CC 04-23-62JP le Eoad AL 2 -4505 10321 90. Saratoga- Statt'Ova CITY of CUPERTINO MAY 1961 .w, a orn a AD;OGRXED CITY, COUNCIL NEST 3 OF CITY OF CUPERTINO - APRIL 23, 1962 Sias 8:00 P.M. le Road fjAMS 10321 So. Saratoga -9m � nY I SALVB To TS FLAG jam P *i , Finch, Jewett, Saich, Benettd '1�1s Mgot sGli s�` °!'liKt ite0 was a dthe NWt on the with Nr'•a1r in paring the Nseter Plan in wilba ba . owff/ 3"Ving the firm. Cssinoilman Saib;l.gl that the City Council meet with Flasnin8 Cddfai'1Leor� Latter. The Mayor asked what tams natus of 4i* ap- . tiom for a Federal Grant. The City gsrss raplyy will t�hst a recent contact with the State indicated so definite tims,.Lhat we would received the money, but the State amid that they are expecting it cry day. That the application had I een approved and we would just have to be patient. Councilman Jewett stated that should not delay. We should get the Master Plan started as soon as possible. It is ally if date. Councilman Finch asked if, in the screening of app e firm whose representatives appeared for them were also screened. The Mayor stated, Yes, that the City Manager had screened all of the companies who had submitted applications and had selected the cream of the crop for a review by the Council. Councilman Dempster: I think that the contract is status quo and that the appointed consultant should meet with the Council. Certainly- this is our prerogative. Councilman Saich: I don't want to have an interview, the contract Is established in my mind, but I think that Councilmen Dempster and Finch should meet with him. Councilman Jewett moved that the agreement with Wilsey, Ham k Stair remain in force. Seconded by Councilman Saich. AYES: Councilmen' Dempster, Finch, Jewett, Saich, Benetti MRS: Councilmens None ABSENT: Councilmen' Norse MOTION CARRIED 5-0 The City Manager was instructed to have Mr. George (hatter and Mike McDougall, his assistant, appear at a joint meeting of the Council and Plannin; Commission, Thursday, April 26, 1962 at 8:00 P.M. The City Manager then informed the Council that he had had be- tween 30 and 40 applications for the post of City Engineer and selected Mr. Ants V. Lehi to fill this post. Mr. Lehi sandy working for Santa Clara County in the Flood Control and Con- servation Department in charge ofIt the waelrecoumended its for the County Wide Water Importation on the Program._ woe dbebe $866.25, asdagainst $W5,OO,�tthe first step of the schedule. Councilman Saioh stated that wanted to know what In dollars WA cents, this new department going to cost. stated that the City Manager had been antharized to hire a City hirginser and this he had dose. All he was requesting of the Council was authorisation to hire the City Enginaer on the second step of tbs salary schedule. Councilman ion cart I indicates that Vtheysalary increase ism shd recommasdation certainly phstitied. �! City BngiMerothe second CStep of tt'e ealar9 schedule, thst the 06,25. Seconded by Councilman Dempster. •S "e Counallmen: Dempster, Finch, Jewett, Salch. hlan:etti hit Councilman: Nona A1oN M Councilmen: lone oil CARRMs 5-0 ;Comoailman Jewett am - - - --- Lad been diacrossodt data oar xF usnevet tatar had been 1100 ' vin6 a o4 :l w the a}530:CO Di'obowd bo tioald toss on the fore City 1Ytager racomr+endsd A about the records ,tbat, bass been prepay Nl rk Stomas. City *6mjpr •splained that lth UP. Flowing chid %be% vb@& we Lad eatab- matm at, th"a'"Odd be so *cable in sitting rdipg . tbs city or ?wortipm. . 