CC 09-04-6210321 So, Sarato_e- *ulyval� Foad AL 2 -'±505 C I T Y OF C U P E R T I N O open no, calliornie 1QWM OF THE RS,OLS(. MEETING OF THE CITY COUNCIL - SEPTEMWR 4, 1962 PLACti: 10321 So. Saratoga - Sunnyvale Road 1'216 : 8:00 P.M. I SALVN To TEE FLAG II WQ CALL: Councilmen Present: Dempster, Saich, Benetti Counc!lrren Absent : Finch, Present: City Znginee Jewet� ll ' City Manager's Secretary Sta III WW= OF TPS PRMWS MbZTM: August 20, 1962 Moved by Councilmen Saich, seconded d fig Councilman D°mpeterrthat minotes of August 20th, 1962 approved IV lUhWT OF TM PLANNING COMKESSION: (See Planning Commission minutes of August 27, 1962) Chairmen Charles K. Snyder of the Planning Commission made a request from the audience that the City Council re- activate Ordinance No. 002 (H) which covers M1 -H zoning and set a date as soon as possible for Public Hearings. Councilman Saich asked Chairmen Snyder If the Ordinance was needed immediately. The answer was no, but that they felt it was a good ordinance, one that had been given a lot of time and effort, and that the time involved in adopting an ordinance was such, ttt by the time it was adopted the need may be urgent. It was explalned by Mayor Benetti that this Ordinance was one of many that had been tabled by the Council for the Planner whc :ad contracted with the City to do our General Plan, had an opportunity to review them. ':ouneilman S31ch moved that the Ordinance,No. 002(H) be taken from the t±t:e and set for Public Hearing on September 17th, 1962, the next regular C "incil meeting. Seconded by Councilman Dempster. AYES: Councilmen: Dempster, Saich, Benetti NAYS: Cour.:ilmen: None ABSENT: Ccuu::llmen: Finch, Jewett MOTION CARRIM 3-0 - 2 ABSENT. Chairman Sr�ier stated that at the last Planning Commission meeting it had been arranged for Mr. George Gatter to meet with the Cc=13sion with some sort of outline of how he was going to prepare the Master Plan for the City of Cupertino. Mr. Snyder requested that the City Council attend ^hi.s meet- ing with the Planning Commission on October 3rd, 1y6z at 8:00 P.M. :1e Council agreed to do so. V ORAL AND wRIrM COMMUNICATIONS Mr. Gene Revizza stepped forward from the audience to request the City Council to endorse a =7.4,000,000.00 bond election for Foothill College to construct tneir second campus in Cupertino. Mayor Benettl agreed that thie bond election was vital in that the campus being constructed in Cupertino would benefit the City and the community. The City Clerk was asked to Rive the Shmolution that Mr. Ravizza submitted to the Council for their adoption, endorsing this bord election. Councilman Saich moved that Resolution 649 be adopted endorsing the $14,00o,000.00 bond election with s yes -ote. 4econdea by Councilmen Duster. - 1 - Atgg: C=-_ n: Dempster, Saich, BenMi RAYS: C �^.cilm>n: None ABSENT: Cou:,c'.lmen: Pinch, Jewett MD?IGN cARRI:L: 3 -0 - 2 ABSENT 1. Letter from Trafficways Committee Chairman, Fred J. Logan, re.;uesting that a Letter of Record be submitted by the City of Cupertino designating the Delegate and Alternate Representatives to the County of Santa Clara Traffic - ways Committee. Councilman Saicb, who is already serving as the Dele- gate to this Committee, agreed to continue on, and Councilman Dempster agreed to act as Alternate Repre- sentative. It was ordered by the Council that the Trafficways Co®ittee Chairman be so advised by letter. 