CC 05-20-63Y" 4 10321 So. Saratoga- Survt,,'vale Road 252 -45o5 CITY O F C U P E R T I N O a o a MIIWM FOR THE RgWIAR mzXff 0 OF THE CITY COUNCIL, May, 20, 1963 TDB: 8:00 P.M. PLACE: Board Room, Cupertino School District, 10300 Vista Drive I BAUM TO Tse nA0 11 YAM CALL: Councilman Present: Councilman Absent: . attilf Pf +�.d�i: Dempster, Finch, Balch, Jewett Benetti City Mw9k,ari City Atto;ndy, City ffiI w;C1 Clerk, Chief Bplldiu$.ILNpeOtor IIII 1P ar-Tw-rosmoommm - Mdy 7, 1963 COWldilaae_Belch GOUNrtW thst•the Mlostea for April 15th had mt, bes. apor0ed at, thr ptmlriau meeting Deeanse of' the fact that there was not a full Council at that meeting. Councilman Balch dared that the ;Unutss Of April 15 and May 7, 1963 be approved as submitted. Seconded by Councilman Finch. All In favor. IV ORAL AND MRI'11= CDMMUCATIONS: Mayor Jewett asked if there were any oral communications from the audience. 0 Mr. Robert L. Mezzetti, Attorney, from San Jose, as;ced the Council what steps were to be taken with regard to getting approval to install a "Perfect Rost" machine which dispenses groceries,in Cupertino. He represented the Supermatic Organization which has a franchise for their dittribution Ir. 13 Meatern States. The machine is approxioatel the size of an Ice machine. He wondered if the City Ordinance covered this type of machine, and if not, what steps could be taken to have it incorporated into an ordinance. Councilman Decpster suggested that rather than get into a lengthy discussion now, It m1ut be better to have the City Manager and City Attorney make a report on this matter and he so moved. Seconded by Councilman Finch, all in favor. Mr. Mezetti is to be notified when this matter will appear on the agenda. The City Clerk read a letter from Mr. John Rodrigues dated May foot 3rd, 1953 requesting a refund for 1mpr vvements made tosa 300 that a strip on the west aide of Highway 9• y check had btsn wrltten &rd would be processed at tonight's meeting in the amount of $1,440.00 for Mr. Rodrigues, but that he thought the un- needed portion would have to go through abandonment proceedings. Moved by Cuancllmar. Saich seconded ay Councilman Dempster that the matter be referred to the Ci ty ;.ttorney for abandonment proceed- ings. V REPORT OF THE PLAIRITNO COMMISSION: (See Planning Commission Minutes of May 13, 1963), Chairman Frolich stated t:at :he business conducted at the meet- ing was all First RearIrW.a and sinca no decisions had been made, he had nothing further to report. A. Manun Enternriees, Inc.: Appplication 24 -'1714 53 for approval of ter:ative map, k6 lots, R -1, adjoining west ride of Mont& Vista School, north W-e Of 7036 Avenue. Recommended by Plannlug commission, continued. Mr. Pat O'Correl stepped forward and asked that this application be cancelled as the asp rut be review and re- designed. Moved byy Councilman Finch and to v;,..led by Councilaar, 391ch that Applloation 24 -M-63 be cancelled. All In favor. MAY 2 1 195: 1 VI POMUC LRARINGS: A. House- moving Permit: Application by Frank Lane, owner, and Kelly Bros., contractor to move a single - family dwelling to the 10430 Nrtt Blaney . between . Protest submitted(17names) and • o Report from H- Control. Mr. Byron James, James Realty represented the applicant. Mr. Janes stated that he had nothing to add to the report by H-Con- trol, other than to state that there Mould be some remodeling done to the house after it rue sowed into the City. Caambilasn Dempster seised