CC 03-04-6310321 30. FORD 252 -4505 'TTY 0 P C U P E P. T I N O MI11UTS S FOR THE F=Ali MCETINO OF THE CITY COUNCIL - March 4, ln63 Plaea: 10321 So. Saratoga - Sunnyvale Road Tim: 8:00 P.M. I M•Y.gPMi TO THE FIAG tz MOLL CALL Cblmci bran Present: Dempster, Jewett, Saich, Benetti Cbrmeilmen Absent: Finch (Councilman Finch arrived 9:00) 'Calf Present: City Manager, City Attorney, City Engineer, City Cleric III Ma1111'FS OF THE PRBVIW3 MEE7MS - February 18, 21, 1963 it was moved by Councilman Saich and seconded by Councilman Jewett that the minutes of February 18 and 21, 1963 be approved as submitted. Motion carried 4 -0. IV HEFOAT OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION: See Planning Commission Mimites of February 18, 25, 26, !963 Commissioner Prolich gave the Planning Commission Report. The following action was recommended. 1. Approval cr. Application 73 -Z -63 to rezone 7 acres on the east side of Blaney from A -2:B -4 to H -24 -H. Goodwin Steinberg. 2. Stoneson Development Corp. Application 68 -Z -62 to rezone 69 acres from R- 1- A:B -2, R- 1:B -2, R -1 to PCH.- Continued at applicant's request. 3. Mariani Application: Recommended granting PC- zoning on 38 acres SW cf Hwy 9; also 66 acres rf PC zoning east of Hwy 9 south of the freeway. Denied on 10 acre parcel. 4. Use Permit granted latter Pay Saints Church, north side of Bollinger Rood, about 150' east of Farsllone Drive. V ORAL AND WRIT"-4 COMMUNICATIOA:S A. There were no oral communications B. Written 1. Letter from Cupertino Chamber of Commerce. William B. Pedigo, asking for 10 guests for Suunnyvale Trade Club, suggesting Mr. Warner M. Wilson, as one. 2. Letter - from Mar Thomas & Co., John Fleming. Mr. Flemming finds after reviewing, ti-at inspection charges are based on estimated construction cost, not the bond amount. Therefore the basis used is the same as that presently used by City. 3. League of Calif. Cities, SB X44, Hearing by Senate mm Coittee on Transportation tThe City Manager reported the City had already complied) 4. Letter fron Cupertino Jr. Women's Club, Mrs. Patricia Weber, askln$ for, suggestions of a project to beautify Cupertino, ("lie City Manager will forward to the Chamber of Commerce) 5. Classified Membership Directory of Cupertino Chamber of (;Ommerce. 6. Newsletter #-'6 from Chamber of Commerce T. Santa Clara County Traffieways Committee Minutes Ftblraty 13, 1963 8. Copy c_ Proposal on Sub - Committee Recommendations - Santa C'_ara County Flood Control and Water Conservation I1' ;trict 9• Summary of Actions of County Planning Commission - Meeting of yetrvary 20 10. County ?la.nning Commission and Board of Zoning Adjustment Age --da - March 6 11. Inter -City Council - Meeting March 7 at Los ffitos Lodge 12. Appeal from Paul Merlani on PC decision on 10 acre parcel 13. Boumlary Commission - De -stsM Mtion by City of S+m:lyvale westerly of Garden watt, south of proposed freeway. 14. Calendar of Events - Los Altos Hills, Foothills Lupus 15. Surr wale Trade Club Iwitation 16. Report from Building Zbpartment . Total Pees Collected ;2,3x3.20, total fees collected fiscal year to date, $32.M.80. It was moved by Councilman Dempster and seconded by Councilman 1aich that the Meriani Appeal be placed on the Agenda of March 18. Motian carried 4 -0. I It was moved by Councilman Jewett, and seconded by councilmen Dempster that tlx cotr-anications be received and filed. Motion carried 4 -0. VI FUBUC BEARLN: A. Annexat_—= Hearing: Pruneri,e 1, 62 -6. Contir,_'ee. Mr. Curtis, Superintendent from Jefferson School District, authorized by the City of Santa Clara to work with Cupertino in their behalf, brought_ a nessage from their Council. The thir -i paragraph jk-3e 2 statea or more such streets ruy be available for the aye of *rorote- d,vcloptH:nt w! -thin Prun,rid,•P 1, 6't -6." ! -„ C1s is reported that '?