2. Letter from Haywood Hoses, hard Crump, Developer pro- testing the additional charges requested by Mark Tbomes, Inc. in connection with Baywood Terrace $1 and the inspestiops thereof. Be requested that this job be transferred to the administrative staff and any charges still to be paid for checking and inspection fees be deposited with and spent by the C-ty Administrative staff. Mayer Benetti stated that he felt that the City Council should not become involved between a developer and the Consulting Engineer as far as charges were concerned. That the Council had set a pc_.1cy when setting up the City Staff in Engineering that all projects that had been started by Mark Thomas would be completed by Mark Thomas. The Councilmen present concurred with the Mayor's statement. It was suggested by Councilman Saich that this matter be referred to the City Manager and, if the problems as stated in Mr. Crump's letter, co:•.ld not be re- sclved, that the matter should ag °in be brought tc the attention of the Council. 3. Letter from the Division of Ri, ;hways, signed by J. P. Sinclair, Assistant State High ::3y Engineer. This letter referred to the Wolfe Ro. t, the freeway. The letter was written to call the iac: to the attention cf the Coun oil that ro portion. ::olfz Road between Homestead Road and Stevens C.e- -. Boulevard had been constructed nor is the reed under construction. The Division of Highways - -- -= =1 to know if the construction would be completed *,. c`1- summer 1964, at which L'5mz the State was to have the interchange under conctr'uctiur.. Ma;or Benetti stated, and the Councilcen present acme.:, that the City Mang ^r should write to Mr. Sin_lalr and assure him that the City will cooperate wi:h the State in the construction of Wolfe Road as agreed In December of 1959, by Resolution No. 2_- - L. Letter from Mrs. J. M. Goodman, 10591 LaRodd Di•ive, Cupertino, commending the Recreation Program ant expressing her appreciation for the f7.ne job dome by the ytvng people in charge at 1atcn SchorI She further stated that other oothers In the neighborhood expiessed their appreciation along wits hers. 5. Summary of Actions, County of Santa Clara Planning Commission k Board of Zoning Adjustment - Regular Mee zing of August 15, 1962. 6. Resolution - Amendment No. 5 to the County of Santa C: ra Expressway Policy Resolution A�!apted Decem- ber 2-7, 196o. 7. Lmendmer*. t Constitution (Proposed) be submitted to the ?lectors of the State of California at the Gene-al 'nl 'on Tuesday November 6, 1962. ec " Action 8. Letter from Cook and Wilson, re: zoning - /postponed to 9/17/62. 9. Board of Supervisors e s of Santa Clare County, Summary of 0yor Benetti read a memo from the City Manager asking if the Council felt that a somd truck should be hired to publicize the meeting September 11, 1962, at which Mr. Don Currlin, gb&Wmel_msnager of the Kiel` Conservation Districtawili speak on the WatertBond snd Um" to be put before the electorate on the November 6th Ballot. Ug"d by Councilman Dempster, Seconded by Councilmen Saich that the City Manager be Instructed to procure e September d truck to circulate around Cupertino, publicizing meeting In order to get woad to voters of this important meeting. AIM: councilman: Dempster, Saich, Benetti XhyS: Councilmen: None ASSENT:Councilmen: Finch, Jewett MDTION CARRIED: 3 -0 - 2 Absent. Councilman: Saich suggested that the Mayor appoint a Committee onrhoweth-'s Bond Issue willpbenefittthe people ooftSanta Clara County, par:tt ularly the people of Cupertino. Mr. Donald Kay. President of the American Little League Club stepped forward from the audience and stated that he had sent a letter to. the Council and asked if it had been received. Mayor Ben-_-:i Informed Mr. Kay that this letter had been in- cluded in :`e City Manager's report and they had planned to take it W ;t the time the City Manager's report was read. However, s;-ze Mr. Kay was present, they would be happy to take it up 3: this time. Mr. Kay's :eater was read and Mr. K. ^.y added that had the League been requlr =3 to pay the business license fees, it would have decreased -.heir profit from the Carnival held in July oy some 00. 