to hear from MUM" in the audience mho mNaht be protesting this move -in. Mr. Jams Smith, 10460 North Blaney Avenue, CapertlnO stated that the Louse was little nos ass mould reealn little. :That is.waa 25 years old or older, and therefore he felt that it would do little to lsppovs she ael8hbo •. IMS.be and several of his neighbors had esasured the front of the house and found it to be 49 feet across. Mr, Richard Alt, 10463 North Blaney, stated that he feels that it is not the type of building that will enhance the neighborhood of the City of Cupertino. Mr. Bay Livingston, salesman for the Belmont Homes, does not believe that a house this large and of this type ah►,uld be moved WInto a neighborhood with homes evaluated at from $22,800 to $27,950. you get into this price bracket, the boyars of these homes should have came protection. Mr. J. S. Sates, 10480 North Blaney, stated that he also lived in the neighborhood and agreed with Mr. Smith and Mr. Alt, that this home would not imCrove the neighborhood one bit. Councilman Saich moved that the Public Hearing be closed. Se- conded by Councilman Finch. Coum:il.,An S,alch moved that the application for a house- moving permit made by Fra-.: Lane be denied. Seconded by Councilman Dempster. AYES: Counellnen: Dempster, Finch, Saich, Jewett MAYS: Councilmen: None ABSENT: Councllme:.: Benettl MOTION CARRIED: L-0 - 1 ABSENT. VII ARCHITBCI,J:IAL AND SITE CONTROL: (See Minutes of May 14) No. 8^ -RC-63 SONNY VIEW LUTHERAN BOMB, 2955 Ponderosa Way, Santa Clara, California, requesting Architectural and Site approval on the Sunny View Lutheran Home for the aged located at 22445 Old Stevens Cree'c r.cad, Cuper :lno. Recommended by H- Control. Mr. Donald L. Wolverton, of Nielaen. Moffatt k Wolverton, 4336 Liemert Boulevard, Los Angeles, represented the applicant. He gave a brief run -down of what was to be constructed, describing the type of building and the landscaping. Moved by Councilman Finch that Application No. 8o -HC-63 for the Sunnyview Lutheran Home, be a ?proved as recommended ;;y the fl- Control Comrdttee. -ceorded by Couuncilma Oaepctcr. AYES: Councilmen: Dempster, Finch, Saich, Jewett NAYS: Councilmen: None ABSIM: Councilmen: Benetti NOTION CARRIED: 4-0 - 1 ABSENT B. No. 81- Hc-63, TWFAS b TIM" CONSTR. CC., 990 Sunol Street, San Jose, Cal:.fornia, requesting architectural and site approval on Late 43, 48, and 49, Tract 2880 Hecommended by /..Control. Conditions. Mr. Howard Burt, 2824 Jalabar, San Jose, represented the applicant. Mr. Burt asked the d&f Building Inspector to. explain the renderings and plans to the Council as to what -is proposed. Moved by Councilman S21cq RheVt Application No. 81 -80k43 be appeoved as recomemed by the H- Control, with conditions. .._ Seconded by Councilman Dempster. Alms Councilmen: Dempster, Finch, Sai:.h, Jewett i NMI - Councilmen: None,. iii: Councilman: Benetti 4 MDlifN COMM: 4-0 - 1 AEM ,7 c. No. 82-M-63, IM6TZS ASSOC. 2235 Omnt Road, Ica. Altos, Calif., requesting Architectural and Site approval on Lots 13,14,15,16 and 17, Treat '00%. (Deep Cuff* Estates R -3 -8 Zoning.) Recommended by H- Control. Condition.. Mr. Dean Inglis represented Inglis Associates. Thie.Chlef Bmilding Inspector and Mr. Inglis described the buildings to be con - sitnetad. it was indicated that -jhare would be no driveway approaches oo the front of the property, due to the slope of the property. Moved. by Councilman Dempster, seconded by Councilman Saloh that