CC 07-15-63;-?
iu3sy 90. :AMTOOA -S ALE FM � 252 -4505
-, `
MMM 1a.TP FgfUM MEWING OF MT COONCIL - July 15, 1963
Tess: &00 P.M.
Flaos- 20= So. Saratoga - Sunnyvale Road
I MU00 '1'O THE MO
22 SM& CUL. 0wneumen Present: Denetti, Pinch, Saich, Jewett
OsimaiISM Absent: il.. star
Staff lheseut: CI�bft"WP4 Cit�ttAi�j,
!oFa+s *JIGS 2. JW�V,8. 29W;
1� noted by Cocnailsnn aaleh and seceded by COM0120812
hlhs_adsto be sp0eossd3ahkcaebrlttee. Notion eavol d 4-0.
V alit AMD WPM C=Uffeft -7 s
A. Os"
8. witten
1. letter from Mayor of Copertino, Italy, resarding
establishment of sister -city relationship.
2. Branch line Commuters Association of Santa Clara County,
re iaaona Branch Lane, asking that it not be abandoned.
Thm City Munger reported that a resolution has been forwarded
the ICC supporting the County's position that the railroad should be
It was moved by Councilman 111 tti and seconded by Councilman
Finch that the communications bo received and filed. All in favor.
Vice Chairman Fitzgerald reported that the Commission decided
that estimated times should be left off the Agenda. All hearings
will be set for 8:00.
Johnsen, fteell, and Supervatdc were postponed. A variance
was granted Douglas Freeborn to allow a rear yard of 1416' REc011
appliestdon 87-2 -63 rezoning from R -1:B -2 to R -2 -R continued. Blaors-
Assoaiata sign variance request was continued for 90 days to allow
reties of the sign ordinance, also time for Blaney intersection to be
A. Douglas R. Freeborn: Appl. 32 -V -63 for a Variance to
Allow a Rear Yard of 14'6" where Ordinance requires 201;
10416 Cherry Tree Lane. Recommended by Planning Commission
Resolution 141.
Mr. Freeborn stated that the reason for the variance In that he
wants to pat an addition on the building, and it will Coss to within
14' of the rear property line. The addition will be screened in,
have sRaMs roof, and there will be 4 x 4's every 41. It will be
conmeetes to and an integral part of the house. It is not his inten-
tion to *lase it in and sake it a part of the house.
Mr. We. Critzer, 10400 Prunetree, and Mr. Blackwell, 10415
premessme bate agrwed to the addition.
Councilman Bwwtt• -toted that he in not opposed necessarily to
the sessssad in :arch, but would like to see it remain as such, and
not bsMe S closed room.
Mr. Freeborn stated that the only accP.a-• %;0-14-
living rooU, or from outside. It would pDO:viol5
Councilman Saich mrnra9 :flit Application 32 -v -63 for a variance to
ailmm a Hear Yard of 14,6" above Ordinance requires 20'; 10416 Cherry
trsa Lama b6 -ap% o. as f6commerd0d W'Plannirg Oostdasion Resold'
ties 141, with the condition that It remain a porch, and not be made
Into a closed room. Seconded by Councilman Finch.
ASE: OMM11MM Henettl, Finch, Saich, .Jewett
x cOemllsen. Now
Oomallaanr Dempster
i1 earned
r awrsea�at 6;'7: Owe
.- i�HbmaH1! a�ayolWe tba&tMe rpm is to Tamain oft Lora
�>eRl1 t is aeaa6mttted to us awdary Cosadesion. some of
j ppep Les more to be greembeeltttO.
s. An�nexaemol Hearing i ee ptr)Resolution 784: Hlfredl 63-8
"W" more no written protests. It was moved by Councilman
Saieh and seconded by Councilman Benetti that the public hearing be
closed. All in favor.
TM CM MICHATTSD RIFI®I 63-8. Firat reading
C. Hearing as per Resolution 786 Vacating Certain Public Vays,
Basely 25' along the west side of Highway S, Sunrise to
RodrUms, approximately.
Sure more no protests from the audience.
C mmellean Benetti moved the public hearing be cl ')sed. Seconded
by Camreilman Saich.
The City Attorney read Resolution 794 Vacating Certain Public
Wb", 25' Along west side of Rlg!emy 9. Sunrise to Rodrigues.
It was moved by Councilman Benetti., and seconded by Councilmen
Bsmetti that Resolution 794 be adopted.
