CC 03-18-63ppmms
j 10321 go. Saratoga -5000" It UM &L 2J"
C49T OW _0MUPAR?11x0
W"=2r:31, ;.L7 0 M
Ream 90amn & TEE CITY couv= - VArah 18, 1963
i, plSe" jbM go. 3ar&toS&_dWmnWvale Road
I 2SK sow Pit.
2. 40CM 10 McNAt-1 -
a= CAM Caftudlems " Present: Dempster, FAnabs Jewatts ftleb,
amt: Ilsor
asorm -
in M M, Narlb 4, 2963 slid SMIGh
r; 1963!
Myor Beriittl;M d 18st be would IM 106 shofte the Unutes
at 8j2qA 4, not becamme "M me wrong, but because thW were a little
U-001h.. VW 5. from the bottom of the pftd, last mentence.
Oft so" that the op was asking for a license too peddle off a
p2men of property. -it ,me mat the applicant, but the representative
the was asking for zoning tbat he really did not need. The Mayor would
223a the Void applicant to be ebanged to "representative". Also In
place or "peddle", the word "speculate'.
Councilman Dempster moved that the Minutes of Finch 4 and 11
be approved as amended. Seconded by Councilman Salch. All in favor.
ry REPORT OF THE PLAMMUG CONKESSION; Chairman Chuck Snyder stated
that there was nothing further to report other than appeared In the
LES-TOM ENTERPRIM, 1W.: Application 29-V-63 for a Variance
to Ordinance 220 to allow a rear yard of Ill where Ordinance
requires 200; Let 30, Tract 32M. Recommended by Planning
Commission Resolution 129.
Chairman Snyder at - O;ed that this Variance was approved by the
Planning Commission becau, the lot involved Is a corner lot, and would
present no particular prob-ec.
Moved by Councilman Saich, seconded by Councilman Finch that
the 'Warlanoo be approved an recommended by Planning Commission RWWIu-
t1on No. 129.
AZES: Counclimen: Dempster, Finch, Jewett, Saiah, Benettl
EMS Councilman: None
AEMM: Councilmen: None
Mr. Robert Michaelson, 10424 Norwich Avenue, Cupertino, stated
that some months ago, be bed written a letter to the City Clerk com-
p about excessive eats and a possible, zoning violation In the
hlimse 0Wt door to him residemes. This house had been leased to rive
owes who are constantly repalr3mg care and causing disturbances at
lm" QV4mUW hoar. *0 an weeftends. The residents around them have
poW television reseptlom an a direct result of this motor repair.
mornings. An In
r lie tidS 00jectionable
Be it4tid that w the FoU races at 6 A.M. § =
'� on him over to the address
Saturday ravious to the m"tla&
&� tafpe
Ituation. 1K10d1&te1Y upon seelr4g
and fbusandllmsm r, tw whole o$amtlm w" "buttonW
.�IWW B %j-mWEW4-WAW they had bad a7 fine , She city
'i" 0 ft.40~ that the, 13acm kt we
rotate, Mae* =0064W or W. iir; "Sr
4s . Dgwtaect Mas &1Ut d foe MWMus 090) t ten cede of the
, to no acali. They bad never been able to catch these people
ation. Gf cause, 1S jWmWiv Coing this commerclall7, the
eld compel them to ah>r�Mli Mtely. this being a sonird viola -
Nwever, :Se City Mam•tl! asked Mr. Mi ;haelson to please, call
other it be Satundo oNwA oftr or evenings, 40 he VIU be able
emethlvg. In the pasta Mr. Michaelson had talked with everyone
City Manger. He ad4l4 „is k the Sheriff's oalce Lad basis
again and they were 20@pftg a check an these pgopls., Be further
that the Sheriff's Dogullies could not enter the promises without
k variant and without ssnal2dng concrete to W on, fbfs was
It to amnege.
that be NOUN
r. . He
1. Affidavit N
(d contact HAD. Sto= and he was
mess on the matter.
siW more oral) coommumOmttlonss.
to WL Witten cansomlcatioea.
Clerk o
n c w
o connection with Asdoodmient
mum Creek No. 17.
2. Letter from AL4AOs,:304'4l4e Research hospital, such
of ale *111ha1i of the Letdremia Drive
an the artemona at LLarch 31st, 15`53.