Appuesti4q No. 82- BC-63, Inglis Associates, be approved with condi- tions as recommended by H- Control. The conditions as spelled out were that there were to be two - 15-98 lion size trees or, lots 13,14,].5,16 and 3 - 15- gallon size trees on Lot 17. AYES: Councilmen: Dempster, Finch, Saich, Jewett NAYS: Councilmen: None ABSENT: Councilmen: Benetti *MOM CARRIED: 1-0 - 1 ABSENT D. No. 83- RC-63, 0. W. PORTER, 158 So. Palomar Drive, Redwccd Zity, requesting Architectural and Site approval on Lot 24, Tract 22571, LaCresta; fourplex. Reco- emended by H- Ccr.:rol. Conditions. . Mr. J. R. K-l:ore represented the applicant and described the buildings to be constructed. Moved by Cr�.cllmsn Saich, seconded by Councilman Dempster that application Na. 83 -HC-63 be aporoved with conditions as recommended by the H- Control. ATES: Councilmen: Dempster, Finch, Saich, Jewett NAYS: Councilmen: None ABSIW- Councilmen.: Benetti MOTION CAMSD: 4-;. - 1 ABSENT Tin ORDINANC33 AND RESOLUTIONS FOR ADOPTION A. Ordinax a 240: Rezoning Property of Stoneson Develop- ment Corp, from R- 1- A ;R-2, R -1:B -2 and R -1 to PC -H; 69 acres adjoining north side of Stevens Creek Boule- vard, bounded on west by future Stevens Creek Freeway. Second Reading. Moved by Co_ncilmn F1n�h, seconded by Councilman Saich that Ordinance 240 Se _-.3 by Tic -te oily. The City Clerk read the title of Ordinance No. 240. Moved by Councilman Finch, seconded by Councilman Saich that ea Ordisma 0). 240 be enacted. AYES: Councilmwn: Dempster, Finch, Saich, Jewett . MR7ds ', Councilmen: None AUMM Councilman:: Benetti MDILbi CARRIED 4-0 - 1 AWWT. 3 _ (M'Ay 2 1 1963 B. Ordi:s--ce 241: Rezon -+sag Property of Camino Del Homes from a :o R -1; 23 acres northwest of Terrace Drive. Secod :wading. Moved by C�rne•laan Dinah, seconded by Councilman Saich that Ordlesasee 241 be read by title only. All in favor. The City c:eri read ordinance 241 by t.itle only. Moved by Ccumcllman Saich seconded by Councilman Dempster that Ordinance 241 be enacted. AIM_ Comellsm: Dempster, Pinch, Satoh, Jewett NOW: Councilmen: lone AINNbF ftuncllweW Benetti >d1� cam 4-0 - 1 ABB= C. O,wlnawe 237: Decressing Spead limits on Westbound (S.C.B.) Traffic from the IIasterly City Limits. First Reading. fere was omaiderable discussion regarding this ordinance and the sdwleability of changing the speed. limits. One point made was, tam idea was to kr_p traffic moving and it was felt that this would do ease to slow traffic. However, the fact that mare and more pedes- trians were crosses Stevens Creek Boulevard, made it almost necessary to slow traffic. The City - :orney stated, according to tk- Code, that any speed limit ordi-.-__e enacted by the city lCouncil must be based upon' s_ 1 e-:-�n_ering - - Further 1 =s:s sion followed in which it was thought to change -be speeds but a:sz change the cross - streets where they would be affected. lnatea3 -_ the speed change to 25 MPH at Randy Lane that it be changed at =_-ey Avenue on the •east and Stelling on the west. Council-. ?Lech felt that the Sheriff's Department's recommen- Aatiazz were Qu = =' --z-'cal- After f;.::e. discussion as to the merits of ordinance No. 237, it was uranimous_, : -:ed to have this ordinance placed on the June 3, 1963 amends, iras =_-.as there was not a full Council at this meeting. S. Resc- __r- 756: Approving' and adopting the Ultimate Desi_-. Standard for Stevens Creek Boulevard betwee State =__ :a 17 and Foothill Boulevard. The Citp ,--_ =ey