CC 11-19-62W 13321 So. Saratoga- &wnyvale Road 2-45 °5 CITY OF CTiPERTINO UmprATno, a orn a MMAUTES OF THE RETULAR NE8'Ii: l OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF CupmrTI210 - Nov sum 19, 1962 • Pecet 10321 So. Saratoga- S-.uutyvale Road Tine t 8:00 P.M. i' SAtcls TO rA FKAG iI ROIL CALL= ppmailssa Present: Dempster, Finch, Jewett, Saich, Benetti CAYasllman Absent t None staff PreYmntf city YAnager, City Bnginstr,C C;LF AC erk Attorney, IiI MQMld.S OF Us PREVIODH HKITIN G: NOVEMBER 5, 1962. Ngor Penetti stated that on page three, second FailB'aph from the bottom of the Osge.....rhe Mayor stated that he did not objaot to the wordlag of the Notion, merely that he wished the Motlon bad beea to deny without prsdj dice, the application before them. He wished the records to show this. There being no further corrections or additions, Councilman Jewett moved that the Minutes be approved as corrected, Seconded by Councilman Saich. All in favor. IV REPORT OF THE PW0 =;0 COMMISSION: (See Planning Commi.asion Minutes of November 13, 1962. Also study session of ".7). Planning Commission Chairman, Charles K. .Snyder stated that other then the minutes, which were before the Council, he had nothing to report or add. V ORAL AND WRITTEN COIMMCATIONS: 1. Letter from Division of Highways, Notice of ruction sale of certain lands that are in excess of higl2way requirements. 2. Letter from Cupertino Camber of Commerce a.king a re- affirmation from the City Council, designating December 10th as "I. Cali Day "• The Council, by Minute Order, designated December 10th as "R. Cali Day ". All in favor. 3. Newsletter F2 - Cupertino Chamber of Commerce, giving dates of forthcoming events in Cupertino. 4. Agenda of County of Santa Clara Planning Commission and Board of Zoning Adjustment, November 21, 1962. Nothing concerning Cupertino on this agenda. S. Letter from Public Utilities Commission regarding a Commission Investigation, Case No. 7409 of the Pacific Telep ?^one and Telegraph Company. 6. Letter from City of Long Beach regarding "A Resolution of the City Council of the City of Long Beach Vigorously Opposing Any legislation Permitting or Sanctioning the One of Partisan Political Labels by Municipal Office Carrridates ". 7. Minutes of the Business Session of the League of California Cities, Los Angeles, October 24, 1962. Councilman Saich commented on the 10 ges tax monies that has been recommended for use on at -et deficiencies. Councilman Saich statd that the Treffiewsys Coam±ttea will be working for the passage of thin legislation along with the League of California Cities. b. Nbtlea from the Later -City Council - Meeting December 6th, 1962, Hosted by the RM of Los Gato►•, to 1,e hel.: at the 0o14en Doors Rsataurint, &" maims. Quest ape ter: Robert F. Peckham, Judge of the superior Court, Dept. 12, Santa Clara County. 1 - rmt.�ua 9. County of Santa Clara Planning Commission & Board of Zoning Adjust- ment, Summary of Actions - November 7, 1962, 10. Brochure on Parks aid Recreation. 11. Letter from Mrs. Thomas Afflir_io, Secretary, Collins P.T.A., re- garding a street light at the Corner of Msrlani Avenue and Highway 9. With the approval of the City Council, the Mayor instructed the City Manager to make an investigation and report on this mattes at the next Council meeting. lk. Latter from Mr. g. J. Becker, 10521 Cypress Drive, Cupertino with a complaint about bon unable to have a doctor make a horns A�am4. be MSMW O Mat iiytemd of a 4yU Center that a : Madiaal 0en1 ss be eetabiiaNed, particularly with people who were able to make home calls. M&M Be ettd stated that he did not feel tMe me a matter for boYaeil to gat involved in, although fully wedesetending Mr. Bscirr's eoneern. -. Moved by.Counailaan Dempster, Seconded by Councilman Finch that the