CC 07-16-62103n So. 3AR&joGA- SUNNrVAI8 MAD
AL 2 -4;05
PIIlSr- 10321 So. Saratoga- Suntgeal Road
Tut - 8200 P.N.
I 3A8: TO Ti HAG
.� presantt ���•yl2seh, Jewett, Hsmstti
a1 - plrsentsSts,6ar, City ALtoa7►fy C1t7 Clerk, City
PIQSVIX8 0 July 2, 6, A 12, 1952
to by Cooncilman Jewett tlat theta minutes of the meetings
Council-* i as :vU 2, 6• and 12,, 1962, be •Dpi
man Hneb; and unanimously carried.
IV HR°OAT Op TZ PLNUM COIIQSSION: (See Planning Commission mirwtes
of July 9, 1962)
Comwissioner Frolich stepped forward ta state that the minutes of
the planning Commission meeting cover the items sufficiently. Ha added
that the PC -H ordinance is to be drawn up with Town es inserted; Severin on
application rw longer is applicable; Cupertino
V giien; and that a change was requested in the membership meLY.e -up of
the H Control Consittee, this change being that all members of A Control
be Planring Commissioners, and that secretarial help 988 8190 requested
at H Control meetings.
The Mayor read a minute order o` theklae ingHCControl membership.
memo from the City Clerk, regarding
Councilmen Jewett was in favor of the membership charge and recom-
mended same. Ccur..ilman Finch agreed with Councilman Jewett, as did
Councilman Dempster.
Moved by Ccuwilman Jewett that the H Control Committe be made up
of five members of the Planning Commission, tLe three present Planning
Commission members to be re- appointed, and two additional Commissioners
to be appointed, with the City Manager, Building Inspector and City
Engineer acting as e:- officio members, and the meetings to remain on the
second and fourth Tuesdays of the month; seconded by Councilman Finch;
and unanimously carried.
A. Oral
I. Mr. Robert Cross, 401 Craig Avenue, Campbell, representing
One -Hour Martinizin6, submitted a protest on the no -left turn sign at
Stevens Creek and East ketates Drive. He stated this sign was hamper-
ing his business, and suggested that a left turn lane be installed un-
til lights are put in and are operating.
Camcilman Finch agreed with Mr. Cross that these signs are pre -
The Mayor asked if there were any protests to having the signs re-
moved. There were none.
Moved by Councilman Dempster tha' these signs at Stevens Creek Blvd.
and Halt Estates Drive be removed and the barrier be removed and no
changes to be made until the signalization of Wolfe Road takes place;
seconded by Councilman Jewett; and unanimously carried.
2. Mrs. Reynolds, 10698 Iallar Drive, stated that she believes there
is a need in Cupertino for additional police protection, espec
en ially be-
twe the hours of midnight and morning; there is no si 1 in Idlewild
tract; there is a weed problem in back of her ,r:.perty �grart Creek;:
she asked about the up -keep of parking stripe. She also asked if
the City could adopt an ordinance prohibiting door to door salesmn.
She was advised of the city ordinance prohibiting same without a
permit and she should call into City Hall the next time a salesman comes
to her door. She was also advised on the other points that she raised.
'rigs Mayor susgested attending to item VI (Award of Bids) at this
time, and take up the written communications immediately thereafter.
Type Pump - Water Well In staing New DDO" Wall Submersible
'IDt City 8QgIos&r gave a short summary of the bids submitted and
rieo V"
tern tbat itern Pump bid be accepted.
,.1 �
a•oat' �1 Pump, the
.=66& y � of accepted; Seconded D7C �ilmr Jewett.
Alit Councilmen: Dempster, pinch, Jewett, Benetti
Councilmen: )lone
Councilmen: Saich
V tfflrM CaaoluCATIONs
1. County Planning Commission meeting of July 5; minutes of June 20.
2. A.B.A.G.: bulletin of meeting of July 5-
Citq . Santa Clara: Proposed annexation.
44 cants f Clara County Water Commission roster.
6. Santa
opy of s � County Water Freeway Agreementifrom t�heuState June 20.
7. C. 0. Baer: Letter regarding traffic projection.-
8. Meeting of League of California Cities at Sakura Gardens July 26.
9. Chamber of Commerce: Letter regardinE Secretary- Manager needed
irp the Chamber and request for allocation of funds taerefore, and budget.