read Resolution 756, noting that in the reso_atlon the sides'g width called for nine feet, that Cupertino's sidewalk width wa= - feet, and that the resolution '.lad been changed seeor- -ingly. Tie Z_astlon of the medium strip was discussed as to decrease .at this whether it Minh'' =_- 2 t wise to apelCouncilman Salchwfelt this should the width from :- _ _'et be incorporated 1- :-e resolution. Moved by - eiadontFinch, ithe he medium Councilman width changed that Mesolution 'r �: P r,-ow 1$ to 16 fee.. Ate: Council= n: Dempster, Finch, Saich, Jewett ML-13: Councllne -.: lie e ABBZW - :: Counclln;r.: c_:.etti ID'IIW CAWED: - -_ - 1 ABSENT was jhe City C:errc stated that be had r_ another Resolution that office not prepared in t: ,,at on the agenda, In tieet to be brow:: up at the-meeting. It was with regard to an asslemmtion petitia 'Grgllasso 63-7', setting a date for protest haariM- Mayor Jere:: asked the City Clerk to read Resolution No. T72- Eeeolutlor- n was read setting the date for protest hearing as JUU 1, ?963 at 1:J0 P.M. /lived by C>=cilzan Dempster, seconded by Couacllmsn Saich 3' that Resolution Ho. 772 be adopted. AMs Ommiluen. Dempster, pinch, Saiehr Jewett NAU: Councilmen: None AB&Wlt Councilmen; Benetti MOTWE CHID: 4.n - 1 ABU". IY palm BINS A4,-26solutione 761 and 762 1W = 1,CWllCi3ean ! LaaOnde0 :by emcilpaa Salch thwaW.A pmo No. 761 be aaagt d.- A2$3 0000612sent 1hV4t4ri• dab► WON Jewett NAISs Osmmailmen: &M ABORM Councilmen: Besetti lbsed by Councilmen Dempster, seconded by Councilman $aich that Resolution No. 762 be adopted. AYES: Councilmen: Dempster, Finch, Saich, Jewett NAYS: Councilmen: None ABSJ Wft Cou oilmen: Benettl MOTION CANIM. 4-0 - 1 ABSENT X REPORT OF OFFICERS A. Report of City Yreasurer. Nothing further to report. B. Report of City Manager me City Manager stated that very often a citizen will come In and request information about gradae for curbs, gutters and side- walks for their property. The present policy was that the Council would give their approval for the City staff to assist these citizens. The City Manager requested that he be given authority to refer these people to the City 13ngineer for this information, at no cost to the citizen. It would not involve more than two lots. Sometimes the wait involved discouraged the citizen from pressing the matter further, and if they were able to Ket the information without going before the Council, the feeling was that we could get more of these - unimproved spots improved more rapid:.y. Councilman Finch observed that this would be all right, but stipulated that the party requesting the information must be living on the prcyerty to be Improved. Moved by Councilman Finch, seconded by Councilman Dempster that the City Manager he authorized to give grade standards to inquiring citizens with regard t,, improving their property, but only to those who are actually living c- the property to be improved. All In favor. The City Manager further stated that Flood Control has a film on water Importation and '.hey would like to show this film to the Council and City Staff at 7:30 P.M. on June 3, 1963, before the next regular Council meetl.•ng. Tne film takes approximately 21 minutes, This date had been tentatively set, and it was the Councll'I perogative to accept or set arw�ther date.. It was unanimously agreed that the Council would see the film on Motdny, June 3, 1963 ac 7:3o rm. 