3. Letter from IRS. Dee .ad Yr011ch and Mr. Charles Radar
regarding the ebedee of Mayor for the Owes; term.
4. Letter from varioea people in Cupertino, asking that
Mayor Benettl be retained as Mayor.
5. Letter from League or California Cities - Northern
.Division, amounting regular meeting at Los Gatos
Lodge, Thur'sd'ay. perch 21, :1963.
Moved by Councilman plach Seconded by Councilmen Dempster that
all usitten cemain+cationa be received and filed. All in favor.
A. AKAZU ?ZION HEARING: Uninhabited, Contio.aous Te-rritory
Desib.-ated San Juan £3-1. (Crd!rance 233)
Mayor Be °ttl asked the City Clerk If mitre were an7 written
protests to tills annexation. There were no,_a, lie asked If there were
am people in -be awdienze to protest this annexation, "Abere were none. .
Council —r. Salch moved that the Paeblie Hearing be closed. Se-
avoided :ry Coucilman Jewett.
A.ffi: Conncilxn: Dempster, Finch, Jeweti, :arch, Benettl
MMES: Counclinem. None
AMONT. Conncllaen. None
The C1t7 Clerk read the Ordinance: ORDINAIICS NO. 233. AN
AC=N1@MCi( WITH LHS PBDVZ33= N: SIMON 355300 Er SRL OF T93 OOVE i1Mffil;
� OF TSB SWE OF CALL OffiAw, constituting the First leading.
B. ALMMQATION Oninhahlted, 2*rritory
Dealsaeted Clomp 62-3 (Ordnance 234)
Mayor Benettl asked if titre Nara any written protW.;s..-There
IN” amPe. He teen asked If Locke was anyone in tha audlnn:e who wished
*W.4r at this annexation.
� fe
:Mr. B. H. Hisehert, 2161 Ludy Lane, LuVertiao, asked that a
posted so that he could star the Council where Us property aaa
i In the annexation. After Iftle was done, he asked the Council
MAP to him. jwt;vW 90*mgftww tbeze were to bedw brought
�}oo disk, br umMO: +I 'r protestlrut, set NoNJd
�i�pm it there �+a McIA 11e sdvantaaes to ledat bt citizen
W WNW jKW.6ti tb Rr. �eebert. fit _ tae C1A-90C11 and
of Cupertino felt Omit their town was a pretty °specials place,
b" that this was something Mr. Saschert meat decide for himself. The
City Attorney stated that Mr. 8aschert wound be paying City taxes, but
for tbis taxation, he would have the advantage of all City services.
Mayor Benetti stated that be would like the City Attorney to
czplain the procedure of anvemstion.- titer the City Attosasy explained
the procedure of annexation, !r-. iaschert stated that Una on:y difference
he could ace was that be wot-Id be paying higher taxies.
Mrs. Juanita McClure�,?g 1 Ll Iene� C�1nR .stated
she was a ReiEAbor of Xr. 1eel sf Is and that ism Sgt: M�.1i ar!
jusi ear, If a rmvm _ was �rawaeso ..
6as0:salsal. Her that if the
Iftelb ttse. At seftbodi be p�aos tits +iraa tpsopia Id
at Abe Jost Yttsr Yorks me Me bean to]d that aiwa
In tbadr whole system. that L the near fuLrn'e, lave to
WOOD �osftc sffo� �� es � Here, and the sere working on
it - that
Mr. T. D. Schmidt, anaU er landowner near.tbis annexation
advised the Council that be sod'W. Yard Crump Led an agreement that
be,. W. Scheldt, world be allowed t_a keep horses cn hL property, and
evm build a tern. Be stated that he wee merely advising the Council
of thls agreement, when Mr. Crump came in for rezoning. The Mayor
imformed Mr. Schmidt that the citizens of Cupertino had been putting
>p with horses and parts of horses for many years, and be didn't feel
tbat this would present too great a difficulty. Mr. Sehmddt re- stated
that be wished the Council to be aware of the fact that for six years,
at least, he would be keeping horses on his property.
Mayor Benetti then naked Mr. Hascheet if he wished the record
to Indicate that he was protesting this annexation. Mr. Bascbert said,
yea that be did.