The Mayor stated that a resident of Kerwin Lane requested a speed
study be made of this street. The City Manager informed him that he
would take care of this.
Moved by Councilman Pinch that the communications be received and
filed; seconded tj Councilman Dempster; and unanimously carried.
A. ORDINANCE 47A: Amendini, Ordinance No. 47, Being The Subdivision
Ordinance of The City, By The Addition of Section 27, Establishing
Hillside Subdivisions. Recommended by Planning Commission Resolu-
tion 107. 3irst Reading.
The City Attorney asked to briefly summarize the intent of this
ordinance, which he did.
The City Clerk read the Statement of Policy which the Planning
Commission, in its recommendation of adoption, included in the: Resolu-
tion to be added to the Ordinance.
There were no comments from anyone in the audience.
This constituted a first reading.
B. 055�) 2 oomA property
LasC p
tion- Z-62;30 acres from 2B4toRH;etDias ofStell-
ing Road ad }caning the south side of the future Junipero Serra
Freeway. First Reading.
Councilman be7;ined by asked if
could be _ience. Y _
the applicantCduring •presentationlof application, and ethis statement
frrooti the applicant would
therefore,eMr. prolich of 12 asked, for records' sake, that
1 be thoughtpittnecessary t holdHthe also
applicant,t when
12 units rather than Mayor
L. . I
to ordinance stipulation, that he wasn't sure if this point influenced
the decision of the Commissioners.
The City Attorney brought up tte idea of requiring applicant to
put his offers on the face of the application rather than wait until
they are cede as remarks in presentation of the application. Mr. Frolich
agreed that this might be a good idea.
Councilman Jewett disagreed, stating he felt the applicant should
not be held to comments made at a hearing as long as he does not go
above the limits of the ordinance. Mr. Frolich felt that the applicant
should be held to dyers made at the time of application even is these
olferm are wt an ordine requirement. C0 11®aA JaMStt s61d the
applicant should not be forced to put small items in his application if
be is asking for :Uning as toning only should be considered.
The City Attorney, when asked by the Mmycr, stated that the Council
minutes should show Mr. Frollch's comments and that Planning Coast
minutes had been changed, which would not Change the effect of the ord-
The City Clerk read Ordinance 219, which constituted a first reading.
There were no comments from the audience on this Ordinance.
A. Resolutions 627 and 628
Moved by Councilman Finch that Resolution 627 be adopted; seconded
by Councilman Dempster.
AYES: Councilmen: Dempster, Finch, Jewett, Benetti
NAYS: Councilmen: None
ABSENT: Councilmen: Saich
Moved by Councilman Finch that Warrant #2939, for a postage meter, to review
be gte Resolution 6e Council llp
budget some isadopted;seconded by ouncmanJewe t. and unani-
mously carried.
Moved by Councilman Pinch that ndenlbyi�ounoilmangDesPstera correct-
ed (deletion of Warrant #F2939):
AYESt Councilmen: Duster, Finch, Jewett, Benettl
NAYS: Councilmen: None
ABSENT: Councilmen: 4ai0ch
A. Report of City Treasurer
No further report
B. Report of City Engineer
Resolutions 629, 630, 631, 632, and 633
Resolutions 629, 630 and 631: Alpha Lend Co. develo;ment.
Councilman Dempster moved that Resolution 629, approving final plans
Terry the improvement Way, be adopted fwi two and h the condition that the RCity�Engineer usignd
such plans after release and signature by the Sanitary District, per
his r%quest; seconded by Councilman Finch.
AYES: Councilmen: Dempster, Finch, Jewett, Denettl
NAYS: Councilmen: None
ABSENT: Councilmen: Saich
MOTION CARRIED: 4-o accting
Moved by Councilman Finch that Resolution 630, aaccMed by ouncilOn
of real property for roadway purposes,
AIRS: councilmen: Dempster, Pinch, Jewett, Benetti
WAYS: C+::ncilsa+: None
ABSID11': Councilmen: Saich
Moved by Councilmen Pinch that Resolution 631, authorizing the ex-
-acution of an agreement by the Mayor and the City Clerk, be adopted;
seconded by Councilmen Dempster.
