CC 05-07-62MAY 10 lap
pLAWS 10321 So. Saratoga - Sunnyvale Road
Tills 8800 P.M.
piwents 7lespatar, Fisch, Jerstt, Balch, Manettl '
i!li�sats< a OSS7:>�r, City Attoroo, Clt7
Oity Clerk
M. =0=-m SO==: April 16, 17, -23, 26, 30, 1962
of the pi'avlhtls meetings approved ar Submitted by.mot"U
of Cadnallman Balch, se00009d by Councilman Vim #and unanlmaoly
A. NAUM S. B011a8s Application 53 -Z-62 to resona all of Lot 12
and pert of Lot 11, Mop of Monte Vista (northwest corner of BLsnmy
and Stevens Croak Blvd.) from R -3 -B to C -1 -8. Use Permit also
sought for gas station. Recommended bl.- Planr!c,C Commission Reso-
lution No. 96. Contimsed.
Mr. Butler gave a resume of his applicant ,.:.
The mayor asked if there were any protests to the application.
There were none.
Moved by Councilmen Balch that the public hearing be closed; sec-
onded by Councilman Jewett; unaniawYsly carried.
Moved by Councilman Balch that the City Attorney be instructed to
draw up an ordinance for this app3cation, with a use pernit to be Issued
later by the City, seconded by Councilman Jewett.
Councilman Dempster asked the applicant if it %as his intent to
construct the motel at the same time as the gas station. Mr. Butler
stated that this was his intent, and it was very likely that both the
gas station and the motel would be built at the same time.
The Mayor asked the applicant to review the size of the plot; which
the applicant did, giving the square footage of the area involved.
About one -third of the land will go to the gas station site.
The applicant stated, when asked by Councilmen Dempster If the
motel would be built should the gas station permit be denied, that the
gas station is a necessary part of the application.
Vote taken on Councilman Balch's motions
AWS: Councilmen:
NATS: Councilmen:
AEOW: Councilmen:
Finch, Jewett, Batch
Dempster, Benettt
R. CITY T1= IMSORAXX CO.t Application 34 -Z -61 to rezone 7.6
acres from R -1 to R -3-8 (R -24 -R recommended by Planning Commatssior.)
pat side of Calabasas Creeks 400 ft, west of Miller, 746+ ft. south
of Stevens Creek Blvd. Recommended b. Plsnning Commissi.: Resolu-
tion go. 303. Continued-
!yens Below, 5179 1e Do", San Jose, was present to represent the
applicant. Be was informed that the R -,24 -8 was sent back to the PLsm-
U S Commission and the- agtiestlon Is now under the R -3 -3. sea. Halos,
sham Asked if he still wasted to go ahead with the application as it
Is sum withomt Honing Oonlssion recommendation (PLssasing Commission
pmfFm004 the a �yom as 2-44 -N) .stated that 11-3-5 was :hat had
She City Attorney, in answer to Councilman Jewett's question re-
galding the planning Coadeaton action on R -24 -R, advised that the app-
lication as R -3 -R is denied mince the Planning Commleelon relomma� -
tion was for R -24 -R. Ohs City Cowell can either go along
Commission or reverse the Commission's denial.
Councilmen Jewett sold he would not like to act on this application
until the Couooll bas definite approval or denial from the fgmmission
an the .Jplieatlon as an 8-3-8.
W. Helm stated that the applicatior has been pending for a year
everything is awaltlag the Common's decision. Be Showed the Coan-
thH;eDe6ges. that .MSm]i bIr Moo if the sppllcStion V" an to be an
!hare wolrld be a 0, al court and gram with't d"1213106 Pool,
ttilestsl�omld:lN'd%i r- �idtwo not stiwt siAthm. and each
. ':etiomi8 front on a' palilia tiwt.
!Rrlad by Oamaslmari 11np11'tbat the public hiaring be closed; sae -
by Oomansen: Jewett.
There ware no wriNan nor oral protests to this application.
Councilman Pinoh's motion was mealmesaly carried.
R. P, Ilman Finch moved WeSadi ec and the applicant sent !ter Pnasat�g mPpudenied �' if he
so desires when the City has the necessary zoning coverage•
Motion dies for lack of a second.
Moved by Councilman Jewett that the City Attorney be instructed
to draw up an ordinance on application 34 -2-61, including Exhibit B,
Item 1 - 12 and item 13 on mchibit A; seconded by Councilman Dempster.