'lbe: City Manager asked the Council whys- they wished to set a date for the interviewing of the architects who had submitted appli- cations to design City Hall. A useting date of VAy 27, 1363 at 7:30 at 10321 South Saratoga - Suntwosle Road. (City 3kll). Each applicant to be allowed 10 minutes to paeMat- fdaself to the Council. 611 in favor. 444 •,1ssage; stated that since tha street light had been o orAkpaymenf on the tax poll,.tlrt there was an interim PGIW Mud 6fessesu& s'oll da►s not -include- now tracts coming +ato Be maimed fpl:a :,Gros tto Um 4t aet the City Bnglno�': : �c. tzg f*r the street x1v%it enaSlzl% until 60 tax assessment roll picks up their tract, with improve - ecost,.buthth the ele�Mliers were being added,sotrep dlyd, thateteaglEing pTOpgrty "rvadwaanott p•kedvup on W �m roll with Improvements, therubp the City d councilaan Dempster asked that the CSt7 Manager be 1"tructed to mart a report to the City Council an to wheth3r or not there were any peemlopers who had not paid this energizing fee for the interim peru d. A Minute Order was approved mutho=lting the %X rA1"aW to 0 the City BaAinearlag IIrpartmsnt to make the proper dbargea 1*0*Ue on au4iftm domelopesa that fall -low thia 1 a0'!. MDiad by Cam hear. D@WetQW, seconded by COURVOIan Balch. COMOIlmn: V@Nt '.,"11hah, Saich, Jewett Oohsollmem: Nos Cameilmen: Benettl ID?Ia CARRIED: 4-0 - 1 ABMW. C. Report of City Eesiraer Contract Bide were opened Wednesday. Nay 15, 1963 at 3:00 =b r.N_ e following :even (7) bids were submitted: 1. George Bianchi Const. Inc., San Jose $ 31,9100 2. K. L. Fbton (individual), San Jose 32,94 5. .00 C -L Conti-actors s FnSi.neers, Santa Clara 33,760.Oa �i. A. E. Mullin (individual) Constr. Mtn.VM. 34,625.30 5. Rhodea Construction Co., San Jose 39,751.255 6. Gem Construction Co., Fremont 45,522.00 7. L. C. Jones k Sons, Berkeley Recommendation: Award the contract by minute order to the lowest responsible bidder: GEORGE BIANCRI CONST. INC,, SAM JOSE, $31,915.00. Moved by Councilman Dempster, Seconded by Councilman Saich that the low bidder be awarded the contract as recommended by the City Engineer. AYES: Councilx^: Dempster, Pinch, Saich, Jewett =MRS: Councilmen: None ABSENT: Cotu:cil.en: Benetti MOTION CARRIED: 4-0 - 1 ABSENT Some discussion arose with regard to the completion of the stree, cn the east aide of the bridge. Since the developer was only going to develop one half of the street, this left somewhat of a problem as far as the medium strip on the uridge was concerned. The City Engineer stated that he would like to take this up at the end of his report. 2. Discussions with the Mark Thomas Company reveal that there are only minor items to be completed on those developments which they were to complete Vie checking and inspection. It has be-n mutually agreed between that company and the Engineering office that now is the time to turn all the remaining jobs over to the City Engineering Division. These include: Cup, 60-6 All American Market Cup. 61 -9 Tract 3067; Stevens Creek Park Cup. 51 -14 Deti:el l.atheran Chrrch Cup. 61 -i5 'zest ']04,:6, Lelmont Cup. 62 -7 Ma ;Alo Moved by Councilman Saich, seconded by Councilman Finch that t.e transfer as recommended by the Engineer Department be made. All in ftvor, 3. leeeway Agreements: MCay Avenue southerly extension in the pro- pow" '0QaCriiaagge� Oaks" (Stoneman) development, north of Stevens Creek B"4000611 1[dla&%" •ievia lm trem.the original Stevens Ctwk Free_ - "W'Nbidtage Road. A iva -of the original freeway aai�ssMeemmssnt it eaeem�ed sla Jsab ahe.State Division of Bigbmays will ed in an 64WAOSL:g City obligA6leas.tbwards metal cost i...