Moved by Cocuucilsan Saich, seconded by Councilman Jewett that
the protest hearing be closed.
AYES: Councilmen: Dempster, Pinch, Jewett, Saich, Benetti
MA75: Councilmen: None
ABSENT: Councilmen: None
. NDIZ M CARE[=: 5-0
The City Clerk read the Ordinance: 'ORDINANCE W. 234, AN
CME OF ISM STATE OF CALMOYMA'. This conotituted the first reading.
C. GOOLWIN STEIIBEW: Application 73 -Z-63 to remove 7
acres, approximately, from A -2:B -4 to R-24-H; east
side of Blaney, 220' south of a projection of Lucille.
Recommended by Plaartng Commission Resolution 130.
Mr. Goodwin Stelnbltrg, Architect from Los Altos represented
the applicant. He is one of the partners in this venture. He di5p24►ed
two rarrderings, showing the overall layout &.-A individual pieture.3 of
what the finished buildings would look like. The owners felt that this
would be an ideal location for this type of development as it would
act as a buffer for the freeway and overpass and the residential develop -
asn" further down the street.
Meyoe Benetti asked if this would be undar one onmar_ 10. Mr.
mteda1pef stated that the development would be building in fore stages.
at each_ would be financed ssparstely. That conceivably one stage
coot$ * sold off, but not the indisldwal houses, as thq would not
°set spds"mts as to setback, etc. In the lmn"-
ate rice that resembled the typo at woof sta�tureltbt MP. Steisbeaz
was 41splioriog Mr. StelubeaX salt yes, that there were in Mountain
vi-w, on California Strcet, am bunk off Rengstorff. Mayor Be xtti
if there ees any coaeat from Ghe audiene,i. � none. Be
SSW if the CQmcil had any mere tpestions. d1d not*
Cbsmoi'_san Dempster moved that the rublic Hearing be closed.
&Vdiw by Councilman adch.
Css7mcilmrn: Dp_opste., Finch, Jewett, Salrh, Benetti
Codhcalmens !Tone
60 mCilmen: Hone
. 5-0
. psi bW COUae1]mao-Saleb, sesended Swett that
Dsaj�loeyt 1b0OmtiMod � !
. >.io, acrid. igst et the City Atowas
Alsothat ttfi eadsitions bs followed as tfFj the
b810ster, Pinch, Jewett, 8sieh, Senetti
C Rains
ID, sAm. RAWM, JR., IM AL: Application 25, 41, 45, 46,
47-Z-61 to rezone approtlmstely 114 acres to PC -H and
C -1 -r; east and west side of FuzkumT 9 adJoinibg the
south side of future Juniperr. Se %ra Froewny except 10
acres for C -1 -11 on north side. 110 acres recommended
by Planning Commission Resolution 131. Conditions. 10
acres for C -1 -S denied by P' Commission Resolution
132. Appeal.
It was decided that since Mr. Yariani had been before the Coun-
cil before and had presented h s applications in their entirety, that
the best place to begin would be where they were at the Planning Com-
mission level at the last meeting.
Mr. Mariani displayed a plot plan of the proposed development
of the acreage involved. He explainel that a large eastern concern
had been looking in this area for property and that they wanted a 20
acre site that would provide for a building large enough to accomodate
1100 employees. That this concern had na ronsd the field down to three
cities and three sites. On the other two r.;tos mentioned, the zoning
had already been acquired. However, this site did not have the proper
zoning. Mr. Mariani again asked the Council for a Hunting License to
go oat and hunt for a firm proposition for this property.
Councilman Saich asked if there was a firm offer made by this Ah
eastern concern. The answer was no. He then stated that he felt with-
out a firm offer, the idea of zoning this large an area would not be
very wise. Also that he felt the Council ras not In the business of
isn'uing 'Hunting Licenses' to people. He d.d suggest a study session
on thin matter where all the details could be hashed out.
Councilman Finch agreed with CouIcllsen Salch's remarks, but
felt that this matter had been before the Council too long a time to
drag on any more. That the applicant was looking for a decision and
deserved to have one.
Mr. Mariana asked if all properties are zoned in this fashion.
On firm offers, that is. Did the property owner have to come In with
a ddlnite plan of decelopment in order to gvt the zoning requested.
no mmm informW that this was notalways the case. However, this parcel
of pe%w ty was quite large and the Council felt that there should be
some more detail on the development of St.