5a informed the Council that :he Club had made come 1300.00 c- the Carnival. Moved by :.=:ilman Salch, seconded by Councilman Dempster that when : -e Little League again sponsored a Carnival during the year 13, that the business license fees be waived. AYES: Cour._ilmen: Dempster, Salch, Benetti HAYS: Cei:r._ 41men: None ABSENT: Counz I lmen: Finch, Jewett IDTION CARRIED: 3-0 - 2 ABSENT. Mayor Bere : :i commented that he was sure that had the other two Cou:vilxn, Finch and Jewett, been present that they would also nave voted for this worthy endeavor. VI PUBLIC Lit ;PINGS: A. ORDI'.,',' NC2 220: Prohibiting Certain Land Uses For Resi- dential D:strlct, Being Single Family (R -1), Duolezes (R -2 -1i), and Apartment Houses (R -3 -H), and Declaring The Urzancy There. -f. The ponediuntil September ul7thh,, sinceOxitti needed N e a 4 /5thsvote to be enacted. *l:re there vas no one L^. the audience to speak foi or rgpinat the zn ctment of -:.is Ordinance, Councilman Dempster uvved that Public. Wiring be postponed +until the next similar mee:l:.- when the entirz Cr,uncil would be present so vote. Se -ended by Councilman Saich. Alm: Courtilmen: Dempster, Saich, Benetci BRIM: Coir.:ilmen: None Air: Coua:llmen: Pinch, Jewett Ronan CARRIM: 3 -0 - 2 ABSM- Councilmen Dempater moved that all correspondence r be received sag oe filed, Seconded by Coailmmn Saich. All In I= dopn[ANM AID FWOLUTI0IS PIOR ADOPTION: AL. Resolution Honoring Post Public service of Nick Lssaneo. Ruy= Penetti rose and X I the Resolution honoring Nick Ias•neo and - .banked Mr. Iwsaneo on behalf of the people of pgertino and the Council for sll the services that bed been performed by Mr. Lasanso sa Councilman and Mayor. The Mayor then requested that Mr. Laranso take a seat at the Council TJable as art interested citizen for the reminder of the meet - IM. Roved by Councilman Dempster, Seconded by Councilman Saich The Reaclu:l_n honoring Rick J. Lazaneo be adopted as of the date of ::.is meeting. A-=: Ccur_ :11men: Dempster. Saich, Benetti ULTS: C, _. ::_ .en: I:O:.e _ ABSENT: :z-- , _: e . - . _ eve Mayor Bene ::l xntioned that a Resolution was also being Pre- ;>--red hone: � Anthony J. Pelosi and would be presented to r- m at the :ax: regular oeeti.-g . ORDINAti:= =(L): An Ordiranee of the City of Cuper'lno Amendl:5 :rilnance Mo. :rU b;( Addir- The Claaaitication "PUnnel - :=unity Distri :'.a (PC -RJ. Recommended by Planrl:; ::mmission: Resolution No. _10. First F.eacln_. City A:::rne5: asked if tare were an/ c:.=menta from tre !:our. v wing none. Sae ,tent on t� explain wk, this Dr31nance m teen recoe:,ded by the Planning Commissior. for enactment. Tae Ordinance was for a p:sn,-jc1 community and designed to .ake cafe :' '2rpe blocks of lend. The City Attorney further explained ■::! : "e 25 acres was put into the ordinance. :f a parcel of :::,1 was less than 25 acres it could not be developed Bless a : of propert} owners could put their parcels together a-._ -;ecelop their lands in this way. Then.` =y av-iding small communities" throughout th-' city. The City ; r::ey went on to recd the remaining points in Resolution S:. 110 and Co==11man Dempster moved that the City Attor._7 be instructed t incorporate these recommerda- ziona intc :-e Ordinance for the next rtnelamartmeetingecat wh1ch time : .^:r ne Council cld by Councl: Saich. AIES: Ccu7:41men: Dempster, Saich, Benetti RATS: Cc,- .:llmen: None ARHBNT: C::._:_11xn: Pine, Jewett NOTION CAF_?:. 3 -0 - 2 A SMr: VIII pATINO BIL:Z : Resolution : -.. In the absence of Councilman JewcC:, Mayor Remtti was a ^pointed as Vice- Treasurer. 