CC 07-22-63Saratoga Road
e 252 -4505
Cluli':CMMIL NggE3 "JOLT 22, 1963
io�as os TMg RaGOi/t)k AfO�MNIDf 0 .
00 Y.N.
9R:. 80. , Maas •, - d
p' � ^c. c•i ai mall'?' :B • --_;' •.. .- .. _
s.- Osah>vsl�M�o �IIIiLtiy�+pM9attl'l 1Sd'edY s/ich,
Sttif C!q man"mr, MY :0061VAer
lipJ'Y17 GQ Y:.t i 9Ait ai•( ,.7C:'i,.d '1 �_ .
of the 011001! OC COSMaa'I oontriontian. u -WM . Vv .
�anti'SUwtlou from Summon fled, and 0941MMe eta not required
IN' CeMer.toald:wdllNcte
�. ; Counmilman DMVdelaufad about-the edvissmuty of having a
essysNt go so - V I I tassuflia: tar chsahas' would be •lhfm I by stipulating they were 6026 to Oud the money-
Councilman lknettl requested, and all of the CouucIL agreed,
that the Chamber should prepare an itemdzed report of how the contri-
%attlen•of $35w was event during 1962 -63. Also that the City. Attorney
9 a. report for the Cannot& on a contribution by the 'City to the
CSmabor aid bow the money should be spent.
Councilman Dempster so moved, Seconded by Councilman Renetti.
AM: Councilmen: Renetti, Dempster, Finch, Saich. Jewett
Mme: Councilmen: None
Ah Councilmen: None
Mayor Jewett then called to the Council's attention the other
items on the agenda preceding Western Avenue Inasmuch as there was a
large attendance present, the Mayor asked the Council if they wished to
="a to Item rV. All were In agfvamsnt.
Councilman Finch opened the discussion by asking, is it necessary
and do we need to open Western Avenue from Scofield to Stevens Creek
Honlevard? Councilman llanetti said this was the reason for bringing
It up so that it could be discussed and evaluated. Councilmen Do Aster
asked the Chair to have the residents in the area speak.
Mrs. Tony Pelosi, 20M Rodrigues Avenue, Cupertino, asked why
and by whom this was placed on the agenda. " Louis Lucas, '-'0669
samlitld�ghttuuppta d what Councilman brought It upted "r JerJ sett 1MV
toom it aasmered both Mrs. Polosl and Ns. Leas: Ys are not putting to
on the•spot and by whoa is Of no conssgmeme•
dsteemdns is the need foe the aktMaTon of Wsetern Avenue. If it is
sSeaasoi'i tad this Is hoed DlauglnR to continue Western Avenue, the
Cs�mil• should know aDbltt "is deid pew it. If it is rot, then, of
ecunam, it should be Qt�p�ad Pmt' as I-Mve previously said, w are
aft suing to discuss whj�a by shpe. Thrrs were sixteen persons pre -
saaa from the Town and Cs4017 and- P00W.•tree Traets "and all repeated
vW had been previ stated. That am extension of western Avenue
sat Aeeoamarys t t s 4 creatua an atueraal amount of traffic
Md the lschild�ren had tMinimal��th t s�Cs $01 ad °m school
amt also to got to the soaoul bun.
Nr. Noustaksm, lolg western Drive wanted fa know the widan-
tie island that W hesn Planed in ZWONO 9 South fror'S"Wns
seofield Drum Me matted the present 94 V te1'n
OWALlaasaA 000014W tyre 410W if the island-ml Oft t(3
gaMeam/ Osafft! lams ga1Dg npytbt
amwilman DesusttSl :TWi<g' eat tmzrd g of woman 9. 1 believe
this is the tine to exudes tbs at wtWbmtbor it is neded dad 'WhetWit
or bad bad far 1tn 'sentiusetlss es]�
'"s '. amnallman Balch
pea` im streets are seed is the tract.
am. *Mhton, 10199 S7Oela. *7�'ivc- eatdahat tsaf:ic cones iron
through Westaerems reppertree end Toss i�Omsmtry: 'Bbat.a
o> the Tamil« :s• 4101IM400112601 is ti,�t e"W" .. .
1�o0rigmea oar a W of a ;dt1es�auto" tat in With' ice►
s,... . t. ;1ga
✓6t.- (: i .j`JN �+�^ Q.'a�ii� -. ." i. ". %"a •°. 7i97i.
iutri�fa..�tfil.'i. :.iiil�►i wa! eemWs�h . _
r -
s. Wilson acids Wll! I ill certsinl7 to of 1e soma&
ld "W for the meeaeMRY rssft•'or'+fty and fbr the psv- of the
ip an the � � Os p�
developoont on ow- yWaperty, we hmd.nb inten"M of Western
coming through. What has created interest In Western Avow
Mayor Jewett stated that if there wers.MW fu*Jwr aomaents on
Western Avenue other than those that hep already been stated, we would
uhm to hear them. But if it is repetitious, we are just waeting our
time. gvaryone that has spoken so far bas stated the ssme thing, too
D eterfic, deagercus to ebildrw:, will increase truck traffic and un-
there Ss something other than whet has been discussed, I would
the Council dmt they wished to do regarding Western Avenue.
It was moved by Councilman Pinch, seconded by Camcllman Belch
that an engineering report be prepared on Western Avenue, Its location
and its used, if asp. This is to be ready by the first moeting in
Councilman Bwsttl questioned the advisability of an engineer's
3'Msrt. go comments and the protests by the people living in the
arms imdiested to him that Waste= Avenue should not be constructed,
Imd to have an erAneeriog report would be a wasta of time. There b"M
po fWtbs dlecuseion, the Mayor asked for a vote.
