hillside.
P.ouncilman Finch moved this request be denied. Councilman
Dempster seconded.
AYES: Councilmen: Benetti, Dempster, Finch, Saich
MAYS: Mayor Jewett 4 -1
5. Tract 306, Belmont.
This was turned over to the City Attorney for processing.
1. Wagon Wheel difficulty has been cleared up. Mr. Anderson should
write a letter to this effect.
2. San Jose Water Works utilities relocation. Upon City Manager's
m ea
recommendation, this report is continued until the next regular meeting.
3. Resolution 834 for payment of cost of right -of -way easement on
Highway 9.
A. None
A. Resolution 820
The City Manager stated the park site information should be
completed by Wednesday, Septesr,er 25th.
Mayor Jewett read a letter from Father Ryan, of St. Joseph's
Catholic Church, inviting the Council to celebrate High Mass on
September 22nd.
o s
Councilman Dempster moved to adjourn to Wednesday, September
25th. Seconded by Councilman Saich. Motion carried, 5-0, Meeting
adjourned at 11:55 P.M-
/a/ YsliM H Jewett