Mr. B. J. Small, Planning Commissioner steppe+ forward and
that the Minutes of a meeting were sometimes "cold and imper-
sod that he would like to explain why ho had voted for the '
1 of this zoning. He called the Coancil'm atteatiun to the type
rag south or Bollinger Rood on Highway 9, also m II Casino. He
at this applicant would not be able to mehoe a move on this prr.-
dtbout acquiring use permits for everything to be built tbr-e.
do control, the Commission felt that it was sometimso easi- to
Inner area than sus small acreage at a time, as a Menced by
m ar0und um.
sod the
Cit7 eomld do
Mr. "Wass it . INN III y -iou.; alescie., 01150rtino stated that
pff sas2= this property as rerpssted, it will bring in revenues far
th es of spa -Blot >)paww. That the Mutt Tsar oar two 18 riot
mg Important- as the nest tem. Or fifteen yearm.
CamPijjmn JeGatt,apwd that the Public Heftidm be closed.
ierapfid ;0=812naa rs
0 ' i y5imah :Gantt, Woe Banetti
- Ojos WS'tb eooditlsoe 1 IZM S and 13.
°1� Gbmeilnem �1MA. --.
Qp �meh,
�IId 1 s 33-2 lea
Comcilan Jewett apvmd that Plaaning Commission Resolution
hb. 132 be pat over until the nett Meeting for further ¢oosidemtlm
bp' the Council. Notion died the' lack of second.
Councilman Saicb now that the recommendation to deny the
appeal on Resolution No. 132, be approved. Seconded by Councilman
AMM: Councilmen: Duster, Finch, Saich, Benettl
MI=: Councilmen: Noce
AV829MON: Councilmen: Jewett
Al)MM: Councilmen: None
Meeting recessed for 10 minutes. Yeatin:g reconvened 10:30.
A. C. W. ELXINS 1129 Dandanelli ?else, Los Gatos, requesting
archltectura and site approval on a proposed move -in.
Duplex to be loamted on the southeast corner of Rodrigues
Avenue and Terry Way. Approved. Conditions.
Mayor Benettl asked if there were any protests to this applica-
tion. The City Clerk said that there was a petition silted by some of
the homeowners on the block an file. Commissioner Small, who is the
Chairmen of the R- Control Committee, stated that there was one protest
at the meeting, from the gentlemen who lives across the street from
this lot.
Mayor Benettl moved that one of the conditions, regarding the
scalloped windows, be deleted from the conditions. Motion died for
lack of second.
Councilman Deepater soeird that the move -In be granted as per
the reeommeMI tion of the B-C mitiol Committee, with conditions. Se-
can$nd hj Counellan Satoh.
AIM Councilmen: Dempster, Finch, Jewett, Saich, Benett:
Councilmen; Bone
Councilmen: Now
MDt CAiM m 5-0
-- 5
B, M VxUjff aR®t talWW 2395 DJACrus Honlevard,
:eta nare, regosetins Architntumal and site approval
on p- vp. -,ud b"Ii�. Nine (9) acres, mm or leas,
incluriing streets, on a parcel of Yiison property on
Seel ing bosat. Approved. Conditions.
Mr. Jobs Griffin, 2395 DelsCruz Boulevard, Santa Clara, re-
Nauseated the applicAnt. Be dliplayed &�=e renderings shdr2n6 that
tWx e031 be a fan UUM developmmt, with one- of the racrea-
t9" owes to be deve2ow than the first stage me wilt. 110f rill
tee entire street, loran the landscaping plaoi IWO*o06leted,
eeimid be presented to tea 3.0ontrol Committee the their lsoOelW t-
W. Ada, of *kmv #I* went A'ou *6 to thb � �
sad geae:al
Cpmeilean Rhein ask" .;If this me typieal `dl the entire pR,-
ammaw was rt of far as the townhouses pss'e concerned.
!inch ataled .9117t tom" reminded biro of elf AkW db!, cbat
l�tis no rsfleatisa oa tee avow teat, ba felt they more too "'Acks-331a.