correspondence be received and filed. All in favor. Mayor Besetti asked if there were any oral communications from the audience. Mrs. Louis Mercer, 10550 Whitney Way, Cupertino stated tint she wished to ask about the Regnart Creek ditch. Mayor Benettl stated that this would be covered in Mr. Storrs report and asked if Oft would mind very much waiting until Item IX in the Agenda was be- fora the Council. Mrs. Mercer agreed. VI PUZIC SURInds: A. M. W. Kelly 8 C. D. Marshall: Application 66 3 67 -Z-62 to rezone Lots 34 8 35, Tract 584 from R -3 -n to R -1; . Felton Park Subdiviaion, south side of Kirwin Lane. Re- commended by Planning Commission Resolution 118. Mr. Mark Kelly, 20548 Kirwan Lane, Cupertino stated that when be and Mr. Marshall bought their respective properties, the properties were zoned A -1. That in 1955, the County rezoned this property R -3 -B. Since the properties have been used as single- fanlly properties ever since they were purchased, Mr. Kelly and Mr. Marshall asked that the zoning be changed to R -1. There were no protests from the audience in this regard. Council- man Balch moved to close the Public Nearing. Seconded by Councilman Finch. AMES Councilman: Dempster, Finch, Jewett, Balch, Senetti NAYS: Councilman: None ABSENf:Councilmen: None XMnM CAR71®: 5-0 Councilman Balch moved that the City Attorney be instructed to draw an Ordinance rezoning the lots as recommended by the Planning Commission in their Resolution Mo. 118. Seconded by Councilman Jewett. AMES Councilmen: Dempster, Finch, Jewett, Balch, Benetti ARTS: Councilmen: None ABS=tCouncilmen: none NOTICm CARRIED: 5-0 B. Luverre B. Stover: Application 65 -Z-62 to rezone Lot 38, Tract 584 from R -3 -R to C -1 -n; Felton Park, Northwest corner of Highway 9 and Kirwan Lane. Denied by Flaming Commission Resolution 117. Appeal. Mr. Albert J. Roffo represented the applleant and reviewed the and went the plane were, it the appeal is looked upon favorably bY the COwncil. go Van Reek realty Company will use the existing bNtJdSft t"410 twoeCommercial properties, it can only be zoned commercial. That .�. - 2 - mr MW the lot, after dedications for the Highway, Will be too small to do weh with. Het that at a later date, when the highway is in end all seems to be aetU d, they will consider putting in a permlent atMC- taro. Hr. does not feel that at the present time a permanent structure would be wise. Mr. Ruffo further stated that Mrs. Stover was in a 'nutcracker' alusatlon. She is surrounded on three sides by commercial and this wY a condition she had no control over. But her propm-CY was, front- ing an logical type a It would sees that 00=02 I&I zoning is the only She 11f7'd3`Aaked the City Clerk if there ware ahp written pfoteets do this applieit3bu.. the City Clerk stated that at tbp t m of hearing before the P Qolaelasion, there Was a petition tiiplsd this zoning,. ?e Myer 8,6118,6111011 if thee ws WW " 1 .90 td MOd to express any siswa abort this &Me"' ID'. gut %1Uy stepped forward and stated that At ws =0 Or am slow of the patiU m and that to and the otherei�ere felt that even though a real estate office does not sees too objectionable, their gain concern was the zoning of C -1 -H. That the rOsl estate 6ff1" sa--- be around for a year or two, but with this type.of sonim it left the or do open for almost alcything. Since their hoses were adjacent to this property, they felt that commercial zoning would be objectionable. Mr. Ruffo stated that these property owners were the very people who created the real estate office across the street from Mrs. Stover. I at they had all written letters of approval to the Council and Com- mission at the time the applicant came in for zoning on his property. Mr. Kelly stated that this was true, but that they now felt in view of the