4 Move: ov Counctuan Saich, Seconded by Cottilman Dempster that ? -esolution No. 543 be adopted. AYES: Councilmen: Dempster, Saich, Benetti NAYS: Councilmen: None ABSENT: Ca'mcilmer.. Finch, Jewett MOTION CARRIED: 3-0 - 2 ABSENT Resolution So. 644. Moved by Councilman Saich, Seconded by Councilman Dempster that Resolution No. 644 be adopted. AYES: Councilmens Dempster, Saich, Benetti NAYS: Councilman: lase ABSENT: Councilmen: llach, Jewett NDTIOK CARM3Ds 3-0 - 2 ABSENT Councilman Dempster, noting that the two applicants covered in the Unfinished Btisfaess portion of the Agenda were present, moved that their applleatlons be taken out of order so that they would rot be regstred to sit through the routine part of the agenda. Seconded by Councilman Saich. All ayes. Z. UNFIAT.SHED BUSINESS: A. FF=- CLARK: Application No. 18- T.M. -62 for approval of tentative nap, property located between Regnart Road and Lindy Lars. 37 lots: R- 1:B -2. Approved by ?Tanning Commission. Mr. Splitstone from George Nolte, Engineers, represented the applicant. Mr. Splitstone stated that there was considerable discussion regarding the sidewalks in this subdivision. He remarked that when War: Crump had developed in this area, the sidewalks had been waived, since it was a hillside area. He said that, other thar. this point, the rlanning Commission had approved the tentative sap. Another point was brought up re- garding the slope of Segnart. That it be changed from 2C% to 17 %. Councilan Saich moved that the tentative map be approved with the .ru`3ested change in slope on ReSnart Creek from 20% to 17% and that the matter of the sidewalks be referred to the City Engineer's office to be determined at the time of the approval of the final map. AYES: Councilmen: Dempster, Saici., Benetti NAYS: Councilmen: None ABSENT: Councilmen: Mach, Jewett MOTION CARRIED: 3-0 - 2 ABSENT B. DEr CLIFFE ESTATES SUBDIVISION: Request for approval of revised tentative map altering street pattern. Approved by Planning Comodsaion. Mr. Dal Toggetto represented Deep Cliffe developers. A copy of the map was posted an the board and the Council was appraised of the new street pattern. Mr. Tcggetto remarked that by cutting a street throu&h, they, tie developer, ticr: losing a total cf four lots. The City Attorney remarked Lhat the Planning Commission had been ver_r impressed with this change and felt that it enhanced the entire traot. Moved b: Councilman Saich, seconded by Councilman Dempster that the revised tentative zap dated July 27th be approved. AYES: Councilmen: Dempster, Saich, Benetti MAYS: : ouncilmen: Ncoe ABSENT: Zouncilnen: Finch, Jewett C. County Water Coasission. Mayor ixr.etti stated that he felt this item had been well cc.ered at the beginning of the aeeting, aLsln mentioning the meeting on September 11th at which Don Currlin was to speak. • • IX. REPORT OF 0MCW AID CO DUMOM M A. Report of City Treasurer No further report. *r. Report of City Manager: portions In the absence of i of the Manager's reportfor thegCounci d l that required action' 1. iMOdrCity A~�i1sS�e� a3so covered in to wait the until City Snginaer repo than to tat:* action. 2. 1901 Pipe N: MOW 9: The City Manager's report covered HIgthmays baamdown fortthe pipe that wasiinstalled on Siglew 9• 4-%e s_ -count of money required to meet the desuld; of the State will be approximately $2,000.00. Coencilmsn Saich recommended that this matter be turned over to the City Manager with instructions that he con- tact the District Engineers, either Mr. Hayler or Mr. Sinclair to a" if there is any other course open to the City. 3. Stevens McCarthy k�Spiesmanshouid also belcocontacted for tatbid on this pro,',ect. 4. Fleming's Report an Stevens Creek: The Council requested that they all receive copies of this report, since it Is two years old and their copies are no longer available. C. Report 4f City Engineer: 1. Storm Drain Reimbursement Agree�ent: Alpha Land Compani. Moved by Cour..Ilmar. Dempster that Resolution No. 653, covering the above a;;reemen: be adopted. Seconded by Councilman Saich. AYES: Councilmen.: Dempster, Saich, Benetti MAYS: Councilmen: None ABSENT: Councilmen: Pinch, Jewett MOTION CARRIED: 3-3 - 2 ABSENr. 