�: Councilmen: Dempster, Pinch, Saich, Jewett
i Councilmen: Benettl
ABSM1t: Comallmen: None
IVnPx CASK=: 0 -1
At this point, Mayor Jewett oallal a fivs mtuaute recess: 9 :00.
Weeting reconveneds 9:05.
The asst item on the &&tech me the Approval of the Budget -
"m MU- re stated befo we got into discussion on the budset, I would
lib to point alt to the Colmoll that we have not taken into consider-
IF increase for the Oily Attorney for the coming year. an
e mm Map increased, particularly for mearetorial sarviess and
wsd�,s�t feel& �pa com►oilss re- aatien be to giving the City Attorney an
asiitlamal is5.00 per month. tMs would be 5900.00 per year-
Councilmen tnttea�City At %O nq� sa�twias�aali8lanry � emu'•
or up per year.
AlMe Comailmen: Bosom, Diameter, Pinch, Baieb, Jewett
OW46011ment go"
A � i grAp llaans 1wM
MD�P�.�MDs 3-1
L sasrlmea Hemet" a isapp teas pstiea reradus the city Maemger's
rgoct inaeaach as this was a re- submission of the tentative budget and
ry a da2iim the n:sesl&,raf1MV*ha 4dma1216
160MC. "two"
23W OCR notibeos
City had bad an opp
s• pwsible park al
dsateu 1W' the maker.
,kit .'l_ yt
,W eau a for
do city
.:73siq Ka7aem
tads :rt,n,a
rcq 18,-n
eL44x.t4eL fz!nv.';:U's
approval of the second, the motion was
Councilman pinch asked how the Recreation Director had arrived
at the selection of sites;.
Recreation Director: This has been made on a careful examine -
t1m and evaluation of the area. Also taking into acoowut the recom-
mendation emde.hy the State for location parks and also areas. Warner
Wilson said that the schools in Cupertino had a considerable amount of
Lttd t4at me not being.used that could be developed for Community
recreational. areas. He said that the former Superintendent of Schools,
Mr. Feeley stated that this land could not be used by the schools.
Mr. Wile tt tea opposed to the State's recommendation that five acres
was necessary adjoining school playgrounds.
2be report shossd that wilderness areas could be acquired for
pant purposes. Couaoilmsn Finch stated that this is what he had in
-Ind as far as a bond issue was concerned. What we need is a cultural
center. This is what I want to promote.
Councilman; Dempatert Foothill College on a talk given before
the Chamber-or Commerce and the business man of Cupertino a few months
ago, stated that there a large cultural facility constrLWted
at DeAnsa College. The auditorium will be one of the major parts of
the cultural center and will have a seating capacity of 2500.
Councilman Finch: This is all well and good, but the City is
not going to have Control -of this. We need something for City activl-
ties. I think also we are talking to small, when us are talking about
two sera sites. They ssst'be larger.
Mayor Javettt ale idea. of Foothill e*4as appeals to Oe. There
is a Statt advantage hems and not only lin:t¢s reoreation that is
available, but we can get more land tot lose cost.
Councilman HmalaItit I agree. Wen taed 3xWr. parka, but I wonder
it it would not be a good idea to gat in touch VUh the Cpwty std. sae
rhaL arsasgwnts can be made on a joint venture between the City sad
County on a wilderness area.
0a wailsan Balebx i ages, that tlf A* uld look into the hill
areas. This 1e Mhefl ate eau .UW a lot. Af land, ebf#ft.' WU%W W1110001
Cupertino has the large Rpog1,comntaity per capita than W community
!adaata �C a f�1�lc we should h�isve a strong look at the
paaafh�Yf l lamd edjadmat to these-achools:
« 3 »
Rayon is"t 46 moms
tM atii ad OOw TOOMUOW
the new Sow�k* feel MINIM -
a0 � tieOlh�b�
us City Mss directed to set vip a sestiog wltb tba
School Hoard and Dr.:night• He was also idtracted to
ell .gjte the pert a1*aY'a:ggested aM have the losatiar plteed
on i go. Vw gap srd report is to be ready for the saetlag of
Angst 19th.
�mesi�boin sdtito W atbe smrionsd about OcUnty WtUlPfttlea Of
!lads, aback with the State dad Yederal Oovernsent to @40 lf there
is mA 3 available for land acqulaition and park aevelopmaat progidsa.
CoanMlsan Salab: It we are discussing& bond and CtcMdsfor
pa"O, we should also ""a" a Dross for streets
Mayor Jewett: I think this is what we plan to do. All of the
items that the Cema11 feels should be plaeed on a bond issue Program
Mill be ittsdsed and tbso the people can select any ooh of the itsss
that rill be sabaitted for their approval.
11yor Jewett: the Chamber of Cowerce bas been Narking
on i istaf-Clty program. I have a resolution that xes seat t�l
PWI !Yeager of tla Cho~ of Coserce desighatf�hg Oopert
a"d COMM, Celiforala as Slater Cities. I will entertain a notion
to adopt the Resolution.
It was wooed by Councilwan Dater, secca ied by iced ll Mino,
Hasettl that Resolution T9/, desigsa 1ng C
plilNrnia u SlsterCitiNN ba' adoptN. All In favor.
Now Jewett stated that a mesento had been sent. to cow
IW�y from Cepertino Califon, to be delivered by Mrs. Blame Macchia
s* Wt,ror Italy an OJMMM awy -viat. It was adNed r Oeoneilsaa
Web, that the City or COPWtUm Pay
�lhZ' eeoetdeatby� i_Ataly.
Off: y , Ompster. Pinch. Belch. Jwatt
tRiiattag. &eaaad Ocesnallrn Despster
t i0