CC 10-29-62' 10321 90. SA1111TCCAAT$ AORD CITY OF CUPRRTTRO Cilifornia MMM or THB AWOMM CITE OMMIh: KMMM OF OCTOBER 29, 1962 FML Cahn Councilmen Present: Deventer, Jewett, Balch. Hesettl Councilmen Absent : FlnDb Manager Staff Present: City imsei! Connclluan Jewett, Seconded by Council Dempster that ia- Y_lanning ODNLI Lop had a meeting and would used ice Ttet the would use the City IbMV l► _ �s to =000:"f�^ >. ='ob the agenda. - &.�emoll then .dtowds 4s via iity. Manager'a Ott'" Inner, Stevens hlouleverd, Cupertino, ease Wells - e i�teaemt. H!{ he hd lived in the laity et of Lys lite for very little sdhhte the City 6ls rsgmat of some =000 ago to p�' tlights erene abd at the Texaco station end allo the let elemetl bstwe, the Texaco Station and the Catholic ^carob was not Tie City yAulger stated that W. Hear's requests bad bsm fbllawed up. The Torso street lighting had not been hooked up because of the faunae of Turco to pay the necessary hook -up charge to Pacific Oas 3 and asked for t his cooperation in Ting this lot owner cleaned up. Y y net raeelved a reply. It wad further stated that neither the City Connell nor the administration were trying to ignore Mr. Baer's request. However, we did need the cooperation of others in matters such as have I requested and sometimes it dma take a col.aiderable length of time before we can have the r�xhuests taken care of. The Nayor then stated that the purpose of the Study Session was to discuss the application for the construction park Avenue, service station on the northwest corner of Highway 9 and Xr. Uralt Eagleson, 10235 .°Huth Hielmay 9, addreased the Council an the City's policy of estabi?aring a given number of service stations in Cupertino. He pointed out :he economic v�lua to the C_ty through sales of gasoline and other itcOO ttht bolnter the Citya 'ireasury,- t'sosgh sane tax. The City point--d out that service stations do not contribute a past amount through 9xles tax and that gasoline salsomwe given in a r State per capita Mr zogl m stated that there were severallocationsinC1 ert that. he thought were acceptable sites for %ar011ne Rtations. W. aen- M- ned that the Williams sisters on the south east corner of %.;elling Road and Stevens Creek gas station. Be again Bsttaated the economic value t i e f othecity,that at the present time the taxes pr_id on thin property were $214.00 Per jw sad that rith the construct:.on of a gas statior, it would be f+r,00p.00. That it must also be kept in mind the employees that were hired, the payroll and deposits in local hanks. Mr. Anthony Ullo, 20820 W;C.Lellan Road, representing the Cali fam- W stated that major oil companies were interested in two pieces of the Cali, property for service station and that the Council should not ald not be held back girt` ppzwperty to their advantage rhich woull also be advmtageovslto the CAty of Cupertino. >WVW Beretta camNented that the City does have the power to set the IMAM r of service stations ir its administration of proper land age. The City Council has not, at are time, said that there are too ssr4 sbmeice stations. He further pointed out that up to the present time the Council had not toned Born a single application for a service statnan. However, I want to paint out thin observation, that in the reemmt applications for service stations, we have requested that the applimmats take into abnside:Btion aesthetic architectural values. That oa P[- Control committee Les been quite diligent in prooessing ser- vtes station plans, An a result of their close checking, I think we as � _. m sc. of the best looking service stations in Santa Clara a 1 �. ilrasell Be 320 Market Street, San F • Loo, represented Vestarn the a star station o construction. He g08stioned the we for a We Permit for as City Manager stated that this was more or less a standard policy with Oltiaa in Calltornia. Be Questioned the City Manager's statement ststan that he did not agree that there were in majority, cities Using a no pmt policy. Be said that the reason ha was pyeaeat was that he h& h5ard that the City of Cupertino was going to Wt a fswems on gaO.�aRgaua. Jewett stated, we ass getting around the yeboutttelr of for this Study 5105!08•. We hRae bees tatl[� abont �aatl�l- pamen in Cupertino and I think a ebmdd st tUXl ttomo" !tae m" stems. Bear }. OW �iderit stated ' lanes the City the boa bbeeen si IMPOVIa� amd ! �0ag0eA bard for inooz9oeatLoo. I don't need a gas statimn to am" :a 21VIng, but I can tell you that 4 gps station will stay inhere It -So 40 ling as I live. Councilmen Dempster asked Mr. Baer if he was witbdramiM him appeal? NCO , i W staated, you helped b you plea with it. I will not withdrew Comeailm n Dempster asked George Volker, the City's Planning Con- mitmat If & for gas preparation ta s. Mr. Volkeesaid that there will be several differunt types of land use and that the present policy of a use permit should be continued as to the proper location of this type of businesa. Bat that we will not specifically point out on the General Plan, looa -- tions for gas stations. Councilman Dempster asked Mr. Volker if he would be in a position to give an analysis of gas stations and their economic value to the Cie and also their Mr. ntribution and value to the an analysis would be e Mr. hcglesor commented on the nu✓ber of Shell Stations in Cupertino and the difficulty he had gettirg to one. Inasmuch as this was the only credit card that he carried. Councilman Dempster said that this was not a matter for discussion that this was up to Mr. Engleson to take care of. Mr. Setmar asked if the use permit policy could be continued with the acceptance of the Master Plan. The Hayor and Councilman Dempster said pos!.tively yea. Mr. Morris Smith, the Shell oil Company representative stated his compsny'a position and what they planned to do in constructing the gas etation. Be outlined the type of construction that was to be used, the set backs and the landscaping which would add to the general beau- tification of the City. Councilman Dempster asked if the developer was going to conform to the type of construction that Shell oil planned to use on their build- ing. Be said that we were given fast sales talks on the Shell Station an the corner of Blaney and Stevens Creek and that there was to be a Motel in oonjunetion with the Shell Station. This, we find, is rot goisg to be done. I would like to to sure that what ve request in the design of the Smell Station that the rest of the development in the area conform. Mr. George Brenner, representing the developer stated that they warm. psltively going to folluw in detail the type of exterior con - atsmstioa that would Le used on the Gas Station. CMM02 M Jewett again stated that we were once again getting beyond the limits of the item cn the agenda and would like to con- fine Ww discussion to this tatter only. All of the Council agreed teat shin is what should be done. Mme Mayor &eked Mr. Brunner if he use interent in the gas station. 2 i R!. Daams! stated, yes, tMt 0e represented the laid order " the developer. 'me •yor asked if them me any further discussion on the gas sa -- tine. mare being pone, it ro saved by Councilman Dempster and Softwood by Councli an Jewett that the meeting be adjourned. 9:40 P.M. APPROVW: /S/ John Heestti _ 3 -