Mayor Beaetti asked if there mere any baildirgs similar to this
type is the immediate area, so that the Council could � an idea of
shat tiny mould be like, whme completed. The answer mss Do-
Mr. Griffin stated that these buildings will be of better
gmlity than the ones built behind City Bell. They rim be owe eZ-
speosive to rent. However, they are very low denalty. 'mere will be
mesh open green area. Nbw asked if these would be ever sold off
Individually, the answer was no - that possibly in parcels, but not
Individual buildings. That the recreation area would be maintained, •
If owned by four different interests, on a coop basis.
Moved ty Councilman Saich seconded by Colmellean Dempster that
the application be approved as recommended by the H- Control Committee
with conditions.
AM: Councilmen:
MAIM: Counci:.nen:
ABSJW: Councilmen:
Dempster, Jewett, Salea
Pinch, Benettd
C. MIMAN B. PANE: C015Tf (M. ON : a) BAND COMPANY, 1501
L.os Padres Boulevard, Santa Clara, requesting Archl-
tectuial and site approval or.`.cts 2,3,4,6,7,8,9,10,
ii,26,27,28, and 29 in Tract #3277 to construct apart-
ment houses. Approved. Conditions.
Mr. Cosiaris represented the applicant. He showed some ren-
derings of the proposed bUlldinga, explains -Ig to the Council the type
of building and roof - level, etc.
Moved by Councilmen Pinch, Seconded by Councilman Jewett that
the application be approved as recommended by the H- Control Committee
with conditions.
A3W: Councilmen: Dempster, Pinch, Jewett, Saich, Benettl
low: Councilmen: Now
ABSMfl: Councilmen: Hone
D. tteet:ml� and ��appproval for an 1 Requesting Present
building. Approved. Conditions.
There era no one to represent the Bank and the City Nonage:
,displayed a blue -line print of deat the Bank intended to do. They
ill add a portion on the Cali Ava•!aa side of the Bank and also Put
ilea rmzbf, gutters and sidewalk and half of the street on Scofield Drive.
Moved by Councilmen Dempster,. seconded by Councilmen Jewett
taint the application be approved as rec=v:nded by the H- Control Coe -
wittee, with conditions.
RAM Couocllnen: Dempster, Finch, Jewett, Balch, Bwnetti
Councilmen: Nona
CAM MED 5-0 _ R -
MR ADDrmsg
h, o C$ 22 y�T,g Property of Ueorm tk Fose
TW3 farms &.2:3.2 t9 R-1 and 11-3•3; 29.7 acres d-
x;ining west tae of Monte Vista Seb"I. •_30and
Reading. -
Cameilsn JsM CC. eeswmd that oadivence 229 be send bq' eltls
tfaomded br 6om0e13mmis Duster.
commailmew DOMPO . Dinh, Jewett. Seleh, Zanotti
Qpmsiitlol Se1fMe �, ,
r cac,. � Cleiel.., Ro�� *A 2 H! I�i�R6r
Moved Lg CaM812=& lsmett, seconded by C010101LU s`Stich that.
No. 229 be 000606-
: Councilmen: , Dinh, Jewett, Saieh, Benstti
Councilmen: Nme
AU3=: Councilman:
Cam: 5-05 0 Non
MDT= B. 9MIN►NCH 230: Rezoning Property of Cupertino Town
Center from ihl-R, N -2 -H, A- 1:B-2, R -3 -3 and C -I -H
to -g; nppr_-ately 100 acres, southeast corner
of M*msy 9 +ug& Stevens Creek 81.d. First Heading-
(Application 56-62, 69-x)•
The City Clerk read ordinance 230.
C. OmINAICR 231: Rezoning pro.erty of Helm and George
plapgram from g-3-9 to C -1 -H; aPP oxlaately 1 acre
Randy s of
Lane. First Reading. ((Application
72 -2-62)
The City Clerk reed oidinaxe 231.
D. OH uMCS 232: Rezoning pieperty of Duck B1:10tt
from R -1:B -2 to R - -1; !U acre =, approximately, on the
east Dank of Stevens Creek, abutting and south of ?bar
lay Drive. First Rearing, (appiication 74-2-63)•
The City Clerk read ordinance 232.
S. RWM,, '10N 729: Resolution Giving Notice uf the Pro -
pcsed A:mexmtion of Certain Orinhahited Territtoolry,
irscri'oing Said Territory and Designating ager
63-30 Giving Notice of Time and Place Said Council
Will Bear Protests Thereto.