1the sppmauc.orL.n ' Sbm person selaotod, Join Farboss tee he and is month. that to •ooms ty�° copmr�lyo . w&ad be a co eri schedule seseesiflae•� , th step that the Council accept this pay proposal. She Mayor asked Councilman Finch, who bad Asoreation Commission, to give his opinion of he bad talked with him. councilmen Finch stated that Mr. Parham's ground certainly indicated that he was a high In his opinion, he would do an excellent fob. been Chairman of the the applicant, she education and back - quality man and that, Councilman ntegr ting th, mi n high sch000lstin '' ou Rre talking about integrating erection pr0gram4 City Manager said Yes, this would be our aim. Councilman Jewett: is the Recreation Director going to bate to have additional help? The City Manager answered that not at the start, but during the summer months, he would have to have leaders to asa:at his in carrying on the programs for several areas within the City. Councilman Jewett stated that the topic was certainly timely, that we were getting into the Recreation season and that we should hire someone immediately. He moved that the Recreation Director tthhe Salary Scheduled Seccoonded by City Manager Finch.fourth step of AISS: councilmen: Dempster, Pinch, Jewett, Saich, gecaett] sM: Councilmen: lone ARM=: Councilmen: Nona iNl'IICN CARRI=: 5-0 Councilmen Pinch requested that a mating be Be, up with the procreation Commission and the new Director as soon as possible. ?be Mayor stated that the next item on the agenda would be the City's participation in the financing of drilling a well - Council- man Balch stated, I do not think we dd na�have more wellls, whatwa need more additional storage. It we are Doing stgnsge to put it in. I SW daring thetsummergof 1962.thsatethem was alcritical period when there ass a shortage of water. At that time, we had plenty of storage, what as needed was water. In drilling another well, it will insure our motes asperity and will also protect sour by sanding or posea Should go oat of operation or a wail go other cause. Y bmwe information from Western Pump that they will dril] the well, imstsll LM and motor and the witch panel, for 430,000. Council - sma1-Match: I think that Westlr'Pump beat In the think 1Ly would be even it we had to pay wino "or" it. 2 - e01 :• -sue '�Si`"t�Ycwn.., Oouheilsen Dempster: It is sound business practice to get several bids on projects of this nature and in doing this, we will not be pfd 1, Then always Pow dto the fact thatnwe did 8 drilling responsible bidder. co mailmen Pinch: I do not have enough background on drilling to move the wall and just her we should p there be no furtber discuss onion ththisgettter until wee have badtant opppNtemiity, to review it individually and at another meeting- SO- Councilmen �Saieb. C0lmai2mane Dsspsbss, Yincb, Jewett, Satoh, Benetti Wok Owmeqimnt Gina Oh Cowoeilw. +o borne Manager Ids Cs>r<i>ID: 5-0 Ooanollmen Jewatt &shad it tbal was enough wone9 is Water De � - p Ands to pay fur the drilling of the test bole. City and In an t tbm temtt belt�drilliai goats would be Paid irgm this Secuunt- ft* mayor ragwsted that the City Manager get all of the Informs - ties on the fieaeaing of the well and have it for the next meeting. "w City Manager than Draught up the matter of the finances in tba Mater Department and the City's obligation to the Bond Holders In reord to the funds that would be required to Pay the br�sub- prineipal and interest. City manager referred to his repo t mitted to the council in Pebrugry and stated that it was imperative that the city Council take action on the matter of rates. Co meilman Salch stated that he wanted an auditor to Prepare a report. City Manager stated that this was not necessary that an auditor's report would Come up with the same answer that was given in the City Manz_;er's report. That it was a simple matter to justify the rate increase suggested in the report. Councilman Jewett: I do not think it is necessary to have ex audit report. I think thaw the much pressureManager's there� has been from self_ explanatory. I as woArerthB to force our hand? city Manager: go, Hoed not Are they going if the Council No, I do rat ttlnk that there will be any torcin5, takes some action on this matter. Councilman Dempster: I would like to have this matter held up �lwe are golnsuto heft to doeitincrease. bu e want to betsurenwhenewe do it, it is rl6ht. Councilman Pinch: when this matter is discussed, I think the Water Commission shmld be Prtstnt. Councilman Dempster then brought up the matter of the