appearance of the existing real estate office, that it was more an eye -sore to the neighborhood and they now feel that it was a mistake to endorse the first real estate office In the first place. That the original intent was to conduct a real estate busi- ness from the garage, but now the whole house was a business. Councilman Saich stated that as far as he could see, one of the main objections was the fact that the existing structure was to be used. Mr. Ruffo stated that due to the shallowness of the lot, it was not believed practical to construct a permanent structure. Also the picture In this area could very well change within the next few Yen" and then a permanent structure could very well be considered. Councilman Salch asked if Mrs. Stover had made dedication in connection with the widening of Highway 91 The City Clerk left the chambers to get the records that indicated these dedications. Mrs. Rose Giddings, 20375 Silverado, Cupertino, asked the Council If Highway 9 takes its slice of of the property if there is a possibility that the property would go back to R -1 zoniW The answer was possibly, but that it was difficult to determine at this time what could happen in this regard. Councilman Salch moved that the Public Hearing be closad. Se- conded by Councilman Finch. AXIS: Councilmen: Dempster, Finch, Jewett, Salch, Benetti hb1YS: Councilmen: gone ABSM:Councilmen: None MD'OK CARRIED: 5-0 Mayor Benetti stated that in looking over the Planning Cosmic - ston's Resolution, No. 117, he noted that there was a unanimous vote to turn down this application; 4 AYES, 2 ABS=T and 1 ABSTEW ION. Councilman Dempster asked if the City Manager had any comments to make on this application. The City Manager stated that be had none, other, than to rat what occurred at the Plaming Cowission seetiryc When this application was discussed. That with the real estate office aeross the street being a residence converted to a bueirece, and this ly compound the objeatlW • situations ihtttls iiss & vaary small to be wed for cosweroial business. 3 -- The applicant-. representative, Mr. Rur'o, arose to a point of ceder, stating that 1e felt that when the Council closed the public bmwiM And then discussed the subject, it mar. ;t it impossible for the aonlieant to e=pl.ain urn, any questions they have rsiW in dISCUSSl0A t may not have come up before the public hearing was closed. Nsyor Banettd asked the City Attorney if.the Council were with in their rights to discuss an application after the closing of the 0t uhnoot bye viollaated,�thattthhee Caunccildcould di. amass an application ji-tiis interest of clarifying in their minds any questions they way have about the application. 0ouncilman Tineh sa that the public "hsarin be is.•- opened. 7$60i(2ed by 0kadi2ma Dempster. All in favor. . litho stand that`.COmmisslonar W0124W t Yla� fbr► i ifpp� :o ea for dental of this applicatiee- %ftt'lfad i1: ested that come In witN1 definite plans of whet ,is. to, be. done to thin aLo that the applicant contact the pa�operty over directly to am t8G'ptn if possibly both lots. could be utilized for �. Councilman Dempster. asked Mr. R. J. Small, a meshes. of the Plan- adft Commission if. he would review what had transpired at the meeting on this particular application. Mr. Small state_ that all the points had been covered and that the biggest concern of the Commission was what they would have two or tbree years from now. The real estate office was one thing, but with this type of zoning, it left the door open for may different types of businesses and this seemed to be the biggest objection. The question was raised whether the Commission knew at the time they voted on this application, that a real estate office was to be the business. Mr. Small stated that they were aware that it was to be