CC 06-04-62m. SItM1010X -iii 1 1D' AL 2 -4"
_' >
_ .�« Ptiith�s3att rsnnbs
'is llHt®,o! the: Plamlsk Ooss4s ooh placed
it they- mould a><�RW �yt'� nobOm w* tigolg
am am, &a item Soyerprisas application, for the proposed Calabasas creek
as Mayor intorscd Commissioner Ssgder that the Council was unable
to:a%tbad the session on June 31 set by the Coalesion as the Joint meet -
iers date, Jute 12, 1962, at Stoo V.X. was set as t1k date for this
30114 Meting.
A. IFS TOM s Tentative 10ap application (1T- TM -62);
filler. H 3-8 zone. east
APP='o� by �nS COmdsemionl ft. west of
Maps were posted on this application; however, that applicant was
not present.
Moved UY Councilman Pinch that this application be postponed to
the nest meeting due to the absence of the applicant; seconded by Coun-
ollan Smith.
Co►mollan Pinch withdrew bin motion and moved that this applica-
tion be moved to the and of the agenda; seconded by Coanoilmen Balch,
and unwdmoasly carried.
V F2POAT OF CMIRTRMO Wt7'M COMMh: CN3 (See mlomtss of My 23, 162)
Councilman Despster moved that the report be reviewed a;A race-11".
Motion dies.
'Ae Mayor asked Mr. Stocklmalr, Chairmen of the Mater Coaisstos,
to give a synopsis of the report.
Mr. Stocklmsir esplalned the reame4a for the SMM** in the water
left and eared the Water rate@ of sarrounding 41%10* with that of
d�maodno. M.t6 the 3mawM lsapmropabrls "lino will have the
�? %b� ibern y the Uw Increase present rate of
dsn. Be stated that % operation eosts 4f 1962 Wars higher
of 1pplgoal.mateoly NO am subscribers a" asticipaated in these
d* year.
tM Mhpor oomtseheeed Me. atoddoeir and the rest of the Mater C4m-
adwies an the fioi. amt %asaou s'lPO1'e•
poalL�a' DMpsa! aMh�! 11►; ik okUMir bse he arrived nt the
9adl Won ft V". W. UwkbWr stated #At tW eVsatsd .
i tat of the on wrteat• this figure.
WdImon gsich ammik _ tlatar Commission 0002 considered the
t at pw d as compered with theme fiV2"s.
YOmml"Jon_ had not eanslAered this as
meppit u to as to when it 0.11 be a reality.
.# Psrwu.t)man 8aich that these commnlleatians be received
and leaond -.4 by Cotwcilamn Jewett; and una0leDmm17 carried-
The `Now asked if these was anyone in the audience who was in
f vw of the increase. Tbere was none in favor. Hs then asked a show
of m of those who were t3isre whad of the inuvase. tienty-
ons then asked if anyone wished
or n in the protestations. Ho
one eons farwerd. He then asbed anything to edd to what
was already stated in the above post -cards and letters.
Earl B. Dwiggins, 21912 Garden view, Mt. View, stepped forward to
state that he understood that if Cupe.rtuw had riot ta)atsn over the hater
Company Yne subscribers would have been "in trouble' He stated he did
not oppose a moderate increase if when the Hater Company becomes a money
makfft propoeitlta the rates will be decreased. He does not feel that
the size of the increase is fair.
The Mayor asked for a show of hands of those in protest to a rete
Increase, and stated that anna:_..tly an increase is justified in the
eyes of the public but that the size of the increase to what 18 opposed.
Nrs. Curtis B. H4rMSOn, 23.863 Corte Madera Lane, naked if more in-
vestlpation atuld be made on this subject and how long it would be be-
form .nother raise will be necessary to ewmpeneate for the delay in
the inerased revenue should much an investigation take place.
Me Mayor answered that the raise was needed now - it cannot wait-
s". Harrison stated that although a rate increase is considered
r by the rs of the ra h• brought bef�orme the people tiA Clty 'wllllbsvm that If real trmble'.
Q A: Councilman Finch that the hearing be closed; seconded by
Dnpster, and a roalmousLy carried.
ammsallmem Saich suggested that the Council meet with the Hater
the near !mare and cams up with a deoislon at the next
:te out" that immediate action had to , be John Jbves Co.
taken. (This ,
10 "a a pet of Mr. 11toi7es report.)