AYES: Councilman: Benetti, Pinch, Saich, Jewett
WAYS: Councilmen: None
ABSENP: Councilman: Dempster
Motion carried 4 -0
D. R. Call & Bro.: Application 24 -U -63 for a Use permit =or
a Gas Station, northwest corner of Highway 9 and McClellan
Road. Denied by Planning Commission Resolution 140.
Mr. Don Handley, 10941 Columbus Avenue, Agent for the owner,
stated that toy teal it is a bona ride development, and it is a part
of the entire development.
Mr. Hd Leigh, representing Texaco, presented pictures of their
stations, statir4c that the station they were proposing would fit in
with the surrounding am, ar:: would be contemporary. The station
will provide ample parking, driveways, and lighting. The station Is
to be the firat step toward a shopping area, and is the most logical
step in development, he stated. Additional pump space is proM.led
for also, should it be needed.
'mare were no protests from the audience. One neighbor bad
protested at the June 27 meeting. This was read from the minutes.
Courcllsan Saich saved the hearing be closed. Sa <'T' ^i `5
Oemmeilme'1 Finch. All in favor.
It na MOV0 by ® Then Saicb thmst Applica -pion 24 -u-63 for a
pea !fast ?or a Gas Station, northwest corner of BigMMay 9 twd
�wQ be granted, with the prorlDion that all dedications be
sofa to an City, and that the station go to B- Control for their
nownsomaL 1210D returned to Council. Seconded by Mayor Jewett fog
a[ tsseussion.
Qemtsllmon Benetti asked teat commercial would ga an the .ailr'e
adde &oobw ultimately. Mr. Bentley :Rated that tWs are erde4.orins
tie, leases now for the realoArr of the eanhr- ON !•rttiistsat
s meted to beep the Tssn sad Corntry Canter in atria, d
a a them stated ff it they will bmdld to arwt
! �oality of commercial ApArrA bl the retie.
Heath "kid ;ti` — iEificoa fiFom E3111t1�ii' :Af j; . , ..r,
a l be cmdlmod. _ Me .li , >titii/el did S000amnon Is a woe
a �ltl�la�ia� "��iN
,;sad the small at tM eoraer m a$�
. !a total of tkaeMatmfloaos
l Hea= a =tbmt the memos for his qumtlos
>� readout staW there more five . 'ma
swim std pa pars reported the mason for sottish sea
fId not haw dlraatlon 81 Cbmeail m sarvlat atatiaa-
Y 1 � d and enial. "I would like to mad Position lear.' a
7s are not opposed to on stations as such. provided there era
net a seat of thou in ace specific arms, but mostly the reason for
oppemitsen was that the Ceesral Plan had not Dees presented, and we
he/h ass trsmid free the consultant as to how any would be good for
the, Qty of Cupertinc, " stated Councilman Benetti. He asked if the
ecmm atamt has give. any idea on how many stations are needed, and
theta taey should be l.xated.
Coseclieun Sa:c!: felt it mss in order to issue the Permit, that
eteass of eomesrc &- INA are paying the big taz load, and should be
able to develop.
Comeilmar. 3e.. . felt that allowing a gas station on the
corner aonid open tx area for commereirml development. The area has
not been dewed sae-- by the consultant and would be going against
his fasammmft or. bo Councilman stated that he is well aware of
the atnme ma coming 'ran gas stations, and is not opposed to them,
but balseves the City should take a lard look at this and any other
applieatlon that ccmes in. If it were zoned coovereial, Mat M+uld
follow it should a-s: be considered.
Mayor Jewett stated that the parcel was zoned commercial s
time map. and he feat zoning abould stand. Regarding the rimed for
more stations, the Mayor stated that he does not believe that the
Plane= or anyone r_ c e Council can determine the saber required.
'I feel that any hkml.-iess that comes into the City. complies with
City spodfie+.tions, should be allowed to case in. Going south
ca AL&UMV 9, the :ant station an the right in the City is the Standard
Statlem. The Mayor felt this is a good location for the station. He
added that San Jose _s closing in on us, and Cupertino should get on
tan bail and get some commercial before someone else does.
