CC 10-03-6230. 9ARATOOA- ALH ROAD AL ^'ijlf'j
RUM 10321 So. Saratoga- Surmyvale Road
?Jdm: 8: V P.M.
3� W" CALL:
.0MM011sen Presents DnVoter, Pinch, 4e9011Z Web, Hwtti
01 !'ltledt6 commisalrameas Pesent. Adams Fuser 1d, "Ouch.
Musin Ctani 1i
Tlanbing Comeissiomen •level: Small
am" Present: City name", City Engineer, dity Clerk -- and
n _ Oe0Nge Talker. 'Wilsey, Bea b Blass in the eoatraet
-'bar the General 'lam.
llelic: Louis 3todKonvis. Sr. and Miriam Sermtl.
George Volker: I have been elected to supervise the day-to-day
work, routine, research and reports on the subject of the Cuper-
tino General Plan, to be performed in accordance with the exist-
ing contract. All this work will be subject to George Getter's
editing and will be in progress for the next IS months, approxi-
mately -- actually, not quite that long, as you will note from
the production schedule which i have just distributed. I am
relatively new with the firm.
As to background. I have a 3achelor's Degree in Public Administra-
tion from UCLA and a Graduate Degree in city and regional planning
from the University of California in Berkeley. I have also done
graduate study at Harvard. My working experience has been as
Planner.= Director for the cities of San Leandro and Merced -- also
a few years as City Manager of Turlock. Therefore, I appreciate
your prc -lems In that I have been on your side of the table for
quite sere time. Other qualified planners will assiat in the
compilat -on of data including economic, geographic, and demo-
graphic material. Pour graduate Flamers will be available.
At the last meeting Mr. Volker said he noted considerable interest
In the concept of the central core of the city, the future City
Hall site, and the delineation of the downtown district. Solu-
tions have been delayed until the planning firm has had time to
make a s•.ifficient study.
With regard to the actual contract, Mr. Volker reported that his
firm dii not have authority to proceed until September 15, at
which trY this authorization was received from the local plan-
ning office in Sacramento. Prior to this the City had agreed to
provide drafting assistance, and arrangements are now being made
for someone on the City payroll to do such work. Data - gathering
and a larVA use inventory will be the first steps. Referring to
the production schedule entitled "Cupertino General Plan Program,"
Mr. Volker said that the Council and Commission have asked the
consulta::t to provide due dates. The schedule submitted here this
evening is predicated on Wilsey, Ham 3 Blair's contract with the
State and also on a similar contract between the City and State.
Mr. Volker said that there is sufficient time between each major
step of the program to enable the Planning Commission and interes-
ted public to digest the various phases. In order to be meaning -
ful the program has to be understood as it goes along. The firm
will be able to finish by January, 1964. Much of the basic work
will be completed by Jura or next year.
The research phase of the program will be conducted from November
1, 1962 to January /, 1963 and will include theme preparation ctof b
base maps, a land use survey, already started, P y
November 15. Further research will be. accomplished with the aid
of the County planning staff and will include population cMmc-
terist3cs, economic resources, and base regional patterns, ex-
isting official plans, physical lisitations, and a3:iets N*•:dy,
Including drainage, rater courses, low line land, high quality
agrieuiture of built up areas, major highways and roads. Also
include will be reasons for the incorporation of the community
`aid established freeway routes-
Traffic ca capacity of existing land and studied.
generating pe 7
Existing zoning, including measurements and tabulations, will be
;M Jnwary 1, 1969 the p neent utilities study will be ooeiplete,
afs hats)) ass 7 selesol enrOnmewi study. p u* aid recreation
study, ul .� regional and local problems. !gym
v111 acemaggay czs. -- ly
J,jf jewm* Al4%nt! 1,'2963 the Namig tblpnitmt x111 suase
the seonoq, the population (with s forecast). glee esPloyment
and perchaaLK pswas,'•'fhtwv land requireamats, future school en-
rollemst, future utility needs.
on March 1. 1963 the design phase includes the completion of a
lavelopmant policy, assumption. objectives, and principles. By
"'March 1, 1963 a Sketch Phan and sp will be available for semi
public review and analysis.
General 1plann,, along withla report stating principles, dens�Y,ry
building intensity, recommended interim physical development
policy, pending adoption of General Man, and neighborhood boun-
daries and names.
official wnilll be discussion of
months for revision of the General Man and the 'nclusion ct such
design as residential development, open spaces, broad zoning,
commercial land, urban renewal, capital improvement prograa,
staged development, extension of municipal services, and precise
plans as needed.
public Blair will assist the City in the hearing wbttbts. Final October 1, 19wrevisionam
a Bl
will be complete (according to the schedule) in October, 1963,
and the final document will be sent to the printer.