O"allegn Dempster, Jewett, and Finch felt that a deeiJlon should
be soft Me night.
61W stmtmd 3hat th► time necemesm to base a Raw Ord -
i awe wte� will be about a OOVPU of months) l be the Camel Fumed to ash• ease of the
mad ordlmmnee aetmaW L 10 Offset.
Mn Brea sob* no a nww it tea Yates ftwm eoeld
rata. as tre 1lltal `'� llipst, ar
that another' Wed bf iortdaoadn6•
oa iisseetthe�ribpir� amt tbm � to s oldraeir�i'
u .mditlaeal Llsresur later on. as stated that s deglolon
as s L tee
ft sots 068 in n "Baln6m G~ to
lemon tai -delay..
bklaelr a � bltlh at the Vow
,. the City
?/watt rlOOmesadmtlan at. as Hat" Cos -
Yaiw the 1 d asrsssm of 200 0�! 141t Water
report be acoepted L�.Oameilmu►,8a.
00W stated he An a symesal meetiagsma usessiew to decide
ud caarot honestly vote ass my or anaiber withmet further
the matter. Be *gaol alth the Statement fro+ the audience
he City comes back at a later date and ashes for another rate
It will be dieastrams.
Coumilmen Dempster asked Mir. atocklmir if his. 200 average increase
is ,sally a low flowe as yrrriossly stated by Councilrrn 11neh. Mr.
stamode mid i itta safe ri rock-bottom bas has some padding In
So Mayor recommended an amendment to the lotion by 00MC1210nn
Jsmwtt that if the rater rats is Increased by 2C$ than in increase to
43.0C should be made on the Alva* Water Line.
Oamcllman Sedch mo:.1d W t able this matter to the earliest possl-
ls asetiag date for tbrx fao�mcil, City Manager, and Water commission;
by Cot�ellean leinch.
A>as Councilmen: De*p*tes, linrh, Sa1ch, 9enetti
Oak Councilmen: Jamett
Aa:lr Councilmen: Now
MOda• CARRIED: 4 -1
Saw Mayor stated that the joint meeting with the Planning Comaisaioo
moat be postponed to bass the snorting with the Water COMMUalon on this
prod... Said meeting was sort for June 12, 1962, at 8:00 Y.M.
Caomailmmn Dempster masted that the Water CoMM1081 m r:l[e come
reemmomodation ontbe Alves Water IEna prior to the usetlag of JAMM 12.
Jbes 19, 1962 was met as tan date for the Joint meeting with the
P200Mlt9 CaMdasian.
!lttan Co®icationse
I.. manta CUM Canty hate G'tmelmelon =notes of Mar 23. 1962•
11. Armada; me9 to City o[ as Jose - Bobb anad
Anamtias to City at im syw= -,t- rollembeck So".
Ammexaticm to Santa Clazu City - Pome:oT
sAlaing i.rpeoieres seCmeI of May. 1962
..Mlagtes of Plafnlag Commission atvdy daemon an 21118169 Mft-
Imm ss - Rey 21, 1962.
IF* . Slumber of casswee sr IN - of City to improve storeorme Creak
t oss Camgsy 12m �0 and unaalm"ly cams". resolved oma
j'211sme. 10610 is i 2sad, flat ties oradlas!G►. /rated
Mr. Moodooi MCA the esutitt this nw evecting to
SH�tblatpewter city 1emsBal, iedo�-
s (mU"tM).
tug ss s
�� Nm s�sOrir SM M ADOMOR:
A* g u5= hesoodee property of Palter a.- antler frof
C-1-a (OW"og"M 5iL�); norUme t corner of Blaney
ptdi,,,ner 215 bw'rAad e! lisle oU1y;
i3ao to tyf <p s lxt asold
phis aYw.w. }� ieJl.
is M rose
r comitilsao w eoaoted, seconded
.IYCh. Jewett, Web
spas " 1 1. -l:h,
aailam: ROM
';9MnpiCR 216: Rssoamg property of City Title Insurance Co.
r 1-1 to R -3 -H• (application 34-z4l); T.o acres asst aide of
Calaboose Creek, W ft. rest of Miller, T46 ft. South of Stevens
Cn" Blvd. First Readisg. Continued.
Rene Helou, 51T9 Roder Road, represented the applicant. He ex
plwiamd that the new plans show a garden type apartmrat
centered around a common green. Be also stated it did not matter if
the application sas considered :miler the R -3 or R-24 -H ordinance, as
img as the basic plans of the application sire not affected by any
Councilman Jewett stated he was opposed to changing the zoning Ord -
isme on this application from R -3 -H to R -24 -H.