■.ftmee sad e.gineerdng design chsr>ses. A resolu- "M r@g"Sting =13 Change should bo aTornTPd soon. Although the pro - yys at additional costa seem unrealistic, the developer should carry 90118Ir20 .costs. Mr. Ceorge Soaps of Nciay a Soaps, Sunnyvale, sk -wmed a sketch So ys an Council indicating the change in tha road. It vas further maiRaeaof -IItyand the City r�i11 notareimburseithe State foora mr costar's cvvet a� smerement cost inereaal. Comsilsslf' ,seconded he CooboL akin Pinch that O"-d enk�airo s be ausMb SIftem up nacessety a�:a to sa D{ m , V1 ah, Ss icn, Jewett 101fs �" HR'wttl l WSW Name: e-o - 1 ARRW #. ns pees: Upon aedwedng the duties as the CSty�RnginJe on ;� g Itg hef City fee sabe 1a was pr.'sented to and "*roved Development Coat Up to $15,0(y)• over 05,000 Residential 50 commercial The City Engineer requested that these flea be officially made a part of the record, also that one Bore condition be added. Indirect City busses: 15% of the Residential or Commercial Engineering Pee rate, 2omicated above." Councilman Pinch moved and It was seconded by Councilman bDemp av er, that the fee schedule as recommended by the City Engineer mode a part of the official record. AT=: Councilmen: Dempste7, Pinch, Saich, Jewett NAZS: Councilmen: None ABSENT: Councilmen: Benetti NCR-OSf CARRIED: 4-0 - 1 ABSENT. a•"`pni °.elm m�Deedd and aAuthori.^. ation" Dforl�p�dergroundlW ;*tertRights. Noved by Councilman Saich, Seconded by Councilman Dempster that Resolution No. 763 be adopted. AMO: Councilmen: Dempster, Pinch, Saich, Jewett RATS: Councilmen: None A9&8lf: Councilmen: Benetti NOTION CARRIED: 4 -0 - 1 ABSENT 6. Blaney Avenue Shopping Center: All plans have been submitted to and approved by the City Engineer. In Mad all the necessary bonds and paid the necessary fees. laved by Counoilran Saich, seconded by Councilman Dempster that N lution No. 757 be adapted. AIM Councilmen: Dempster, Finch, Saich, Jewett Councilmen: Nona Ate: Councilmen.: Benetti NdR111s COMMI D: 4-0 - 1 AR319f. Raved by Councilman Deagster, seconded by Councilman Saich that l•msolution 758 be adopted. AIWX Cauawilwmn: Dempster, Plash, Saich, Jewett 11'As eggnallumn: None A> ZX ftweellmen: Renettl Nnrsi MO: a-o - 1 Am■1* MAY 2 7 1961 Novtd ba councilmen DwRwteT, seconded by Councilman Saich gust- Dssolution 759 be &do "• ASS: Councilmen, Dempster, Finch, Saich, Jewett ULM- Councilwent None ms's Councib,en: Hepetti CARSVO: 4-0 - 1 ABMW T. View City an Hone,. ever theechecking submitted and inspections by the City 0,1V ss linage fees aod'the badlaat iadireet City e74g�• furs have not boom paid and the tigp sod u-yar SK, requested that- tsstil these fees are ptid, the 'building its not be issued. !loved bV Councilrn Dempster, seconded by Coemsileen Mch #silt !solution No. 768 be e� with conditions as rssososnded by an city Engineer. AIM Councilmen, Dater, Finch, Saich, Jewett 11EE3,s; Councilmen, Hone ASESM Councilmen, BN»tti vtlQ CARRIED: 4-0 - 1 ABSENT Moved tp Councilmrr++isepster, Seconded by COunoilaan Saich tint Resolution No. 769 be adopted with conditions as recommended by the City Engineer. AM. Councilmen: Dempster, Finch, Saich, Jewett vim: Councilmen: None ABEffz: Councilmen: Benettl !lmm CA mvt 4 -0 - 1 ABSENT Moved ti Councilman Dempster, Seconded by Councilman Saich shat Resolution No. 770 adopted with conditions as recommended