Councilman Salch disagreed with the inclusion of item 13 as h.,
feels the applicant should not be penalized for a bridge which will be
utilised by many other peopl' in the City.
Councilman Jewett amended his motion to include Exhibit B only,
deleting item 13 of Mchlbit A; seconded by Councilman Dempster.
The Mayor stated he feels that the Council in not ready to act
on this application at this time. He said it would be nice if the
applicant would give the Council more time to consider all the trec m-
merdations made by the Commission and the items brought IV is
Vote taken on Councilman Jewettls amended motion:
AUS: Councilman: Dempster, Jewett, Saich
MRIM: Councilmen: Pinch, Benetti
AHSBxl: Councilman: gone
R c:B- --2�ga 3 -H(R-2 Application eccmmndedZby planning C29.6 isio ja frrom
joining the west side of Monte Vista Scrool, off Mt. View- Stevens
Creek Road. Recommended by Planning Commission Resolution go. 104.
Mr. Warner Wilson, representing the applicant, was advised that
be il. consider application the of R -3 -R, and
ago He givea resumeftheapplieeori
There were no written nor oral protests to this application.
Mr. Voss, 10365 So. Stevens Creek Blvd., one of the owners of the
psolect, addressed the Council askinhc that this application be consid-
astfd favorably for all that reasons outlined in Mr. wilson's resume.
Ddsaussion followed regarding the gain to the City on surh a project
-lm respect to the City tax be".
eSMd�W �� we c1osW1 sComellman DempSterf wnodum sly carried.
Moved bg Comoilwn Balch that the Council take this application
Into a study session and so into more detail, coming up with a definite
anpsr at a regular Council meeting.
Notion dies for lack of a second.
Moved by Councllman Hach that application 52 -Z-62 be dented with-
out prejudice, and applicant can again present this application when
2-2" is reemb sedalded by Comailmn Dempster.
t Comeila : Deft".* Finch, ''-ich, Benetti
Oo07dlNlrt.: � _
' ComellsMOt.6.
cAle1M z:
' MhJer stated i resao is not adeaaabe2y .WAlppad to
wao- aw ztp�` Oat is tks rasam tee tin :alsdal with-
D. Atli I#M.QBgf tied- #83-61 to- iescmm-30 acted from
Sttud Maeid. �BPiaamsng Coouniselon Me �iro�94. to 31-344
awn griffin, or 17�1s•land Co., stated be rams" this application
to b• osnsideaed " bI i referred to a letter that was sons to the
CON0411mu oatliaiai ftM.99Nitiom regarding the R-3-4 and the 1079 in
1211eh MS appl]setian m* the R -3-3 regatresente.
Moved by Cou allson Fink that the letter from Alpha Lad Co. be
Made a part of this application; seconded by Councilman Dempster; and
samiaomli carried.
More were no bitten nor oral protests to this appiiotion.
!loved by Counellsan Smich that the public hearing be closed; sec -
onded by CouaciLsn Jewett;aed menlmounly carried.
Councilmen Saich an that the City Attorney be instructed to pre-
pare an ordinance on Alpha Land Co. application 48 -Z-61 rezoning 30
acres from R -1 to R -3-9; seconded by Councilman Jewett.
The Nayor stated Ae could not understand thinking of one applica-
tion In one vein and a similar, application In a different vein.
Comailman Saich gave his reasons for 3pproving Ma application.
cam of which is the come= anew that Alpha Land Co. proposes.
Vote taban on Councilmn Saich's motion:
AWSs Councilmen: Jewett, Basch
JIMBs Councilman: Dempster, Finch, Benatti
10 I DBMM): 3-2
Councilmn Jewett wished to go on record as stating he oelieves
Cupertino is 'singing the beat on Sood developmenta' and the City needs
this type of devolopasnt.
MM. Verner 113som asked the (.ovncil what toad be put on this prop-
erty. The Mayor answered his saying that there was no opposition to
what m" proposed on the property, but that the City is not yet teddy
few this type of application.
Alter s brief race", le. Storm introdwced the new City Rrgineer,
Mr. Auto Lahr, and the Recreatica Director. John Parham.
208: p t7 of Arnold Z. lours from R-ln
Ao R-3-R (Spplieatise -6!), east aide of Calsbasse Creak,
" ^ft. eoat4 of AterOWN =Brick Blvd. Saeond Reading.