-L.eridge Avenue stall ba available -- - - - --- satisfactory. The agreement now reads: "Prgmeridge Avenue 31311 be available for the use of -m:csed development within Tniner!dga 1, 62 -6" Mayor Bene -,_! -,tanked Mr. Curtis for courtesies extended. The Mayor stated that a agreement would tie down in writing the fact that Westwood Oaks' inn erest3 will be prouacted. It was moved by Councilman Jewett and eseo seconded by Councilman of Dempster that tt zzreement, as revised, accepted the Mayor and C -, Clee.c. The City Attorney rrcomended the execution of the agreement, addIM that he felt this kind of cooperation is vary much in order, and bound to be helffUl to both cit!.ee. AYES: Councilmen: Dempster, Jewett, Saich, Benetti NAYS: Councilmen: None ABI;@7P: Councilmen: Finch Motion tarr=ed 4 -0 Mr. Curtis turned over the consent for annex:.tion. It was moved by Councilman Sedch, and seconded by Councilman Dampeter that the agreement be received and filed into the record of the admtee. The agreement now being in effect, the hearing was opened to tbs public. Annexation is now in order. All property sipatures are on file. there were no P:­')t%st*'9 +W the audience. Zt mg moved by "n mcilman Saieh and seconded by Counailman Demp pep that the protest hearing be closed. Alm: Ca�_c_lmen: Dempster, Jewett, Saich, Benetti I=: Cour:c inen: None A>'AEWP: Councilmen: F".nch Nation carried 4 -0 Ift Myor thanked Mr. Rogers, Planner from Santa Clara, for the time met mo I r ration afforded Oupeatino. congratulated Cupertino an the progress made, ecd Clings. Santa Clara Com ell will act on the agreOvAnt Clerk read GRDIlMIft 10. 227. AN OOl3 M AP"DVM I= CE MIN oollrlGUOUS MvmI unm TENaTiRT, nesiM"M 62 -V To THB = OF CUPERPIND IN ACCOLffV►NC6 VM TUB SECTION 35300 ET 8&. OF TBB OOVEiMW CODE OF TW ORNU. Second readieg will be March 11, at 5:00 P.M. NO. 728. AN Ot:DIiQ:tS APPROVING TIM AIUMATIGN OF CEHIR !< f3Q0r1GUOUS GNPMBI'1'BD T'ERFW"My, DESIGNATED "PRUNEREM 2, 62 -7-M TIIB CITY OF CUFERTIHO IN ACOW ANCH WITH THE PROVISIONS OF SEerlm 353,00 ET SEQ. GF THE GWEnovar CODE OF THE STATE OF CALIFORNIA. Tit v moved by Councilman Jewett . and seconded by Councilman DemW&er that Item VILLA be moved to this point in the Agenda. Notion carried 4-0- It was moved b;- Councilman Jewett and seconded by Councilman '>--epater that Ordinance 228 be read by titl-- only. Motion carried 4 -0. It was moved by Coun_.j.me.^ JewetF a.^' second:l by Councilman Saich that Rtdirance 223 Ne enacted. Councilman ?in :h arrived 9:00. &Y : Coup_.- an: Dempster, ?inch, Jewett, Saich, Benetti Li73: Coup.__'' -nen: None •13SM**: Counc_lswn: Nor_ Motion carried j F. Cupertino :own Center: tpp11 3tion `S -52 4 69 -2 -62 for rezoning 1:2 acres fr m 14 3 -9, M.2.4, R-1: B-2, R -3 -H and C-1 -H to PC -H; southatst corner of HiZhway 9 & Stevens Creek Blvd. Recommended b7 Plan,?Sng Commission Resoluticn 119. Conti -need from Dec. 3. Mr. Berman Rutn, rroresenting the applicants, explained that the heariaag had been ccntlnuad -.