CC 09-03-63b �sa32a so. SUMTOMAOUNKwto 4Mn 2S' M5o5 CIYY OF CUP 11 Ii0 momm oT Ta =vL= nsarm or in cnr -'fir 3, 1953 90 �, Driv:a z;yyi , sr�2 pmt 5f.; _im School Distr�i�; :$fit ON IV 1 VMMM' dr to, PM aooB memos i9, W VA !K x963 Cbrreeticea to the minutes or AUSost 19th: Page 2, se�rdir� the gas station an for 'IQli peeperty, OamIlan Web stated that the application was approved, subject to conditions and iapiovernts. Page 6, Resolution 815 should be removed because it was not passed on at that meeting. Corrections to the minutes of August 26th: Page 3, Councilman Saich suggested that the wording be changed as to YAmta Vista and that the red dots be removed from the map. Councilman Finch moved the minutes of August 19. 2o, and 26 be received sad filed as amended. Councilmen Dempster seconded. Om Alm YRrrm OOMMUNICATIORS There were no oral communications. Written communications were as follows' A. A letter from Santa Clara County requesting the tax rate.' H. Letter frcm MacKay and Somps MirmstIM postponement of their hearing until September 16, for Oakdell Ranch Unit /2. c. Inter -City council: Wotice of next meeting - September 5 at VahlIa in Alviso. D. letter tram Mr. CrUMP oonrerillag sldemalks, aurto, etc. B. Letter lYam Mr. 3 Mrs. ffimhard R. Stone protesting the denial by the Planning Coataslon to remodel their hose. T. Rgdlan:: Neon Conyay letter regvetiag appeal W the decision of the Planning Commiesiaf "ling on their request. 0. A IV Pfte set of speeifieatioos from the Public UUUj1w CwMission. R. Letter. rrom Association of %Y Area OoversVmnnta regarding AgC4wAj * Nelating to the -prerervat =on or onan -Space lead in the San Francisco 13ay Area.' -1- Covneilman baieh @erred the written oommmications be approved mad filed. Seeooded by QonoeiLtn l�.hch. -�gjthq Jewett 1MlS: so" Viet .` ComMON1M1 plat hsflaoAr regnated ths CAlnYii Wed and 0 ed tae 15.2 seraa at • lama + I�aJba'ft Sr!'3 IWANA�....,, n •r oil& 36e0ed6d that I t�af elenE tif0 - . • 1MpW 0= Y • • OMUSSM: (3ee lLadn6 Comidssiou Ybutew of A sag 46, -.103) A. Stusirt I WAPiv �3 Frmmoac Aveoe Los Altos• 1pp1. me 26-"3 liar a use permit liar 6.0 1 410106 orosd D7 Doeselca TOM% at ai; 9909exty soured PGS3 we puvtt sought for B -24 -B; bounded an east by nlaney Ave., on rest by Pro- jected ftvdy lane, month of Stevens Creek Blvd. Planning Commission 006021rtion No. 1 45 recommends Zrsnting use permit with conditions. oaf Sihibi Clark and conformity otithe � materials in accordance leth the city Plan. A subdivision map most also be filed. Mr. "n Stern, 1.03 Fremont, loo Altos. m41de the presenta- tion, in the absence of Mr. Ned A'U" -, architect. He stated that the developers planned to put 88 torn house uuics, =th it '.''lrl" -` ratio of 3.1, and all private streets on sobject property. For each unit there will be 2 carports partially undergtomd, with the decks above landscaped. The streets and common green will be maintained by the homeowners' association. Adequacy of fire protection and traffic controls have been checked by the proper authorities. Commellman Saich asked if the main street 60106 through the development would be a dedicated street and the answer was in the negative. Councilman Dempster questioned whether membership in the association would be required in the deed and the answer w In the affirmative. councilman Finch questioned Mat the maintenance and building st4p*O,4 mould be and ba* they would be controlled. Nr. Stern anted out that the 27' street specifications are set by the City RMSt"Vepleg Dept and tbat iL sleet also obtain FsA approval. Mr. Baaett kertiotf, 123 Fremont, Los Altos, stated that this 2V street is a piq*tm v, % but that