Councilmn Jews" thsL Ordinance 208 be aced b title only;
M ComallNSn.aai4dy :aY manino aly carried.
4l ne;o" 208 read by tlk70O>nly.
saK:._1 . , rz.' ,• ,:tats... .. 10➢A. _.: .. t .. .._: w.lei�n :c.;,� '...,.�_.�a..:uif.�i
Moved by Councilman Saich that Ordinance 208 be enacted; seconded
bv4AIMhrilMAn Jewett.
110 COUix11m, DNpgtsr, Finch, Jewett, Saich, Benetti
AA1MMts (hei11 enz 9
2, 0MDD%jCg Dssi Sts2oasa � llon Certain d Uninhabited Territory
=Wlst Carried. :awd by title 007f:
sea 209 read W WMAD Only.
OoheeihMr .M ss t Oedimmee 209 be emaeted; eaeoaded
1M' Hach.
icAM �_ e�lr sj..h., ease. s.e.ttl
Q. MCE 21ot As'MMNssea ordering stop sigem to be !laced
r All staoab Mrb► the Major s08 Lt.ted Hrraona
sMw.M Cawst Rlvd., namay Awrw, ror-
tat Avasa, Moire scat. Mementoes mood. stalling Momd, Maclellan
Nord. First needles.
Oidim m 210 gives first reading by City Cleric.
D. OM 3mM 211a Flsm%lag and Ors Piping cods; A6epting by
Mafesmsee rortioms of the Vast@= Plumbing Officials Uniform
Fisabfeg Cede. 1961 M=oan. Fish Msading.
The Mayor aamd the City ffibessar specifically whet the changes
were in this ordinance. Mr. rtes. read a letter from the nlnilding
Offia3al regarding the ahany", whish were in the fee schedule only.
Ordinance 211 read 4 title by the City Clerk.
Moved by Camellse _` -�';t that Oadltrnes 211 be «t for public
bmrinA; raasooded by romeilsan „ems— ester; and ussnimoa»1y carried.
E. LUDDIBr 212: Elestrieal Code; Adopting by Reference the
1959 ►: ±S:on of the national Electrical Code. First Reading.
Mr. Storm stated that the only changes rare in the tee schedules,
the sass as Ordinance 211, and tide ms also true about Ordimnce 213.
Ordinance 212 reed by title by the City Clerk.
Moved by Councilman Jewett that Ordinance 212 be set for public
bearing; seconded by Cohseilman saichj and unanimously carried.
F. OFMMVMCg 213: UnifbsvD Basting a Comfort Coaling Code; Adopt-
Ing in sw l&iti Of Western P� Otflcials cm Mee a���e riea�
213 read bQ title by the City Clerk.
Moved by Councilman Belch that Ordinance 213 be set for public bear -
1M seconded by Cohmcilsrn Drspmter= and unanimously carried;
Y. rjjdUW E 2141 An Ordinance Adopting The 1961 Ualibrs Wlding
Conk, Regulating The Egesum, Construction, Enlargement, Altars -
WAS, Repair, Moving Conversion, Demolition, Occupancy, Equipment.
IWAj -Meigbt, Area And wortee Of Buildings or structures In
AAM City Of QMomtidar lavvidimg Far BUe Irsummce Ot results And
'Hun Colleetlam of Fars,.MMMefbin Providing raeltiem For The Via-
2&t on 2haseofr, And /bpslint Ordinances Sn Cootliot Herewith.
hseP~sa pdsd oYp 'athat in��d die
C ns lj osti�
it. fti wlw 591 am 59
emAoil Adn Jewett read Absolution 591.
Councilwn Balch that lssolution 591 be adopted; Seconded
by as �- 26ePotors &Z4-o nsoloqusly carried.
ayrp4 f18f Jews" r lid w csb� 59�•
"kid[ � se
ad ear�rLilCoo. �;adopteds oond
b8 sd
IL amiOfti ' >istt*i' riOrdlaB odbosl= t+ e
wtrr supple to Dooadery o! aad,ssd ..
water 1lns to bs pat lab t other toss can"
by Asp Cliffs Development Co.
O-- Imsn Balch stated thst.tbie matter should be hsmdW bg tb*
Cit* 'and City ]4ngtnm*r 'Ski A a report given to the Canon.