ZZ PAYMG ffi1-1
A. Resolstions 727 mad 723.
Councilmn Deepeter moved that Resolution No. 727 tre adopted,
Seconded by Councilmen Pinh-
93=2 Couseilmes: Deep~, pion, Jewett, 381ch. Bsmtti
Ri=m: Councilmen: None
l� Councilmen: None
Cww+eilamn Dempater moved that Resolution Yo- 7A be adopted,
ssssmded by Com=i1man Plneh.
m Ooti RBon moos•, pinch, Jewett, Saleh, Renato
ANUM owantLImea: Now
mum emmim 5-0 _ 7
A. REPORT OF CM ' : Nothing further to report.
The City N.naaer reported 'that he had cbwb d on another
meet1r1m place for the Council. That be bad been successful in reserving
the 214bntary School. Dimtr'Aet. Hoard Room for Monday mdgbts beaming
April 1 thru June. That the antire balswe of tba yssr could be reserved
for LDS con031 to we tbase facilities. The boars rill be from 7 :30
to 2083D and any time. bR/ag*s'.arsta mn fees of .5D 9w' hxv rill be
ehwaid. The city � m2 the eo®eil'a �to to 11im
thew mdahed to begin bo2dln6 their mast+ngs in•tU "WOtam&
lbvad by CaoSilemn Dmpster, asoon es � . School DOING that the Council lave their flvst msetins
as psi 2� 1963.
A222s OhemaiLan: DaiM uoeb, Jewett, 29104 26110M
>122s Councilmen: None
AffiWft Councilmen: NOW
NdlLO/ CANElm: 5-0
The orgy Manager had an agraemant covering the psrti01pat1cn
of the city of Cupertino in the eonsumtlom of the erasalm over
Calabasas Csmek with Comn>;y Flood Control.
Norad by councilman Jewett, Seconded by COucoilmin Dempster
that the Mayor be authorized to sign this agreement.
ATESS: Councilmen: Dempster, Finch, Jewett, Salch, Bantu
KRIS: Councilmen: None
ABS Niz Cov:cllmen: Now
The City Manager advised the Council abort a letter free
Frank Penley, Superintendent of the Cupertino Elementary School Dis-
trict asking for a letter from the Pluming Commission and the Council
to the School District that the rwrlanl property, which was under
consideration for a school site, would be rezoned for other than R -1
zoning. That the School District was abandoning this property as a
possible school site and needed written notification from the City to
back up their decision. The City Manager was instructed to forward
this requrat to the Planning Commission for their action and recommends -
tion to the Council.
C. REPORT CF THE CSR iIIKLUMER. The City Engineer recommended .
the adoption of Resolution Reimbursement Agreement with oFrank C. authorizing
hepherd in connection with
storm drainage fees on Belmont Tract }'3085.
Moved by Councilman Saich, seconded by Councilman Jewett that
Resolution No. 722 be adopted is accordance with the City Engineer's
ATBS: Councilmen: Dempster, Finch, Jewett, Saich, Benetti
MRlS: Councilmen: None
ABSZVr: Councilmen: Hone
D. RZPGRT OF THE CM AT LORM: City Attorney asked the
Connell for authority to file an Answer and Disclaimer on a suit In
which the City has been served. Since the City has no interest In this
matter, the City Attorney asked that a Minute order be made authodzing
him to file this Answer.
Novel by Councilman Dempster, Seconded by CounciLmn Jewett
that the City Attc :ley be so instructed. Unanimously carried. .
A. County Water Commisslon. Nothing to report
B. Architectural Puce Schedule: Civic Center
14DVW by CMM11man Dempster, Seconded by CMm¢ilman Jewett
that the Jrchiteeto =al Fae Schedule as submitted by the MY MUMM
be adopted as the pee Schedule for the Civic Center.
Ate: Councilmen: Dempster, pinch, Jewett, Salch, Henetti
ROSS Comcl3men: None
AffiN M Councilmen: None
— i by Coumilmen Jewett, seconded by Co ell Saich
tact tam .mewls be adjourned. Nestling Adjourned:
John a Heoetti
I&Wisese K. jurtin, city cleft
9 -