it definitely will be built to the -am's speclMostigrA. "r Jewett out that when hlndy Lane is extended this romis to both.Bla=W aM •Randy. thereby ea ma �a�coUvvenieat &r= tb= othar than res14�1a1 traffic. Be roa0n has this private street would be polic0d. IQ'. Kermoff sated ^' IN*" Move tft: a11U antet� woriu]�Q L for policing ea• until � Una le developed. that -2- It VMS the lIM of both Councilmen 1kch and Finch tbst sa, =IA be a dedicated 864416 lOA M 0211tt 4r the ally' and to Susrantee the oiatmanee and the..pollcin$. -1 Mgor Jewett suggested 4t perhaps the developers would in wDloe: off the tbIP L I44a. a *&load VO- . stated this eo�iLi 7 ahM �utLl,' a ilalsed n'°Rt- client island enLllYpiugn _ at some pow near the s:. as . am ladd; st . al am state beuew �.. Bra 3;1463 Lava!# ! f titer •t- b, LS 'mss t W�i Pinch si4a. ore[ out,tDe sod presen t .eating. ioq ins seconded by Qamcilhanp- dater. A18S: Councilmen:" Dempster, Finch, Saich, Jewett NAYS: None ABSENT: Councilman: Benatti 4 -0 V1 PO'BUC MRDIGS: A. Due & Elliot: Application 88 -z -63 to rezone 10.5 acres from R -1:P -2 to R -1; bounded by Stevens Creek Blvd on the south and Stevens Creek on the west. Recommended by Planning Oommission Resolution No. 104. No representative appeared for this Hearing. This appli- cat_o- was approved with Ordinance 251 to be given first Leading. Councilman Saich moved to close the Public Hearing. Seconded by Councilman Dempster. AYES: Councilman- Dempster, Finch, Saich, Jewett NAYS: None ABSENT: Councilman: renetti 4 -0 V11 ARCKMCi4RAL AND SITS CONTROL: (See Minutes of 8/27/63) A. Application 100- HC -63: Lucky Stores, Inc., dba C-EN.'0, 2:715 Stevens Creek Blvd., Cupertino, requesting Archi- tectural and Site approval for addition to auto Installa- tion dept.; gas station on northeast corner of Stevens Creek Blvd. and Saieh Nay. Approved by H- Control. Conditions. Mayor Jewett asked if this addition would eliminate any park - in Spoon sod ties told it would not. He then wanted to know what the conditions were. They are as follows: -2..-. lttulmu• of 8 low.spreading juniper& in 2' wide planter along the north masonry wall. 2, Masonry work and lighting 48 to be the sate type es the root of the building. S3aa :.Ml. Norman "an, 1368 Poe lope, Cnperciuo, was the only Vdamtple present at the moo Co+mMl s ques- tiem, he atatud that it would :ainee then isn't councilmen Daapstsa'' P 1 LDS Hart smstl �1lSML Fla". tins- in answer to.Lhe: not be feasible to install overhead epos for then. V6 delay apomoval on this aro12gr­ aivehitect or eaginser can zxp' -' Dy Cboacllwn Pfnnoin 4-0 1. F 8 AppilarCtae Tb, 21X' Rtlo Alto Mntusl Savings and a a Loan Asaxisatigs. j 't., Rrlo Alto, rw3ifft'inB Arebdt- ctsina and 1 for a 2' z 14' single- faeed plastic I 91W and for aril sign tocift lax" lot rt S. � 9• Approwed by H- control. Osnditims. 3- = �rrt aKs' �•.c L%12W. David Lobs ADS Ate fttMY aa�fe�s affil_ bb WWI i r3 1, ter •� .. ..- it4ae being tQWn »a at a pointed to tube bOl dIM it tr" to Oouncilran pineh now this application be a%wovtA with con - dills mL 'Councilman Despot*# simoedaL AM: Councilmen: Dempster, Plash, Stich, Jewett iL4: NOW ABSENT: Cm=11aan: ?,erwetti 4-O C. AV,14- ca ::on No. 105- HC-63: Mrs. Dale P. Reynolds, 2450 Foottd,j °lad., Los Altos, requesting Architectural and Site a,=.j 1 for professional office use at Stevens Creek Mvd % Bianchi 1417 (Real Estate Office). Approved by F -Ccc rol. Councilmen Salch asked what had been done in thl: way Of $t., paoweserlts and /or 3edications. Attorney Melville Toff, 755 IboaRSia View, regesen.U% Mrs_ Reynolds, stated he dadn't believe this was necessa -. since this property already has