2. L & H REALTY (Edwardo T. Calvo) OFFICE BUILDING ON SILVERADO AVENUE: All plans have beer, submitted to and approved by the City Engineer'a office. All bonds, agreements, etc. have also been put up and it is expected to be approved by Sanitary District Board on September 5th, 1962. Councilman Saich moved that Resolution No. 651 be adopted authorizing the City Engineer to sign plans only after they have been approved ail signed by ..he Sanitary District. Seconded by Councilman Dempster. • V AYES: Councilmen: Dempster, Saich, Benetti NAYS: Cow:cilmen: None ABSENT, Councilmen: Finch, Jewett MOTION CARRM. 3 -0 - 2 ABSENT Moved by Councilmen Saich, seconded by Councilmen Dempster that Resolution No. 652 be adopted. AYES: Councilmen: Dempster, Saich, Benetti NAYS: Councilman: None AffiMIT: Councilmen: Finch, Jewett NOTION CARRIED: 3 -0 - 2 ABSENT 3. thceO The-bank offset from e entrline of the new portionf Rodrigues Avenue of approximately 5.feet. This request was made because the property line location is not in ;orrect alignment for direct alignment across Saratoga - Sunnyvale Road. Due to the width of Saratoga - Sunnyvale Road, there shouldn't be any traffic problem if this deviation from the Neighborhood Plan in allowed. Councilman Saich expressed an objection to the five foot off- set, stating that they had always caused trouble in the past. Councilman Dempster moved that the City Engineer's recom- mendation be approved. Seconded by Councilman Saich. AYES: Councilmen: Dempster, Saich, Benetti NAYS: Councilmen: None ASSENT: Ccnnellartn: Finch, Jewett NOTION CARRIED: 3-0 - 2 ABSENT. The City Engineer stated that the City Manager will give the Council the exact figure on the cost of Homestead No. 3 well at the meeting of September 17th. The City Engineer also stated that the job for Stevens Creel: Boulevard sealing will cost approximately #25,000.00. He presented two resolutions for adoption by the City Council. Resolution No. 640, covering a dedication from Vincent Maggio and others. Councilman Saich moved that Resolution No. 645 be adopted. Seconders by Councilmen Dempster. AYES: Councilmen: Dempster, Saich, Benetti NAYS: Councilmen: None ABSENT: Councilmen: Finch, Jewett MOTION CARRIED: 3-0 - 2 ABSENT. Resolution No. 646 accepting dedication from Cook and Wilson. Moved by Councilman Dempster, seconded by Councilman Salch that Resolution 646 be adopted. AYES: Councilmen: Dempster, Saich, Benetti NAYS: Councilmen: None ABSENT: Councilmen: Finch, Jewett NOTION CARRIED 3-0 - 2 ABSENT D. City Attorney's Report: The City attorney reported on the Cupertino Cab Company. He had received a letter from Mr. Andrew D. Clark, owner of the Company, stating that be had wade arrangements for storage of his emb at commercial property away from his home. 4e will not be Farling the tab at his home in the future. The letter was passed to the City Clem to to made a part of the City's files. Monsoons • • The City Attorney stated that the Rodrigues papers for the well site purchase It are in his hands and that he was working on them. Tire City Attorney prepared a resolution accepting the Deed for the property on which the well site is loca.;ed for adoption by the City Council. tthatdResolstionlNo. 