-o.n December 3 to give the PC Ordinance time t* take effect. In answer to a question from Mrs. Larson, 10208 Bonnle Dr., Cupertino, Mr. Path replied that the southern part of the Plan. lava Rodrigues below Pacifica is ready for development imomdiate- ly. Rise City F- gineer asked if it would be passible for the first developer to dedicate - ft, from the - pr ft. line for road purposes. At tie 5one time, a neighbor should dedicate 10 ft. so that the first developer can complete 40' of road. Mr. Ruth wondered if this should be hund2ed at this time, but mated there were no objections co St. Mt was moved by Councilman rMch and seconded by Councilman Dewroter that the recommendation of the City Engineer regarding the street improvements be approved_ A3=: Counci'_mzn: Dempster, tinch, ji wett, Saich. Benetti so=: Councilmen: More Air: Councilmen: None .,NW�Io* Carried 5 -0 owed by Councilmen Drapater and seconded by Cotn ma clln J be public h" rJ -Vag fi. Notion car, 5-0. No written protests have ben received. Councilman Jewett: Inasmuch as this has been discussed in great lsw4ft before this meeting, *_ move that the City Attorney be instructed to dMm up an ordinance to incorporate zoning of PC-H for Cupertino 4mis hater for Applications 56-62 a: 69 -Z -62 on the 102 &are parcel, as mwmmu msded by Planning Commisslon Resolution 119. Seconded by ComellMn Pinch. lffi: Councilmen: Dempster, Pinch, Jewett, Seioh, Benettl : Councilmen: Norw Councilmen: atone MAGWtalrrled 5-0. WE. 1 3 ii�OBfiE P*PA%M- lytlication 72 -Z-62 to semome one from R-3-R to 0-140; north aide of SteMss CMW Blvd, a t asst as Y�_ir� Ameosesded by Plaeedm caw- Usaion ae r2 a sioms MMMARW WWW Dien m iirltt eni- piblevu on this appudetlen. Architect, +s� for the applieamts, in answer tti n DaMmmarea qucatlma, be answered that the lot is 99 z 400. 'fir�1{� er told the Gbnoisalon this is part of the Steverre Crest /ea+am� mat' "Istriet. It ras moved by Councilman Salch and seconded by Councilman Dempster that the publio hearing be closed. Motion carried 5 -0. It runs moved by Councilmen Saich, and seconded by Councilman Plush that Application 72 -Z -62 as recommended by Planning Coslwilen R0802MIiam 126 with conditions, de apppbved and the City Attorney be ineUvacted to ,repare an ordinance. AZSS: Councilmen: Dempster, Pinch, Jewett, Saicb, Benettl iTS: Councilmen: Hone ABS®Pr: Councilmen: None Motion carried 5 -0. D. DOC & EUMT: Application 74 -Z -63 to rezone 17.9 acres from R -1:B -2 to R -1; east bank of Stevens Creek abutting and south of Phar lap Drive. Rccocrc - led by Planning Commission. Resolution 127. Conditions. No written protests have been received on this application. Deferring to the city water line Mr. Jules Due repo^ted there would be some difficulty on lots 29, 44, and 43, and perhaps the flow will have to be c&L-Zed somewhat. He also asked if the short line which dead ends can be abandoned. Councilman Salch: This is a gravity flow line. Shouldn't it be looped. Mr. Due replied that this is an engineer!.ng problem, but that It ad.11 be worked cut. Zt was moved by Councilman Dempster and seconded by - 3unZilman Jewett tbat the public hearing be closed. Motion carried 5 -0. It was moved by Councilman Dempster, and seconded by Councilman Soeh that Application 74 -Z -63 to rezone 17.9 acres from R -1:13-2 to R -lam sat bank of Stevens Creek strutting and south of Phar lap Drive be apWr ma as recommended by Planning Commi!;sion Resolution 127 with COMMiema, and that the existing Alves water line be relocated as reemownded by the City Engineer, and that the City Attorney be amtMORIA ed to prepare an ordinance. AM: Councilmen: Dempster, Finch, Jewc-tt, Salch, Benettl JIM: Councilmen: None AUMgff :. Councilmen: bone WD"on carried 5-0. L aI UUM R HM" OIL: Applicution 75-Z -63 to rezone 94 of , n from R- 1 -A:B -2 to rr l -H; southeast corner