by the City Engineer, AZFS: Councilmen: Dempster, Finch, Saich, Jewett SLYS: Councilmen: None ASSENT: Co•.uncilmen: Benertl. X)TICB CARRIED: 4-0 - 1 ABSENT !loved ty Councilman Dempster, Seconded by Councilman Saich that Resolution go. 771 be adopted with conditions as recommended by the City ?ngineer. A7ES: Councilmen: Dempster, Finch, Saich, Jewett SA?S: Councilmen: None ABSENT: Councilmen: Benettl Four CARRIED: 4-0 - 1 ASSN 8. plontainbleu: The developers of this apartment complex, at this tise, propose to only develop the area northeast of the proposed Wolfe Road alignment through their property. Normal requirements therefore are that one -half of the street (Wolfe Road) would be Improved. Improvement plans as submitted, show such a half - street improvement. This would leave the southwest half - street unimproved amok future development takes place. This may not be for quite some time, ix:e =a,ch as the remairdng parcel is quite so311. ta�eeo ndatlon: Council should consider the following pccsibilities to insure against tla City having to construct that half of tPe road to eliminate a 'Bottleneck°. 1. Developer dedicate and i.prove entire street at thle time. 2. Developer dedicates entire street at this time and post bond inmorlam construction Of improvements within a Paned of one or two years. —to t�tngums"M Cnice, the developer stated. that � were the he a _ c. __.. a.__ +Yd:..�..... -� _.. _. -pi.1 +1�![..�Y- •_a — i6JLLY4ie!_•.Y•_.- .�uaia'. mll triangular aeetlo:, •f property or. the aouthwee;, :+oar .: street did not belong to them and they had no intention of improving 1%. However, when the title reports were received in the Engineering Crrfice, it was found that they did own this property. Moved by Councilman Dempster, seconded by Councilman Pinch that the developer dedicate and improve tha entire street. AM: Councilmen: Dempster, Pinch, dsich, Jewett W3: C- Mcilmen: None AMWf: Councilmen: BMettl NWIDW CARRIED: 4--0 - 1 AUtt Planning Corr Jerry Yltsgezmld stated that at the cis the Pbntainblat applleetion was heard before the Planning Commis- slon, the applicant stated that they would IM"ve the entire street. D. Report of City Attorney: Mr. Anderson requested permis4ion from the Council to proper m a Resolution opposing the enactment of Senate Bill 749. !loved by Councilmen Saich, Seconded by Councilmen Dempster that the City Attorney prepare a resolution as per his recommendation. A3=: Councilmen: Dempster, Pinch, Saich, Jewett 8173: Councilmen: more ARM=: Councilmen: Henetti NmON CARRIED: 4 -0 - 1 ABSENT II UNFINISHED BUSINESS: A. County Mater Commission. Mayor Jewett stated that the last meeting of the Thousand for Mater Committee would be held on Tuesday, May 21, 1963. B. Miscellaneous XZZ NEW BUSINESS A. Miscellaneous Mr. Robert M. Craham, 10410 Norwich Ave., Cupertino asked the Council if there had been any petition submitted to them regarding excessive noise at his address. He stated that he had heard that there would be one submitted to the Council at this meeting. He was told there was no petition. Mr. Graham assured the Council that he was not conducting a business at this address. That he did some repair work, but only an a hobby. He also stated that in the future, he and his friends would be as considerate as possible of their neighbors. SIII ADJOURNMENT Meeting adjourned at 30:45 P.M., to Monday, May 27, 1963 at 7:30 P.N. APPROVED: Zal Verne d. Jewett _ A7TE3T Yor e n, q'Cie F- M,sr z � eyes