648,haccepting the Rodrigues Councilman odrigues Deed be adopted. A7ES: Councilman: Dempster, Saich, Benetti NAYS: Councilmsn: lone ABSENT: Councilmen: Finch, Jewett MDT= CARRIED: 3-0 - 2 ASSENT. Upon instructions delete Sottiony3Mof this ordinance,It0he had following sentence: "There is excepted from this section excavations for house sewer exteasions provided permit therefore, is first obtained from the Cupertino Sanitary District." This will be Orrinence No. 130w, amending Ordinance 130 and constitutes a First Reading. Moved by Councilman Saich, Seconded by Councilman Dempster that the City Council approve the adoption of Resolution No. 6a7 endorsing the Sanitary District Bond Election being head on September 11th, 1962. AYES: Councilmen: Dempster, Saich, Benetti NAYS: Councilmen: None ABSENT: Cowicilmen: Finch, Jewett NOTION CARRIED: 3 -0 - 2 ASSENT. Councilman Dempster remarAed that he feels that the City of Cupertino needs a place for the sewage and that we ti ve no alternative but to endorse this bond election. Mr. Ward Crump was seated In the audience at this time and since he had arrived late, was asked if he wished to know the action that had been taken by the Council regarding his letter. Mr. Cr-,Imp was informed that the Council did not Trish to come between the developer and the Consulting Engineering Firm and had asked that the City Manager try to reach acme sort of conclusion, but that if there was no success on the part of the City Manager, then it was to be referred back to the City Council. Mr. Crump stated that he had paid the checking and inspections fees requested from Mark Thomas in the amount of $2875.00 and when he asked for an accounting was given a list of hours and dates that figured out to some 265 hours, which figured out to something over $10.00 an hour, In office work and inspections and a small amount in field survey. He feels that this arourt for checking and inspection fees is completely unreasonable. Now, he stated, he has been asked to deposit an additional =1500.60 or have his fob stepped for lack of inspections. He asked if his course was cot only to the Council rataer than to a contract employee. Mr. Crump was re- assured that the Co,mcil would Take action if the City Manager could not resolve the sicAptlon. At this point Councilman Despstar etated that he was not aware that the project had been stopped for lack of inspections. He then asked City Rnginee! Lahr :,ow much of a deposit would be necessary for the City RMIneering Departsrnt to take over d - the inspections on this project. The City Engineer stated that this would be difficult to determine at thf-s time, since they did not know how such was left to do. Councilman Dempster suggested that the City Engineer and M^. Crump sit down together and discuss the matter and that the City Engineer suggest a figure to be deposited and, if agreeable to Mr. Crump, then have this amount deposited and the City Staff take over the project. Mr. Crimp stated that he would make the whole setter sasiar for everyone and deposit $1500.00 or whatever amount requested with the CitI. Be merely wanted to get this money into com- petent hods . Moved b^ Councilmen Dempster, seconded by Councilman Saich that the Mark Thomas Company be advised to sti.1 all inspections on Haywood Tract Unit x#11, and that the City Engineering Staff take over this project. AYES: Councilman: Dempster, Saich, BenetU NAYS: Councilman: None ABSENT: Councilman: Finch, Jewett MOTION CARRIED: 3 -0 - 2 ABSENT. XII ADJOURNMENT Meeting adjourned at 11:05 P.M. upon motion by Councilman Saich Seconded by Couu:cilman Dempster. °T: wrence rt n, City Clark a APPROVED: /S/ John Benetti mayor