of Stelling CrackBqy,pr% 'mast;: Application 22 =0 -63 for Use Permit. atati.on. Denied Xy Planning Commission Resolution 128. Nr. Carl Stunt, representing FSme.,le 011, told the Corahell that his company is willing to dedicate and improve the frontpCe per City specifications. They agree to use any type of construct. +_on recommended by the Architectural Control Committee. He added that his company feels this is a logical service station site. A lengthy discussion followed on the application for the entire parcel to be rezoned, but the applicant intends, use of part of It for the service station. At a later date, it would be sold, however, it would be paved and used for parking s*, present. am the Cobden asked about Blanc" Wq, Mr. Rtwx ysplded that he had no plane for It Mrs Larson, 10208 Bomie Dr., Cupertino: I haw no obJectieos to Noble Oil having a gas station in Cupertino, bet.1 strsrasusly Oblast to a ON station on that paltienlar corner. It 'doom It seen to sa thit wotirta a second laps on Shelling for r-to I hvitor em er u Stemm Creet would be that adwatageous. Stalling can't beocne two-lane or 11aQ lanrr•uatil the road Jo.twaed dnt.. I donfft thldt it Is good to WES It there with our gratiree aehool Scrubs In amend the comer. This Night give cowoerclal an opportunity to cams up Stelliag. 'These ire rive service stations In that block. I really 40MItr think we need another one in that block. Mr. Chalmers Smith: I would like to may we believe this Is the most logical use for this corner. It would cause a great deal of firm, :lal loss to the Williams' if this petition is not granted. Mrs. Bradley, 20865 Pepper Tree Lane: Referring to the Williams* loss if the petition was not granted, Mrs. Bradley asked if her property could be zoned commercial. Mr. Bradley, 20865 Pepper Tree lane: This is behind me. With fi-e gas stations on that one block, I thiric we could core up with somxthing better. I am thinking about the noise that x1.11 come fro-- the station, also a school close by. I don't think it is appropriate for tnat corner. Mr. Wnry Lewis, 10166 Bonnie Drive, also shared his neighbor's views. As far as the land being valuable. It would t`t Just as valuable to the Wllliama' for something more constructive. It has been pointed out that there is an abundance of stations already. Councilman Satch pointed o;it that Rt. 114 will cross Stevens Creek a half mile up the road in t %c nest two y^ars, and the City will have to oper: up the road to 31x lanes. 171e Councilmn stated that he sees no objections to C -1 -H on that particclar corner and a use permit for 100 x 157. The Planning Commission has zoned hundreds of acres with nothing coming in, now with a business ready t� operate, they deny it. Mr. D. W. ]arson, 10209 Bonnie Dr., Cupertino, asked why the PC denied the use permit. He pointed out that the Manning Commissior, spends time looking this over, and perhaps the Council should be directed by the Planing Commission. Mre. Larson: I think that corner will be a landmark corner. Foothills Campus is beautiful. I think something lovely could go in there if builders were approached. I can't see any reason for rushing Into something uless there is a great need to rush. It was moved by Councilman Dempster and seconded by Councilman ?inch that the public Ceasing be closed. Referring to Councilman Saich's suggestion that perhaps the application be changed to rezone only that portion required for the station, Mayor Benetti took exception. He pointed out that all that Is before the Council to consider is the application, and that he didn't see how the Council could change the appileatlon. He added that he felt the applicant wag asking for a license to peddle off a piece of property, and av_reed with t x Pla*ming Commission's reccrImenda- tlon. Osuu:aiL. -r Satoh wovoR that Humdla 011 be granted C -1 -H on 94 of an ac* , aryl that t!ae Use Permit be granted, subject to Exhibit H, and tnac the City Attorney be instructed to thaw up an ordinance. i Councilman Jewett seconded the motion, for the purpose of asking a question. 