Mowed by Councilman Finch that ordinanc. 216 be changeei from R -3•H
to B-24-R, Seconded by Councilman Benetti.
ASS: Councilmen: Dempster, Finch, Benetti
MM2 Councilmen: Jewett, Saleb
AM MM Councilmen: ;Ions
302M CAN=: 3-2
OW City Attorney advised the procedur: the City follows regarding
chooging the clasaieteation of an ordinance with the consent of the app -
lteant for the purpose of clarifying this to Councilmen Jewett, who
rmkU the Council bad no
ed the basic difference Wtm 8-3-8 ��-2H roninS to Mr. Belau -
1b. Helou was in agrrwpe-A vith the change of the R -3 -H to R-24 -9
slasadfieation of the ordinance.
Wo City Engineer, Qwwtion from the moor, stated the bridge
wouM cost approrisately ,CC0.00 if the City hoes at it independently;
i.e. Udlthout rising for aid r the Cou::ty.
Mr. atom stated a similar•sitastaon occured once before and the
oast per unit, ac the moo Cos* of eonstruetion for a bridg:, was $5o.00-
Re alM stated that approxlmttly half of the conatrnetion'coats would
be egmtrtbuted by the devdlopara at the rate of $50.00 par Unit.
1r JbIon stated Lott this So a one -unit development with one owmee
awl iG1t that $150.00 per Mat "as too high. an assessment. Mr. Ramona,
Ube Sow pawast at t!e last mwwting, stated that the W,.c7.► figure was
as@pppy by him for the spplia'*, swWeot to ohoige.
!M City Attorney saw is" tiot it the $50.00 per volt figure showed
it eom3AIW ',to a hewer l3plre b7 the: city Wt
ass. � ,
' � iM, the eoMition at e 1 nit amwdt-
tint for the bridge ooaatraction to placed in OrditleM 216 (to bd W614-
41d h Ozenewe Mo for the Roe& property; seconded by
Deep"", pinch, Jewett, Balch, Smatti
At the applicant be advised t1
as applicatiw:a;:sad.that ll an �-
win be .cot is* and.thq 1w1••"
�1a CdtF Cis '!<r'�h iflloatitutwd d' ixt'�
Coodailman Jewett reed Resolution 604.
t; Za•oh that Nssolution 604 be adopted; Sseomde6
W,00wAilion`Asow ar• ,
�88s; CDmoailmens. Despstw, Finch, Jewett, Balch, Banetti
NI►!ds Couaoilaen: Rona
nor= CADRD3Dsl�
Comsailman Jewett read Resolution 605.
31owd by Councilman Belch that Resolution 605 be adopted; seconded
by Councilman Finch.
AIM O mollm&n, Delyster, Pinch. Jewett, Balch, Benetti
NA7D: Councilmen: None
iDTION CA�:lmen: 5--0
A. Report of City Treasurer
No furtner report.
A. Report of City Engineer
The City Engineer stated that he has set firm ilgurem for develop-
ment costs to builders to let them ]mow just what to expect. Rio
,written report will be read by the Councilman.
Mr. Fleming's report:
1. Joe and Teresa Maggio Improvement dedication of real property
Mved by Councilman t ao accepting d1cs
of right » � and gareaftWo, be dpted��eb�
oilman Flash.
Affil Comcilman: Dempster, pinch, Jewett, Balch, B n"tti
Nr2Ns Counollosn: Now
D Q CAN=: � 5-0
2. Vincent and Domsnlea Maggio improvement dedication of :Val
Moved by CoundLan Balch that Resolution 608, ac:eptiing dedication
Of councilman of way from Da
Vincent and m&nica Msggl% be adoVedi
A {s owAnxlmens �Dmmfatsrs Pinch. Jewett. 8afoh. Denetti
s 906001206n.
Age: Oancilmen: lldee
'Er' CATOW: 5-D
S. Pepper Tree Unit Mo. 1, Tract 2741 - executed grant of eaee-
ment tram Cupertino School District.
Moved by Councilman Saich that Resolution 609, accepting the szecu- ,
tin grant of easement from the Cupertino Union School Dlstrct, be adopt-
ed; seconded by Councilman Jewett.
t ;tlpatailmen: Dsipater, Flach, Jewett, Balch, Henetti
Mmne . .