Csnedlman Bextti felt that Cupertino should not be told how
to some by the acts :f San Jose or any other City, and felt that
the mbww Pas gone an record stating that no matter what the Planner
camas t+ pith, if Coeneil has zoned, so It should be. If this is
the eras, the City wculd be wasting snno -. He felt that tcthe City of
semen remit and see and allow the publit to decide by
the" Teter Plan where gas stations should be.
for Jewett: 'I would go on record stating that I don't ant
to sea ahmlmsale reversal on zoning. There are acres after &ores of
Led most; zoned. He need the General Pbo for this. I an not against
than taster Planner or the work he is doing. To go tack and change
Chap in the City, --eybe we will have to, but for the present ties,
I see vet about to star to revert bmek.'
9 a
�1�L Saiah felt the TLRuer is camorned with the entire
CLl —W r abort ens aaiasfr� Mf "mat as tYA planner is 000seresd.
s= 1 tMilt keep ms nose dl� 4 4011100 stations. Ae u
besl,fa emirs tae Wale City, not jMt this one corner" stated Ommooll-
ms 2020k�
Councilmen: Satah," Jewett
C ullwsns A 4Id., limb
kh Councilmen: !
ON 94 S ^.
Attomq.w�atO s lidLIRilm until flee where art
q. "F sattir,be 466 90004
MWRM Alp Sat Cmdom -CM MlgKtas of JuLT 9)
I !� Oath g1 -° ^ljt Jr- MOO t��epep�AaD�ssunittO oOn/t1O0t Y
a Arched seta Ti
imst Corrner of Ste A NOCIall} mil y 1♦cayaptod ate b-
1. Coalitions. a:ff Report?
MSS application me postponed by te2erOanne. lee rapresentativO
Ommax pre is present.
Uno asked rep it INKS postponed, and lsaan -d that the
apiitss0ae bas the right to be beard, and postponesent pas granted *h n
he r u♦11S to attend.
Z Application 92- HC-632 John V. Rintala, 616 L no Vale
Avenue, Fremont, requesting Aiehitectural and Site Control
approval to Install a lfrlbdint Materials lard (Retail
Sales) and small Lgn/1; 1 lratal. located behind existing
Mir wit's Rarket. (M -1 -H) Zone, 21705 Stevens Caesk laud.
Mr_ an<aL told the Conseil theta is a lumber lard sdJacent
to an ass. Access is an the rest aids of the street. Rmsimms
I31 aAiate trod t1w arm to the rear of the stow. and the existing to %bW
staaeia Ill be used as an orris@ otter it is brought up umsu
Coq fie. !here :Cll be landscaping and fencing. TM
be pewit.
Caaerellaan 9enetti sovad that Appliation 92- HC-63. John V.
ArebiteetmsI and Site Control ap;aoval to install
abaft —W4 a/s Ia1d (lhtaii Sales) and 9=12 Nqult wI Rental,
Daft jarava's lartet be approved as sesonseded by H-Control.
goosed" ed" 1W Councilmen Such.
Ate: Councilmen: Hanetti. Finch, Saich. Jewett
=as: bnncilmen: NOW
Al : Caineilan: DrmCattr
Motion carried 0 -0
vp •• 01111 I 1 a' I
/. Ordinance 213: Resoning property of Stephen Oasssra, Jr.
from R -3-3 to C -1 -H, } acre, 19930 Stevens Creek Hculavasd.
second Reading.
s des moved by Councilman Saleb that Ordinance 213 be red by
t2230 AWW. Seconded by Councilman Finch. All in favor.
- lE As moved by Councilman Balch, and seconded by Councllan
Dsrlseei teat Ordinance 243 be aaseted.
)tit: Coaecilsen: Bmetti, pinch, Saich, Jewett
00 neilmsn: Hone
=;M: Ommelbsen: Dempster
jj$Os carried 4-0 -4-
® •
A. R=Wr=M 792 and M
;ftgm@llwsn Finch m. that Deaolution 792 - [ayroll, he adopt-
ed.. •sardrd, by Councilman Baiah.
,�:.. Ommeilmsn; am Mtu, Ruch, Balch, Jewett
R oaamatlson• :00a
=._ Qmseilasm=, Da�sar
r �
Nam dblastti.
t y ,
rte' . QldnrlLi/ar i in%
Waften'carried 4-0
Z �.� Cfliml3 A�1:L9:
. da
A. Ron" of CM TRUM M
'8a Tsasover reported that *IL M4 r�s collected in Jett free
tmerne :lass, the City's poatiom 18 i9urc.l6.
Rend by Coianailman bonsttl, seconded by Councilman Finch that
the presort balance in the 8061near1ra, Chectisg and Inspection Raid
(Mask imomas Account) be tranaferred to General Fund.