vacancy that was created by his leaving the water Commission and that pro- bably two others might leave. Be recommended that Mr. Joe Kelly a resident of Cupertino and a C.Y.A., be appointed to the Commission. Han bad talked with Mr. Kelley and Mr. Kelly stated that be would be and nappy to serve. Councilman Jewett: I feel that any willing man who will come forward to help the City and hag the City at heart should be selected. Wedpma�daylnnightDannddswershould nottdelay. Commission not assist the existing Water Commisslonars, they may also become disinterested. Councilmen Jewett moved that the p - :sent WaCommissioners, C. wbome terms had expired, be re-appointed. Pinch. AM3 Councilmen: Dempster, Pinch, Jewett, Saich, Benetti Iris Councilmen: more Airs Councilssn: None CAImm 5-C �f�mmmmr - .. � risailamh' Jeratt read' that the riosncy created b7 the election of Councilsn Dempster, be filled by Mr. Joe 10117. Seconded by Councilman Dempster- Alms Councilmen. Damp ster, Finch, Jewett, Balch, Benetti Was Coumilment None A1Nts Cota:cilmsr.: None "DIM CAN=: 5-0 Cotwscilman Binh moved that the following members of the Planning Ordinance, isio , Frolllcch and Adamhs Secconded bye an Jewett. At=$ Cosaodlsens Dempster, Binh, Jewett, amieb, Bmstti M Misst 00mails": None is pomades: Now WOODS 5-0 ,a Nryor r0eoaabded that IV. Lisa be aypolated to for rmoreatlom Commission. CatmoilNSn J" Seconded moved that ems LIM be appointed to Secosdsd b7 Councilman Dempster. the Recreation Commission. 111maen= ter, Finch, Jewett, Saich, Senetti f Cp L AEMMI Conncilmen: Nora "Mon CAN=% 5-0 the will contact Councilmen Finch and Jewett ted in serving on the Recreationher people who are probabl � Commission. slop and that npersons twould hbe contacted ctocseenIthe 7bwouldCserrvve. The Mayor brought up the matter of Councilmen serving on various Commissions and that former Councilmen having served on these Commissions, new appointments should be made. Councilman Jewett moved that Major Benetti be the City's repre- sentative on the County Water Commission. Seconded by Councilman Finch. AYES: Councilmen: Dempster, Finch, Jewett, Saich, Benetti NOffi: Councilmen: None ABSM: Councilmen: None MOTION CARRIED: 5-0 Dempster moved that Councilman Finch serve as ncilman ex- Councilman officio member of the Recreation Commission. Seconded by Coun Jewett. pyffi; Councilmen: Dempster, Finch, Jewett, Balch, Benettl 110ffis Councilmen: None ASSENT' Councilmen: None MOTION CAmMM: 5--0 The Mayor suggested that an alternate Je appointed ci the County Balch Water Commission and suggested Vice Mayor as swalt• Councilman Count ws ~r that CCc Doll be appointed Councilmen Finchternate to the Comity Alas Councilman: Dempster, Finch, Jewett, Saich, Benetti y Mgs Councilmen: None Ag M t Councilmen: None "Dim CARRIED 5-0: It was coved by Councilmen Dempster, seconded by Councilman Finch that Councilman Jewett continue to serve as Treasurer. Councilman Jewett requssted that be be relieved as member of E- Control Commission and recommended that Councilmen Finch and Dempster be appointed. Moved by Councilman Jewett, Seconded by Comoilm n, Pinch. Councilmen Pinch requested that arrangements be made for a meeting to study ordinance No. 002(k). It was suggested that the Planning Commission be present. fps Mayor stated that the Ordinance bed been reviewed and passed Planing Commissdorr mad he did mot feel that it could Ds to �.flNlpoll�a adwntp to haw the P Co�issim praat Lhat rb a mtLtes asM toll the Couaoli� ooasidmr sad geL uadar- At least one tlfie dsvmlopmaat was waltias for this oadiaNCs t they oonld mLsi'0 ooedtruotiea a� hs bepad Lhst the Ordinance be rssoiwd so that it could bs eaaoLed at the IM7 7r mmeg• All of the Councilmen agreed that it was not necessary for the Flaming Commission to be at the meeting. Councilman Jewett moved that the meeting be adjourned until Usursday, April 26th at 8:0o P.M. Seconded by Councilman Dempster. MMdTIMO ADJOMUM AT 10:15 P.N. APPROVED: (S/ John Btti yon ene WEST: city c Ter