been used commer- CI&22y_ Mayor Jewe:: asked what the parking ratio was. Mr. Toff rc- plsad that it wa! -. oamcilm,t :eceter moved that this application be held over, peadialg legal c =zc_j cn the problem of what improvements can be re- guIked_ Cornmcil2-. Stich seconded. AYES: Ct:%--cilmen: Dempster, Finch, Salch, Jewett ilS: lc^)e ABSERP: C,- mcillan: �Aenettl 4-0 scblmra hwouldtvvooteefoora�ovaltofs hissaappl�ication. mdod z P 'ell -g cf stating � houas malts it commercial. s the idea of - 4aity Ooineil requested a sehss:tle drawing of the proposed re- msdmUmg before the next ragalar mmeting. omomolm ADD RESOL11rnm Pm ADOrmu A. Ordinance ■o. 250: leesomIng property of Donald A. Excel from R -1:Li2 to R-2-S; 5.29 aerea adjoining most aide of Foothill 91ad, O"Mdtsl Voss Ave. Second Reading. pamcilman Saich moved that omdiamee No. 250 be read by "no CW=ASlMn Dlsmpmter seconded. .t. ,, W 1W AYES: Councilmen- Dempster, Finch, Saich, Jewett NAYS: !tone ABSMM Councilmen Benetti ,'t-0 Counc— mn Saich moved that nhdinance No. 25i- be adopted. Cbmmellaan F1-.c' seconded. AYES: Cstancilmen: Dempster, Finch, Salch, Jewett NAYS: None ABSEW: Councilmen Benettl B. Aesolution No. & 3' V000lmtion of the city Oovmeil Giving Botiee of the Yro ) tion of Certain pnimbabited tA ...: Territory, Des i Territory and Deslsnsting It By the Nam of "��3 -`3 ", diving Notice of ?ime and Place Said Cbitoeil Hear Protests Thereto. City cleft Jerry Martin stated the Hearing is set for October fib. at 8 P.N. Council an Dempster now Resolution 823 be adopted. Camcil- s Finch seen a'ed. AYES: Councilmen: Dempster, Finch, Saich, Jewett NAYS: Hone APSEBi: Councilman: Benetti 4 -0 II PAYIb: =71,1 - A. 'ec:__ ions 821 and 822 Cour.:__mn Dempster caved the Council pass Resolution 821. Comcilman Sa'_::� seconded. AYES: ^ouncilnnen: Dempster, Finch, Saich, Jewett NAYS: None ABSM_: - ouncilman: 7enetti b Cow .:::—.-_^. Dempster cilman S:_:- seconded. AYES Councilmen: NAYS: Sone ArS%-: :ounc?.lman: moved the Council pass Resolution 822. Dempster, Finch, Saich, Jewett Benetti 3 -0 Z REP= OFFICERS AND COHQSSIONERS: A. =Z-1.— OF CITI TMEASURER - None B. _ ?: - OF CITY MIMC-ER Storm discr_ssed the right and left turns problem _t Stevens Creek and Highway 9• 2. Mr. Storm notified the City Council that he plans tO enforce the law regarding business licenses. There :ave been complaints about door -to -door type selling. 3. :larification was needed on the bill for relocation ,f the utilities on Highway 9• After much probing Into the matter, it turned out San. Jose did not have right -of -way easements. The bill of $32,079.71 was then amended to $23,192.25 to meet the requirements. Mr. Stoma further pointed out that the City of Cuper- tino plans to fulfill its obligations, but that it is .1p to San Jose to prove it has this property, not up to Cupertino to prove they do not. D. N n"M 0" CXW MC 1. Bethel Nuthertn Qwrreh. Improvements have been completed in aC- GooftO¢e Wlth the approved plans; fie, recommend by minute order, acceptance of subject improvements. ooaneilmen Dempster sowed, and councilman Saich seconded, that the lmprovemLnta made by Bethel Lutheran Church be approved. AYES: Co ncilmem: Dempster, Finch, Sait h, Jewett MRY3: None ABSW: Councilman: b6mattl Improvements are Dar Completed; Jr . bomdln6 .fl . " j� bond MyDOmtbe rreu e vslop- d. de co owsmallme;a seconded by Councilman Saieb, that . *r be auttibr to inform the developer and boodIM eaa*ip that this bond my nor be retired. AUS: councilman Dempster, Finch, Saich, Jewett NAYS: Noma ABSENT: Councilman: Benetti A -O eept� Yroadway dedication Wilson Estate. eeoiution No. 815, ac- Councilman Dempster moved