Counallman Balch asked if any of the developers had been to the
City on inspection fees, and learoad that they hod not.
A123: Councilaan: Dsnsttl. Finch. Baieb, Jewett
NAPS: Councilman: None
A>lIN126 . Councilman: Dsapster
Notion carried 3 -0
D. RIP Mi' OF Cl?r RUN=
mt City *AmR er reported that he Ire set with Mr. 411 on the
matter of an easement through his psepsaty for atom dralmm. Mr. Can
has aefarred the matter to his attorney. The Nsigbberhaa0 Flan shows
stows drains through the 431 Dsoptstz, and this is in llme with what
Is ¢VpeMd by Mr. Cry for 47wwN /j. Mr. C�np Ire the tentative
maps rwm�r, had can start dovwlopoant with psradsales or Cohan, than
an arraggsmant =arid have to be wesbsd out for the easement. The
dvaln papw world be 30'. 'Drs U&Ighboeload Flan that this appears an
'hat b=ee adopted by Ocu nall.
Nhyor Jewett painted out that the road pattern will have to be
changed, ad would be different r the Neighborhood Flan. Tba City
Msrrgar vdU pn t the plan. to in prepared by the City Brgtoser.
to l!. C&21 and report bawl[ to Canned.
2ho City Ranger reported on the matter of the Blaney Avenue
In Ivwsa±djn. rt bed been salggssbad that the improvsmaat be borne by
the Cl`y. A small section un Hlso W, sham on the first report. cost-
In[ $0.50, has been removed, rs3moSM the amount to $3.570. Action .
Is regndred from Gamed so the City der can spread the aaseasmsnt.
Mayor Jewett asked for the Rtraates that showed this portion as
ppa�s�tt of the L.I.D. The City Manager reported that the intersection was
�Iltenrasad and the recommendation made that the cost be bore by gas tax
wAMW. 7be City Manger presented a list of things that were presented
to Cavell. At thr time of the pwblia hearing, he reported, there was
no diseassion on this. The plans were approved.
Cemmoilman Finch stated he felt the cost should be paid :y the
r4ty. so Asgsovemsata are locatrt in the Ci::, r..i all of the r
MW flsemrit. 3s felt that two renters rill nom :vve 'c -.
the stmt. mad eould not sea why hoer ether two should ;.v far J
Cvmmellmn amwt'.1 felt that the City, should not pay for sose-
thft !n ffm of an ladivl&ml's property, tbgt City could dMve no
mom bament Boa the intersection than sidewalks. Be obJeeted to the
fist -f�mR tar sorb vas done* or in the process of oompletl#m, before
KmmryoMixed. The petition si by sverycom in the L.I.D. !1 was
� the figure is now to ;'/5,too, including the intersection.
fa N ".D, -&A patios, ten ors job Aonw•tor $3,�' less
for, and the Counei]as'folt :be C1 &4=2 ot _pq foss mItbomb ;VrbviEdypre7al 06' bllpo to 2mwm I aoll�tsM off! 60�_ i°_tOe mot&
to OOeisiSnbasectio0 ) I" !m cam: utmervlal
I for the
arch that the Cost or Improving the MSMY
■'eed over the L.t:IL flaw. Seconded by
AXM commoll"m • Hemem, 9alch, Jewt
AMh 009MI266M !lards
A EEM CounMlsn: Dempster
mom Carried 3-1
Beloeatlon of utilitles an Blgtrmty 9 was discussed, the amount
stetted. ;32,079.71 apprise to be correct, and fair in the MIT
NUMOWS opdndon. The complete relocation was for 1 455' of 19k Tina.
a mailman Bmwtti pointed out that there tats a difference of
Maw rmween the figure the City llanesar thought to be fair and the The �laesw me dimeculty� eerstandiag. the billll. oauun Manager I
Bemstn wondered why the City should be paying any of the cost, when
the State should be paying the costs.
The City Hunger will ;re,;sre a report showing the location of
the line and all costs.
p further report
D. Serm OF Tat env RTTGFGW
Tie City Attorney reported ra a letter from Meia7 i Sospe oa
the oid Alves Line. i<sarmt is contained In Boot 937. Page u1d8.��
City new same the lira. Certain irrigation lines go through
be segesaRM. jbclsting ameamat ,nu have to be quit claimed and a
arm simmmat granted. It No his sugpmtion that the applicant be
asabmeA tami there should be a relocation of Alves. Abandoammt D>n-
eemtlfp should be started for the old lice, with the cost to be horns
by the developer.