'The Cmancilhwln asked the City Attorney if the aise of a paeeel could be chiuWd, and the City Attorney replied that the Councli bad -tbe right to permit an asanduent by tke applicant. Councilman Jewett stated that he is reluctant to include the whole, corner in C-1-H toning at this time, but can see no other good use of the corner. The Clty Attorney stated that changing the application would require e minute order and amendrent. i a' Alm: Councilmen- Balch I RM.— Cow olbft: Dempster, Finch, Jewett, Benettl a' ABSENT: Councilmen• Mone WAicn failed: 4_7 1112 4 ANCEPECTMIAL Sr S+iMB "001Nf110L: �c - ItKlEY ST01�4 lilt. UM 0=00: SWIlvation 6344043 far eleMtoeba+ • siSe aplWo 1 of a>, addttlm to the existing 00mlee 3eitiict Btatldh Auto mstallatlaf Dept.) Approved by H- Control. Conditions: ft. Charles McComble, 20745 Stevens Civet M, Cupertino, appeared to state that he !s W11111B to � With .lshes of tla Plaa:ing .Commission and r3o:nc11, as far as humanly possible. The oparation rill be expail4sd !warn two -car to four -car. No parkingt Will ne saeri- ftow. It Was moved by Councilman Pinch, and seconded by Councilman Salc`: that Application 63- ASS -63 for the addition to the existing Gemco Servise Station be granted as recommended by H Control With conditions. AM: Councilmen: Dempster, ?inch, Jewett, Saich, Benetti NAYS: Councilmen: None ABSENT: Ccuncilmen: None Notion carried 5 -0 WIT ORDINANCES AND RESCIDTIONS FOa ADOPTION: A. ORDINANCE 228 Moved to vIA on Agenda B. ORDINANCE 229: Rezoning property o: George & lase Voss from A -2:B -2 to R -1 & R -3-H; 29.7 acres adj�lning west side of Monta Vista School. First Reading. Second reading will be March 18. II PALING BIILLS A. RE,SOUPTIONS 718 & T19 It was moved by Councilman Saich and seconded by Councilman Pinch that Resolution 718 be adopted. AYES: Councilmen: Dempster, Firth, Jewett, Saich, Benetti NAYS: Councilmen: lone ASSENT: Councilmen: None Notion carried 5 -0. R%MrAing Resolution 719, Councilren Saich asked if Marie Thomas had been paid, and the revelopers billed. The City Mansgar reported that the Gevelo;,�rs had been billed by Munk Thomas sev.Rl times, once by the City. It was moved by Councilman Dempster, and setended by Councilman Pinch that Resolution 719 be adopted 0ot2bIlxq: Dempster, Finch. Jewett, Balch, Benstti Covnc:lWM3 !cue ABMW: CouuclImms: so" w, hc. lam eaNrleN1 5-Q. -b. X REPC',7P OF OFFICERS AND COMMISSIONERS: A. REPORT OF CITY TRFASODiER No further report H. REPORT OF CITY NVAGER The City Manager asked for the reek of March 11. It U&B roved b5, OMMO12 U Finch_ and seconded by OoxmeiLnn Jewett tlfit} the Chty Mrrager be permitted to take the week of Mreh 11 off. lotlmn carries 5-0. SUMPOber 'rah moved' City left be J _ja seconded by Comotlmtan tot et eiCL� ClerY � r Vpolnbad. CSty HUMWr Pro tsm i+hile Elbe the City 1YoaMs1'to request, tlotmeilman Finch mored that the "was developers in question be rebilled for inspection fees. Seconded by Cbmellman Saich. Motion carried 5 -0. A letter was received requesting peisdasion to operate a washer WO drier concean