The zoning ordinance and the subdivision ordinance will be re-
vised by O- cember 1, 1963.
January 1, 1964 is scheduled as the delivery date for the final
printed report " zap.
Volker: The research people are now studying the population
characteristics and developing statistics to indicate, for exam-
ple, that the community is composed, to a great extent, of young
people, which, therefore, !means many children, considerable
catteeoregionaal and heavy cal problems sneeds. hat will
where we need to move and in what manner.
General discussion and queSUOTIS started at this point.
I • • • + • • • • * e • + • * * • • r a • • s s ► • • • a a * • ,
'The Mayor thankad Mr. Volker for familiarizing the Council and
planning Comriasion with his back3round. He then asked Volker
if he Plan-
ning rioamisa onnas expressed inea� previous meeting with George
Mr. Volker answered that he has a-very large file of data related
"bo the Cupertino general Man, and he will make every effort to
absorb that wrKtten material as cell as learning any other back -
grouM material. Mr. Getter will appraise each phase of the
- General run.
• 0
The Mayor t ioahad snoohk
wW lerttthe tm, thanoeorgetteer,and w Mr. Volker. He
expressed the hope t be trm City can keep one man on the job.
Mr. Volker responded that he, himself, bas an interest in seeing
this plan through all the way alonii, and
ensaid he is confident
that he wi)? supervise the program in
CLarlb Seeder, t1a`ihaisaan Of the 1 ngsi0on 0 asioohe asked
lbikaraboat tbar'"ag of -the Planning
of Coordination•
N!:'YOLEer answered tW!`00 P2ala61n6 00mg*10n's best, role lies
in a.Candid, boaeat WOVIas) ;$f every single item paweaented to them
" a part of the'Oeeaf4al "=- t!�gaM. Hs asked for both severe
and sincere understanding and taaea the Cosels loon to question in
any way it saw fit and ehallenge any of the findings or indica-
qipms presented in tbi'p'}jSram. TMs is the best way for the firm
to determine that tbey -ark doing a good job.
Mr. Snyder asked if the tine allotted for public review of the
plan is realistic.
Volker: Possibly not, although the schedule indicates about four
months. The completion date shown is January 1, 1964:
Contract with the State allows them until January 30, 1964• He
the letter of authorization arrived, thus cuttingtwo
intonthe before
petted year and a half by about two months. He said they have a
verbal arrangement with the State to continue on the job a couple
of additional months if necessary in order to finish the project
Councilman Jewett asked Volker if he, himself, will present the
Volker: Yes, I will. On some occasions I may be accompanied by
other members of the staff who have done research on a particular
question. 7eorge Getter may come along on some occasions, or
other experts.
Councilmen ?inch asked Mr. Volker if he has been given to under-
stand that the City Council does not want applicants for �io rezoning
or other permits to approach or contact Volker or any of
his firm in private. All contacts should be made through correct
Mr. Volker answered in the affirmative. saying that they Nave al-
ready been contacted and have politely refused. It 1s not their
job to get involved with current applications under the present
contract, nor is it ethically proper, as far as tie is concerned.
nallyYdiscu eeddrthe deletion oflcertaintphasesiin thee GPr-aralgi
Plan. He mo,
d rail been resolvedtby the State oodfaCalifornia, as c r
fac asCupertinoid
aid storm concern On the otherraharde for needta zoning ordinance. City has a Master
Volker: I agree; we will not engage in engineering studies on
the aforem- ntionwed phases but will bear in mind the specific needs
of the City of Cupertino. There will be no undue emphasis on
engineering which he described as a thing apart from the plan.
The firm will complete the zoning ordinance by December 1, 1963,
and it is suppos_d to be based on what the General Pl•in requires.
They may find some needs unique to Cupertino, and the ordinance
Will show originality and be designed for a particular use, not
merely a rewritten standard ordinance.
Mr. Snyder said that he agrees with Councilman Dempster in that
one month my not be sufMeient to review the ordinance. How
about presenting it with the General Plan'
Mr. Tfolher answered that the comenity phosoi will be agreed
mpsw sa the General Plan. Hb il
acknowledged d that mend
bey could allow
as" time to renew the zoning code, but
mmt the matter Y considered simultaneously with the General
Ur, Sggder asked --, they could consider it prior to t.%O General
v4pon Not practical. Be said that he will study the program
409 MU Dknow better in three to fire months what reeeheduling
$olleh: Bomp.Ar. Molter have all of the plans al-
pbeitted to the cityvrr- :dhAmld we let him see the" before
gets wodr my„ gM1's : an the otter hand. rai2d you prefer
see any of them at- all': .