Sit City Mattmpr stated that where the pipe* are good, they
w111 be-asmsad, adding that be doesn't thIz* the life of the line is
very leek. There are foor eomtomors left out of 25. There will be
no Mot •!e the City.
A. County Water Commisslon
D. City Budget 1963 -4 fiscal year: Penal Approval
To be discussed at Ju17 22 Meeting
a -Ci
1YS �9llWY ~1�Nt�lti..::
C. Niseel?arsous
sgpo t. Of .tom:
ltr. m,aof (bi.ere:'s
1Hlion outlad t1a pairt yew a i• lieagn weirs:
At the :fit ad' tOs City, tb_ aMdwr b = : a bmllstln
tel2lag newaommr how is gat adjusted m life in
X000 q1 Law � 1i dpLatrlbnted. (Yill be Lront#bk up to ante) .
About 200 Dhow InquiViea am received each month, ascend 150
people visit No oftloe @M& month, and Soo pieces of aril requesting
. 0 nation are r-I»iwd. ' is spars the City Staff a. lot of inquiries
and eorrespondena .
Have publishs� a Directory of the Chamber, also Newsletter
keeplag members and Othras informed.
,here are two part-time employees, would like them to be full -
time whin it man be afforded.
Gave peblished a ffivehanre On the City-
abustntotal l�Lo=bated� #2 report ez�yanses oOff Income 26 a
July 1 bank balance Of $19 -36.
ibe Revised Budget was presented.
Connellimen saich asked about the $500 general advertleiag figure'
Mr. ldllo moWlaisd that 1t 1041 for advertising various events. In
Lha past, there has beam no state -ride advertising csmpai8n. 0"
there is an industrial area, as proposed In the Danes! Plan, it Ss
In an attempt tO att�sct mesa for state and national
Couneiican periodicals,
feats, can be carried
the figure vas low.
Councilmen Denetti asked what the Clamber is advertising.
Mr. pltsgerald stated that in the past, in sales events, the merchants
Pay for their Own ads, but the O*Nber does some advertising to start
the sale.
Mw Chamber Preslsen', OeoMe Fernandes. also lad son commis.
Mw Chamber hopes to star'& WOmeer Days, promote a mister -city relation -
ehlp with Cupertino, 2t"T, ani sell Qrpertino, put it on the asp• This
IS the fastest growing area I" the United States. The Chamber hopes
oft »t �aa JJametata. tAAnn efffffort lamas' been aWeato� ng lo�alr
as the Co�ns�l�l�t;�_-_ Maw
In an effort to build eoonwrity spirit, the
nts C 1a�M� start a piaoeer Day, Vrsenting Cspertino s aa:citing
hMany. aeraps there vm�ld be a Tourthl� aes�fietto Day. conclusions
is ad�ernt FawmaO0M mod' I how you Cupertino.'
psmed budget beamuse we can grow
ommailean Plumb mimed that he budget getlbein discussed at the July
22 1Waing. aamonded by �ellson
...: ._.�;.ynyr�n.Y�.,,,..�: •,.tar15`itl `"'S..S4AIfl^� �_�` _...:.�...rmni3iie .:.u::,..St�'...;rs9�..c �.�r
OiladInn h)Mttl ashsd what the City is al]omed to contribute
!a the ,Ap or yowtld3r, "fie 't'ity Attomiy wi12 died tbf* b", e14 ,
Up- Lille msatlaaed the Chamberta of
the year,- and that tbf VI be
to al a sheet, fdr thiie asount. Sleghisi3 2m
Amos V
%x: i .5! :&gi RV�t$s' J.itY t 2 t:t
'Q Y
K 4b be 71e>7 ffi
;� ntgyrlcr� _
u is
_mm�e�oa�1 �of the bomb shelters, the OW DaUdiss
�bdbaegd mr. sweri, aim he to ishiss to
thaw,„ amp d11 do so when he am find a mover.
'Comdlbann'lmifttt toffee that the owner be swan 3o Aars ror
all iiml :br the bomb sbeiters on hllsbray 9. Seconded by CbmMeiixmn�
lelob. All 1n favor.
Counoilaen Finch moved the keeting the adJourned to July 22, at
8:00 at the City Hall. Seconded by Cotmcllman Henetti. All in favor.
areEpr: / City Clark
a Veme H Jewett