a real estate business, bk: as to the new of the realtor, they had not be informed. Councilman Pinch moved the Public Bearing be closed. Seconded by Councilman Jewett. ALBS: Councilmen: Dempster, Pinch, Jewett, Balch, Benettl MAYS: Councilmen: None ABUN T:Councilmen: None MOTION CARRIED: 5-0 Councilman Finch moved that the City Council accept the Planning Commission's Resolution No. 117 and deny the application. Seconded by Councilman Finch. AYBS: Councilmen: Dempster, Finch, Jewett, Balch, Benetti NAYS: Councilmen: None ABSENT: Councilmen: None MOTION CARRIED 5-0 Appeal was denied. VII ORDINANCES AND REMOTIONS FOR ADOPTION: A. XMINANCE 221: Rezoning .67 of an acre property of Oagliasso, Stocklmeir, McCarthy from "AN' to N -1 -R; south side of :tevens Creek Boulevsd, adjoining Oast side of the S. P. railroad tracks. Second reading (Appl. 64- Z-62). Camcllman Solch moved that the Ordinance be read by title only. Seconded by Councilman Jewett. All in favor. Or Cittyy Clerk read Ordinance No. 221 by title only. "AN ORDINANCE 'lam CITY OF CoPlrr r= AWN DING SECTION 1 OF ORDiNAWN NO. 2 Er RB- *wjwF= A C!!Atism ramm OF TBS CITY OF COPZWM MM AN "A" MMSMCT To AM M -1-9 MSMCT." NNoved by 0MMIlmmn Jewett, Seconded by Councilman Dempster that Ordinance 1e. 221 be amacted. IMP B. R31pMON 673: a," notice iroposed it arewwtion Certain minbibited territory, dee 62-4% giving notion of tins and place mid council will hear ;trotests tberato. Councilmen De•pster a A Shat theResolution date b* rood by oak with the Linn of the p olio hearing . a: emmilsao Baich. 774 • W� >Bs P.N. awami3 a Baisb'Mm H YNi Noealrtia b. el3 be sftPW• Bs•• saBMi 4 Carilan am". Ooeeailems Nag VAMS16 Jwmtt. 'alsb. foNatti Cseesilrs: Now Ammmobe lls None l Ss City CUM @6&6" 00% than w anctbes Nosy mine to be adopW i• sensation with • pepme& aesrstian tDae do hat got an tae s�ft , Dee has ra4 tae os$PUM. Novsd sssseiat low Cowni:ssn some" that Nasolvtios b. � � inefasor. title aal7, giving tan tisa Me Nets of p Uie hearing. 62 -1 >1P7lb NaNi� CBNii>9 PiNBZNOB BNBTN M BALD PlOIIOBAL:� /IR SIMS NOP10B OP +ms AM nAM SM OWAMML WM 20. s " 1lS7Q.lBD w = CM[L OP = CN COf� tho data of ww a�nwi�a handed; is aeons" 7, 196Q at tha bas of 8:00 P.N. in tan City Offlee of wo city at Owertino. VM PAS NUJ3: L. BBlOINIIri aC t So City lrawroe road Molntion b. 674: 'NNBOLNn M OP is MY COO1b1L OF M CiT! OP 01 N = allowing certain claim and dmoaft is the nun of 613,361.63. Domd be. 3310 thm 3339. Flu* Weeme Dapastmat claim and dmaedm wrd in tb+ am of $1,231.58. D Nos. 1109 thra 1119. Nrsolstnow tw C�ladsptad , 300006" D7 Councils" Dsayetes that AU is CouooiLae: Dmapster, Pinch, Jewett, emieh, Denrtti wAsk Oouomila : Now Mawaf7ounciLen: Nona MOMNS CAMMED 5-0. City Tromarer read Nasolntion No. oi,: •RMWEM 0P M CM G IL Or M Cn? OP CMMMV allorl certain claim and demands in tan son of $4,28D.52. Leaned Nan. 32� shwa 3309. Plan Water Ds- rp pe n ent claim sod awards is the am of =600..2. Leased Nos. 1106 toss 1108.' ebw by Comrcilemn $eioh, seconded by Councilman !inch that Nesolation b. 675 oy adopted. �Cammilan: DmgatNe, bash, Jewett, gaich, Basiti i Omeemilsee: Nets .n•s:ollams: bs» GAMEOD 5-0. .. 5 _ • W Mayor etti called s 10 sin to recess. The meeting reconvened set 9:15. U. FMOR! ;r OFFIRSNS AND CCIMIISSONERS: A. Roc .c^_ OF CITY 1 M. The City Treasurer staled that he had nothing further to report other than the ash Balance statement that all the Council had before .bend. RD= OF CM MR000L City der states Ujtjw =old report -on tnd.