James DesavA, of Do" Cliff* Dev*lopmsat Cb., Stid he would like
the matter settled so that it can be incorporated Into the sgv*smsnt
two weeks from this date.
Moved by CounRman Jewett that this matter and its pertinent prob-
lems be taken care of by Mr. Desmond and the City hosier; saoamded by
Councilmen Finch; and unanimously carried.
Mr. Storm asked to speak regarding the second point of the latter.
He said Deep Cliffs Development Co is asking to be paid for rem wing
an old storm drain line which was found on the property, in addition to
being credited with the over -sine of the storm drain lens. Mr. store
stated that the removal of this old pip* is not the responsibility of
the City but of the developer.
Moved by Councilman Dempster that the City Manger and Mr. Dasmsd
meet to iron out these problems; Seconded by Councilman Finch; Smd wnsfn-
dmously carried.
2. Boatel of Supervisors, County of Santa Clam: Metter reyrdlq
the vacancy on the Library Common when Willias F. Hoyt's term expires-
Moved by Councilman Balch that William F. Hoyt be r000morAod for
re•apgolntment for the County Library Cosalsaion; seconded by Councilmen
Finch; and unanimously carried.
3. state of California, Department of Public Worms lwtt*r r*-
gerdlna National Highway Week, May 20-26, 1962•
Moved by Councilmen Finch that Capartiao go on record M approving
the week of May 20 to 26, 1962, *s National Highway Week; seeomdsd by
Councilman Dempster; and unanimously sarMed.
4. Assembly Cali;•ornla Legislatures Letter regarding the Asmsmbly
Co_ - lsiolutdon No. 14.
Ib* d by Councilman Fitch that Cupertino acknowledge raotipt of
thf.m letter; seconded by Councilman Dempster; and upnanimously carried.
rant to tm Hay Area Air PoUntllon ControlsDissttrict�rt for ra- appoint-
Ibved by Ooaaodlman Balch that the City of Cupertino support the
r t of ha, Asrrill to Wo Air pollution District; s000nded
b� aklpstW;;and wNmu a u carried.
a; VA% r 1)oi""d6e to be held lay 8, 1962•
GIA; :, 1-
rrv� Its "...� . 1 :.:'•., :.♦ ,.. .E
8. Santa Clare County Planning Commission: Minutes of 4/18/62.
y C npaae of fitieiDC� -
oL la ti st,nd req or Letter of nthe budget
of $3,5W.00 for csaistance to the Chamber for the coming fiscal year.
r asked to move item X H up on the agenda so that it syy
nos. as commended Mr. darner M1!an and the CJ:ambar on
done on the Chamber of Commerce brochure. 90'1101d this
ao well done that it will benefit the City gr"UY.
14 0201' .Letter extending ceo Is - tul_atdaos
tb and ion LKa'eM nw;ibsme }lrsn.
Still an/wr Shia 1sftar OAR" U-0 tismams*
Ot the city Comiea -7
;+ ' ilmen JsMatti `'tZia "flee coisMaaloam. bin 1 d%iwe and
oo:mol3..n shah; and easriap. -
Ra g C!! lllb S7paD 69i01�t3:
A. MpOrt of City Treasurer
Vfpo j3wan Jamett moved that the transfer of funds as outlined in
tha Clty ejeft 'vs letter be executed; seconded by Councilman Dempster.
Aaar CoMailmsn: Dempster, Pinch, Jewett, Saich, Bsnatti
Mug Csoaeilmen: None
Affi Counoilmen: None
R4 Report of City Engineer
1. Tract 3142, Foothills: City Engineer recommends adoption of
Reaolation 596 accepting quit -claim deed from Donald A. Excell, etal.
Mewed by Councilmen Jewett that Resolution 596 be adopted; seconded
by Cowkeilmen Saich.
AIESz Councilmen: Dempster,
MISS Councilmen: None
ARBNTs Councilmen: None
Finch, Jewett, Saich, Benettl
2. Tract 3o613 Stevens Creek Park: Extension of drop inlet, at
cost to city of $ .Do, to eliminate storm drainage problem.
Moved by Councilman Jewett that the recommendation 46.00 fcrtLhen-
gineer be accepted, and the City expend the necessary $3
reloestton of the drop inlet, said monies to be drawn from the storm
drain fbnd; seconded by Councilman Finch.