_ No. There bas bpen.elo;mtfort to obtain this material.
lY mRM% a be better it' we 41N1!t foe .such applications. On the
mmmr hand, it is p-.ssible that some valuable information might
'ts.omerlooked. &_ &&1d that; he would be willing to listen to the
peemeatation of such plans at a public meeting but would not com-
amt at such time.
i ,hd Is interested in �ld-
�possibil _'; that indivldualpreseen presentations will be
sin the back -caa.
Qolkvr: I do ^ =: +cant to sidestep any issue, L,.-,t my function and
the function cf tue firm is to recommend the :;est development con-
cept for the _� t* cf Cupertino from the viewpoint of the communit7
as a ebole and frcc the viewpoint of the Plana .g Commission and
Council as re::°=aetatives. It might be that -,ney will make a
reeeoendatioa arch differs from the Plann:.r Commiosion's view -
a), but ,e a o f dilln can
adopt the Pla-. 7t-,s general, orecommeenda: onwnot be
influenced b; a.-,T ::dividual developers or eve- Councilmen indi-
v13malry or Tit's✓ =a Commissioners individual'-. We prefer to
present a pure :;i-nin, scheme without the "Le ^ef :t of beefing
by vatslde irt^es :s.
+wsioner ?= :--erald: I still don't quite �.Cerstard. Do you
C e
(zz.l]oer) have :-V _lane and applications presented or not?
Pau City M nsger :-.swered that he has sent these papers author -
iLed 7 the C -t- :zncil as recommended by the ?- mowing Commission.
Casrssloner Third said that he is happy to .see by the outline
teat it is maw _ ;vsed to analyze the commLn. ty and then submit
the General h px � the th s subject, he sajO. andbleamat
glad to see t.`.at we now have the horse in fror.: of tLe cart and
I Hope we can keel him there. Applicants have made ac issue of
the possibill" :. '!nequal representation of the plans to the
b +ng staff c' Wi.sey, Hea s Blair. What formula is there by
"doh we can sa::s:`: ourselves that all the material is
Us the hands of :`e person doing the Master Plan? Can your staff
So over this aster =al to be sure that all pertinent information
1s in the hams :f tie Planner?
tblmmer: The piccf of the plan is in the eati y;. If anything
looks Incomplete. the firm will redo it. .at I cannot believe
that this will !s;^en.
laoeard: Could -ou propose a formula for getting the information
flea the plarr.:- Commission to your staff? F71 would be pleased
to move direct ca oxacation with anyone designated, and I am
willing to be responsible for our part, inasmuch as I do not
tswel and I at. *zssally available.
lsotaeh: How will the researchers tie down t:ie numerous variables,
tam one c dependent the be
tamoaotia1l,7 correctbunot accurate asfar the City f `
0 i
om*erAnO is concerned.
Vo2lmn Variables do arise, but the analysis will be d 04 the
Meet i rends, w`.ich are h _story, pre
se~, and saturati -;, point-o, and the plan will ineoryOaate the
slea.tic role that the City of Cupertino will want to tehe in
VISM of DRY Region. O� role inn to determine what istyliftl7 to on-
What tole W11I tW Idebo of the peopflW` bANT�tL �
mmy. How mill y�OO�Utlh eo ty senSitUlUit tl� t� TLn-
'� j Mecaussionr '
over Fitzgerald said that this is essentially She @ssetlOD
- ``odtj* aoliey statement.
#]isl: We will analyze the data to the best of okkV aLillty and
Stwe the plamitg commission wdrat Appears to be the .Lest course.
min ask how our kilogram strikes you and c even debate the
alyset with you. We will then draft a plan and try to give vary
memaon for its contents. The acceptance or rejection must be done
by the planning Commission.
Councilman Saich: We already have land zoned for commercial,
apartments, etc.. will you include this zoning in your plan?
Volker: We are nrepardng a plan for you to consider; it doesn't,
b7 Itself,
Canty plancf. -r uzpoernitning. areahforwconsiidderaationh
In their stuffy.
'the Mayor that -ced Mr. Volker for his presentation.
RECESS - 9 :30 P.M.
♦ ♦ ♦ ► • • • • • a ♦ ♦ r • ♦ ♦ + s • ♦ ♦ • s • • r r r s r + r
The in big Jcomma lcat_oneof Council Octoberh3tthat Cupertino Z contribute the
sea of 4500 :' vbldcize the Santa Clara Valley Water Conservation
District Doti .ssue.