with Hafted rebuilt sales in the rear portion of >oyt'e Unfinished LAnaftuza Store. The Building Departownt imports the bnl.lding is not satisfhtory for this type of operation. The present business le under a use permit because the building was a residence. The City Manager recommended that if a use permit were requested, it would be denied. They have been so advised. It was moved by Councilman Dempster and seconded by Cmmcilman Fineh ttwt the City Manager's report be accepted. Motion carried 5 -0. Upon the City Manager's request, In recognition of the cooperation received, Councilman Jewett coved that the City Manager be authorized to write a letter of appreciation to the Mayor of Santa Clara. Seconded by Councilman Saich. AYE: rouncilun: Dempster, Jewett, Saich, Benetti !LAYS: Councilmen: ?inch ABSENT: Councilmen: 'tone Motion carried 4 -1. C. REPORT OS CITY ENGDIMiP. TRACT NC. 3417. SOMERSSFr UNIT NO. 2 (File 51,038) West of Blaney Avenue between Pacifica Drive and R °gnart channel. All plans and wnps have been submitted to and approved by this office. In addition, :he developer has filed and deposited tl:a following: a. z]xtcuted Improvement Agreement. b. Neceasary Labor and Material and Faithful Performance bonds in the amount of $64,600.00 each. c. Chechdng and Inspection Fees In t`.e amount of $2,300.00. d. Indirect CU3 Expenses in the aao+mt of $345.0n. e. Map filing fee in the amount of =210.00. f. Off -Tract Storm Drainage Fee in the amount of =9.764.82. g. Check in thr Lmount of $5%.00 to the Central Fin Pro- tection District for hydrant Installation and 5 years rants 1. h. Map filing report. 1. Preliminary Title report. J. Letters from appropriate utility eocrpu des .Laths that all easements are sufficient. k. Letter frors Flood Control Drat. -Jet stating their require- menta have beers met. 1. All Bonds, Agreenente, etc. as requireO by Prpartino Sanitary 1Vatrict. •7- Improvements shown on the plans 1rciude the following: a. Street paving. b. Curb, gutter and sidewalk. c. Street lighting. d. Street monuments. e. Storm drainage facilities. f. Sanitary sewer facilities. g. Appurtenances thezeto. It 4i moved by Cmudlman Dempster, seconded b7 CoamM ms ln �sb that this reoosaei&tian at tba City Bogineer to adopt Resolution 96. 120 be accepted. Motion w=ried 5 =0. 2, . ARDAM W WIMMNMNi. , Me NORTH BIAIN:Y MMM (file 51.049) �Z�� �1; NBC �lwsti Lam saamiaaa to the City a 10%0W, Worain he iegosstm the Cty to waive mosmal improvement reipnremerif °stye.. brads, agraamsaW,? ate., ir br agree& to instam Staudt rd !;�arrnt° aloft BLay Avenue fronting tha address. There will soon be a new subdivision constructed across Blaney Aveors from Mr. Wael2ewskl's home: so by having the work performed by the lama contractor at that tin day mean his costs will be Is". It was moved by Councilman Dempster, and seconded by Councilman Pinch that normal improvement requirements be Valved, per recommendation of the City Engineer. Motion carried 5-0. 3. STEVENS CRESS NO. 1- L.I.D. (File 92-001) Plans and Specifications for Stevens Creek_ No. 1, Local Improve- ment District have been completed. RECOM ENDATIOM a. Adopt Resolution 6;5 -3 approving and adopting the Plans and Specia'ications for the Improvement of portions of sandy lane, Blaney Aveefue and Stevens Creek Bosle:ard, Ste-ens Creek No. 1, Local Improve- ment District. b. Adopt Resolution 65`.Y. Resolution or Intention Stevens Creek ND. 1, Local Improvement District and set date of hearing. (Hearing shall be not less than 15 nor more than 6:. days from the date of passage of