CC 08-20-63ii I V - 252 -4505
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10322 So. Saratoga -3102 ale, *ad
S201, August 201, 1963
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Hosting adjourned to the Cupertino R&O -cbool it 8:10 F.N.
;Hiss& to the,I*W 0014 e0 (14 MOMS of �00.GN -sue)•
III Cmilm" 01 0 N SPAS - Vb1a wen nos acted upon.
XV- Frow couram HOHm - This use not acted upon.
9 GZ�L PLUR - Discumdon of the Preliminary Oeneaal Plan
to bring Council up tQ date on previous
discussions held by Planning Commission.
Mr. Frolich, Cbairman of the Planning CoMisSion intro-
duced Mr. Oeorge Velker, of Milsey, Ham and M&-r, Planning Consult-
ants, who presented the General Master Plan.
Mr. Volker pointed out that city planning was relatively
new thinking in our democracy, having its inception in the last
quarter century. There is a new social c.+rsciousneas in our urban
areas. Today, 7of of the population is living in cities, as opposed
to the greater portion or the population living in rural areas a
generation or so ago. Mr. Volker's rim has been studying the eco-
nomics of the Cupertino area for the past two years and has Compiled
a general plan which they :,elieve to be in the best interest of the
City of Cupertino and its inhabitants.
Cupertino will probably reach saturation by 1978. More
Cupertino has been agriculturally oriented tanttl recently, it is in
a rapid transition and budding into an urban area. Its boundaries
are Lscrence Expressway to the east, Rontebello bridge on the west,
Premont Avenue to the north, and Cox Avenue to the South. In 1930
It had a population of 6,500 people. In 1962 the population had
almost reached 60,000. There is an increase of approximately 4,000
pea,7ear Cupertino bas had an increase of 800% as opposed to a
1001 plus increase in Santa Clara County.
In 1947, Cupertino had 735 elementary school children and
in.1963 it had 17,000. Thy high achm" serui109 Cuperiluo bad 640
students is 1947 and in 196 there were 7.300. Cupertino bas a
majority or young, large families.
Thwr ,is a trend toward,thip oultl- family t bousiug• TO
date, Capertim h� &4 single sally- duelI1ngs and � two - family
to multi- family units.
Oupertigo has C
are 67M.*crof 1uvallable
amat,gill l4ob"17 o1{ia_
.:3100461 Tfurty -five sor9a_
9111 claim 900 &ores (7 -aks
apses to f:egsays and there
3pp t, Comaerew develop -
I gS laso irlduAR�A1.- davelop-
b'and., e)►tl arena
A.' t�nate
Mjh density areas
tithe grow residential acre).
.„_,___ " In4'l &Pea rsoD,�eodations az�iLw� etc railroad
taldithrand &loos steseas Creek RMd' where the -fTOMM orbaffa• ThM
saes 1,'i� acres Major, pair arms. There will be a
�Ai "M Serra f•y19
Pair in San Jose, where Juni-
Mgor� Ja►btti' ", .,questions frog the City OouMoil.
Qoildiltb� Saieh qusetiamsd too proposed school sites, to vedeb
!!1, lb:ser stated that M& Haatd of Demetdon had the ezlstIM and
r alt a pan
Rdion as the
at togs tine.
_. _. ..C,u'^ .�• tYfcCia. =�. �1L..z 'ti�k�..A�r.w�_ Y
'h as si ' ► `bps sladlar to
for a comparison that out that or the base tau
�i out that it is 26E per
at pfeesmt. MM '�6 flfs fatwre it will increase unless
tai stry cams in. .
Mr. Rubert'1GSlai lOrjk9 S&n plelips load, Cupertino, stated
that very little of N, Vista is within the corporate district or
aMertim. Mr. Vb2k suited that the plan 16 not to project any
asoeration, but that Marta vista should be included in the ultaa
aenssal program because of the small sized lots art' the older Loses
nor in Monte. Vista. This area will deteriorate, have more fires,
and could eery well have a high percentage of social problems in the
Mrs. Val Chasblin, 7519 Leeds Avenue, Cupertino, question-
ed where the on- and off -ramps or the new freeway would be. Mr.
Volker stated there would be a send - interchange at Steven-v Creek.
an intercha.,.ge at Wolfe load, and an interchange at Righ.,yr 9 and
Jmlpera Serra.
Mr. Loren Acker, IM10 Deodom Drive, Cupertino, asked
wSat the recocnended lot size will be and requested sore information
about the proposed neighborhood parks. T!v present recommend W-Ed-
sos lot size i.- 7,500 feet, but the projected minimum lot size will
be 6,000 feat. The naighborlsod parks should be adjacent to the
schools to core fully utilize their playgrounds and incorporate them
Into the City's parts. Mayor Jewett stated that the City is work -
Log on a program for future park sites.
Mr. Ed Cali III= Bubb Road, Cupertino, wondered what
will happen to property already zoned industrial if it conflicts
math the new center plan. Mr. Volker assured the audience that the
City Council and the Planning Comdssion will try to adhere as such
as possible to present zoning.
Mr. Matron ognael, 10316 Denison Avenue, Cupertino, asked
If Varian is conaitted as yet, and was lnforwed that the first pub-
Ile hearing will be an lloodsy, Awguat 26th.
Mr. Avid Dare gsestioned the role of the present town
center. Mr. Volker pointed out that it is too far rasoved fYos both
To Mr. West's gaption abort how long until a plan such as
Lids ta*a effect, Wr. Vbr%r stated that future building permits
would be ®aided by this p"UnIn ry plan. The rival plan will be
aeitten wltbin sixty days.
Mr. JaNt ., X�p*t35 linevale Avers, Cupertino, won -
the traffic' sisege problems wenld of alnen:es.
in. � &'buffer zone, conpalsed
amt- oonsultavts bed mpmoen with the
'j�s to belr decide the best my to
FrnTNnbd, Tr., 10930 N. •
A tlno, pointed oft the eeonode Chaos tbat eGWA remlt fM
�risom� eltl�t + tl'r_ elt" bm 5 aeree eoa7a eel} for w,
{1D0 eM, it raroWi �f alr �� �1! 1! e0!!b W 000.
i1u ataiu�d tae CLf� '1 a� TLaaht�,. ��0�' two "ll
ONWO of lsee teestem ®e 9ftw 6imi ww umoft sedi•"—" D� ;�i• lea
T r
aw I t -6 at ot" P.N.