that Resolution No. 815 be adopted. Concilman Saich seconded. AYES: Councilmen: Dempster, Finch, Saich, Jewett NAYS: None ABSENT: Councilman: Benetti 4 -O 4. O&Well Ranch. Recommend adoption of Resolution ./o. 824 accepting "gpitc3l442, Deed and Authorization Ranch. orization for underground water rights, Tract Councilman Saich moved that Resolution No. 824 be adopted. ommcilman Dempster seconded. AYES: Councilmen: Dempster, Finch, Saich, Jewett NAYS: None ABSENT: Councilmen: ::enetti 4 -0 5_ Deep Cliffe Estates, Unit no. 3• Recommend adoption of Resolu- tion No. 825 accepting "Quitclaim Deed and Authorization" for under- ground water rights, Tract 3571. Adopt Resolution No. 826 accepting Deed of Easement. Councilman Finch moved that Resolutions 825 and 826 be adopt- ed- Councilman Saich seconded. AYES: Councilmen: Dempster, Pinch, Saich, Jewett NAYS: None ABSENT: councilman: Benettl 4 -0 6. NACBAY & SONPS - Pacifica Drive at Nighmay 9. Recommend approval of Aasolutions No. 827, 828, 829, and 830, approving final Plana, amd orizing execution of agreement, accepting roadway dedication, and accepting grant of easement. Councilman Pinch moved, seconded by Councilman Dempster, to adopt Resolutions No. 827, 828, 829, and 830. AYES' Councilmen: Dempster, Finch, Saich, Jewett NAYS: Nona i,BSENT. Councilman: 2enetti 4 -C -6- lots 0 A ..'831, Lo grant an easement for ingress and egress to TakLYdd TOM *011-088 the 11 reserve sti$n at the norttAM terminus of Portal Avem*a. Councilmas Bempstor moved, seconded by CO&WIlmen Balch, that Resolution No. 331 be Adopted- Alm: :Ceo1e12men. rtmpatel, pinch, Sauk, Jewett NAYS: San*, ABSM: Co200130m: - Benettf >•Y;, 4-0 S.4�ua �•.: order to ae- >s lSngl :pipm�tiE• e! $12.12 to SrnbaC qm Ingo suer •tilt* and in aeeord- bT �� .� accept the Pro- A j tMrt or 1,81? 22 to 1. Astana, 7 �, pgtablea tMs a0eeptandt atsA 3rr aeeordssse with a °) aeaeirications. Satoh e*ooedsd. _ AYES: Ooemlli6a: Dempster, Pinch, Balch, Jewett NAYS: NNW ABMW. Coaoellltr: Benetti - 4-o 9. VOLPE IMD MUM. progress payment recommended- CounciLean Dempster moved, seconded by Councilman Saich, that by minute order, the additional progress payment of $22,500 to Oeorge Bianchi Construction, Inc., be authorized. (Total progress payments slou:tinS to .20,500•) AYES: CounMlmen: Dempster, Pinch, Saich, Jewett NAYS: None ABSENT: Couneilmn: Benetti 4 -o D. REPORT OF CI:T ATTORNEY 1. Mr. Anderson would like a two -week extension on the problem of setback specifications. 2. Ordinance 220C. Councilman Dempster moved, and Councilman Saich seconded, that ordinance 2200 be adopted. AYES: Councilmen: Dempster, Pinch, Saich, Jewett MYS: None ABSENT: Councilman: Denetti 4 -o ZT UNFINISHED HDSZKM- Councilvan Pinch stated that in the past, the Council has dis- cussed having a study session to review parks, bonds, etc. Now that most vacations are over, he woul like to that September ate for uh s study session. Councilman Dempster would be a good date. This was agreed upon by the rest of the Council. Mr. Storm informed the Council that reservations have been sobs for everybo44y at Val "s for the I.C.C. meeting on September 5, 1963. Mr. Robert McDermott and Mr. Clause Pritzen were present at tens meeting in regard to the land which Santa Clara County is Inter- meted or reaction, f1- mrthe Council regarding stated he would like land. The CityeMacnsger, Mated action should be deferred until the County can decide if they Slob to include this lad in the park development pro�-rsm. -T- ��7ijy�t► y,�n FTi l�np�F,W �rss ex��.-�� -- S - 1Iay4T J F�, ,P�h Lely !'ri v!m. 'Al f3 'f V .: . •P. tia ..nA. Al unf� • S F� nur •�J'n3 i rs. � t f. )���� .. -.1•ryw