Resolution of Intention). It was moved by Councilman Dempster aml seconded b) Councilmn Jewett that Resolution 655.1 be adopted. Motion. carried 5 -0. It was .roved by Coanedlman Dempster and seconded by Councilman Jewett that Resolution 655.4 be adopted, and that public hearing be set for April 1, 1963. Motion carried 5-0. D. REPORT OF THE CITY ATTORNEY The City Attorney received a f0--Ml petitior. for assessment peoceedinga on Tract 3277. He suggested it be referred to the City Msnmger for study by the Staff. ftcm a legal standpoint, the petition to in good fore. It was moved by CinetioRn Dempeter and seconded by Councilman tleh that the matter be taken up at the meeting at 5:00 March 11. Notion carried 5-0. 1Q unF9RSHED BUSINESS: A. County Water 0o®1ssion :bs Mayor mention" the new water bond proposal. B. Proud Bomem, Inc. OWtainbleu): Requesting further review of Ordinst" 216, negalrlaL asseeLes Tom ward Volta.(Conbrdge• almo oedinanoe Zoe pastaiuiag Mr. Weisel had nothing to : -.dd to his remarks of pcevlona meeting$. He stated that he am the other develc}xr would be willing to make a contribution of 10% of the Bost of the bridge. IL was moved by councilman Finch, and seconded by Councilman lamer that Proud Homed be assessed $50 as per ordinance 216 and ordiaame 208, and as recommended by the report of the City Engineer. Nseti% at ties of stated thatnthe Present nutes ohm that wing Wasssion first approved, and then that an assessment was placed. So Mayor stated that the leams at the existing action' and slather to enfmroe it, rsfu�dl Chm ellman Jewett asked Connell to reconsider further, uvande91216 If the assessment was an inJust procedure. AM: Councilmen: Dsapater, Finch, Benetti lays: Comcilaen: Jewett, Saich AMOT: Councilmen: bone lotion carried 3 -2 C. Assessment District, Tract 3277 This was covered by the City Attorney in his report. D. Protest to House Moving Permit; R -2 -H zone at Rodrigues Avenue and Terry Way. The protest has been signed by fourteen property owners. It was moved by Councilman Dempster that the protest be referred to the Building Department for a report, then forwcrded to H- Control. Seconded by Councilman Finch. Motion carried 5 -0. Mr. Elkins, owner, stated that he would do anything requested in order to make building acceptable. Miscellaneous She City Manager reported that the Bibb Rd Bridge is in the County, and the -^i:y has nothing to do with it. Nothing has been presented on annexation. The City Manager w111 submit a report at next meeting. XII NEW BUSINE03: A. Archd�jctural Pee Schedule: Civic Center Councilman Dempster stated that he wo +:ld like to get a fee schedule set darn so that the architect, when hind, will know it, and there will be no proble" about misunderstanding it. Couneilwsn Dempster moved that the fee acbleda e, as shown in the adjourned minutes dated February 21, 1963 Councilman Finch said that be would like a chance to review the schedule: Councilman Dempster withdrew the motion, hoping that Council reviewed the scbedule befcre the next meeting. B. Miscellaneous Councilman Finct expressed his feeling that there was a need for another meeting place for the (Xuncil. The apace is presently needed for City offices. It was moved by Councilmr n Pinch and seconded by Councilman Jsratt that the City Manager he instructed to investigate poselble Caouil Chambers. Motion carried 5 -0. IIII ADJOUF20901T IL was moved by Councilman Ueurter and seconded by Courbcllmsn 3"ma that the meeting be adjovrred to Marsh 11, at 5:00 P.M. Adjournment: '_7 :�75 APP70J °.D: Jsf J__m o. r+nettl