- >ttea, since ass. M •dad "Ififo goo kind to•wlt WiM, tWX point jtketirs. g 86 stated that he had VAtten a letter to Flood'Conts"I askina about•the fencing of "be P-- N-*W "bad beard nothing from ch". Be W& placed a telephone eall.to Flood Control the morning of the meet - 'l a Jjd- waa told that this natter had been turned over to the Depart - nobt of Public :corks fora report to the Board of Swperslooraa for action. Monday was Board of Supervisors' day and he did Dot know gnaI had happened, but felt sure that by the but asetir; the" should be some deft to information about it. Be stated that he will L'sep In touch aith mss. Mercer and advise har of what is happsatng. Mrs. Ifer"er said that she and her ceighbora -era all concerned about the creel tch that runs In back of Siirerado. •:Trot at the time these h,ixz were purchased, the salesman stated that its ditch would be fit -e' in and that property would eventually revert back to the owners, a-- that it would be fenced. Sha had called Flood Con- trol and had :a-- advised that this inforsaticn had not come from them, that possibly :-e information cams from the City Of CupertinO. They are eo., ^.erne_ _ause this is a natural crec'c bed and the banks are ezamtli g ar.-I __ some places the depth is frox six to eight feet. Besides schoc: :_tldren in the area, there era also toddlers who might fall into th': `itch - try as they my, it :s 3ifficult to keep tie children away _,:m this area. Mrs. 15e -:er further stated that she was led to believe that the storm dr3= :Ines would not be put in un::i such time as a developer 2wprbves this =^ :zerty, and questioned if thta :a true, t' -n this ditch gay remain c;•a- _rr months or even years to cone. Mayor benetti told P--s. Mercer __.:.t the storm drain fund was in can3tant use, that the storm drains not put in only Then pro;e••cy was developed. That developers c:_ :_Itute their proncrtionate stare to this fund to be used In the City. Be felt sure t5at this problem would be alleviated long before the r=;arty was developed. City !tuazwi3er stated that a letter had been received regarding the set back :mss on Tract 2860, Cupertino Properties. The recorded gap indicate: a :O foot set back, and theca lots provided carved drive- - ways, which -_-.der Ordinance No. 220, permits a 15 foot set tack. The Title Comp.z� := gusted an approval from the Council to change the romp according-T. The City Manager stated that this had been checked yy the Chief :31nd Inspector and City 9rgineer and himself and it gas found tc :a In order. Moved ': '_uncllman Finch, Seconded by Councilman Saich that the change be •'owed as requested. All in favor. The CI_T Amager stated that a letter had been received frT00 the DeOro C.:t I answer to his latter requesting their feelings on Mb improvements of their property as regards, curba, gutters aiA side- 9101k. The le::er informed the City Manager and Council that at thle • - tfse, they w f4tnaneially unable to make t'ase lmprovemer.:s, but v! :uld at so when the a Joining properties to theirs .nde theca improvements. Mayor Be.7�--tti stated that he felt there should be Issue taken gflth th9bo app"ants who Cwoo in for pergisslon to build, move or NvAWAIe1 thei-- establishments, when they are given time to make the atoarsary SmF--resenta as required by Ordinance. That a definite time pseidd should be specified said this tins period should be met. The fthryae was inf rant that a search of the records did not U011cate that mgt specific Llwe period was set for the DsOto Club to make theme street iswesmements. The City wanagsr further stated that 11r. Maggio had reWbtad pEll7SgIdon to Improve the =I-de-sac on Binary Avenue and that he met be required to poet a bw4 for the improvements. The City Manager IIU7ajgmOdld' In vier of the feet that when Mr. Maggio had constructed ache he on Blaney Avenue, be had not been required to post a bond for tab 1St improvements, but had frilly compiled and oeopersted with We City in putting them in as required, that M". Regain's request be ®dented. Wad by Councilman Jewett, seconded