Affil Councilmen: Dempster, Finch, Jewett, Saich, Benetti
MISS Councilmen: None
ARBNMls Councilmen: None
3. J:mipero Serra Freeway: Supplemental Agreement
Wwmd by Councilman Finch that the Supplemental freeway agreement
be .reed with the exception of Mary Avenue, and a letter of transmit-
tal anUsitted to the State outlining these conditions; seconded by
Ana$ Councilmen: Dempater, Finch, Jewett, Saich, Benettl
MVW Cpmoilmen: None
Oslmoilmen: None
'07=11 CAN=$ 5 -0
4 'lMsggic) development on Blas:ey Avenue: Complied with all require -
=Uta. City Engineer stated that the City Manager had suggested a waiv-
1 g an bonds in this mrtter because of the Oman sise of the
A• Couooiiwn Jswtt that the bonds and agraamsnt be waived,
W(ML tads 1• a wall dtvrlmVwnt, As recommended ba tha city
Manse; seconded by Councilmen Saich.
Affi= Councilmen: Dempster, finch, Jewett, Saich, ,..tti
Nk"t Councilmen. hone
Air Councilmen: Now
— I by Councilman Balch that Msggio'e plans be approved; seconded
by cpmeeilmmn Dempster.
AV=* _F counailmmnt Downie, !inch, Jewett. Saich, Bemrtti
,. �o{OpoiLeat
_ 54.0 r sport of Ciq�
Y ;..
.City.Att�oro� ssobiat 2 of Ordiamem O�P(a� along
mritb mace 002(1) be °b t7ts Planing Coemlaalat a the
as for review.
16ftd by Councilmen Jd"btt that section 2 of *Manaace 00¢(s) be
sent 93"V with ordinance 00@(k) to n carried-
IL for study;
seeoAMQ by Counoilman DSapsCS>ri
of Ap 1 23, Repor. of Planning Coemdasion:- Sea planning co�ssion minutes
E. Report of City Manager
1. Letter regarding dedication of easement on the Saich property.
Rfoved by Councilman Pinch that this letter be made a part of the
records of the City of Cupertino, per the request of the writer, Mr.
Kenneth R. Malovos, attorney for Anton and John Saich; seconded by
Councilman Dempster; and unanl'sously carried.
querting information on their study for a plan mt n oth re-
ned ommunityonthe
Fischer property.
3. Victor and May Jane Mandell& have purchased property on Stevens
Creek Road to build a cocktail lounge.
#. The American Legion Post will lease their fire-works permit to
the Hisly Name Society of St. Joseph's Church of Cupertino. The City
Maw will make the issuance of the permit to St. Joseph's.
5. Acquisition of right -of -way for Highway 9 agreement should be
approved as soon as possible.
Councilman Jewett suggested that the City Manager submit to the
two new Councilmen the necessary material for review on this matter
before the agreement is brought up for signing.
The Mayor congratulated the City Manger on his astute action re-
garding Blaney Avenue, which resulted in a saving of ;37,000.00-
A. County water Commission
ftsre will be a meeting on May 8, 1962, at which time the Mayor
will attend, and will report back to the Council.
A. Clean -up Deposits
Uity Manger felt that the City now has enough control on con -
sdmposdta wouldlresulteinla�ree&WtUn of paper workeand OMAInsting bookkeeping
/owe by COM11man tingh Olt clan -V deposits no 1o25ar be re-
quired; seoonded by Cwmoll.n iemett-
AIM Coumllsm: Dempster, Pinch, Jewett, 9aich, Zanotti
pounellmn: Slone
ammsegrg Councilmen: none
CA1MM: 5-0
IL New Chamber or Commerce proehure
afar wx 9, vast 6.
I As,,*aeellameeea
ty cum wpor aim b iter the Comoil dad "vested he
counsel. sna
7% of tnt totalE brill
or the City
"a City Manager stated tLat -the Baseball Clime WM be held hate
rest year. Be rdnAed the Council that the League or California Cities
L meeting this month, May 20 - 22.
Moved by seconded by CCouneiLann Dempster; and the
naanimmously ccaarriede to May 23;
Meeting adjourned a" 11:35 P.M.
/s/ John Benetti
Lummme It. Martin, Y CNN
ems.... _, t .twv�— � —•.�.a2i�..