.r �-
+ Y .30§5,.7 y�REabs - sisute "Notlon asead instruct-
7 and CityyelaM ute sad approve
by, Couaellmanngyipe& Witt the Mayor and Cit7 Cleric execute the
sap ( ton 610 i ieerin6 ep be approved, 'armed by Council-
Ift City Manager stated he stet with Mr. Fleeing and Mr. Desmond,
tbr; spWoput, regarding the installation of off -tract water line. He
reed an agreement covering this to which Mr. Desmond is not in agreement.
Mr. Desmond stated be would withdraw his objection if the last ppr-
agraph of Mr. Fleming'a report is included in the .agsesment.
Moved by Councilman Dempster that the last paragraph of Mr. Flem-
ing's report, "paragraph 9 of the Improvement Agreement states only that
the water system is to be constructed; and the details and reimbursement
to be resolved by separate agreement between the developer and the rater
company', be included in the agreement; seconded by Coundl an Jewett;
and unanimously carried.
Vote taken on Councilman Finch's motion: unanimously carried.
C. Report of City Attorney
Mr. Anderson advised the Council of their authority under the Ordi-
nance regarding the water lines and the developers' responsibilities
D. Report of City Manager
1. Johnson a Mapes:
Max Rordoni, represe::ting the applicant, stated that the Johnson a
Mapes application acmes under the tax -free jurisdiction (senior citizens
development). Be gave a resume of the virtues and faults Of the appli-
cation which the Planning Commission had denied. He also stated that
the applicant is offering a completely landscaped lark, and would like
to use this as a basis for re- application under the R -24 -H ordinance.
The Mayor suggested taking this under advisement along with Mr.
3tormb reoomandation in his report.
2. The recreational director started to work this date, and will
have a report on the Sumer schedule In a week.
3. State Highway haute 114 - Mr. Storm is checking on the utilties
In this natter and will report back in a week.
4. Deep Cliffe - Mr. Storm and Mr. Anderson and Mr. Desmond are
to meet again for a subsequent agreement on the off -tract water lines.
Mr. Desmond reu!oested that Mr. Anderson draw up this agreement.
5. lister City Meeting - June T - Mr. Storm has made reservations
for the Councilmen.
6. Optlmiat Club - request for fire works permit. An there are
now available, Mar. Storm will fellow -up on this.
7. Mt. V1ew.3tevens Creak i-ad - the Council has already recommend-
ed changing the name of this ctrset to Foothill Blvd. :he County hue ra-
ammpWQ that a small p%rtlon of thic road be renaned to Stevens Creek
�Road. The Camcil id12 tale thin up at a later date.
A. WnWAN CH11R M, 201" Stevens creek Blvd.: Application fnr
approval to conmtroot stoPp building at the rear or existing furn-
iture store located at the northeast corner of Stevens Creek and
Randy Lane. Appcoead by B control.
Ib.ed i
i ��lloomdsd by
Wien Masora.
at this application to approved; i
mmimoasly carried.
ide, San Jose: Applle0161M for
Za it
"pl lots 8. 90 �, 1 , AM r Avemms. Cantlao[1 to Caa:-
p2leant, was prmogo.• q
this application De "appa'orsd per
Bonded by Conailman Jemrtt; and
f loved by Councilman Ang0l that Councilman Finch be authorized
is ilgm the maps under M CbntMl Csmmittee approval in the absence of
Ur- ,mall at the meeting held this date.
A. County Water CosissYcn
No report
B. Agreement Between Cwm" i City for Payment of Costs of Right
of Way acquisition for State Rlghmay Route 117.
Tee Mr. Storm, a report - item II D 3.
•• :a :'I4 1 O�
A. Miscellaneous
Ralph Ramona, 1800 Casa Blanca lane, Saratoga, was present to rep-
resent Les Tom a4aterprisea (See item IV A). He stated that the aPp11-
I. agrees to comply with the conditions necessary as outlined in letters
received from Santa Clara Canty Flood Control and California Water Ser-
vice. These letters were raxived after the map was approved by the
rianniag Commission.
Moved by Councilman Jewett that the tentative Map be aPProvad ah
presented; seconded by Councilman Finch: and unanimously carried.
Meeting adjourned at 12:3D A.M. to 8:00 P.M. June 12, 1962-
Martin, fiy'MW
s John J. Benetti
_ m -- _A