by Councilman Daegstar q_VW:'1oio'a request ba; @gW&N4< AU in favor. Cluft Golf If ad contacted � r eow int oftice to drainage problem. Ciay. imported that he and ginser and potslbly someone >"!om £ha County, a2 � ed this war not •their jurisdiction, *mail- with and Mr. Hags to• try and come to some am1c1Wb'agrasmshtt the drainage pwoblam. Be will keep the Comeil advised of Ar;- location of Utilities - Highway 9. Insomuch As the County hem saamrad the C_ ; 8hat they will have an opportunity to audit the paeI I costs of moving the San Jose Water Works eater lines, and that me pgmsnt will be made until all are satisfied that the costs are fI. and lust, that the Council may now wish to execute the agreement. COMud2mso Dempster stated that be does not feel the Hoard of Supervisors 41000126 have the authority to disburse funds for the City of Cupertino. It was further stated that work had been stopped on Ligfiey 9 until Spring of 1963. C. RBFOR^ OF CITY ENGINEER She City Engine: requested a Minute Order accepting the Improve- ments of the Cupertino Station of the Central Fire Protection District. Moved by Councilman Dempster, Seconded by Councilman Saich that U10 lWrovements of the Cupertino Station of the Central Fire Pro - tectlon District be accepted as per City Engineer's recommendation. The second matter brought before the Council by tM City Engineer me with regard to Mr. Maggio's request far the waiving of the posting Of a bowl. This ratter has already con approved by the Council. The City Engineer advised the Council that the pipe line would be rN4y for use as of November 19th, the date of the meeting. The dasdIlm had been set for November 20th, but had been met a day sooner. The City Engineer also advised the Council that they were lacking five authorized signatures to complete the Assessment District, LT.n /l. Stevens Creek, and it could, therefore, not be presented at this steet- im- The Wolfe Road Bridge has been designed and the beat tape of bridCe for this particular area seems to be a 'drop structure . It would be the most practical. The City Engineer asked the Council about the street deficiency repast that had been requested several months ago. He stated since therm were 38 sales of streets, that this would take considerable ties in eowe131ng. It was concluded that the biggest problems seem to OMMRW % round Blaney Avenue and Homastead Road with regard to drainage. 01en City .%nagar stated that they Would attempt to get the people laaolved interested In an assessment district, although previous attempts had not been too successful. D. REPORT OF THE CIT! Awom nzy The City Attorney informed the Council that he now had an agree- ment to be executed by the !Igor and City Cleric with the City of Sunny - vmte. This agreement covered the participation of both cities In the imatmllstion of the traffic stgam' at Homestead and Stoll ng inter - mMU*ft. The City Attorney resommandel that this Agreement be executed. Rw"d by 0ounoilmcu Sarah., Seconded by Counoilwem Dempster that am City Cleric \rp igsW to axaoate the agreement with 0 w ftq City Attnrney advised the Council that he had received a fosO e{ $eaolution from the County of their intention to take over t'paoa or the expressway that will go through Cupert3iw• Also till county viahed the City to adopt a Resolution consenting t0 t fag over by the County. �v�slor fines Trost %III Mt* imited, however aqy wrote to the County Counsel the City p s City reWluti _ t they L draw up lo�rltheil =sidaration. so that it to ble he MWt �SalB33s: VmwnffMM s A 9Mb- CoaStlea eee"M we C %jullA Cojlltsa - No�Der 21, 1962- ilh@ Council air °Bald be advisee'ta mired at ttai eent3ng. � . • +,-1 a -i'.'t • .. 'Miscellaneous -late gi AWOOA422f: 9:50 P. R. APPROVM A �-�iqty ilIel - -- /3 John REnetts yor