Cb -cilman Rai, -: That seems O.K. -- we can discuss it later on
if it is necess =ry to talk about it more.
Carcilman Jewett: $500 seems in line.
CxIncilma., P.-ch stated that the City Attorley has said we would
be free to donate as much as five percent (5�) of revenue accruing
to the Genera: fund in one year. Why is $500 maximum, he asked.
I think water importation is the most important thing to hit this
valley. I wc__J like an explanation why the City Mang
mends only $:-N. There may be a good reason.
Conocilman S` :c.•.: We could always appropriate aother $500.
Comeilmar Jewett: No one is srguing that the program is of good.
gweryone is in a3reement on that point, and I fee: $500 19 a aize-
aLle donation, tt,at it 1s sufficient and proportionate to the
City's financial condition.
me Mayor said that the ri&ure of 4500 0 seemtionlittle more
cal_ _eaides, we can do other
of geney. He noted that the $500 Is Supposed to be spent for
paa►lieity purposes within the Cit;- of Cupertino.
»treed ^ Councilman Jewett that tt.e sum of $500 as recommended
W am City Manager be appropriated to be used for the Santa
492011ma Valley Flood Controi and Mater 0onserration District
bad program, a warrant to be drawn Immediately. Seconded by
V 9
Mm disi.131110n, Councilman Pinch said that he feel$ the Cl", la ob-
li¢ted to give a fair figure, and $1,000 is supposed to be needed.
wage m the question: 5 to 0.
wit ty1e�eT� � amount � Pp� sufficient, they can ad-
` - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
ippr referred to an article in the Sunnyvale Standard pub-
that . 3 ip yied the City .of Ca:rtino -
p,..� ft4 q ox ; !!h the, lostal2ation 0 a -
3 " mli�sl •t ; Ue111M. . MW anrtiale . "nt on to
c^ that tht of the inter•sotiea eoalA Oe the
"' of a svere aao3 fad asked why Cupertino h ■caey for
e am
c# n' boada anmd" IiMtlt an eigoa1. 2tw MYyol! etatsd that
CSZ7 is not ! as nentionsd in the MU02e, and
Milo$ to serve hbtL .e4kmm and coops�te with Snnyvale on
tlatttia sign'. 'i.Ye nui& #o.�o ahead an %41st sattlr, and the
f♦ierds will show that ¢hie !a the case. Nhile,the City of Cuper-
.tafao is not ice, the' Meyer said that members of the
teals City Oommnail -are .im0mrished in their thinking if tiiey
hold up the traffic •siAal, the etaence of which could result in
accident or death, due to the question o^ a $3,000 item-
"M City Manager repotted that George Oakes' letter asked the
Commission to delay planting the trees until the homes are occu-
pded. He said he could see nothing wrong with this request. As
to the sidewal:ce, we will need a positive determination on the
cause of the cracks before acceptance of Tracts nts$o0 and
Relative to the replacement of existing pa
Estates Drive, the City Manager said that he will call the con-
tractor for an estimate. The fence request appears to be logical,
and the Storm recommended
the bbui builder
as they would be of no
value now.
YI BUM SERVICZ STATION _ Entrance on Stevens Creek Blvd.
ofeHigghway rleaarrnedethatatheir office doesdnott recotamendvanion
entrance on Stevens Creek Blvd. However, inasmuch as the County
of Santa Clara is the agent of the State within county limits,
they would very likely follow County recommendation. Therefore,
Mr. Baer is entitled to contact the County to see if he can get
the County to recommend a change in plans.
Councilman Dempster asked the City Manager to so inform Mr. Baer.
Councilman Saich said that the State may have a severance clause
in the agreement for the Beer property since they paid severance
on the Dixon a Parrish properties nearby. It might be possible to
save some severance money, he said.
The up Manager said that the
o h
attorney, since enCounty lisa thett agen ofht the
State in the matter.
civic center sites until dinner, S:00eP.M., onnOct bere15. Soof
Q. Councilman Saich sugvested they discuss the Foothill Express-
way, in view of the substantial sum of money the City may have to
!de City Manager advised that be iden "I to John think x118011 go
omner of the adjoining pmuperty, who w
for the 120 feet.' Rim partner's approval is needed. however. and
he is out of town until )brx.ay. At that time t w City should be
able to get an answer. Vilson did nay that they were hoping for a
lesser amount of the 120 feet to come off the easement side.
councilman Dempster maintained that the City should not make ofri-
clal comments on the $TO.C*U needed for Foothill Expressway as
•M AVIOU P - -- 10SO5 Y.M.
ce K. Martin
/s/ John O. " i
Tor Et