AM: Com.cl2men: Dempster, Pinch, Jewett, Benetti
1D . Councilmen: NOW
COungilzen: 3aich
i 4-0
MpwQ bjr'Co:nallean pinch that Resolution 632, adopting City of
Cupertins Stanakrd Water Details, be adopted; seconded by Couneilmen
AUSS w CiWmllmn: Dempster, Finch, Jewett, Benetti
NAYS: Councilmen: None
ABSSM Councilmen: Saich
MD'1'IOM CAA911EDn 4-0
Moved by Councilman Dempster that Resolution 633, adopting City of
Cupertino Storm Drainage Fee Policy, be adopted; seconded by Councilman
AYES: Councilmen: Dempster, Finch, Jewett, Benetti
NAYS: Councilmen: None
ABSM: Councilmen: Salch
MO'1'i0N CARRIED: 4 -0
The City Clerk mentioned the dedication of the property on the
northwest - corner of Blaney and Stevens Creek Blvd. was brought in late
In the afternoon so it could not be put on the agenda and the City En-
gineer did not have an opportunity to check on the property description.
Councilman Finch suggested that this could come up on the next agenda.
Councilmen Jewett agreed that this should go through the proper channels.
It, therefore, will be placed on the agenda for August 6, 1962.
C. Report of City Attorney
The City Attorney read a letter he received from Cal Whisnant's
plete D7,Julytl5. the-.
Mr. Anderson suggested that rubbish
no actiongbewill
taken at
this time.
Camcilman Dempster moved that the letter from Mr. Whisnant's
attorne7, Rolph Bondalle, be received ant filed; seconded by Councilman
Pinch; and unanimously carried.
D. Report of City Manager
1. Request that Stevens Creek Blvd, San Carlos, Mt. Eden Road, and
Pierce Road be dedicated 56 a Federal Route to be named Route 1,000.
Mowed by Councilman Finch that Resolution 634, dedicating Stevens
Creek Blvd. as Route 1,000, be adopted; seconded by Councilman Jewett.
Discussion followed on the meaning of Resolution 634.
The City Manager read Resolution 634.
Commilman Dempster suggested referring this Resolution to the
City Attorney for clarification of the meaning of Resolution 634 and
the extent of involvement of Cupertino regarding the finance thereof.
Comcilman Pinch withdrew his motion and moved that the City Attor-
ney review and report to the Council at its next regular meeting on the
intent of Resolution 634; seconded by Cound1man Dempster; and unanimous-
ly carried.
2. latter from ward W. laspmm was read by the Mayor, which letter
is a of the City Managor's report. This letter was in reference to
the a met with the County or 8mmq Clara for reimbursement of utili-
ty mass�t rs- location.
7/e Myor stated he was not in agreement with paying for the move -
ment of utilities.
anumeilman Decpster felt this matter should be cleared up before
the Qarmaoil takes action. Councilman Jewett concurred.
WNW n1yox instructed the Cite Manager to advise the Countytilare-
cupasta sp is not in agreement with signing subject agreement un an answer to the question df why San Jose hater Yorks is de-
ser U& of reimbursement when other utilities are not.
ti.wcessaxy City of San Josh agn"d to Provide 1/2 the cost of guaards
fbr School crossing at Sissy Avenue. Councilman funds Jewett IF ' N e�roasiinB;�Seco ded by to
AYE S "pftcilman. Dempstor, PIneb, Jewett, Benetti
j6MMIlmen: Bone
7omfcilmeu: Saich
iebm'dM»: 0-0
;. Za reference Storm stated that�lettersshad beep sent out clean
outon this
their pmpperty Mr. t
5- Yilsey, Ham 3 Blair: regardM preparation of the General Plan.
Mr. Storm stated that eniY extra work will be paid by the City,
as the cost of preparing the General Plan will be paid by the State.
Bbraed by Coun•cilran Finch that the city Clerk forward the documents
previaemly authorized to the State Department of Finance; seconded by
COUneiimsa Dempster.
pygq: Councilmen, Dempster, a�Y"�ca, Jewett, Benetti
NAYS-_ Councilmen: None
APSBpj�_ Councilmen: Saich
6- Annexation of property on t.,e east side of Bubb Road, next to
the Creep developnent.
SIe feeling of for reizcai�tand ahbuildingapermit, after to go Lbrc+r2Ji
ation a2 subject property.
T. Mr. Backman has asked that the City pay for the new property
descrigtion as the original one is in error. It does not show the City
receiving 10 ft. as was intended. The City will draw up this description.
Moved by Councilman Jewett tYat the City Engineer be in3truct6d to
proceed with this matter; seconded by councilman Dempster; and unani-
mously carried.
8. Summary of bidders on Stara sewer system on McClellan Road.
The low bidder is Spartan Construction Corporation. have more
91. Bights he way on Foothill emeent from Cookrand Yilson should
infoastlon at the next meeting.
be feagleoming at that time also.
10. AnVot 2 is the the lass Bap at 8:00 P M.dAtCupertino is the hosteCityuncll westing at
Bismed by Councilman Jewett that Mr. Storm's correspondence be re-
ceived and filed; seconded by Coandlasn Dempster; and unan}.mously carried
B. 1dC= AND L1PSCHUTZ. T. O. Box 3295, San Jose, California,
mayametrng N- Control approval for 123 units located south of Yee-
Creeks S(Pontainbnlem)(ApplicationA 7 -A k 40 tApproved
1W =,Control. Conditions.
11ammahata, 71517 gmrmt 1l vd -, Los Angeles, gave a presentation
on tsm yioposed development.
M nsd by Councilman
copditiooad as set forth
Councilman Dempster
MUMS fb Candled through
Dempster that Site Control appvMl
by g Control Committee; seconded by
be accepted,
champs". Councilman t�
lman Jewettseconded the motion
s �. Lipschutz stated that the wall along Moire Hood will be church
=the entrances will be land- soaped, and the ,)Mail o3m6
`lot will be lavA cup" .
bcity Manager that the type of mstsrial'umed in the
-Mly g the dae bemmade a part of thr *W90 1-
$fawn Weisel, ao -ovosr at the development, Stated that they
iod^moldered using masonry in the wall, but were also thinking of US-
1M =eaeod fencing. Probably both will be used. ,He did not to be 1110-
its& ** the use of Just masonry. He stated that the man viii be decor -
atise, no matter what was used.
struetion plans be submitted Include
Control priortoinstallation; second -
ed by Councilman Dempster; acd unanimously carried.
Tote taken on Councilman Dempter's motion: unanimously carried.
H. VICTOR CALVO, (BICMUL RHOS.), 1880 Fordham Way, Mt. View, Cal-
ifornia, requesting H- Control approval for retail lumber and build-
IM r materials store on the rest side of Highway 9, 658
Nomeatead Road. (Application 49 -A k S-62) Approved by H- Control.
Mr. Calvo presented new plans which were necessitated by the fact calls that the building will he in FireMstrict xhlch which Cal o had stucco
type wall and aggregate roofing rials,
the original plans submitted.
(_ au:cilman Dempster asked if the apolicant is willing to check on
the tyre of material that might be used in substitution and use the or-
iginal plane. Mr. Calvo stated he had checked with the Building Inspect-
or bat wra not given much encouragement.
Councilman Jewett moved tbat the H Control recommendation be gpp-
roved pith conditions ar, set forth by H Control; seconded by Councilman
AM- Councilmen: Dempster, Finch, Jewett
NA75: Councilmen: Benettl
ABSIXr.. Councilmen: Saich
C. JOHN XEMy' Room 2607 Huss Bldg., San Francisco, California, re.
questing H- Control approval for the Post Office Building located on
the south side of Stevens Crack Blvd • east of existing Cupertino
Union Church. (Application 48-A a S-62) Approved by H- Control.
Stanley Bower, 155 Mortgpmer! St San San Francisco, gave a presenta-
tion of the proposed Post Offue building.
Councilman Pinch objected to the west side Chas a building being
blank and wanted some type of landscaping along
as w�astedebysCouncllman Finch to maketroom forip antback three (3) ft.
abwed by Councilman Jewett that H Control approval with conditions
of lamdseaping as set forth bm H Control be acaeptem, of 1thatothe build
,11& M moved back from the asst pavpe 7
for V"�iugs, seconded by Coumm llmn Dempster.
Dempster. JO"tt, Benstti
F11gh .0
Affiaii Gamcilmen: 3aiah
A. County Water Commission.
MIS Mayor Ste ted that a bond more Inrorrati issue u ol
on when the plans for the bond are more solidified, have
8. Of 1hy ACQIQI ! teiHighway Route 114.
Payment Costs of Right
for 114,
yes City Nsasga"s rip0 =t•
C. Miscellarbcus
7QI mw Ham:
A. Miscellaneous
The budget meeting was set for July 23, 1962, at 8:00 P.M.
Meeting adjourned at 11:40 Y.M. to July 23, 1962, at 8:00 P.M.
/ r I-
wrence K. Martin, City Clark
s John Benetti